Cacti growing and care at home. Cacti at home (photo) - varieties and features of their cultivation

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The homeland of cacti is the driest areas where rain is rare. Surviving in such difficult conditions, these plants learned to absorb moisture and gradually use up the accumulated reserves. Good watering is necessary for this plant, but its excess causes irreparable harm to it. How often to water a cactus at home in winter and autumn?

It is important to know the watering calendar and that all cacti in ceramic or clay pots require more moisture than in plastic ones. After all, water in such a container evaporates very quickly than in a plastic pot. As for how to properly water cactus and aloe in different time years and how many times, it all depends on the temperature.

In autumn and winter, watering is reduced to once every 7-10 days, and on severe frosty days to once a month. In spring and summer, watering increases; in the hottest months, the cactus is watered every other day.

Watering rules depending on the time of year

How often to water the Blossfeld cactus in the spring at home and how many times? At this time, the plant begins a period of active growth, and light green spines appear in its place of growth. During this period, water the succulent once a week and only with water at room temperature. When buds appear on the succulent, watering is stopped for a week or kept to a minimum. Because overwatering can cause a flower to drop its buds. How to water a cactus in the summer at home and how many times? In summer, the plant is watered every 4-5 days, but watering should be sufficient, that is, until the soil is completely moistened. When watering, water should not fall on the cactus, otherwise its stem may rot. On the hottest days, succulents are sprayed. There are varieties of flowers that require a certain level of humidity, otherwise they will not bloom. To do this, the plant is given a warm shower or sprayed, which is very important on hot, sultry days. By the end of August, the flower is watered every other day. Succulent varieties and names: Choridocactus, Phyllocactus, Copiakoy and some types of Chilean cacti in summer time

are at rest, so they are watered less. autumn period water as air humidity rises or falls. Typically, water in the fall no more than once a week. When cold weather sets in, watering stops altogether or is reduced to once a month. However, in the fall you need to be as careful as possible, since the ground on top can be dry, but wet inside. As a result, there is a danger of flooding the plant and its stem.

How often to water a prickly cactus in winter and how many times? When cacti grow indoors in winter, the most optimal temperature for their wintering it is 8-10 degrees Celsius. Many varieties do not require watering at all. Young specimens and seedlings need to be watered once a month. It is very important to monitor young prolifera cacti in winter time. If necessary, they are placed in a warmer place and the condition of the soil is monitored, since drying out is also dangerous.

Watering a cactus during flowering

Many gardeners do not know how to properly water the Seilman cactus during flowering and not get pricked, so they make a lot of mistakes. Even at the stage of laying buds, caring for the plant becomes as careful as possible to prevent waterlogging of the soil. Indeed, as a result of this, the flower will shed its flowers or turn them into shoots. Therefore, the condition of the soil should not change. In most cases, buds and shoots form on the shadow side. It is prohibited to turn the pot or move the plant with buds to another place, otherwise flowering will never occur.

During flowering, the plant is in the stage of awakening after hibernation, and after the completion of this process, a period of active growth begins. After the flowers have bloomed, they are often watered, since flowering requires a lot of effort from the elongated cactus. And if you don’t help the succulent, it won’t have enough strength during this period, then it will be very sick. In some cases, the flower is sprayed, but it is advisable to carry out this procedure after flowering.

After all, the cactus drops its buds from cool drops of water. Even warm, room water, passing through the spray bottle, becomes cool. This aspect should be taken into account when caring for a flowering cactus. Upon completion of flowering, all wilted flowers are removed, but if it is necessary to grow seeds, then the dry flower is left. Since the flower petals of the plant are quite fleshy, they can easily rot and infect the entire cactus. Therefore, the flower needs constant monitoring. Desert varieties of large cacti require replacement of soil and pot after flowering, so they are immediately replanted.

Watering after transplanting a cactus

All young cacti are replanted once a year in the spring.

