Nasa explains that the position of the “zodiac signs” has long ago changed. panic in women's magazines

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Incredible facts

Everyone who is interested in astrology was disheartened by the news that the signs of the zodiac have changed, and a new representative of the zodiac has appeared.

It said that the Babylonians, who created zodiac signs about 3000 years ago, in fact, it was recognized13 constellations. However, they reduced them to 12 to fit the 12 month calendar, resulting in no inclusionzodiac sign Ophiuchus.

In addition, the “pattern” in the sky changed, as the earth’s axis gradually changed its direction.

So, for example, if your birthday falls between July 23 and August 22, then you consider yourself a Leo. Now, your birthday may mean that you were, in fact, born under the sign of Cancer.

NASA about the position of the zodiac signs

There are constellations different sizes and forms, and the Sun is located for a different period of time in each of them. So, for example, the Sun is in the constellation Virgo for 45 days, but in the constellation Scorpio for only 7 days.

In addition to the familiar 12 constellations, there is also the constellation Ophiuchus. To achieve consistency with the 12-month calendar, the Babylonians decided to eliminate the 13th constellation, leaving 12, and assigned an equal period of time to each.

In fact, NASA did not change the zodiac signs, since it is not interested in astrology, not considering it a science. The agency only tried to explain the differences between astronomy and astrology, and that astrology is a human creation.

Zodiac signs by dates

This is what the new periodicity of the zodiac signs looks like.

You enjoy planning and strategizing, which means you are more successful when you take something seriously. You are practical and value structure and order, which leads to stability in life. You are a pretty down to earth person.

These people need independence, and if they are not given it, they run away. Aquarians are intelligent and seem unemotional and distant, but can be very stubborn.

If you are a Pisces, you are selfless, you put yourself in the shoes of other people you care about and don't expect anything in return. You also have good intuition. Many Pisces achieve great success in the field of art.

Aries takes the initiative and is resourceful. This sign also has a strong curiosity, which means they are not afraid to take risks. They enjoy the spirit of competition. On the other hand, they can be very impulsive and lack discipline in situations that require it.

Taurus is an earth sign, very diligent and sensual. However, he has a tendency to be stubborn, bossy and lazy.

You like to talk, and because you have charm, people like to listen to you. You constantly need to feed your intellect and learn from others. Without this, you become restless and cannot complete what you start.

Do you like home comfort, and you love your family. You are loyal and have no equal in your patience and dedication. However, Cancers can often seem too impressionable and emotional for others.

Leos are natural leaders, they are passionate and loyal, but can be hot-tempered, sensitive and arrogant when in the shadows.

You like everything to be in its place and have your own idea of ​​what order looks like. You are thoughtful and hardworking. You trust actions, not words, and you need to see something to believe it. However, Virgos quickly become irritated and are unresponsive, preferring to keep to themselves.

Libras value harmony and fairness. You are friendly and know how to work in a team. You find beauty where others don't see it, which can lead you into the field of art. At times, Libras can manipulate others quite cleverly.

You are a true fighter, deep and passionate, and rarely give up. This kind of assertiveness can lead you to be destructive and ruthless in relationships, so be careful.

Ophiuchus does not blindly follow authority, especially if it goes against their beliefs of justice. When it comes to love and friendship, you are very empathetic and can be trusted. You are also sensual and passionate. You need to take better care of yourself, as you can become your own enemy due to the high bar you set for yourself.

Other people enjoy your company. You love adventure and are sincere in your affections and in your work. You are one of the most unpredictable signs of the zodiac.

Classical astrology, which dates back about 3,000 years, tells us that there are only 12 Zodiac Signs, but new scientific research tells a different story.

Previously we wrote about the secret of the 13th Zodiac Sign. As stated in the published article, these changes have not yet been taken seriously, and, most likely, will not be accepted by the community of astrologers and the world association, since traditional astrology has proven its strength over these millennia, and the new teaching can destroy everything that is believed in people and everything that has been proven by experience and observations.

Changes in Zodiac Signs

The new astrology is to blame for everything, whose supporters claim that the movement of the Sun relative to the starry sky has changed because the earth's axis has changed. NASA confirms the fact that the Earth's axis is shifting, but this does not change anything, however, a number of scientific astrologers propose changing the dates of passage through the Signs of the Zodiac.

