Features of interior finishing with plasterboard of a timber house. Interior finishing of a house with plasterboard Finishing of a house made of timber with plasterboard inside

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Finishing the inside of a house with plasterboard: tips and tricks, prices. photo. Drywall in the bathroom - practical advice.

The use of plasterboard when finishing a room allows you to level the walls, making it easier to carry out further repairs. improve sound insulation, disguise communications and save heat. An additional advantage of this material is that anyone can attach it to the walls, including those far from construction professions, you just need to acquire the appropriate tools and know the basic principles of working with drywall.

The use of plasterboard when finishing a room allows you to level the walls, making it easier to carry out further repairs. improve sound insulation, disguise communications and save heat. An additional advantage of this material is that anyone, including those far from construction professions, can attach it to walls; you just need to acquire the appropriate tools and know the basic principles of working with drywall. Our article will tell you about finishing the inside of a house with plasterboard.

Before attaching drywall to a wooden wall, purchase supplies. The sheets are held on the wall with self-tapping screws screwed into a wooden or metal frame.

If the wooden wall is perfectly flat and does not need leveling, you can attach drywall directly to it, but this is extremely rare. In most cases, a single plane and clear angles can be achieved only through a slatted frame, the thickness of which is adjusted by placing additional pieces of slats under the slats. With this installation method, the area of ​​the room is slightly reduced.

Fix slats 20-25 mm thick to the wall using dowels, the distance between which should not exceed a meter. This thickness is taken in the case when drywall is attached without an additional layer of insulating and soundproofing material between the sheets and the wall. When using such material, the thickness of the slats depends on it.

The support strips are screwed horizontally, the first right next to the floor, the second under the ceiling. The number of remaining slats depends on the height of the room, but to achieve normal fastening density there should be no more than 50 cm between them.

Having measured required size, cut the desired portion of the drywall sheet. You can cut it with a hacksaw, but it is much easier to make two parallel cuts with a sharp knife on both sides of the sheet, and then easily break the sheet at the place of the cuts.

Attach the drywall to the slats using self-tapping screws screwed in every 25 cm. The sheets are placed close to each other. After the fastening is completed, the seams and holes in which the screw heads protrude are filled with putty. To make the walls more smooth, you can complete the installation of drywall by applying putty to the entire surface of the sheets.

Interior decoration houses made of aerated concrete.

A homeowner choosing materials for the interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete is usually faced with a choice.

carry out interior finishing using vapor-proof materials. Vapor diffusion through walls, in in this case will cease or decrease significantly, plastered external walls will be able to maintain beauty longer appearance, and the requirements for the arrangement of ventilated facades will become less stringent. At the same time, the building will stop breathing, and being in it will become less comfortable; finish interior walls vapor-permeable materials. This approach will require the use of additional efforts or special materials, but will retain one of the main advantages of aerated concrete, which puts houses made of cellular concrete on the same level as wooden ones - the ability to breathe, allowing steam and carbon dioxide to pass out, and fresh, oxygen-rich air inside. It is important to note: it is impossible to decorate internal walls with vapor-permeable materials, and external ones with non-vapor-permeable materials.

Interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete. Interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete. This is what your home might look like from the inside.

The procedure for carrying out interior finishing work.

Places that protrude are rubbed down, and uneven areas on the walls are filled with glue or ordinary cement-sand mortar. The surface is cleaned of dust. Aerated concrete blocks are hygroscopic, so they are first treated with a primer designed for materials that absorb moisture. After applying the primer, after 2-3 hours, you can begin plastering the walls.

When finishing residential premises, non-moisture resistant mixtures are used. In rooms and places with constant exposure to moisture, treatment is carried out with waterproofing preparations and plastering with moisture-resistant mixtures made on the basis of cement. After about an hour after applying the mixture, the surface is leveled. After the mortar has dried and the wall becomes matte, it is smoothed. To make it perfect flat surface, it is smoothed over again within 24 hours after applying the plaster. In this case, it is necessary to carry out abundant wetting with water. Then the wall can be painted using vapor-permeable paint for aerated concrete. Interior interior of a house made of aerated concrete. A correctly selected interior can make cozy home, built not only from aerated concrete.

Using plasterboard, the work on the interior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete can be significantly simplified. In this case, the surface must be treated with a primer. After this, the sheets of drywall are glued to the walls or attached to the frame. In rooms with high humidity, aerated concrete blocks are faced with tiles.

