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The main difficulty in cultivating champignons is the need to strictly observe all the required conditions. These mushrooms require a substrate with high nutritional properties, are vulnerable to infections, and are picky about humidity and temperature. The classic technology of growing champignons at home may be too complicated for beginners, but the market offers many opportunities to simplify this procedure - ready-made substrate, special containers with an established microclimate. But this mushroom has a high yield and is a valuable food product.

Preparing the premises

Having decided to start cultivating champignons, a novice mushroom grower must imagine the whole process from beginning to end, determine, after assessing his capabilities, suitable option with the placement of the mycelium and the preparation of the substrate and draw up a program of action. Planning is the first place to start, since growing champignons from scratch will require a lot of preparatory work.

Champignons can be grown as open ground, and indoors. The second method is more reliable, since it allows you to control the climatic conditions to which these mushrooms are quite demanding. In this case, a basement or cellar is ideal.

Premises requirements:

  • purity
  • high humidity
  • good ventilation
  • ability to regulate temperature


Champignons can grow in complete darkness. There will be enough lighting that will allow a person to carry out work caring for the mycelium.

These mushrooms love dampness, and during the incubation period they will require especially high humidity. In view of this, it is preferable to grow them underground. The most effective solution There will be installation of equipment to regulate the microclimate, but you can increase the humidity using homemade techniques - installing water tanks, regularly spraying surfaces with a spray bottle.

But ventilation will have to be organized in any case - ordinary exhaust pipes will not be enough. Compost, which is used as a substrate for growing champignons, intensively releases carbon dioxide. It has a bad effect on the “well-being” of mushrooms and is dangerous for humans. At the same time, mushrooms cannot tolerate drafts.

The temperature that mushrooms require is not the same at different stages of their life cycle, therefore it is necessary to provide the ability to adjust this indicator.

See also: “How to grow oyster mushrooms at home from scratch: the easiest way.”

A remedy that makes plants grow by leaps and bounds! Just water your plants with this...

Mycelium equipment

There are several approaches to organizing mycelium.

  1. Cultivation in briquettes is the easiest way to grow champignons at home. You just need to purchase a container with a ready-made substrate and place the mycelium in it. From one such briquette you can harvest 4 crops, after which it becomes unusable. A significant drawback is the inability to independently control the quality of the substrate.
  2. Growing in beds is a cheap and simple method, requiring only a room with suitable conditions. The floor in such a room is covered with plastic film, on which the substrate is laid out in an even layer. The disadvantage of this approach is high risk the appearance of infections due to the inability to regularly treat the premises. In addition, due to the location of the crops at the same level, the infection will quickly spread throughout the entire mycelium.
  3. Growing in bags is very convenient way. The substrate is compacted tightly into durable plastic bags and then filled with water. The mixture should be as moist as possible. Several holes are cut in the bag, in place of which mycelium is introduced into the substrate. Stir the bags at a distance from each other so that the mushrooms have room to grow. It is especially convenient to place bags on racks.
  4. Cultivation on shelves allows you to save space. The substrate is placed in boxes, which, after laying the mycelium, are placed on shelves. The method is considered expensive due to the need to install a drip irrigation system. Irrigation using overhead sprinklers is undesirable because it promotes the spread of infections from the upper drawers to the lower ones.
  5. Growing in containers is a simple but expensive method. The usual substrate is placed in specially equipped containers equipped with ventilation and humidity maintenance systems. This method is suitable if there is no suitable room - in such a box you can grow champignons at home on the balcony.

Substrate preparation

A properly prepared substrate for growing champignons provides half the success of the business. Regarding the substrate, champignons are very demanding mushrooms. The ideal mixture should have an acidity of 7.3-7.5 pH, contain 2% nitrogen, 4% calcium, 1.5% potassium and phosphorus each, no more than 0.1% ammonia, and also include a large proportion of polysaccharides and proteins (it is due to them that the fruiting bodies of mushrooms are formed).

Time and place

The procedure for preparing the substrate takes 22-24 days, so first of all you need to provide a suitable space for this.

Do not allow the substrate to come into contact with the soil (this will help avoid contamination by spores of other fungi and prevent loss of nutrients), dried out under the sun's rays or was watered by rain. Based on this, laying the substrate is best done on a concrete or asphalt area protected by a canopy. If there are no such conditions, you can lay polyethylene on the ground, having previously compacted the soil. Polyethylene can also be used to cover the heap, but only on top, without fixing the edges on the side, so as not to impede the flow of air into the mixture.

The working area should be larger than the planned size of the pile, so that there is space for work on “breaking” the compost.

The fermentation processes that will occur during the “ripening” of the substrate require a temperature of at least 10°C in daytime. Therefore in middle lane You should not start this procedure before April; in the southern regions it can be carried out as early as March. When laying the substrate, it is important that the required temperature is maintained only for the first time. Subsequently, under the influence of the vital activity of microorganisms, the temperature in the compost heap can reach 70°C. At this stage, lowering the air temperature will no longer have an effect.

Substrate volume

To activate fermentation processes, a certain volume of material is required. Width compost heap must be at least 1.8 meters, and its total weight must be at least 2.5 thousand kilograms. Based on this, its length and height are calculated, depending on the shape of the site. For example, if the length of the pile is two and a half meters, then its height should also be 1.8 meters.

Just a note. Not every mushroom grower requires such a volume of substrate - the remainder can be used to fertilize the garden. The substrate already used for growing champignons is also suitable for this purpose.

The microclimatic conditions of the cellar are ideal for growing mushrooms. Anyone can buy mycelium and master the technology of growing champignons in the basement. If you want to receive good harvest, first of all, it is worth paying attention to such things as: preparation of the nutrient substrate, room equipment, disinfection, temperature and humidity control. Let's look at these and other questions in order.

What should the cellar be like?

