General and love horoscope: Monkey-man. Chinese horoscope monkey

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Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wood Monkey

Fire Monkey

Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wood Monkey

Fire Monkey

Earth Monkey

The Monkey represents the masculine yang principle, the first triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), the element of metal.

The Monkey sign has the talent of a designer, sees the essence of any system, and is a talented craftsman. A wonderful sense of humor and childlike spontaneity make the Monkey sociable and popular. The ability to be surprised preserves youth until old age. Resourceful in commerce and romantic relationships, the Monkey is very inquisitive and active in communicating with various kinds people. Her quick wits and excellent response to external challenges contribute to achieving success in society. Particular mockery and some snobbery allow her to move in different circles of society, maintaining the appearance of her superiority over her environment. She is erudite, with a good memory for facts, loves competition and often prevails over her rivals because she knows how to take advantage of circumstances and the mistakes of her competitor. Resourcefulness and the ability to predict win-win options make the Monkey wealthy in financially. But she may outwit herself and remain out of work.

Positive qualities of the sign

Resourcefulness even in extreme situations, ingenuity, intellectual talent. The Monkey is always a little ahead of the rest of the zodiac in terms of innovation, modernization and innovation. A big fashionista, she is aware of new style trends. Artistic talent can influence the choice of profession. Acting skills contribute to popularity in society. The Monkey will always provide support and solve problems in an unusual way, thanks to his connections and the gift of predicting the development of events.

Negative qualities of the sign

Arrogance, selfishness and distrust of people push the Monkey to do unpleasant things. Cunning does not always lead to desired result. She is capable of deception. In love, she exhibits possessive instincts, is suspicious and jealous, which sometimes makes partnership unbearable. Vanity is the other side of ambition; it prevents you from realizing real opportunities. Likes to manipulate, sees well weaknesses human nature and uses them for self-interest. They often lose track of their goals and waste their talents on the little things in life.

In the year of the Monkey you can take risks and win, introduce new ideas and, in general, strive to update your habits, meet new people, find a new hobby. The danger lies in the thoughtlessness and haste of decisions, in the exchange main goal for small achievements. Local conflicts and force majeure circumstances during travel are possible. A good year for Monkey, Rat, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Dog, Pig and Rooster. A difficult year for the Ox. Neutral year for the Rabbit, Dragon and Snake.

Celebrities of this sign

Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, James Cook, Pope John Paul II, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, Grigory Rasputin, John Milton, Paul Gauguin, Harry Truman, Georgy Zhukov, Ray Bradbury, Vasily Aksenov, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Houdini, Elizabeth Taylor , Mick Jagger. Actors: Tom Hanks, Nikolai Karachentsev, Eric Roberts, Mel Gibson, Daniel Craig, Eric Bana, Aaron Eckhardt, Gillian Andersen, Ryan Gosling, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Anna Semenovich, Selena Gomez.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Monkey

Differs in ups and downs of activity. A fire element monkey can endure conditions of the highest tension in order to achieve a goal, which alternate with a decrease in vitality almost to zero. Has developed imagination, is extremely inquisitive and active, loves to travel, studies and teaches others all her life. Very cunning and enterprising, she achieves success in her career and business. Needs forced rest and a change of environment so as not to become exhausted. Living in constant stress will negatively affect your health.

White Metal Monkey

Thanks to the element of metal, the White Monkey is distinguished by its determination and willingness to sacrifice a lot for the sake of success in its career. Leadership qualities help to achieve authority among peers, surpass those around them in efficiency and enterprise. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting a passion for bragging and unpunctuality. Changeability and capriciousness disturb the peace in the house. The Monkey compensates for unpredictability and selfishness with a high status in society and a good income.

Yellow Earth Monkey

Characterized by a desire for peace and harmony. Loves to decorate the house, furnish it with the latest technology and style. The Earth Monkey is more prudent and economical, successfully uses broad erudition, helps his partner and loved ones practical advice and cash loans. In the field of love, he does not deny himself pleasures; he seeks loyalty and indulgence in his freedom in his partner. It is pleasant and interesting to live with her, if her everyday enthusiasm does not irritate her.

Black (blue) Water Monkey

The Black Water Monkey is emotional, sociable, and charmingly cunning. He can always get what he wants, even in hopeless situations he remains profitable. She is capable of long-term affection and passionate feelings for her beloved. The Water Monkey should devote a lot of time to himself, it is especially important to lead healthy image life. Her well-being and success directly depend on her mood and comfortable environment. The most sensitive to the troubles of others among the other elements of this sign.