Drywall in the bathroom - practical advice.

Plasterboard in the bathroom is a fairly common finishing material, however, due to the rather aggressive environment in the bathroom, it is worth considering not only the options for its use, but also the type of materials from which the sheets are made.

In this article we will carefully approach the issue of using drywall in the bathroom. Alternative, cheaper, but less aesthetically pleasing cladding option PVC walls panels.

Drywall is used in the bathroom and toilet for leveling walls, ceilings, for the construction of partitions and additional walls (for large rooms.

It is worth remembering that the bathroom is a room with high humidity, with temperature changes and other factors that negatively affect most building materials. Therefore, ordinary plasterboard cannot be used in the bathroom.

But to the delight of all craftsmen, manufacturers of building materials have come up with a special moisture-resistant drywall (labeling: GKLV). Its sheets are impregnated with special moisture-repellent substances that will protect the sheets from splashes of water or steam. Moisture-resistant drywall is usually made in blue or green, but there are no standards in this regard, and each manufacturer can label this in its own way special kind material. lathing in the bathroom.

To finish walls with plasterboard, in most cases you need lathing.

As for the price of such sheets, they are of course a little more expensive than usual, but within reasonable limits, so leveling the walls with plasterboard will not greatly affect your bathroom renovation plans.

It is worth noting that in the bathroom it is worth using special metal profiles for fastening plasterboard sheets. This will take up a few centimeters of room space, but will help avoid many problems in the future. And besides, metal profiles make it possible to make the wall perfectly flat.

Finishing walls with plasterboard or dry plaster - useful tips.

Finishing walls with plasterboard or dry plaster refers to dry methods of interior decoration. This finishing method involves finishing any walls (wooden, gypsum block, brick, reinforced concrete) in dry rooms. It is especially recommended to use this type of wall decoration when renovating old houses. where the plastered surface of the walls is uneven, has many lagging places of plaster and cracks.

Removing old plaster in such a house and applying new one is associated with significant labor costs and inconvenience of living for a long time. In this case, attaching plasterboard sheets to old plaster is much more effective.

The use of sheet building materials significantly reduces the time of repair and construction work, reduces the labor intensity of work in combination with high quality surfaces to be finished. This allows them to successfully compete with plastering work, which can be difficult to perform in urban environments due to the high number of floors in buildings.

Gypsum boards are facing material based on gypsum, which, unlike dry plaster, has a fibrous filler and foaming agent, which significantly increases its strength, sound and heat insulation, and, importantly, reduces its weight.

When making repairs, it should be taken into account that such cladding is used in rooms without wet processes, since all plasterboard-based materials are sensitive to moisture. Wall finishing with sheets of dry gypsum and gypsum fiber plaster, wood fiber and particle boards and other large-sized sheet materials industrial production is allowed in residential premises with air humidity during operation not exceeding 60.

In a room prepared for wall cladding with sheet materials, all work related to the wet process (plastering, installing cement screeds, painting ceilings, etc.), as well as sanitary and electrical work, installation of built-in wardrobes, fixing window and door frames and other work inside the house.

The surface of the drywall is covered with cardboard, which is a good base for applying paints and roll finishing materials.

Finishing any old and new walls with plasterboard and dry plaster. plasterboard sheets on a wooden frame made of vertical and horizontal slats. In this case, horizontal and vertical slats serve as the basis for attaching fillets and baseboards.

Typically, this method of wall finishing is performed in conjunction with sound and heat insulation work using mineral fiber boards and rigid foam boards with sheathing.

Plasterboard sheets are easy to process. They can be sawed, drilled, broken, glued. You can screw and hammer fasteners into them, different ways apply coatings. You can cut the drywall using a knife using a ruler. The notched surface is placed on the edge of the table and the cardboard covering is cut on the other side. The uneven edge formed after breaking is processed with a plane.

Wall finishing with plasterboard.

The good thing about decorating walls with sheets of plasterboard is that you can stick wallpaper on the walls or paint them without much additional preparation. If you will be working outside and at heights, you will need to rent a truck crane.

