Is it possible to propose to an ex-boyfriend? I can't bear to get married

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On the eve of Valentine's Day, all the girls who have managed to get boyfriends, deep down in their hearts dream of receiving not banal heart-shaped sweets or a soft teddy bear for Valentine's Day, but a box with a ring and a marriage proposal. But if you know for sure that your boyfriend is still shy to give a ring, getting down on one knee, then maybe you should do it yourself?

No, no, don’t hint that you have long been willing to become the life partner of your loved one in the face of the state, namely, propose marriage. We know 5 ways for a girl to propose to her chosen one.

1. Say it straight in a romantic setting.

You definitely know the man well, since you decided to make him an offer to live happily ever after after the stamp in your passport. It is much easier to surprise a romantic man than a skeptic, and the chances that he will answer “Yes” are much greater. So feel free to book a table at your favorite restaurant or cook at home delicious dinner. Light the candles and don’t forget to wear a dress that will transform you into a stunning beauty. You don’t need to get down on your knees and give a ring! Just at the right moment, tell him how much you love him and offer to legitimize the relationship.

But just in case, between the declaration of love and the proposal itself, do not forget to focus on the fact that you cannot live without each other, reinforcing this concrete examples from life. We think that after this, no one loving man will not resist.

2. Cheat

You can propose marriage using tricks and feminine tricks that are stored in the arsenal of every girl. For example, after great sex you can say: “Darling, why don’t we get married? Be my husband” or “We are such a cool couple, let’s get married.” Or even pretend to be very upset and say: “Everyone at work is already laughing because I’m the only one who’s not married. Let’s finally spare my employees the pleasure of washing my bones - are you ready to become my lawful husband?”

You know, there are even more options here than in the previous method. The main thing is to correctly develop a strategy and draw up an action plan in your head. We also advise you to say that after the wedding living together it gets even better or something like that.

3. Give an ultimatum

We can say that you actually don’t have to get up early in the morning and instead of soaking up under a warm blanket for an extra half hour, you cook cheesecakes or soup. And to end all this by posing the question bluntly: either we go to the registry office or I won’t cook/go to Sunday lunches to YOUR mother/to welcome YOUR friends as guests/to live with you on the same territory... This, of course, is blackmail, but what can you do if your loved one is such a slow-witted person?

In the end, you can use heavy artillery: “You want children so much, but I’m not ready to go from the status of an enviable bride to the status of a single mother, so let’s get married.”

4. Simulate a situation that is hopeless for him.

Every man has his own weaknesses. Someone is afraid of spiders, someone loves cars, and someone cannot say a bad word in the presence of their or your parents. This is what you need to take advantage of. Just model and create a situation in which the “victim” will be discouraged and accept your conditions, in this situation - an offer.

5. Propose on February 29

February 29th is St. Oswald's Day. It is on this day that once every four years a girl can propose to a guy, and he has no right to refuse. Just imagine, what a coincidence - this year February has not 28, but 29 days. So you hold all the cards. But we want to warn you that your future husband may not know about this custom, so on dates like 27-28, casually slip in an article about the holiday or tell them that four years ago a friend of your friend took advantage of the situation, and the family will celebrate the third very soon wedding anniversary in love and harmony.

Yes, take a risk in the end! And even if you hear a negative answer, you will know for sure that this man is not ready to be responsible for the two of you. This means you should part with him immediately. We wish you good luck and hear “Yes” in response!

Of course, it’s clearly too early to start talking about marriage a month after the start of a serious relationship. It is optimal to discuss everything after a year of permanent cohabitation. This is enough time to demonstrate your plans and study your loved one.

But to at this moment you should already be able to discuss any topic with your partner without much embarrassment. If you feel uncomfortable or the conversation you started is somehow not going well, this is an alarm bell. Most likely, there is not such a deep level of trust and intimacy between you.

In what setting and how exactly to talk about a wedding

The conversation should take place one-on-one. It is better not to start a conversation about the wedding at night when you are both tired or your partner is irritated by something. Oddly enough, home is not the best place. Choose a quiet, calm cafe or restaurant.

3 important “NOT”:

  • don't rush;
  • don't push;
  • don't force.

If right now your loved one cannot give you a clear answer, do not become depressed. Give him time to think about his and, possibly, your future together.

Talking about a wedding can be difficult, and it's possible that it won't end the way you planned. But! It will allow you to understand whether you are on the path further or not.

