Epiphany water: when to collect, time of activity. Holy water for Epiphany

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January 19 great holiday Christian in life. It is dedicated to the events when Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River at the age of 30. This day is called the Epiphany and Epiphany. The blessing of water for baptism has already become a tradition, since Epiphany water– this is a unique water. There are many beliefs that such water can heal and purify. Even scientists, after numerous studies, have confirmed that Epiphany water is similar in composition and properties to the waters that flow in the Jordan River, where Jesus was once baptized. Take it with you.

That is why most believers go to church and consecrated open springs for Epiphany to draw water from them. Considering that January 18 is also a holiday, Epiphany Eve, and in the evening of this day services and lighting of water are held in churches, the question arises: when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 29?

Difference between Epiphany water January 18 and 19

The first illumination will take place on the evening of January 18, closer to midnight. The second illumination takes place on January 19th. At this time, you can come with your own container and collect Epiphany water for storage at home. When answering the question of when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19, it should be noted that the lighting of the water in the evening of January 18 and January 19 is exactly the same. The blessing of water is carried out in one order, the same prayers are used, so there is no difference between Epiphany water on January 18 and 19. Water reserves in different days have the same properties and are suitable for use for the purpose of cleansing and healing.

It has been scientifically proven that Epiphany water does not spoil. You can store it for a long time, it retains its unique properties. This applies to both the water collected on January 18 and the water collected on January 19. Water on January 18 and 19 is baptismal only after the procedure of lighting the water by a clergyman. The services that take place on the evening of January 18 are also festive, like the services that take place on January 19, so you can collect Epiphany water on both days.

There is an opinion that the most valuable Epiphany water, which has strong active properties, this is the water that was collected on the night of January 18-19. However, clergy emphasize the fact that there is no difference between the waters, and that you can come and collect water both on the night of January 18-19 and throughout the next day.

It should be remembered that, first of all, the effect of holy water depends on a person’s faith. Since the water on January 18 and 19 is Epiphany, one should understand its significance in the religious world. According to the Bible, water is the personification of all life on Earth. Therefore, one should collect and consume Epiphany water only with bright thoughts, saying prayers mentally.
The blessing of water on the day is similar in its beneficial properties to the blessing of water for the sacrament of Baptism. The consecrated water for the day of Epiphany and the water for the sacrament of Baptism even have the same name - the Great Agiasma.

Every year the water for Epiphany is blessed twice, and there is no difference between such water.

What not to do with holy water

Despite the fact that Epiphany water is universal in use, there are several strict prohibitions when such water cannot be used:
Epiphany water cannot be used for the purpose of fortune telling or performing any magical rituals.
Superstitions associated with holy water cannot be supported by actions. For example, that in order to achieve the highest grace, one should collect baptismal water in three different churches.
You cannot use Epiphany water for the purpose of cleansing from sins. This is only possible in confession.

When Jesus, who did not need to cleanse his soul, entered the Jordan River, he cleansed the entire water element, without which it is impossible human life. Therefore, one should treat Epiphany water and the Feast of Epiphany with respect. And when to collect Epiphany water on January 18 or 19 is decided individually, depending on free time.

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18.01.2016 / 21:19


Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! Glory to Thee!

18.01.2017 / 07:35


I personally found this VERY informative article useful.

18.01.2017 / 13:04


Thank you for the article and for the time you invested in it, but why are you misleading ignorant people? Watch the movie “Stigmata”: “Split a log and I will be there, lift a stone and I will also be there, and not in houses of wood and stone.” The Lord is omnipresent, isn't He? The greatness of this holiday lies in the fact that water miraculously becomes consecrated in ALL bodies of water for all believers, and not only after its consecration by a priest. But baptismal water, consecrated by a priest in a church, undoubtedly has even higher miraculous properties, and even more so the water collected in three temples is the law of conservation and accumulation of energy, which explains the phenomenon of ancient miraculous icons, prayed by generations of believers. You are right - the point is in the faith of the person himself, and that is why a true believer can really get rid of his sins at Baptism, subject to sincere repentance - this is also the meaning of this holiday! The priest is the representative of God on earth, but not the Lord himself, only the Lord himself reads in a person’s heart, and the Lord himself can forgive those who sincerely repent on this holiday, for this the Lord gives us a chance to repent of what we have done and be cleansed with baptismal water, blessed by the Lord himself. “According to your faith it will be rewarded to you.” And please correct your spelling - in your article you wrote several times not “blessing of water”, but “illumination of water”, just as in your other article you wrote “silver” with an “e”. I congratulate everyone and wish you success, health and all the best!