You can grow mushrooms in any well-made cellar. The floor in the cellar should be concrete, not earthen. In general, the cleaner and more insulated from external influences the room is, the better.

To save space in the basement, racks with mushrooms are arranged in several floors (tiers).


Unlike green onions and other plants, champignons additional lighting don't need it. They can be grown perfectly in the dark. The light bulb should be screwed in only to make it convenient to work in the cellar or basement.


The cellar must be equipped with a ventilation system, since the compost on which the champignons grow actively releases carbon dioxide during decomposition. But mushrooms cannot tolerate mustiness. Carbon dioxide must be removed and fresh air supplied in its place. However, drafts should not be allowed. The ventilation pipes are covered with fine mesh to prevent insects from getting inside.

If conventional supply and exhaust pipes are not enough for good ventilation of the cellar. We'll have to take care of forced ventilation premises. To organize air circulation above the boxes with champignons, you can use additional fans. If possible, it is worth installing additional air purification filters.

Temperature and humidity

To monitor these indicators, install a thermometer and hygrometer in the room for growing champignons. You can increase the humidity by spraying the shelving and floors with a spray bottle. Reduce through ventilation.

Temperature in summer time can be adjusted using ventilation, but if you plan to grow champignons all year round, take care of additional heating of the cellar.

Space zoning

If your cellar is large enough, it makes sense to divide it into two zones. You will use one room for incubation (spread of mycelium over the substrate), and the second for direct forcing of mushrooms (fruiting bodies). The temperature required for the successful completion of these processes is different. The mycelium grows at approximately 23 degrees, and fruiting occurs at 16–17 degrees.

By maintaining stable temperature conditions in each room, you can simply move the boxes with the substrate. In this way, you can grow champignons continuously - while half of the boxes bear fruit, mycelium grows in the other, and so on. If necessary, you can add a third zone for composting.


In particular, the following processing can be carried out:

  • Fumigate with a sulfur bomb.
  • Whitewash the walls and ceiling with lime and copper sulfate.
  • Spray with a 4% formaldehyde solution.
  • If there were previously vegetables in the basement, and fruit flies or other pests have infested, you need to treat the room with chlorophos.
  • As an additional protective measure, you can place a box of sawdust soaked in a disinfectant solution at the entrance.

After disinfection, the basement should be thoroughly ventilated, otherwise it will be very difficult not only for the champignons, but also for you to stay inside.

Substrate preparation

Preparing a nutrient medium on which champignons will grow is one of the most important and responsible moments. To grow maximum yield, you should prepare the substrate according to the recommendations on the package of mycelium you purchased. Since the strains or varieties of champignons are different, the preparation technology and composition of the substrate may vary slightly.

This is what the substrate on which champignons grow looks like.

However, there are general principles preparing compost for growing champignons, which can be considered universal. The best option There will be natural compost from horse manure. It is important that animals eat hay and not green food.

Two options for preparing natural compost:

Horse manure can be replaced with cow or bird droppings, however, in this case the yield will be significantly lower.

The straw is soaked for a day in warm water in a convenient trough or other container. After this, it is stacked mixed with layers of manure. You should get only 6-8 layers. We additionally moisten each layer with warm water. After 3-4 days, the compost needs to be thoroughly mixed and urea and superphosphate added. After this, the substrate will acquire a characteristic ammonia odor. After another 3-4 days, the compost is mixed again. So it needs to be shoveled 4-5 times, gradually adding the remaining minerals. During the final mixing, gypsum is added.

The average compost preparation time is 24–28 days. The completion of the fermentation process can be judged by the disappearance of the ammonia smell and the light brown color of the manure. During the fermentation process, the temperature of the compost can reach 50–70 degrees. To grow mushrooms, the compost temperature should be no more than 25 degrees.

The substrate should be prepared either in a special utility room with good ventilation, or outdoors under a canopy that protects from rainwater and sun. We don’t pour compost on the ground; it’s better to spread cellophane. This is required to ensure that pests do not get into the finished substrate.

If preparing your own substrate for growing mushrooms is too difficult for you, you can always buy it at the store. However, compost made by yourself is usually of better quality.

We move the finished substrate to the basement and place it in boxes or containers in which we plan to grow champignons.

Planting mushroom mycelium (inoculation)

So, the substrate is ready and placed in the cellar; now you need to add fungal mycelium to it in order to grow mycelium. The mycelium is grown industrially in laboratories under sterile conditions. You can buy it in gardening stores or order it online.

In order to grow mushrooms on 1 square meter of substrate, you will need 500 g of compost mycelium or 400 g of champignon grain spores.

We place the “seeds” in the substrate. If you have prepared the compost correctly, it should spring back slightly when pressed. We make five-centimeter recesses at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other and put not large number compost mycelium. If you purchased champignon spores, you just need to scatter them over the surface. Gradually, the mycelium threads will begin to grow across the substrate.

The time of growth of the mycelium, before the fruiting bodies of the mushrooms have yet appeared, is called incubation. During this period, it is necessary to maintain air humidity in the cellar at 70–95%. To prevent the substrate from drying out, you can cover it with paper or cloth and periodically spray it with a spray bottle.

The temperature at which mycelium grows is 20–27 degrees. Mushroom threads will begin to actively spread within ten to twelve days. Then the surface of the substrate should be covered with 3–4 centimeters of soil and wait another 3–5 days. The soil is not just from the garden, but a mixture of peat (5 parts), limestone (1 part) and soil (4 parts). Do not forget about periodic spraying with water.

Forcing fruiting bodies

After the incubation period, you should lower the temperature in the cellar to 12–17 degrees, or move the boxes with the substrate to the forcing room (if, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, you divided the room into two compartments). The period of growth of the mushrooms themselves begins.

In one harvest, 5-8 waves of mushrooms can be removed from the mycelium, although the bulk will fall on the first three waves.

