Duct air conditioners. The best ducted air conditioners Additional useful features

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Duct air conditioner is one of the types of air cooling systems. This device is designed to cool and maintain a set air temperature in several rooms at the same time. Duct air conditioners are most often installed in large retail or entertainment centers, large office premises and private houses.

The duct air conditioner consists of two blocks - external and internal, which are connected copper tubes. The indoor unit is mounted indoors, and the outdoor unit is mounted indoors. outside. Duct air conditioners capable of providing cooled air to rooms up to 400 square meters.

Modern duct air conditioners equipped with built-in filters that clean the incoming air from dust. Having a ducted air conditioner in the building - price, quality and comfort will be affordable and guaranteed. By installing such a split system, you get a budget option climate complex that will satisfy almost all requirements. The price of a duct air conditioner depends mainly on the power of the compressor.

Duct air conditioner equipped with a timer and special device, providing restart in the event of a power failure. In addition, it can operate in “heating” mode when the outside temperature drops to 15 degrees below zero. The good noise characteristics of ducted air conditioners are explained by the fact that all equipment that produces noise is located outside the room. Duct air conditioners have the highest energy efficiency indicators. They have a function that allows smooth control of the compressor operating modes, and the control panel makes this control more convenient.

For large rooms, it is relevant to use duct air conditioners, which provide optimal air exchange by distributing air flows through the air duct system. The main functions of ducted split systems are: cooling, heating and air purification, and with their help it is possible to supply fresh air to the room.

The duct air conditioner consists of two blocks: the external one is placed outside, and the internal one is installed outside. suspended ceiling. Such a climate system is capable of creating favorable and comfortable atmosphere simultaneously in several rooms. In our online store you can buy high quality duct air conditioner.

Advantages of duct split systems

This type of climate control technology has a number of distinctive advantages:

  • Low noise level indoors;
  • Uniform air distribution;
  • Stable room temperature;
  • Multifunctionality of the system: heating, cooling, drying and air purification;
  • Hidden placement of the indoor unit;
  • Possibility of fresh air supply.

By purchasing a duct split system, you will ensure a stable comfortable temperature and Fresh air indoors, regardless of the weather and time of year.

By contacting us, you can buy duct air conditioner in Moscow and the Moscow region at an affordable price. Thanks to our accumulated experience, we draw up a design calculation based on the characteristics of a specific model, taking into account the characteristics of the room and ventilation system. Our specialists will carry out installation work as soon as possible.

The price of a ducted air conditioner depends on the brand, power, number of functions performed and technical characteristics equipment. Check out the range of products on the website and choose the air conditioner model that suits you. From us you can buy the necessary duct-type split system at an attractive price.

The process of room conditioning is the cooling of air masses to create correct microclimate. Air conditioners are installed of different power, size and with additional functions: mode settings, heating and cooling of air. A duct air conditioner is called a split air conditioner and is used in technical or residential areas.

Duct air conditioner is used both in residential and technical premises

Equipment design

Duct air conditioning is a system with two blocks (internal and external). They are connected by a freon tube. Duct air conditioning allows you to constantly clean the air, bring it to the desired temperature and ensure air exchange (dirty air does not stagnate in the room).

Inside the case there is a freon heat exchanger and a fan to ensure proper air movement. The ducted air conditioning system is hidden: on the outer part of the housing only the grilles and connecting parts (between the air duct and the housing) are visible.

The device is selected so that the built-in fan copes with the volume of incoming air. A ducted air conditioner can be installed in any convenient place - the outer part of the housing is adjusted to the interior. Individual parts of the tubes are hidden behind additional decorative elements.

Principle of operation

Based on the principle of operation, a duct air conditioner is similar to any split system. The two blocks that make up the device provide a continuous flow of fresh cooled or heated air. An additional function of such a system is the dehumidification or humidification of air masses entering the building (an additional water tank is installed, which helps regulate the humidity of the air masses).

