Method of orientation on a sheet of paper - Magic leaves. Math lesson notes Lesson topic: “Problem solving

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Goal: Continue to develop skills in orientation on a sheet of paper.

Objectives: consolidate the ability to navigate on a plane, improve counting skills, clarify knowledge about geometric shapes ah develop determination, perseverance, the desire to complete the task without mistakes, because otherwise there will be no result (the drawing will not work), develop fine motor skills and imagination.

We will need:

2 mice for the board, a large-checked notebook, pencils, a printout with objects (picture in notes), half A4 sheet.

Guys, we have some unusual guests today. Now you can name them for me yourself.

Of course, this is a mouse, not just one, but two, and they want to play with us.

1. Pay attention to the board! The mice will run away from us, and we will guess where they are.

Regarding me, in which corner is the gray mouse, the white mouse? (we rearrange the pictures of the mice to different corners and the middle. We ask the children to answer in complete sentences)

2. And now the mice wanted to draw. (the guys have a white sheet of paper on the table, half A4)

Place a piece of paper vertically, draw a circle in the upper right corner, a square in the lower left corner, a triangle in the lower right corner, draw a rectangle in the upper left corner, an oval in the middle. And the most difficult thing. Be careful!!! Draw a diamond between the rectangle and the circle.

Check if you drew correctly. (Showing a sample on the board) Well done!

Where are our mice? They hid again. Let's look for them on this sheet.

3. Consider the pictures on the sheet (each child has a printout on the table)

What is shown there (items that are on shelves) Of course, the cunning mice hid behind the closet with shelves. Let's look at the items that are on the shelves.

Find and name the object: the far left on the top shelf, the far right on the bottom shelf, the far left on the middle shelf, between the bucket and the iron, to the right of the vase, to the left of the nesting doll. Tell me how the other objects are located.

Now let’s imagine that we are cats who want to catch these mice. Let's get up for a minute.


One two three four five -

Start doing your exercises! –

Meowed to me in my sleep

Restless kitten.

One two three four five -

Paws need to be exposed -

Now back, now forward...

Each paw has its turn.

One two three four five -

It's time to nod your head -

Right-left, left-right -

The neck moves well!

One two three four five -

Let's wag our tail.

Who doesn't have a tail?

He squats up to a hundred!

... Just kidding... Only until ten

Twist your hips quickly.

Did you twist it? Right now

We squat a hundred times.

...Just kidding... Only ten...

Sports are good for kittens!

Here you go! The mice got scared of the cats and ran away. And where, now we find out. We took the green notebooks (children take out notebooks in a large square). Opened to the second page. We put the pencil on the point and, without lifting our hands, listen and follow my instructions.

Yes, the mice have come home! We finish drawing the house, roof, window, door. And you can color it.

Did you like playing with mice?

Well done, you did a good job.

Correctional lesson in 2nd grade.

Lesson topic: Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Type of lesson: Studying new topic.

Target: teach how to navigate the plane of a sheet.



    Place objects in a given position on the sheet plane: top, bottom, middle, center, left, right, etc.

    Draw lines in a certain direction.

    Verbally indicate the location of objects on the plane of the sheet and the direction of space.

    Show objects with a given relative position relative to each other (above, below, on, over, under, below, on top, between).

Correctional and developmental:

    Development oral speech, by requiring complete answers to the teacher's questions.

    Develop fine motor skills through hands-on work in workbooks.

    Development of thinking by including in the lesson tasks on the ability to find patterns.


Cultivate interest in Russian culture.

Foster love and respect for nature.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, marker board, markers (blue, red, green, black), worksheet, colored pencils, pencil, eraser.

Lesson structure

1. Organizing time.

    Emotional mood for the lesson.

2 .Introduction to the topic.

    State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Introductory conversation.

3. Learning new material.

    Task No. 1.

    Working with the Su Juk massager

    Task No. 2.

    Task No. 3.

    Physical exercise.

    Task No. 4.

5. Lesson summary.


    Analysis of student activities.

I.Organizing time.

The bell has rung for you,

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stand at your desks beautifully,

Say hello politely!

Don't be lazy - smile

And sit down quietly! (Children sit down.)

