Love joys in the Pillars of Fate. Batman and Joker: from the point of view of BaZi, they are the same thing

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The Assassin in the 7th Position (7th Assassin, 七杀) is the element that controls the Lord of the Day and has the same polarity. He is often represented as a warrior or general. This means aggressiveness and a complete lack of sentimentality. Metaphysics teaches us that the presence of the Assassin in the 7th Position in the Ba Zi chart does not bode well, since he is the only Star capable of eliminating (killing) the Lord of the Day.

He was called the 7th Position Killer because he is in the 7th position from the Personality Element. We count:


Wealth Robber

Injured Official

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Killer in 7th Position

The Killer in the 7th Position allows its owner to take an aggressive approach in life, gives the ability to shoot first and eliminate the obstacle. Such people always carry out any plan, regardless of the chances of success. For them, the very attempt to achieve a goal more important than the result. They think that if you try many times, success will not be long in coming, the only question is the number of approaches.

Their attitude towards laws/rules is very peculiar. By nature, such people love to break established rules, trying to take a dominant position. Most corporations are controlled by holders of the 7th Killer. They are not shy about their means in order to develop success. Revolutionaries at heart, they have an amazing ability to persevere in times of fear and depression.

Around U-Sin:

Metal as a Killer in 7th Position for Mr. Tree of the Day– their judgments are pure and clear. Such people do not lose face and often have strong convictions. And if they decide to act, then (with rare exceptions) they will never turn back.

Water as a Killer in 7th Position for Lord Fire of the Day- Escape is not an option. It’s as if a tsunami or typhoon is moving behind you - their natural destructive power is often incomparable. No discussion or negotiation, your only choice is to follow their lead.

Tree as a Killer in 7th Position for Lord Day Earth– slowly but surely moving towards victory. They are able to wait a long time and patiently until you give in. And once you're trapped, you're on the defensive, you're in the trenches, they'll get the better of you.

Fire as a Killer in 7th Position for Mr. Day Metal– intensive destruction. Such people are capable of dramatic changes, so you may not recognize them after a series of internal transformations. And this process is extremely useful for Metal; without hardening with Fire, it is just a bunch of useless ore.

Earth as a Killer in 7th Position for Lord of the Day Watersafety valve for fierce energy. In fact, he delays the moment of the inevitable - he focuses aggression, makes it targeted and objective, and does not seek to destroy everything in its path.


You need a 7th Position Assassin if you want to achieve your goals, but it must be used with caution - it is truly a double-edged sword. Personally, I love this Star very much, it is moderately present in my chart and has always helped me get out of life’s ups and downs, of which, believe me, there were quite a few. And a lot of women come with a well-defined 7th Killer, and I think that’s great! Yes, you need to be able to control it, because the power in it is simply enormous. What would you do without this - do you want a powerful magical tool? - then first learn how to use it;)!

Today I want to give an example of how important it is to choose a spouse for yourself and not be led by emotions and persuasion.

In Bazi there are concepts of 10 spirits. There is a spirit “killer in the 7th position” - this is the element 7th from your bazi circle

For Yang Wood, the 7th killer is Yang Metal.

Card of a woman, GD Jia Yin. The map is without an hour, but the hour would not play a special role here - the map is all “wooden”. The GE of the day merges with the GE of the month into a Tree. Earth is useful for such a map, but Metal is the most cruel destroyer. If a woman came to me with such a card and asked about compatibility with a man, I would convincingly ask her to wait and not rush into marriage.

! The man’s card, GD Wu ​​Shen, has the strongest Metal in the card, Metal is born in the month of the Snake, so there is complete support here. Most likely, this is a card of following self-expression, or the Formation of Happiness (depending on the hour), in any case, Metal and Challenge of Power predominate here. For such a man, there are only two things - himself, his talents, and desires. IN in this case- the desire for power and career, because Metal is a symbol of power. This is a man with a strong mind, but cold and selfish.
Having two virtues, lunar and celestial, he can not be afraid of prosecution, and attract the attention of influential people.