18.01.2017 / 23:32


I agree with the previous comment. my mother was not a Christian. We call it differently. but the belief that the water was special that day was absolute. I collected it at home, from the tap. and I dial the tap. it stands and nothing is done with it like with ordinary water. because it's not ordinary. this is faith.

When to collect water for baptism January 18 or 19, 2018
The Great Christmastide of Water occurs after the entire series of January holidays on the evenings of January 18-19, 2018. Prepare for this big and happy holiday start every year on the evening of the 18th.
The festive meal on Epiphany Eve will be a large festive feast of seafood, kutia and low-fat salads. Only lean dishes should be on the table. Besides festive dinner The Russian people have a belief - to swim in an ice hole, consecrated Orthodox cross.
Some people start collecting water right on the night of January 18, others adhere to strict rules for collecting water blessed water 19th. For Orthodox people Epiphany Christmas Eve remains an unknown mystery when to collect water for Epiphany on January 18 or 19, 2018.

Epiphany of Christ or Orthodox holiday Baptism
Nativity of Christ and Orthodox Easter can rightfully be compared in importance to the Great Epiphany. In the sacred chronicles that have survived to this day, there is a belief that during the Baptism of Christ the Holy Spirit descended to him and notified everyone with his presence. Therefore, in many Christian churches and monasteries after reading divine service They release a white dove as a symbol of the Epiphany of the Lord.
If Easter Day is set every year by the main Orthodox Church, then the date of the celebration of Epiphany always remains unchanged on the night of January 18 to 19.

The significance of Epiphany water
In January days: the 18th and 19th are usually the most severe frosts and icy wind. Before you start diving into an icy pool or ice hole consecrated by the cross, you must completely defend church service, take communion and confess. Thus, you seem to ask the Lord for permission to dive into the blessed water and take it for the treatment of various diseases.

Church clergy assure that it is on Epiphany Day that water acquires healing properties and is able to cure even the most terminally ill people. For example, many cases were known that after immersion in holy water, many infertile women could become pregnant, the sight of the blind was restored, the hearing of the deaf was restored, etc.
Epiphany water can cleanse a person’s spiritual and physical state, protect one’s home from evil spirits, evil intentions of people and is designed to give God's grace to people. First of all, consecrated water for Epiphany helps believers who need the salvation of the Lord.
When bathing, a person is washed from his own sins in specially cut ice holes. At this moment, it is necessary to take blessings from the priest in order to swim in baptismal water. This method of obedience should be taken with the full degree of responsibility and seriousness, since this sacred ritual is considered one of the most effective and efficient, capable of cleansing humanity from sinful thoughts and atrocities.

The old tradition of using Epiphany water
When to collect water for baptism on January 18 or 19 should not matter to you special significance. These days are considered the festive Epiphany, therefore any water: in an ice hole or from a tap is automatically considered blessed.
According to tradition, in every corner of the home it is necessary to draw crosses with holy water, sprinkling your sacred abode. Epiphany water is also used as a relic when performing fortune-telling rituals on the last evening of Christmastide. It is believed that consecrated water cannot deteriorate and lose its medicinal properties. Therefore, it is advised to drink it every day on an empty stomach in the morning until your water supplies run out.

Epiphany is a major Orthodox holiday, which is not out of date, celebrated on January 19th. The main attribute of the Christian celebration is sacred water (zhivilnitsa) and bathing. The day is busy a large number rituals that arose in ancient times and continue to be revered today. According to beliefs, water acquires sacred properties. Many people still don’t know when to collect water for baptism.

