Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group Topic: “Water around us. Water is the source of life" Educator: Gorban O

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Details Author: Blagodyreva Lyudmila Vasilievna teacher MBDOU Tatsinsky kindergarten "Solnyshko" Russian Federation, Rostov region Category: Publications Published: April 21, 2017 Views: 1590
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Material for the lesson:

Progress of the lesson:


Slide - 2

The land where you and I live!

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests, and mountains, and seas -

Everything is called Earth!

And if you fly into space,

That from the rocket window

You will see our blue ball,

Favorite planet!

Getting to know the globe.

Look at the globe.


I am both a cloud and a fog,

And the stream and the ocean,

And I fly and I run,

There is a bed, but he does not sleep,

It’s not a cauldron, but it’s seething,

It's not a thunderstorm, but it's thundering.

Ice water gives you water. (Spring)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror:

Slide No. 3 -4 – 5



Children:Air, oxygen.


Children: No.


Children:In the forest, by the sea, in the mountains.







Be careful of the wind

Came out of the gate

Knocked on the window

Ran across the roof

Played a little

Bird cherry branches,

Scolded for something

Sparrows acquaintances

And, straightening it cheerfully

Young wings

Flew somewhere

Racing with dust.


Children: No.



Educator: (Children's answers)

Educator: Children's answers.)

Physical exercise.

Trees have grown in the field. ( hands up)

It's good to grow in freedom!

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun.

A cheerful wind blew

The branches immediately swayed, (children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks

They bent down to the ground. (bending forward)

Right-left, back-and-forth -

This is how the wind bends the trees. (

He turns them, he turns them.

The wind died down. The moon has risen.

There was silence. (children sit at tables)

Educator: (children's answers).

Have you heard about water? Slide No. 6 – 7 - 8

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's boiling on the stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses,

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without water!


(We drink, wash our hands, swim,

How is a river born?

(Don) Slide No. 9 – 10

There is a spring under the mountain

He calls people to him Slide No. 11 -12 -13

And they carry her home.

How transparent and pure

Both cool and tasty

Spring water.

(For watering hole)


At the signal “Lake!”


Experience No. 1 "Water has no smell."

Experiment No. 2 “Water has no taste.”

Experience No. 3 "The water is clear."


Experience No. 4


III. Lesson summary:


(children's answers).

(Children's answers)

Six tips how to save water :

All : "So that there are no troubles s - t you want less water!”

Save water!


1 “The planet is our home.” The world around us. A textbook on the basics of ecology for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. T. A. Sidorchuk. Ulyanovsk, 2001

2 “Riddles, counting rhymes and tongue twisters” by O. D. Ushakov.


Form the foundations of an ecological worldview, a responsible attitude towards environment(water) in children. After all, water is the wealth of our country and the key to the health of people, animals, and plants. Develop skills of competent and safe behavior in nature.


Give children an idea of ​​planet Earth and introduce them to the globe. Clarify children's knowledge about the role of water in human life. Give children an idea of ​​what great importance have springs and other sources of clean water for all life on earth. Teach to understand that clean water is priceless gift nature, which must be carefully preserved.

Strengthen children's knowledge of how to save tap water.

Develop logical thinking, coherent speech, children's creative abilities.

Foster a caring attitude towards clean water and environmental culture.

Material for the lesson:

Globe; presentation - “Water is a priceless gift”, pictures depicting lakes, rivers and springs; puzzles; album sheets for each child, pencils; audio recordings of wind, water noise, birdsong; d/i "Air, water, earth"

Progress of the lesson:


The teacher reads a poem: Slide - 2

Our home is dear, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests, and mountains, and seas -

Everything is called Earth!

And if you fly into space,

That from the rocket window

You will see our blue ball,

Favorite planet!

What is planet Earth? (children's answers)

Getting to know the globe.

The teacher shows the globe.

This is what our planet Earth looks like from space. This is a model of our Earth, only reduced many times.

Who knows what this model is called? (globe)

Look at the globe.

Now listen to my riddles:


I am both a cloud and a fog,

And the stream and the ocean,

And I fly and I run,

And I can be glass! (Water)

There are no legs, but she doesn’t stand still,

There is a bed, but he does not sleep,

It’s not a cauldron, but it’s seething,

It's not a thunderstorm, but it's thundering.

There is no mouth, but she is never silent. (River)

Ice water gives you water. (Spring)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror:

The glass is blue and the frame is green. (Lake.)

What is indicated in blue are the oceans and seas. Guys, there are also rivers and lakes. Many lakes are so clean, they have underground springs, and you can drink water from them. Slide No. 3 -4 – 5

Educator: Children, what is nature? (children's answers)

Yes, these are rivers, forests, fields, sky, sun, animals; that is, everything that is not made by human hands. And man is also a part of nature. And the most little bug- also part of nature. Nature feeds man, clothes him, teaches him, and gives him everything he needs for life.