Adults are replanted less frequently, transferring the trunk along with the earthen clod once every 2-3 years. For planting, choose spacious and sufficiently deep pots. You can watch the process in more detail in the video. It is important to consider that old plants do not tolerate transplantation well, so many of them can be left untouched for 4-5 years or more. During flowering, replanting is not advisable, but if necessary, the work is done without shaking off the soil from the roots. This will help not injure the plant.

How often to water your home bokasana cactus after transplanting? Usually after this the plant is not watered for 3-4 days, and the largest ones for several weeks. At this time, the cactus goes through an adaptation period and requires rest. It is advisable to rearrange the flower after transplantation to the southeast or east side. A shaded balcony or small greenhouse is also suitable. A few days after transplantation, the flower begins to be watered. At this time, its active growth occurs, so the cactus must be accustomed to sunlight. To do this, every day the pot is taken out for a few minutes, and then hours, to a brighter place.

What should the water be like?

How to water a home cactus, and with what water? Usually water at room temperature is used for irrigation, but not straight from the tap, but settled and softened. In winter, water with warmer water. To soften tap water, add a little peat to it and let it sit for one day. It is important to consider that watering epiphytic species of cacti depends on the time of year, lighting and size of the plant. For example, in summer, in sunny, hot weather, succulents are watered almost every day. Water only in the morning so that the soil has time to dry out by evening.

Watering mammillaria cactus and mix

How to water a homemade mammillaria cactus? When growing this variety, you need to know the signs and that waterlogging of the soil is detrimental for it, otherwise it will begin to rot. Water the flower as the soil dries. In winter it is not moistened at all. In warm months you can spray, but with warm, settled water. Every two weeks, add liquid fertilizer to the soil and take the cactus outside. And if watering and care are correct, then in the spring this succulent will delight you with its beautiful flowering. Flowers appear at the top of the stem; they can be large or small.

Mammillaria is planted in soil with a good drainage layer so that the water in the pot does not stagnate. Therefore, when watering, you need to ensure that excess water came out into the tray rather than remaining in the pot. If a young mammillaria is purchased, then immediately after the store it is transplanted into a new pot, but not watered for several days after that. The pot for planting should not be deep and wide enough with sufficient drainage holes.

Usually, after transplanting this cactus, it is not watered for about a week and placed in a dark place.

How to water a cactus to get red needles?

Many people have seen beautiful, young succulents with bright needles in stores, as in the photo. Nature did not give such beauty to the plant; it was all the work of man and paint. There are two ways to make the needles on a cactus colorful: using colored soil and colored water. How to water a home colored cactus so that the needles are red, blue or yellow? In order for the succulent needles to acquire the desired color, it is watered with colored water. Regular food coloring is suitable for this. Gradually, the soil accumulates paint and transfers it to the flower.

In the second case, how to paint a cactus, coarse sand mixed with dye is poured over the soil. As a result, the green succulent looks impressive on the bright sand, which gradually transfers its color to the thorns. Over time, the paint will wash off and the Georgian cactus will take on its natural color. On average, it takes 3-4 months to dye the spines. A lot of useful information in the article:

Cactus is considered unpretentious plant, but in reality this is far from the case. If you want to buy this plant for your home, first read the rules for caring for it. After all, even small deviations from the regime will affect the health of the cactus, its appearance and future inflorescences.

Choosing the soil

If you just purchased a cactus or it was given to you, then you should not keep the plant in a store container. Young shoots need loose soil, while older shoots need denser soil. Experts advise using the following types of soil for replanting:

  1. Leafy. It is best to collect it in parks and forested areas in the spring, when the snow has completely melted and new grass has not yet begun to grow.
  2. Clay-turf. If you decide to get serious about growing cacti, then try this method of preparing the soil. Find a place in the garden overgrown with tall grass, dig it up by the roots, put it in a container, fill it with manure and wait until next year. Then the soil will be of exactly the quality and consistency that cacti need.
  3. Greenhouse. This is ordinary soil that is located in the beds. It can be used when there are no other options.
  4. Humus. It also requires lengthy preparation. In the spring, pour cow manure into the barrel, cover with leaves and close with a lid. After a year, the humus will be ready for use.