7 secrets to help you get an offer

Thanks to these tips, you can honestly, lovingly and without dubious manipulations push your loved one towards the registry office.

Remember your exclusivity!

Don't forget that you are a woman, not heavy artillery. Don’t go ahead, intimidating your partner with phrases: “You will be mine, alive or dead,” “Either get married or leave.” Any attempts to apply pressure are usually useless.

Say: “I’m interested in what you are like,” “I feel good around you.”

The marriage proposal must come from the man. You can only push him a little towards this. How? With your care and sincere attitude.

Change your attitude towards yourself

We often complain about men that they don’t appreciate them, don’t carry them in their arms, don’t give them flowers. But at the same time, we ourselves behave and feel as if we are not worthy of it.

Let's understand it with an example. Imagine that you are a house. Under what conditions do you agree to rent yourself out? Someone will suggest: “Move in, live, and then we’ll see.” With this approach, a man is unlikely to take care of what he gets, and at any second he can move out - having found a more affordable or convenient option.

It is worth presenting yourself exclusively as “luxury housing”. One that one dreams of, cares for, keeps in order and cleanliness. Thanks to this, you will always know your worth, and, believe me, the man will behave accordingly.

Remind him of how bad it is without you

Often a woman is lonely because she does not take a clear position and shows that she is in no hurry.

Don't be afraid to give ultimatums. If you see that there is no other way to move the kindly person from his place, collect your things and return to parents' house and give him time to decide.

You need to leave confidently, without sobbing and in the most stunning dress. At the same time, it is advisable to say tenderly, looking him straight in the eyes: “Darling, I love you and I want our relationship to develop. I understand that you are not ready for this yet, so I am giving you time to think and decide. To avoid pressure, I’ll live with my mother for now. I will answer phone calls and SMS, meet in a cafe, go to friends’ houses. But I won’t spend the night with you anymore. If in “such and such a period” you have not decided on anything, I will allow myself to seek happiness alone, without you.” In this case, be sure to say how long you are willing to wait - a week, two, a month.

Remember that all this time you will really wait, without being offended by his silence and indecision.

Find out the reason

Try to unobtrusively find out what reasons prevent a man from proposing. Perhaps he plans to earn money for an apartment or is about to finish an important project at work, or maybe he is not sure about your feelings. And then gently and carefully try to show and prove to him that you can earn an apartment together, being husband and wife. And that your feelings are truly sincere.

Use opaque and transparent hints

Leave a wedding magazine in front of your man's nose or tell him about how you and your friend tried on chic clothes today. Wedding Dress. When asked by your chosen one about your opinion on some matter, clearly demonstrate your right hand and answer with dignity: “Do you see the ring on my finger? So I don’t see it. I was not given the official right to philosophize. If I’m a wife, I’ll atone with my intuition.”

Enlist the support of his relatives

Make your betrothed's mom, dad, and brothers-in-law your allies. Place the honorable responsibility on their shoulders of reminding him what a wonderful girlfriend he has and how great it would be for you to finally get engaged.

Take the initiative

There are very indecisive men who are pathologically unable to propose on their own - even if they are ready to live the rest of their lives with their beloved.

In this case, arrange romantic evening with roses, champagne and strawberries and read him an oath in a half-joking manner future wife. And at the end, ask if he agrees to take you as his wife? If your partner’s feelings are sincere, then he will not be able to refuse.

If you want to improve your relationship and slightly push your lover to propose marriage, then these methods are for you:

