Summer holidays and entertainment in the dhow. Summer

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Form a column one at a time.

A sports march sounds, in a column one after another, the teacher goes first, the teams go out onto the site, do a lap of honor, stop in one line to greet the participants and fans.

Children love summer very much.

It is warmed by the sun.

Sun, air and water -

Our best friends

Because they harden

And they improve health.

Hello guys! Today we have gathered here with you to celebrate the first day of summer, to see how strong you have become over the year, to play and have fun.

Greetings to the participants! (the team says its name and says a chant).

Host: Guys, what keeps us warm and bright in the summer?

Children answer: ...

Presenter: and to make the sun shine better, let’s draw a ray of light for it. I invite the teams to the start and here is the first relay.

Relay No. 1(Run up with a chalk to the drawn sun, draw one ray, run back, pass the chalk to the next one.)

Presenter: Well done guys, the sun has become even brighter. But then a cloud came and showed the relay.

Relay No. 2(With the ball in your hand, run up to the drawn sun, aim the ball on it, catch it, run back, pass the ball to the next one.)

Presenter: Well done guys, you did the task well. But then a cloud arrived and sent rain. Well, the rain, ley-ley-ley, don’t spare your drops.

Relay No. 3(Run with a spoon to a bucket of water, scoop it up, quickly until the sun, pour the water on it, run back, pass the spoon to the next one.)

Host: Well, you are strong, kids.

Let's shout loudly "Fizkult - Hurray!"

Carlson “flies in”: “Bzh-zh-zh...”.

Host: Oh, guys, Carlson is flying towards us,

Look how he's in a hurry. Hello Carlson.

Carlson: Hello, kids-and-and-and... Make way, disperse, board, I say, come on.

I’m in a hurry to come to your holiday.

And I send a big hello to everyone.

I love to play pranks, I love to play.

I love hitting the hoop with cubes.

Host: What an interesting task Carlson came up with for us!

The guys formed into teams to complete the next task. (Each person is given a cube; one by one, from the starting line, the children throw the cube into the hoop.)

Relay No. 4 “Hit the hoop”(Who is bigger.)

(Do not collect the cubes; they remain scattered.)

Freken Bok appears with a mop and grumbles: They threw it here, threw it in, littered it...

(Carlson hid among the children.)

Host: Don’t worry so much, dear Freken Bock. These are not garbage, but our cubes, now the kids will quickly remove them. (They remove it.)

Freken Bock: There is no need to indulge them. You need to be stricter with them. I already know. It’s not for nothing that I’m considered the best nanny for small children. I am a very good housekeeper. Now I will be the most important one here. And I know how to treat kids. They all need to be locked in their rooms and the key hidden well, and then nothing will happen to them or to me.

Soooo, I went to get the keys. (Leaves.)

Carlson comes to the fore: Yes, this is not a housekeeper, but some kind of housekeeper. Children, who is the best housekeeper in the world? (You-s.)

Right. Now we will carry it out. Cling to me. Let's fly, let's hide here.

Presenter: we stand one after another like a train and fly after Carlson (Teachers help to line up.)

Running after Carlson in “The Engine” (They are hiding behind the tulle curtain.)

Ved and the teacher are holding tulle.

Freken Bock enters, there is no one on the platform: Children, where are you? Aw! (Searching, “Peek-a-boo” - closes eyes.) Children, under the leadership of the leader, quietly creep up behind Freken Bok, clap their hands at a signal, and run around her.

Freken (surprised): Where have you been?

Children, presenter: And so we flew a little with Carlson.

Freken: How did you fly like that? I don't understand anything. Stop running and fidgeting. You give me a headache. I need to take the pills. Where are my pills?

(He leaves, Carlson flies out, again takes the children behind the screen.)

Host: let's hide again!

Freken Bock appears (again there is no one on the site):

What now?! Kids, where are you? Where are you hiding, you naughty girls? And where can they hide out of nowhere? Soooo, it’s something wrong with my head, pills don’t help. Probably the heat is working. We urgently need to go to the water to cool down. (He approaches the inflatable splash pool with water and splashes himself.) Phew! Fine. However, I’m tired with these Kids, I need to sleep. (He falls asleep near the pool; a chair has been prepared in advance next to the pool.)

