Church incense use. How to light incense

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Many people associate incense with church rituals. However, the range of its application is much wider. It can also be used exclusively for domestic purposes and used at home. This is an interesting and unique substance that requires close acquaintance. It is not uncommon that even people who are closely familiar with its smell do not know what incense actually is.

Incense: what is it?

The resin from which incense is made has special aromatic properties unique to it. The smell of incense is difficult to confuse with another. The resin itself is obtained from a plant of the cistus family, which mostly grows on the Arabian Peninsula.

The technology for obtaining the treasured substance is simple - an incision is made in the body of the tree, from which the liquid is collected. Then it needs to be dried. In general, incense obtained by any means is used. Some particles are torn off directly from the bark, others are picked up from the ground on which it dripped. Hence the division of incense by type:

  1. ordinary,
  2. selective

Each individual piece of resin is not very durable and can be ground into powder quite easily with the help of basic tools. In fact, incense is the name given to small crumbs obtained in this way.

Due to the very limited quantity of the parent plant, incense is considered a very valuable material. However, its history has very deep religious roots. It was sacrificed back in the days of paganism and people’s worship of many deities. In sacrificial rituals it was an alternative to animal blood.

Incense has earned this attitude due to its aromatic properties. The strongest smell came from the resin when it was placed on hot coals. The fragrant smoke rose and went into the very sky, to where the gods lived. So people gave them a sign and conveyed their requests.

With the advent and development of Christianity, the substance was borrowed and was also actively used in church rituals. Legend says that incense was among the gifts of the Magi for the birth of Christ.

Among the residents Ancient Rus' the aromatic resin was revered as a means of repelling evil spirits and evil spirits. They fumigated homes with it, and small particles were always carried with them along with pectoral cross. Faith in him magical power was (and still is) unshakable.

In addition, completely earthly healing and even rejuvenating properties were attributed to incense.

  1. They were treated for joint pain in Ancient Egypt, mixing with other components and rubbing into the skin.
  2. To slow down the aging process and smooth the skin from existing wrinkles, incense was added as an ingredient to various cosmetic masks.

The traditions are still observed today. The cosmetology industry uses resin for the same purposes, using new preparation recipes.

Types of incense

Often the fumigating resin is divided into various categories at the place of production. The most famous substance is produced on Mount Athos, in monastery. Of the entire local assortment, Vatopedi is distinguished. It is believed that this church incense is one of the highest quality among all, explaining this with such properties as:

    Ability to long-term storage;

    Quite a long-lasting fragrance, even after stopping the fumigation procedure;

    Deep, rich aroma.

To make this product, the highest quality aromatic oils are used, which, in turn, are divided into floral and woody, artificial and natural groups.

In general, recipes for incense made on Mount Athos are kept in the strictest confidence, so almost no one knows for certain the secret of the wonderful aromas that it possesses.

It is worth mentioning several other types of incense that are respected throughout the world.

Athenian incense. The name is directly related to the geographical location of its production. Unlike the above, it is made in private workshops. The main difference is in the concentration of aromatic components.

Jerusalem. Distinctive feature - appearance resin. The local product is presented not in the form of small pieces that are familiar to the eye, but in the form of plates, the thickness of which does not exceed three millimeters.

Monasteries of Lebanon also glorified their product by supplying the market with quite good incense with all the necessary characteristics.

Production secrets have reached Russian craftsmen. Here production is established on the basis of traditions and recipes established on Mount Athos. Hence its aromatic and physical properties, which are especially valued in beneficial resins.

Although the principle of action is the same, dozens of varieties of incense are nevertheless distinguished. It also differs in price. Cheaper varieties have the same properties as expensive ones, but with much less impact.

Despite this, experts recommend that when choosing incense for use at home, rely on your own feelings and preferences. Each of the species is divided into several subspecies, and all this number of varieties has an individual aroma with special characteristics of the effect. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from.

You may be interested in an article about the benefits and harms of incense sticks. Also, in it we described which ones are better to choose and where to buy them.

