Which litter is best for a kitten without odor? Which litter is best for kittens? How to choose cat litter

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Many modern families have pets, including many cats. And the issue of going to the toilet can be resolved differently for them. For example, residents rural areas let pets go outside; There are cats that are toilet trained. Some people, in the old fashioned way, fill the tray with sand, old newspapers, etc. However, in city apartments, we most often resort to using various fillers, the types and properties of which will be discussed in this article.

Main types of cat litter


Wood filler is environmentally friendly and inexpensive

The most common and accessible view filler. It is made from compressed sawdust granules.

Helpful Hint: If you are using wood filler and encounter problems big amount sawdust, you can find a large box and put a tray in it - and then even the most active archaeologist cat will not be able to make a mess!

It is better to choose such a litter marked “suitable for kittens” - in order to avoid the presence of sharp splinters in it, which could injure the cat.


This type of litter can be dangerous for kittens.

Second most popular among Russian consumers. It is made from bentonite clay, formed from volcanic ash.

Popular brands: “Murka”, Catsan, Even Clean, Pi-Pi-Bent.

Silica gel

A relatively young type of filler. It consists of transparent synthetic crystals that have the ability to absorb moisture well.

Popular brands: Fresh Step, Fresh&Easy, Catsan, CRYSTALS No. 1.

Manufacturers rating

Name Type of filler Manufacturer Price Description
"Clean Paws"WoodyLLC "Kovcheg SPb"150–500 rubles
(depending on volume)
  • Granules light color, medium in size, have a pleasant pine scent.
  • It blocks unpleasant odors well.
  • Often inside the package you can find a toy - a mouse or a ball.
CatsanclumpingMars LLC700–800 rubles for 5 liters
  • Small granules gray, from bentonite clay.
  • Very reliable in terms of odor absorption, economical.
  • Does not need frequent replacement, so it saves your time.
Fresh StepSilica gelClorox Company800–2300 rubles
(depending on volume)
  • Crystals range in color from white to light blue.
  • They perfectly absorb moisture and odors, preventing their evaporation into the air.
  • Very economical: if you have one cat, one package lasts on average for a month.

If you have a small kitten in your home, then you probably have a lot of questions swirling in your head about what to feed it, how to raise it, and how to train it to the litter box. In addition, of course, you need to think about what to fill the cat litter with. A wide range of these products is now available. Today we will look in detail at which litter is best for kittens. To accurately answer this question, you need to consider all the options, highlighting their positive and negative sides.

Product group description

So, which litter is best for kittens? Previously, for our purrs, we used boxes with scraps of newspapers or ordinary river sand. Now there are more opportunities. Therefore, the cat toilet can be filled with a different composition. But which one is better from a cat’s point of view? Now let’s highlight some characteristics of the ideal composition for a pet’s litter tray:

  • It’s convenient to dig into it;
  • it is very convenient to step on it with the pads of your paws;
  • when you dig in it, dust does not appear in any way;
  • it does not cause allergies;
  • it has a natural smell;
  • If you try to swallow it, nothing bad will happen.

What does the owner think about this issue?

Now let’s look at the characteristics of the ideal filler from the owners’ perspective:

  • holds the smell well;
  • does not spread around the apartment on cat paws;
  • when a cat scratches in the litter box, dust does not appear;
  • convenient to clean;
  • it will not cause obstruction or poisoning if the pet suddenly wants to try it on the tooth;
  • Economical: Kitten litter is a consumable item, which means it needs to be purchased on an ongoing basis.

If we briefly summarize what has been said, we see that basically the criteria for an ideal filler for owners and their pets coincide.

The only thing that purr doesn't care about is, of course, the price. What is not particularly clear to humans is that a cat, with its rather sensitive sense of smell, does not always like a pleasant fragrance.

Which litter is best for the toilet? Let's figure it out now. We will also find the differences between the fillers. According to the principle of action, all of them can be divided into clumping and absorbent.

The first type is clumping

If moisture gets on such a filler, then lumps appear in it, which are quite convenient to remove from cat litter. You can simply remove solid waste and lumps from the tray every day, regularly adding new filler. In order for it to retain the “aroma” well, you need to pour it into the cat litter in a thick layer (about 8 cm). This type of litter is generally suitable for most cats.

