Minced chicken Kiev recipe with step-by-step photos. Chicken Kiev cutlets - recipe

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I won’t hide the fact that I personally love chicken Kiev very much. My husband really liked them too. Since I am from Ukraine, many of my foreign friends make fun of me that I should definitely be able to cook these cutlets.

For me, preparing Kiev cutlets is not difficult, I usually cook 10 cutlets and freeze some of them, so I always have my signature dish in stock in the freezer.

But when my supplies run out, and guests suddenly show up, I cook chicken Kiev from minced meat. I use minced meat, of course, chicken, but otherwise the whole process of preparing cutlets is almost identical to that when preparing Kiev cutlets from chicken fillet.

Let's prepare the products according to the list.

First of all, let's prepare the green oil. To do this, mix softened butter with finely chopped dill or parsley or both herbs. Let's form a small bar or sausage from the butter and put it in the freezer.

Now let's get to the minced meat.

You can immediately purchase ready-made minced chicken in the store; we do not sell it.

I make very simple and tender minced chicken by passing the chicken fillet through a meat grinder, adding salt and pepper. The minced meat for chicken Kiev is ready.

Now let's form the cutlets. The resulting minced meat is enough for me to make 4 good cutlets. Divide the minced meat into four parts. We take the green butter out of the freezer and cut it into cubes. Place a block of green butter on a minced flatbread and form cutlets. We seal the seam very well so that the oil does not leak out during heat treatment.

Now it's time for the breading. Prepare containers with breadcrumbs and flour, crack an egg into a bowl, add a spoonful of water and whisk the mixture until smooth.

Bread each cutlet in the following sequence: flour - egg - breadcrumbs - egg - breadcrumbs.

I double bread it with breadcrumbs, so the oil will certainly not leak out of the cutlet.

These are the chicken Kiev cutlets we made from minced meat. I'll freeze some of the cutlets and cook the rest for lunch.

First of all, deep fry the cutlets for 3-4 minutes to form a golden brown crust. After this, transfer the cutlets into a refractory form and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 15 minutes.

Chicken Kiev cutlets are ready! Serve the cutlets in portions with vegetable salad or boiled rice. It is also good to serve the cutlet with mashed potatoes.

Here's a surprise! If you did everything correctly, then this fragrant oil will pour out as soon as you cut the cutlet.

Bon appetit!

Kiev-style cutlets are prepared only from beaten chicken fillet, in which a block of cold butter is wrapped. The butter is mixed with herbs, mushrooms, cheese, but more often with herbs - dill. The meat preparation with filling is breaded, deep-fried and served in a certain way. And although chicken Kiev can be ordered in all major restaurants and bought in grocery stores in the prepared foods section, preparing the heroine of several culinary legends at home is at least interesting.


  • chicken - broiler
  • egg – 2 pcs.
  • breadcrumbs – 150 g
  • butter – 170-180 g
  • greenery
  • vegetable oil for deep frying
  • spices

How to cook chicken Kiev

Finely chop the greens and stir them into the softened butter.

Then divide the mass into two parts and put it in the freezer, making two small sausages (or sausages) and twisting them into cling film. The secret to this step is uniformity: the butter and herbs should be mixed thoroughly.

On the chicken carcass, separate the skin from the breast.

Trim the wing so that the humerus remains on the carcass

and clean it with a knife.

Remove the chicken fillet from the bones.

From one breast you should get two fillets with bone and two fillets smaller size(it separates very easily from the main large fillet).

Beat the small fillet with a hammer, placing it between layers of cling film.

On a large fillet, make shallow longitudinal and transverse cuts so that it eventually opens like a book, and also beat it in layers of film.

Season the pounded meat with ground pepper and salt, place a piece of congealed butter with herbs on a large fillet,

Cover it with a small part of the fillet on top and, forming an ellipsoidal cutlet, cover the filling on all sides.

Wrap the finished meat product in cling film and remove for 10 minutes. freezer.

Beat the egg not very fluffy with a pinch of salt.

Before deep-frying the cutlets, first coat them in flour.

then in the egg

and then in breadcrumbs (you need to roll in the egg mixture and breadcrumbs twice).

Fry the cutlets in well-heated oil until golden brown.