During the lesson you will need: a sheet with tasks, colored pencils, a pencil, an eraser. If anyone is missing something, raise your hand. (Checking students' readiness for the lesson.)

II.Introduction to the topic.

1). State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today on correctional lesson we will learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, place objects in a given position: top, bottom, middle, center, left, right, etc.

2). Introductory part.

Oh, guys, hush, hush,

I hear something strange:

Some guest is rushing to us

And it seems to be squeaking.

Whoever it is, come in

Look at the guys!

To find out who is rushing to visit us, we need to solve riddles.

(Slide show #2).

Scarlet comb,

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard

Important gait

Who is this? (This is a rooster.) (Show slide number 3).

(Show slide number 4).

The grain pecks

The child is calling:

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far!

Clucking, fussing

Convenes children

Gathers everyone under his wings!

Who is this? (This is a chicken.) (Show slide number 5).

Right! Well done! Listen to the next riddle.

(Slide show #6).

I was born in a yellow fur coat:

“Goodbye, two shells!”

Who is this? (This is a chicken.) (Slide show No. 7).

Smart guys! (Slide show #8).

Roosters, chicks, hens-

Very important figures.

In the morning the rooster crows

All honest people will wake up.

A hen raises chicks

And he will treat us to an egg. (Show slide number 9).

III. Learning new material.

Guys, do you think the chicken family just came to visit us? (Children's answers).

They prepared tasks for us that we will carry out.

1) Task No. 1.

Guys, you probably know how big it is religious holiday, are we going to celebrate soon? (Easter holiday).

Right! And the main Easter symbol of resurrection is the egg, since from the egg is born new life. During the Easter kiss and greeting, believers always gave each other colored eggs. So in the first task you must paint the eggs in the right colors.

Take a red pencil in your hands and color the egg on the right side.

Take a green pencil and color the left egg.

Take a blue pencil in your hands and use it to color the egg that is to the right of the green one.

Take a yellow pencil in your hands and use it to color the egg that is between blue and red.

Well done! Everyone completed the task. (Show best works).

2) Working with the Su Juk massager.

Now you and I will have a little rest. I will give you massagers and you will repeat all the movements after me. All attention is on me.

Was White House,

Wonderful house.

And something knocked inside him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out -

So warm, so -

Fluffy and golden!

I was born in a yellow fur coat:

“Goodbye, two shells!”

(The guys repeat all movements after the teacher. After the massager opens, the guys begin to massage their fingers with a massage ring.)

3) Task No. 2.

Guys, find task No. 2 on your pieces of paper. Who is drawn in the middle of the square here? (A chicken is drawn in the middle of the square.)

That's right, chicken. Look, he has just hatched from his egg and really wants to eat, but doesn’t know where to go. Let's give him a hint. Take a simple pencil in your hands. Be prepared to listen carefully. What's in the top left corner? (There is a worm in the upper left corner).

Absolutely right! This is a worm. Draw a path from the chicken to the upper left corner. (Children complete tasks).

What's in the bottom right corner? (There is grass in the lower right corner.)

Well done, the grass is positioned correctly there. Draw a line from the chicken to the lower right corner. (Children complete tasks).

What will the chicken find in the upper right corner? (There is a ladybug bug in the upper right corner.)

Well done! Draw a path from the chicken to the upper right corner, to the bug. (Children complete tasks).

What's in the lower left corner? (There is grain in the lower left corner.)

That's right, grain! Draw a path from the chicken to the lower left corner. (Children complete tasks).

Well done! You also completed this task.

4) Task No. 3.

Guys, how many of you know where chickens live? (Chickens live in a chicken coop.)

Right! They live in a chicken coop. Find task number 3 on your pieces of paper. What do you have drawn in the middle of the square? (Children's answers).

That's right, guys, this is a chicken coop. Tell me, will the chickens like living here? (Children's answers).

Now we will finish this drawing. I say what, and most importantly, where to draw. You draw it quickly. Let's get to work. In the left corner of our drawing, draw a sun. Draw grass at the bottom of the chicken coop. Draw a flower in the lower right corner. Draw a cloud on top of the chicken coop. To the left of the chicken coop, draw a fence. To the right of the chicken coop, draw a tree. Draw a mushroom in the lower left corner. In the upper right corner draw another cloud. You should end up with a drawing like this. (Show a drawing - sample on a marker board.)