You can harvest the first wave of harvest in 3–4 months. Do not allow mushrooms to overripe. They should be picked when the lower part of the cap is still covered with a white film and the brown plates are not visible. Each mushroom must be carefully unscrewed from its place, and not cut off. Bacteria can enter the mycelium from the stem remaining after the cut.

After collecting the mushroom, the place where it grew should be lightly sprinkled with soil. The mushrooms will grow vigorously within 1-2 weeks. Under the right conditions and good compost, 5–8 mushroom harvests can be harvested during this time. The main volume falls on the first three waves. Then the yield of the mycelium will sharply decline.

The best varieties to grow

More than fifty different varieties of champignons are known in the world. Some of them are found in wildlife, and some were bred by breeders for industrial breeding.

High-yielding, easy-to-care and unpretentious varieties are ideal for growing in the cellar. Among them we can distinguish two-spore and two-ring. Also suitable for home breeding meadow champignon, Somycel 512 and Hauser A15.

The technology for growing champignons in the basement has its own characteristics, but it is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. If you have prepared the correct compost, established the required microclimate in the cellar and purchased good planting material, you are guaranteed a high mushroom yield! And our recommendations will help you cope with this creative and interesting task.

What is grown in the basement: mushrooms, plants, animals

One of the many options for using a basement or cellar - growing mushrooms and plants - is successfully practiced by many owners and, moreover, can turn into a source of additional income if you go beyond your own needs. In this article we will talk about what can be grown in general basement. Separate materials have been prepared on our website about the specific features of growing certain types of mushrooms and plants.

What to grow?

Let's list the common options. Growing in the basement is practiced:

  1. Gribov. Most often these are champignons and oyster mushrooms. Less commonly, shiitake and porcini mushrooms.
  2. Vegetables. Usually we are talking primarily about tomatoes and cucumbers.
  3. Greenery. This green onions, dill and parsley. It is worth mentioning separately, since many consider growing greens for sale as the main business idea related to generating additional income.
  4. Strawberries.
  5. Flowers.
  6. Animals. It's about about fish and crayfish. The least common and most expensive option, so we will only mention it briefly.

Hydroponics: a nutrient solution is supplied from below to the roots of plants.

How to grow?

In fact, the success of the entire undertaking depends on how accurately we can recreate the conditions required to grow the products we need. That is, a number of key points should be taken into account:

  1. Ventilation. Good ventilation is the most important factor in successfully growing mushrooms and plants in a cellar or basement. We also recommend covering ventilation holes a fine mesh so that insects and pests cannot get inside through them. Both plants and mushrooms love fresh air.
  2. Disinfection. Swipe necessary actions related to the disinfection of premises. This could be, for example, whitewashing walls with lime. There is no need for mold in our underground garden.
  3. Lighting. Some mushrooms (we are talking about champignons) do not need lighting. But in the case of growing plants, you will have to take care of this, since vegetables and herbs need to be provided with normal daylight hours for proper growth and development. This is a very significant expense item, since you will have to worry not only about selecting and purchasing suitable equipment (lamps), but also plan for an increase in electricity bills.
  4. Substrate and hydroponics. The use of exclusively soil mixture (substrate) is now increasingly being replaced by hydroponics - a convenient and technologically advanced method that involves feeding plants from the supplied aqueous solution. In this case, plant roots can receive the necessary substances both directly from the solution and through a substrate moistened with a nutrient liquid. You will need to choose the appropriate method. For example, mushrooms are grown on a substrate; for plants it is permissible to use hydroponics.
  5. Care. This point varies greatly depending on what you will be growing. For example, if we are talking about plants, then to ensure proper care you will need to understand the peculiarities of their feeding, pollination and other nuances. And mushrooms are very sensitive to temperature conditions.

How the hydroponic system works.

Please note that this material contains only general overview data that will help you imagine the overall picture. We will consider growing certain types of products (for example, champignons) in separate detailed articles.


Growing mushrooms in a basement or cellar is perhaps the most common and highly sought after option, and is also not particularly expensive. If during construction you took care of effective ventilation basement, optimal temperature and humidity conditions will most likely be met by default.

However, speaking about compliance with the temperature regime, seasonal restrictions can be identified. To maintain the required temperature in winter period(of course, if you do not live in warm countries) you will need a system additional heating and heating. And, therefore, here we will talk about increasing costs.

In the summer, this issue resolves itself, so if you want to avoid additional heating costs, grow oyster mushrooms or champignons in the summer - you will have time to reap an excellent harvest.

Champignons do not need additional lighting.

Let us once again mention the advantage of champignons - these mushrooms do not need lighting.

Growing mushrooms in the basement will require the following raw materials: a specially prepared substrate (you can buy it or make it yourself) and, in fact, mycelium. You can grow mushrooms on shelves equipped for this purpose in the basement.


In this paragraph we will talk about vegetables (tomatoes and cucumbers), herbs (dill, parsley, green onions), strawberries and flowers. Let’s immediately say that it will be a little more difficult to organize the cultivation of plants than mushrooms. Which will certainly affect costs - this is a more expensive pleasure.

As mentioned above, in the case of plants you will have to implement suitable system lighting, choose a growing method and a method of organizing hydroponics. You will also need to carefully study the rules of care (feeding, pollination, etc.) for the plant that you decide to breed.

Rack for forcing green onions.

The main task of lighting is to maintain the daylight hours suitable for a particular plant.

For lighting, special phytolamps are best suited. Using traditional incandescent lamps alone is ineffective. To fully ensure photosynthesis (if phytolamps cannot be obtained), use them in combination with other types of lamps (for example, fluorescent). Also remember that incandescent lamps heat the air, that is, they affect the temperature.

In terms of convenience, hydroponics wins significantly. At least you won't have to deliver to the basement. required quantity soil and ensure regular watering. The composition of a hydroponic nutrient solution varies depending on the type of plant, since different representatives need a different set of minerals.

