Cooking master class culinary recipe homemade dumplings made from dough with mineral water food products. Step-by-step recipe for pasty dough with mineral water

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Cheburek recipes

How to prepare dough for chebureks mineral water? Very simple! We look at the step-by-step recipe for the dough and preparation of chebureks with photos and detailed video.

1 h 10 min

212 kcal

5/5 (1)

Many people associate chebureks with unhealthy and fatty foods. In fact, they are no more harmful than the same pancakes or pies that are fried in a frying pan. The main thing is to know the right recipe and know how to cook properly. That's what we're going to learn now.

Chebureks are tasty, filling and aromatic. A couple of chebureks can replace a full dinner, because they contain both proteins and carbohydrates. This dish is especially popular among men, because they all like to eat tasty food and not spend a lot of money on it. And pasties were created for this purpose. This is especially true for our recipe for pasty dough with mineral water, which will turn out tasty and crispy.

I heard about this recipe from a friend a long time ago and recently decided to try it. And it turned out very tasty! It is good not only because it is economical, but also because it is easy and quick to prepare.

The mineral water dough turns out elastic and does not stick during rolling, and when finished it becomes very thin, crispy and with bubbles. When my boyfriend tried the chebureki according to this recipe, he said that I must have spent the whole day preparing them, they turned out so tasty. I smiled and remained silent, because I know that it took me all of an hour to complete them.

Kitchenware: deep plate for dough, deep bowl or frying pan, spoon, knife, spatula or fork and rolling pin.


To test chebureks with mineral water you will need:

For filling:

minced meat or other filling for pasties – 300 g;

onion – 1 medium or half a large onion.

How to choose the right ingredients

All the ingredients are familiar, so there are no special tips for choosing them. The main thing is to remember the basic rules:

  • Wheat flour should be High Quality. It should not smell or have a strange color.
  • For the filling, you can choose a mixture of minced meat, such as beef and pork, or choose a different one. You can make pasties with cheese and herbs.
  • If you choose minced meat, check its freshness and absence of veins. The filling is the main ingredient of chebureks.
  • You can use any water you like. The main thing is that it is not iodized and has no aftertaste.

Cooking sequence

Knead the dough

Mix the minced meat

Let's make pasties

Frying pasties

Cooking pasties is not the most difficult thing, but not the easiest either. To make them tasty, juicy and bubbly, the hostess has several secrets:

  • While you are making the cheburek, cover the rest of the dough with a lid or cling film so that it does not dry out.
  • Chebureks must be thrown into boiling oil. To check if it is hot enough, take a small piece of dough and drop it into the bowl. If bubbles appear immediately, then the oil is ready.
  • Don't forget to add oil until you add a new portion. It is necessary for the chebureki to float in it.
  • Very carefully turn over and pull out the cheburek. If it bursts and juice leaks out, you will have to change all the oil.
  • Don't be afraid to lower the cheburek lower into the oil when you place it in the bowl. In a couple of seconds there will be no harm to your hand, but hot splashes can cause a burn. Just don't overdo it and dip your finger in there.

If you want to diversify your cooking a little, you can use a different filling for the pasties: different types minced meat, add tomatoes and cheese, or even come up with something interesting. You can do two types of test, for example,

And the dumplings must be special. Products will be made from it. Therefore, it needs to be elastic, not stick to your hands, but glue the edges of dumplings or dumplings well. The dough will have to hold the filling, which will release juice when cooked and increase in size. Therefore, it must be durable.

Pelmeni are a national Russian dish. That's why there are a lot of recipes. Including the test. Housewives experiment a lot to make it soft, elastic and at the same time durable. We bring to your attention the recipe “Dough for dumplings in mineral water” with photos and step by step instructions. Products made from it are very tasty, slightly airy, and soft. And making this dough is very simple. This is what we will now see. In addition to the classic recipe, we will present a few more for a variety of tastes.


Needless to say, the dough for dumplings is prepared in mineral water, and not in sweet water with bubbles? It is in carbon dioxide that the secret lies. Salt and sugar dissolve instantly. Less flour is required than in the classic dumpling recipe. Kneading won't take much time either. This dough doesn’t get soft, and you won’t ruin the dish by being a little slow in taking it out. finished products from boiling water. The edges of the dumplings stick together well, and the middle firmly holds the minced meat inside.

So, what do we need to knead the dough? One egg, a glass of sparkling mineral water, one teaspoon of salt and two sugar. You will need about four cups of flour. But we will sprinkle it gradually, since different varieties have different kneading abilities. From the utensils we need a bowl and a napkin.

Dough for dumplings in mineral water: basic recipe

First, let's drive the egg into the container where we will knead the flour base. Add sugar and salt. Lightly beat the egg with a fork. Now pour in a glass of sparkling mineral water. Stir. We start adding flour. This is best done in portions, sifting it through a sieve to avoid the formation of lumps.