Green Wood Monkey

The element of wood gives this sign extraordinary originality. He likes to indulge his weaknesses, strives to make a lasting impression on others, so he often behaves excessively eccentric in society. Strives to improve his partner, his destiny, and the planet as a whole. He works very energetically in this direction, it would be good if he chooses a medical specialty. In another case, the Wood Monkey is ready to join the movement to save animals and become an environmental activist. Needs approval of his actions and their appreciation. Ambition borders on vanity. Unforgettable in love and fun.

The monkey man is an adult child. He is cheerful, bright, smart and does not like to sit still. The guy is attracted to unexplored heights, new places, cultures and knowledge. He clearly knows what fate gives him a chance to do important discovery and leave a mark on human history.

Male monkey personality characteristics

The year of the monkey characterization of a man calls him bright and cheerful. He is sure that life is not created for sitting still and tries to spend every minute in motion. The man is driven by an insane thirst for adventure and discoveries of unknown heights.

The Monkey man is ready to drop everything and go on a trip at any moment. He doesn't like it when someone tries to limit his freedom. The animal is open to new knowledge, loves to explore the world and communicate with other people. The range of their interests is not limited to the field of one science; monkeys try to embrace the whole world and discover all its facets.

The thirst for knowledge makes the guy very smart. It's interesting to talk to him. In addition, this sign is very cunning and is always looking for benefits. At first glance, the zodiac sign is a very strong and confident person. If he thinks about his own benefit, then self-confidence can even develop into arrogance.

The monkey man is not used to doubt. Nothing is impossible for him. In order to achieve his own goals, he is ready to work, study and make efforts. Therefore, he can handle any profession.

The only negative characteristic of the monkey man is pride. This horoscope sign always sees himself better than others and does not try to hide it. The monkey is also characterized by selfishness and envy. He strong man, whom I am not used to losing and giving in to. And if someone is doing better, then you can’t do without hysterics.

The center of the Universe is himself. He is occupied only with his own needs and desires. The interests of others fade into the background and this makes the animal simply an unbearable roommate.

It is easy for him to achieve success in his career, although he does not make much effort. His ambitions promise him only success. Especially in show business. The main thing is to choose a profession you like.

But don’t think that the monkey is ready to go over his head to achieve his goals. This is only possible as a last resort. The sign is able to compromise and give in. If something doesn’t work out, the monkey man characteristic is ready to help people and solve difficult matters.

How to win a monkey man

Monkey horoscope characteristics the man calls him “the head.” This sign must be the main or king in everything, without exception. He is not used to hiding his superiority over others and even demonstrates it on the contrary.

His attention is attracted by bright and interesting personalities. He notices such people from afar and immediately tries to get to know them better. But not everyone can reach the heart of a monkey. You need to know in advance that you will have to deal with an unpredictable and fickle man. His thoughts and intentions can change at the speed of light. With a guy like that you have to be prepared for anything. Consistency is a rare phenomenon.

This also applies to marriage. It’s not at all difficult to catch the eye of such a guy; it’s more difficult to force him to marry you and force him to live a calm family life.

You can start communication with a simple conversation. Don't worry too much about the topic of conversation. The simpler the communication, the better it will go. An appropriate joke will help defuse the situation. She will position both of them to continue communication.

Under no circumstances should you make yourself look bad. You shouldn't seem stupid, the monkey doesn't like such women. It is difficult to attract him with his appearance if there is nothing behind his beautiful nature. During the first meeting, a man will understand how intellectually developed you are. Offer to choose a topic that interests him. And if you are knowledgeable enough, the second meeting will definitely take place.

If you are not as knowledgeable about the issue as the sign would like, then a sense of humor and the ability to lead the conversation in the right direction can save you. You can laugh at anything. There are no boundaries or frames here. But the best thing to do is to laugh at yourself lightly.

Let the monkey understand that you do not depend on public opinion, are free and independent - he is yours. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be yourself, simple and natural.

You can invite such a man to nature. Just no romantic dates under the moonlight. He needs emotions. If you managed to interest this sign, then there is a chance for a relationship or family life there definitely is. Don't rush things. Enjoy your time with the monkey and gradually unwind what you have achieved. Rejoice in his successes and share his interests!