To secure plasterboard sheets, self-tapping screws or nails with wide heads are used. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the wall using an electric drill. In this case, instead of a drill, a special attachment in the form of a Phillips screwdriver is inserted into the chuck. Before attaching drywall to the wall, it is cut into pieces of the required size. To do this, draw a line on the sheet with a pencil, and then trace along it with a knife. A person can easily cope with such work alone, without making incredible physical efforts. Plasterboard sheets are attached to the wall in the middle, as well as along the edges. The distance between the screws should be at least 15-20 cm, and in rows located in the middle of the sheet at least 30 cm.

If the wall is brick, then you must first nail a frame of slats or bars. Vertical slats are nailed to the wall using nails, the length of which reaches 70-100 mm. They are usually driven into the seams. If the mortar in these joints is quite hard and it is impossible to drive nails in, then you need to make holes in the wall with a diameter of 10 mm, and then drive wooden plugs into them.

After the slatted frame has been installed, you can begin attaching the plasterboard sheets. If their edges fit well, then you can attach them close to each other. If the joints are uneven, it is best to leave a small gap of up to 5 mm. The seams will be sealed later. When attaching plasterboard sheets to a frame made of slats, a certain air gap is formed between them and the wall. It is this that increases the heat resistance and sound insulation of the room.

Sheets of plasterboard can be easily attached to brick or concrete wall. For this, special glue is used. But you can also use gypsum mastic. After installing the plasterboard sheets, the seams formed between them must be filled with gypsum mastic. When nailing sheets, some of the mastic will be squeezed into the seam. Then this seam will be formed using regular putty. You can fill and seal the seams with caulk. For preparation, plaster, chalk and glue, previously diluted with water, are used. Puttying joints with this composition should be carried out to the level of the surface of the plasterboard sheets. Be sure to varnish the heads of screws or nails to avoid rust.

Drywall - universal and modern material, which is a construction “sandwich”, since between two layers of cardboard in this material there is a filling of gypsum mortar with special fillers. These same fillers give plasterboard sheets density, strength and a number of other important performance characteristics.

The instructions for installing plasterboard panels are simple and clear, so you can install them yourself.

It is drywall that has become the material with which most designers realize their most bold ideas, transforming the space. Finishing with plasterboard inside the house is possible both in residential bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms, etc., and in non-residential premises.

Today it is difficult not to note the popularity of this amazing material. Most builders and designers can no longer imagine their work without him, because his help in creating an individual interior is simply invaluable.

On the construction market you can find the following types of drywall:

  • GKL – regular or universal;
  • GKLO – fire-resistant, used for finishing surfaces located near fire sources ();
  • GKLV - moisture resistant, used for finishing rooms with high levels of humidity.

Advantages of using drywall in finishing works

The advantages of this material include:

  • Easy installation of structures;
  • Low price of the material itself;
  • Excellent sound insulation properties;
  • Environmental Safety. Drywall has radiation hygiene certificates;
  • Microclimate regulation. This material is capable of absorbing excess moisture from the air and releasing it when the atmosphere is too dry. This property is very valuable if the interior of the house is being decorated with plasterboard, especially the bedroom.

Today, the most common choice of people doing renovations is do-it-yourself interior finishing with plasterboard. The ease of installation of such structures makes it possible not to contact professionals, which allows you to save a significant amount.

In addition, it should be noted that the use of drywall allows you to avoid the so-called “dirty work” associated with the occurrence of large quantity construction waste. This means that you will be able to significantly reduce the amount of time required for Finishing work, and increase labor productivity.

The process of installing plasterboard boards

The premises require leveling the walls, which can be easily done using drywall. Interior decoration wooden house Drywall is the process of attaching sheets of material to a metal or wood frame.

In practice, builders do not recommend the use of a wooden frame, since wood is a material dependent on microclimatic conditions and is not suitable for all types of premises. That is why the use metal frames more popular and effective.

In order to begin surface finishing work, you will need the following materials:

  • Rack profile;
  • Guide profile;
  • Direct suspension;
  • Self-tapping screws.

Advice. Before you start installation plasterboard structures, you should decide on the sequence of performing the remaining finishing work. Finishing the floor should be done after creating the plasterboard surfaces, since the material must rest on the base of the floor. should also be done after covering the walls.

Creating a wireframe

Interior finishing wooden houses plasterboard begins with the frame construction stage:

  1. The installation of guide profiles is marked on the floor surface;
  2. In accordance with the markings, the guides are fastened;
  3. A plumb line is lowered along the guides, which will allow you to determine where the profile is attached to the floor;
  4. The rack profile is attached to the guide profiles using hangers. Required amount suspensions directly depends on the height of the ceiling of the room.