Under the guidance of the driver, teachers and Carlson, the children take turns running up to the pool in groups, splashing their hands in it, and Carlson splashing Freken Bock. She wakes up and gets angry. Children run to their starting place. Freken Bock notices Carlson:

  1. nWait, wait, who is this?

So, who hid all the children from me?

Well, I tell him now... Where is my clapper? He runs after Carlson and catches up.

He turns around sharply and says:

Stop! And your milk has run out.

Freken Bock: My God! Milk escaped! (Stops.)

Wait, I don’t have any milk on the stove. (Becomes kinder.)

Another joke, little naughty girl.

Oh, and you are funny people, Kids!

Host: Yes, we are also talented! Our children know poems about summer

1 child

We celebrate the holiday of summer,

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

2nd child.

Birds will fly to the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle

Sing songs with them.

3 child.

Dragonflies will buzz around,

Smile poppies, roses.

And a tulip will dress

In the brightest sundress.

4 child.

We celebrate the holiday of summer,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Sun, sun, brighter gray

The holiday will be more fun.

Freken Bock: great guys, can your children dance?

Presenter: yes, they can

Freken Bock: Let's dance,

We will continue the celebration.

General dance.

Freken Bock: You're good here, guys, but I have to go. I want to go to the other guys and tell them about you and Carlson.

Carlson: Why tell if you can show. I'll go with you and fool around with the other guys. And I leave you a gift and wish you all good health.

Giving a gift - candy, crayons, etc.

Do physical exercise and gain summer health from the sun, air and water. Don't forget us, invite us to visit. Goodbye. (They say goodbye and leave.)

Ved: Guys, look what an interesting gift our guests left us. They probably wanted us to show off our talents by drawing something interesting.

There is music, free activities, drawing on the asphalt.

Scenario for the summer holiday “And today is Summer for us!” for children of middle and senior groups
Mishina Tatyana Vasilievna, music director of MBDOU No. 1, .

Description: This development will be of interest to educators and music directors. preschool institutions for organizing summer leisure in kindergarten. The holiday does not require preliminary preparation, as it is based on material that has been covered and is familiar to children.

Target: Create a joyful, cheerful, amazing atmosphere of a summer holiday.


– Contribute to the development of aesthetic perception and musical culture based on familiarity with classical and modern music;

– To promote the development of creative, dancing, singing abilities, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and spatial orientation. Celebration progress: The holiday begins at the children's site middle group. Klyopa (boy) and Iriska (girl) come to the children, the roles are played by adults.

Klyopa Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

(The children greet each other!).

(Klepa begins to shake hands with each child).

Toffee Klyopa, you’ll say hello like this until lunchtime,

Look how many guys there are!

Klyopa So what should we do?

Toffee I will introduce you, and you will introduce me!

Klyopa Agree!

Toffee Let's clap our hands together, guys.

This is Klyopa - a good boy!

Klyopa And this is Iriska - a mischievous girl,

She's so elegant!

Toffee And your children are smart now.

Teacher and Children Today is our holiday!

Klyopa So, Toffee, we have come to the right place!

And did you find the guys from the Skazka group?

Educator That's right, our group is called...

Children"Fairy tale"!

Toffee We invite everyone to the holiday,

It will be interesting - we promise!

Klyopa And also little secret open,

We're looking forward to visiting you in the summer!

(Children and their teacher go to the festively decorated balloons, garlands the kindergarten playground and place them in their places. Phonograms of songs about summer are played on the site. At this time Klyopa and Iriska go to invite the children senior group).

Klyopa Good morning! We are glad to see everyone

Games, dancing, laughter are waiting for you today!

Toffee We are starting our holiday,

To dance with colorful balloons

Senior children are welcome!

"Dance with balloons."

Toffee You gave this dance and smiles to all of us,

And that’s why we unanimously applaud you!

Klyopa Do you know, Toffee,

About a wonderful planet?