  1. Convince him that you are not expecting him to propose marriage.
    Men are like children in adolescence, they need this confidence so much that they decide everything on their own. They perceive any pressure as a directly formulated or unspoken desire extremely painfully. And they strive to do the opposite. But the worst thing is: your expectation from him of a marriage proposal will be clearly perceived by him as the beginning of bondage.
  2. Let him know that he is not your last chance and that you have a choice.
    Nothing increases the desire to claim your rights to a woman more than the presence of other contenders for her. The spirit of competition fuels male ambition. In the heat of the struggle, he even forgets for a while about all the possible disadvantages of marriage.
  3. Be a model of style, charm and grace
    Perhaps there is not a single man who would be indifferent to what his chosen one looks like. Moreover, it is important for most men to realize that his woman is the best. Such boyish boasting: “I have the coolest car,” “I have the most luxurious house,” “I have the most successful business" and "The very, very woman!"
  4. Become his ideal lover
    Sex will always come first for a man when he thinks about a woman. Therefore, almost all men fall for the sexual hook. But don’t forget: what initially excites and brings satisfaction due to its novelty may no longer be attractive over time. Therefore, it is very important that for a woman, just like for a man, sex comes first. Then you can become the ideal lover forever.
  5. Place it comfortably in your home
    Every man wants to have a home front, a harbor, a home like a fortress. After all your work, you really want to come to a place where you feel good and calm, where everything is the way you like it. If the comfort of your home is conducive to this, then a man will definitely want the comfort of your home to become the comfort of his home, and so that it is you who are waiting for him at home.
  6. Treat him with homemade dishes
    One can argue for a long time about whether the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. But it is a fact that the smell, sight and taste of good food are attractive. And perhaps this is explained not only by the pleasure of gastric satisfaction, but also by psychological reasons, by a number of associations that arise: feasts - wealth and well-being; Hospitality is a soulful company. Or maybe it can’t do without magic, when the food transfers the energy of the one who prepared it.
  7. Show your love for children
    A man will never marry a woman if he does not want to have children from her. Help him see you as a gentle and caring mother. Chat with other people's children in his presence. Even just someone’s child in your arms is a captivating picture at the level of instincts.
  8. Get involved in his hobbies
    Men's hobbies seem stupid while you look at them from the outside. But become a football fan or boxing fan yourself, start taking an interest in events in the country and the world, and you will feel how exciting and useful it is. But most importantly, know that nothing brings people together like shared passion.
  9. Emphasize its advantages in every possible way
    Men love recognition of their strengths. They need to be praised. In this they are, again, like children. This flatters them and gives them confidence for further achievements.
  10. Never reproach him for his shortcomings
    Hearing reproaches for men is unbearable. Especially from women. They find it humiliating. Even if the reproaches are fair. But, by the way, if your task is not to rub a man’s nose in, but to change him, then this should be achieved not with reproaches, but gradually, so that the man himself wants to change.
  11. Consult with him often
    When you ask a man for advice, it’s like a balm for a wound - he a priori considers himself smarter than you. Don't dispel his illusions. And if his advice does not suit you, do not argue with him, then do as you see fit. A man, as a rule, will not monitor what you do; the very fact that you consulted is important to him.
  12. Don't complain to him about anything
    Well, men don’t like it when people constantly complain to them. And who, to be honest, loves?! But this is especially annoying for men. They themselves would happily complain to someone, but their status as the “stronger sex” does not allow it. And if someone complains to him, it’s a disaster. Protect your man from unnecessary troubles. If not you, then there will be someone else.
  13. Understand him in everything
    Do you remember the only phrase that a tenth grader (a man, by the way) wrote in an essay on the topic “What is happiness?” He wrote: “Happiness is when you are understood.” This simple formula lies at the core of any marriage. Without this nothing will work. It is impossible to live with a person without trying, first of all, to understand him. Even when you see that he is wrong, try to understand the reason for his delusion.
  14. Learn to be in a good mood all the time
    There are so many reasons in a man's life that spoil his mood, that if there is a woman next to him who always has good mood, this alone is already valuable. And, if you also learn to restore his good mood, then you yourself will understand how necessary you will become for him.
  15. Give him freedom
    This is the hardest thing, but required condition. The appearance of you in a man’s life should in no way deprive him of the freedom that he values ​​very much. This is precisely the stumbling block to his marriage. Moreover, it will not be possible to keep a man with him by imprisonment. But to make it yours forever, entangling it in the numerous networks of your spells - that’s as much as you want. And then the man will be a hostage to his own affection for you. It's much more reliable.

Of course, the above tips will require a lot of conscious behavior, self-control. But family happiness worth it.

Happiness and love to you!

Always yours, Svetlana Chilikina.

The most cherished dream of many girls is a marriage proposal from a loved one. And there is nothing wrong with that - the desire to have a stable relationship, family and children is absolutely natural for both women and men.

But what if you are already ripe for such a step, but your loved one still doesn’t propose? In such a situation, you need to take matters into your own hands. To force him to marry, you will have to resort to small tricks, and the knows which ones. You just have to choose the most suitable method applicable to your relationship. But first, let's talk about the situation as a whole.

What to do if a girl forces you to get married, but the guy doesn’t want to?