5) Physical exercise.

Sit up straight. Focus on me. Rest your head on your palms. We work with our eyes. Up - down (2 times), right - left (2 times), upper right corner - lower left corner (2 times), upper left corner - lower right corner (2 times). Close your eyes with your palms and count from 5 to 1. Then open your eyes. Well done!

6) Task No. 4.

And the last task that the chickens have prepared for us is shading. Who is drawn in your task No. 4? (In task No. 4, chickens are drawn.)

Right! You need to shade these chicks in the right direction. Take a simple pencil in your hands and shade the first chicken from top to bottom. (Children complete tasks).

Well done! You need to shade the next chicken from left to right. (Children complete tasks).

And you need to shade the last chicken from the upper right corner to the lower left. (Children complete tasks).

Well done! Everyone completed the task. (Showing the best works.)

IV.Lesson summary.

Everyone sat up straight. The chickens really liked the way you worked. Well done! Everyone stand up. You can go to recess.

Subject: Orientation on a sheet of paper: top, bottom, right, left, middle of the sheet.

Target: teach how to navigate the plane of a sheet.



Place objects in a given position on the sheet plane: top, bottom, middle, left, right

Verbally indicate the location of objects on the plane of the sheet and the direction of space.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop the ability to highlight angles on a sheet of paper

Development of oral speech by requiring complete answers to the teacher’s questions.

Develop fine motor skills through hands-on activities.

Development of thinking by including in the lesson tasks on the ability to find patterns.

Correct attention interpersonal relationships.

Correction of general motor skills through physical education and changing dynamic poses;

Correction of fine motor skills through subject-based practical activities;

Speech correction through complete answers to questions.


Cultivate interest in Russian culture.

Cultivate discipline, the ability to listen to classmates, careful attitude towards handouts and educational supplies.

Foster love and respect for nature.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: laptop, applique set, task sheet, sets of geometric shapes, toy cars, picture “mood tree”, picture of autumn leaves.

During the classes

Preparatory part

1. Organizational moment.

The bell has rung for you,

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stand at your desks beautifully,

Say hello politely!

Don't be lazy - smile

And sit down quietly! (Children sit down.)

2. NPP - “Tree of Mood”.

What season?

What happens to trees in autumn?

Our mood tree became a little sad.

Let's decorate the tree with leaves and see what mood you're in. Red, yellow and green are a good, joyful mood, and brown is a sad mood.

And at the end of the lesson, we will check your mood. And let's see how it turned out after the lesson. You will determine your mood and decorate the tree with leaves.

Main part.

1. Conversation about what we studied in the last lesson.

In the last lesson we learned how to navigate the classroom.

Now let’s check how you have learned to navigate the classroom. (door, window)

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

We will learn to navigate on a sheet of paper so that in the future you can determine the top, bottom, right, left and middle of the sheet.

3. Updating students' knowledge.

Guys, today I received a message on my phone from forest dwellers.

- Animals live in a dense forest. They have their own children. And the animals decided

build a forest school for them. They gathered at the edge of the forest and began

think about where to put it.

The hare suggested building in the lower left corner.

The fox wanted the school to be in the upper right corner, next to her hole.

The bear insisted that the school be built in the upper left corner,

The wolf asks to build in the lower right corner.

The mouse intervened in the conversation. She said, “The school needs to be built in the middle.” The animals listened to the mouse's advice and decided to build a school in the middle of the forest clearing. It's so convenient for everyone.

Let's check with you whether the animals listened correctly to the mouse's advice. But to do this, we ourselves need to learn how to navigate on a sheet of paper.

4. Explanation of a new topic.

Learning to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Let's pretend that we are magicians. We will learn how to draw invisible lines on a sheet of paper. Place a sheet of paper in front of you like this (teacher shows).

Raise your right hand and place it on the right side of the sheet, then place your left hand on the left side like I did. Fold a sheet of paper in half, corner to corner. Turn the sheet of paper over and fold it in half again. Unfold the sheet of paper and what do you see (children's answers).

Where the lines intersect is the middle of the sheet. Show the middle of the sheet.