  • History and traditions of the holiday

History and traditions of the holiday

Epiphany or Jordan is a great holiday. The celebration begins on the evening of the 18th, it is called Christmas Eve. In the evening, the day before, the whole family gathers at one table and eats Lenten food. During the holiday, Orthodox Christians gather and go to church. According to the Bible, on the 19th the sacrament of “baptism” of Jesus Christ was performed. He went into the Jordan River, plunged three times, and then began to give grace.
The main tradition is swimming in a natural body of water. It acquires life-giving properties only when it has been consecrated by a priest. On the eve of the Jordan, a cross-shaped hole is cut out on an ice-covered reservoir. It is believed that by taking a dip you will be cleansed and will wash away your bad thoughts and illnesses. The healing properties have been proven more than once. Epiphany 2019 when to collect water can be found in the nearest temple or church.

You cannot drink directly from a can or bottle, as it is believed that the source then loses its healing properties. You cannot smell it, this also entails a loss of holiness.

Where and when to collect water for the Great Holiday

Epiphany water, when to collect on January 18 or 19, everyone decides for himself. You can replenish the supply of resin in the temples themselves, where the clergy stock large reservoirs of it. According to beliefs, it becomes healing from January 18 to 19. The first consecration takes place on January 18, Christmas Eve, and the second time on January 19. By church charter in an open reservoir, the liquid is considered sacred for another week.
It is allowed to pour holy water into glass or plastic containers. The main thing is that the container is clean. Of course, it is best to store the liquid inside a glass container to prevent various impurities from getting into it. It is impossible to save the life-saver “for eternity”. Spend it throughout the year to next year pick up fresh. It is recommended to store it near the iconostasis. The refrigerator is not a place for storage. Simply pouring it down the drain or onto the ground is considered a sin. Many people don’t know how to use it correctly:
drink every morning, preferably on an empty stomach, just half a glass or a tablespoon is enough;
during illnesses, you must first drink a sip of consecrated water, and then take medicine;
the liquid is applied to the inflamed areas. Dampen a rag and apply it to the sore spot, the pain should subside;
use to sprinkle corners, while you need to read a prayer to give more more power;
use it to treat animals, give it instead of any drink.

What time do they begin to bless the water?

The sacrament of consecration occurs twice. The first takes place in the early morning of the 18th, immediately after the service. The priest carries out the second consecration directly on the Great Day, after the liturgy. The time of the liturgy depends on the church you are going to. Some priests begin the service at night, while others early in the morning. Therefore, go to church in advance and find out when the service will be held. Now most churches have their own websites where you can find out detailed information about all services.

Often the service takes place in the morning, then the priest goes to the open square and blesses it. According to data collected from different temples, churches, consecration takes place early in the morning, after which anyone can take a dip in the pond.

According to beliefs, on the night from January 18 to 19, all water becomes sacred, so if you don’t have time to go to church, you can draw liquid from the tap. The priests note that it’s all about the person, if he sacredly believes, then God gives sacred properties to water, no matter where you collect it. Of course, it’s better to go to a sacred place and get some water there. After all, a powerful prayer was read over it, which makes it life-giving. It is not necessary to collect water on January 18 or 19; you can go for it another day.
Stick to the traditions of the Jordan, and God will be favorable to you. Come to church with pure thoughts, try to sin as little as possible. Take water with you for consecration or collect it directly in the temple. When to collect water for baptism on January 18 or 19 in 2019, decide closer to the holiday so as not to make any guesses. If possible, draw water for baptism on January 18 and 19.

Epiphany water is truly special. Epiphany holy water is called in the Orthodox Church the great Agiasma - the great Shrine. You can dial it only two days a year - January 18, on Epiphany Eve, and January 19, on the feast of Epiphany. Holy water collected on both January 18 and 19 has the same healing power.

Epiphany water is the same holy water; it has long been believed that it has even stronger properties. It can treat serious illnesses, helps in difficult times, and can create protection. If you can use holy water, knowing that it is easy to fill up another bottle at any time, then Epiphany water is usually kept for special occasions.