Onions can be grown in the basement all year round.

Speaking about the rules of care, one cannot fail to note the need for timely pollination. Be sure to find out whether you need to pollinate your plants yourself (this simple operation can be done with a brush).

Pisces and crayfish

Let's just mention that in the basement you can grow various types of fish (for example: sturgeon, carp, crucian carp and carp), as well as crayfish. This will require a lot additional equipment, including to ensure proper water quality - a parameter of paramount importance for successful cultivation.

Growing sturgeon is not an easy task, but nothing is impossible.

In order to grow fish or crayfish, you need to install special tanks indoors, set up a closed water supply system, install filters, water heaters and compressors.

Of course, you will also need to thoroughly study the rules of keeping that support the normal functioning of animals.

What else is important to know?

Growing mushrooms in the basement is the option we recommend starting with if you just want to try your own “underground” harvest at home. Moreover, it is not difficult to grow mushrooms such as champignons or oyster mushrooms.

Be sure to think about the financial side of the issue. Plan the costs required both to implement the project (building shelving in the basement, purchasing raw materials, etc.) and to maintain it (for example, energy costs and plant care). And if the predicted result justifies the investment, get to work!

So, now you know a few more options for using a cellar or basement. We wish you a great harvest and more delicious dishes from home-grown mushrooms and vegetables!

Agronomist-plant grower, site consultant on the cultivation and storage conditions of vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

Growing champignons at home

Amateur champignons

This method is suitable if the frost-free period lasts more than six months. With this method of growing in the summer (average temperature, good humidity), champignons will give a good harvest in open ground, if you additionally provide light shelter. This guarantees the absence of overheating of the compost and normal air-thermal conditions.

An accessible method in which champignons are grown under plastic film or roofing felt, the harvest can be harvested already in the first year of planting the mycelium in the ground. However an important condition Such cultivation of mushrooms is the absence of interaction with the soil and protection from direct sunlight. Therefore, you can use a wall-mounted champignon greenhouse located near north side brick or stone building. Even urban conditions allow you to grow mushrooms. For this purpose, specially equipped basements or cellars are suitable, which house a 7-storey greenhouse system.

To plant grain mycelium directly into the ground, it is necessary to dig grooves about 60 cm wide and about 30 cm deep. You can plant mycelium in checkerboard pattern. Then the holes should be 20 cm apart from each other. Drainage should be laid on the bottom (thickness up to 10 cm). Prepared and compressed compost is placed on top of it. After the temperature has stabilized, a few days later, the mycelium is planted in the soil. When you plan to grow champignons at home, it is best to purchase them from trusted suppliers in prepared containers. It is necessary to make a small depression in the compost into which the mycelium is placed. Planting material cover with raised compost and press down slightly. If growth progresses favorably, overgrown mycelium threads will be noticeable after 7 days.

After 3 weeks, it is necessary to cover the beds with a layer of damp soil (goptrovka) no more than 30 cm thick. Only in this case will the formation of champignon fruiting bodies occur. The composition of the cover must include chalk, peat, and turf soil to form optimal soil acidity. After laying the cover soil, the beds must be lightly compacted. It is important to monitor the conditions for the development of mushrooms: sufficient air circulation and stable humidity. The most favorable temperature for the awakening of fungal spores is considered to be 22-28 degrees, for the onset of fruiting - 16-18 degrees. Canopies or a layer of straw (15 cm) will do an excellent job with this. If a white crust becomes noticeable on the compost, the straw is temporarily removed and the compost is moistened.

The first harvest of champignons can be harvested after 1.5 months, and subsequent ones - within 4 months. From one square meter you can collect an average of 15 kilograms of mushrooms. But since these mushrooms are quite delicate, it is important to harvest them immediately after ripening. The first wave of fruiting will last about 3-4 days. Largest harvest(about 70%) falls on the first two waves.

Growing champignons on a production scale.

For the industrial cultivation of champignon today, special complexes are built, usually consisting of a compost shop, cultivation chambers and auxiliary rooms. Industrial production of champignons is similar to growing oyster mushrooms for mass sale. There are two ways to organize mushroom growing: underground and above ground.

The advantage of underground mushroom farms is that the microclimate is relatively constant. Typically single-zone or multi-zone systems are used. This method of production is characterized by low capital costs, but additional costs will be required to pay workers who are forced to work underground. The above-ground method of organizing production makes it possible to obtain crops year-round, since the entire process is put on a conveyor belt and does not depend on seasonal changes. Full cycle Growing champignons in this way takes 4 months. Therefore, this implies the presence of 12 chambers for mushroom cultivation.

The multi-zone production system has proven itself well. The advantages of this method are the presence of one pasteurization chamber and a maximum of 2 vegetation chambers. If any box is infected, it can be processed or removed from the chamber. But with this method it is necessary to take into account large labor costs. You can save money by making your own compost and covering mixture.

Usually, before growing champignons in industrial conditions, compost is prepared. If previously horse manure was used for this, now they increasingly prefer to include it in the compost mixture. chicken droppings. Another must-have element is fresh cereal straw golden color. The last component is mineral additives (gypsum, chalk, urea, saltpeter, meat and bone meal). But to obtain high yields it is necessary proper preparation compost, eliminating the entry of pests. The straw is soaked under sterile conditions for 2 days. Then it is mixed with additives and a high pile (2x2 m) is formed, leaving it to warm up for 5-7 days. The pile is periodically interrupted (on days 18, 22 and 25). After this, the mycelium is laid.

The technology for growing champignons in small farms also begins with the preparation of piles. Pasteurization occurs as follows: after beating, the compost is left until the temperature rises (60°C) and the ammonia completely evaporates. Then the compost is cooled to 24°C and the mycelium is laid. It is best to lay it in layers (2-3 layers). The temperature after laying should be within 23°C. Mycelium application rate: for 8 kg of grain mycelium - 1 ton of substrate. The finished substrate is placed in boxes, racks or plastic bags. To avoid drying out, the substrate is covered with a layer of newspapers, which are moistened from time to time. Ventilation is provided as needed.

