Social studies exam maximum score for the first part. Unified State Exam in Social Studies

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Criteria for assessing tasks in social studies Unified State Exam 2019

with a detailed answer

  • Three questions were answered correctly - 2 points.
  • Correct answers to any two questions - 1 point.
  • Any one question is answered correctly. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 2

in social studies it is assessed:

  • The explanation is given correctly and the answers to two questions are given - 2 points.
  • Any two elements of the answer are given correctly - 1 point.
  • Any one element of the answer is correct. OR OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 2

in social studies it is assessed:

  • Two sources (paths) are correctly named and 2 examples are given (4 examples in total) - 3 points.
  • Two sources (paths) are correctly named, any 2-3 examples are given - 2 points.
  • One or two sources (paths) are correctly named, any 1 example is given. OR 1 source (path) is correctly named and 2 examples corresponding to it are given - 1 point.
  • All answers that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2 and 3 points. OR General reasoning is given that does not meet the requirements of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies it is assessed:

  • Three functions are correctly named and explained - 3 points.
  • Two or three functions are correctly named, two of them are explained - 2 points.
  • One to three functions are correctly named, one of them is explained. OR Only three functions are correctly named - 1 point.
  • Only one or two functions are named correctly. OR General reasoning is given that does not meet the requirements of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies it is assessed:

25.1 Disclosure of the meaning of the concept - 2 points

  • The explanation of the meaning / definition of the concept is given fully, clearly, clearly, unambiguously: the essential features related to the characteristics of this concept / distinguishing it from other concepts are indicated (the content of the concept is correctly disclosed through the generic affiliation of the concept and its specific difference(s) ) - 2 points.
  • The meaning of the concept as a whole is disclosed, but incompletely: only one of the essential features related to the characteristics of this concept / distinguishing it from other concepts is indicated, OR the answer contains certain inaccuracies/shortcomings that do not distort its essence - 1 point.
  • In the answer, along with the correct ones, incorrect signs are given (characteristics, descriptions, comparisons, etc.), distorting the content of the concept in essence. OR There are no specific characteristics or essential features of the concept / only non-essential features are indicated that do not reveal the meaning of the concept. OR Other situations not provided for by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points - 0 points.

Assessment guidelines:

  1. The following is not counted: – a characteristic of generic affiliation that repeats a concept, the meaning of which must be disclosed; – as an essential characteristic, a feature already contained in the formulation of the task; – explanation of the meaning / definition of a concept through negation or only through the etymology of the word, metaphor or allegory.
  2. If according to criterion 25.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the concept), 0 points are assigned, then according to criterion 25.2 0 points are assigned.

25.2 Availability and quality of sentences containing information about various aspects of the concept - 2 points

  • Two sentences have been compiled, each of which contains information that is correct from the point of view of scientific social science about aspects of the concept that correspond to the requirements of the task - 2 points.
  • One sentence has been compiled containing correct information from the point of view of scientific social science about any aspect of the concept in accordance with the requirement of the task - 1 point.
  • - 0 points.

Assessment instructions:

The following are not included in the assessment:

  • sentences containing essential errors that distort the meaning of the concept and/or its individual aspects;
  • proposals that reveal relevant aspects at the everyday level, without involving social science knowledge;
  • phrases, uncommon sentences.

Maximum score - 4

in social studies it is assessed:

  • Three functions are correctly named and illustrated with examples - 3 points.
  • Two or three functions are correctly named, two of them are illustrated with examples - 2 points.
  • One to three functions are correctly named, one of them is illustrated with example(s) - 1 point.
  • Only one to three functions are named correctly. OR Any number of examples are given without specifying functions. OR General reasoning is given that does not meet the requirements of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies it is assessed:

  • The sphere, type of stratification and three criteria are correctly indicated - 3 points.
  • The sphere, type of stratification and one or two criteria are correctly indicated. OR The scope and three criteria are correctly indicated - 2 points.
  • The scope and type of stratification are correctly indicated. OR The scope and one or two criteria are correctly indicated - 1 point.
  • Only the sphere is indicated correctly. OR The scope is not specified (specified incorrectly) regardless of the presence of other elements of the answer. OR General reasoning is given that does not meet the requirements of the assignment. OR Wrong answer - 0 points.