Also read: Epiphany water - truth and superstitions

In general, the rules for its use are the same as for holy water:

  • It is necessary to take Epiphany water on an empty stomach
  • after drinking Epiphany water, eat prosphora
  • Be sure to take holy water with sincere prayer.

During illness or severe moral condition, it is allowed to take Epiphany water during the day, not on an empty stomach. It is permissible to sprinkle your home with it and lubricate sore spots. If there is little water left, you can safely dilute ordinary water with it - then it will also become sanctified and receive a piece of holiness. You just need to do this also with prayer. It must be stored next to the home iconostasis, in a sacred place. Every year on the feast of Epiphany you can collect new water.

Prayer for receiving Epiphany water

“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy through Your prayers Precious to Your Mother and to all Your saints, Amen."

Epiphany water at home: does holy water flow from the tap?

If you read Scripture, then you can really find words there about the fact that all water on the day of the Baptism of the Lord is made holy. However, in in this case we're talking about more about natural springs than piped water.

It is worth remembering exactly how the water is consecrated - a prayer must be read over it, a cross must be lowered into it. The Blessing of Water for Epiphany is a special church sacrament, which, of course, cannot happen with tap water. So church ministers urge not to take the words about the universal holiness of water in Baptism too straightforwardly.

Moreover, you should not draw water from the tap and call it holy. It is much easier to go to the nearest church and get water there, over which a prayer has actually been read, because it is absolutely free and accessible, especially in big cities.

Blessing of water is a certain church tradition, and many Orthodox Christians admit that they like to come to church, draw water, and feel involved in the holiday.

Read also: Epiphany water - when to collect, how to store and how to use

What to do if Epiphany water has spoiled

Epiphany water does not spoil - all Christian believers know this. even after standing for a year, it does not change its taste and color. But in some cases, Epiphany water does not behave as usual. Should you think about the bad if Epiphany water has spoiled? Or could it be due to natural causes? And what to do with water in this case?

Most often, Epiphany water spoils for obvious reasons:

  • water was collected in a not very clean container,
  • the container with Epiphany water stood in the sun for a long time,
  • other storage conditions were not met.

Holy water, despite everything, has the properties of ordinary water, which means it can spoil. Of course, there are cases when all storage conditions were met, but the water could not reach next Epiphany. Sometimes this happens in homes where there is discord, and there are often quarrels and disagreements. After all, water absorbs all human emotions and atmosphere, especially if it is consecrated.

There is nothing wrong with the spoilage of Epiphany water; you should not attribute non-existent reasons to this event. This water can no longer be used: it must be poured into the ground or into running water. It is advisable not to use the bottle from it further in the household. You can thoroughly wash the container, dry it and fill it with new Epiphany water for the next year.

Christianity has many traditions that have survived to this day through the centuries. Certain rituals have become commonplace for most Christians, but few people know the history of their origin. We need to clearly understand the fact that Christianity did not appear in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This religious movement has developed over two millennia, and some rituals appeared relatively recently.

This is due not only to the characteristics of Christianity itself, but also to those historical events that accompanied the process of development of religion. Today we see classic shape Christianity with that “baggage” of rituals and sacraments that have accumulated for many centuries in a row. Any self-respecting Christian should know the essence religious traditions which he adheres to. This is necessary, first of all, in order to understand the need for any action and its consequences. For example, many people who call themselves true Christians do not understand at all the need to receive holy water during the period of Epiphany. Below we will look at other possibilities for obtaining holy water and the importance of the Epiphany period for the entire Christian community.

Baptism of the Lord

Before answering the question of what holy water is, you should plunge into the abyss of history in order to understand the essence of the holiday celebrated by Christians every year. According to events gospel history, Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by a man named John the Baptist. This event marks the descent of the holy spirit into the body of Jesus.

It was also on this day that God literally “announced” that Jesus Christ was his true Son. Thus, the importance of this day is due to the participation of the Son of God himself in the baptismal rite. In other words, Epiphany is big historical event, and not the prejudice of modern times. The date of the holiday may vary in each country, depending on the rite: Catholic or Orthodox. But what is holy water? What does this phenomenon have to do with Baptism?