Now look how these cards combine.
1) The husband's Metal overcomes the wife's Wood.
2) The 7th assassin in the Man's Consort's palace encounters the Tree in the Woman's Consort's palace. This is already a bad sign. The spouses' palaces should not collide, otherwise the marriage will be dissolved sooner or later, rather sooner.
☝The predominant energy in the chart of one spouse should not overcome the energy of the second spouse, this is extremely bad for him, no matter whether it is a woman or a man. At a minimum, she will be sick, suffer from jealousy, at a maximum...look how the sinister 7th killer influenced this woman’s map.
This year she got married, - ⛔darling girls, don’t get married in a collision with the marriage palace.
Not only does her husband attack, but it’s also a year now Bing Shen, a double attack. In addition, her year, beat and GE of the year merge into the season of Metal (Monkey-Rooster-Dog). Too much Metal for a Tree born in winter.

For her, this turned into a tragedy - the girl gets into an accident in August, a duplicate of the year Bing Shen, double Monkey (the image of the collision of Wood and Metal is precisely the accident), the lower part of the body is severely crippled - and the day and hour pillar is what is below the belt.
Her parents die a month after their wedding. - a complete collision of a woman's monthly pillar and a man's monthly pillar, he would somehow separate her from her parents. In our partner’s chart we can see the fate of our marriage and even our relatives.
And as a result, her husband leaves her alone with her pain and despair (again a clash between the Tiger and the Monkey). He is busy, he has his own affairs, he has no time for his wife, with whom he needs to fuss.

There are people who are catalysts and should be avoided at all costs. There are useful people, you need to bring them closer.
This girl benefits from her relatives of the same sex, all water-wood and earth people. Perhaps her husband will come to his senses and support his wife, but with such a card I wouldn’t count on it. He is only interested in those people who can give him money and power. In this and next year in the NA of the year Seal - his reputation will be destroyed.

Avoid, girls, the 7 killers that are not useful to you, and do not get married in the year of a collision with your GE of the day or year. Take care of yourself.

An element with the unusual name “Killer in 7th position” can be found both in the pillars of the map and in the incoming pillars. It is a controlling element in relation to the Element of personality, and therefore represents the Power aspect of life, while having a homogeneous polarity with the Day Dominant. In various sources it can be found under other names: “False/wrong official”, “Homogeneous power”, “Indirect officer”, “Extraordinary power” and many others. However, the name “Killer in the 7th position” is still more correct, since the Heavenly trunk, which represents this element, when counted starting from the Personality Element, turns out to be the seventh in a number of heavenly trunks.

Meaning of "Assassins in 7th position"

Being present in the card, this element gives its owner an aggressive approach to solving various life issues. Its presence means a person’s desire to have power, to command, to establish his own rules and orders, including breaking existing installations to introduce your own rules and restore order after chaos. When building a business or career, this can be precisely an aggressive approach - such a person will look impressive and cause fear among others, he will demand obedience, exert his influence, while not being influenced by others. Very often this sign, and not even in a single copy, can be found in the cards of the military, officials, politicians, people serving in intelligence, law enforcement agencies, police and other similar organizations.

A person with the element “Killer in 7th position” is active, energetic, creative, fearless, with a sensitive and explosive character and extraordinary thinking. Able to solve problems productively and adapt to situations while playing necessary roles to achieve your goal. At the same time, he may not be honest and even break the law. Capable of leading an uprising, circumventing established rules for his own benefit, for example, being dishonest or taking bribes. He can purposefully create confusion and chaos himself, so that he can then take everything into his own hands, establish order and gain glory.

When the element is useful, a person has courage, patience, endurance, discipline and determination. He has excellent self-control, is diligent, strong-willed, knows how to solve emerging problems and can religiously move towards his goal for a long time without admitting defeat. Adapts well to current circumstances. In communication, he is quite charming, knows how to see what is hidden, sees to the root, but can be harsh.

If an element is not useful, it brings difficulties to the card owner due to internal problems and limitations that he sets for himself. It is difficult for him to make decisions and achieve his goals, on the way to which he may unexpectedly give up for no reason. He does not like to take responsibility and admit his mistakes; he would rather blame someone else for them and destroy existing established relationships. Which, by the way, also doesn’t happen often, since he treats people with suspicion. Prone to depression.