The main condition when choosing soil for cacti is acidity. It should be at a level from 4.5 to 6. If the soil is more alkaline, add peat to it; if it is too acidic, then add lime.

Choosing a pot

In this matter, you need to focus on the shape of the cactus roots. When replanting, pay attention to how it grows. If the root is long and narrow, then the container should not be wide, but deep. If, on the contrary, the root grows laterally, but is short, then choose a pot with a large diameter and a small height. You should not buy a container that is too spacious, as it will retain water.

The pot can be made of any material except metal, which rusts from water and reacts with other organic substances. Plastic, clay, glass are ideal for growing cactus. There must be holes at the bottom of the pot so that moisture does not linger and lead to rotting. For the same purposes, first pour out a layer of expanded clay, broken red bricks or foam plastic, and then earth.

Replanting the plant

Small plants require annual replanting, larger ones once every 2-3 years. It is best to do the procedure in mid or late spring. Before transplanting, do not water the cactus for several days so that the soil dries out and can easily detach from the root system. And the soil into which you will move the plant must be moistened in advance. So the cactus will quickly take root in a new place.

How to replant a cactus:

  • Place drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  • Cover with a layer of coarse sand.
  • Then fill the pot halfway with soil.
  • Carefully place the plant in it, holding it with your hands.
  • Fill the remaining voids with soil, shaking the pot occasionally.
  • When the cactus becomes stable, add soil, not reaching the rim of the pot by half a centimeter.
  • Sprinkle the soil with sand.
  • Place a jar or bag on top of the cactus.
  • Water daily.
  • Remove the jar after 3-4 days.

A weakened plant or during its flowering period cannot be replanted. Moreover, the cactus does not like any movement and can only feel bad if it is turned the other side towards the light. Therefore, do not replant, rearrange or rotate the pot unless necessary.

Light, water, temperature

Contrary to popular belief, cacti need to be watered frequently. Especially in summer. To determine how much water to add to the pot, check the soil frequently. If it doesn't dry out within a day, you're moisturizing too much.

As winter approaches, the amount of watering is reduced, this helps prepare the cactus for the hibernation period. Water is best collected when it rains or when it thaws from snow. If this is not possible, then leave it for one day with the addition of a small amount of peat or boil it.

Cacti love light, so you need to keep them on the windowsill of a south-facing window, and when the rainy season comes, turn on the lamps daylight. Understand what the plant needs additional lighting Just. It will begin to stretch upward and take the shape of a cone. No less important is Fresh air, without it the cactus will never bloom. In summer, give him air baths in the sun.

Cacti do not like high temperatures and dry air, which often results from heating an apartment in winter. Since the plant is close to the radiator, it needs to be fenced off from hot air. Attach a small rectangle of glass to the windowsill parallel to the window. Take it off in the summer.

Does a cactus need fertilizer?

With proper care, the cactus does not need additional fertilizer. But if for him there is no suitable conditions, then you can sometimes feed it. Be responsible when choosing fertilizer; some types are absolutely not suitable for cacti. Gardening stores have special series specifically for these plant species. It should contain phosphorus, potassium, cytokinins, auxins, and vitamins.

Start feeding during the growth period, that is, with the arrival of warmth, and finish in September. Another reason to use fertilizers is during the flowering period, when the cactus needs additional nutrition.

What to do with a cactus in winter

Overwintering is important for a cactus. The plant rests, gains strength, buds are born in it, which begin to bloom in the summer. Therefore, your task is to provide him with comfortable conditions.

The temperature in the place where the cactus stands should be 5-15 degrees. Keep in mind that it is always colder near the window than in the entire room. Window insulation will help prevent freezing. Check if there are any drafts in the apartment; if there are, eliminate them. Install a thermometer near the window and monitor its readings. IN winter period Do not water the cactus frequently. 1-2 times a week is enough.