It's simple - stop forcing it. As you know, for every action there is a reaction. Therefore, if you are from that category of girls who literally force you to propose, resorting to blackmail, reproaches or entreaties, then you will achieve exactly the opposite effect. Not only do you force a man to zealously resist with such active pressure, even just out of principle, but you also expose yourself in an unfavorable light.

Therefore, the statement that no one will force a man to marry, no matter how wonderful the candidate is, is very true. It’s impossible to force, but it’s very possible to push. But only on the condition that your chosen one has nothing against marriage as a whole. If he constantly emphasizes that marriage does not make sense to him, that it is just a stamp in his passport, then there is a high probability that, unfortunately, no advice on how to force a man to marry you will help. If such a topic comes up from time to time, then it’s worth trying your luck.

4 effective strategies on how to ring a guy

So, how to convince a guy to get married? Here are 4 possible options behavior for girls who have a decent chance of success.

Option for creative people

If your boyfriend is quite jealous and does not tolerate competition, then you can remind him that you have enough fans without him. You will show him that he is not the only one who can lay claim to your heart.

You can organize an active correspondence with someone on social media. networks. There is no need to start a real affair on the side; ask a friend or friend to help you. The main thing is to do it demonstratively. Do not part with your phone, look there all the time and smile, pretend that you are soaring in the clouds. It’s good if, when you are together, several messages with compliments appear on the screen.

According to research in psychology, this tactic is one of the best ways to force a man to marry you, because most representatives of the stronger sex have a highly developed possessive instinct. He will not tolerate competition with others, but the most reliable way To make a girl yours is to give her an engagement ring.

Option for homely people

If you are one of those who are willing to spend energy, nerves and time on maintaining home comfort, then your strategy is how to force a man to marry, create an ideal life for him. So perfect, as if you had successfully completed a course on how to become an ideal wife.

It means to "provide" for it. delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner, make sure that his shirts and trousers are always ironed, that the house is clean and comfortable. If you know how to knit or sew, then create something for him or at home. Be sure to provide emotional comfort. Be aware of his schedule and preferences, take an interest in his affairs, help with something if possible.

There is a high probability that the man will appreciate your concern and will not want it to ever disappear from his life. But at the same time, your man should also be homely, at least a little. If he is a party animal or an extreme person, then there may be the opposite effect; he may consider that he is plunging into a routine with you.

Option for risk-takers

This is the most radical method How to get your man to propose marriage to you. Create a life for yourself in which there is no place for him, while at the same time giving him complete freedom of action. That is, you should always be busy in the evenings and on weekends. Meet with friends, visit your parents, go to dancing, fitness, programming courses, etc. Never pick up the phone when it calls you. Call back a few hours later under the pretext that you were busy.

This will show him that you can do just fine without him. Eventually he will feel like you are slipping away. And in this case, he will either want to win you back once and for all by proposing, or he will understand that he likes his freedom more than time with you. And even if this is the second case, you will check him and realize that he does not have strong feelings for you.

Option for modern

This method can easily be classified into the category of how to force your beloved man to propose. But it may be effective. Make an offer yourself. Sometimes a man may simply be indecisive or not confident enough that you really want to get married and will say “yes” to him. Therefore, if you are sure that your guy is the one, throw away prejudices and take the first step yourself.

Another common way to push a man in the right direction is to get pregnant, but the portal does not recommend that you resort to it. A man who was forced to marry a pregnant woman, in most cases, takes such a step not out of great love, but out of an increased sense of responsibility. This will not make your family happy. On the contrary, over time, this may become one of the reasons for divorce, because he was forced to marry you.

“Hard” cases: how to force a common-law husband and a “busy” husband to marry?

“Severe” cases include only two, but very common cases:

  • When you live in a civil marriage for a long time, but he doesn’t ask you to get married.
  • When you are in a relationship with a married man.

Why are they heavy? Because here none of the strategies may work. If a man, living with you and leading a common life for more than two or three years, did not want to legalize the relationship, then there is a high probability that no matter how you try to force your common-law husband to marry, you may not succeed. But this, of course, does not prevent you from trying one of the strategies. Just be prepared for what positive result It may not be if you have been living in a civil marriage for a long time.

The same applies to married men. 99% of them are not looking for a replacement for their wife, but are craving entertainment. Because even if a man stops loving his wife, he still may not leave her, since they can be connected by children. Think about whether your beloved is worth the hassle of trying to achieve him. If the answer is yes, then return to the beginning of the article and try one of the methods, but remember that instant success, just as in the case of a common-law husband, should not be expected!