Each sheet of material should have three profiles during fastening, two on the sides and one in the middle. For this reason, the calculations are based on the parameters of the sheet itself.

Note! The edge of the plasterboard sheet should run exactly in the middle of the profile; this is necessary so that two adjacent sheets of material can be attached to one profile at once.

After the frame is assembled, all that remains is to cut out sheets of material of the required sizes and attach them to the structure. Installation of drywall is carried out using special self-tapping screws with a countersunk head. After fastening, the joints between the sheets must be puttied.

Finishing the inside of a house with plasterboard is most popular among the population. And there are reasons for this.
Interior finishing with plasterboard of a house is done according to certain rules and according to technology that should not be changed. And most importantly, this is typical for both walls and ceilings.
Our article is devoted to this topic. You will learn all the details of this type of finish.
You can see photos and videos on this topic. You will be able to do the work entirely with your own hands, which will reduce the cost of the work, and significantly.

This is the most used material. Let's figure out how much it suits you.

  • The price of the material is not so high and almost everyone can afford it. Moreover, it is possible to install it completely with your own hands and without resorting to outside help.
    This will save you quite a lot of money;
  • During the work, you can immediately perform insulation. Moreover, this will be as an addition to the design and will not incur special costs for failure;
  • You can use any lighting fixtures and energy saving elements. It is possible to provide for the installation of spotlights;
  • In this design, you will not be particularly interested in the evenness of the base plane. You will be able to hide necessary pipes and communications;
  • As a result, you get a perfectly flat surface.

Choosing drywall

This will be the first stage of work; you need to decide on the type of material that will suit the different types premises. The quality of installation and the durability of the entire structure will depend on this.
It should be selected depending on the type of room and environment.For proper finishing you should select a material that can be divided into groups, each of which will be applied to the room depending on the environment.

  • GCR is the most common material that can be used in any room. It can only be fixed if the humidity and temperature are within normal limits.
    All sheets have green color and blue markings;
  • GKLO, this sheet refers to fire-resistant materials. It should be used in rooms with high temperatures.
    He can even carry direct impact fire. Perfect for finishing attic space and boiler room.
    During manufacturing, a reinforcing component is added to it, which makes it insensitive to fire. Sheets are issued gray and are marked red;
  • GKLV, this material can be used in rooms with high humidity. It can be successfully used for finishing kitchens and bathrooms (see Finishing a bathroom with plasterboard: work procedure).
    It contains antifungal components and you do not have to worry about the occurrence of fungus. The composition includes impregnated cardboard, which is not susceptible to high humidity.

Attention: Do not think that you can just constantly pour water on this material. The surface should also be covered.

Drywall installation

Plasterboard finishing inside a house is done in exactly the same way for both walls and ceilings. There is only some difference in the fastening of the sheathing.
We will talk about this too. Instructions will be given for both types of finishes.
Only all this work is done in several stages, which are important and should be followed.

Surface preparation

The interior decoration of a frame house with plasterboard and any other begins with the preparation of the base plane. The durability of the structure and its quality will largely depend on its implementation.
It is done in the following sequence:

  • First, you need to thoroughly clean all surfaces from the previous coating.
    To do this, use a metal brush. We remove the old wallpaper and whitewash;
  • We inspect the plane. We are not interested in the evenness of the coating; we need to identify the peeling of the previous coating.
    If they are, then they should be removed with a hammer and chisel;
  • After this, we apply an antifungal antiseptic, which is commercially available. This should definitely be done.
    If this problem starts to appear after installation, then there will be big trouble. Give preference to liquid deep penetration and do the processing a couple of times.
    Let the surface dry completely;
  • Now we apply a layer of primer. This is done using a brush or punch.

Frame installation

The interior decoration of a house with plasterboard is done on a frame, which can be made of metal or wood. It depends on your desire and nothing more.

The big advantage of wooden houses is that they practically do not require finishing work. But “there is no accounting for taste,” and in some cases the owners of wooden cottages still prefer to see, for example, wallpaper on the walls, and for this it is necessary to carry out interior decoration. One of the popular options for creating a rough surface is covering walls with plasterboard - in a wooden house it is used almost most often.