How to grow champignons at home

If you are thinking about how to grow mushrooms at home, then champignons are also a good option, but compared to oyster mushrooms, the process of growing them is a little more complicated.

To grow champignons at home using an intensive method, you will need a cool room, such as a basement or cellar, where it is possible to maintain high humidity air.

Substrate preparation

This is the most labor-intensive stage in the process of growing champignons. It is important to strictly follow the instructions, since the successful cultivation of champignons largely depends on the quality of the nutrient medium.

The main component of the substrate is compost, which is prepared from winter rye or wheat straw (20-25%) and horse manure (75-80%). In the absence of horse manure, you can use cow and poultry manure, but this will slightly reduce the yield.

It is advisable to prepare the substrate at outdoors under a canopy that protects it from rain and sun. However, you can also use a room for this, but it must be well ventilated, since the fermentation of components releases large quantities of carbon dioxide, ammonia and moisture.

The calculation of the components is as follows: for 100 kg of straw - 2 kg of urea, 2 kg of superphosphate, 7-8 kg of gypsum, 5 kg of chalk. With the addition of manure and all additives, you will get about 300 kg of substrate, which is enough to lay a mycelium with an area of ​​2.5-3 m².

If you use bird droppings, the components and proportions will be different: for 100 kg of straw you should take 100 kg of droppings, 250-300 liters of water, gypsum, and instead of superphosphate and chalk, add alabaster.

First, you need to soak the straw in a container for a day. Then lay the wet straw and manure in layers in a stack (3-4 layers of both). In addition, during the stacking process, each layer of straw must be additionally moistened (a total of 300-400 liters of water per 100 kg of straw) and gradually added 0.5 kg of superphosphate and 2 kg of urea. Then the whole pile should be thoroughly mixed 4 times and the remaining ingredients should be added.

After the first time, add gypsum, then the remaining 1.5 kg of superphosphate, after the third time, add chalk and mix again.

When all the components are mixed, fermentation (combustion) will begin, as a result of which on the third day the temperature inside the stack will rise to 65-70°. For better combustion the stack should be 1.5 m high and 1.2 m long and wide. The compost will be ready in 20-22 days.

Inoculation of the substrate with champignon mycelium

In order to grow champignons at home, only high-quality, sterile mycelium (mycelium) grown in special laboratories is suitable as seed material. uh

The industry produces grain and compost mycelium. The grain is produced in plastic bags, and is stored for up to 6 months at a temperature of 0-4°C. For 1 m² (about 100 kg of substrate) you will need 350-400 g of grain mycelium.

Compost mycelium is produced in glass jars. At 0°C it can be stored for about a year, and at 18-20°C – no more than 20 days. Compost mycelium is less susceptible to external negative influences, however, it is less productive than grain mycelium. About 500 g of compost mycelium is consumed per 1 m² of area.

Before inoculation, the substrate should be heat treated or pasteurized. A properly prepared substrate should spring back slightly when pressed by hand. After pasteurization, it is cooled to 24-25°C and poured into boxes in a layer of 25-30 cm. Approximately 1 m² of usable area will take about 100 kg of substrate.

The method of inoculation is outrageously simple. A handful of grain mycelium or compost mycelium the size of an egg is deepened by 4-5 cm, for which the substrate is raised with a peg. Such holes are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

The distance between the holes should be 20-25 cm. The grain mycelium can simply be scattered over the surface and sprinkled with a layer of substrate (4-5 cm) on top.

During the incubation period, the air humidity in the room should be at 70-95%. To maintain moisture inside the substrate, the boxes can be covered with burlap or newspaper and sprayed carefully so that water does not get into the substrate and mycelium.

You should also control the temperature inside the substrate, the optimal level is 20-27°C. If the temperature is higher or lower, it is necessary to ventilate the room accordingly, or raise the temperature in it.

After 8-12 days, when the mycelium has grown, the surface of the substrate should be covered with cover soil (3-4 cm). The composition of the cover soil can be as follows: 1 part chalk + 9 parts peat (this is the most effective mixture) or 5 parts peat + 1 part chalk (limestone) + 4 parts garden soil. For 1 m² of substrate area you will need approximately 40-50 kg of cover soil.

On days 3-5 after the cover soil has been poured, the temperature in the room must be lowered to 12-17°C. The surface of the cover soil should be regularly moistened, avoiding water getting into the substrate. At this stage, special attention should be paid to ventilation of the room. However, the room must be ventilated carefully, without drafts.


You can grow champignons at home in just 3-4 months, starting with preparing compost and ending with harvesting. Champignons should be collected with a stretched but not yet broken film that connects the stem and the edges of the cap.

Flabby and overripe mushrooms with brown plates should not be eaten, because... they can cause poisoning. The mushrooms are not cut off, but carefully twisted out, after which the remaining holes are sprinkled with cover soil and watered, but not abundantly.

In total, fruiting lasts from 8 to 14 weeks. During this time there can be up to 7 waves of harvest. In terms of kilograms, from 1 m² of usable area, from 5 to 12 kg of champignons are collected. The interval between waves is 4-7 days. About 70% of the total harvest can be collected from the first 2-3 waves.

Modern approaches to growing champignons at home

Planting on a regular horizontal ridge

As expected, let's start from the cheapest, simple method, which will satisfy the requirements of many farmers. An ordinary bed is a layer of soil with fertilizers, which is located in the basement or greenhouse. An old vegetable storehouse, a shallow mine, a closed poultry house, etc. are ideal for growing. The main thing is that the room has high humidity, and temperature is a secondary indicator; it can be adjusted using heaters. Let's consider step by step instructions on growing champignons on the ridge.