    No, no, this is not the right address! How to propose marriage to a man or a guy...I have already started to have a nervous itch. I can't imagine a girl proposing to a guy. Or that a woman proposes to a man. A woman can propose to a man in one and only case, namely: when she is absolutely sure that he himself is not talking to her about marriage only because he is afraid to hear a categorical “No” from her.

    To propose or not to propose?

    Cute girl! Yes, yes, you! Who decided to propose to her beloved man. Here and now. Finally and without unnecessary omissions. Has it ever occurred to you that this man (who, as I understand it, is much older than you) has not yet waved to you for one reason? Namely, because you have never even made a peep about how desperately you want him to propose to you? When a man really intends to marry a girl who is much younger than him, he does not think twice about it. And the young lady receives an offer of his hand, and at the same time his heart, from this man very, very quickly.

    The same situation is with a woman. Since a man does not propose to her, it means that he has absolutely no intention of legitimizing his relationship with her - at least not for the first time. this segment own life. So simple. How else? Or does anyone seriously believe that excessive shyness prevents a man from proposing marriage?

    Dear loving girls-women-comrades - ladies! Instead of puzzling yourself with the question of how to propose to your beloved man, it is better to think about something else in your spare time. Namely: how to provoke this man to propose to you himself? I repeat. If a man doesn’t talk to you about marriage, it means one of three things: either he’s not sure that you love him, or he’s not thinking about it yet. family life, or he is not going to marry you at all. So what should I do? In any case, don’t propose marriage to him yourself!

    A man, as a rule, always needs a little push, and your declaration (or half-confession) of love can be such a push. “I’m glad that you and I are together”, “I wouldn’t want us to ever break up”... Say such neutral phrases as if by the way. Rest assured: the man will hear them very well, and will understand very well what exactly you are trying to tell him. Well, then just watch his reaction. Perhaps a man will propose marriage to you instantly (as it happened to me). He may need some time to become more clear about his feelings for you. But it is possible - and you need to prepare yourself for this - he will soon end your relationship. The most important thing here is to remain frank with yourself, and clearly determine in advance for yourself how many months or years of your life you are willing to waste waiting.

    Be that as it may, a woman cannot ask a man to marry her; this is not accepted. Moreover, it is not accepted, first of all, in the world of men themselves. A man proposes marriage! And the woman (girl) accepts him (or does not accept him) - that’s how she decides to dispose of her Destiny.

    What if you really want to?

    Do you disagree with what I'm saying? Are you still patiently waiting for an answer to the question of how best you can propose to your man? Are you, more than ever, confident that a woman may well propose marriage - and a man may well decide whether to give this woman the honor of accepting her proposal? Well, this is a position that is completely alien to me (I admit!), which, nevertheless, “has absolutely the right to exist” (that’s what they usually say, it seems?) But what, exactly, is the difficulty? "I love you very much. Would you like to become my husband?

    That's all. The offer has been made. And whether you get your man’s hand and heart in return - that’s whatever he wants.

    Well, for that girl who is not going to propose to her boyfriend to marry her, and also for that woman who will never make the same proposal to her man, I will still repeat myself. As soon as a man decides to propose to you, he will do it. Even if he, a man, lives on the other side of the planet. Even if he doesn't know a word of your language. The same applies to the guy. Just allow yourself the luxury of being proud - and wait for this moment.

    How to propose to a man

    If you have a question about how to propose to a man, I have a counter question - have you, by any chance, gone crazy? Do you really want to ask your boyfriend to marry you? Doesn't this situation seem somewhat absurd to you?

    The point is not even in the conservatism of views, not in the fact that traditionally the proposal to legitimize the relationship comes from the man. Let's say women's emancipation, feminism, and all that jazz. But if you think about it a little, wouldn’t a man propose himself if he wanted to marry you? Is it worth proposing yourself if your partner is in no hurry to propose marriage? Let’s try to figure out this amazing question.

    Do you know what secret words

    How can a woman propose to a man?

    The only correct answer to this question seems to me to be the following: no way. Do not do this, even if you have been living in a civil marriage for a long time, even if you really want a wedding and the status of a legal spouse - do not propose yourself. You need to make sure that the man proposes, no matter what.