  • Operating principle of the device:
  • air masses enter the air duct;
  • the air in it warms up;

the air passes through several blocks, which bring the air mass to the desired temperature and humidity. For fast work

The device uses a multi-block system. The air intake comes from the street. Inside each block there is a fan that causes air masses to move. The fan distributes air throughout all units.

To operate the unit, a filter is used, through which air must pass. The degree of cleaning (coarse, fine) depends on the power of the device. Channel type air conditioners are used over a large area (from 35-40 m2).

Duct air conditioner device

Purposes of use

The duct type air conditioner is designed for large rooms. It is advisable to place such a device in places where the main unit needs to be hidden; a duct-type air conditioner does not fit into the interior. The power of the ducted air conditioner is higher than usual. The system is used for domestic and industrial premises.

Air conditioning using the device occurs with air ionization, which has a beneficial effect on human health. Air humidification and heating are suitable for residential areas when the overall temperature needs to be controlled. Cleans the unit from dust and pathogenic microorganisms that settle in the respiratory tract of household members. Channel type devices are suitable for dachas and country houses

with a large area.

The duct unit has a number of advantages that distinguish the system. It is profitable to install duct air conditioners because they:

  • hidden and most of them are placed in a specially made niche, or in part of the building’s air duct;
  • can provide all rooms of the house at once or large room correct air flow;
  • they are universal for assembly and installation (they can be combined with any type of hoods);
  • economical.

Duct-type air conditioners are connected to the ventilation of the house, this reduces the cost of maintaining the system. In such cases, there is no need to additionally heat the air duct, and the incoming air is at room temperature.

Channel-type air conditioners do not need to install a recuperator, which allows you to adjust the air flow.

Thanks to its structure and location, the unit creates the desired microclimate without additional devices.


A duct-type split system operates around the clock: active or less intense air intake occurs. This way the unit provides a constant flow of purified air. The disadvantages of an air conditioning device include the noise that comes from it.

A ducted air conditioning system creates noticeable noise when its main part is incorrectly positioned during installation. The unit is combined with distribution grilles in the building's air duct. For air conditioning, a unit with low noise from the indoor unit is selected - this detail is important for residential premises.

The duct type air conditioner is difficult to install. If the house has ready repairs, it will definitely suffer. Duct air conditioners cannot be connected without a specialist who takes into account the correct transition of the unit to the internal air duct. During conditioning, ventilation, which is responsible for removing dirty air from home, so study self-installation

it is forbidden.

Installing a ducted air conditioner can harm home repairs

Installation location

  1. Such an air conditioner in an apartment is the main element of air conditioning. Its installation involves the installation of four main elements:
  2. indoor unit;
  3. mixing chamber;
  4. distribution systems;

pipeline. Installation begins with selection suitable place device location. Please note that the unit creates a lot of noise, so choose open place

  • , where household members often visit, is ineffective. Installation is carried out in the following places:
  • rooms with maximum sound insulation;
  • in rooms with temperatures above 10°C;

Installation in very cold rooms is carried out only in cases where the device housing is additionally insulated.

This will avoid operational disruptions.

For large houses, it is better to choose an attic with insulated walls. Any part of the facade is selected for the outdoor unit (if it is not possible to bring the pipes to the facade, the roof is used). Installing a split system on the roof is the best option.

Installation conditions

  • When choosing a device you need to consider:
  • volume of air passed through;
  • total area of ​​the building;

The power of the device - the greater it is, the louder the noise.

The installation of the system under the air duct is carried out taking into account the structure of the pipes that already exist in the building. For pipes extending from the body, it is better to choose a round or rectangular cross-section. Polymer pipes are only suitable for units designed for air cooling. The outlet pipes are the same size as the air duct openings.

Installation of wall grilles is carried out last, so they are placed away from furniture and main parts of the interior.