Horoscope men monkey career

This guy is not at all attracted to the height of the career ladder. He doesn’t strive for her at all. Yes, and you don't have to do this at all. The monkey, thanks to its personal qualities: intelligence, memory, sense of humor, education, reaches heights. He is gifted with talent and is able to impress his superiors.

Working in a large enterprise suits him. Lucky in financial matters thanks to cunning and resourcefulness. He can choose absolutely any profession, but enjoys work that requires special ingenuity and work.

Not afraid to express himself in political activity. Knows how to negotiate and earn big money. For the sake of his own interest and benefit, he is ready to resort to deception or cunning and live without a twinge of conscience.

Even if the monkey ends up at the end of the world, he will find work there too. And any company would only dream of such an employee. They definitely won't go wrong if they hire him. Moreover, the work can be both physical and mental. Creative activity is no exception.

The only requirement for such an employee will be the absence of routine. The schedule scares him too. He should feel light and free. If something goes wrong, then it will not be difficult for this person to change the previous workplace for something new. More often they like a non-permanent job, which they can quit if they suddenly go on an adventure.

Monkey man in love and family

A monkey man in love is not the easiest option. Nature gifted him a large number abilities, proud and unyielding character. He is handsome, smart, confident and can quickly attract the attention of any representative of the opposite sex. Just don’t hope that this guy will quickly decide to tie the knot. He loves to experiment and dreams of trying everything that life is ready to provide.

A serious relationship with a woman is usually compared to shackles and therefore everyone possible ways tries to avoid them. Until the time comes and he decides to settle down. A monkey man in love becomes a faithful and devoted family man. He is ready to shout about his love to the whole world.

The sign pampers his beloved and constantly surprises him. His dates are not at all like standard proposals. He may suggest spending time with risk and nature. For him, courtship is a special period, and he will show himself 100%. This is due to the fact that the animal is more attracted by the inaccessibility of its beloved than by its complete superiority over it.

Can't stand monotony in relationships. And if they seem boring to him, he will simply go in search of best second half. To keep such a man, he needs to be constantly surprised or even shocked. Therefore, it is not so easy to build a strong family and maintain relationships for many years. A woman must take on all the responsibilities around the house and learn to tolerate the antics of her beloved, then he will admire her and try to become better and more romantic. It is not necessary to give up a career; a man will be pleased if his chosen one is smart and intellectually developed.

Eastern Horoscope - love, health, money and business...

According to the eastern horoscope, the Monkey is considered the most spoiled sign. Her characteristic features inconstancy, frivolity, cunning and cunning. But the monkey is considered the life of the party and has a good sense of humor. What else does astrology say about those born under the sign of the Fire Monkey.

Men born in the year of the Monkey: full characteristics of the sign

YEAR OF THE MONKEY: 1908 1920 1932 1944 1954 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016


Positive features: a very erudite sign and a refined intellectual. Thirst for knowledge in learning, the life of the party, gets along well with the seven other signs of the zodiac, is constantly aware of everything and everyone, has a phenomenal memory.

Negative traits: vanity, selfishness, considers himself better and superior to others, inconstancy.

In the profession

Monkeys are quite intelligent individuals. They are workaholics and are able to realize themselves in almost any field. People born under this sign make good doctors, writers, analysts, architects, literary critics and designers. This creative personalities, understand fashion and love everything beautiful. Visualists and connoisseurs of beauty.

In love

A monkey man first conquers a woman, and then can easily part with her without any sentimentality. A man does not complain about the lack of interest in himself from the weaker sex because of his passion. He is attracted to confident women who understand their worth and know how to enjoy life. Gray mice have practically no chance. The monkey man is not a monogamous man, he changes partners, but if he loves sincerely, he turns into a faithful and devoted partner. If a monkey man likes you, he will go out of his way to please you: rent a helicopter, buy up half of a flower shop, or sing a serenade under your window. He does not skimp on words and promises about a bright future together, but it is worth remembering that people of this year often bluff and lie. This too should not be forgotten. For them it is something akin to entertainment.

In sex

In bed, men born in the year of the Monkey try first of all to satisfy their needs. They are selfish and can hardly be called ideal lovers.

In relationships and marriage

To be close to a monkey man you need to have patience. They love change and a kind of wandering. If you don’t want to quickly tire of such a man, you will have to constantly maintain interest in yourself, because he will quickly get bored with the routine. Monkeys are quite demanding. When breaking up with such a partner, the series of meetings can continue. You can either get together or break up again. But they have a good feature - after breaking up, they come to the aid of their former partners without any problems.

