What kind of seedlings are grown in peat tablets? How to grow seedlings in peat tablets? Video about peat tablets

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In the last article I tried to briefly talk about peat tablets, why they are needed, how to choose them and what are their advantages. And in this article I want to talk about how to grow seedlings in peat tablets.

What plant seeds can be grown in peat tablets?

There is an opinion that seeds of certain crops can be grown in peat tablets, for example, those with a long germination period or only heat-loving ones. Actually this is not true. You can grow any seedlings in peat tablets. It is especially convenient to grow seedlings vegetable crops for a summer house, garden or personal plot. This is due to the fact that later, when replanting, the plants will not need to be pulled out of the soil, which means there is no chance of damaging the root system. In addition, plants made from peat tablets do not get sick when transplanted and they do not need time to “take root” in a new place.

Preparing peat tablets for planting seeds

It is not difficult to prepare the tablets for planting. First of all, we need water, but plain water from the tap is undesirable. It is believed that it is better to take filtered, melt or rain water. But also plain water from the tap is also suitable, the only thing is that before pouring it into the tablets, this water must be allowed to sit for a day. While the water settles, we prepare a deep tray or cups for peat tablets. If the tablets do not have a special mesh shell, then the tray cannot be used; cups will be needed, since the peat will not hold its shape on its own, and we place the cups (with holes for watering on the bottom) in a deep tray.

Place the tablets on a tray or in cups. Attention! Always place the tablets with the notch facing up! Now we complete the preparation of the water: add several crystals of potassium permanganate to it for disinfection until a light pink solution is obtained (manganese is still easily sold in some pharmacies!), fill it with warm (about 28-30 degrees) water. Now we wait until the tablets are saturated with water and take on a normal cylindrical shape. This may take several hours. Check the tablets periodically and add water to the tray if necessary. For tablets in cups, watering is also done through a tray! After the tablets are saturated with moisture, you can begin planting the seeds.

Plant in peat tablets

We take the seeds and carefully place them in a special recess. You can have 1 piece, you can have 2 pieces. There is no need to sprinkle small seeds with anything, just place them in the recess and that’s it. But lightly sprinkle the larger ones with peat. After planting the seeds, there is no need to water the tablet, since it is already saturated with moisture and this moisture will last for a long time. Important! Do not use overhead watering on peat tablets, only use tray watering! Firstly, peat is well saturated with moisture, and secondly, peat will not take excess moisture, and this is very good for our seed plants.

If there is a need (coolness, dry air), then cover the tray with the tablets with film until shoots appear. There will be no need to water at this time, since moisture is well preserved under the film. If we don’t cover it with film, water it (add water into the pan) as needed, that is, when the peat dries.

Seedling care

In principle, caring for seedlings grown in peat tablets is very simple: watering, ventilation, hardening. We carry out the last operation as it gets warmer outside.

By the way, a little more about watering. If the sprouts are quite large, strong and well rooted, then, in addition to watering through a tray, they can be watered by spraying water from a spray bottle. But this must be done carefully.
And the last thing - about feeding.

I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that peat tablets initially contain all the necessary supplies of nutrients for the proper growth of our seedlings. In no case do you carry out additional feeding, this can lead not only to growth stagnation, yellowing of the leaves, but also to the complete death of our seedlings.
I wish everyone good seedlings and an excellent harvest!

Let's look at growing seedlings in peat tablets. First of all, let's get acquainted with the features of using peat tablets.

Features of growing seedlings in peat tablets

These tablets are based on peat, which is compressed into a shell, and all the components necessary for germinating flower and vegetable seeds are added to it. In them, seedlings are obtained with a powerful root system, which provides the plant with excellent nutrition and survival rate, as well as minimal stress during transplantation, which is very important for a high yield in the future.

An interesting way to grow seedlings in peat tablets

There are several ways to place peat tablets:

  • next to each other;
  • on a pallet close together;
  • in a few centimeter layer of sand;
  • in seedling cassettes.

Preparing peat tablets for sowing seeds

How to soak a peat tablet

When you fill the tablets with water, make sure that the hole for the seed is at the top of the tablet. When a peat tablet swells, it can increase 6-7 times in height; this will only take 10-20 minutes. The transformation of the tablet into a cylinder occurs faster if you use warm water.

And yet, if the tablet is soaked gradually, adding water in small quantities over several hours, this will contribute to the even distribution of nutrients. After the tablet swells, the remaining liquid must be drained and sowing of seeds must begin.