The second type is absorbent

Now let's look at another type of filler - absorbent. It absorbs and retains moisture without changing its structure. After use, such a filler must be completely changed, since all the granules are already saturated with liquid. Otherwise, liquid will accumulate at the bottom of the cat's litter box, causing it to emanate from the litter box. bad smell.

Because the cat scratches in the litter box, hiding its “business,” it mixes used litter with unused litter. Therefore it is very difficult to maintain cleanliness. We conclude that it can only be used if no more than two cats live in the house. Otherwise, you should pay attention to a different type of filler. Otherwise, you will have to clean the cat litter very often, and this, as you understand, is not economical. The absorbent filler has one more drawback - it is a rather unpleasant replacement process. At this moment you need to inhale the “aroma” that he was holding within himself.


We looked at what types of cat litter there are based on their operating principle. Now we will divide the fillers according to the materials from which they are made. So, they are:

  • woody;
  • from grain and corn;
  • clay;
  • silica gel;
  • from cellulose.

Now let’s take a closer look at each of them, highlight the main points, as well as the positive and negative qualities each product.


As a rule, purrs like this filler. This is because it most closely matches their idea of ​​what a cat’s litter box should look like. The quality of such a filler depends on the clay from which it was made. The best option is bentonite. This material is a type of clay that swells when exposed to moisture. Note that clay filler can be clumping and absorbent. The cost per package (5 kg) averages 280 rubles.

Wood cat litter

It is usually made from sawdust from coniferous trees, which are pressed into granules. It is not included chemical elements, so it is considered environmentally friendly. The granules perfectly absorb liquid and also neutralize odor. The downside is that as the granules are absorbed, they crumble into sawdust, which turns into dust. She, in turn, is carried on the cat’s paws and carried around the apartment. Of course, such a disadvantage is compensated by all the advantages. By the way, you can throw this cat litter down the drain. The price for wood is lower than the cost of clay (bentonite) compositions. For a package that holds 4.5 liters of liquid, you need to pay about 100 rubles. Note that wood filler is mainly produced as absorbent, although some manufacturers still offer a clumping option.

Silica gel

This toilet filler is made from dried polysilicic acid gel. Silica gel absorbs liquid very well. That is why it is used in the production of such products. To prevent such a filler from losing its properties upon contact with air that contains moisture, it must be kept in a sealed, sealed package before use. According to the principle of action, it is only absorbent. If we talk about the cost of the product, it is significantly higher than the prices of other fillers, but this option will also be used longer than others. For three kilograms of such filler you need to pay about 800 rubles. Externally, it appears as translucent or white granules.

Kittens may not like this filler. There are two reasons for this phenomenon. The first is that silica gel balls are unpleasant to step on. The second is a strange hissing sound that occurs when liquid gets on the granule.

The manufacturer on the packaging with this filler indicates that it is made from natural ingredients. But it is not so. In the production of silica gel, acids are used, so beads that fall on the mucous membrane can cause a (chemical) burn. In addition, this material belongs to substances of the third hazard class (moderately hazardous).

Considering the fact that cats are very inquisitive creatures and love to try everything, and kittens, as you know, begin their acquaintance with the litter box in this way, silica gel litter is not the best option for a small pet.

Other types of litter box mixtures

Fillers made from grain, cellulose and corn are much less common. The advantage of such a product is the price - it is quite low (about 300 rubles per package, which is designed for 4.5 liters of liquid). In addition, such filler can be disposed of in the sewer.

Let's think about the main question and finally find an answer to it

If we talk about which litter is best for kittens and owners, then most likely you should give preference to clumping clay litter. "Why?" - you ask. Let's explain now.

This is because such a filler is not boring, neutralizes the smell of urine and is economical (it lasts a long time). In addition, it is easy to clean, there is no need to completely change the composition every three days, you just need to throw out the collected lumps and solid waste as they appear. The owners also like it because there are no whitish marks or additional debris (for example, sawdust) on the floor. This filler is most similar to the usual toilet in nature.

Regardless of your choice, use litter according to the manufacturer's specifications. Pour it into your pet's toilet as much as needed. Don't save money once again. If you do not fulfill some of the manufacturer’s requirements, then your result will be completely different. Therefore, always think before you do anything.

A little conclusion

In our opinion, we have found out which filler is best for kittens. Although, of course, each person has his own opinion on this issue. And this is not surprising, because any such product has its pros and cons. Therefore, each owner must decide for himself which litter is best for kittens, based on his needs and financial capabilities. We hope our advice will help you make the right choice.