    Do you think your lover is timid and afraid of rejection? You seriously think that he himself is dying to call you his wife, but only... here is a list of excuses. All this has nothing to do with reality, I assure you. If a man doesn’t propose to you, he doesn’t want to propose, that’s all.

    Regardless of life circumstances, his views, feelings for a woman, if a man wants, he invites the woman to get married and gets married. There can be no options here. Let's say you talked to him about it and he told you that now is not the time, that he doesn't mind in principle, and that you just need to wait a little.

    How you feel about marriage is a personal matter, but if you love each other, live together and intend to continue in the same spirit, there is no serious reason to refuse the wedding. On the other hand, if for some reason a man is categorical - it is disrespect for him and for himself - to force him to get married.

    Either you accept his choices and decisions or you don’t, but then why are you with him? Maybe over time his decision will change. And you, in principle, can influence this with your actions, your attitude towards it. This, again, is just a matter of your personal choice.

    How to understand that a man wants to propose

    Ask yourself, are you rushing things? We are, of course, talking about a situation where you have been together recently. A man needs time to carefully weigh everything, to make a conscious important choice. A serious attitude towards a candidate for the role of a future wife is more a good sign than vice versa.

    Official and unofficial marriage in general is the subject of fierce debate, both in couples and in society as a whole. Does it change relationships, what are its advantages, how important is it to seal the relationship with a stamp in your passport. If you want to get married, look for a man who wants to get married, and don’t fight with someone who, for some reason, wants something else.

    If a man cares about you, spends everything with you free time, introduced you to your family, introduced you to your circle of friends, takes you to official events, you spend vacations together, gives gifts, helps financially and supports you morally - everything is in order, your relationship is developing.

    Another question is if, for example, you have been living together for a long time, but there are still no proposals, and he does not initiate conversations on this topic. Then you have a reason to think and try to “test the waters” - what’s the matter? If the wedding is important to you, let him know about it and wait some more time.

    If there is no offer in this case, you can go all-in and try to hint that you want more. If there is no reaction in this case, do not make an offer, but ask about his plans in this regard. And if in response you hear something like “And so everything is fine,” but you don’t think so, this is a serious reason to think about the prospects for your future together.


    If the question of how to propose to a man still seems relevant to you, you can simply approach him and say, “I love you and want to become your wife. Let's get married?". That's all. To completely knock him out of his mental balance, you can give him a diamond.

    Just remember - the consequences of such actions may be very different from your ideas about what should follow. And that with such actions you are not just breaking the usual pattern. You are breaking tradition, the accepted natural course of things, familiar primarily to men themselves. Therefore, weigh everything very carefully before deciding to take such a rather strange step.

    There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which a man will begin to fall in love.

    Therefore, go ahead and enjoy the pleasant moments of your family life.

    Why do men get married? How to encourage a man to propose?

    You have been together for a long time, and everything seems to be fine, but you still can’t wait for the ring and the cherished words “Be my wife”? Why do men get married? How to encourage a man to propose? We will understand these difficult and very significant issues for women.

    Let's also talk about civil marriage, and whether it helps stimulate your loved one in the wedding matter. Let's try to understand how to make a man want to formalize your relationship, and whether a woman can somehow influence this.

    Do you know what secret words Will they help you make a man fall in love with you very quickly?

    To find out, click on the button below and watch the video to the end.

    Why does a man get married?

    Let's start with the fact that it is advisable to find out your loved one's views on the issue of official marriage and starting a family before you want to marry him. So that in the future it does not happen that you wait for years for a proposal from a person who is categorically determined and does not intend to marry anyone in principle.

    Because in the case when a man, in principle, is not against official marriage, he feels the desire to make a woman his wife at the moment when he understands that he finally chooses her. If this issue is not important to him, he proposes and gets married because he understands that this is important for his woman. Again, when he himself is determined in his choice.

    Therefore, in order for a man to marry you, he must finally decide for himself that you are the very woman with whom he wants to connect his life. Do you influence this decision? Undoubtedly. Does this process need to be accelerated? This is not always possible and not always necessary.

    How long have you been together? Year? Three? Five? If you have been cohabiting for several years, and he is happy with everything, but you start to get nervous, the situation is not normal and should be changed. This is enough time to check feelings, compatibility and other things that are called the reasons for civil marriages.

    Does he live with you and does not want to take official responsibility for you? The big question is whether such a relationship is worth continuing. What is the reason for this attitude? The time to deal with this issue is now - the longer you wait, the more his motivation to marry you drops.

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