Now, in their opinion, the updated horoscope should look like this:

  • Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  • Aquarius: February 16 – March 11
  • Fish: March 11 - April 18
  • Aries: April 18 - May 13
  • Taurus: May 13 – June 21
  • Twins: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  • Lion: August 10 – September 16
  • Virgo: September 16 – October 30
  • Scales: October 30 – November 23
  • Scorpion: November 23 – November 29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29 – December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 17 – January 20

Please note that a new Sign has been added - Ophiuchus. At the dawn of astrology, it was almost invisible, so it was not taken seriously and was not included in the Zodiac Signs, but now it is more than distinct, so it is proposed to be introduced. Authoritative scientists have fully argued their proposals regarding the shift of the Zodiac zones, but this does not mean global changes, since people are accustomed to the standard horoscope. Classical astrology does not accept changes in Zodiac Signs - at least not yet.

The new horoscope dates created a lot of noise in the world, as people began to wonder which Sign they should classify themselves as - the new or the old. Popular magazines like Cosmopolitan supported the hype and made many people doubt the truth and monumentality of such a science as astrology. Experience and time overcome impulsiveness and the desire for novelty, so that for now everything remains the same as it has always been.

If you doubt which Zodiac Sign you and your character belong to, you can take our free Zodiac Sign test and find out how accurate your horoscope has been all along!

13th Zodiac Sign and new zodiac dates

The Earth and the Sun are in a constant dance that lasts 26,000 years. When this time passes, everything starts anew. Over this long period of time, a lot can change in the night sky from the point of view of observation from Earth.

If you follow these changes, then every 150-300 years you need to change the dates of the horoscopes, slightly shifting the Zodiac Signs. The only relevant information is the 13th Zodiac Sign, which is very important. People born from November 17 to 27 can consider themselves Ophiuchus - this is not an independent Zodiac Sign, but rather an addition to the character of Sagittarius or Scorpio. These people destroy what they love. Their fate is often difficult, but in the end happiness always awaits them.

Ophiuchus are fickle, flighty, and fearless. They need time to make their lives more stable and meaningful. They can become anyone - everything is limited only by their imagination. That is why among Ophiuchus you can meet talented actors, directors, cruel rulers and revolutionaries.

The world has not seen such turbulent rivers of flowing carcasses and pillows roaring to such an extent since the premiere of Titanic. But, as usually happens, it all started banal and simple. There were no signs of trouble that morning. The planet lived an ordinary life: in New York, the Michaels and Jacobs, shouting loudly, traded shares, in Baku, the smiling Ali was selling delicious fruits at the market, and the old mechanic Nazar Semenych from Kondopoga was destroying the remnants of the cherry liqueur with intense sips before leaving the house. Birds sang, vapers smoked (“It’s steam, it’s not prohibited!”), and elections of deputies to municipal assemblies once again took place with a predictable result. But still, you, working people, get hit in the gut, as they say, with a grenade! No need to wait, something truly terrible has happened. Later, this day will be called black in the editorial offices of all women's magazines in the world: on educational portal NASA SpacePlace reminded the world community that the position of the constellations (including the zodiacal ones) relative to the ecliptic of the Sun is constantly changing due to precession. But what do these mysterious terms mean?
This scientific remark caused a stormy reaction in the women's press: “For the first time in 2000 years, NASA has updated astrological signs! 86% of us have changed their horoscope sign!” One can imagine the stress the news caused for those who believe in astrology. If the horoscope sign has changed, these unfortunate people will have to reconsider their entire lives. Perhaps even change her husband. I must admit, it turned out to be significant trolling on the part of NASA. NASA SpacePlace simply explains that astronomy and astrology are completely different things. Astrology is in no way a science. No one has proven that with the help of astrology it is possible to predict the future or characterize a person based solely on his date of birth. This is a completely stupid assumption. In principle, most people understand this. This is understood even by those who like to read their fairy tales every day.” astrological forecast"or "horoscope" for the day. But there are also exceptions. In some particularly advanced cases, people even take important life decisions taking into account the position of the stars in the sky - for example, comparing zodiac signs different people to determine their compatibility. NASA SpacePlace gives brief information what is the zodiac and zodiac constellations. The zodiac (from Greek “circle of animals”) is a belt near the ecliptic along which the apparent annual movement of the Sun occurs, as well as the sequence of sections into which this belt is divided. While the Sun moves almost exactly along the ecliptic, different constellations periodically move north or south of the ecliptic. The ecliptic passes through 13 constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Ophiuchus - but they decided to ignore the last one for convenience. When the Earth, the Sun and the constellation are approximately on the same imaginary line, then astrologers believe that at that time “the Sun is in such and such a constellation.”
In ancient times, astronomers did not fully understand how the Earth, Sun, and stars moved. They did not understand the scale of the Universe, but still did not give up trying to find some kind of pattern. They tried hard to figure out what they were seeing in the starry sky. Thanks to the rich human imagination, astrology fits quite harmoniously into many ancient religions.
People imagined that constellations could be important symbols, tell stories about their gods and illustrate myths, ancient stories and tales. We see echoes of those ancient pagan religions and myths now in the form of “horoscopes” in women's magazines.
For the first time the concept of the zodiac and zodiac constellations introduced in Babylon about 3000 years ago. Since Babylon used a 12-month calendar based on the phases of the moon, it was very convenient to divide the zodiac into 12 equal parts that correspond to the months.
According to Babylonian sources, they numbered 13 zodiacal constellations, so one had to be abandoned for convenience. Unfortunately, even after this, some of the selected dozen did not fit well into the allotted 1/12 of the year and went beyond their segment. For example, the Sun passes against the background of the constellation Virgo for 45 days, against the background of Scorpio - 7 days, against the background of Ophiuchus - 18 days. All this was simplified, and Ophiuchus was thrown out altogether. After 3,000 years, the picture has changed a little. The fact is that when the Earth rotates, precession of the Earth's axis is observed with a period of 25,800 years.
Precession with a period of 25,800 years occurs under the influence of the gravity of the Moon, the Sun and the heterogeneity of the mass distribution density inside the Earth.
Ancient astronomers did not know this, so they did not assume the displacement of the zodiacal constellations relative to calendar year. But that's exactly what happened. Therefore, the current picture of the zodiac is slightly different from the one calculated 3000 years ago.
Women's magazines publish a real table of horoscope signs (by dates of the calendar year) adjusted for precession as of 2016. For example, those born on August 4 considered themselves Leos (or Lionesses), but with updated horoscope dates they became Cancers.
Capricorn: January 20 - February 16 Aquarius: February 16 - March 11 Pisces: March 11 - April 18 Aries: April 18 - May 13 Taurus: May 13 - June 21 Gemini: June 21 - July 20 Cancer: July 20 - August 10 Leo : August 10 - September 16 Virgo: September 16 - October 30 Libra: October 30 - November 23 Scorpio: November 23 - November 29 Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17 Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20
Well, the trolls from NASA SpacePlace note that the accuracy of the “horoscopes” will not change due to corrections for precession. It was zero, and will remain so. Unfortunately, part of the population will not stop looking for magical advice for their lives. For example, 21% of UK residents read horoscopes “often” or “very often”, and 25% of respondents consider astrology to be a “very scientific” discipline. Surprisingly, even scientific journals sometimes publish works on astrology.
Well, we can only hope that horoscope fans will quickly recover from the blow of the insidious scientists from NASA.