What kind of woman would a monkey man like?

They like women who are educated, intelligent and open-minded. For Monkeys, conversation is a very important component of any relationship. It is unlikely that you will interest him if you do not develop and strive to learn something more. He needs a woman who will not limit his freedom and independence, will not lock him in a cage, and will not try to ring him. It is important for a monkey man to meet with his friends; he needs a lot of time for himself, for his hobbies. And don't try to wean him from old habits. They like women with a sparkle and a hitch in their eyes and some kind of “crazy thing” in their heart. He will definitely turn his attention to a girl who is very passionate about something and wants to convey it to the whole world.

How to conquer

· This is not a family man. Don't take away his freedom, be tolerant and understanding.

· Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be natural. Sincerity is the key to the heart of a monkey man.

· Be original. It will be good if you decide to make surprises from time to time. He likes to be taken care of and will appreciate that you are interested in him - this is a very important component in relationships not only with monkey men, but with men in general.

· Spend as much free time as possible with him, share his passions and hobbies.

· You must like his friends and have a good relationship with them.

Famous monkey men

Sergei Bondarchuk, Julius Caesar, David Copperfield, Charles Dickens, Tom Hanks, Harry Houdini, Rod Stewart, Harry Truman, Federico Fellini, Gianni Rodari, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Poincaré, Schopenhauer, Spinoza, Anton Chekhov, Nelson Rockefeller, Alexandre Dumas the son, Jack London, George Lucas, Leonardo da Vinci.

You should not take the entire description as 100% truth. All men are different, even if they were born under the same sign.

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 11:30 pm

A person born in the year of the Monkey sees life as a big playground. He dexterous, savvy, fast and always plays exclusively according to own rules. From the outside, his behavior resembles the antics of a funny kid, but the first impression is far from reality. Behind the harmless appearance lies an observant, resourceful, cunning and insightful person.

Monkey Man sociable, talkative, able and knows how to captivate his interlocutor incredible interesting story on the edge of reality. He always has a lot of friends, acquaintances and just those with whom he can chat.

He loves pranks and jokes, but they are not always harmless. His caustic, sarcastic remarks can hurt more than a slap in the face

Few people know the true goals and thoughts of the Monkey, even being in the thick of things, she always has his own opinion on everything. Her tenacious mind is accustomed to grabbing information on the fly, immediately interpreting it and remembering the smallest details that may be important in the future. Very often, the result is that the Monkey knows absolutely everything, while those around him are in complete misunderstanding and ignorance of the situations in which they were present together.

A sociable and talkative person born in the year of the Monkey

Most of the information accumulated in the head is used by the Monkey at the first opportunity to gain benefit. She knows how to plot, weave intrigues and gain authority and trust through deceitful means. However, she doesn’t need all this, because the main thing is to realize that the situation is under control. The Monkey is inventive, it is very easy for her to find a way out of any situation, and even the biggest problems will not force her to fold her arms.

What year was the Monkey born?

When the Year of the Monkey comes, the element of metal comes into force and the year begins under the influence of the masculine principle “yang”. According to legend, Buddha called all the animals in the world to him and those who arrived first were awarded power over a certain period. In addition, in the East it is generally accepted that that everything in the world consists of 5 substances:

  • water;
  • wood;
  • fire;
  • land;
  • metal

Therefore, each zodiac sign corresponds to a specific substance and is endowed with its basic properties.

Monkey:Year of birthCharacteristic
Zemlyannaya1908, 1968 Contemplation, balance, cunning, sociability, artistry, loyalty
Metal1920, 1980 Immodesty, selfishness, boastfulness, pretense, sexuality, high performance
Water1932, 1992 Rationality, friendliness, selflessness, openness, passion, high leadership qualities
Wooden1956, 2004 Originality, openness, charm, irritability, logic and consistency
Fiery1956, 2016 Inconstancy, outstanding leadership qualities, sociability, success, fearlessness

The next year 2028 will pass under the auspices of the Earth Monkey

Characteristics of the Monkey man according to the Chinese horoscope

Monkey guy is pretty active, completely satisfied with his life, appearance, environment and everything that fate gave him. He always knows what he is doing and why he needs it. It is simply impossible to confuse the Monkey man; dynamic and easy-going, he always follows the intended path towards his cherished goal.