Here are the answers to everything,

Here is a game, fun, a fairy tale,

Song, round dance and dance!

Toffee This is where children live together!

Klyopa Together!

Toffee I know, this planet’s name is “Kindergarten”!

Klyopa About how fun and good it is in your kindergarten,

We'll listen carefully now!

Song “Kindergarten”, K. Kostina

(soloists - children of the older group, chorus - all children sing).

Toffee They sang a song loudly

About a friendly kindergarten!

The sun smiled, looking at the guys!

We're in a great mood (looks left, right)

Klyopa, where are you? Your words now!

Guys, please help,

Call Klepa together!

(The children call Klyopa together).

(The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from P. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” sounds. Klepa appears with a “bouquet” of flowers made from balloons. At our request, the parents ordered this wonderful bouquet).

Klyopa I hear you, I'm coming, I'm coming,

And I bring extraordinary flowers,

This is a magical bouquet of wishes!

Toffee How wonderful, bright, charming he is!


Klyopa Look kids

This flower says - Game!

The guys from the older group will tell you the name of the flower.


That's right, chamomile invites us to play

And pass the colored balls around!

I'll take the red ball.

Toffee And I liked green.

Please tell the guys from the middle group,

Some have a big ball, some have a small one.

(Children answer).

Klyopa We invite all children

Get into the circle quickly!

Game – “Pass the ball” (played twice).

(Klepa and Toffee stand side by side in a circle with the balls. At a signal, the children pass the balls towards each other in a circle. When the balls meet, the two children who have the balls dance with Klepa and Toffee in the center of the circle).

Toffee We played great!

Can I now choose a flower with desire?

I really liked this flower!

What color is it, guys from the middle group,

Who's ready to say?

(Children answer).

Toffee The blue-eyed cornflower invites you to dance.

The Colored Peas are performing now!

Dance "Colored Peas".

(Performed by children of the middle group).

Klyopa These are the funny peas we have,

Let's look at the next flower now!

A riddle will help you name it,

I ask you to wish for it.

(Addresses the middle group teacher).

Educator On a green fragile leg,

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion).

Klyopa The guys answered correctly.

Bright yellow dandelion

He calls all the guys, friendly,

And a big round dance!

Round dance "If a friend doesn't laugh."

(Performed by all children).

Klyopa The kids danced wonderfully!

The next flower is a bell.

It’s time to tell what number he is in the bouquet!


The bell rings ding-dong,

Dance “Children and Nature”, music from the CD of A. I. Burenina’s program “Rhythmic Mosaic”.

(Performed by children of the older group).

Klyopa What an amazing performance!

And in a magical bouquet we see a wonderful flower,

He's like a bright light

Magnificent, important, like a gentleman,

Well, of course, a tulip.

Now we’ll find out which wish will come true!

(Approaches the teacher of the senior group).

Educator Today on the big planet,

Everyone is happy about summer - adults and children!

All nature is warmed with warmth,

Our guest today is...

Adults and children Summer!

(The soundtrack of the song “Here it is, what our summer is!” from the cartoon “Father Frost and Summer” sounds. Summer enters the festively decorated area.)

Summer My greetings to you, preschool children!

I am red summer, I am rich in sunshine!

Klyopa Welcome to visit us!

And this extraordinary bouquet,

We give it to you!

(Gives Summer a bouquet of balloon flowers).

Summer Thank you, I'm delighted

And I prepared a surprise for everyone!

I'll show it later.

Toffee Oh how interesting

And we invite you to the game!

Game “Find Yourself a Pair”, music from the CD of A. I. Burenina’s program “Rhythmic Mosaic”. All the children are playing.

Summer I liked playing with you

It's fun and fun to dance!

And now my game “Fun Fishing”

I invite you friends!

(Plastic balls float in two small inflatable pools of water. Two child fishermen (at a signal) catch balls with nets (for a while) and put them in their buckets. The game is played several times).

Summer Well done, you did it smartly

With this difficult task.

And I want to give you advice,

You are friends with water, wash yourself, harden yourself,

Go swimming, and believe me,

What then - you will always be healthy!