Stir constantly - first with a fork, and then with your hands. The dough for dumplings in mineral water should not be very tough. Soft, elastic, it will roll out easily. But in order for the products to mold well, you need to let the dough rest for about twenty minutes after kneading. After this you can roll it out. It is also noteworthy that dumplings and dumplings do not require additional flour when modeling. If we do not plan to cook all the products at once, they should be covered with cling film to protect them from drying out and placed in the refrigerator.

Dough for dumplings in mineral water with vegetable oil

We've covered the basic recipe. It is very similar to the classic one, except that not ordinary water, but carbonated water is added to the dough. Now let's look at the various variations of the basic recipe. Additives to classic ingredients are designed to make the dough more elastic, stronger and tastier.

In this recipe, we also include vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) in the list of the above set of products. We will need four tablespoons of this product. The amount of sugar and salt in this recipe is equal. Pour one teaspoon of each into the egg, scrambled with a fork. First add vegetable oil, and then mineral water. Only at the end add flour in portions. The bun should turn out shiny after kneading. You need to give the dough about twenty minutes to “ripen”. The vegetable oil in the composition will allow you to roll out a very thin layer. The elastic dough will not stick to your hands, which will make the modeling process pleasant and fast. And the products will not tear during cooking.

With soda and sour cream

The addition of milk fat makes the mineral water dough for dumplings and dumplings airy and tender. It molds perfectly. The dough does not tear when cooked and tolerates freezing in the refrigerator. And the finished products turn out smooth, as if lubricated with oil. First, in a bowl, mix the egg with a teaspoon of salt. Then add one hundred milliliters of sour cream of any fat content and sparkling mineral water. We begin to sift the flour into the bowl. This recipe can take eight hundred grams. Knead a loose elastic dough. Let's give the bun a quarter of an hour so that the gluten contained in the flour can manifest itself. After this, you can roll out the layer and make dumplings or dumplings. Products made from dough with sour cream and soda cook quickly and remain intact.

Colored dumplings

We know that there is pasta in all shades of the rainbow. Various dyes add color to pasta dough - tomatoes, paprika, spinach, cuttlefish ink, etc. What prevents us from applying the same principle when making dumplings? These food dyes not only add color to products, but also diversify the usual taste. In addition, you don’t need to add eggs to this mineral water dumpling dough.

Mix in a bowl a glass of soda, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons vegetable oil and three tomato paste or ketchup. The dumplings will come out with an original pinkish-orange color. Tomatoes can be replaced with blended purees bell peppers or spinach. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add three cups of flour in portions. Knead the dough for about fifteen minutes. And then we let it rest for another half hour in a warm place.

With soda and milk

This mineral water dumpling dough will be elastic, tender and at the same time durable.

A recipe made with milk is more budget-friendly than one made with sour cream. First, beat an egg into a bowl. Stir with a fork until the white and yolk are combined. Now pour in a third of a glass of milk. Beat the mixture with a mixer whisk. Now add two-thirds of a glass of highly carbonated mineral water. The carbon dioxide bubbles will speed up the chemical reactions in the dough, making it airy and very elastic. Add a teaspoon of salt to half a kilogram of sifted flour. Stir and form into a slide. In this recipe we add the egg-milk mass to the flour, and not vice versa. Knead the dough into a tight dough. And add two tablespoons of vegetable oil at the very end to make the mass less dense. If the dough still turns out too tight, add a little more mineral water. Before rolling out, be sure to let the bun sit in a warm place for about twenty minutes.

Dumpling dough is traditionally prepared using a simple cold water. But, if you knead it with mineral water, it will differ from the traditional one in its extraordinary elasticity and elasticity. In addition, when rolling out, it does not stick to work surface, and there is no need to sprinkle the table and dough with flour at all. Making homemade dumplings from dough in mineral water is a real pleasure, and even more so when enjoying them.

Pay attention to this important point: water for mixing should be not just mineral, but carbonated. You can even use so-called highly carbonated water. The more gas there is in it, the airier and softer the dumpling dough will be.



Preparation. Stir the egg with a fork, pour in mineral water, stir.

Then start adding sifted flour in portions.

Knead the mixture until you get an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Mix both types of minced meat; if you are preparing fresh minced meat, then grind the onion in a meat grinder along with the meat; if you are using ready-made minced meat, then the onion can be finely chopped. Season the minced meat to your taste.

Roll out a piece of dough to a thickness of 2-3 mm and use a mug or mold to cut out round pieces for future dumplings.

Place a teaspoon of minced meat on each piece.

First, fold the dumpling in half, pinching the edges.

And then connect both corners together. Do the same with the rest of the dough. If there are a lot of dumplings, then you can freeze them directly on the board, and after a few hours put them in a plastic bag.

Cook for 5 minutes in salted boiling water, serve with butter or sour cream.

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There are many variations in preparing dough for dumplings. And each of them has its own undeniable advantages, which become a significant motivation for certain consumers to use the recipe that best suits their needs and preferences. Some people like the denser structure of the dough and do not care that it is more difficult to work with and form dumplings, while others, on the contrary, are a supporter of a completely soft shell of the product and at the same time enjoy the plasticity of the dough when modeling. Everything is individual and everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves.