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

How to plant seeds in peat tablets

Expensive seeds can be sown in each container one at a time, the rest - from two to three. After germination, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest plant.

Video about peat tablets

Small seeds need to be embedded smaller in the tablet, and large seeds need to be embedded deeper. When embedding a seed, you can use the following schematic rule: embedding the seed is carried out to a depth equal to twice the length of the seed. When rooting cuttings, you need to immerse them in a cylinder tablet to a depth of 1-3 centimeters.

Caring for crops in peat tablets

To maintain the moisture content of the tablet with cuttings and seeds planted in it, you need to cover it with film or glass and leave it in a warm place until germination.

Greenhouse for sowing in peat tablets

You can build a kind of greenhouse by placing a tablet with seeds in a transparent plastic glass and covering it with polyethylene. Rooting of cuttings and germination of seeds in such conditions occurs perfectly, even if these are capricious plants. Indoor plants can also be rooted and sown in this way.

You can buy peat tablets in garden stores.

Watering seedlings in peat tablets

Until sprouts appear, peat tablets are moistened by spraying water, but the pressure and flow rate should not be strong so that the top layer of peat is not washed away. When seedlings appear, water should be supplied to the containers from the bottom so that moisture does not fall on the sprouts. Peat tablets, drawing in water capillarily, are perfectly moistened from below from a plastic tray, sand or irrigation mat.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets is accompanied by careful control of the moisture content of the tablets themselves: excessive waterlogging, but also drying out, should not be allowed. Between waterings, it is necessary to allow the peat to dry out a little to saturate it with air, thereby activating the development of the root system.

Feeding seedlings in peat tablets

Supporters of mineral fertilizers can add them to water for irrigation two weeks after the formation of the first true leaves. Previously, this was not required, since high-quality peat tablets initially contain all the nutrients.

Planting seedlings using peat tablets:

Monitor the distance between tablets during seedling development to prevent roots from growing into the adjacent tablet. When to plant peat tablets in open ground? The seedlings are ready for planting in the ground when the roots of the seedlings begin to break through the tablet shell.

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Over the millennia during which humanity has been engaged agriculture, this type of activity has changed almost beyond recognition. From a dependent, timid consumer who takes advantage of the fickle mercy of nature, man has turned, if not into a commander, then at least into a confident user of natural resources, able to direct them and keep many of them under his control. And yet, much has remained unchanged, and even the most experienced gardener one has to reckon with the laws of nature.

What are peat tablets

Peat tablets are one of the ways to facilitate the process of growing seedlings of any cultivated plants, even vegetables, even seeds. Moreover, it is very simple and logical, based on the nutritional needs of any growing organism, including sprouting greenery. And peat tablets are, in fact, the same nutrients. As you know, peat is a natural organic fertilizer, suitable for most types of plants. If you compress it and give it the shape of small vertically flattened cylinders (washers, tablets, etc.), and then pack it in a thin permeable shell and make a small depression on top, you will get exactly those peat tablets, useful and safe for man, and for his green “wards”.

They do not take up much space, are inexpensive, easy to use and perform all their functions, that is, they serve the perfect tool for anyone who needs to germinate viable seedlings from seeds and grow them until it is time to transplant them into open ground.

Most peat tablets currently on sale are very small: no more than 8 mm in height. But not
be afraid that the seedlings will be cramped in them: after moistening, the peat swells and increases significantly in volume, literally by, or even 10 times. At the same time, the liquid itself is reliably retained by the substrate and maintains the necessary level of moisture in the internal environment necessary for seed germination. You can sow any crops, vegetables and ornamental plants, but it is especially convenient to use them for the smallest seeds. Capricious peppers, tomatoes, even vulnerable petunia show noticeably faster growth compared to similar seeds planted in the ground according to standard technology germinating seedlings in cups and/or pots. In addition, using peat tablets you can root leaves and plant seedlings. At the same time, the risk of infection of young seedlings with fungi and mechanical damage to the fragile root system tends to zero.

In addition to the peat base itself, which makes up more than 90% of the tablet, manufacturers add nutrients to the tablets, mineral compounds which contribute to the growth different types plants. An essential component of peat impregnation is an antifungal composition. And if necessary, you can purchase and use peat tablets containing a root growth stimulator or other components aimed at specific needs. An alternative to peat tablets, which is in no way inferior in its properties, are coconut tablets. They are made from compressed coconut fiber and have almost the same appearance, sizes and functions, are just a little less common on sale.