The world has not seen such turbulent rivers of flowing carcasses and pillows roaring to such an extent since the premiere of Titanic. But, as usually happens, it all started banal and simple. There were no signs of trouble that morning. The planet lived an ordinary life: in New York, the Michaels and Jacobs, shouting loudly, traded shares, in Baku, the smiling Ali was selling delicious fruits at the market, and the old mechanic Nazar Semenych from Kondopoga was destroying the remnants of the cherry liqueur with intense sips before leaving the house. Birds sang, vapers smoked (“It’s steam, it’s not prohibited!”), and elections of deputies to municipal assemblies once again took place with a predictable result.

But still, you, working people, get hit in the gut, as they say, with a grenade! No need to wait, something truly terrible has happened. Later, this day will be called black in the editorial offices of all women's magazines in the world: on the educational portal NASA SpacePlace, the world community was reminded that the position of the constellations (including the zodiac) relative to the ecliptic of the Sun is constantly changing due to precession.

But what do these mysterious terms mean?

This scientific remark caused a strong reaction in the women's press: “NASA has updated the astrological signs for the first time in 2000 years! 86% of us have changed their horoscope sign!” One can imagine the stress the news caused for those who believe in astrology. If the horoscope sign has changed, these unfortunate people will have to reconsider their entire lives. Perhaps even change her husband.

I must admit, it turned out to be significant trolling on the part of NASA.

NASA SpacePlace simply explains that astronomy and astrology are completely different things. Astrology is in no way a science. No one has proven that with the help of astrology it is possible to predict the future or characterize a person based solely on his date of birth. This is a completely stupid assumption. In principle, most people understand this. This is understood even by those who like to read their “astrological forecast” or “horoscope” for the day every day like fairy tales. But there are also exceptions. In some particularly advanced cases, people even make important life decisions taking into account the position of the stars in the sky - for example, comparing the zodiac signs of different people to determine their compatibility.

NASA SpacePlace gives a quick introduction to what the zodiac and zodiac constellations are.

The zodiac (from Greek “circle of animals”) is a belt near the ecliptic along which the apparent annual movement of the Sun occurs, as well as the sequence of sections into which this belt is divided. While the Sun moves almost exactly along the ecliptic, different constellations periodically move north or south of the ecliptic. The ecliptic passes through 13 constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Ophiuchus - but they decided to ignore the last one for convenience.