Maximum score - 3

in social studies it is assessed:

28.1 Disclosure of the topic on its merits - 3 points

  • Complicated plan contains at least three points, including two points, the presence of which will allow the topic to be discussed on its merits. Both of these “mandatory” points are detailed in subparagraphs that make it possible to reveal this topic in essence - 3 points.
  • A complex plan contains at least three points, including two points, the presence of which will allow the topic to be covered in substance. Only one of these “mandatory” points is detailed in subparagraphs that allow the topic to be discussed in essence - 2 points.
  • A complex plan contains at least three points, including only one point, the presence of which will allow the topic to be covered in essence. This “mandatory” point is detailed in subparagraphs that allow the topic to be discussed in essence - 1 point.
  • All other situations not covered by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points. OR Cases when the graduate’s answer in form does not correspond to the requirements of the assignment (for example, it is not formatted as a plan with points and subpoints highlighted) - 0 points.

Assessment guidelines:

  1. Items/subitems that are of an abstract and formal nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic are not counted in the assessment.
  2. If 0 points are assigned according to criterion 28.1, then 0 points are assigned according to criterion 28.2

28.2 Correctness of wording of points and sub-points of the plan - 1 point

  • The wording of the points and sub-points of the plan is correct and does not contain errors or inaccuracies - 1
  • All other situations 0

Maximum score - 4

in social studies it is assessed:

29.1 Revealing the meaning of the statement - 1 point.

  • The meaning of the statement is revealed: one or more main ideas related to the content of the social science course are correctly identified, and/or one or more theses are formulated in the context of the statement, which requires justification - 1 point.
  • The meaning of the statement is not revealed: not a single main idea is highlighted / not a single thesis is formulated. OR The highlighted idea, the formulated thesis do not reflect the meaning of the statement / the meaning of the statement has been replaced by reasoning of a general nature (“ homemade"), which do not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement. OR Disclosure of the meaning is replaced by a direct retelling / paraphrasing of the given statement / sequential explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole - 0 points.

Assessment instructions:

  • If according to criterion 29.1 (disclosure of the meaning of the statement), 0 points are assigned, then for all other evaluation criteria 0 points are assigned.

29.2 Theoretical content of the mini-essay - 2 points.

(explanation of key concept(s), presence and correctness of theoretical provisions)

  • In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, correct explanations of the key concept(s) and theoretical provisions are given from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) - 2 points.
  • In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, explanations of the key concept(s) that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are given; theoretical positions are not presented. OR In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis, theoretical provisions that are correct from the point of view of scientific social science (without errors) are presented, the meaning of the key concept(s) is not disclosed. OR In the given explanations of the key concept(s) / theoretical provisions, there are some inaccuracies that do not distort the scientific meaning of these concepts, theoretical provisions - 1 point.
  • All other situations not provided for by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points, including if there is no theoretical content of the mini-essay: the meaning of the key concept(s) is not explained, theoretical provisions are not given or are not related to the main idea/ thesis, do not reveal the meaning of the statement. OR Reasonings of an everyday nature are given without relying on social science knowledge - 0 points.

Assessment instructions:

  • If 0 points are assigned according to criterion 29.2, then 0 points are assigned according to criterion 29.3.

29.3 Theoretical content of the mini-essay: presence and correctness of reasoning, conclusions - 1 point.

  • In the context of at least one highlighted idea / one thesis based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), theoretical provisions, interconnected consistent and consistent reasoning is presented, on the basis of which a well-founded and a reliable conclusion from the point of view of scientific social science - 1 point.
  • All other situations, including reasoning and conclusions of an everyday nature without relying on social science knowledge - 0 points.

29.4 The quality of the facts and examples provided - 2 points.

  • At least two correct, comprehensively formulated facts/examples are given from various sources that confirm the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion and do not duplicate each other in content. There is a clear connection between each fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay - 2 points.
  • Only one correct, fully formulated fact/example is given that confirms the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion. There is a clear connection between this fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay. OR Correct, comprehensively formulated facts/examples are given from sources of the same type that confirm the illustrated idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion. There is a clear connection between each fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay. OR Two examples from sources are given different types, duplicating each other in content. There is a clear connection between each fact/example and the idea/thesis/position/reasoning/conclusion given in the essay - 1 point.
  • All other situations not covered by the rules for assigning 2 and 1 points
    0 - 0 points.

Assessment instructions:

Facts of social life (including media reports), personal social experience (including books read, films watched), materials from educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used as sources.

  1. Examples from different academic subjects are considered as examples from various sources.
  2. Facts/examples that contain factual and semantic errors that lead to a significant distortion of the essence of the statement or indicate a lack of understanding of the historical, literary, geographical and (or) other material used are not counted in the assessment.

Maximum score - 6

Solve it in social studies.