In conditions of love and care, even the most prickly cacti will thank their owners with incredibly beautiful blooming flowers. For the sake of such moments, it is worth caring for and worrying about the plant, creating comfort and coziness for it.

Video: how to care for cacti and make them bloom

Many novice gardeners think that succulents, which are native to desert and arid regions, do not need watering. Of course, this assumption is wrong. From our article you will learn how to water a cactus grown at home.

A cactus, like any other indoor flower, needs proper soil moisture. Lack of moisture negatively affects the growth and development of the flower. However, as experienced gardeners note, excess moisture in a flower pot is more dangerous for many succulents than dry soil. Too wet soil leads to rotting first of the root system and then of the cactus stem. To avoid the death of the plant, you need to know how often to water the cactus.

Despite the fact that most cacti, of which there are more than 15 thousand varieties in nature, are low-maintenance plants, you need to know what kind of water is suitable for watering these prickly plants. indoor flowers.

Following the recommendations of gardeners who grow various succulents, it is recommended to water cacti with melt or rain water. As alternative option

You can use boiled or settled water at room temperature. Please note that the water needs to sit for at least 24 hours.

It is also important to consider the degree of water hardness. When watering cacti with hard water, over time, a whitish coating begins to appear at the base of the stem, which indicates the deposition of calcium salts. You can soften the water by filtration through special devices or by adding a small amount of peat.

From this video you will learn how to properly water a cactus.

Watering methods

To date, flower growers have not come to a consensus on how best to water cacti. When choosing a watering method, some cactus growers prefer watering through a tray, while others insist on moistening the soil from above. Let's look at the advantages of these irrigation methods.

Through the pallet Watering a cactus through a tray is convenient because when moistened, they are not washed out of the soil. nutrients

But this method also has its drawbacks. Thus, novice gardeners, having not too much experience in growing succulents at home, often do not know how to correctly calculate required amount water for irrigation.


Unlike the previous method of moistening the soil, with top watering it is more convenient to control the amount of water consumed by the plant. This method also helps ensure that the entire earthen clod is wetted.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then, of course, it is worth mentioning the leaching of nutrients and substances vital for the normal growth of the plant from the soil.

Optimal time for watering

It is equally important to know not only how to water cacti correctly, but also what time of day is best to perform this procedure. For most of our regions, morning watering of succulents is recommended.

Try not to wet the soil flower pots, if the weather is rainy and cold outside. The lack of warmth and sunny color negatively affects the health of indoor plants. Do not water succulents in evening time days and with a sharp drop in air temperature. It is better to skip a few waterings than to over-moisten the soil.

How often to water

Most varieties of cacti can withstand lack of soil moisture for several months. However, there are also subspecies of this crop that do not like drought. It's about about tropical and forest species of succulents. For this reason, when organizing the care of indoor flowers, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics each plant.

Many people are interested in how many times during a week or a month it is necessary to water a cactus so that the indoor flower does not suffer from either excess or lack of moisture in the soil. Let's see how seasonal watering of succulents differs.

In winter time

Watering cacti in winter depends on the conditions indoor flower. The best option Wintering conditions for most varieties of succulents are a combination of slight coolness, lack of drafts and low lighting. When creating such conditions, plants practically do not need watering. In winter, cacti only need to slightly moisten the soil once a month.

With the onset of spring warmth and increasing daylight hours, the growth of indoor plants, including cacti, is activated. From the second half of April, when the weather has already stabilized, you can begin to make changes to the frequency of watering. Experienced gardeners advise increasing the number of waterings to twice a month. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor soil moisture during the flowering of the cactus, since if there is excess moisture, the flower can shed its flowers or turn them into small shoots.