How to find the “Killer at position 7” on the map

As already mentioned, in accordance with the cycle of interaction of the elements, this element controls the Element of the personality and, at the same time, the same polarity with it. That is, if the Personality Element has Yang polarity, then the element of Power, representing the “Killer in the 7th position” will have Yang polarity. For example, if the Daytime Dominant is Yang Wood, then the “Killer in 7th position” for him will be Yang Metal.

Now, having an idea of ​​what character traits this element adds to us, once in our map, we can understand ourselves much better, and most importantly, if necessary, adjust our reactions and behavior in certain situations. It should be borne in mind that not all of the described characteristics must necessarily manifest themselves clearly and fully. Indeed, in addition to this element, even if it is presented more than once, the map also contains others that can interact in different ways both with it and with each other, creating an individual and unique picture of our personality.

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Is it possible to see the tendency towards stinginess through the prism of Chinese astrology Ba Zi? This article describes the main indicators of this unpleasant character trait. The only thing you need to understand is that the psychological profile in astrology is a very moving thing. Much depends on a person’s upbringing, on social conditions, on the level of development and work on oneself.

1) Among the elements of personality, people born on days are most often distinguished by stinginess. Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yin Fire, Yin Water and Yin Metal. The personality element must always be considered in conjunction with the entire chart.

* Earth In general, by nature, it is inclined to accumulate and save, especially the Yang Earth.

* Fire Yin and Water Yin- the two most psychologically unstable elements of personality. Their stinginess and saving are most often based on fears, anxieties, and limited beliefs. Suddenly, it’s not enough.

* Metal yin- in itself is associated with jewelry, money. If the map is unbalanced, these people may be overly attached to material side life.

2) Balance of elements in the map.

This is one of the very important indicators when analyzing Ba Zi. The following patterns most often appear here.

* The map is very a lot of money element, the personality element is weak. Resources are weak. All motivation is focused on money. As a result, a person may become greedy. In this case, the element “Right Wealth” is especially strong.

*Interestingly, in second place is the opposite complete absence of the element of money in the card or the element of money is extremely extremely weak. In this case, the fear of poverty often manifests itself, constant savings, a person buys everything that is cheapest.

* In third place - resource problem. There are a lot of resource elements, but there is no self-expression or it is extremely weak. Resource is accumulation, saving. Self-expression is generosity, the ability to share. With an imbalance at this level, a person becomes stingy and greedy. This is especially evident if “Incorrect resource” or “Slanting print” prevails among the resource element.

The founder of IKEA and the richest Swede, Ingvar Kamprad (his fortune is estimated at $28 billion), began his first crown in primary school schools. Buying pencils and erasers in bulk, the future furniture magnate sold them at exorbitant prices to his classmates. And I saved money. He is known for eating in cheap restaurants, flying economy class, riding buses and staying in three-star hotels even now. And he spends his vacation with a fishing rod on the bank of some river in his native Sweden. Ingvar requires his subordinates to use both sides of a sheet of paper. All the furniture in his house is from IKEA, with the exception of “an old chair and a beautiful standing clock.” Moreover, Ingvar has been using the same chair for 32 years: “I’ve been using it for 32 years. My wife thinks that I need a new one because the material is dirty. But otherwise it’s no worse than new.”

The hour of birth is unknown. But even if there is an element of money in the hour, it will be extremely weak.

Ingvar was born on Earth Day, yang ("greedy element of personality"). In his chart there is an abundance of Fire (resources), no money and a very weak element of self-expression (Metal), which is taken away by Yang Fire (Oblique Seal).

* In fourth place is overkill with the authorities, which is called the “7th killer” with a weak element of personality and weak self-expression. This is a severe self-limiting configuration.

* Too much EARTH in the map (no matter what element it is) leads to hoarding and greed.

If we talk about the heavenly trunks or the “10 Deities”, then there are also established combinations that often make a person a miser.

* The most important thing is This is a combination of "Oblique Seal" (indirect resources) and "Spirit of Delight"(indirect self-expression). The spirit of pleasure is the ability to receive pleasure from life, the ability to share with people not only emotionally, but also materially, a smooth movement through life. The oblique seal severely limits such traits, creating a bunch of psychological clamps and restrictions. Frequent consequences of this combination are greed and pathological stinginess.