There are constant discussions in society about the Unified State Examination. Some are convinced that it is necessary to abolish the Unified State Exam and return to the Soviet system of examining students. However, there is another point of view: the Unified State Exam allows you to test the level of knowledge of students and pave the way for graduates from the provinces to enter prestigious universities in the capital. Today there are two mandatory exams - Russian language and mathematics. Next, the graduate chooses from school curriculum those subjects for which results must be presented at the selected university. The Unified State Exam in Social Sciences 2019 is interesting because it is integrated and allows graduates to feel a little bit like a lawyer, sociologist, economist, political scientist or legal scholar.

Important documents

Preparing students for the Unified State Exam in social studies should be based on several documents, which can be found on the FIPI website:

No. Document's name
1 Specifier
2 Codifier
3 Demonstrative version

On the FIPI website you can also find information about the date of the exam and decide on the options for KIMs.

What can you learn from the Specification?

From this document you can find out that this exam consists of 29 tasks. 20 of them are in part 1, 9 are in the second.

In the first part, 20 tasks have a maximum primary score– 35. And the tasks of the second part are 29.


The Codifier contains a short list of legal acts that you need to become familiar with:

  1. Constitution.
  2. Civil Code (separate chapters).
  3. Family Code (separate chapters).
  4. Labor Code (separate chapters).
  5. Code of Administrative Offences.
  6. Federal Law on Citizenship.
  7. Law on military service and others.

Knowledge of these documents is necessary in order to successfully pass the social studies exam and get high results.

Demonstrative version

The demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies is needed in order to familiarize yourself with the approximate types of tasks that will be in the test materials directly on the exam.

Much attention should be paid here to the assessment system for examination papers. This is necessary so that the graduate clearly understands how exactly he needs to complete the tasks of Part 2, where there is a detailed answer.

If an eleventh grader sees two question marks in a task, then two answers must be given.

About the structure of tasks

Tasks 1 – 3 (basic level) and task 20 are conceptual, testing the level of training of graduates.

4-6 are tasks that are aimed at testing the development of skills of 11th grade students in the topic “Man and Society,” including cognition and spiritual culture.

7-10 is “Economy”.

11-12 – “Social relations”.

13-15 – tasks from the “Politics” area. In task No. 14, positions from Codifier 4.14 and 4.1 are always checked. (“Government bodies of the Russian Federation” and “Federal structure of the Russian Federation”).

16-19 are tasks on the topic “Law”. You can be sure that task 16 is always aimed at knowing the fundamentals of the Constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Every school graduate must be an active citizen of our state, understanding what state he lives in, knowing the foundations of his state, the rights and responsibilities guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Part 2 (9 tasks) collectively represents the basic social sciences that form the entire high school course:

  • Philosophy.
  • Sociology.
  • Political science.

Tasks 21 – 24 are combined into one composite task with a fragment of a popular science text, aimed at testing the ability to find the main thing from the text.

Tasks No. 21 and No. 22 are strictly according to the text. You need to find only the sentence that contains the answer.

In task 23, an additional task is given on this text, For example:

  • illustrate a point in the text with an example;
  • give an appropriate argument, etc.

The 24th task involves the use of information from the text, but knowledge of the Social Studies course as a whole is also required.

The 25th task tests the ability to reveal key social science concepts. The graduate must here show the semantic basis of the concept and highlight the main idea.

No. 26 tests the ability to concretize the studied theoretical positions and concepts with examples. Examples are an opportunity for experts to see how much theoretical knowledge a graduate can apply in life.

Task 27 requires an analysis of the information presented, including statistical, graphic, explanation of the connection of social objects.

The 28th task is a detailed answer on the topic. An 11th grade student must systematically show what he knows about the topic. In 2018, 1 point in the assessment system was added to this task (total - 4 points per task). There should be three points of the plan, two of which are covered by sub-points.

The last task, No. 29, is an alternative one (presented in five versions). This is a mini-essay. You need to select one statement from those presented and reveal the meaning of the statement, present the theoretical content, identifying key concepts and illustrate with examples and facts. Here, too, since 2018, 1 point has been added, dedicated to the correct use of theoretical concepts, provisions and reasoning.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Society

In 2018, there were some changes in the assessment system for the social studies exam.

The maximum primary score that can be scored on the Unified State Exam in social studies is 64 points.

You can see 5 social studies life hacks that will help you pass the Unified State Exam here:

Russian language and mathematics. According to data from past years, almost half of graduates (49%) pass social studies. And this is not surprising, since the Unified State Exam in social studies is required for admission to all humanities specialties.

In essence, the subject of “social studies” includes information on various aspects of social life, studied within the framework of an entire class of humanities: economics, law, philosophy, sociology, political science and, to some extent, history.

The version of the KIM Unified State Exam in social studies has undergone minor changes. The developers revised the difficulty of tasks No. 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

Unified State Examination

Last year, to pass the Unified State Examination in social studies with at least a C, it was enough to score 19 primary points. They were given, for example, by correctly completing the first 13 tasks of the test.