Educator:Guys, what are we breathing?

Children:Air, oxygen.

Educator:What kind of air is there? (Children: dirty and clean.) Is the air always clean?

Children: No.

Educator:Where can you find clean air?

Children:In the forest, by the sea, in the mountains.

Educator:Where can I meet polluted air?

Children: IN big cities, where there are a lot of cars and factories.

Educator:And what can be done for that? What would the air be clean?

Children:Plant trees, install filters on factory pipes.

Vos-l:Guys, tell me, can we hear the air, and when can we hear it?

Children:We can hear it when the wind blows.

Be careful of the wind

Came out of the gate

Knocked on the window

Ran across the roof

Played a little

Bird cherry branches,

Scolded for something

Sparrows acquaintances

And, straightening it cheerfully

Young wings

Flew somewhere

Racing with dust.

Vos-l:Tell me, can we see air?

Children: No.

Vos-l:And I suggest you do an experiment where we can see the air and hear it.


Take a glass of water and juice straws. Place the tubes in a glass of water and slowly blow into the tube. Explain that bubbles are air and we see it. Then we blow with different strengths to hear the air. The properties of air are movement with different forces.

Educator:Guys, now tell me, who needs air? (Children's answers)

Educator:What will happen if there is only dirty air on Earth? ( Children's answers.)

Physical exercise.

Trees have grown in the field. ( hands up)

It's good to grow in freedom! (stretching - arms to the sides)

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (stretching, arms up, stand on toes)

A cheerful wind blew

The branches immediately swayed, (children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks

They bent down to the ground. (bending forward)

Right-left, back-and-forth -

This is how the wind bends the trees. ( tilts left and right, forward and backward)

He turns them, he turns them.

When will there be a rest? (torso rotation)

The wind died down. The moon has risen.

There was silence. (children sit at tables)

Educator:What else can’t a person live without? Having trouble? (children's answers).

Now listen to the poem.

Have you heard about water? Slide No. 6 – 7 - 8

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's boiling on the stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses,

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without water!

Educator: Do you guys know that there is a “Water Festival”, which is celebrated on March 22nd.

Why do we need water, how do we use it? (We drink, wash our hands, swim, We do laundry, wash the floor, water the flowers.)

Children, think about where the water in the tap comes from? We use this water every day, but it keeps flowing and flowing, never ending. There is river water in the tap. Those droplets with which we wash our hands have done big way. At first they swam in the river, then the man directed them into the pipes.

How is a river born?

There are many different rivers on Earth, large and small, they all run somewhere.

A big river is formed from many small rivers and streams.

Children, please tell me what is the main river in our Don region?

(Don) Slide No. 9 – 10

What other rivers do you know? (Seversky Donets, Kalitva, Bystraya)

Our people love and protect rivers, and also protect springs: they line them with stones, fence them, and make canopies over them.

Guys, who drank water from the spring from you?

What kind of water is in the spring? (transparent, clean, crystal)

- Now listen to the poem:

There is a spring under the mountain

He calls people to him Slide No. 11 -12 -13

And they carry her home.

How transparent and pure

Both cool and tasty

Spring water.

People love to drink water from springs.

Do you know why animals and birds need springs? (For watering hole) Children, you need to treat water very carefully, but it doesn’t always work out that way. Very often our springs, rivers, lakes, seas suffer from human activities: factories, factories, etc.

Slide No. 14 -15-16 -17 -18 -19


It is necessary to ensure that the springs are clean so that the water from them flows freely into the streams. It is necessary to protect them from those who do not spare either the beauty or purity of nature.

A spring is a priceless gift. If a spring is clogged, we urgently need to clear it, then our rivers and lakes will be full.

And now I propose to play an outdoor game.

Outdoor game "Streams - lakes"

Children stand in two or three columns with the same number of players playing different parts the halls are streams.

At the signal “The streams ran!” - everyone runs after each other in different directions (each in his own column).

At the signal “Lake!” - players stop, hold hands and build circles in the lake. Those children who build circles win.

Educator:So what is water? What properties does it have? To find out, we will sit down in our seats.

Experience No. 1 "Water has no smell."

Invite the children to smell the water and say. What does it smell like (or not smell like at all). Let them sniff again and again until they are sure that there is no smell. However, emphasize that water from water pipes may have an odor, as it is cleaned with special substances so that it is safe for your health.

Experiment No. 2 “Water has no taste.”

Invite children to try water through a straw. Question: Does she have taste?

Very often children say with conviction that the water is very tasty. Give them a taste of milk or juice for comparison. If they are not convinced, let them try the water again. You must prove to them that water has no taste. The fact is that children often hear from adults that water is very tasty. Explain that when a person is very thirsty, he drinks water with pleasure, and to express his pleasure, he says: “What delicious water,” although in fact he does not taste it.