It is easy to attach plasterboard sheathing to wooden walls

Drywall: pros and cons

    Relative cheapness: it is cheaper than lining, for example;

    Safety– when using special drywall impregnated with moisture or fire protection agents, the practical qualities of a wooden house will remain, and the reliability of operation will increase;

    You can not only do wall decoration, but also do ceiling from plasterboard in a wooden house;

    Easy and practical installation– a large area of ​​​​sheets will allow you to cover impressive surfaces at once, in addition, drywall can bend and take on a variety of shapes. It is easy to make small elements for installation from it to cover hatches, boxes or pipes.

    Combination of qualities: is a good covering material, and, in addition, is used for additional insulation of the house or its vapor barrier;

The disadvantages of using drywall are worth mentioning:

    Fragility– both during transportation and in operation. Without special fasteners, attempts to hang something heavy on drywall are guaranteed to end in damage to the material;

    Low temperature operating conditions– if it is colder than minus 10 °C, work with drywall is stopped;

    Bulky– relative to other materials, drywall during installation can eat up a dozen or two centimeters of valuable space, so its use in small rooms is not recommended.

Drywall can “eat up” part of the room due to installation features

Features of finishing walls with plasterboard in a wooden house

Tree - natural material, with all the ensuing consequences during operation. Before covering walls with plasterboard in a wooden house, you must complete the following steps:

    Also treat the walls fireproof (fire retardant) solution;

    Must be installed under drywall vapor barrier film, regardless of whether you insulate the house or not;

    The next problem with wooden houses is shrinkage, so you should wait until the house goes through this stage (the exception is already dry profiled timber, but such houses are much more expensive), and only then start finishing;

Sliding fastener for drywall profile

    When installing electrical wiring, it is worth, again, remember fire safety, so all wires should be put into a metal “corrugation” or installation open method– in cable channels.

For bathrooms and rooms with high humidity, it is worth choosing moisture-resistant plasterboard, and for chimneys and stoves when finishing them - fire-resistant.
On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

How to install the frame

The frame in a wooden house under plasterboard can also be wooden or metal. The latter is considered more durable, in addition, a wooden frame can only be used in a house with complete shrinkage.

A floating frame for plasterboard in a wooden house is absolutely necessary, both in houses before the shrinkage stage and after, because fluctuations in the linear dimensions of rooms, ceiling and floor dimensions continue. There are two main types of frames, both are mounted according to a similar principle. If a wooden frame is used, like the walls, it must be treated with fireproofing agents.

The frame is installed after the wall processing stage, but before laying internal communications (which will be hidden under drywall).

One of the advantages of drywall is that electrical wiring and other communications will be hidden under it.

The metal frame is made of profiles (guides and ceiling) and self-tapping screws. Also used in the work are a grinder, a cutter, a level and a screwdriver, a pencil, a stepladder, a tape measure and a cutter. If you plan to cut sheets, use special knife for drywall.

Using the entire set, the work is performed in the following order:

    Guides fastened to the floor, according to a level “beaten off” in advance;

    Lines are marked For vertical racks, at a distance of about half a meter, so that there are at least two or three guides per standard sheet, and the joint of the sheets should fall on the guide;

    The racks are cut according to the following formula - wall height minus approximately 10 cm (shrinkage);

    On every profile cut grooves approximately 10 cm long and slightly wider than the screw on which it will be attached to the wall, each profile is usually numbered (since the wood is very different, and the grooves can fall on knots or cracks, which is unacceptable: in this case the groove is displaced);

    Such attachment points on each - 3-4 pieces at least, small blocks are also screwed onto the wall under them so that the support area is larger;

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer interior redevelopment services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    To installed profiles screwed using a cutter or self-tapping screws, other profiles (as if “topsy-turvy”) so that you can put drywall on top;

    Install cross profiles to maintain rigidity (usually cut from a regular profile).

Wooden sheathing for drywall in a wooden house is assembled in the same way, but since wood is more soft material, in addition, on the surface of the bars you can provide a recess for the head of the screw to create a perfectly smooth surface. In addition, all bars also need to be treated with agents against moisture, fungus and fire.

The following bars are used for the frame:

    Length from 2 to 4 m;

    The timber is well dried, has no visible damage or bends;

    Section 40 by 40 or 50 by 50, or 40 by 50 mm.