Now here's a surprise for you,

Klepa and Iriska, please help me now!

(The soundtrack of the song “Long Live Surprise!” plays; Klepa and Iriska bring out pre-prepared baskets with gifts).

Summer I prepared some balls for you guys,

Jump ropes, watering cans and shovels.

(Klepa and Toffee take them out of the basket and show the children objects called Summer).

And for greater joy,

Sweets to all the guys!

(Klepa and Iriska show the children brightly decorated boxes, hand over baskets of gifts to the teachers, and hand out candy to the children. The children thank Summer for the gifts and sweets).

Klyopa We want you to grow up quickly

May you all get tanned in the sunny summer.

Toffee We ate berries and various fruits,

And so that you have the best catch while fishing!

Summer May you remember this summer for a long time,

Wish have a nice rest to you!

Senior group teacher Thank you! Come visit us again,

We are very glad to have guests!

(Klepa, Iriska, Summer say goodbye to the children and leave).

Middle group teacher We are finishing our holiday,

We invite all the guys to tea party!

In the summer, children in kindergarten have the opportunity to get a huge number of interesting and new experiences. At this time, they are not busy with schoolwork and can devote more time to various games, excursions, sporting events, etc. How to spend time with the children largely depends on the teacher, as well as on the suggestions of the parents. One of the most favorite activities for children in hot weather is playing with water. Not all kindergartens have small pools on site. But this is not a problem, since the water can be poured into basins, bathtubs and brought to the playground. Such entertainment gives children great pleasure. They splash their hands in the water, splash, while joyfully “laughing” and “squeaking.” Also, in hot weather, you can arrange for children to be doused with water. This hardening procedure fresh air Not only will kids like it, but it’s also good for health.

Summer fun in kindergarten outdoors

A good teacher strives to make every day bright for the kids. During this period of the year, children can be taken on various walks outside the kindergarten territory. Various excursions are organized to the museum, cinema, theater, games are organized in parks, on special playgrounds, etc. Such events help children develop their horizons and contribute to the accumulation of knowledge. It is quite interesting to listen to their opinion after one of these excursions. You can also visit a zoo as a group, which gives you the opportunity to see various new animals, visit a botanical garden, etc.

In some kindergartens, workers plant a small vegetable garden, where children, with their own hands, under the guidance of adults, plant vegetables and flowers. The kids really like this, they are not only happy that they plant the seeds in the ground themselves, but also get a lot of pleasure when the seed sprouts, then fruits appear or flowers bloom. This makes children feel proud and they happily boast about their achievements with their parents.

Other summer activities for children

In the summer, children's energy splashes out in various outdoor games. Arrange ball games for children. For example, football, “knocked out”, volleyball; for younger children - throwing the ball around in a circle. On the playground it is much more convenient to play “tag”, “hide and seek”, “the sea is agitated” and other games. You can organize various sports relay races using sports equipment. Also, summer is the most suitable period for holding games that teach children the rules traffic. In this case, you can use bicycles as transport.

Summer fun for kids in the dhow

Any kindergarten has a plot of green space on or near its territory. The teacher can conduct several lessons on environmental education. On illustrative examples the child will know the name of this or that plant (trees, flowers, shrubs). You can conduct a class on making crafts from natural materials.

In kindergarten in the summer, kids like to tinker in the sandbox, building “sand pies”; older children enjoy building various collective structures out of sand, but it is simply difficult to distract them from such activities. Also interesting for children are activities such as drawings with colored chalk on the asphalt. You can organize various competitions in the fresh air in the summer. For example, a summer holiday, a birthday party, a fairy tale holiday, etc. It is good if such competitions are held with parents, using costumes and prizes.

Summer activities in kindergarten are quite varied. With proper organization of leisure time, your baby will not get bored. It’s good when the teacher communicates closely with parents, it is possible to organize a lot of events together. Many people note that appetite after summer walks in children it increases and sleep becomes stronger.

Characters: Presenter, Bear, Cornflower, Kikimora, Leshy, Lesovik.

Children go to the site and sit on chairs.