Experience No. 3 "The water is clear."

There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Place a Kinder toy in both cups. In which of the cups is it visible and in which is it not? In front of us is milk and water, in a glass of water we see a toy, but not in a glass of milk.

Conclusion:The water is clear, but the milk is not.

Experience No. 4 “Some substances dissolve in water, while others do not.”

Take two glasses of water; the children will put regular sand in one of them and try to stir it with a spoon. What happens? Has the sand dissolved or not? Take another glass and pour a spoonful of granulated sugar into it, stir it. What happened now? In which of the cups did the sand dissolve?

Conclusion:water is one of the most amazing substances. It has many properties: transparency, tasteless and odorless, and is a solvent.

III. Lesson summary:


Guys, what new did we learn about water today? (children's answers).

You and I are a small part of this nature, so we simply must take care of all living things and take care of our planet Earth.

What needs to be done to keep our rivers clean?

(Children's answers)

· It is necessary to protect the cleanliness of water and their banks, not to pollute them: do not throw garbage into rivers, do not wash cars and bicycles in them.

· After the picnic, collect garbage in bags and take it with you.

· After all, water is the wealth of our country and the key to the health of people, animals and plants.

· There is little clean water on Earth, so water must be conserved.

· What do you think we can do to create more clean water? (It’s in vain not to pour, close the taps)

Guys, you have landscape sheets of paper, pencils and markers on your tables, let’s draw small posters on the topic:

“We will not give offense to rivers and lakes.”

And then you and I will make an exhibition so that all children and parents know that they need to save water.

And now I will give you some tips to remember:

Six tips how to save water :

Ø - When you wash your hands, do not turn on the jet too much. This will not interfere with washing, and less water will leak.

Ø - Pour water into a glass when brushing your teeth. Rinsing your mouth from a cup is very convenient, and you save so much water!

Ø - When cooling a bottle of lemonade, put it in the refrigerator, do not hold it under cold running water.

Ø - At the dacha, it’s better to wash your hands from the sink, so you’ll waste less water.

Ø - Cars are washed at car washes; you cannot wash them near the river.

Ø -Water indoor flowers with melted snow water or rain water!

All : "So that there are no troubles s - t you want less water!”

Save water!

Elena Samarskaya
Entertainment “Water is the source of life”

Target: Contribute development cognitive interest of preschool children. Learn expressively, perform poems, process them intonationally in a variety of ways depending on the content, use natural intonations, logical pauses, stress, convey your attitude to the content. Teach children to feel and understand the nature of the images of works of art, to perceive their relationship with life events. Foster a caring attitude towards water resources.

To the music, children enter the hall and greet guests.

Educator: Today we will hold a meeting round table on a topic that is of great concern to all of humanity. Representatives of different professions: biologists, ecologists, weather forecasters, economists.

Child. A ship was sailing on the sea

At that fatal moment, it was boiling water

Behind the high stern, but straight ahead

Through the roar and roar, the sailor heard

There's a guard overboard!

Educator: Whose call for help do you think this is? Turns out? Calling for help water. Why is it necessary to conserve and protect water? Biologists are invited to the discussion first.

Biologist 1: Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere?

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Biologist 2: Like an icicle freezing,

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's called a glacier in the mountains.

Ribbon silver curls.

We are used to that water –

Our companion always!

Biologist 3: We can’t wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her.

Biologist 1 Water– one of the most important substances for humans. The human body consists of half water. A person can go without food for several days, but he cannot do without water.

Biologist 2: Even animals cannot live without water. For some animals, such as fish, water- natural habitat.

Biologist 3: Required water and plants. Without water, plants wither and may die.

Biologist 1: Birds, animals and people cannot live without water. Therefore, everyone always needs water.

Biologist 2: Really water is a magician because without water there is no life on earth. Even a small drop of water is important!

Fizminutka "Droplets"

Quiet music is playing.

Educator: Imagine that you and I are droplets. The droplets meet each other and a stream is formed. (Children stand in pairs). A stream flows and flows into the sea (children stand in a circle). Our circle changes shape, just like water(the circle stretches into an oval). Now imagine that you poured water into a mug and placed it on a hot stove. The water is heating up. Your palms are so hot that it hurts to hold each other, and your palms droop, the heat forces you to move actively. (Children run around the hall)– each of you has become a piece of steam. And now you are frozen. You feel cold. You move closer to each other to keep warm (Children hug each other). But then the sun came out, and the ice began to gradually melt, and you again turned into droplets.

Forecaster 1: Water happens in three states: liquid, solid and gaseous. People have known about these properties for a long time. Our people have many interesting riddles regarding this, let us try to guess them.