After frying, transfer the Kiev cutlets to a baking sheet and cook for 10 minutes until cooked; the oven temperature should be 190 degrees.

The dish is very tasty and juicy, but it should only be eaten hot.

1. The herb butter - the filling you use - must be very cold, straight from the refrigerator.

2. It is noteworthy that before the cutlet began to be mass-produced, butter was hammered into the fillet (turning it into the most tender, creamy chicken) - and only then they began to shape it and wrap it into meat. Try it yourself, but be aware that it will require precision, patience and time because it requires gradually adding small pieces of butter at a time.

3. The filling can consist of butter + grated cheese, mushrooms, yolk, herbs and seasonings and even ham. And these are not all of the listed ingredients that can be found in chicken Kiev recipes.

4. In some restaurants, cutlets are served on specially prepared croutons, and Chicken's leg can be “stylishly” displayed and “shod” in a paper culinary curler. However, do not rush to grab it by the bone, hold it with a fork, otherwise it will break off under the weight of the meat.

5. Deep frying is not the best dietary method cooking. Therefore, if you want a more dietary option, fry the cutlets a little in oil in a frying pan and then bake in the oven. At the same time, deep frying is a traditional the right recipe Making chicken Kiev takes quite a lot of oil.

History of the Kyiv cutlet recipe

Chicken Kiev is a dish known all over the world. The ability to cook it is included in the compulsory culinary education program of European and American culinary schools. And as often happens, several countries argue about the origin of the recipe.

Here he is, Appert

According to the French version, the recipe Kyiv cutlets on the bone (côtelette de volaille - lit. “poultry cutlet”) was invented in the 18th century by a French culinary genius - a certain Appert. Then, as they would say now, as part of an international humanitarian aid program, the recipe came to Russia, which did not (!!!) have its own culinary tradition. Allegedly, Russian student chefs brought it, and this happened during the time of Elizabeth.

According to the same French, after the victory over Napoleon, the Russians tried to forget the origin of many things borrowed from them, and renamed the recipe for chicken cutlets to Mikhailovsky, declaring that they were invented by a cook from the Mikhailovsky Palace.

According to the Russian version, the French have nothing to do with it, but it’s true about the Mikhailovsky Palace. And this is our recipe, ours, at least register the copyright! The Kiev cutlet was invented in a St. Petersburg restaurant from the Merchant Club. It was called “Novo-Mikhailovskaya”, since the restaurant was located next to the Mikhailovsky Palace. It was there that they began to serve it in papillots, which the public appreciated and loved. The merchant club was conceived as a grandiose, luxurious project designed to demonstrate the chic and scope of Russian capitalism. But... the music didn’t play for long. After the revolution, all that remained of the plan were those same Novomikhailovsky cutlets, however, they also disappeared from the scene for a while.

The Ukrainian version is the same as the Russian one. Ukrainians claim that the cutlets were brought to them from Russia immediately after the revolution - the same Novomikhailovsky ones. However, they did not achieve popularity and were forgotten for a long time. And only much later, in the 50s of the last century, they were appreciated after they were prepared for diplomats on the occasion of some important event. Then they appeared in all restaurants in Kyiv and for brevity they began to be called “Kiev cutlet”.

Finally, there is an American version of the origin of the recipe. Of course, the Americans claim that they came up with all this. Why, you ask, are cutlets called Kyiv? Very simple: because Ukrainian emigrants liked to order them. It seems that the Americans have already registered copyright...

Alas, the modern semi-finished version of cutlets with bones, which is sold in every grocery store, lacks the taste, piquancy and juiciness of their restaurant counterparts. The conclusion is simple: treat yourself either to a good culinary establishment, or prepare chicken Kiev according to the recipe at home. Then enjoy it.

But if you decide to order Kiev cutlet in a restaurant, you should remember some rules with which you can easily enjoy it delicious dish... However, you can’t say anything better than Pokhlebkin about one insidious feature of cutlets...

Pokhlebkin about the recipe for Kiev cutlets

“This dish invariably amazed foreigners with its unpredictable behavior while eating. It ruined countless snow-white shirts and expensive jackets, thereby leaving an indelible mark in the memory (and on the clothes) of those who dared to try it.

