Extra charge for bed linen. How to open a bed linen boutique

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Whatever you say, most people, despite the emergence of huge supermarkets, either out of habit or because it is really more profitable, prefer to shop at the market. The market has always fed and continues to feed many people, both buyers and sellers. An experienced buyer, as a rule, knows where the rows are “cheaper”, where they are “more expensive”, and at which points the assortment is more diverse.

And sellers in the market are more accommodating and more willing to give in on price. And here the notorious “human factor” comes to the fore, and it depends on the seller whether you buy the goods from him or not. Whether a person will be able to offer exactly what you need, whether he will not be too intrusive and fussy, how much he will win you over - all these factors determine whether you will come to him next time or not.

Therefore, today we will talk with Tatyana Savelyeva, young interesting woman with a charming smile, near whose kiosk there is a brisk trade. Tatyana is the owner of several retail outlets at the market, which does not prevent her, however, from standing behind the counter herself.

– Tatyana, please tell us about yourself.

I was born in the suburbs of Dnepropetrovsk, my mother worked as an assistant cook, my father worked as a mechanic at a factory. As far as I can remember, we have always had a large farm, so from childhood I was accustomed to hard rural work. There were three children in our family (I am the youngest), and each had their own responsibilities. At the age of 17, I got a job as a salesperson at the Ozerka market, and I still trade there.

After working as a salesperson for 3 years, I decided to form my own individual entrepreneur.

– How much money did you use to open your business? And why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I had some savings, because I worked, the trade was going well, plus my older sister, who is also a housewife and sells leather clothes, helped me. Why did you decide to open your own business? Yes, because it is more profitable, although there is quite a big risk.

My product range includes bathrobes, bed linen in sets and individually, towels, blankets, bedspreads, blankets, etc. A year later, I opened two more retail outlets, and today I am the owner of three retail places. The profit is mostly stable, as I replenish the assortment on time and give preference to seasonal goods.

– I assume that there should be quite tough competition on the market, because the product, despite its relative diversity, is mostly standard. Why should they make a purchase from you if there are things nearby of the same quality and the same cost?

I understand what you want to say. Indeed, almost all such goods are purchased in Kharkov. For example, blankets with padding polyester filling are also available there. However, there are also several similar enterprises there, so when choosing blankets, the amount of filling is important (and it may not be the same), and the quality of the stitching (after all, the blanket must be well quilted), and the pattern of the fabric of the blanket cover.

Therefore, I buy blankets from one manufacturer, they cover my children, and I am confident in the quality of my product. If, for example, we take bed linen, then, in addition to the standard “one and a half” and “double” sets, I also sell “family” sets - the so-called “euro” with two duvet covers.

Believe me, there are not many such sets on the market that I sell. That's why there is regular customers who buy blankets and bed linen only from me, and if on this moment, what they want is not there, then they order, orienting me according to color scheme, and I will provide the necessary information in a week at most. I value my customers, I listen to their requirements, because they are the ones who dictate the demand for the product, and I am interested in finding what they need.

When choosing the rest of the assortment, I am also guided by both my own taste and the requirements of customers. The thing should be both beautiful and practical. It depends on the percentage of synthetics and natural fibers - I prefer natural fabrics. Great importance has the quality of painting (the item should not fade or “shrink”).

– Do you have your own secrets in trading that help you always be profitable?

There are, of course, I won’t open them all, I will say that I prefer to sell items from the summer range in winter at a discount so that the goods do not become stale, although other owners, knowing that such things do not go out of fashion, postpone the goods until next summer so as not to lose profit for them.

For me, trade turnover is more important, and it’s more profitable for customers. In a word, these simple rules allow me to make a profit and support myself, my children and help my parents.

Besides, I really enjoy my job. Without any problems, I can hire a distributor to my point, and I can only deal with purchasing and not stand behind the counter; nevertheless, I continue to spend three hours a day on the road to Dnepropetrovsk and back (after all, I live in the suburbs), and I work in any weather.

All this is just because I love my job. I'm really interested in communicating with people, advising, telling, choosing exactly what they need. And I enjoy my work.

– Your wishes to a person who wants to open his own business.

First of all, you need to work for some time in the field in which you want to open your own business. This - required condition for a successful start. In addition, you need to calculate your material and physical capabilities. Also, when registering an emergency and further functioning, you need to know a number of other points. I need to navigate this issue helped elder sister, who already had her own business, for which I am very grateful.

At first, the feeling that there is someone you can count on, be it a friend or relative, believe me, is very helpful and instills confidence. As for personal qualities, then I would like to wish optimism, determination and self-confidence to aspiring businessmen.

- Tatyana, thank you for interesting conversation. I wish you success and prosperity.

It is known that people who know how to master a sewing needle have enjoyed universal respect since ancient times.