Choosing a litter that both the cat and the owner will like

If you care about the hygiene and comfort of your pet, you should choose litter for him. You will find out which one will be the best from the new “Price Expert” rating.

Which cat litter is better - clumping or absorbent?

Clumping filler - advantages and disadvantages

The principle of operation of clumping litter is that when moisture gets on it, lumps are formed that are easily removed from the tray. In this case, there is no need to change the entire filler. The toilet should be cleaned daily: it is necessary to remove lumps and solid waste and add filler to the required amount.

Many customers complain that clumping litter does not clump, and moisture flows to the bottom of the tray and sticks to the bottom along with part of the filler. It's hard to wash off afterwards. But in reality, many people simply use clumping litter incorrectly. According to the instructions, you need to pour at least 8-10 cm of filler into the tray. Then it can clump properly and remove odor.

Clumping litter is ideal for one cat because... After the pet goes to the toilet, the lump will have time to dry and can be removed. If there are two or more cats in the house, the lumps may not have time to dry out, so pets will spread the litter on their paws throughout the house.


  • very economical when used for one cat;
  • neutralizes odor well;
  • It’s convenient to clean the toilet - just collect lumps and solid waste;
  • non-toxic, because clumping fillers are made only from natural materials, therefore great for kittens;
  • is as similar as possible to what cats naturally wear when going to the toilet.


  • It is best not to use this litter for multiple cats.

Absorbent filler - advantages and disadvantages

Photo: static.wixstatic.com

Absorbent filler acts differently: it absorbs and retains moisture and odors, but does not change its structure. It must be replaced completely after the entire filler is saturated with liquid. Otherwise, the cat’s “business” will accumulate at the bottom of the tray and emit an unpleasant odor. You can tell when it's time to replace the litter by looking at your pet - when he refuses to go to the litter box, it's time.

It is necessary to completely change the absorbent litter because cats like to bury their “deeds”, so removing waste and adding a new portion will not work.

Absorbent litter is best suited for multiple cats: it will not stick to your pet's paws or fur and will spread throughout the house due to its rapid absorption. However, it will have to be changed quite often. In addition, the absorbent filler is great option, if you go on vacation and leave one of your pets at home. A portion of filler in a tray will last for 7-10 days.


  • Great for multiple cats or those who don't want to clean the litter box often;
  • perfectly neutralizes odor;
  • relatively low price;
  • There are litters made from natural materials that are well suited for kittens.


  • when replacing the filler, the owner has to inhale the smell that it previously held;
  • some cats do not want to go into the litter box, even if only half of the litter is already dirty. It turns out to be uneconomical.

Cat litter - choosing the best material

Clay is the most natural litter for your cat's litter box.

Photo: irecommend.ru.q5.r-99.com

Clay cat litter comes in both clumping and absorbent varieties. It is well suited for cats - the innate idea of ​​​​what a toilet should be like makes itself felt.

The best type of clay for cat litter is bentonite. It swells when exposed to moisture. It is important to look at the size of the granules - very large ones can injure the animal’s paws.


  • naturalness of the filler;
  • variety of types of clay fillers;
  • cats like that they can dig deep into it;
  • can be used for kittens.


  • can be carried around the house on its paws;
  • Fine dust may be generated when the cat litter box is filled.

Reviews about clay absorbent filler:

“The best filler compared to other absorbents, if you don’t mind the price and throwing solid waste into the trash can, feel free to buy it. But I don’t use it all the time, the reason is that it doesn’t wash down the drain.”

Reviews about clay clumping filler:

“I like the clay one because after the cat uses it for its intended purpose, you can remove only the contaminated area of ​​the litter with a special spatula.”

Wood is the most popular among fans of environmentally friendly fillers

Photo: www.scottish-pets.ru

Wood filler can also be either absorbent or clumping. It is made from sawdust coniferous trees, compressed into granules different sizes. Wood filler is considered the most environmentally friendly, in addition, it smells pleasant of pine needles.

The principle of operation of absorbent wood filler is as follows: the liquid is absorbed, and the granules crumble into sawdust. But they can easily stick to the cat’s paws and fur and spread throughout the house.


  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • pleasant pine smell;
  • can be thrown into the sewer;
  • low price;
  • can be used for kittens.


  • can be carried on the cat's paws in the form of small sawdust.