With this combination, the heavenly trunks should stand next to each other or be in the same pillar. For example, “Oblique Seal” at the top in open heavenly trunks, “Spirit of Delight” at the bottom in hidden trunks.

By the way, it is interesting that this same combination indicates serious problems with childbirth in women’s charts. It turns out that stinginess is one of the psychological reasons for childlessness.

The second rich man on the Forbes list - American financier Warren Buffett (net worth - $44 billion) - drives around Wall Street in a Lincoln Towncar, which is not prestigious in his circle and is far from new, with the license plate THRIFTY, which means “thrifty”. And he is in no hurry to change the small apartment, bought 40 years ago for only 30 thousand dollars. Buffett is unpretentious in life, avoiding luxury items, with the exception of a private jet. For example, he eats at a fast food chain that he likes so much that he bought it.

Look at his Ba Zi card. The only self-expression (Yang Tree) is attacked by a strong resource (Metal). Excessive resources, little self-expression. Completes the picture "Slanting Seal" in the year, which attacks the "Spirit of Delight" in the month birth.

* Another combination between heavenly trunks that leads to stinginess= "The Seventh Murderer" (wrong power) and "The Spirit of Pleasure." When these trunks stand side by side or in the same pillar, a person tends to limit himself in everything. Well, others won’t get much either.)))

3) Symbolic stars

Among the symbolic stars related to stinginess, I would highlight three.

* "Reward of 10 Heavenly Stems" or star of wealth. If this star is in an unhelpful element, and the elements “Wealth Robber”, “7 Killer” and “Indirect Wealth” are strongly pronounced in the chart, a person can become greedy.

* "Original Constellation"- is always a bad star, no matter what element it is in. Leads to psychological disruptions, strong feelings, loneliness, and mental disorders. We are primarily interested in the combination when the element of money sits at the top or bottom of the “Original Constellation”. In this case, a person is constantly afraid of losing money and material resources. Greed and stinginess. In the cards of men there are also big problems with women.

A few years ago, British millionaire Nicholas von Hoogstraten (net worth about $800 million) was sentenced to ten years for the murder of his companion. And the police who searched Hoogstraten’s house told newspapermen about the unusual find. A cache of used tea bags was found in the rich man's kitchen. He dried them and then brewed the tea again. A year later, however, the millionaire was released. However, if the opinion of him as a terrible stingy person changes, it will not change soon.

The hour is unknown, but in the three pillars self-expression (fire) again does not shine. All energy goes into power and money. His “original constellation” is in his birth month = TIGER, at the top you can see the Yang Earth (stable wealth).

* "Demon of Red Beauty" when combined with “7 Killer” and a weak card, it can also turn a person into a stingy person.

Thus, the beautiful half of the Beckham star couple, former lead singer of the pop group Spice Girls Victoria Beckham, was seen more than once on a tram heading towards the stadium in Manchester, where her husband was then playing. It is known that Mrs. Beckham, whose personal fortune is $18 million, has a weakness for cheap German Blue Nun wine, which she regularly buys at the local supermarket, and buys everyday clothes not from Christian Dior or Versace, but from the discount store Matalan and considers it hers. My favorite clothing store is far from being the most fashionable Top Shop.

Victoria was born on Earth's yang day ("greedy element of personality"). In the three pillars again there is no smell of self-expression.))) All energy goes into money and power (Water and Wood). She has the star "Red Beauty Demon" + strong "7 Killer" in the annual pillar (Yang Tree). Maybe it’s not for nothing that there are such rumors about her.

I hope the article will help girls find out in advance which boys they definitely shouldn’t marry))) Unless you are as lucky as actress Wendy Dorcas.

23-year-old American actress Wendy Dorcas married millionaire film director Roger Dorcas. He was almost three times older than Wendy, and the actress expected that over time her husband’s millions would transfer to her account. In a year family life Roger died suddenly. But when the lawyers read out his will, Wendy was furious: she inherited... 1 cent. The director bequeathed everything else (and this is 64 million dollars) ... to his dog Maximilian.The court sided with the dog, but the actress found a way to keep millions for herself - she... married Maximilian. It turned out that when Dorcas opened an account for the dog, he had to register the dog as a US citizen in order to pay the necessary taxes. The actress's marriage to the dog was even registered - the dog's papers were in order. And when Maximilian died, the “widow” inherited all his wealth.