The leaf has edges. I'll show you. This is the right one, and this is the left one. The lower one is closer to you, and the upper one is further away from you. Show the edges of the sheet.

Look, there are still angles, let’s count how many there are.

Find the right side of the sheet. On the right side there is one and the other right corner. The corner at the top of the sheet is the upper right corner, and at the bottom of the sheet is the lower right corner. Show me first the upper and then the lower corner. Find the left side of the sheet. On the left side there is one and the other left corner. The corner at the top of the sheet is the upper left corner, and at the bottom of the sheet is the lower left corner. Show me how I first do the top and then the bottom corner

Repeat the names after me and show me.

5. Physical education (laptop).

Let's check if the forest dwellers listened to the mouse's advice correctly? (work on the board).

6. Consolidation of the studied material.

1. Finger gymnastics.

2. Laying out according to instructions - a picture.

In front of the children there is a sheet of paper and handouts in an envelope.

You need to put on the sheet what I’m about to say, and where to put it is up to you
You will find out if you listen to me carefully.

    Autumn has come. The sun is shining in the sky. Place the sun in the top left corner.

    A cloud floats across the sky. Place it in the top right corner.

    Suddenly the wind blew. Leaves are falling from the trees. Place the tree in the middle of the leaf.

    Place the red leaf in the lower left corner.

    Place the yellow leaf in the lower right corner.

    check yourself. Look how it should have turned out.

These are the beautiful paintings we got.

Final part.

Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in class today?

What did you like about the lesson?

Let's replenish the tree with leaves of our mood. Choose the color of the leaf that matches your mood at the end of the lesson.

Tasks: conduct an initial diagnosis of the child’s ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; learn how to perform graphic dictation.

Equipment: bell; photocopies of the “track” and checkered notebooks (according to the number of children); a simple pencil; pen; signs.


Finger gymnastics

Teacher. To make our fingers work well today, let's do some gymnastics. Prepare your palms and repeat the words and movements after me.
We chop and chop cabbage ( The sides of the palms hit the table, simulating the work of knives - 3 times),
We salt and salt the cabbage ( finger movement simulating sprinkling salt – 3 times),
We press and press cabbage ( clenching and unclenching your fists - 3 times),
We three or three cabbage ( rub palms – 3 times).

Test for the development of fine motor skills of the hand. Driving along the "Paths"

Each child is given a photocopy of the track.

U. Who can say what we will use to travel along the paths? Name the types of transport that are drawn on the paths.

Children. Plane, helicopter, bicycle.

U. What is the hardest thing to travel with? Why? Which path is the easiest to drive on? Why?
Imagine that you are driving a car. Your back should touch the back of the car seat. Feet are firmly on the floor. The sheet of “Tracks” lies on the desk with a slight tilt to the left, and the corner of the sheet looks into your chest. The head is slightly tilted forward. We will move along the path from left to right. You need to drive in the middle of the path, without going off to the side of the road. The pencil must not be lifted from the paper. The sheet of paper must not be moved or turned over.

The teacher shows correct position pencil in hand.

– Besides you, the whole family will go in the car: mom, dad, grandparents.

The teacher shows and names all the fingers.

– Grandfather and grandmother are old, they will ride in the back seat and will not hold the steering wheel. Curl those fingers. Dad is the head of the family, its support. He will hold the steering wheel - this is a pencil. Place the pencil on middle finger. Mom and son help dad and hold the steering wheel from above.

At the teacher's command (ringing the bell), the children complete the test task. The teacher checks that the children follow the seating rules and the position of the pencil in their hand.

Physical education minute

U. Now I will show the movements and name them. Repeat after me. Be careful. Do those movements that I call. For example: right hand to the side, left hand to the side, both hands up, both on the belt, left hand to the side, right hand to the side, both up, both on the belt.

Then the teacher begins to confuse the children; his movements do not coincide with the commands. The teacher rewards the most attentive.

Orientation on a piece of paper

Children are given notebooks in a cage with markings.

U. On the sheet of paper, in the place where the dots are placed, you need to draw the objects that I will tell you about. And you will find out where to draw if you listen to me carefully.
Autumn has come, the flowers have wilted. Draw a flower in the upper right corner with a simple pencil.
In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color and fall off. Draw a leaf in the lower left corner.
We wait for Indian summer to come, because at this time sunny days return. Draw a sun in the upper left corner.
When the sun comes out, we have fun. Draw a smile in the lower right corner.