Handsome and laid-back Monkey guy

The Monkey man can express his opinion on any issue so naturally and easily that a person can immediately consider this point of view to be his own. If you talk with a man of this sign longer, you can get used to this manner of expressing thoughts and understand that, in fact, he is always right.

Participation in any scams, frauds and dirty dealings does not frighten Monkey men at all. However, they will not participate in them for the simple reason that they can easily earn money honestly. Under this zodiac sign a lot of very successful men were born, each of whom made himself and at the same time remained a good person.

The Monkey man is absolutely sure that he was born to help people and do special things in life that no one else can do.

Next to such a man a woman’s wishes will be fulfilled with the wave of a magic wand. However, if the lady is used to dominating in a couple, then it is better for her to leave this gentleman right away. Gender equality in in this case there won't be.

Characteristics of the Monkey woman according to the eastern calendar

Charming and funny Monkey girl

The Monkey Girl is talkative, but not stupid. She is very charming, always has her own opinion to any question, prefers to work and do important things in splendid isolation, despite the fact that he adores society.

The Monkey Woman is successful in everything, whatever he takes on. It can be realized in any field of activity, but especially where it concerns trade or the provision of any kind of services. She hates narrow-minded and stupid people and will never tolerate such proximity in her own office. Thanks to her well-developed sense of humor, she will quickly put a presumptuous arguer or an arrogant snob in their place with a sparkling sarcastic remark.

The character of the Monkey woman is a real mystery to many men. On the one side she values ​​her own independence, on the other hand, she simply vitally needs support and a strong male shoulder.

Emotionally, the lady of this sign is fickle, but having become attached to her partner, she becomes the most faithful, devoted and sexually liberated

In the house, the Monkey woman is an excellent housewife and a wonderful mother. The appearance of a woman born under the sign of the Monkey is very attractive. She attracts men's gaze and is far from a mediocre lady. For her to show all her abilities, it is enough to let her know that they trust her and know that she will definitely cope with the task. To feel absolutely happy next to a Monkey woman, a man must show patience and a bit of condescension.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Monkey

Compatibility in love between Monkey people

Despite the apparent openness and sociability, the Monkey chooses his partners very carefully. So, an alliance with a Rat is simply ideal for a Monkey. This is one of best combinations eastern horoscope. Mutual understanding and a strong family are possible with the Rabbit, but only if the Monkey has “walked up” since youth and is now ready to create a strong family.

The sublimity and theatricality of the Goat will amuse the Monkey somewhat, but the delight will not last long. The Dog simply will not be able to withstand the fickle and in some cases deceitful Monkey. The latter needs to become a little warmer and more attentive to her partner, perhaps something will work out in love.

Two Monkeys in marriage are an extravaganza! Quite an interesting union from any point of view. It can’t be any other way if a couple has two smart, emotional and bright personalities. The calm and formidable Tiger is not to be joked with, so in order to maintain at least apparent balance, the Monkey will have to restrain all his emotions.

The restless and active Monkey will find material and moral support from the thorough and faithful Rooster. An alliance with the Ox is only possible if the Monkey really needs it.

Ideal compatibility between a Monkey man and a Rat woman

The naive and wise Pig will tolerate the Monkey's antics all his life. he knows, because competition in wit and wit does not attract him. The marriage of a Monkey and a Horse is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The latter is accustomed to treating her family with trepidation and trust, but it is simply impossible to entrust such a role to the Monkey.

Things are going well in the union of the Monkey and the Dragon, because the Monkey is always looking for his own benefit, and an authoritative partner will be an excellent springboard for further successful life. With the Snake, the marriage union is doomed from the very beginning. More cunning and insidious, she will play with her partner’s feelings, letting him in and away at her own will.

Compatibility table for Monkey and other signs of the eastern horoscope:

Maximum compatibility Moderate compatibility Not compatible
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull

Which zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Monkey?

Monkey element – ​​metal, the colors of luck are white and silver, the talisman stone is garnet. The sophisticated Monkey loves the combination of gold and garnet inclusions. If you are planning to give a person of this zodiac sign an expensive gift, best idea just can't be found. lucky number zodiac sign – 10. According to the Western horoscope Monkey corresponds to the sign of Leo.