Weatherman 2:

1. The white tablecloth covered the entire field. (Snow)

2. Alena - the princess walked around the city, dropped her keys, saw a month, the sun rose


3. White lambs in a blue meadow, but I can’t figure out who is grazing them. (Clouds)

4. White carrots grow in winter (icicle).

5. Ortese de quimes teide batudy bilmes (ice)

Weatherman 3:

6. Zulimde tours and tours (bult)

7. Without planks, without axes, the bridge across the river is ready, the bridge is like blue glass, so much, fun, light. (ice)

8. Grew up, grew up

It came out of the beard.

The sun rose, nothing happened (fog)

9. He watered the whole earth in large, fractional quantities. (Rain)

Educator: Well done, you know all the states of water. Is it possible to walk in the rain without an umbrella? (Children's answers)

Of course, it is better to always have an umbrella with you.

A dance is performed with umbrellas.

Educator: Economists are invited to participate in the discussion.

Economist 1: Sometimes it seems to us that water It flows from the tap itself and therefore you don’t have to save it. Let it flow! But that's not true. Water our apartments come from the river. Imagine what will happen to the river if all people do not take care of the water! One boy forgot to turn off the tap, and that's what happened:

Child 1: A river flows from afar

River flows…

It's so good when the river

Both wide and deep!

There are more magnificent clouds above her.

Fresh breath of the breeze

Slimmer, taller the forest above her,

And the coastal meadow is greener!

Child 2: The river flows, the river flows!

Waters fields and cities

Carries both boats and ships

And the fish walk in the depths

And the crayfish crawl at the bottom...

You are a good river in the spring

Both in autumn and in the summer heat!

Child 3: But what is it?

No, no, no one drowned

Oh, we don’t recognize the river

The river becomes a stream!

The boats are already aground

The swimmers suddenly went dry

Child 4: And the fish are in grief and melancholy

Poor things are struggling in the sand

So, what happened to her and the river?

Alas, friends, the answer is this:

Preschooler Sidorov Ivan

I forgot to turn off the kitchen faucet.

You tell me: what a trifle!

Because of such a trifle, an entire river disappeared!

Economist 2: Unfortunately, we very often waste water unwisely, forget to turn off the taps, but we are the masters of nature and must save water.

Marine music sounds, a voice is heard from behind the doors.

Neptune: Why Sea Horses not frisky as always? Take him to the stables and feed him properly!

The sea king enters the hall.

Neptune: Accounting and control, accounting and control. Everyone strives to steal at least a drop of water. Everyone needs an eye and an eye. And then look at everything the water will disappear between your fingers. There will be nothing left, just the Sahara Desert.

Eh! Yes isn't it If you can handle the old bills, I’ll turn on the computer and start pouring from empty to empty. Ugh, my unlucky head goes from a full jar to an empty one (lays down the bills and takes 2 cans, pours them).

It’s true that this kind of thing has been happening in the world lately, I don’t have time to keep track of everything. Printers, computers. I recently bought a TV. I knock on it - the news shows. Yes trouble: all the news is sad. Either oil was spilled into the sea, or a river was polluted, or a spring was littered. One disorder. A hundred years ago I remember life was so peaceful. And now with the TV and the computer I can’t keep track of what’s happening with my happens by waters.

Neptune (sings to the tune "Why am I a water carrier")

It has become difficult to live in river:

Ural, Volga and Oka.

Ah, my fate is cruel -

There is nowhere to hide from the runoff.

Everyone strives for the plant

Throw garbage into the abyss of water.

There is nowhere to get water to drink,

Better to drown yourself right away!

Mud flows into the water like a river

Disturbs our peace.

Educator: Don’t worry so much Neptune, the guys and I have gathered here today to discuss your problem and for this the floor is given to ecologists.

Ecologist 1: Every living thing on earth needs water, the water is clean, natural. Clean There is less and less water on earth. However, this is not because water supplies are depleted. The threat of pollution looms over the water.

Ecologist 2: Fish die in polluted water, plants wither along the banks.

The Nature Conservation Law prohibits the discharge of harmful waste and wastewater, cut down forests around water bodies.

We would like to introduce you to new environmental signs.

A dance is performed with environmental signs.

Neptune: I think if even such small children raise such important issues, then with mine the waters will be fine. I see children know a lot about water, but I want to talk with adults and find out if they know proverbs and sayings about water, I’ll start, and you continue:

1. Water flowed from the mountains - brought spring.

2. Courts and bar.

3. Water cold - the body is vigorous.

4. Zher azyna su gauar.

5. A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

6. Don’t spit in the well - you’ll have to drink.

7. Tauda korki blah.

8. You can’t hide water in a sieve.

9. Wet water not afraid.

Well done, you know the proverbs and sayings, you made me happy. And I didn’t come to you alone, my assistants, goldfish, are with me, they help me determine cleanliness water and I want to introduce them to you.