Reviews of wood absorbent cat litter:

“My cat and I are fans of wood fillers. How many of them have been tested, and you can’t find better wood pellets! Wood filler perfectly absorbs odors and moisture. And it can be flushed down the toilet!”

Reviews of wood clumping filler:

“The cat accepted the filler easily. There is practically no smell, it does not generate dust, a little comes out of the tray, but the particles are small. And the lumps turn out neat and easy to throw away.”

Silica gel is the most economical cat litter

Photo: www.3-cats.ru

Silica gel cat litter has better absorbent properties, but... It is made from dried polysilicic acid gel; it cannot be called environmentally friendly. Before use, it can only be stored in sealed packaging to avoid loss of properties upon contact with moisture-containing air.

Silica gel litter is great for adult cats; its use is not recommended for kittens.


  • perfectly absorbs moisture and odors;
  • very economical, so the high price is compensated by the period of use;
  • can be used for several cats;
  • Convenient to change the filler.


  • not suitable for kittens - getting filler on the mucous membrane can cause a chemical burn, and kittens love to taste everything;
  • Some cats don't like stepping on it.

Reviews of silica gel absorbent cat litter:

“There is no odor with silica gel filler for 12 days. I also didn't notice any dust from it. And almost all of it remains in the tray, it doesn’t spread around the house, the granules are quite large and heavy.”

Corn is the cheapest environmentally friendly option for cat litter.

Photo: www.fluffy71.ru

Corn litter is less common for cat litter and is more often used for rodents. But there are also separate series for cats. The filler is made from corn cobs and can be different types- with large, medium and small granules. The first two types of litter are best suited for cats.

Corn fillers are only absorbent.


  • environmentally friendly, non-toxic;
  • have a light pleasant odor;
  • absorb moisture well;
  • do not carry themselves around the house on their paws;
  • low price;
  • can be thrown into the sewer.


  • not very common in Russia;
  • not suitable for multiple cats.

Cats are by nature cleaner than dogs, which makes keeping them in an apartment much easier than keeping “human friends.” In addition, there is no need to walk cats, unlike dogs, because they easily get used to going to the toilet in a specially designated place.

All cats generally prefer a litter tray. Today, a huge number of manufacturers produce different cat litters. They are all different, but which one is better?

Previously, owners of furry pets used newspaper scraps or sand from a nearby sandbox. But now there is no need for this, because special fillers for trays have appeared on sale.

A toilet without it has the only advantage - it is price. As for all other points, this option is:

  • does not take into account the animal’s need for burying;
  • requires the owner to constantly clean and wash the tray after the cat goes there. After all, if you don’t regularly clean the cat’s litter box, then especially clean cats may refuse this litter box and go “by.”

What kind of litter will your cat like?

The cat will like the composition, which is comfortable to step on with its paws, and also contains should be convenient to dig around. If it creates dust, the cat will obviously not like it. The toilet should not smell of foreign odors. Good filler should not cause allergies - this manifests itself in the form of cracks on the pads. It must be absolutely safe for your pet.

What kind of litter will a cat owner like?

It should retain the “aroma of cat activities” and should not be carried by the cat’s paws throughout the house, and when the owner fills the tray with it, it should not generate dust. Also important ease of cleaning. Safety for the animal is important not only for the cat itself, but also for its owner. Due to the fact that the filler is a consumable material, it is necessary that its consumption be economical.

Almost at all times the owner’s ideas about the ideal toilet, and the cat's are the same. Only the cost does not matter to the purring creature. At that time, a scented composition that the owner will like is unlikely to please the cat.

These were the general nuances regarding cat litter, and now let’s look at Various types filler.

All of them are divided into two types:

  • absorbent;
  • clumping.

Absorbent filler

This toilet does not change its structure when moisture is absorbed. It will need to be completely replaced with a new one when all the granules are saturated with liquid, otherwise the tray will begin to “smell” with an unpleasant aroma.

Since the cat, at the moment of burying “its tracks,” mixes the soaked litter with new one. Therefore, it will not be possible to keep the tray clean by adding a new portion of filler - it will have to be changed completely. This type of toilet is suitable for one or two cats. And if it is intended to be used by a large number of animals, then it will need to be changed every two to three days. Of course, this option is not particularly economical. In addition, when cleaning the tray, you will have to inhale all the aromas that the filler previously held.