When you tried to cut it with a knife (European style, sedately), it shot out a long stream of oil, pouring sticky liquid onto either the face of the eater bent over him, or his entire formal suit. In the end, foreign companies, sending their tourists to the USSR, were forced to include in their prospectuses a special warning about careful handling of “Kiev cutlets.”

Meanwhile, Soviet restaurant visitors never got into trouble with Kyiv cutlets, because they treated them in Russian, that is, they did not try to cut them into pieces with a knife, but simply stuck the whole fork into them at once (for strength), piercing the cutlet without any compression simultaneously in three or four places (according to the number of teeth in the fork) and thereby ensuring uniform flow of oil from the cutlet. And then, slightly surprised that the “cutlet was flowing,” they shook it slightly over the plate on a fork and reliably and fearlessly bit off half of it at once, without bothering with all sorts of knives, ceremonies and decency. And the Kiev cutlet did not let any of them down...”

“Entertaining Cooking” M, 1974

Juicy and delicious cutlets Kiev-style differ from traditional ones in that they are prepared not from minced meat, but from beaten chicken fillet. Biting into a tender, aromatic cutlet, you find butter inside with various additives - herbs, mushrooms, boiled eggs and grated cheese. In the most “correct” cutlets, a chicken bone sticks out on the side, on which a curler is placed so as not to burn your hands. And of course, the most important thing is how to learn how to make chicken Kiev at home, so that they have a crispy crust and tender, juicy flesh. This is quite possible and will not take much time. Let's try!

Butter filling for chicken Kiev

First we make the filling, and then we deal with the meat - this is one of the cooking rules. Since the base of the filling is butter, remove it from the refrigerator and let it thaw until soft. For the filling it is better to use very quality oil 82.5% fat content: than better oil, the more tender and tastier the cutlets.

It is no coincidence that the oil for filling is called green - we will need aromatic greens. Chop dill, parsley, cilantro and mix with butter, add grated hard cheese to the mixture, add salt and form into thick sausages. It's best to do this as quickly as possible so that the butter doesn't start to melt. For 80 g of butter, take 8 g of cheese and a bunch of dill - from this amount of food you will get 4 sausages. Or you can simply roll pieces of butter in chopped dill. Put the green butter in the freezer and work on the meat.

The best meat for Kyiv cutlets is chicken breast

Cutlets are made from chicken fillet, that is, from chicken breast, and since the chicken has two breasts, you get two cutlets. For this reason, they are considered a delicacy, because to fry four, six, eight cutlets, you will need several chickens. However, now you can easily buy a chicken breast in a store, but if you want to cook a classic cutlet with a bone, you will have to buy a whole carcass. Now let’s prepare the meat for the Kiev cutlet, step by step recipe This process will help you figure out how to properly cut and beat fillets.

1. Rinse the chicken well, place it on its back, remove the skin from the meat and make a deep cut along the keel bone that runs vertically in the middle of the breast. Help yourself on the other side by turning the fillet over and making a cut on both sides.

2. When carving out the breast, leave the wings if you plan to make a classic chicken Kiev. A prepared chicken breast bought in a store will produce a boneless cutlet - this is also tasty, although it looks more like a roll.

3. So, you have cut out the breasts with wings, and now remove two fragments from the wings, leaving only the humerus bone, which is firmly attached to the sternum by tendons.

4. Clean the meat from the humerus using a sharp knife and remove the joints at the ends. Now future cutlets resemble a leg with a bone - this is exactly how they should look.

5. You probably know that chicken breast includes large and small fillets, and now you have to separate them from each other with scissors or a knife. To prepare the cutlets, we will need both parts.

6. Wrap large and small fillets in cling film and pound gently with the flat side of a mallet until you have a flat cake 4-5mm thick. If you beat the fillet with the serrated side, you will end up with minced meat, so it’s best not to try it. If you overdid it a little and holes appeared in a thin layer of meat, it’s okay, they can be covered with another fillet, and when you dip the cutlet in batter and fry it, the “defective” places will become invisible altogether.

Making rolls, breading cutlets

The main thing is to do everything right. Wrap the butter-cheese sausage in a small fillet sprinkled with salt in the form of a tight roll, salt the large fillet, place the roll in the middle and wrap again. Another way to form cutlets is to place a piece of butter in the middle of a large fillet, cover it with a small fillet, and then roll it up like cabbage rolls.