Handicrafts (such as sewing and embroidery) have always been important, since clothing is a basic necessity for humans, no less necessary than food or water.

Hence, it is not surprising that many entrepreneurs have chosen tailoring as a niche for doing business. Currently, a huge number of brands and brands offering their products to consumers. But it is very difficult to take your place in this area.

How to choose a profitable niche for business?

Today, the service market offers tailoring for both the general public and exclusive individual models for wealthy clients. In addition, we manufacture accessories and much more. There are millions of new and old ideas for entrepreneurs.

But if you rely not only on fashion trends, then it becomes clear that in the daily life of every person there is another very important place - this is his personal space for relaxation. Everyone knows the feeling of joy and peace experienced after a day of work on beautiful linens in your favorite bed. If you think about it, every person, regardless of gender and age, has several sets bed linen. Therefore, clothing and food are not the only things people need in daily life. Then it is logical to consider sewing bed linen as a business. Where to begin?

To organize any business, including sewing bed linen at home, a business plan is essential. But don’t rush to spend all your available funds. Before compiling it and detailed calculation of all expenses and income, you need to find out whether the production of bed linen is a fast-paying business with high profits.

Profitability assessment

According to statistics, more than 50 million Russian families use up to seven sets of bed linen. Sales growth is growing year by year, averaging 25%. The absolute market leader is Russian manufacturers. Almost 75% of consumers use their products. Türkiye and China are less popular among Russians. Expensive bed linen from Italian brands is purchased much less frequently, and even then most often as a gift.

It becomes clear that sewing bed linen for sale is very profitable. With high demand, this type of activity has little competition, which means that sewing bed linen as a business will bring good profits to the entrepreneur and will quickly pay for itself. Another advantage is that its organization requires a minimum of equipment.

Stages of organizing the production of bed linen at home

Producing bed linen at home does not require specific cutter skills. But when organizing larger-scale production, such specialists are needed. Sewing bed linen is a fairly simple type of manual labor.

All sets are made according to patterns established by European standards, which is why it compares favorably with tailoring, which is famous for its variety of models and sizes. The technology of sewing bed linen itself is simple. It can be divided into several stages: laying out patterns on fabric, cutting, sewing with processing of the edges of the product and wet-heat treatment of the finished sleeping set.

For entrepreneurs who decide to start sewing bed linen at home, a business plan can be calculated faster and much easier if you seek the help of specialists. But here you need to decide in what volume you are going to produce the selected products. Please note that the costs of sewing bed linen production on a factory scale differ significantly in the amount of financial investments.

Fabric selection

According to marketing research, Russian consumers, when purchasing bed linen, give the greatest preference to fabrics made from natural raw materials. These include cotton (calico), linen, silk and satin. Calico linen occupies a leading place in sales on the Russian market. As you know, calico is a cotton fabric characterized by a very dense weave of threads.

This material is practical to use, since it is not subject to deformation during repeated washing, and the pattern applied to the fabric does not fade or fade during ironing and other wet-heat treatment. Calico, unlike other natural fabrics, practically does not wrinkle.

Bed linen made of cotton fabric is hypoallergenic and comfortable to use, and if you take into account its low market price, it becomes clear that this is the undisputed leader in sales, and the demand for it is unlikely to decrease.

What determines whether your business will be highly profitable?

From social survey data it follows that more than half of Russian residents, when buying bed linen for personal use, give preference to domestic manufacturers. High demand and relatively little competition in this market segment allow us to confidently say that the production of bed linen is a business with a fairly large profit received in a short period of time. So where to start this highly profitable activity? How to sew bed linen for sale?

Required Documentation

First you need to register at your nearest tax service as an individual entrepreneur by filling out the relevant documents and selecting the necessary system taxation. It should be remembered that sewing bed linen as a business must be legal. After receiving a certificate of registration by the tax authority, you can begin purchasing the necessary equipment.

To sew bed linen at home you must have household equipment - sewing machine, overcasting unit (overlocker) and ironing iron.

To establish a business with high profitability, you should not save on sewing equipment.

But that is not all. It must be remembered that sewing bed linen as a business at home and within a large enterprise has significant differences both in the preparation of documents in all required authorities, and in material costs for equipment and rental of premises.

  • Selecting a room
        • Similar business ideas:

How much money do you need to open a bed linen store?

Many aspiring entrepreneurs can open a department selling bed linen. Bed linen is in constant demand among consumers and is one of the most popular gifts. The advantage of trading BCP (bed linen) is that, compared to clothing, you do not need to purchase many different sizes for each client. This results in a low entry ticket to the business - to open a small department selling bed linen, it is enough to invest about 300 thousand rubles in the product.