Leading: Summer has come, you will go to the village, to the dacha and, of course, go to the forest, listen to birds singing, smell flowers, admire the beauty of nature. Who can we meet in the forest?

Children: Fox, bunny, bear.

Leading: It seems the bear himself decided to come to us.


Congratulations on the arrival of summer,

I brought honey as a gift,

While I took it from the bees,

They bit my nose!


Children, Teddy Bear,

Join the round dance!

All the guys will be happy

Dance and eat honey!

Children dance to any dance tune.


Oh, and I danced!

Goodbye friends!

Sunbathe, eat honey,

May you be lucky in the summer

Come to the forest quickly

You will find friends there.

1st child:

The bear invited us to the forest,

And the forest is full of miracles!

2nd child:

There's pink porridge here too,

There's white chamomile here too!

3rd child:

For bouquets and wreaths

We need a lot of flowers.

Leading: Guys, what forest, meadow and wildflowers do you know?

Children: Bluebell, chamomile, buttercup, lily of the valley, cornflower...


Let's say these words:

“Cornflower, cornflower!

Our favorite flower

Come visit us

And bring your friends!”


I am the famous flower

Blue-blue Cornflower,

I'll tell you a secret:

I was waiting for you to visit me,

I could barely wait for you,

We will play with you,

On the flower carousel

We'll have fun riding.

Game "Flower Carousel"

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the ground, forming a ring, the ends of the rope are tied. The children lift her from the ground and, holding on to her, right hand, walk in a circle to the music. For example, to the song “A Million Roses”. Music by Pauls, poetry by Voznesensky. The melody suddenly changes to another. For example, "Lilies of the Valley". Music by Feltsman, poetry by Fadeeva. When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction. In the game you can change not only the direction, but also the rhythm.


We have a Lesovik in the forest,

He's good, in general, he's an old man,

But he became sad from melancholy,

I called him to you now.

Don't let him get bored

Entertain the forest man!

And I will return again to flowers,

The bees there really need me!

Bye, and don't be bored,

Meet Lesovik.

Cornflower leaves. Lesovik appears, walks with his head down, not looking at the children, and sits down in front of them.


Balalaika swear and swear,

It's boring if you're alone.

If only someone would come

That would be good!

Eh, it’s so boring, there’s no one there. Summer has already begun a long time ago, but there is no one to play and have fun with. (Raises his head, sees the children and gets scared.) Oh, who is it? Why are there so many children? Why are you here?

Children: We want to cheer you up!

Lesovik: Oh, how great! What will you do?

Children: Play, sing, have fun.

Lesovik: Then I suggest playing a game.

Game "Maple Leaf"

The game involves two children or two teams. On the trays lie one maple leaf (or according to the number of children in the team), cut into pieces. At the signal, the children collect the leaf. The winner is the one who is the first to make a piece of paper from scattered parts.

Lesovik: Well done, you completed the task quickly. Look what I have. (Takes colored handkerchiefs out of his pocket.)

Look what colors summer has painted these scarves with. I will name the color, and you say that it can be decorated with this color. These are my handkerchiefs. The boys will dance with them now.

Dance with handkerchiefs

Lesovik: Oh, and you’re good at dancing! Who is this coming to us?

The children sit down, Kikimora appears.

Kikimora: Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! You recognized me?

Children: Kikimora!

Kikimora: I was collecting fly agarics here, I see some children. Let me, I think, I’ll go in and see what they’re doing. What do you have here?

Children: Summer holiday.

Kikimora: Yes?! I also love holidays. What do they do with them?

The children answer.

Kikimora: Are they playing? How I love to play! I know such wonderful games! For example: smear a stump with marsh mud, and when someone sits on it - what fun! Good game?

Children: No!

Kikimora: Then another: a man walks through the forest, and from a tree I pour a bucket of dirty swamp water on him. Great?

Children: No!

Lesovik: Listen, Kikimora, get out of here. What games do you teach children?

Kikimora: That's it, that's it, that's it, I won't do it anymore. Lesovik, can you help me? There are ripe berries growing on a bush at the end of the path, go and pick them, treat us and eat them yourself.