Below we will tell you how to prepare dough for dumplings and dumplings using mineral water. Try it this option, perhaps it will become a favorite in your notebook and you will forever abandon other versions and recipes.

Mineral water dumpling dough - recipe


  • wheat flour – 550 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 290 ml;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • one egg.


To prepare the dough using sparkling mineral water, mix it with egg and salt and pour it into a bowl with pre-sifted wheat flour. We knead everything thoroughly first with a spoon, and finish kneading with our hands, achieving the highest possible homogeneity, smoothness and non-sticky texture of the dough. Cover the ball of flour with a piece of cloth and leave it at room conditions for forty to fifty minutes.

The best dough for dumplings made with mineral water


  • wheat flour – 480-520 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 245 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil – 55 ml;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • two pinches of salt.


Starting the dough preparation process, sift the wheat flour. This procedure will enrich it with oxygen and improve the quality of the finished products. Then mix the egg with granulated sugar and two pinches of salt in a separate bowl and beat it a little with a fork or whisk. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour, add mineral water and begin kneading. Mix everything thoroughly, achieving maximum homogeneity. While kneading, add refined vegetable oil. This product significantly transforms the dough and makes it manageable and extremely flexible and non-sticky with sufficient density. We continue the kneading process for another five minutes, and then cover the flour ball with cling film and leave to ripen for about forty minutes.

After time has passed, we can proceed with the method that is most suitable for you.

Delicious dough for homemade dumplings using mineral water

The mineral water dough can also be prepared without granulated sugar and with slightly different proportions of vegetable oil.


  • wheat flour – 550-600 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 255 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • salt – 10 g;
  • one chicken egg.


Dough preparation process this recipe identical to the one described above. The exception is that we do not add granulated sugar to it and slightly increase the amount of refined oil, which will make it even more plastic. When cutting such dough, you do not need to dust the working surface, as well as the rolling pin and hands with flour. It turns out completely non-sticky and obedient.

The dough kneading process can also be simplified by using kitchen appliances. So you can mix flour with mineral water, vegetable oil, egg and salt using a mixer with special attachments, and finish the kneading with your hands. If you have a bread machine, it is better to entrust this important task to them, which will significantly reduce time costs and save your energy.

Homemade dumplings are an excellent solution for quick dinner in a family circle that will not leave anyone hungry! We will tell you how to prepare dough for dumplings using mineral water! It turns out very tender, and cooking with it is a real pleasure. See for yourself!

Dough recipe for dumplings with mineral water


  • mineral water – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour premium– 3 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 55 ml;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of sugar.


For cooking delicious dough for dumplings in mineral water, beat the egg in a wide bowl with salt and granulated sugar. Next we pour required amount vegetable oil, mineral water and mix. First sift the flour, and then gradually add and knead into a soft and pleasant dough. Cover it with a cloth and leave for 20 minutes. As time passes, we lay out and make homemade delicious dumplings.

Dumpling dough recipe in mineral water


  • mineral water – 230 ml;
  • high quality flour – 880 g;
  • sugar and fine salt.


Sift the flour into a bowl several times, add fine salt and add sugar. Next, pour in the mineral water, stir first with a spoon and then with clean hands. If necessary, add flour to the dough or add mineral water. Ready dough cover with a towel, let it brew for 15 minutes, and then proceed to shaping and

Dough for dumplings with sparkling mineral water


  • egg (highest category) – 1 pc.;
  • premium flour – 880 g;
  • sour cream 10% – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white sugar;
  • salt.


In a bowl, beat the egg with salt and sugar with a mixer. Then add low-fat sour cream, pour in cold mineral water and mix. First sift the flour through a sieve, and then gradually add it to the main ingredients and knead an elastic and soft dough. We form an even round ball out of it, cover with a cotton towel and leave to rest for 25 minutes. After that, wash your hands and start making homemade dumplings!

Dough for homemade dumplings using mineral water


  • mineral water without gas – 245 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 65 ml;
  • flour – 670 g;
  • salt.


First, sift the flour into a deep bowl. Next, make a depression on top and throw a pinch of fine salt there. We begin to knead the dough in a circular motion, adding mineral water and vegetable oil. We do this for about 15 minutes until you feel that the dough has become soft and smooth. After that, cover it with a cloth and let it rest for about 20 minutes. After that, wash your hands and start preparing homemade dumplings.

Dough for dumplings with mineral water and milk


  • high quality flour - 3 tbsp;
  • cow's milk – 110 ml;
  • still mineral water – 45 ml;
  • egg (selected, highest category) – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 5-10 ml;
  • salt.


We prepare in advance a table or a deep bowl in which we will knead the dough. Now sift the flour in a heap, make a small depression in the middle and drive a chicken egg into it. Separately, mix warm mineral water with milk and add a pinch of fine salt. Carefully pour the resulting mixture into the flour and thoroughly knead the dough with a spoon from the middle to the edges in a circular motion. After this, add a little butter and knead again until you feel a soft, elastic and smooth dough in your hands. We wrap it tightly in a towel and leave it for 25 minutes, and in the meantime we prepare the minced meat and move on to making homemade dumplings.

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