First the floor is leveled, then it is laid on it. polyethylene film which will retain moisture. Compost up to 30-40 centimeters thick is applied to it.

The purchased seed can be immediately sown in furrows previously made in the compost, scattered on top, and then covered with another 4-5 centimeter layer of compost.

It is necessary to water the crops abundantly so that they are constantly saturated with moisture, only then the mycelium will grow well, and new fruiting bodies will appear within 10-12 weeks after sowing.

Today, more than 80% of all farmers use this method, because it is really profitable. This method has many advantages, let's look at them in more detail.

  1. There is no need to purchase expensive trays, so you can save 600-700 rubles on one.
  2. Quick garden bed equipment. You can make it in almost 1 day; you just need to add ready-made compost. There is a lot more red tape with trays and bags.
  3. Rational use of usable space.

There are, of course, more disadvantages. First of all, we pay attention to infections. If they occur, they spread throughout the entire bed, and this can be a very serious loss. You also need to take into account that it is impossible to clean the room, therefore, sooner or later, infections will appear, brought from shoes from the street or simply on a person’s clothes. Another disadvantage is the inability to raise the bed to a convenient height, so manual labor will be much more difficult than with the Dutch technology.

Growing champignons at home on shelves

It's more modern way, which provides convenient placement in drawers. This is the so-called Dutch growing method, which involves rational use space in the room, as well as the highest quality care. The shelf system involves the use of special mechanized equipment, and therefore is considered more expensive. Many farmers abandoned this method precisely because of its relative high cost. Minimum starting capital for a room of 50 square meters is 8000 dollars.

Profitability of production begins only with 6 kg/1 m2, so it will be profitable to grow only good hybrids who will give a lot and often. But, with good yield, the method is very practical, since labor costs are reduced by 2-3 times compared to horizontal ridges. Used as a substrate container plastic molds, from which the rows are made, they go on top of each other. Required drip irrigation, since with conventional sprayers, infections that enter the top row will quickly spread to the lower containers.

How to grow champignons in the basement in ordinary bags

This is the most popular method for oyster mushrooms, but recent years champignons also began to gradually move into polyethylene, since this is one of the most practical methods for obtaining a good harvest with little labor and low material investments. Let's take a closer look at how to make a mushroom grow out of a bag.

For this we need 15 kg of horse manure, 3 kg of straw, 2 kg of sunflower husks, 5-6 kg of black soil, 2 kg of mullein. Mix all the above ingredients and get an excellent mixture for planting mycelium.

Fill it with plenty of water and wait until the temperature is +80 degrees. After 20 days, straighten the soil mixture thin layer, dry.

Everything is simple here. We fill the bag to the top, make it very tight, pour water into it so that the moisture content of our mixture is as high as possible.

Holes are made in the bag, approximately 10 centimeters in diameter, in a checkerboard pattern so that the bag does not rupture. You get a surface made of polyethylene in a mesh, where mycelium will need to be placed in each cell.

The technology allows you to save on the purchase of containers, but, at the same time, provides all the advantages of shelf growing. If an infection gets into one bag, you simply throw it away or disinfect it; the bacteria do not spread to neighboring blocks. Among the disadvantages, the most significant is manual labor at the first stage, which will be required a lot when stuffing each bag, mixing, moistening, and planting the mycelium.

Container method

Americans know better than anyone how to grow champignons at home. It was they who came up with aerated (with the possibility of ventilation) containers for growing. This method allows you to obtain fresh fruiting bodies even on the balcony of an apartment, not to mention basements. To do this, you will need a special container with a lid and a tray into which all the moisture will drain. The compost is prepared as for growing in bags, after which it is placed in wooden containers, previously disinfected at a temperature of +200 degrees in an oven.

Then the mycelium is sown to a depth of 4-5 centimeters, the soil is moistened, and placed in a warm place (a temperature of up to +28 degrees is required). The method is very effective and convenient, especially when infection gets into the soil. You can easily localize the epidemic, since it will not go further than one container. The biggest disadvantage of this method is the high cost for industrial scale, so farmers very rarely use it in Russia. If you haven’t yet figured out how to grow champignons at home without unnecessary “dust and noise,” then this one is right for you. Compact containers will fit in any basement or room.

How to grow champignon mushrooms in blocks and what they are

Blocks (or, as they are also called, briquettes) are presses specially prepared in production from manure, seed husks, sawdust, peat. The ideal ratio of all components, as well as high-quality mixing on production equipment will benefit the future harvest.

There are many advantages to this method of growing. You don’t waste time, effort, money on building beds, you already get ready material. Typically, compost is sold in cylindrical or rectangular polyethylene blocks. You can hang it on a rope, or simply put it in a prepared metal container. It is very easy to change, so growing champignons at home does not require much effort: we collect 3-4 waves of mushrooms and throw away the “filling” of the metal box. We buy a new briquette, put it in, and fill it with mycelium. The main disadvantage of this method is the same as the previous one - cost. However, since the first 3 waves give about 80% of the harvest, then this frequent change substrate will be to some extent even beneficial if you want to get stable and large yields of champignons.

Have own business, an additional source of income is what every resident of our country dreams of. All more people are interested in and pay attention to such a branch of business as growing champignons at home for beginners.

Mushrooms are a popular, sold-out and affordable product. It is bought for cooking holiday dishes, during fasting, and are also actively used in daily recipes. The reason for the demand for champignons among buyers is their benefits, the absence of risks of poisoning, and their low cost. In this article we will try to figure out how to grow champignons at home step by step.

Useful properties of champignons

  • the protein content attracts the attention of vegetarians (an excellent alternative to meat dishes);
  • easily digestible fats, carbohydrates;
  • carbohydrates contain a high percentage of glucose, which is of great benefit to the human body;
  • pleasant taste, easy combination with any products (cream, cheese, meat, broths, sauces);
  • contains eighteen amino acids (out of twenty-two existing);
  • contain large amounts of vitamin D and B, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

Thanks to all these beneficial properties, availability, as well as excellent taste, mushrooms have always been a valuable and sought-after product.