But seriously, be generous, both materially and spiritually. Don't be afraid to spend money, enjoy this wonderful life, have fun, enjoy every day and make your loved ones happy!

Let us consider the relationship of the Personality element from the Ba-Tzu map with other Wu-hsing elements, taking into account the cycles of generation and destruction.

Each of the elements is responsible for a specific area of ​​life.
Friends, partners are the same element as the element of Personality;
Resources are an element that generates (feeds) the element of personality;
Power is an element that destroys (controls) the element of personality;
Self-expression is an element generated by the personality element;
Money is an element destroyed (controlled) by the personality element.

Dividing these five elements into 10 deities.
Each element, depending on its relationship with the personality element, can be homogeneous or heterogeneous, thus forming ten deities.
An element with the same polarity (Yang or Yin) as the personality element is homogeneous. An element with the opposite polarity is heterogeneous. For example, if the personality element is Yang Water, then all the Yang elements in the Ba Tzu chart will be homogeneous, and the Yin elements will be heterogeneous.

Friends, partners Brotherhood
siblings, equal shoulder, parallel
Wealth Robber
loss of money, competitors
Resources Oblique seal
false seal, owl spirit, unconditional ideas, obscene resource
Correct seal
true, correct print, conditional ideas, decent resource
Self-expression Spirit of Delight (Spirit of Food)
homogeneous self-expression, creativity, beneficial products
Challenge to power
injury of an official, injury of a spouse, rebellion, radical production
Power 7 killers
false, wrong official, seventh position killer, extraordinary power, obscene power/power
Right Authority (Officer)
true official, correct power, normal power, decent power/power
Money Propensity for Wealth
oblique, sideways or false wealth, accidental money, addiction to wealth, obscene wealth
Direct Wealth
true wealth, proper wealth, stable income, decent wealth

Each of the 10 deities relates to a specific area of ​​life, indicates a person’s character traits, and also correlates with family and friends. For example, the correct seal is the mother, and when it comes in the 10-year stroke of luck, one can expect events related to the mother. Such relationships between gods and demons make it possible to build a tree of relatives. is constructed differently depending on gender and personality element.

How to Find the 10 Gods in Your Bazi Chart
8 Heavenly trunks are analyzed: open Heavenly trunks and dominant ones, which can be determined by the Earthly branches, as containers of hidden Heavenly trunks.

It also makes sense to consider the influence of incoming energies: the energy of the Pillars of Luck, the energy of the coming year and month.

Brief characteristics of 10 gods and demons

Each of the 10 deities has auspicious/beneficial and inauspicious/unbeneficial influence. This influence depends on the strengths and weaknesses Ba-Zi cards, from the quality of the deity itself (Qi phases).


This is friendship, communication, communication, pleasantness in communication. If this sign is present in the Ba Tzu chart, it is easier for them to find common language with opponents, to understand someone else’s point of view. If there are one or two such signs in the chart, the person is pleasant to talk to, sociable, and capable of languages. If there are 3 or more signs in a card, this indicates selfishness, superficiality, and pride. Such people often fuss a lot and conflict in vain.
If brotherhood is not useful, a person often faces betrayal or deception on the part of partners. False, two-faced friends stick to him.

Wealth Robber

If there is one such sign in the map, this is good, because it indicates that a person can give up wealth for the sake of mental development. For such a person, personal growth, character improvement, and the spiritual side are no less important than material assets. Such people are always in the process of development.
If there are two or more such signs in a card, this indicates generosity, sometimes extravagance.
Helpful Wealth Robber is eloquence, helping others make money.
Unhelpful deity The robber of wealth brings with him arrogance and arrogance.

Both the Spirit of Pleasure and the Challenge of Power are responsible for self-expression and give rise to the element of money, i.e. people are able to create their own business, generate productive ideas, and ways to get rich.