It is believed that a wooden frame will last less than a metal one, however, subject to the installation and processing technology, their service life is approximately the same (if, of course, the timber itself is of acceptable quality).

An example of finishing walls with plasterboard in a wooden house wooden frame with sliding mount

We insulate the walls before installation

Before installing drywall, optional insulation is installed - mineral wool, polystyrene or other. To prevent the insulation from getting wet, a vapor barrier film. All materials are purchased with a 10% reserve.

To install, for example, polystyrene foam, the following stages of work are performed:

    Additional wall alignment or the most protruding section along which installation will be carried out is determined;

    Wall treated with primer;

    Polystyrene foam is mounted in the reverse order of drywall - that is, first place the pieces on small surfaces, and then use large sheets;

    Window openings and other potential hazards of cracks are additionally puttied;

    In a couple of days sheets are additionally attached disc-type nails, for which holes are drilled in the wall;

    If at this stage there are gaps, they are covered with pieces of foam plastic or polyurethane foam(without toluene content!), the excess is cut off with a knife, the joints are once again covered with an adhesive solution.

A special stapler is used to attach the cotton wool. You should also avoid the appearance of cracks or clearings at this stage, since otherwise the meaning of thermal insulation will be lost.

Insulation of a wooden wall under plasterboard with cotton wool

The stage of treating walls against fungus and fire should be carried out before laying the insulation.

Video description

Several Yet useful tips For insulation, see the video:

Installation of drywall on walls

This step seems simpler than the previous one, but it still requires:

    observe technological clearances– you can leave 1 cm at the bottom, then covering it with a plinth, you will need more at the top – about 5 cm;

    Besides, between the sheets you need to leave 2 mm, then covering them with putty;

    option allowed overlapping installation, when the edges of the sheets are manually processed, forming angles of 45 degrees, then placed “at the joint”; horizontal lines for laying drywall should not converge (sheets are laid in a “checkerboard” order);

    seams It’s better to glue it on top with tape (“serpyanka”) and then putty.

Video description

In some cases, to save space, profiles are recessed into the walls. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the inevitable shrinkage of a wooden house. Clearly shown in the video:

The gaps between the ceiling and the sheets are closed decorative elements, but it is worth knowing that they also should not be attached to the walls. To maintain flexibility in the movement of structures, the screws are not tightened tightly; I leave a small gap in case the structure “walks.” But the head of the screw should be “recessed” so that later you can properly putty the surface or hang wallpaper.

In the bathroom and kitchen, plasterboard must be covered with waterproofing

The final finishing of a wooden house with plasterboard after installation also allows for laying tiles.


Drywall is easy to use, practical and good even for the conditions of a wooden house. The bulk of the work does not involve working with the drywall itself, but in preparation for its installation, processing the walls and laying the profile. The variety of material choices allows you to choose plasterboard for any room, including bathrooms, kitchens and areas with open fires.

When the construction stage is completed and the turn of finishing approaches, the question of choosing the material arises. If the walls are not level, then plasterboard sheathing is ideal. In this case, you can do redevelopment, add various designs and additional partitions or create arches, with the help of which you can conditionally divide the room into several zones.

This finish provides good protection from moisture wooden walls and keeps the house warm. This material is easy to work with, so anyone can handle it.

Advantages of finishing plasterboard walls in a wooden house

If you choose between clapboard and drywall, the second option will be cheaper. This finishing material It is considered environmentally friendly, therefore safe for health, and it can also be used as wall insulation.

Drywall is easy to install and is lightweight. It can be used for both walls and ceilings. With its help you can hide all defects and surface irregularities, cover wires and pipes.

A structure made from a profile to which drywall is attached can be used for insulation or vapor barrier. It will help further protect the house from freezing, mold and mildew on the walls.

There is absolutely fireproof plasterboard for finishing walls in a wooden house. It is not subject to combustion due to its special composition. Thus, it will ensure the safety of the entire house and will not allow the flames to flare up.

In addition, the perfectly leveled surface allows you to come up with different original options interior You can make paintings or panels, paint or wallpaper, create different variations of ceilings or use tiles.

Is everything so good if you use drywall in a wooden house?