The teacher opens the board, the children compare their drawings with the samples.

Lesson summary

U. What new did you learn in class today? Who tried really hard to make it work? What should a student do to make everything clear during the lesson?
The time has come to plant the first flowers. But our flowers are not simple, their petals are the same as your mood today. Each person will paint a petal with the color that matches their mood.

A large flower appears on the board, which generally characterizes the mood of the class after the lesson: red - enthusiastic, orange - joyful, yellow - bright, pleasant, green - calm, balanced, blue - sad, purple - anxious, white - hard to say.

Topic 2. Diagnostic technique “Herringbone” (“Tree”)

Tasks: identify the type of situation in the child’s development; clarify children’s ideas about the schoolchild; secure school rules.

Equipment: school rules signs; cards with Christmas tree drawings for diagnostics; colour pencils.


Organizing time

Teacher. Hello guys! Tell me, how did you say hello just now? Like schoolchildren or preschoolers? Let's try again.
Who are you now, schoolchildren or preschoolers? What is the difference between a schoolchild and a preschooler? Show how a preschooler sits, like a schoolchild.

Review of school rules

U. What school rules does the student know and use?

Children solve riddles using school rules.

Diagnostic work

U. Our neighbors - the children from kindergarten - were given the task: to color the Christmas trees (demonstration of a sample Christmas tree). But it turned out that they still could not cope with this task. The kids ask us for help. They can only draw toys on the Christmas tree, but it’s hard for them to paint over the Christmas tree itself. Let's help our preschool children.
Let's do this: you color the Christmas tree, leaving room for toys that the kids will then draw. What will we paint over? What color?
You must color your Christmas trees (demonstration of the first part of the technique) green, and leave empty white spaces for toys. The toys are then completed by preschoolers in kindergarten.

The teacher distributes leaves with Christmas trees.

- Look at your leaves. What are we going to do now?

Children. Color the Christmas tree.

U. What color will you paint the Christmas tree?

D. Green.

U. Will you paint over the entire Christmas tree? What color should the empty spaces be? Anyone?

D. White.

Children do the work individually, the teacher does not provide them with any help.

Physical education minute

Nadezhda Evgenievna Ilikbaeva
Card index of math games “Orientation on a sheet of paper”






Place in front of your child a square drawn on piece of paper. Identify and mark it with multi-colored lines sides: top, bottom, left, right. Match them to the sides sheet. Find the top left corner of the square. Mark it with a red dot. Do similar work with piece of paper. Match with the red circle on the table and the marker on the child's left hand. Explain to your child that completing tasks is paper he will always start, orienting to the top left corner sheet and moving down to the right.

"Magic Squares". Invite your child to circle the top, then the bottom left, then the right sides of the squares, mark the corners with dots (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right). A more complicated version of the task - superimposed squares.

"Fly". Place a square in front of the child, divided into 9-25 identical parts. Place a drawing of a fly in the central part of the square. On your command, the child must move the fly around the square. After the child has completely mastered the exercise, invite him to move the fly mentally.

Spatial dictations. Place it on sheet of paper with a checkered dot. Teach your child to draw a line from a point on your command (two steps up, three steps to the right, etc.)

"Pathfinder". Place it in front of your child sheet, lined with 9-25 squares, in the upper left corner of which there is a red dot. Same sheet, in one of the squares of which is drawn "treasure", place it in front of you, covering it from the child with a screen. Pre-test on your sheet path from the point to the treasure. Dictate the path for your child. Then compare the resulting drawings.

"Paths". To consolidate the correct skills to work on piece of paper Invite your child to draw paths from the cat to the bowl, from the bee to the flower, from the cloud to the grass, from the paratroopers to the ground.

"Outlines". Invite your child to trace simple shapes first, then complex ones, following the correct direction. movement: left to right, top to bottom.

"Redraw". Invite your child to copy geometric shapes first, then more complex drawings consisting of geometric shapes. Work is carried out on a sheet of paper in a large square.

Copying complex shapes on blank sheet.

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