Beneficial properties of incense

Cistus, a plant from which life-giving liquid is extracted, is listed in the Red Book as an almost exterminated plant and a rarity among the flora of the planet.

In its original form, resin is a very expensive and almost unavailable product. More and more often it is now made using coniferous trees - cedar, spruce and others. This does not prevent incense from remaining the owner large quantity beneficial properties:

    Excellent in treating joint disease, rheumatism, arthritis;

    Helps fight colds;

    Has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating various rashes and inflammations;

    Used to treat urinary tract diseases;

    Helps strengthen the immune system;

    Successfully fights diseases gastrointestinal tract, disorders, ulcerative manifestations;

    Has a positive effect on the nervous system, calms;

    It has a good effect on the functioning of the brain in general. Added to some memory enhancing medications;

    Has antiseptic properties;

    In some cases it serves as an expectorant;

    It is even found in cooking, as an aromatic additive to some drinks.

Taking into account the huge list of incense’s abilities, it is actively used as an indispensable component of some preventive, medicinal and cosmetic products:


    cosmetical tools.

Its aroma continues to be appreciated widely. Experts even subjected it to study, and in terms of its effect, they equated the substance used in fumigating premises to narcotic drugs, explaining this by the incredible energy charge that occurs in the body when inhaling the fumes.

The charge is so strong that a person begins to experience increased vigor, nervous tension is dulled, until complete peace. A person relaxes under the tide of a wave of pleasant sensations.

Excessive inhalation of smoldering resin can even lead to euphoria. The effect will be maximum if the process is accompanied by a small amount of alcohol. In this, experts see the danger of miraculous crystals. In addition, it turned out that their combustion products can cause allergic reaction. It can be very difficult: with suffocation, dizziness and even memory loss.

How to use incense at home

Nevertheless, at home, church incense is used as a flavoring agent. To do this, it is not necessary to carry out church rituals in the home using censer and other elements.

All you need is some kind of brazier and coals, you can even take an ordinary spoon. It is important to maintain the required temperature so that the pieces of the substance smolder and smoke.

You can use incense at home every day; there are no restrictions on this, it all depends on your needs and the body’s reaction to incense. However, if you remember the advice of ancient monastic healers, you can find some recommendations on this matter:

    In case of illness, you need to inhale incense for 2 minutes, maybe a little less. Naturally, through the nose. It is also necessary to incense the entire apartment.

    The monks recommend putting about 2-3 small pieces of incense in a censer with coal. You should start censing with icons, of course, while reading a prayer to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saint to whom you are addressing. Afterwards you need to fumigate the entire apartment, reading the prayer “May God rise again,” and then the patient.

    If the patient himself fumigates the room with incense, then there is no need to additionally fumigate himself. In this case, place the censer and calmly inhale the aroma for a couple of minutes.

It is believed that incense purchased in church is the most beneficial and dangerous for evil spirits.

Resin can be added to the censer as needed. There are varieties of incense that burn out faster. The secret of the procedure is that the lower the temperature of the heated resin, the finer the smell.

Which type of incense to choose for your home?

As mentioned above, it all depends on your needs. But unspoken church rule, each type of incense is suitable for certain events, depending on their solemnity and the richness of the aroma of the resin. The brighter the fragrance, the more solemn the moment.

Among the most popular types:

    “Bishop” is the most expensive type. It has a bright and rich bouquet of aromas. It is often used in church services on major holidays.

    “Altar” - also has a good bouquet, but is not as solemn as the view above. I use it in church for daily incense and on simple holidays.

    “Cell” - this incense is usually used by monks for burning incense in their cells. It has a discreet, not pronounced aroma.

Which incense helps with which disease?

To help you navigate the variety of incense varieties, we decided to make a small list: which variety to use in which case. Information taken from an Orthodox website. So:

* On mobile devices, the table may not fit into the viewing area, but it scrolls perfectly horizontally.