A dance with goldfish is performed.

Neptune: Let me present you guys with seafood. Because you are not indifferent to water problems.

(Gives the children a treat)

Yes, I forgot, the old sunken shoe, that a storm rises on the sea, no matter how bad it happens.

(The ship's whistle sounds)

Hear, the ship gives the signal, I’m going to run and calm the sea! Goodbye!

Neptune leaves

Educator: Our meeting has ended. In conclusion, I would like to say the words of Antoine de Sainte- Exupery: « Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described. They enjoy you, not knowing that you are necessary for life, you yourself life…“It was in water that the first living beings arose; it is the cradle of all living things.

Water- a wonderful natural gift,

Alive, fluid and free,

Paintings colors our life

In its three important guises!

Now it flows like a stream, now it winds like a river,

It pours from a glass to the ground,

It freezes into thin ice,

beautifully named snowflake,

It becomes light pair:

There was, and suddenly she was gone.

The great worker is water,

Well, how can you not admire her!

She floats towards us like clouds,

Watered by snow and rain,

And destroys and inflicts,

And so he asks for our care.

Goals: Organize the cognitive activities of students to assimilate knowledge about the importance of water for all life on Earth, develop the ability to reflect received impressions in productive activity.
Create conditions for the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in students.
Promote the development of cognitive interest; ability to analyze and draw conclusions.
Organize the activities of students to clarify and expand knowledge about water and types of reservoirs.
Organize activities for students to acquire knowledge that clean water is an invaluable gift of nature.
Organize activities for students to expand knowledge about the main sources of water pollution and its consequences.
Organize the activities of students to implement independent constructive creative activities
Drawings by children made together with their parents on the theme “We can’t live without water!”, globe, laptop, screen, projector, cards for the game “What will happen if the water disappears?”, magnetic board, planar images globe, a basket for drawings, blue long ribbons and short and long ribbons.

Progress of the lesson

TEACHER asks the children a riddle.

I'm always salty in the sea
And in the river I am fresh.
Only in the hot desert
I don't belong at all(water).

Water - one of the most amazing substances on the planet and your drawings, which you drew with your parents, confirm the benefits of water to people. Conversation with children based on drawings made together with parents on the topic “We cannot live without water.”
TEACHER. Water is needed to do many simple, everyday things. She is irreplaceable. Do you think it is possible to live without water? Without water, a person cannot live long.
TEACHER. Is there anything else you would like to know about water?
Then you and I are going to the city of Knowledge (shows the globe to the children).
TEACHER. Do you know what this is? (children's answers).
TEACHER. This is a globe - a model of planet Earth. What is indicated in blue on the globe? (children's answers).
TEACHER. What other colors do you see? What do these colors represent? (land).
What color is there more on the globe? (twists the globe)
What do you think this means? (children's answers).
There is much more water on our planet than land.
To help the children imagine this, the teacher invites each child to take a “model of the globe” and cut out pieces of land with scissors. Children complete the task, then compare land and water by size, which is larger.
TEACHER. Where in nature is there water?
CHILDREN. In the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes.
TEACHER. How are they different and what do they have in common? (children's answers).
TEACHER. Is it possible to drink water from the sea and ocean? Sea water contains many different salts that are produced by algae. It is useful to take baths with sea water and gargle with it. It strengthens the body, but is not suitable for drinking.
What kind of water can you drink? (children's answers). We need clean, fresh water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Where does fresh water come from?
River water is called fresh water. River water is purified in a special place called a water treatment plant, after purification it enters our apartments through water taps.
TEACHER. Where is there more water - in the oceans or in rivers and lakes?
What conclusion can be drawn from this? (Water must be conserved because there is little fresh water on Earth).

Physical education minute.

We quickly went down to the river,
They bent down and washed.
One two three four-
What a wonderful refreshment!
And now we swam together,
You need to do this manually:
Together - once, this is breaststroke,
One, the other is a rabbit.
We swam along the river together,
Went ashore steep
And wave to her!

Game: “What happens if the water disappears?”

(On the magnetic board there are cards with images of water, plants, birds, animals, fish, humans. The teacher removes the card with the image of water, and the children must tell what will happen to the rest of the animals, to humans, to plants, to fish).