Both peat and coconut fiber correct use and sufficient moisture are an excellent medium for planting seeds and growing seedlings. And, what is equally important, there is nothing complicated in their use, and the technology is mastered in practice already at the first attempt.

Using peat tablets

Planting seeds in peat tablets is a modern and relatively new method, so it is unlikely that your grandmother, despite her enormous life experience and achievements in gardening, will be able to teach you how to use them. But you can very well tell her a great way to optimize the process of germination of seedlings, save strength and get excellent results by reading our tips.

  • Remove the tablets from the original packaging and place them in a wide tray without holes. Choose a tray height that is sufficient so that, after increasing in volume, the tablets do not rise above its sides. Do not be afraid to handle the tablets with or without gloves: they will not cause any harm to the skin.
  • Place the tablets at an arbitrary distance from each other, or very close together. After swelling, thanks to the restraining mesh, only the height, but not the diameter of each tablet will change. The main thing is that the recesses intended for seeds are oriented upward.
  • Pour into tray clean water room temperature or a little warmer, generously moistening the peat tablets. Wait a few seconds, during which the tablets will become larger right before your eyes. Use at least (preferably more) 1 liter of water for every 10 peat tablets.
  • Now you can start planting the seeds. Pick them up with your fingers or tweezers and place them in the grooves on the top side of the peat tablets.

    The depth of immersion depends on the size of the seeds; the larger, the deeper. On average, aim for a depth equal to two seed lengths.

  • Choose the number of seeds in one tablet depending on the specific type of plant. Cover each seed big amount peat taken nearby.
  • Place a tray with sown peat tablets on a warm surface or use special greenhouses for seedlings.
  • Seeds germinate faster if the bottom of the box is warm. For the same purpose, you can use lamps for illumination. But do not forget to ventilate the germinating seedlings by opening the greenhouse during the day and letting air in, and closing it again at night.
  • When the seedlings turn green, water the peat tablets from a spray bottle or simply through a tray as needed. All excess water peat tablets will absorb, supporting optimal mode humidity.
  • Until the first formed leaves appear on the seedlings, it has enough nutrients that are contained in peat and included in tablets during production. Two weeks after the leaves appear, start adding mineral fertilizers into water for irrigation.
  • When root system seedlings will develop so much that they will break through side surfaces tablets, you can replant it in the ground. In this case, picking seedlings grown from seeds in peat tablets is not required, which additionally protects thin roots from mechanical damage.
  • Place the strengthened seedlings together with the peat tablet in the ground at such a depth as to hide the tablet underground, dig in a little. It is not necessary to remove the mesh from the tablet for this, but some gardeners do this.
  • Both the tablet and the mesh dissolve without a trace in the soil over time, thanks to which the plant takes root well in an open environment.
  • Peat tablets quickly won the favor of gardeners, florists and gardeners, and this is not surprising. The method of planting seeds in peat tablets really justifies itself with its availability, ease of use and excellent results sowing Good luck to you and good shoots!

    Gardeners tend to want to achieve the highest possible quality result. Spring is a time of intensive efforts with seedlings. It is very sad when all the work and efforts, as the popular expression goes, “are covered with a copper basin.” Either the composition of the soil is not the same, or the air or irrigation regime has let us down, or the seeds were damaged during planting.

    So growing seeds in peat tablets is accepted by enthusiasts summer cottage as And for good reason.

    Benefits of know-how

    Let's start with the fact that the use of this invention significantly saves the space occupied by seedlings. Still, the majority of gardeners and gardeners are urban residents; they have little free space to prepare for planting. We can say that all the window sills are occupied, but there is still not enough space (you still want everything, even if it’s a little). And here they will come to the rescue. The instructions recommend having a greenhouse for them, but folk craftsmen assure that this is not necessary - there are ways.

    It is equally important that such tablets already contain everything you need - no fertilizing, which is introduced into the seedlings by drops (and God forbid you overdo it!), will not be required.

    You don't have to loosen the soil either - you have peat tablets. The instructions clearly guarantee that there will be enough air inside them, the soil will not cake and will not put pressure on the seedlings, and the water will be absorbed all over the entire volume.

    What is it best suited for?

    If you are not interested in cost, but in friendly and powerful seedlings, then the tablets are suitable for those plants that are marked by gardeners and flower growers as difficult to germinate. These include petunia, strawberries (especially strawberries, if you cultivate them), as well as all plants that have small seeds.

    If you got hold of a super expensive planting material something rare, then planting it in peat tablets will help you not to mourn wasted money: the seeds will definitely sprout in them.