Clumping filler

With this type of toilet, when liquid enters, small lumps, which are quite easily removed from the tray. When using this option, you can remove “bad” lumps and solid waste every day and add new litter. For economical and productive use, it must be poured into a tray in a layer, not less than 8-10 cm. Ideally, you should purchase at least 2 packs of filler. The first should be poured immediately, and the second should be used to update the tray. By the way, this option is ideal for a large number of cats:

According to the material from which the fillers are created, they are:

  • clay;
  • woody;
  • silica gel;
  • from grain and corn;
  • from cellulose.

Cats really like the clay version, as it is most similar to her innate ideas about what a cat's litter box should look like. The quality of this filler depends on the clay.

The best material from which cat litter is made is bentonite. This is a type of clay that swells when liquid comes into contact with it. Clay cat litter can be either absorbent or clumping.

To create wood filler we use sawdust coniferous trees. These sawdust is pressed into pellets.

Since it contains no chemical additives, it is considered environmentally friendly. Wood filler granules absorb moisture well and retain unpleasant odors. But it happens that as these granules absorb the liquid, they begin to crumble into sawdust, stick to the cat’s paws, and spread throughout the house. But wood, unlike other types of cat litter, can be flushed down the drain. In addition, the composition of pine sawdust cheaper, relative to the same bentonite toilet.

Most often, wood options are absorbent. Although there are manufacturers who create clumping fillers .

It is made from dried gel polysilicic acid. Silica gel has excellent absorbing (sorbing) properties. Therefore, they began to use it to produce cat litter. In order for this composition not to lose its qualities, it must be stored tightly closed. This is necessary so that it does not absorb moisture contained in the air.

Such cat litters are made exclusively absorbent. As for its cost, it is more expensive than other types, but manufacturers claim that it is more economical. But the more economical one is the one that comes in the form of old and opaque balls. But those that have a translucent appearance become saturated with liquid much faster and have to be replaced.

Cats don't always like this litter box:

  • stepping on it is not very pleasant;
  • the granules hiss when liquid hits it.

Despite the fact that the silica gel composition for cats is created from natural raw materials, it can still cause a chemical burn. This may happen because acids are used in the production of silica gel. If the granules get on the mucous membrane, this can lead to the following consequences. Cats can taste it, especially small kittens. Therefore, a silica gel toilet is not the best option. In addition, silica gel belongs to substances of hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substances).

Fillers made from grain, corn or cellulose

These cat litters are not as popular as others and their advantage lies in their low price and they can be disposed of through the sewer system.

To summarize and conclude which litter is best suited for a cat's litter box, we can say that best characteristics has clumping clay toilet.

Anyone who gets a mustachioed pet is faced with the problem of cat litter. And here you not only need to teach the kitten to relieve itself in the right place, but also maintain hygiene there, eliminate unpleasant odors and other nuances. Therefore, to achieve all these goals, you need to choose the right cat litter, fortunately it is now on the market a large assortment such goods.

You can use newspapers the old fashioned way, but this method is impractical, since there will be an unpleasant odor in the room, urine is poorly absorbed into them and this will potentially dangerous place for both cats and humans. But if you choose a filler good quality, then cleanliness in the toilet will be guaranteed, and it will also be much easier and more pleasant for the cat to use it. Therefore, before you buy the first filler you come across, you should know what they are, their pros and cons. It would also be useful to study reviews from cat owners about what kind of litter they use.

Types of fillers

The main function of the filler is urine absorption and elimination of unpleasant odors. Therefore, it must be made of highly absorbent materials that are safe for the health of cats and humans, easy to use and dispose of. There are two types of fillers:

  1. Clumping.
  2. Absorbent.

The first type works as follows: when moisture gets on it, lumps are formed that are easy to remove from the tray, while the rest of the filler does not need to be changed. It is worth cleaning the toilet every day, removing the formed lumps and feces, after which you just need to add more filler to the desired level.

But you should follow the instructions for using such products and pour them into the tray no less than 8–10 cm in height. If you sprinkle it less, the moisture will flow to the bottom of the vessel without forming lumps. As a result, it will be difficult to clean the tray, and an unpleasant odor will fill the room.

Clumping litter is great if there is only one cat, then a lump forms in it, which has time to dry and can be easily removed. If there are more animals, then the fresh lumps will not dry out completely and the pets will carry the litter around the house on their paws.