Having mastered the technology of growing champignons, you can not only use this valuable product for your own needs, supply it to everyone you know at minimal prices, but also make a decent profit from sales.

Growing champignons at home - basic recommendations for beginners

The earning option requires special manipulations, knowledge, budget, and skills. Before searching for buyers, carefully read the information about growing methods, the main stages, purchase necessary equipment, provide proper care, collection and storage.

Initially, you should think about the scale of the expected harvest and start looking for a place to grow mushrooms. Actively used summer cottages or garages - an apartment will not work. The reason for this is possible unpleasant odors from the compost used, the temperature (atmosphere) not meeting the required standards and the lack of space for large volumes.

The main element that affects growth and increased productivity is the substrate for champignons (parallel name - compost).

Compost for champignons should include:

Making compost for mushrooms is easy. The main thing to remember is maintaining proportions and choosing the right location. By placing straw with manure on fresh air(preferably in the open sun) you can save yourself from unpleasant odors arising during the process of overheating and maturation of the substrate.

Care should be taken in advance to protect future compost from rainfall. Constant moisture and rain will not only delay the ripening period. They will wash away all the useful components necessary for the ripening and growth of mushrooms.

If a canopy is not provided, you can cover the future substrate for champignons with a thick film or roofing felt. The sides of the pile should be open.

Tips for properly laying a compost heap:

  • Laying is done alternately - in layers. Fresh straw comes first, followed by manure (droppings). Ammonium nitrate and urea are used in the specified proportions after each laid layer. Afterwards the layers are watered. The last one should be the straw. The average heap should consist of four layers of each component.
  • You shouldn't touch the pile for a week. After seven days it is necessary to carry out the first shaking. This manipulation is carried out using a pitchfork. At the same time, plaster is introduced.
  • The next shaking should be done three days later. The second time chalk and superphosphate are introduced. If the temperature outside is hot, it is better to water the pile generously. This will help prevent the compost from drying out. The next two shakings should be done every three days. Afterwards the compost should be left for three weeks.
  • The mixture is ready for use if it does not stick to your hands, does not have a pleasant pungent odor, and leaves a wet but not dirty mark on your palms.

Planting mushrooms in the garage - step-by-step instructions:

  • The room should be optimal temperature(be within 14 - 17 above zero) and humidity level.
  • A layer of fertilized soil must be poured (from 30 to 40 cm) onto a flat surface (floor) covered with plastic film.
  • The next step is to plant the seed (mycelium). The mycelium must be used immediately, as it cannot be stored for long periods of time. Planting is done in specially prepared furrows.
  • There is a second method of planting mushrooms, which is based on scattering prepared seeds around the entire perimeter of the bed. Next, the seed is covered with a layer of prepared substrate.
  • If you are going to grow mushrooms at home, do not forget to water them abundantly during the first twelve weeks. The ground should always be wet.

Technology for growing champignons in the country

  • To begin with, you should remember that you can plant seeds in existing soil (in a garden bed or in a greenhouse). Quite often they use soil brought from the forest.
  • The soil should be well fertilized, moist and as level as possible (without stones, depressions, breasts). 22 degrees is the optimal air temperature suitable for planting.
  • It is impossible for the greenhouse to be hot and stuffy. If the air is too dry, the mushrooms will not be able to take root, ripen and grow.
  • The landing process itself is no different from the garage version.
  • When the first fruits emerge, excessive watering can be avoided. Instead, you can use spraying twice a day. Mushrooms grown in the country should not be filled with liquid, because due to constant moisture the roots may begin to rot. Such a result will lead to damage to plants and financial losses.

If you ask the question: “How to grow mushrooms in an open area?”, you are trying to achieve positive result, you should pay attention to some nuances.

Champignons do not like bright light and excessively high temperatures. Therefore, the case of an open garden disappears. A garden or free area behind the house, where shade predominates throughout the day, is ideal for this purpose.

The main advantage of the dacha option is that when developing a business during the season, there is no need to purchase equipment for growing champignons. Mushrooms ripen well when exposed to sunlight and normal watering. After 25 days you can harvest the first harvest.

How to properly collect and store ripe champignons

When harvest time comes, the problem of proper harvesting immediately arises. The length of its freshness will directly depend on how correctly the crop is harvested and in what place it is stored.

Those who take champignons out of the ground (twist them) along with the roots are doing everything right.

A knife is a prohibited tool for a mushroom picker when picking champignons. There should be no legs or other particles of already collected mushroom left in the holes.

This will help avoid infection. The substrate must be collected and replaced with a new one.

Champignons have a delicate structure. If stored incorrectly, they quickly deteriorate, begin to break, and lose beneficial properties, become unsuitable for further implementation.

Proper storage of champignons includes several stages:

  1. It is necessary to cut off the lower part of the leg with the remaining soil.
  2. Mushrooms are placed in wooden boxes. Maximum quantity, which can be placed in a box - 6 kg. Under heavy load they will begin to break.
  3. Over the next six hours from the moment of harvest, the crop must undergo cooling.
  4. The ideal temperature for further storage of fruits is between 0 and 2 degrees above zero.

A simple (home) refrigerator is not suitable for long-term storage of crops. In this case, you should try to sell the harvest within the first six days after harvest.

An alternative would be to search special equipment, in which it will be possible to maintain the optimal temperature for storing champignons.




Growing champignons at home can be a simple, promising and profitable activity. There is no consensus on the best place to carry out all the manipulations. For those who have their own plot and greenhouse, it is much more convenient to start growing in a greenhouse.