TEACHER. Water is of great importance for life. All living beings need it - animals, plants and people.
It seems that there is a lot of water on earth, but clean water is becoming less and less. Why do you think this is happening?
Children's answers.
TEACHER. People break the rules of behavior in nature. Water bodies are polluted not only by garbage, but also factories and factories pollute rivers with waste from their production. Aquatic life is dying from this. The sea coasts are strewn with garbage, people dump huge amounts of toxic substances into the seas and oceans, tanker accidents leave sticky oil slicks on the surface of the water, all this is destroying the water. There are countries on the planet where clean water is no longer enough, so on March 22, people all over the planet celebrate World Water Day. His motto: “Water is life.” We must conserve water so that there is enough for everyone.
TEACHER. What measures need to be taken to ensure that the water does not leave us and is clean?
Don't throw trash.
You must treat water with care and do not leave taps open.
Keep rivers, lakes, seas, ponds clean and tidy, and do not litter natural bodies of water.
Install water purifiers.
There are many different rivers on earth - they are big and small, and they all run somewhere, a big river is formed from many small rivers and streams. And it is very important to preserve the water of small and large rivers from pollution.
The teacher invites the children to the table on which there is a picture of sushi.
Children, look at our piece of land, something is missing, what do you think?
Let's make a big, full-flowing river out of ribbons and strings. For a hint, you can look at a fragment of the map on the slide.
Using ribbons and thin strings, children, under the guidance of a teacher, model the image of streams flowing into rivers, and rivers into seas.
Teamwork. Modeling. “How is a river born”?
TEACHER. What a big, wide and clean river you have turned out to be. What would you like to tell other people?
CHILDREN'S ANSWERS(Water is needed by humans, plants, animals, birds. Our earth and all living things on it will die without water. Water in both rivers and seas must be preserved and protected so that disaster does not happen).


Water is a miracle of nature
And we are without water
Don't survive.
Water is the property of the people!
We must value water!

Target: Draw children's attention to the importance of water in our lives.


· Consolidate with children knowledge about where and in what form water exists in the environment; how a person uses water, who needs water.

· Continue to develop the ability to solve riddles.

· Teach children to work with a map.

· Foster a caring attitude towards nature, convey your impressions in drawings.

Material: posters: “Who needs water?”, “Water in natural phenomena”, “How do people use water”, map and globe, 3 liter jar, sound recording with the sound of water, album sheets for each child, markers and colored pencils.

Preliminary work: observations in nature of clouds, snow, snowflakes, frost, ice, frosty patterns.

Experience: “What kind of water is there?”, “Ice is solid water,” “Steam is also water,” “Ice is lighter than water.”

Reading literature: riddles, poems: O. Grigoriev “What kind of rain?”, A. Taraskin “How many rains do I know”, V. Livshits “I saw it myself.”

Looking at illustrations.

Music starts playing. The teacher invites the children to listen, the children listen to a sound recording with the sound of water.

What did you just hear? (sound of water). That's right, guys, this is the sound of water. Today we will talk about water, its properties, manifestations, and together we will decide whether we need to protect it. Let's go to the globe and look at it. This is the surface of our Earth. What color is there more on the globe? (blue and cyan). What does this color mean? (water). What is more water or land on our planet? Imagine that you saw planet Earth for the first time, what would you call it? (children's answers). Our planet is called blue. Blue color represents oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. (the teacher names and shows). Amazing.

Let's move on to the map. A map is a flat image of our planet. You can find areas on the map white. Who has already found them? What do you think this is? (children's answers). White color on the map indicates ice and snow that never melt.

We have found out that water forms seas, rivers, oceans and lakes. And water also hides deep underground. It also has its own rivers and lakes. Only we don't see them. But we encounter this phenomenon every day. Where do you think? (children's answers). Of course, at home and not only at home, for example in our kindergarten. We pump water from underground.

Guys, we conducted experiments with you. Is water always the same? Explain what you think of when you hear the word “water”? (children's answers).

Water can be different: liquid, solid, gaseous, i.e. ferry.

So, water is a magician and can transform?

To better remember in what manifestations water is still found. I will show you a poster and tell you riddles. A poster “Water in Natural Manifestations” is hung.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden

But it won’t get into the house.

But I'm not going anywhere

As long as it rains.

What kind of stars are they through?

On a coat and on a scarf

All through, cut-out,

Take water in your hand (snowflakes)

It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water (ice).

Which artist applied this to the glass?

And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses (frost patterns).

White cotton wool is floating somewhere (clouds).

Clouds are a collection of steam. When the vapor cools sharply, it turns into frost or snow and falls to the ground as snowflakes.

What is shown in this picture? (dew). What do you think dew is? (children's answers).

Dew is also droplets of water vapor that are always in the air. If it's cold at night, droplets of water vapor fall to the ground. Remember, when you come to kindergarten in the summer, and we met you on the site in the morning, the grass was wet - that was dew. Then the sun warmed up, and dew in the form of water vapor rose into the air again.

And here the fog is depicted. Have any of you seen the fog? What does it seem like the world in the fog? (children's answers).

And here’s what L. Kvitko wrote in his poem “Cow in the Fog.”

I'm looking, looking for a cow

Our red cow.

The fog is falling

On the roads, on the houses.

The river disappeared, the meadow disappeared

And suddenly the pond was gone.