Spirit of Delight (Spirit of Food)

This deity is responsible for self-love and self-care, about your body. The spirit of pleasure gives a person sensitivity, sensuality, and sharpens the perception of all five senses. These are the deities of a good lover, a sensual woman. Men who have one or two such signs in their chart are gentle and sexy.
The useful Spirit of pleasure gives creativity, rich imagination, desire for self-knowledge, creativity.
Unhelpful Spirit of pleasure (three or more signs) - talk about stinginess, addictions, if expressed in the water element - to alcoholism, if in the earth element - to gluttony.

Challenge to the authorities (Injury of an official, Attack on the authorities)

This is a sign of disobedience, a desire to argue and defend one’s rightness. Celebrates rebels, people who make their own way in life. If a person has a similar sign in his destiny, he often communicates in a way that from the outside looks very authoritarian. He clearly demonstrates that he is right, it is difficult to argue with him, it is difficult for him to object.
If there are two or more signs in the chart, a person puts his interests above all else, considers himself special, and loves to shine.
A useful challenge to power speaks of the makings of a manager, a leader, an innovator.
Unhelpful A challenge to authority results in fussiness, useless conflicts, and disputes.
In a woman's chart, two or more signs are considered unfavorable for family relations, such a woman will try to lead at home. The role of a housewife is not for her; it is better for her to realize herself in another area.

Direct Wealth (Stable Wealth)

This deity endows a person with a desire for order and prudence, when every step is calculated, everything is laid out on the shelves, according to the rules. Such people are honest, decent, law-abiding, thrifty, good performers, have a pragmatic outlook on life, and know how to manage finances.
Such people achieve success through hard work and dedication.
Having three or more signs in a chart, a person is inclined to pursue illusory goals.

Addiction to Wealth (Slant Wealth)

A person who has two or more such signs in a map has a clear goal - money. At the same time, he pursues both material and non-material benefits - fame, recognition, awards. Such a person constantly finds ideas on where to make money and feels the financial wind. If there are two or more such unhelpful signs in the map, this indicates vanity and excessive anxiety. Such people tend to make fatal mistakes when planning, quickly achieve and quickly lose what they have achieved.
If a man has several of these signs, it is more difficult for him to get married or maintain a marriage, since they tend to have mistresses.

Right Authority (Officer)

If there is such a sign in the map, a person is inclined to follow rules and laws, to be honest and fair. Such people are usually honest, intelligent, efficient, capable of leading, and know how to structure a conversation correctly. They are often conservative and work productively in a team.
If there are two or more such signs in a card and they are useful, then the person is inclined to “serve the law” and may be tormented by his conscience using his official position in his own interests. In men's and women's the card is useful sign, because it imparts responsibility, care and order.
The unhelpful and numerous appearance of signs in a chart makes people too honest and correct.

The Seventh Assassin (Seventh Position Assassin, Oblique Power, Wrong Power)

This is another rebellious deity. This sign gives a person courage and charisma, quick reactions and many ideas. People with the seventh position will be able to find a common language with representatives of all social spheres and will be indispensable in leadership positions, but the quality of hired workers can become a problem.
If there are two or more such signs in the chart and they are not useful, such people often change jobs due to problems with their superiors or excessive workload.
If the seventh position is numerous and useful, such a person will be able to achieve great success, because he sees the entire situation, quickly makes decisions and finds the optimal solution.

Correct Printing (Direct Printing)

Responsible for mental resources: knowledge, intelligence. Such people are polite, intelligent, helpful, educated and understand the importance of learning, respect family and family values. A kind of “correct” person, a person who ruled.
If there are two or more such signs in a chart and they are unhelpful, this will manifest itself in capriciousness, painful attachment to people, a desire for hyper-protection over loved ones, and sole decision-making.

Oblique seal

Responsible for the attitude of the world, indicates a person’s desire to understand himself, to find his way. The oblique seal gives a penchant for applied sciences: psychology, metaphysics, esotericism.
If there are two or more such signs in a chart, it is difficult for people to find friends, but they are not afraid of loneliness, have good intuition, and can foresee possible developments of events.
If there are two or more such signs in a chart and they are not useful, this indicates arrogance. Also, too much oblique printing in the chart indicates problems in relations with parents.

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