That's basically all. We have covered what incense is, its beneficial properties, varieties and types. And the choice, in any case, is always yours.

Today, the resinous compound is used in churches; incense is widely used for perfume purposes and as a means of aromatherapy. Housewives want to light the product at home to enjoy all the delights of tree resin. With the help of incense, you can normalize your psycho-emotional background, get rid of insomnia and stress. The resin is supplied to store shelves in slab (solid) form, so many women have difficulty lighting it.

Properties of incense

  1. As mentioned earlier, frankincense has many beneficial properties. Among them are the fight against negative factors, removal nervous tension. In addition, the resin is used as an aromatherapy agent in the process of meditation and church services.
  2. Thanks to regular inhalation of the vapors of the compound, the activity of the lungs, bronchi, and nasal sinuses is normalized, and the functioning of the heart muscle is improved.
  3. Especially useful use Frankincense is considered for people involved in sports. The resinous substance improves endurance, makes breathing deeper and smoother, and normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Often, infusion of incense is taken orally for hemoptysis, and the ointment is used as an anti-burn composition. If you need to get rid of bleeding gums, incense is crushed into powder.
  5. If we talk about cosmetic purposes, an incense mask is rubbed into the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles. The composition smoothes out fine wrinkles and saturates cells with oxygen.
  6. Believers prefer to light incense at home and then carry out the ritual of expulsion evil forces from an apartment/house. After such manipulations, harmony and comfort reign in the home.

Using incense at home

  1. A remedy for hemoptysis. Combine strong red wine with vinegar solution (6% concentration) in a ratio of 10:1. Add 20 gr. incense powder, stir. Take the prepared composition three times a day 10 minutes before the main meal. One dose is 45-50 ml.
  2. Ointment for burns. Combine pork, goose or chicken fat and incense powder (proportions 3:1). Stir until smooth, distribute the mixture over the affected areas of the skin. After 2-3 hours, repeat the manipulations.
  3. Powder for sore gums. If you have sensitive and inflamed gums, use crushed frankincense. Grind it into very fine crumbs, do the same with dry thyme. Combine the components in equal quantities, rub the composition into the affected areas with gentle movements.
  4. Hair Mask. Mix 480 ml. warm red wine (preferably fortified) with 15-20 g. incense powder. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, add chilled chicken yolk if desired. Distribute over hair and scalp, wrap in plastic, leave for 45 minutes, rinse.
  5. Cream for skin elasticity. A mixture of incense powder and moisturizing hydrogel for the face will help increase the elasticity of the dermis. Combine the ingredients in such a way as to obtain a thick structure. Apply to the skin, massage, after half an hour, remove with cool water and foam to wash your face.

  1. As mentioned earlier, fumigating a room with a resinous compound rids the home of evil forces. As a result of simple manipulations, the apartment is charged with energy and harmony.
  2. Aromatherapy using incense also helps to calm and lift your spirits. Resin kills pathogens in the home, reducing the risk of disease.
  3. Incense is a wood-type resin. The product is supplied to stores in the form of briquettes, for this reason many housewives have difficulty lighting it.
  4. First, prepare the censer, incense and charcoal. A home censer has a smaller diameter than a church censer. It also features a side handle for ease of use.
  5. Pressed charcoal impregnated with a “fuel” composition is suitable for lighting. It is lit with matches. If you wish, you can use hookah charcoal.
  6. To light a coal, grab it with metal tongs, bring it to the gas stove and wait for sparks to appear. You can also use a match, the result will not change.
  7. When you light the charcoal, wait until the sparking stops. You will see smoke begin to emerge. This fact indicates the evaporation of volatile compounds that are considered dangerous to the body.
  8. After lighting the coal, move it to the censer, wait for the ash to form, and add incense on top. Some craftsmen prefer to lay out the resin on the side. Close the lid and a pleasant aroma will begin to release through the holes.
  9. If you want to rid your apartment of evil forces, clean the room in advance. Cleansing begins at the front door and continues clockwise along the opening.
  10. Read the Lord's Prayer and look into each room of the apartment. Do not ignore the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, covered balcony, pantry. Ventilate the room throughout the ceremony, as the aroma of incense is highly concentrated.
  11. After all cleaning procedures, open the vents and windows. It is important to always remember that you need to use only high-quality incense. Otherwise, the composition will begin to smoke and spoil the mood. You will not get the desired effect from the procedure.