Children born in the year of the Monkey

The Monkey child is witty, active, cheerful, charming and very sweet. Boys and girls of this sign always live life to the fullest , they have a lot of interests, they try to be on time everywhere and get as much knowledge and information as possible. In relations with his parents, this kid is disobedient, but all his disobedience can be discounted, given that he is an incorrigible optimist who is always full of ideas and is far from the stereotypes of behavior accepted in society.

In the East, children born this year have always been considered geniuses, who are born with the ability to solve all life’s issues and difficulties on their own.

These are magnetic personalities who are not just sociable, but know how to use their surroundings and popularity for the benefit of their loved ones.

Thanks to his innate insight, the Monkey child very easily finds weak points any adult and knows how to manipulate. Very soon the elders realize with horror that they are not the main ones in the house, but little tyrant and despot, who in some mysterious way subjugated everyone else.

Very often, Monkey children behave this way unconsciously, so carefully monitor the situation and try to you raised the baby, not he you. It is imperative to instill in a child of this sign discipline, responsibility and the basic qualities of a decent person.

Child-Monkey according to the eastern horoscope

Celebrities-Monkeys according to the eastern horoscope

It doesn’t matter what the Monkey man will work as. The main thing is the ability to manage. For a person of this sign, it is simply necessary to always be aware of all events and have power over them and people. He quickly makes a career in those areas of activity that involve communicating with people. This could be trade, politics, journalism, commerce, show business, etc.

The monkey will never be left without a livelihood, because he knows how to earn money and knows how to do it

Among the men born in the year of the Monkey and who achieved success and recognition, it is worth noting:

  • Jack London,
  • Paul Gauguin,
  • Anton Chekhov,
  • Harry Guddini
  • Igor Kio,
  • Federico Fellini,
  • Gianni Rodari.

Monkey women who have achieved recognition in society include:

  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Anna Magnani,
  • Marina Ladynina,
  • Valeria,
  • Miley Cyrus,
  • Ekaterina Strizhenova, etc.

In conclusion, it must be said that people of this zodiac sign are really extraordinary and bright personalities. They combine in their character ingenuity, ingenuity, openness, deceit and cunning and many more contradictory qualities that are not characteristic of other signs eastern zodiac. Monkeys know how and want to love and be loved, you just need to understand these funny and challenging people and allow them to be who they really are.

For a person born in the year of the Monkey, all life is a big game. He is dexterous, smart and fast, and plays only by his own rules. From the outside he may look frivolous and even funny, but behind his harmless appearance hides observation and a sharp, resourceful mind.

In communication, the Monkey usually has no equal: she is the life of the party, the queen of any feasts and parties, at whose anecdotes it is impossible not to laugh and whose incredible stories everyone listens to with bated breath. The Monkey has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, whom she is not averse to making fun of, and she treats herself with a considerable amount of humor. True, the Monkey is not always “white and fluffy”: humor is not only his strong point, but also her formidable weapon. Her caustic sarcasm can be merciless and, knowing this, those around her treat her with great caution.

Few people can boast that they know the true goals and intentions of the Monkey. Despite the fact that at first glance it may seem superficial and rustic, in fact this is far from the case. Even being in the thick of the crowd, at the very epicenter of events, the Monkey is always on its own, taking the position of an observer. Her sharp mind is accustomed to grasping on the fly and remembering any information that might someday be useful to her, and it often turns out that the Monkey knows the smallest details about what is happening around her, while even her loved ones know practically nothing about her affairs.

The information received The monkey can right moment deftly use them to your advantage. Some Monkeys are no strangers to conspiracies and intrigues; they know how to come up with cunning plans and skillfully implement them in order to achieve their goal or destroy the enemy. However, most often the Monkey uses his talents in a much more harmless way. Usually it is enough for her to simply feel in control of the situation, and the information she has collected perfectly allows her to achieve this. If for some reason she fails to be the master of the situation, then even the most difficult problems are not able to force the energetic Monkey to give up. She is inventive and able to quickly find a way out even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

In business, the Monkey lacks patience and perseverance, but thanks to its sociability, intelligence, gift of words and masterly ability to use hidden levers, it can make an excellent career and achieve fame, especially in areas related to politics, show business, commerce, and journalism. Although she does not know how to purposefully accumulate capital, she usually does not need money.

Bright and witty, sociable and dexterous, the Monkey boldly challenges Fate. Life is difficult for her, but interesting game, the rules of which she knows very well and which she knows how to play and win.

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