The darkness has moved in thick...

So I will melt into the darkness.

Isn't that a good poem? Well, now let's take a rest. Imagine it's raining:

(physical education minute).

Now that we've rested, answer me next question: "Who needs water?" (children's answers).

(I show the poster “Who needs water?”). Look, haven't you forgotten anything?

And how does a person use water7 (children’s answers) (a poster “How does a person use water” is hung).

You see, guys, water is of great importance for life, everyone needs it.

How do we use water in our kindergarten? (we wash our faces, rinse our mouths, the cooks prepare food for us, water the flowers, wash the dishes, wash the doll’s clothes, wash the chairs and tables, give us food guinea pigs and parrot, for fish in an aquarium, etc.).

What kind of water do we take: clean or dirty? Which one do we pour out? After all, we use water every day, but it never runs out.

Now, think and tell me, if we have so much water on Earth, maybe we don’t need to save it? (children's answers).

Look at the map again. Most of the water space is occupied by seas and oceans, but what kind of water is in them? - properly salted. Now look at the rivers. How are they depicted? They are depicted as thin threads, and only in them is fresh water. This is the water that is necessary for life. That's right, there's a lot of water. But there is very little of what humans, animals, and plants need.

We are also lucky that in the Irkutsk region, where we live, there is Lake Baikal (show on the map). This is the largest fresh water reservoir. But there are such places. They are shown on the map yellow, where there is practically no water (show on the map).

So do you think we need to conserve water? How can we do this within our kindergarten? (children's answers).

I want to show you something, before our conversation I noticed that someone had not closed the tap properly, and I put an empty jar under the tap to show you how much water would flow out while we were talking (I show the jar of water). Imagine what will happen if we waste water every day (children’s assumptions).

What conclusion can we draw? Can we live without water? (children's answers). Water includes lakes, oceans, and seas. It seems that there is a lot of water on Earth; there should be enough for everyone. But this is not so: there is not a lot of fresh water that we use on our planet. And every year it becomes less and less. Therefore, all people, adults and children, should take care of water. Do you agree with me? (children's answers).

You guys and I have found out that water can be different, it can transform. If I now ask you to draw water, what will you draw now? (children's answers). It could be a river, an icicle, clouds, steam, fog, rain, a rainbow. It turns out that water is a magician. She knows how to transform, becomes different, so it is very difficult for one person to draw her “portrait”. But all of you can do this together. I suggest you choose what type of water you will draw: someone will draw snow, someone will draw rain, etc.

Then we will put all the works together and get a real “portrait” of water.

Children sit at tables where album sheets, pencils, paints and markers are prepared for them.

All work is framed in a big picture. This is the beginning of the creation of a water museum.

The next stage: creating a water museum in the group, introducing rules for using water.

MAOU "Khokhlovka Secondary School" branch of Krivoluksky kindergarten "Buratino".

Project - classes

Getting to know your surroundings

"Water is the source of life"

Preparatory group

Educator: Sergeeva Valentina Anatolyevna.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational:

    show the importance of water in the life of wildlife;

    consolidate children's knowledge about water and how people use it.

2. Developmental:

    develop observation skills;

    improve attention, memory, logical thinking;

    accept the game situation and participate in it.

3. Educational:

    cultivate a careful attitude towards water.

Target experimental activities:

    Learn to conduct research.

    Achieve results.

    Think, have your own opinion.

    Summarize the results of the experiments.

Materials for the lesson:


    illustrations about water;

    recording with the sound of the ocean, with the murmur of a stream;

    toy characters Cap and Droplet.

Material for experiments:

For the teacher: Two glass glasses, two eggs, a bowl of salt, a teaspoon. Ice floes.

For each child: 2 jars, one bath for two children, wooden sticks and iron objects A teaspoon according to the number of children, gouache, granulated sugar in a bowl one for two children

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Once upon a time there lived Cap and Droplet. Cap was big and thick, and Droplet was small and funny.

After the rain, they happily jumped from leaves to flowers, from branches to grass. Their figures are shiny and transparent. On a sunny day, forest animals: bunnies, foxes, squirrels looked in them as in a mirror. And today Kap and Droplet are our guests.

Educator: Guys, where do you think they live? Yes! In water.

Have you heard about water?
They say she's everywhere
We don't notice her
We are used to the fact that water
Our companion always.

Where does water live? (A globe is placed in front of the children)

Yes, water lives in the river, in the ocean, in the sea. Let's look at the globe. What color is water on the globe?

Children:-(children's answers)

Educator : On our planet there are 4 oceans, 30 seas, many rivers and lakes. Do you think this is a lot or a little?

Children:- ( Children's answers)

Educator : Do you know what kind of water is in the sea?

Children: (children's answers)

Educator : Can you drink it?