    Two methods of application: the first is mass

    Which one to choose depends on your personal conditions for growing seedlings. The first saves space and produces a larger number of seedlings, the second guarantees that a plant will definitely appear from a seed placed in a tablet.

    Number one advises choosing a large enough tray on which to place the peat tablets. The instructions only require maintaining a certain distance between the future “pots”: after all, they will have to increase seven times.

    The “blanks” are watered with water (settled, of course), left alone for a quarter of an hour or half an hour (depending on the manufacturer), and seeds are inserted into the holes on top of the tablet.

    This method is especially suitable if growing seeds in peat tablets involves further mass planting, that is, the presence of plants in large quantities.

    Two methods of application: the second is individual

    This approach will require much more space to implement. The idea is that each future “glass” is placed in a separate small plastic container, for example, a yogurt jar. So one window sill will be enough for you to grow a much smaller number of seedlings. However, in this case, the swollen tablets will not crowd each other with their sides when swelling, and there is no risk that the roots of the plants will intertwine if they suddenly grow through the walls of their pot. Before planting in peat tablets, if they are in an additional container, it is better to disinfect these cups - the seedlings do not need extra fungi and bacteria.

    This method is good if you are growing something new, a single specimen, expensive or requiring slightly different conditions of care and maintenance. In individual cultivation, the ideal solution is, again, peat tablets. The instructions will help you create an optimal regime for your unusual pet.

    Subtleties of use

    To begin with, the first watering. The tablets absorb exactly as much as they need to swell. If half an hour after adding water there is still some water left, then it is excess moisture and needs to be drained.

    The next point is the water temperature. It should be at least room size. However, it has been noticed that if the water is warm (about 30-40 degrees), then the process goes faster.

    One more nuance. It is not for nothing that a greenhouse is recommended - in it all the properties of the container used are revealed more fully, and it becomes clearer how good peat tablets are for seedlings. The instructions are quite strict, but our gardeners have found a workaround: you can create a mini-greenhouse on the windowsill. Enough to take plastic box from the cake or pastries, carefully place the tablets there and cover with a lid. Cute, cheap and cheerful!

    Further care

    It is very simple. If you have nevertheless created greenhouse conditions (in the same box of cakes), then all that remains is to ventilate the container so that mold and mildew do not flourish due to humidity. The timing of ventilation is not difficult to determine: drops flow down the plastic - open the box for half an hour. Just no drafts! If this is not your first time using the instructions, you’ve probably already learned them by heart, but you should still remember: “no” to drafts, “yes” to ventilation.

    Until the sprouts appear, the tablets can be moistened simply from a spray bottle (or, if you have a lot of seedlings, from a spray bottle). The main thing is not to overdo it: the force of the jets should not erode the peat base. When the seedlings hatch, the method of watering changes. Now the water should come from below, from the plastic tray (We hope you checked the holes in the “individual” cups? However, this is already at the level of instincts...) If you water from above, the water will certainly fall on fresh leaves or stems, and this may be the beginning of some some diseases that we do not need at all.

    Another important rule: do not overdry, but also do not over-moisten. Some novice gardeners, who had not previously encountered peat tablets, relaxed when they learned that they did not absorb more than necessary. Of course it's convenient. But excess water still needs to be removed, otherwise it will rot on its own. peat cup. And excess humidity in a mini-greenhouse will not benefit the plants. At a minimum you will have to once again ventilate, but this is also a hassle. So it is better to observe the watering regime.

    How many seeds and how deep

    The use of peat tablets does not at all eliminate agrotechnical rules. So, small seeds are put into the miracle invention shallowly - a centimeter from the surface, not deeper. Large seeds require deep burial - about five centimeters.

    The number of grains depends more on their cost: expensive ones are planted in separate pots, more affordable ones - several in one, and then thinned out, leaving the strongest sprout. If you are thinking about how to plant a cutting in a peat tablet, follow normal rules- and you won’t be wrong. The only thing is that it is better to use it before landing. However, even without magic pills it is widely used, and it is more needed in this case.

    First, count

    Without a doubt, peat tablets are a very convenient invention that greatly facilitates gardening work. But don’t forget that such “pots” are disposable, but they still cost money. So before you buy pills for all your crops, think about whether it's worth it. If your tomatoes are already growing year after year, why spend extra money? And maybe it won’t “grow together” with peat tablets. So first, try an unfamiliar method on something familiar. Moreover, for the purity of the experiment, grow the seedlings in the usual way to compare the results. If you like it, use it! Still, peat tablets are very convenient.