A duct type air conditioner with refrigerant is installed by a specialist, but you can change the indoor unit yourself. Installation work is carried out in one day, with the arrangement of the pipeline outlet from the device. Without breakdowns, maintenance of the unit is expected no more than once every six months: the refrigerant is replaced and general diagnostics

Duct air conditioners

systems, pipeline and casing inspection.

Duct air conditioners - modern and inexpensive split systems Do you need an efficient, powerful, inexpensive and modern split system with a hidden internal unit? Duct air conditioners from the company Climate No. 1 are an ideal option. These devices are great for use in both residential, industrial or commercial settings. The external unit of a ducted air conditioner is installed on the street, basement or attic, and the internal unit is hidden under the ceiling. Thus, this system Great for rooms that don't have much free space

. The air is distributed through special air ducts in the ceiling space, which helps maintain the same temperature in all rooms.

Where can it be used? Duct air conditioners differ from many types of other climate control equipment in that they are universal. They are best suited for small offices, private homes and establishments. The power of an average product is enough to cool five rooms at once. This is extremely convenient, because you don’t have to supply each room separately, which significantly saves money, interior space and electricity.

Cost of duct split systems

The fundamental and very important difference between duct air conditioners and industrial climate control equipment is their lower cost. Especially when it comes to using the unit in a private home, small office or big apartment. Another significant advantage of a ducted split system is that the indoor unit is completely hidden under the ceiling. All you can see are stylish and well-maintained grilles, which, thanks to their thoughtful design and good design will fit perfectly into any interior.

Where to buy ducted air conditioners in Moscow?

For many people, choosing and purchasing a ducted air conditioner in Moscow or the region is a real headache. The thing is that choosing really good equipment that would meet all the requirements put forward to it, including price, is not so easy. But with our company it will be very easy to do this. Our advantages:

· Big the lineup duct split systems from the world's leading brands;

· Wide price range;

· Service at its best high level;

· Various promotions and discounts;

· Warranty for installation work and equipment from the manufacturer

· Opportunity not only to buy profitably, but also to order quick and high-quality installation of an air conditioner.

In a huge rhythm modern life All large quantity people decide to move to live in the countryside, away from traffic jams and polluted air and closer to nature. And the houses being built outside the city no longer resemble dachas with a minimum level of comfort and “facilities in the yard.” Modern houses initially imply comfortable living conditions, of which air conditioning has become an integral part.

Why do you need an air conditioning system?

An air conditioning system for a home solves many problems, without which normal living conditions with good level comfort is out of the question.

  • Humidify or dehumidify the air.
  • Maintain a certain air temperature in the house.
  • Purify the air supplied to our homes.
  • Maintain air circulation and air exchange.

Most people, having decided to build their own country house, its ventilation and air conditioning system are thought about at the design stage. And this is correct, since during construction it is possible to implement just such an air conditioning system that would meet all the owner’s requirements. But there are people who, for some reason, forget about it or simply don’t think about it. But after putting the house into operation, they understand that air conditioning of residential premises is simply necessary. What to do in such a situation: make do with it alone or which air conditioning system to choose for a private home?

Installation of a simple split system

The simplest, and therefore the cheapest option for air conditioning a private home is installing a split system. There are a great variety of them from different manufacturers. Their price depends on several factors:

  • Brand awareness. The more famous the brand of this device, the more expensive it is. Law of the market.
  • Manufacturer country. IN last years There is a strange pattern: the further the manufacturer is from China, the more expensive the equipment. Although there are many worthy well-known Chinese brands that have shown themselves to be excellent in terms of work, workmanship and maintainability.

But in fact, there is a clear division of climate control equipment into elite and budget. Among them, there was a category of air conditioners, designed for the average capacity of the owner’s wallet.