During the summer

How to provide cacti with proper care in the summer, you ask? The frequency of watering depends on many factors: average monthly precipitation, features temperature regime, composition of the substrate used for planting or indoor flower, presence or absence drainage system and etc.

Feeding cacti

The cactus, being a kind of indoor plant, needs special feeding. If most indoor flowers can be fed complex fertilizers, then when growing succulents it is necessary to avoid fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

Don’t know what to fertilize the cacti grown on the windowsill at home? In specialized flower shops you can purchase fertilizers for cacti and succulents containing phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Activate growth, stimulate photosynthesis, improve absorption and assimilation indoor plants succinic acid, obtained from natural amber, will help remove nutrients and nutrients from the soil. It is not recommended to spray the aboveground part of succulents with this biostimulator; it is better to use succinic acid for watering plants.

Many gardeners, knowing what a “sweet tooth” cacti can be, feed indoor flowers sugar, which is a source of energy for all plant life processes.

Who was the first to come up with the stereotype that cacti do not need to be watered? Now we are unlikely to know. On what basis did this invention come about? Is it based on knowledge about winter care. In principle, now it doesn’t matter who spread this story among the people. Much more important proper care, in which water occupies, perhaps, a central place.

Despite a certain drought resistance, for the normal development and growth of the plant you should know several seasonal rules. And follow the watering recommendations. Otherwise, your cacti will grow very poorly, and you won’t get any flowers at all. By the way, absolutely all types and varieties bloom. Let's find out how to water a cactus at home?

Each season has its own irrigation system. It is based on the natural vegetative cycle of the cactus. At different times, a plant requires different amounts of water for drinking, normal growth and good flowering. Therefore, we draw up a watering schedule using the natural development cycle of the cactus.


In natural natural conditions habitat this time of year is the rainy season. Therefore, the water must be soft and settled. Better filtered and at room temperature. Cacti need to be watered every day. Quite a little, but often.

Don't be afraid of excess liquid stagnation. If your pet is placed in correct soil with a good drainage layer, then all excess will flow out. And nothing threatens the roots.


In nature it is hot during the day and cool at night. Therefore, watering comes mainly from dew that accumulates on the surface of the cactus. This occurs due to the difference between day and night temperatures. This is what we do: early in the morning and late in the evening we spray the cactus with a spray bottle every day. Spray it well. We stop when water begins to flow down the plant in large drops.

As a rule, the cactus sits in a small pot. And in summer heat the soil in it dries out quite quickly. Therefore, do not be afraid to destroy the cactus with such frequent watering. Everything that he does not have time to drink will safely evaporate or flow down through the drain.

And further. Do not spray the cactus during the day. He can also suffer severe burns. Especially if it grows in direct sunlight.


Gradually, the temperature difference decreases, the thermometer slowly slides down. In nature there is almost no dew, and sometimes there is light rain. Maybe once every 5 days.

This means we water the cactus in the same way. Water the cactus thoroughly every 5-7 days. Again, monitor the water temperature. It should be 2-3°C below room temperature. Accordingly, we lower the air temperature.


In nature, this time of year is dry and cool. Day and night temperatures are approximately the same, rarely rising above +16°C. There is practically no rain. Sometimes, maybe once a month, a crazy cloud will fly in and the cactus will begin to rain.

Our actions must be identical. We water our prickly pet no more than once a month. Keep at a temperature of about +16-17°C.

In order not to overwater the cactus during the cold season, be sure to make notes in the calendar or diary. It’s better not to rely on your memory, write down the date of the next watering. Or set an alarm with a note on your phone. IN right time it will notify you that it is time to water the cactus.

With the arrival of spring, we gradually increase watering of cacti. Then we repeat the annual cycle.

General requirements

Water for watering cacti should not be too hard. If you use well water, it is better to boil it. This way you will definitely be sure that you will not water the plant with water. The same applies to tap water if, after settling, a hard salt coating remains on the walls of the dish or thin layer rust.