Prepare an ointment for burns, a powder for sore gums, a cream for skin elasticity, a hair mask or a remedy for hemoptysis based on incense. Light a resinous compound, rid your home of evil forces, or use the product as aromatherapy. Choose high-quality charcoal from fruit trees (apple, cherry, pear, sweet cherry) or coconut shells.

Video: Is it possible to burn incense yourself at home?

Everyone knows about the healing properties of incense as a means of destroying negative energy. But only a select few can light a piece of it and walk through the house to drive it away. evil spirits and fill your native corners with the aroma of church. Read the article carefully, use these recommendations, and you will no longer have doubts about how to use incense at home.

Frankincense and its properties

A piece of tree resin, which emits a specific odor when burned, has long been used in... It is believed that the fragrance of incense can imbue any room with positive energy, free a person from the influence of dark forces, banish diseases, and restore spiritual and physical balance.

The dark forces that triumph in any misdeed take away more than just a person’s health. The positive attitude decreases, the desire to act disappears, and faith in one’s own potential is lost. The personality ceases to be active, cannot cope with life’s difficulties, begins to get sick and sad.

The smell of incense helps to calm down and relax, lifts your mood, and promotes the emergence of good thoughts. The body, cleansed of the influence of demons, returns to its previous mode and begins to work with redoubled force, trying to make up for lost time. After recovery, the main thing is to direct the energy on the right path.

If you carefully look at the list, you can see the incredible power of incense. It turns out that it is used not only to drive out darkness. In oncology, it is a companion in the fight against tumors, burns and ulcers - additional remedy for wound healing. Dysentery, lichen, gum disease will conquer the unusual medicine in competitions with microbes and bacteria.

The only thing that needs to be emphasized is that it is taken internally. special kind- Athonite incense. These are fragrant balls mixed with myrrh (oil). The manufacturing technology is very simple - crushed resin plus aromatic oil. But the main advantage lies in the prayer that the monks say. Passionate about their work, they never stop uttering sacred words.

To light incense at home, you are required to purchase three things: a censer, charcoal and incense. A home censer is noticeably different from a church one. She smaller in size and has a handle for convenience. Charcoal is made in the form of tablets that are easily lit with a match.

The tablet is taken with forceps. Heat it with fire on all sides. Wait until it sparkles. The smoke and sparks will go away in a few seconds. This means that harmful chemical compounds have evaporated. You can place burning coal in a censer. As soon as it cools down a little and is covered with ash, incense is placed.

After all the preparations, the lid of the censer is closed. The aroma of incense seeps through the holes and the cleansing of the house begins. The first object is Entrance door, which lets negativity into the room. Movement of the hand clockwise along the perimeter, and finally a triple cross - this is the action program for each room.

Don't forget about secret corners and hard to reach places. Everything is carefully fumigated with a sacred aroma. During the cleansing procedure, the “Our Father” is said. The room should be well ventilated. Don't rush to close the windows. Perhaps evil spirits are hidden somewhere and it takes time to expel them.

That's all the simple instructions on how to use incense at home. Make sure you purchase quality incense to prevent choking smoke and bad mood. Carry out cleansing as much as you consider necessary and for the well-being of the family.

How to light incense?

We will need: Censer Charcoal Matches or lighter

Finally, we perform tracking actions and get a 100% result.