Finishing nuances

In addition to a large number of advantages, drywall also has quite a few disadvantages that should be taken into account when working. We list the main ones:

  1. Quite fragile material. Sheets must be carefully moved and transported, otherwise their integrity may be compromised. If you make walls from plasterboard, you need to remember that hanging heavy objects on it will not work. Or the profile structure will have to be strengthened in advance.
  2. It will not be possible to work with drywall if the thermometer is at work area falls below 10 degrees Celsius.
  3. Due to the use of a frame in plasterboard finishing, the area of ​​the room is significantly reduced.

Drywall is fireproof and environmentally friendly material. Construction stores offer different types this material. Which type to choose for interior decoration of the walls of a wooden house with plasterboard?

Types of drywall

On construction markets The following types of this material are presented:

  • Standard drywall is a pressed gypsum mixture lined on both sides with sheets of cardboard. Can be used in rooms with low humidity.
  • Moisture-resistant drywall. This material contains special additives that prevent the formation of fungi, mold and moisture accumulation.
  • Reinforced plasterboard. It is based on fiberglass additives, so this material is stronger and more durable.
  • Mixed type of drywall - it combines both types: moisture-resistant and reinforced. This material is not afraid of fire, moisture, or open rays of the sun.

Preparing walls in a wooden house

A newly constructed wooden building must stand for about six months for the foundation to settle. Only after this is finishing done. Only houses made of laminated timber do not shrink so much, so you don’t have to wait so long. The walls need to be cleaned and the old coating, if any, removed from them.

Then you need to process wooden beam with a special solution, insulate it and seal all the cracks. To do this, you can use moss, tow or sealant. Be sure to sand the logs.

Frame installation

Finishing walls with plasterboard in a wooden house involves installing a floating frame, because despite the fact that the time for the house to settle has been waited, the settling process does not end there. To create structures, you can use profiles made of both wood and metal.

Is it possible to attach drywall to wooden blocks? The answer will be simple - why not?

Wood frame

As you know, natural wood is subject to rotting processes and fungal infection. Sometimes insects even appear in it. To ensure durability and moisture protection, it is necessary to treat and impregnate the bars with special antiseptic agents, and then dry them thoroughly.

Under the load-bearing supports, take a block of at least 75 by 25 mm. For crossbars, planks 50 by 25 mm are suitable. The support should be equal to the width of the drywall sheet. To ensure the reliability of the frame, you need to fasten the crossbars as often as possible. And the support should be located in the center of the sheet. Place the crossbars where the panels meet. Use plastic dowels as fasteners.

Tip: attach the block to the wall, drill a hole through for the dowel so that a mark appears in the wall. Drive the dowel into the wall, and then, again attaching the block, tighten the screw.

Metal carcass

Before covering the walls in a wooden house with plasterboard, install a metal frame. It is more durable and reliable. The supports are also installed with the same measured distance and checked with a level. But they need to be attached to the sheathing, which rests securely on wooden base. Self-tapping screws are also used for fastening.

When finishing the walls of a wooden house with plasterboard, some people glue the sheets directly to the walls, believing that they are quite smooth. However, this method is only suitable for concrete or brick walls.

There is also another method for finishing walls after shrinkage - creating new structures using sheets. In this case, the frame should be placed a little further from the walls and sheathed with sheets. It turns out that the partition is from scratch.

A lattice is created from the profiles, and a grid is laid between it thermal insulation layer. Then there is a vapor barrier layer of film. The film is secured by laying the sheets on top of each other, and then running tape along the seams. You can also install electrical wiring and hide pipes in the frame structure. It is better to insulate the wires in corrugated pipe. It is necessary to first leave small distances in the frame racks, into which the cable can then be laid. It should fit tightly, for this you can use jumpers.

Install the frame so that there is a distance of 3-4 cm to the ceiling, and about 1 cm to the floor. To allow air to circulate freely during temperature changes, you can close such gaps with a plinth.

When the timber is prepared and the frame is built, you can move on to the next stage - covering the walls with plasterboard in a wooden house.

Installation of drywall sheets

As a rule, this work is carried out by qualified builders. However, you can do it yourself. Let's look at how to cover the walls with plasterboard in a wooden house with your own hands.

After completing the installation of drywall sheets, the stage begins finishing. It is better to glue all the seams between the sheets with a special mesh and putty.

In this article we looked at detailed instructions finishing a wooden house with plasterboard with your own hands. Turn your ideas into reality, create original multi-level ceilings, make shelving and partitions, or simply cladding walls. Make the structure reliable and durable so that you can hang it on the new wall decorative elements.

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