We do not recommend using acid to reduce water hardness. It is very easy to overdo the number of drops. And in nature, cacti are rarely watered by acid rain. No, of course, if you are a certified chemist, you can try it. Mere mortals are better off boiling things the old fashioned way.

Some breeders prefer to water cactus at home only with rainwater. Or they even bring snow from the street, then melt it. All this would be wonderful if it were not for the current state of the environment.

Are you sure that along with this natural water you won’t bring pathogenic bacteria or half of the periodic table into your home? It is unlikely that a cactus will like such additives in its diet. It is advisable to purify any water for irrigation as much as possible. You need to feed the cactus with a special fertilizer, instead of a chemical poison of unknown composition.

If you still can’t wait to pamper your prickly pet with melt water, then do this:

  • filter prepared water for irrigation
  • let it sit for at least a day
  • pour into a suitable container (tight bag or plastic container)
  • place in the freezer
  • After 3 days, remove the ice from the freezer
  • let it melt completely and cool to room temperature
  • carefully pour into another container, being careful not to stir up the sediment

That's it, now you have clean melt water with which you can safely water the cactus. It is important not to boil this wonderful liquid at any stage of preparation. Otherwise, the structure will completely change. Then why all the preparations?

After each watering, carefully monitor the presence of excess liquid in the pan. Even in spring and summer, when you water cacti abundantly and regularly, the tray should remain dry. Be sure to drain every last drop from it. Otherwise, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, and you will have to persistently treat it for a long time.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to plant a cactus in a clay or ceramic pot. This material perfectly absorbs moisture, gradually releasing it when the earthen clod dries out. This is not visible from the outside, so you will water your prickly friend more than necessary. And moisture will accumulate. Then the roots will begin to rot or the plant itself will become diseased. And you will puzzle for a long time about where everything came from.

Use plastic pots. This way you will be sure that everything excess liquid glass into the tray.

In summer and spring, when keeping cacti outdoors, pay attention to humidity environment. After rain or in cloudy weather, you can skip watering. The cactus will have enough liquid in the air.

At extremely high temperatures, on the contrary, watering becomes more frequent. After all, dry air is just as destructive for a cactus as it is for other plants. Undoubtedly, the cactus easily tolerates the drying out of the earthen clod. But still, his supply of vitality is not endless.

Pay special attention to the watering regime if the cactus begins to produce buds. It is strictly forbidden to change anything when the first rudiments of flowers appear. The slightest deviation from the usual conditions of detention - and instead of flowers, young shoots will begin to grow from the buds. Wait until flowering ends. And only then change the watering regime to a more suitable one, depending on the time of year.

How to water a cactus at home? As you can see, this is a whole science. But your plants will be as close to natural conditions as possible. Accordingly, they will begin to grow well and please you.

Video: watering and feeding cacti in spring

All cacti prefer watering with soft water that does not contain chlorine. The water must be clean, i.e. do not contain any impurities or salts. Ideally, you would use rainwater or melt water, but you need to have patience to collect it, so you can use water that has been standing for at least a day or boiled, you can also use water filtered using household water filters. The water temperature for irrigation should always be equal to room temperature or slightly higher.

Regarding the method of watering cacti - from above or through a tray, sometimes there is a lot of controversy among cactus growers. Apparently, this is due to the fact that in cacti the main part of the roots that absorb water is located in the lower part of the root system. Undoubtedly, each method has its advantages:

Watering from above is convenient and familiar; you can see how much water is consumed; the entire earthen ball is wetted with water, but after a while, with this method of watering, nutrients are washed out from the upper layers of the soil. In order not to wet the cactus stem, it is convenient to make a watering bowl from the usual plastic bottle: take a piece of flexible tube (for example, from a dropper) or a juice tube, use a drill or awl to make a hole of a suitable diameter in the lid and insert the tube.