Frankincense is an aromatic tree resin that is used for incense in church services. Fragrance, including incense, was used back in the Old Testament. The chopping symbolizes the grace of God, which is given to a person during prayer. In Orthodox worship, the censer is carried out with the support of a special vessel called the censer. Charcoal is placed in the censer, after which the coal flares up, after which a particle of aromatic resin is placed on it and incense is burned. Frankincense has a calming effect and helps prepare for prayer. During church services, the deacon censes as usual

Church incense has widespread use, but not everyone understands how to use it. Incense can be used not only in church rituals, but also at home. To do this, you need to have a home: a censer, (a censer is a small vessel used for burning incense), matches, coals, incense. In church stores it is possible to purchase censers in which coals are placed before lighting it. Instead of a censer, you can use a plate or metal tray. Lighting incense in a family setting is possible using two types of coal: simple coal and self-igniting coal. At home, it is better to use self-igniting coal; it is faster and easier to light. Exist different types incense, which stand out with their scent.

In ordinary everyday worship, it is customary to use incense, which is called cedar of Lebanon. On holidays light incense - rose. In fact, there are many aromatic variations of incense. For household use You can choose your favorite scent. Incense can be bought at a church store; as a rule, it is sold in a small plastic box or in a small plastic bag. To light incense at home, you need to place charcoal in a censer, then light it with matches or a lighter, then place a piece of incense on the surface of the coal. Do not place incense on very hot red coal, otherwise it will simply burn

About how to use church incense, we can say that it is better to light it immediately before household prayer rule. As a rule, icons that are in the apartment are smoked with the help of a ready-made one; this must be done while reading a prayer (it is possible to read any prayer from Orthodox prayer book). Each room is moved in a clockwise direction. Some people light incense at night, before going to bed, for example, how it calms nervous system. Although it should be borne in mind that high concentrations of incense can sometimes make you feel unwell. Church incense, in addition, they are used when lighting a home by a priest, during funeral services

In this way, we can conclude that the use of incense when performing prayers, both church and household, has a purely symbolic meaning and is not considered prerequisite prayers at home. For household prayer rule, first of all, the heart of a believer, his sincerity and repentance are important. Charcoal can also be excited over gas stove, you can hold the coal with tweezers so as not to burn your hands. It is appropriate to introduce a special liquid for fire. If you wish, with the blessing of the priest, you can purchase a liturgical censer for home

News on request How to light incense?

We will need: Pumpkin - 1 kg Orange, apples - according to taste Honey, sweet powder, nuts, dried fruits - according to taste Ground cinnamon or other spices Oil.

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    Priest Andrei Chizhenko explains.

    By Orthodox dogma Man is a two-part being: spiritual and physical. The soul is the image and likeness of God in man. Through the body, a person connects with the material animal world. This is the great task of man. To deify oneself (that is, to begin the path of ascent to God, the path of knowing Him, uniting with Him, or rather, with Divine uncreated energies) and through deification to deify and sanctify the rest of material nature, since man is its center and king. It seems to exist at the intersection of two worlds - spiritual and material. Based on this, the human body is a collaborator with the soul in the matter of salvation. It is the essence of the temple of God. This is why Orthodoxy treats the body so carefully. This can be seen from the burial order.

    Therefore, all Church Sacraments and, as a consequence, divine services also have a dual nature. Example: in the Sacrament of Baptism, the priest invokes the name of the Holy Trinity - this is the spiritual main component. But the substance of baptism is completely material – water. Sacrament of Communion. Its core is the Body and Blood of Christ. And the substances for the Sacrament are prosphora, wine, water. That's why Orthodox worship influences the grace of the Holy Spirit not only on the soul, but also on the body. Anointing oil (touch) bell ringing, singing (hearing), icons, painting (vision), prosphora, Epiphany water(taste), burning incense (smell).