When the Earth, the Sun and the constellation are approximately on the same imaginary line, then astrologers believe that at that time “the Sun is in such and such a constellation.”

In ancient times, astronomers did not fully understand how the Earth, Sun, and stars moved. They did not understand the scale of the Universe, but still did not give up trying to find some kind of pattern. They tried hard to figure out what they were seeing in the starry sky. Thanks to the rich human imagination, astrology fits quite harmoniously into many ancient religions.

People imagined that constellations could be important symbols, tell stories about their gods and illustrate myths, ancient stories and tales. We now see echoes of those ancient pagan religions and myths in the form of “horoscopes” in women’s magazines.

The concept of the zodiac and zodiac constellations was first introduced in Babylon about 3,000 years ago. Since Babylon used a 12-month calendar based on the phases of the moon, it was very convenient to divide the zodiac into 12 equal parts that correspond to the months.

According to Babylonian sources, they numbered 13 zodiacal constellations, so one had to be abandoned for convenience. Unfortunately, even after this, some of the selected dozen did not fit well into the allotted 1/12 of the year and went beyond their segment. For example, the Sun passes against the background of the constellation Virgo for 45 days, against the background of Scorpio - 7 days, against the background of Ophiuchus - 18 days. All this was simplified, and Ophiuchus was thrown out altogether.

After 3,000 years, the picture has changed a little. The fact is that when the Earth rotates, precession of the Earth's axis is observed with a period of 25,800 years.

Precession with a period of 25,800 years occurs under the influence of the gravity of the Moon, the Sun and the heterogeneity of the mass distribution density inside the Earth.

Ancient astronomers did not know this, so they did not assume that the zodiacal constellations would shift relative to the calendar year. But that's exactly what happened. Therefore, the current picture of the zodiac is slightly different from the one calculated 3000 years ago.

Women's magazines publish a real table of horoscope signs (by dates of the calendar year) adjusted for precession as of 2016. For example, those born on August 4 considered themselves Leos (or Lionesses), but with updated horoscope dates they became Cancers.

Well, the trolls from NASA SpacePlace note that the accuracy of the “horoscopes” will not change due to corrections for precession. It was zero, and will remain so. Unfortunately, part of the population will not stop looking for magical advice for their lives. For example, 21% of UK residents read horoscopes “often” or “very often”, and 25% of respondents consider astrology to be a “very scientific” discipline. Surprisingly, even scientific journals sometimes publish works on astrology.

Well, we can only hope that horoscope fans will quickly recover from the blow of the insidious scientists from NASA.

The information that the thirteenth sign, Ophiuchus, has appeared in the system of zodiac signs, moving all other signs, shocked astrology lovers.

The news was spread by many world media, citing the international space agency NASA.

After the news of Ophiuchus, who had shaken centuries-old traditions stellar calculus, provoked a huge resonance, NASA issued an official refutation of this information. Scientists stated that they did not make any changes to the astrological circle, and in general they do not consider astrology to be a science.

Change of zodiac signs in 2016

The news with the headline “Your zodiac sign has just been changed” was spread in the media in English and Russian, writes The Cosmopolitan website was one of the first to report the change of zodiac signs, followed by the more reputable Yahoo News and AOL, in Russian - Onedio, Buro247, “ Russian newspaper", "Izvestia" and other publications.

“We don't want to be dramatic, but NASA just ruined our lives,” writes a Yahoo columnist. - For the first time in 3000 years, they decided to update the astrological signs. This means that most of us are in for a total identity crisis.”

The notes talk about the emergence of a new zodiac constellation Ophiuchus, which “breaks” the entire system of horoscopes. Cosmopolitan even estimates that 86% of all people will have to change their signs, and provides a table of how to draw up horoscopes in a new way.

New table of zodiac signs

Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11 - April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - August 10
Leo: August 10 - September 16
Virgo: September 16 - October 30
Libra: October 30 - November 23
Scorpio: November 23 - November 29
Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

The publications referred to the page of the children's educational project Space Place, published in January 2016. It tells in a popular form about the origins of astrology in ancient Babylon and that formally there are now not 12, but 13 zodiac constellations. The truth about modern application The site does not convey a word of this knowledge.

NASA has nothing to do with it

In fact, NASA has nothing to do with horoscopes. Astronomy and astrology are completely different things. And only the uproar forced the space agency to explain itself.

"We haven't changed any zodiac signs," NASA spokesman Duane Brown told Gizmodo. “The article on Space Place was about how astrology is not astronomy, it’s a relic of ancient history.”

By the way, rumors about the existence of the so-called Ophiuchus have been circulating among amateur astrologers for a very long time. So the news about the “discovery” of a new zodiac sign is nothing more than a journalistic canard.

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