The main advantages of this filler:

The disadvantage of such fillers is that they are not recommended for use on several cats at the same time.

But absorbent fillers work differently: they completely absorb moisture and unpleasant odor, while do not change their structure. It must be changed after it is completely saturated with liquid, otherwise cat feces will collect at the bottom of the tray, emitting an unpleasant odor. To understand when it’s time to replace the toilet, you need to take a closer look at your pet - if he refuses to go there, then it’s time.

This type of litter is great for both one pet and several. The moisture here is quickly absorbed and does not stick to the cat's paws. One serving in the tray will last for about 7-10 days, which is great for those who are going to leave their four-legged friend at home alone during the holidays.

Main advantages:

  • Fights well against unpleasant odors;
  • Cleaning can be done infrequently (provided that only one cat empties there);
  • There are those made from natural raw materials that are well suited even for kittens;
  • Relatively cheap.

The disadvantage of such fillers is that when replacing them, all the unpleasant odor absorbed by them has to be inhaled directly by the owner. And one more thing, some cats will not go to a half-dirty litter box, so it will have to be changed more often, which is not very economical.

Types of fillers by constituent material

There are quite a few types of fillers, different in composition. But not all of them are suitable for small kittens. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance what litter is best for kittens. Today you can find the following in special markets or pet stores.

Clay fillers

They are absorbent and clumping, and due to their natural texture they are great for cats. One of best options Such a filler is bentonite. But when choosing such a product, you should pay attention to the size of the granules, because too large ones can injure the animal’s paws.

Main advantages:

  • Naturalness and naturalness;
  • Availability of different types of clay fillers;
  • Animals like to dig in it;
  • Suitable for both adults and kittens.

A small disadvantage of this litter is that it can remain on the paws and spread throughout the house. And when replacing it slightly dust rises.

Wood fillers

They can also be of two types: absorbent and clumping. And they are made from softwood sawdust, they are pressed into granules of different sizes. This is the most environmentally friendly type, and the room will smell like pine.

Main advantages:

  • Pleasant pine aroma;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Suitable for kittens;
  • Does not clog the sewer;
  • Quite cheap.

But there is one drawback here too - they can stick to the cat’s paws and fur in the form of small sawdust, and subsequently spread throughout the house.

Corn fillers

They are not so often used for cat litter, but more for rodents. But manufacturers also produce special series for cats from corn cobs in granules of different sizes. According to their properties, they are only absorbent.

Main advantages:

The disadvantages include the fact that they are not suitable for several cats and can rarely be found in pet stores in Russia.

Silica gel fillers

They absorb liquid better, but they are made from dried polysilicic acid gel, which is by no means environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is not recommended for use on kittens. Such granules should only be stored in sealed packaging, otherwise they may lose their properties in a humid environment.

Main advantages:

  • Excellently fights moisture and unpleasant odors;
  • Suitable for multiple cats;
  • Very economical, but quite expensive;
  • Convenient to use.

One of the important disadvantages is that it is not suitable for kittens, since it can cause a chemical burn if it gets on the animal’s mucous membrane. Also, some cats may not like the feeling of walking on these pellets.

Popular brands

Enough is enough now a large number of Both foreign and domestic companies produce entire lines of good quality toilet fillers at an affordable price. Let's consider the most common brands:

There are also other manufacturers that are in no way inferior in quality, for example, Catsan, Pretty Cat, “Kuzya”, “Myaudodyr”, “Murzik”, “Barsik” and others. Among such large selection From different manufacturers and their assortment, it is not difficult to choose the appropriate litter for the toilet.

Which filler is better to choose?

Basically, when choosing such a product for cat litter, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and the assortment on the market. After all, almost all of them are made from natural environmentally friendly materials that do not cause any harm to the animal. Also, some of them are great for kittens, but before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions so as not to make a mistake with your choice.

For animals, as for people, the same type of toilet product may or may not be suitable. Therefore, it is worth trying to choose the ideal filler for your pet, starting with purchasing the smallest packages of such products. When puddles stop appearing in the wrong places, we can safely say that the cat liked this look.

But if a cat likes to dig deep in a secluded place intended for him, then he will always spread particles of any filler. Therefore, it is worth taking care appearance tray (perfect in the form of a house) and the presence of a rug in front of it, be it rubber with pimples or a piece of long-pile carpet.

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