    Many gardeners strive to plant petunia themselves. But this does not always work out due to the fact that unsuitable conditions for germination are chosen. The most the best way For planting, it is generally accepted to root compressed peat in tablets. Before burying seedlings, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and growing brightly beautiful seedlings. The information in this article will help you learn how to properly plant petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets. In addition, you are expected step by step instructions, recommendations, tips, videos.

    What are peat tablets, what are they, the benefits of planting

    Peat tablets are round plates made from compressed peat of several varieties. Manufacturers add a certain set of mineral components to the composition of the material, as well as microelements that stimulate the growth of the root system. All the required nutritional elements for a good start in the development of a young seedling are added to a kind of dragee.

    WITH outside peat tablet is secured with a dense mesh, which perfectly allows excess moisture to pass out. The necessary air easily penetrates through the fabric shell, which is the mesh. This property is required for the normal development of rhizomes of petunia seedlings at home.

    Also specific The shell holds its shape perfectly. When peat absorbs nutrient moisture, the latter tends to swell. At this moment, the mesh prevents the internal soil from falling apart, remaining in the shape of an inflated barrel.

    Thanks to all the advantages of this method, using peat tablets for petunia seedlings is very easy and convenient.

    The following advantages for planting seed material are distinguished:

    1. Peat tablets look like full-sized cups, no need to prepare plastic containers for placing petunia seedlings.
    2. When placed they take small area.
    3. Designed specifically for planting small seeds (like petunia) - they have a special recess.
    4. Have specific internal structure– porous inside, excellent permeable to both moisture and air. The soil always remains airy and loose, which has a beneficial effect on the rapid development of the root system.
    5. When planting petunia in tablets no additional mineral fertilizers required to stimulate seed development. More full information You can learn about feeding petunia seedlings in other cases.
    6. Unable to produce overwatering plants, causing stagnation of water in the soil. All excess nutrient moisture not required by the plant flows into the pan. It is poured out of the pan.

    Important! When planting a plant in open ground, it is necessary to cut the mesh in the middle and completely remove it from the peat. If this is not done, the root system will completely fill the entire space, as a result the flower will begin to wither and ultimately die.

    Tablets come in various sizes: 27, 36, 42, 70, 90 mm. Both small and large sizes are suitable for germinating seedlings. Before you plant petunia seeds in peat tablets, you should choose optimal size for planting material.

    The photo below illustrates what petunia seedlings planted in peat tablets look like:


    Buy well-packaged tablets. It is imperative to check that they have a protective polyethylene mesh and a forming mesh. Without their presence, material for planting petunia seeds is not worth buying.

    How to plant petunia seeds in peat tablets

    A certain time is selected for planting petunia seed material. The timing is regulated for different varieties separately. In most cases, planting takes place in March. When planting early, the emerging sprouts will have to be additionally illuminated with phytolamps. If you correctly sow petunia seedlings in peat tablets, the seedlings will be ready for planting within 3 months. Note! Choosing T

    orphyte tablets for growing petunia from seeds at home, it is better to stick to a cassette diameter of 4 cm.

    Let's figure out how to plant petunia seeds in peat tablets step by step. First of all necessary pre-prepare planting soil

    Important!. A deep container is selected in which the tablets are placed in one row. Water is poured on top of them and left for a short time (up to 30 minutes). They manage to absorb all the moisture from the container and turn into a kind of barrels, increasing 8 times.

    It is forbidden to suddenly pour water into the pan, since liquid that gets on the peat can wash away all the nutrients contained in the soil. After the water has been completely absorbed, any remaining moisture should be removed from the tray.

    . Now the planting process begins. Petunia seeds are tiny grains. A moistened toothpick will help you sow petunia correctly in peat tablets. With its help, small seeds are picked up and placed in the hole located on top of the tablet. Carefully!

    After sowing petunias in peat tablets, the seeds should be lightly pressed into the soil. Under no circumstances should the seeds be buried in soil. They will then rot and not sprout. Seed germination is stimulated only in light. Specialized stores sell pelleted seeds in almost all packages. They have a dense shell, equipped with nutrients that help the sprout hatch faster, while saturating it with a growth stimulant. To speed up germination, you can help the top shell dissolve. For this use a spray bottle

    , spraying petunia plantings with warm water. in order to create greenhouse conditions and promote rapid germination of petunia seeds at home.