It is not yet known exactly what will happen in 2019: we need to wait for the official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that the minimum score may change slightly.

In the meantime, you can focus on these tables:

Structure of the Unified State Exam

In 2019, the Unified State Exam test in social studies consists of two parts, including 29 tasks.

  • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1–20) with a short answer (choose the correct answer from those proposed, establish a correspondence between the elements of two sets, insert the missing word in the text);
  • Part 2: 9 tasks (No. 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-essays).

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Pass Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in social studies, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved to prepare for Unified State Examination Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.

The tasks you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topics.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 39
2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
2014 39 55,4 235
2015 42 53,3 235
2016 42 235
2017 42 235

Hundreds of thousands of graduates will take Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2017. As you can see, there is not much time left for preparation, and although this subject is considered relatively easy, it is advisable to start working on the tasks now. It should be noted that social studies is the most popular optional subject, which is extremely loved by students. In addition, many humanitarian universities require a grade for this discipline in the graduate certificate.

So that students do not relax in the bowels of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as in State Duma We have already begun to develop a number of innovations that can radically change the social studies testing system.


The innovations listed below can for now be regarded as rumors and speculation, but this could happen and already in 2017 they will all be involved in the procedure for passing the Unified State Exam in social studies.

  1. Social studies is a compulsory subject. This proposal has long been on the lips of specialists close to the education system in Russia. In addition to this subject, history, physics and foreign language. Of course, history has a better chance, because officials are already extremely concerned that not all students are fluent in the history of the development and formation of their state.
  2. Introduction of an extensive oral part. This innovation is still only at the discussion stage. Parliamentarians intend to shorten the test part and replace it with oral units, which the student will have to hand over to the examiner personally. Let's say more, some experts suggest making this exam oral.
  3. The subject will be removed from the Unified State Exam. Yes, such a proposal has already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration. This is caused by the fact that every year there are fewer technical workers. In order for more graduates to enter specialized universities for some time, social studies may disappear from the list of subjects submitted to the Unified State Examination. Let's hope that this innovation will remain only at the talking stage.

Evaluation criteria

In 2017, the system for assessing graduates’ knowledge will not undergo any changes. For each completed task, the student receives a certain number of points, which are combined into a single amount. Thanks to a specially developed scale, the primary scores received by the student are transformed into test scores. It is based on the latter that the commission decides whether the graduate has passed the exam or not.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies

In total, the exam in this subject includes 29 tasks, divided into two blocks.

Tasks 1-20 (block 1) are questions or tasks that require short answers in one word or one number.

Tasks 21-29 (block 2) - each question requires a detailed, reasoned answer. Examples, arguments and other evidence that can make the answer broad and correct are welcome.

Typically this State exam tests knowledge in the following sections:

  1. Human and society
  2. Right
  3. Economy
  4. Politicians
  5. Social relations

Literature for preparation

To pass the Unified State Exam in social studies with an “excellent” rating, you need to spend a lot of time reading books. Considering the fact that more than one subject is taken for the exam, you should select correct literature, so as not to waste time on inappropriate benefits. Below is a list of textbooks that will certainly come in handy while preparing for the Unified State Exam.

This literature is designed specifically for those who want to prepare for the exam in advance. Some manuals are aimed at developing correct theoretical knowledge. They contain all the sections that are taken for the Unified State Exam. It is noteworthy that all information is presented in in brief, focusing on the main points.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam in social studies

If you want to temporarily feel what it’s like to take the Unified State Exam in social studies, FIPI specialists annually update the demo version of the exam. Every eleventh grader can visually assess the difficulty of the test, as well as get acquainted with the approximate tasks. In addition, students will be able to earn points for completing the demo.

This approach allows us to prepare graduates for the future and set them up for positive result knowledge tests.

It's worth noting that the demo is just a rough idea of ​​what to expect on the actual social studies exam. The demo version usually includes the following items:

  • Instructions with rules for filling out forms
  • Information about the blocks that are included in the social studies exam
  • Knowledge assessment criteria
  • The amount of time allotted for the student to solve all problems
  • List of literature that can be used while preparing for the test
  • Rules of conduct for students while taking the Unified State Exam
  • The total number of tasks in all blocks of the Unified State Exam in social studies.


In order for every secondary school student to feel confident in the exam in this subject, it is necessary to begin preparing for it now. The method of preparation depends on the capabilities and desires of the eleventh grader.

Some people turn to tutors for help, some decide to read specialized literature and prepare for the test on their own, others, united in groups, repeat step by step and consolidate the material they have covered. It doesn’t matter which method you choose, the main thing is that it brings the desired result.

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