Lesovik: You forgot to say something.

Kikimora: Oh please.

Lesovik: Okay, I'll go, but don't teach your children anything bad. And you guys will tell me later.


Kikimora: Gone, finally! I invite this boy (chooses) to play a game with me. I was walking through the forest and lost a magic cone (drops a cone tied on a string to the floor). Boy, help me, lift the bump, please.

The child bends down to pick up the pine cone, and Kikimora pulls the string, the pine cone “runs away.”

You can't, boy! (Invites another.)

Lesovik(appearing): Kikimora deceived me. There are no berries there. What did she teach you here? Good?

Children talk.

Lesovik: Well, Kikimora! Now we'll play another game.

Game "Bank and River"

On the ground, two lines are marked with ropes at a distance of about 1 m. Between these lines there is a river, and along the edges there is a shore. All the guys are standing on the banks. The forest worker gives the command “River”, and all the guys jump into the river; at the command “Bank” everyone jumps out onto the bank. The Lesovik gives commands quickly and randomly in order to confuse the players. If someone ends up in the water at the “Shore” command, they are out of the game. Those inattentive players who ended up on the bank during the “River” command also leave the game.

Kikimora: It's a tough game, it's hard for me.

Lesovik: Don’t be upset, we will amuse you with a song! A song about summer sounds.

Kikimora(offended): I really need your songs! They don’t want to smear the stumps, they don’t want to douse themselves with swamp water either... I’ll arrange a holiday for you!


Lesovik: But we are not afraid! Let's continue the holiday! I have a riddle for you:

No sun and no rain

Not a single nail

And they built it in no time

Celestial Gate. (Rainbow)

What are the colors of the rainbow?

Names and distributes ribbons to children. Dance with ribbons.

Lesovik: It's time for a treat, I'll bring it now.


Kikimora(appears on the other side): You won't get anything! I took everything and hid it.

Runs away.

Lesovik: Guys, all the treats have disappeared somewhere. You don't know where it is?

Children talk.

What do we do? I know! We will call my friend Leshy for help. Do you know who this is?

The children answer.

Well, let’s all shout together: “Leshy!”

Goblin: Hello, children, what happened to you?

Lesovik: Kikimora stole all the treats, she needs to return them.

Goblin: I will definitely help, but I just need the guys’ help.

Can you stomp your feet? (Shows, children repeat.)

How about buzzing like airplanes? (Shows, children repeat.)

And growl like wild animals? (Shows, children repeat.)

Now listen to me carefully.

Goblin: Kikimora, give up, you're surrounded! An army of brave soldiers came with me. Can you hear them coming? (Indicates that the children should stomp.) Planes are flying in the sky. Do you hear, Kikimora, their roar? (Shows the children to buzz.) And terribly angry tigers hid in the bushes! (Indicates that the children should growl.)

Kikimora: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! (Runs out.) Take your treat. I will never come to you again!

Runs away.

Lesovik: That’s great, that’s nice, that’s good.

Goblin: Wow, you not only have guests, but also treats, well, we can start celebrating.

Lesovik: We had a good summer holiday this year, it was fun! Help yourself, kids, and you, Leshy.

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  • Ivan Kupala. Celebrating the holiday with children, scenarios, rituals
  • Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Peter and Fevronia Day, July 8
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    Characters: Children junior group- in hats-masks of bunnies, children of the middle group - flowers (poppies, daisies, bells, cornflowers, children of the senior group - frogs, children preparatory group- centipedes. Adults - Summer, Chanterelle, Aibolit, Runny Nose, Cough. To the music...

    Entertainment for children of the older group “We are glad to see you, summer!” Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle. Leading. Order has everything in the world: We recently welcomed spring, children. She was a great housewife: The fields and oak groves turned green. Nature seems to be dressed for the holiday, Now Spring has replaced Summer. Summer. Hello to you...

    "Festival of Soap Bubbles" Conducted by teacher: Gavriley S.N. Purpose: to contribute to the improvement of motor skills; develop independence, initiative, courage. Equipment: basins with soapy water, cocktail straws, soap bubbles for each child. )

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