Watering through a tray is convenient because the soil in the pot is not washed away, the soil nutrients are washed out much longer than when watering from above, however, with this method of watering, it is difficult to know how much water the plant needs, i.e. This method is more suitable for an experienced cactus grower. For some reason, the question of watering method can be very exciting for cactus owners, although in fact it is not fundamentally important, rather a matter of taste and experience.

How to water cacti

  • When watering, water should not be allowed to fall on the stem of the cactus; pour it onto the soil from the edges of the pot;
  • water should not stagnate in the pot; for this, each cactus must be provided good drainage, and when watering from a tray, after a while (after the roots absorb the water), the remaining water is drained;
  • any cactus can tolerate a certain amount of time in completely dry soil, even during the period of growth and flowering, but excess water can be detrimental to it;
  • the amount and frequency of watering directly depend on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air; the lower the temperature and the higher the air humidity, the slower the evaporation of water from the substrate occurs, the less often you need to water. In addition, temperature affects the intensity of water absorption from the soil by roots. Cold water is practically not absorbed by the roots. But please note if for us cold water- this is 18-19 ° C, then for cacti it is still warm, and cold is from 12 and below. The cooler the ambient temperature, the less moisture the cactus requires. When there are hot, dry days in the summer, cacti are watered every day; on a cool and especially rainy day, it is better not to water the cactus;
  • The time for watering cacti is morning or evening; it is believed that cacti should be watered in the evening in the summer, and in the morning at other times of the year, but this again is not of fundamental importance.

When to water cacti more or less

Almost all cacti prefer a cold (or at least cool) wintering, but not every owner can provide this and then the cacti overwinter at normal temperatures. room temperature, which can be 18-25°C. With such a warm winter, cacti are watered less often than in summer (at the same temperature), the soil should have time to dry well.

Water more Water less
  • Cacti belonging to moisture-loving genera (for example, rhipsalis, zigocacti)
  • Cacti during growth period
  • Cacti with a well-developed large root system
  • Cacti growing in a porous container, such as a clay pot
  • Cacti growing in loose soil with a large share sand and brick chips
  • Cacti located in a room with high temperature
  • Cacti in a dry room, especially with central heating
  • Dry-loving cacti (all desert cacti, such as mammillaria)
  • Cacti during dormancy
  • Cacti with weak or damaged roots
  • Cacti growing in non-porous, such as plastic containers
  • Cacti growing in denser clay soil
  • Cacti located in a room with low temperature
  • When the indoor humidity is low, for example when the cactus is standing near open window on a rainy day

For most cacti, flowering is not associated with the growth period, i.e. and in winter, during the dormant period, cacti can bloom. Since watering is sharply reduced during the dormant period, the question often arises of how to water cacti that bloom in winter. In this case, watering should be a little more or more often than if the plants were not blooming, but you definitely need to water much less often than in spring and summer.

Very often, when watering with hard water containing a lot of lime, light brown deposits form on the cactus stem at the base, which over time turn into crusty growths and are not removed. Most often this happens in cacti that do not have spines or have small, sparse spines. This phenomenon is often mistaken for a disease, but these are deposits of salts from the water that eat into the tissue of the cactus. Therefore, it is recommended to water cacti with boiled or filtered water.

Air humidity

It is known that all cacti tolerate dry air well and are therefore considered hardy plants, but in nature most of them are refreshed by dew or fog in the morning and evening. Cacti are very responsive to daily spraying at their natural hours, but in order not to harm the plants, you need to spray only with a very fine dust-like sprayer, so that no streams of water go down the cactus trunk.

The water temperature for spraying should be slightly above room temperature, i.e. warm (30-40°C). On sunny days, spraying is carried out only when the sun's rays are already or have not yet hit the plant. With the onset of autumn rainy days, it is better to stop spraying, but in winter you can spray cacti at the end of a sunny day. Read more about. Cacti with leaves (rhipsalis, epiphyllum, etc.) can not only be sprayed, but also given a shower to wash off the dust and prevent the appearance of spider mites.

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