Children- ( Children's answers)

Educator : What kind of water do we drink?

Children: - ( Children's answers)

Educator : We drink fresh water. It is found in rivers, ponds, lakes.

Can you and I drink water straight from a river or lake?

Children: ( Children's answers)

Why do you think you can’t drink water directly from the river?

Children:- ( Children's answers) .

Educator - Look, guys, I’ll also show you pictures of where water lives.

Painting about the sea guys, look what we see - the sea. Oh, you want to listen to the song of the sea. Now imagine that you are standing on the seashore and the sea is talking to you. And then you’ll tell the droplet and the capkapych. What interesting thing did it tell you?. Children listen sound of the sea .

Children's fantasies 2 or 3

Educator - I also want to show you pictures of where water lives.

Look and tell me what is shown here?

Children: ( Children's answers) river

Educator : That's right, it's a river. This means that we can say that water lives not only in the sea, but also in the river.

Look at the following picture. What is this guys, do you know?

Children: ( Children's answers) waterfall

Educator : Guys, listenhow the waterfall makes noise. Noisy yes! When water falls from a height, it creates such noise.

And another picture of a house of water (shows a stream.) How do you come up with this?

Children: ( Children's answers) Creek.

Educator: Right. A stream flows, a stream babbles. Now I suggest you listen to the murmuring of the brook. (Music). Guys, is the singing of a stream different from the noise of a waterfall?

What is the difference : the stream has a gentle, calm song, but the waterfall has a noisy, loud, not calm song.

Educator : Guys, Droplet is wondering if you know who needs water?

Children: Trees, birds, people, animals, plants.

Educator: Do you and I need water in kindergarten?

Children : ( Children's answers)

Educator: And for what?

Children: Wash your face, wash the floor, cook dinners, do laundry, wash toys, water flowers.

Educator : Guys, if we ate there would be no water. What happened? How do you think?.

Yes, guys, without water, every living thing in the world will die. Water is life!

Educator: Water has a great concern - to give water to all the inhabitants of the Earth.

Guys, are you probably tired of sitting? I suggest you play the game “Grow Flowers”.

Physical education minute.

You will be the seeds, and I will be the mistress. I plant seeds in the ground. The sun is shining brightly, it's warm outside. I take a watering can with water and water the seeds. They swell and slowly begin to sprout. The first shoots have already appeared. They begin to stretch upward. I'm still watering. The flowers have grown and opened their beautiful buds. It’s so beautiful all around, it’s fresh and you can breathe easily and deeply.

Children, do you know that water is magical? You can play with it, perform various tricks and experiments. Do you want to play with water?

Then please come to the tables!

Experience No. 1 “It’s drowning, it’s not drowning.”

Educator: In front of you are baths of water and on a tray you have various objects.

Children put the objects we see in a bath of water

Children: we see that wooden objects did not sink, but iron ones did.

Educator: Tell me, what is heavier, iron or wood?

Children: ( Children's answers)

Conclusion: What was the first property of water that we saw?

Experience №2

Educator : Now take a jar of water and smell if it has a smell

Conclusion: Pure water has no smell. What does soda smell like?

Experience No. 3

Educator: Guys, now add false sugar to this jar of water and stir. What do we see?

Children( Children's answers) : Sugar dissolved

Conclusion: As a result of dissolving sugar in water, a sweet solution was obtained. We have discovered another property of Water as a solvent, but the color of the water remains transparent.

Experiment No. 4 Water becomes colored.

Educator: Guys, I know that water can change its color. Want to make sure of this?

In a jar of water, add a little gouache with a spoon and stir. Let's see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color?

Children: ( Children's answers)

Conclusion: water can change color depending on what color of gouache is added and dissolved.

Educator: And now, I have a surprise for you. (Shows a piece of ice) What do you think this is?

How can you get colored ice?

Water turns into ice in the cold.

Experiment No. 6: And now another trick with water.

The teacher has two glasses of water and two eggs on the table.

The teacher dissolves 5 teaspoons of salt in one glass, and leaves the other as is.

Place eggs in both glasses. What's happening?

Children: An egg floats in salt water

Conclusion: It is easier to swim in salt water because the body is supported not only by water, but also by salt particles dissolved in it

So: Guys, today we learned about the properties of water. Let's remember again.

    Water pushes out lighter objects, while heavier ones sink.

    Pure water has no odor.

    Water is a solvent.

    Water can change color when it is dyed

    In the cold, water freezes and turns into ice.

    It is easier to swim in salt water because the body is supported not only by water, but also by the salt dissolved in the water.

Guys, did you like the lesson?

What do you remember most?

( Children's answers ).

What new things have you learned about water?

( Children's answers ).

Kap and Droplet give their girlfriends “Droplets” as souvenirs.

Be friends with them and take care of them!

Class is over

tell friends