    Step by step photography planting petunias in peat tablets:

    The greenhouse is placed in a warm place where there is a lot sunlight . It is recommended to maintain the temperature inside the container at a level of +21..+25 0 C. Lowering air degrees has a negative effect on the seedlings; they stop growing.

    Video: how to properly plant petunia seedlings with seeds in peat tablets.

    Caring for petunia seedlings after emergence

    After sowing petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets, you should periodically open the container for watering and eliminating condensation.

    Attention! The first shoots appear after 5-15 days. Some earlier, others slightly later, but almost all planted planting material has good germination.

    To get high-quality seedlings, you should properly care for petunia in peat tablets after germination:

    1. Emerging seedlings must be constantly monitored. The temperature for rapid growth should be left at +22 0 C, placing the container with plantings in a sunny place. On cloudy days, it is worth additionally illuminating with phytolamps in order to maintain daylight hours for 12-14 hours.
    2. During the opening of the greenhouse It is recommended not only to ventilate, but also soft cloth or use a napkin to eliminate moisture evaporation. This will help prevent any fungal diseases that often affect young seedlings, such as blackleg.
    3. There are no specific requirements for watering petunia seedlings in peat tablets. It is necessary to introduce nutrient moisture at the moment when the peat begins to dry out.. When the soil dries completely, it will lead to the death of the developed plant. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is required. After watering, water that has seeped through the soil must be removed from the pan.
    4. Feeding should not be carried out. All nutrients are pre-packaged peat pot. If you feed the plant at home at this stage, you can provoke a bush disease. It is better to leave the bush without mineral feeding than to destroy it.

    Transplanting seedlings into open ground

    Transplant petunias in open ground from peat tablets are carried out in the last days of May and until the middle of the first ten days of June. These dates are optimal for planting in the southern regions of Russia and above, which is due to the fact that the air temperature is set at a positive level of +10+15 0 C. At the same time, the soil is thoroughly warmed up, and there is no longer any danger of the last frosts, which could destroy tender seedlings.

    Attention! Before planting in open ground, the mesh on the ground must be cut off, otherwise the seedling will outlive itself and die from lack of soil.

    Although many gardeners advise leaving the mesh, arguing that it will dissolve on its own, such a judgment is incorrect - it will remain and will interfere with the development of the root system.

    Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be prepared and training days should be arranged for them. 9-10 days before transplanting petunia from peat tablets into open ground, you must stop watering the seedlings, but at the same time do not let the peat dry out completely.

    Move pots to open air, hardening them. Here's how to do it:

    1. On the first day, keep them on for no more than 5 minutes. fresh air. The next day, it is worth slightly increasing the interval of air baths.
    2. By day 10, petunia seedlings in tablets should be taken outside for the whole day.
    3. In the next 3 days, you need to leave the plant to spend the night outside, but under a canopy, so that in case of rain the drops do not fall on the seedlings.
    4. On the last day before planting begins, you should start preparing the flowerbed or bed where the plant will be placed.

    If the acidity level of the soil does not show 5.5, then an additional 0.2 kg per 1 m 2 of lime should be added. It will level the pH environment in the area to the required level. You can add rotted humus to the soil; the plant will respond to such fertilizing with active growth and development of both green mass and rhizomes.

    Planting in open ground should be done early in the morning, but best late in the evening.. Overnight the plant will be able to acclimatize to a new location. Besides, the best option It will be a cloudy warm day.

    A hole in the ground should be dug no more than 10 cm in both depth and width. Distance between holes for planting petunia seedlings in peat tablets you need choose based on variety, which you want to grow at home:

    1. For small-flowered petunias - from 19 to 22 cm;
    2. For large-flowered bushes - 24-28 cm from each other;
    3. For bush plants - up to 35 cm.


    When transplanting petunias into open ground, you should never remove the seedlings from the tablet - all the rhizomes will be damaged. The only thing you need to do is carefully cut and remove the mesh. The plant is placed in the ground and covered with soil on top, slightly compacting the top. Be sure to add plenty of warm water. This is necessary to smooth out the difference between open ground

    and peat soil.

    Further care should be carried out according to the recommendations for caring for adult petunia bushes. Thus, planting petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets is the most the best option

    for growing seedlings. This method does not require additional care at home in separate flowerpots. The seedlings are planted together with a lump of peat, from which the plant receives all its nutrients. Therefore, gardeners in most cases choose this particular method of sowing seeds, which helps to grow remarkably healthy and high-quality seedlings of beautiful flowers. Video: correct landing

    petunias for seedlings in peat tablets.

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