According to experts, only in the crisis years of 2009-2011 in the textile industry there was a decline in production, by about 15% compared to pre-crisis indicators. And in 2012, the bed linen market turnover returned to its previous level and growth of 15-20% is predicted in subsequent years.

More than 75% of the market for bed linen sets is occupied by domestic manufacturers, these are such giants of the textile industry as the Ivanovo Textile Association (ITO), the Volga Textile Company, the Nordtex Corporation, and the Russian Textile Alliance. The rest of the market (25%) is occupied by manufacturers from China, Turkey, France, Italy and Spain.

The bed linen market is divided into several segments:

  • Low, bed linen sets up to 1000 rubles;
  • Medium, sets from 1000 to 2500 rubles;
  • Premium or elite, sets over 2500 rubles.

The first, budget segment includes Russian-made kits, mainly from small garment factories. Large Russian and foreign manufacturers (Türkiye, Italy) operate in the medium and premium segments. At the same time, more than 90% of all underwear is purchased in the low and middle segment, since such underwear is practically not inferior in quality to more expensive sets and is quite comfortable. When purchasing luxury underwear, the consumer pays more for the brand than for quality. Therefore, in order to please every customer, the assortment of the outlet should include both cheap and expensive bedding sets.

Among the materials, bed linen sets made of cotton, linen and silk are in greatest demand among consumers. At the same time, cotton comes in first place, followed by linen and silk cotton underwear, which closes the top three. The markup on goods at retail is at least 50%.

Selecting a room

When opening a department selling bed linen, you must rent at least 15 m2 of retail space. In principle, you can open on 10 m2, but the assortment of the outlet and the entrepreneur’s revenue will suffer. In addition, you will need to rent a warehouse and utility room. The rental price for 15 m2 in a walkable location, depending on the region, will cost from 20 thousand rubles/month. Therefore, when opening a retail outlet, in addition to the cost of goods, it is necessary to include a double deposit for rent.

As for the geographical location of the boutique, the best options, as usual, there are large shopping centers, manufactured goods markets and departments in residential areas of the city.

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a bed linen store?

To open a store or boutique selling bed linen, just register individual entrepreneurship. OKVED code - 52.41.1 " Retail textile products."

Which taxation system to choose to open a store?

As tax systems a special regime is used - a single tax on imputed income (UTII). The amount of tax will depend on the area of ​​the sales department and the k2 coefficient established in your region. If you plan to hire salespeople, you must register with off-budget funds(PFR and Social Insurance Fund) as an employer.

After opening a boutique, you must notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities. According to businessmen who have been working with textiles for many years, SES representatives like to visit such points. In textiles, Soviet GOST standards still apply, and almost every inspection ends in a fine. This happens because the assortment of the outlet includes products from small factories that do not bother with GOST standards. Good that scheduled checks take place no more than once every 3 years.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, when opening a boutique, begin working with wholesale organizations. But in conditions of fierce competition, when the difference in price has a significant impact on demand, ideal option is to work directly with manufacturers. For example, it wouldn’t hurt to visit the Ivanovo region, which has been called the “textile region” since Soviet times. There are many textile factories in the region that produce high-quality fabric, and as a result of high competition, manufacturers are forced to sell products at a lower price. And this, undoubtedly, only benefits trade enterprises.

Step-by-step plan for organizing a store

If you decide to open a boutique selling bed linen, the first thing you need to do is study consumer demand and, based on this, determine the price format of the future store. And then proceed to the next steps:

  1. Choose a favorable location for the boutique and premises for it.
  2. Equip retail space.
  3. Purchase goods, establish a supply channel.
  4. Hire staff if needed.
  5. Organize advertising of the boutique and product.

How much can you earn selling bed linen?

If the cost of one purchase averages 2 thousand rubles, and the number of sales of goods per day is 30. Then the monthly revenue will be about 1.5-1.7 million rubles (with a markup of at least 50%). Minus the cost, taxes, salaries and other current expenses, the profit will be about 250-350 thousand rubles. per month. Payback is predicted in 6-7 months.

What equipment to choose for a bed linen boutique

The product in this kind of boutique should be available for review, and so that, if desired, the client can have the opportunity to touch it. Therefore you will need:

  • Racks, display cases and counters;
  • Racks and hangers, if you will also sell sleepwear and bathrobes;
  • Cash register, payment device that allows payment for goods by bank card;
  • Office equipment, air conditioners, furniture for staff, etc.

What documents are needed to organize a business?

To start a business, a convenient and less expensive form of registering the bed linen trade is individual entrepreneurship. To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need: a passport and an application for state registration, a document confirming payment of the fee, a scanned copy of the TIN certificate. If you plan to open a chain of boutiques, you need to register an LLC. You will need: an application, the Charter in 2 copies, a decision on establishment (when the founder of the company is one person). Minutes of shareholders' fees and agreement on the foundation of an enterprise, if founded by several participants. As well as a document confirming payment of the state duty.