Try to make the product tight and dense enough to protect the oil from leaking; to do this, remember the cutlet in your hands, giving it the required form. Now lightly moisten the surface of the fillet with water, roll in flour and remember a little more - the edges of the meat should stick together, then the cutlet will take on an appetizing appearance. Soak the semi-finished products in batter, which is made from 2 eggs beaten with 1 tbsp. l. flour and a pinch of salt, and roll in breadcrumbs. You can add a little milk to the batter for tenderness and airiness. Now continue working on the shape of the cutlet - it should be perfectly smooth, beautiful, resembling an ellipse. Then repeat the procedure with batter and breading again - double breading prevents the oil from leaking out and creates a crispy golden crust, which is an attribute of Kiev cutlets.

How to fry cutlets Kiev style

Lightly blot the items paper towel to remove excess moisture, otherwise the oil will hiss and splash. Fry the cutlets in large quantities red-hot vegetable oil brought to the boiling point, bubbles must appear in it. You can fry in a deep fryer or in a frying pan - until beautiful golden color, which will take approximately 3 minutes on each side. It is not recommended to fry longer, otherwise the rolls will easily burn - you will still have to finish the Kiev cutlets in the oven.

So, after frying in a pan, cover a baking sheet with baking paper, place the meat rolls on it and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180–200 °C. The readiness of the cutlets is easy to check - carefully cut them, if juice begins to flow out of the pulp, the dish is ready!

And one more subtlety - before serving the cutlets, pierce them with a fork so that steam comes out, otherwise hot oil will splatter out of them when you bite them. You can serve baked vegetables, mushrooms, fluffy rice or potatoes. It's incredibly tasty!

Five secrets of cooking chicken Kiev

Secret 1. Cut the chicken fillet only from the thickened edge - this way the process will go faster and you won’t cut through it.

Secret 2. If you remove the tendons from the fillet, the cutlets will turn out more tender and softer. Some chefs recommend trimming them a little in several places so that the cutlets do not shrink when frying.

Secret 3. Add some spices and dry herbs to the breadcrumbs, and Kiev cutlets will delight you with new tastes and aromas.

Secret 4. Wrap the cutlets in cling film and place them in the freezer for 10 minutes before breading. In this case, the oil will harden and will not flow out during the “sculpting” process. Some housewives put the cutlets in the freezer for 10 minutes after breading.

Secret 5. If you don’t have time and guests are already on the doorstep, you can simplify it by using minced chicken. Make a flatbread from the minced meat, put the butter filling inside, and then wrap the cutlet in a roll.

Pork Kiev cutlet

This, of course, is not a classic, but it is also very tasty. Take 400 g of pork tenderloin or any part of the carcass without fat and lard. Make the filling from 100 g of softened butter, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, a finely chopped bunch of parsley and dill, and a pinch of salt. Place the butter on cling film, form into sausages and place in the freezer.

Cut the meat into layers approximately 0.5–0.7 cm thick, beat with a hammer, but carefully so as not to tear it. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, make a batter from 2 eggs, salt and spices, beat well and remove the butter sausage from the freezer. Cut it into pieces, place it on meat cakes and roll them into tight rolls. Dip the cutlets in flour, dip in eggs, and then in breadcrumbs mixed with meat spices. Double or triple bread and fry the cutlets in oil, making sure they float in it. Heat the oil, then reduce the heat to low and fry the cutlets for 3 minutes on each side. You can let the cutlets bake in the oven or serve them immediately with a fragrant side dish!

Chicken Kiev: Mexican recipe

This dish is perfect for winter, as its spiciness warms you up pleasantly and keeps you from freezing. For the filling, mix 5 tbsp. l. butter, 3 tbsp. l. cubes hard cheese, 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped canned pepper chili, 2 tsp. dried onions and ½ tsp. salt. Roll into balls and freeze them.

Latin American gourmets use crushed crackers as a breading - you will need 1 cup of cheese crackers and 1½ tsp. Taco Seasoning. It contains paprika, oregano, cumin, chili, cayenne pepper, garlic, dried onion and basil, so you can make it yourself.