    The family is a small church. This is also a kind of service to God and one’s neighbors. Naturally we want God's grace sanctified both ourselves and our homes, protected us from all evil and defilement. In addition, in paradise the righteous and holy angels are in continuous worship - the praise of the Almighty. That's why we God's help we try to continue temple worship(within reasonable limits, of course) and at home. Similar to this is the monastic rite of panagia (with Greek language- “all-holy”), when the Mother of God prosphora, from which a piece is taken out in honor of the Virgin Mary at the proskomedia after the Liturgy, the monks solemnly transfer from the church to the refectory, where they eat it with certain prayers, and then begin the meal. Thus, the Liturgy seems to continue, and it continues in the cell conditions of monastic dormitories. About the same in spiritual sense happens to us when we seem to “bring the temple and worship home”, arranging from our lives a worship service, a sacrifice to the Almighty. That’s why, for example, earlier in every Orthodox home there was a “red” (beautiful from outdated) corner where icons were placed, incense was burned, and a lamp was lit. Often it was made to the east, like the altar of a temple. As a matter of fact, the red corner is a kind of home altar. In general, this is a very good tradition. Correct. The family makes a feasible sacrifice to God and arranges a dwelling for Him in their house, and He, of course, settles in it, because the loving hearts of His children long for a meeting with their Heavenly Father.

    It is not always possible, of course, to arrange a red corner to the east in modern conditions, but, in principle, every family can do it. This is our expression of love for God. The only thing I would like to say about this is from experience... It is still necessary for images of saints separate space in the house, so to speak, to clear it of other worldly things. Otherwise, you often see in houses how icons are filled with glasses or other completely worldly things. Sometimes other involuntary sacrilegious acts occur when icons are placed together with the increasingly popular Japanese netsuke gods, various “money toads” that “bring” wealth and success, or erotic paintings. Of course, this is unacceptable. A person must understand himself, Whom he serves: Christ or Belial. It is better to throw away or burn pagan idols and not keep them at home.

    As for the lamp, for example, for me it burns constantly for days. Let us remember the parable of the ten virgins (see Matt. 25:1–13). In my opinion, a burning lamp, caring for it, buying lamp oil, candles for lighting it is our feasible sacrifice to Christ (a kind of tactile prayer to God) and a feasible financial sacrifice to the Church (lamp oil, candles, wicks, the lamp itself). Some people light a lamp before prayer. This is also good and beneficial. God will accept any sacrifice feasible for a person if it is made with reverence and a loving heart. The lamp, of course, is lit in front of the icons.

    From my experience I will say that for a lamp it is better to take purified specialized lamp oil. No matter how many times I tried to use the usual one sunflower oil and even purified and refined, it burns poorly, the lamp smokes and becomes clogged.

    As for incense - incense and incense, it is also quite possible to use it at home. You just need to not imitate censing by a clergyman in the temple (this is still the prerogative of the priest), but rather burn incense rather than burn incense with it.

    Now in church shops Very big choice and incense and censers. There are special “spiders” - light metal structures that are attached to the lamp. There is a platform on top of them. Incense is placed on it. From the warmth of the lamp fire, the metal heats up - and the incense begins to smell fragrant. There are special stationary censers - clay, porcelain, metal. They need coal. It is lit, placed in a censer, and pieces of incense are placed on top. The lid of this censer has special holes for smoke. You can light censers before prayer, you can walk through the house with the Jesus Prayer or any other prayer, filling its rooms with a heartfelt appeal to God, which rises into the sky as easily as smoke from a censer.

    Burnt coals should be disposed of as follows. If you live in a private house, it is advisable to make a hole in clean soil in the front yard or garden, perhaps under a tree or bush, where you can shake out the ashes (including incense) from burning consecrated things. You can throw the ashes into running water, into the river. If you live in an apartment, then it is also advisable to burn the remains of consecrated things somewhere in the park or in flower beds, then bury the ashes in clean soil. You can shake out the remains of burnt coal into flowerpots with indoor plants.

    What I would like to warn against.

    There is no need to turn your entire house into a church. It is important to understand that you should not only pray in the house, but also live. One or two or three places in the house allocated for spiritual needs are enough. Leave space in your home for yourself, your spouse, and your children. Everything is good in moderation.

    Priest Andrey Chizhenko

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