The essence of the concept of holy water

Historical baptism gave rise to many phenomena, such as holy water. This phenomenon is directly related to Christian history about the descent of the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ during the process of Baptism. According to Biblical history, water is the “beginning of the world,” so you need to be baptized in it. This is a kind of symbol of the purity and virgin nature of man. Holy water at Epiphany appears due to the divine significance of this day. If you believe biblical sources, then it is on this day, on the day of Epiphany, that God’s grace descends on the waters.

From this it follows that holy water in Baptism is an opportunity for direct contact with God, albeit insignificant. The phenomenon of holy water has been studied for many years. This is of interest not only to believers, but also to scientists, for whom holy water is an opportunity to open new scientific frontiers.

The power of holy water

In history one can find many examples of how water blessed during Baptism saved people’s lives or significantly improved their health. According to one legend, in the 17th century a monk lived in one of the monasteries in France. He was an orphan and one day he joined the ranks of the monks. He did not remember any information about the family. One day the monk decided to leave the monastery in order to finally find out who his parents were. One fine day of his wanderings, he found a spring in the forest. Having drunk cold water, he remembered all the details of his childhood. According to this legend, on that day there was Epiphany. Thus, although legendary, it is nonetheless historical fact, which demonstrates the healing properties of holy water. It should be noted that the process of obtaining it has a certain regulated procedure, which will be discussed below.

Cleansing from all sins

Although theologians say that on the day of Epiphany holy water flows even from a tap, many theologians deny such claims. Holy water can be obtained during the blessing of water. This event is secretly divided into two types: great and small.

Small water blessings occur regularly throughout the year. Great things happen only during the feast of the Epiphany. A similar ceremony is carried out with the aim of recreating a biblical story. It is believed that on this day you need to immerse yourself in a source filled with holy water: a river, sea, pond. This act allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins and receive the Lord's mercy. But from all this one question arises: “When do they collect holy water?” After all, during Epiphany, not all people swim in ice holes.

Features of Epiphany as a holiday

The most colorful and visual baptism takes place in the Orthodox Church. On this day, the main task of people is to defend the service in the church. You don’t have to go swimming in the cold water, but everyone should attend the service. During this traditional ritual, you can bless the water, which, in principle, is done every year. Any water blessed during the Epiphany service will have healing properties for many years to come. Scientists have proven that holy water has an excellent structure and does not tend to deteriorate over the years. Therefore, during baptism you can receive universal remedy from all diseases, the main thing is to defend the service in order to realize biblical story into life.

Useful properties of holy water

Holy water is used in many Christian sacraments, such as Baptism and Communion. But church leaders It is advised to use holy water in the process of normal life activities. They motivate this by the fact that holy water can promote healing. For example, the church advises drinking three tablespoons of holy water every day. This process will keep your health in good shape. There are other traditional ways and places where holy water should be used. You should always keep at least one vessel at home. Holy water in the house will prevent demons and other manifestations of Satan from entering it.

Criticism of the paranormal properties of blessed water

Many scientists deny the presence of any “extraterrestrial” characteristics of the water consecrated during Baptism. There is several evidence for this. Firstly, holy water in the church is purified using silver utensils or symbols (silver crosses). The molecules of this metal in water prevent microorganisms from developing. Secondly, Epiphany water is blessed in winter, when bacteria practically do not spread in it. Therefore, water collected in winter, regardless of whether it is consecrated or not, will be stored for a very long time, and in terms of purity it will in many ways surpass water from a tap or store.

As for the healing properties of water, religion does not play a role here at all. There are known cases when people healed diseases with the help of water, and at the same time it was not consecrated.

Scientists everywhere are studying the healing phenomenon of water, but we can say with confidence that the Epiphany holiday does not affect this in any way. Holy water, which contains silver molecules and practically no bacteria, is beneficial for the body, just like regular filtered water.


So, the article tells when to collect holy water, as well as about it healing properties and criticism of such speculations. Scientists and theologians constantly argue about whether blessed water is truly holy or not. But be that as it may, water is a useful substance in which many more secrets and properties are hidden, strangers, so it needs to be continued to be studied.

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