  1. Elite split systems. This is high-quality climate control equipment, equipped with all possible functions. Given that correct installation and good service support will serve you for more than 10 years.
  2. The average level is usually good technique does not yet have a “big name” and does not have all the functions of the elite category, but has proven itself to be reliable.
  3. Budget split systems. The most affordable climate systems, which, as a rule, have only basic functions, cooling and heating the air. When choosing such equipment, pay attention to the warranty obligations of the manufacturer and the availability of its service centers in your region.

Important! When choosing even the most elite air conditioner model, remember that to create comfort in your home, such equipment must be installed in every room. An abundance of external device modules can greatly “spoil” the appearance of the facade of your home.

Installation of multi split systems

This split air conditioning system for the home involves the presence of one external unit and up to four connected to it internal devices. It will not spoil the facade of your house by having it on it. large quantities equipment. The whole system looks like this: from each internal module there is its own refrigerant line, which is connected to the external module. And this is very convenient for small house, cottage or dacha. Home improvement with a multi-zone split system There is another, very similar air conditioning system in the house called. It is intended for installation in cottages with the “American” type of layout. The first floor is one large room, conventionally divided by furniture into different zones. The second floor is separate rooms, bedrooms, office, etc. Its design assumes the presence of one module and up to seven devices connected to it. In multi-zone devices there is one common line with refrigerant, from which there are branches to separate indoor units. They can be various designs, depending on the purpose of the premises: both wall and floor, and duct or. The installation is controlled both centrally and individually in each room. Advantages of using multizone devices

  1. The main advantage of such a system is the ability to “spread” the external and internal units of the air conditioner over a considerable distance, more than 100 meters around the perimeter and 50 meters in height.
  2. “Multi-zone” makes it possible to connect all internal devices to a single freon circulation line.
  3. Allows precise adjustment of the air temperature in each room with an installed indoor module.

In addition, its advantages include high reliability due to the possibility of interchangeability of elements within the circuit.
Today, intelligent refrigerant control systems have been developed, so-called VRV technologies, which are built into each module and control the supply of freon depending on the heat transfer of the room. In addition, the presence of these control units allows you to make adjustments yourself, that is, at your own discretion.

Duct air conditioner

Another way to install an air conditioning system in a private home is to install duct air conditioners. This equipment will allow you to exercise full control over the humidity, temperature and air purity in your home. You can read more about duct-type air conditioners in. Main components:

  • An external compressor unit, which is very similar in appearance to a regular split system module.
  • An internal device that is much larger and more efficient than a standard air conditioner.
  • Diffusers and grilles through which air will be taken from outside and supplied to each room.

Typically, ducted air conditioners operate on the principle of mixing in a small portion of outside air, and therefore have natural heating limitations air flow. Very often, as an additional device for them, a heater is used to fully heat the air. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J42UR8UeKRc

In addition, a recuperator can be installed to “help” a ducted air conditioner.

Advantages of using a ducted air conditioner

All the advantages are visible to the naked eye, the main one being the ability to air condition large houses with many rooms. In addition, there is also a decorative component. All equipment and air ducts are hidden behind the trim. There is another undeniable advantage of using a ducted air conditioner: thanks to this equipment, it is possible to design a system that meets all user requirements.

Disadvantages of such an air conditioning system

The main disadvantage is the high cost of the equipment itself and components. The smaller the room served, the longer it will take for such a device to pay for itself. In addition, with such a system it is impossible to regulate the ambient temperature in each room; it is not for nothing that it is called central air conditioning private house. The installation of devices and air ducts, which, by the way, are quite noisy, is also very expensive.

What to consider when calculating

A room air conditioning system is an engineering structure that requires accurate calculations of the required equipment power. When making calculations, many factors must be taken into account:

  • Volume of rooms. Many people base their calculations on the area of ​​premises - this is wrong.
  • Number of window openings.
  • North-south orientation.
  • The number of people who are most often in the room.
  • The area and amount of equipment that can generate heat.

An air conditioner is quite a serious piece of equipment. Its effectiveness depends on how well the air conditioner is selected, how well the installation is done and what its subsequent maintenance will be like.

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