Do you need permits to open a bed linen boutique?

To organize a boutique, you will need: permits from the SES, territorial property management and fire supervision.

Bed linen sales technology

Choosing a profitable location where there is a flow of customers, assortment and pricing policy will be decisive for making a profit. If you trade on average price segment, you should not place a retail outlet in the market area where people go to buy inexpensive goods. There, your bedding sets will be considered expensive and will not be in demand. The product range can and should be expanded. For example, in addition to bed linen, let you have pillows, blankets, bedspreads or other sleeping accessories on the counters. The likelihood that, having chosen a bedding set, a client can also purchase a bedspread, is quite high. Agree with specialized companies so that through your boutique you can order the cleaning of feather products or the customization of bedding. You can organize the latter yourself, as an additional service.

Today, many people who want to start their own business are interested in questions about how to open a bed linen store. Are such products in demand? How to create a constant influx of buyers? What does a successful business plan for a bed linen store look like? Are there additional sources income? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many beginning businessmen.

Is selling bed linen profitable?

In fact, bed linen is a thing that hardly anyone in the home can live without. That is why the inexpensive bed linen store - great idea to create a profitable business.

Naturally, underwear is not an essential product, and people do not buy it very often. However, with the right approach and organization of sales, a store can generate good income.

Indeed, in addition to private houses, there are also hotels, hospitals, health centers, recreation centers and a host of other places where bed linen is often needed large quantities. Moreover, it may become a wonderful gift for almost any holiday.

And if you are planning to create your own business, then first you will need a clear business plan for a bed linen store. Even before opening, you must deal with all the details and consider everything possible options developments of events.

How to open a bed linen store? We prepare the necessary documents

Of course, in order to obtain a trade permit, you first need to formally register with the tax service. IN in this case it's best to open up as individual entrepreneur. If you open own business Together with a partner, you can form a limited liability company.

As in any other store, first you need to check the sanitary and epidemiological station, as well as the fire department. They must provide confirmation that the premises you rented (or purchased) complied with all necessary standards.

Where is the best place to rent a room?

If you are interested in the question of how to open a bed linen store, you should know that important role location plays a role. It is best to rent a room near a large supermarket or in mall- in these places there are always a lot of buyers who can come to you.

In addition, a retail outlet can be opened in or near the market. The central, lively part of the city is also suitable, because there are always a lot of people here. This does not mean at all that if you open a store, for example, in a residential area, it will not become profitable - it’s just that in such cases it will take much more time to create a sufficient influx of customers.

On the other hand, do not forget about competition. If your chosen location already has one or more similar stores, then you should consider moving it, as this may affect your profits. But even in such cases, you can win by paying more attention to the range, features of your enterprise and decent service.

How to set up a store?

When choosing a suitable room, you should pay attention to its area. Of course, some lingerie stores are very small.

But remember that your clients should feel comfortable and comfortable in your place. In addition, you will need a small separate room for staff, as well as a place to store goods.

As for the design, you shouldn’t be too zealous here. Light will be enough warm shade walls and good lighting.

Of course, you can decorate the store with discreet decorations, for example, artificial flowers, a small amount indoor plants, photos of the bedroom and/or the products you sell. If you are going to offer clients pajamas and nightwear, then it is advisable to supply several mannequins that would demonstrate the most successful models.

Of course, don’t forget about shelves, racks, tables, etc. necessary furniture intended for exhibition and storage of goods - a competent business plan for a bed linen store should include all these points.

How to choose a product range?

Of course, every novice businessman is interested in the question of how to sell bed linen. For trading to be successful, it is necessary to provide the buyer with a wide choice. Remember that, most likely, your customers will be people with different income levels, so the store’s assortment should cover all categories of the population.

Let your store offer both cheaper options and expensive, sophisticated bedding. Also take care of the variety of materials (for example, offer customers sheets made of cotton, silk, etc.) and colors (many customers select linen by color). Your store should stock both complete bedding sets and individual items such as pillowcases, sheets, etc.

If you are interested in how to open a bed linen store and make it profitable, it is worth expanding your range. You can sell not only linens, but also towels ( different sizes, colors and quality), pajamas, decorative pillowcases, bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins, bathrobes, kitchen towels etc. During the winter months, it is a good idea to stock your shelves with blankets and throws.

Some businessmen try to stand out from their competitors by selling unusual products. This is a rather risky move, which, however, can bring additional income. If you don't want to take any risks, you can purchase several unique bedding sets, such as black silk sheets or leopard print sets. In addition, you can offer customers a service for ordering lingerie - if you do not have the required color or size in stock, you can provide the client with a catalog and promise delivery of the selected product in the near future.

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