Gently pound 6 chicken breasts, weighing approximately 160-170g, with a hammer. Place a ball of butter on each chicken wrap, roll, dip in melted butter, roll in cracker breading and secure with toothpicks. Place them in a bowl microwave oven and bake for 15 minutes high power, and then remove the toothpicks. Residents of Latin America do not claim to be the author of chicken Kiev, but they treat this dish very carefully.

You can prepare any sauce for the cutlets - mushroom, milk, cheese, tomato, garlic, vegetable, fruit and berry. The taste of the cutlets will improve, and the dish will look very bright, original and impressive, and your loved ones will certainly express admiration for your culinary abilities!

Close to classic. But progress does not stand still, and chefs have long figured out how to simplify the preparation of this dish while maintaining all the taste. As the name suggests, Kiev cutlets are made from minced meat. Now I will tell you this recipe and compare the two different ways cooking seemingly one dish.

Ingredients for minced meat Kiev cutlets:

500 gr. chicken breasts

60-80 gr. butter

300-400 ml. vegetable oil for frying

Recipe for making chicken Kiev from minced meat:

The recipe itself is simple. But the description will be detailed, so I divided it into two parts: forming and frying chicken Kiev.

Forming Kiev cutlets from minced meat:

It is this part new recipe different from the classic one. Chicken breasts need to be chopped a little and twisted in a meat grinder to obtain minced meat. At the same time, I recommend making minced chicken yourself rather than buying factory-made.

Add salt to the minced meat, add a little pepper, and mix well. You should get homogeneous, elastic minced chicken that is easy to mold.

To cut minced meat, I recommend moistening your hands in cold water so that it does not stick to your hands. Make flat cakes. From the specified quantity four pieces are obtained. Place pieces of butter on the flatbreads. You can add herbs to the oil to taste. If desired, the oil can be given beautiful shape using two spoons. All that remains is to just wrap it inside and form beautiful cutlets.

To complete the formation of the cutlets, they need to be breaded. To do this, the cutlet is dredged in flour. Then in a beaten and salted egg.

After the egg, roll the Kiev cutlet in breadcrumbs. But for this type you need to do double breading, so after the breadcrumbs we put the cutlet into the egg again.

And return it to breadcrumbs again. This breading allows you to retain the shape and all the butter inside. I bread all the cutlets before frying.

Frying chicken Kiev from minced meat:

Frying this type of cutlet Kiev is no different from classic version. For deep frying, heat vegetable oil over high heat. Dip the cutlet into deep fat and quickly fry. Place the fried cutlets on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. I served the finished cutlets with.

Comparison of two chicken Kiev recipes:

Now you and I know two recipes for making chicken Kiev. IN classic recipe, they are prepared from whole chicken breasts, which must be properly pounded and rolled well so that the oil does not leak out during the frying process. This brings certain difficulties. If you cook from minced meat, then shaping becomes much easier. As for the taste, I personally didn’t notice much difference. And my wife liked Kiev cutlets and minced meat better. Bon appetit!!!

To prepare chicken Kiev with herbs and garlic, we will use skinless chicken breasts. They must be washed thoroughly in cool water. In a more complex version, they are made from a whole chicken, resulting in pieces of fillet with a bone.

Cover the breasts plastic film(or a cut bag) and beat well to make thin steaks. Salt the meat.

Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and dill.

Leave the butter on room temperature for 30-40 minutes. Mix softened butter with dill and garlic.

Place the prepared filling of butter and herbs on the beaten chicken breast.

Wrap the meat and form a cutlet.

I got 4 blanks.

Prepare three plates. In the first half a glass of flour, in the second 2 beaten eggs, in the third breadcrumbs. I personally prefer to cook them myself; to do this, just dry 2 slices of white bread in the oven (10 minutes), and then grind them in a blender. Before frying the cutlets, they must be properly breaded. First, roll thoroughly in flour, then in egg, then in breadcrumbs.

You can fry cutlets in two ways - traditional deep-frying and simply in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil. So, fry the cutlets for 5 minutes on each side, with the second side covered.

Kiev cutlets with herbs and garlic are ready, they can be served with simple side dishes, vegetable salads and fresh vegetables.

Bon appetit!

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