If you have a garage with a lot of free space, you should try to use it to your advantage. With a serious approach and the correct implementation of all processes, everyone can open their own business related to the cultivation of champignons. If you are not ready to invest money or your own efforts in business, it is not worth the risk.

Having your own business, an additional source of income is what every resident of our country dreams of. More and more people are interested and paying attention to such a branch of business as growing champignons at home for beginners.

Mushrooms are a popular, sold-out and affordable product. It is bought for preparing holiday dishes, during Lent, and is also actively used in daily recipes. The reason for the demand for champignons among buyers is their benefits, the absence of risks of poisoning, and their low cost. In this article we will try to figure out how to grow champignons at home step by step.

Useful properties of champignons

  • the protein content attracts the attention of vegetarians (an excellent alternative to meat dishes);
  • easily digestible fats, carbohydrates;
  • carbohydrates contain a high percentage of glucose, which is of great benefit to the human body;
  • pleasant taste, easy combination with any products (cream, cheese, meat, broths, sauces);
  • contains eighteen amino acids (out of twenty-two existing);
  • contain large amounts of vitamin D and B, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

Thanks to all these beneficial properties, availability, as well as excellent taste, mushrooms have always been a valuable and sought-after product.

Having mastered the technology of growing champignons, you can not only use this valuable product for your own needs, supply it to everyone you know at minimal prices, but also make a decent profit from sales.

Growing champignons at home - basic recommendations for beginners

The earning option requires special manipulations, knowledge, budget, and skills. Before searching for buyers, carefully read the information about growing methods, the main stages, purchase the necessary equipment, ensure proper care, collection and storage.

Initially, you should think about the scale of the expected harvest and start looking for a place to grow mushrooms. Summer cottages or garages are actively used - an apartment will not work. The reason for this is possible unpleasant odors from the compost used, the temperature (atmosphere) not meeting the required standards and the lack of space for large volumes.

The main element that affects growth and increased productivity is the substrate for champignons (parallel name - compost).

Compost for champignons should include:

Making compost for mushrooms is easy. The main thing to remember is maintaining proportions and choosing the right location. By placing straw with manure in the fresh air (preferably in the open sun), you can rid yourself of the unpleasant odors that arise during the process of overheating and maturation of the substrate.

Care should be taken in advance to protect future compost from rainfall. Constant moisture and rain will not only delay the ripening period. They will wash away all the useful components necessary for the ripening and growth of mushrooms.

If a canopy is not provided, you can cover the future substrate for champignons with a thick film or roofing felt. The sides of the pile should be open.

Tips for properly laying a compost heap:

  • Laying is done alternately - in layers. Fresh straw comes first, followed by manure (droppings). Ammonium nitrate and urea are used in the specified proportions after each laid layer. Afterwards the layers are watered. The last one should be the straw. The average heap should consist of four layers of each component.
  • You shouldn't touch the pile for a week. After seven days it is necessary to carry out the first shaking. This manipulation is carried out using a pitchfork. At the same time, plaster is introduced.
  • The next shaking should be done three days later. The second time chalk and superphosphate are introduced. If the temperature outside is hot, it is better to water the pile generously. This will help prevent the compost from drying out. The next two shakings should be done every three days. Afterwards the compost should be left for three weeks.
  • The mixture is ready for use if it does not stick to your hands, does not have a pleasant pungent odor, and leaves a wet but not dirty mark on your palms.

Planting mushrooms in the garage - step-by-step instructions:

  • The room must have an optimal temperature (between 14 and 17 above zero) and humidity level.
  • A layer of fertilized soil must be poured (from 30 to 40 cm) onto a flat surface (floor) covered with plastic film.
  • The next step is to plant the seed (mycelium). The mycelium must be used immediately, as it cannot be stored for long periods of time. Planting is done in specially prepared furrows.
  • There is a second method of planting mushrooms, which is based on scattering prepared seeds around the entire perimeter of the bed. Next, the seed is covered with a layer of prepared substrate.
  • If you are going to grow mushrooms at home, do not forget to water them abundantly during the first twelve weeks. The ground should always be wet.

Technology for growing champignons in the country

  • To begin with, you should remember that you can plant seeds in existing soil (in a garden bed or in a greenhouse). Quite often they use soil brought from the forest.
  • The soil should be well fertilized, moist and as level as possible (without stones, depressions, breasts). 22 degrees is the optimal air temperature suitable for planting.
  • It is impossible for the greenhouse to be hot and stuffy. If the air is too dry, the mushrooms will not be able to take root, ripen and grow.
  • The landing process itself is no different from the garage version.
  • When the first fruits emerge, excessive watering can be avoided. Instead, you can use spraying twice a day. Mushrooms grown in the country should not be filled with liquid, because due to constant moisture the roots may begin to rot. Such a result will lead to damage to plants and financial losses.

If, asking the question: “How to grow mushrooms in an open area?”, you are striving to achieve a positive result, you should pay attention to some nuances.

Champignons do not like bright light and excessively high temperatures. Therefore, the case of an open garden disappears. A garden or free area behind the house, where shade predominates throughout the day, is ideal for this purpose.

The main advantage of the dacha option is that when developing a business during the season, there is no need to purchase equipment for growing champignons. Mushrooms ripen well when exposed to sunlight and normal watering. After 25 days you can harvest the first harvest.

How to properly collect and store ripe champignons

When harvest time comes, the problem of proper harvesting immediately arises. The length of its freshness will directly depend on how correctly the crop is harvested and in what place it is stored.

Those who take champignons out of the ground (twist them) along with the roots are doing everything right.

A knife is a prohibited tool for a mushroom picker when picking champignons. There should be no legs or other particles of already collected mushroom left in the holes.

This will help avoid infection. The substrate must be collected and replaced with a new one.

Champignons have a delicate structure. If stored improperly, they quickly deteriorate, begin to break, lose their useful properties, and become unsuitable for further sale.

Proper storage of champignons includes several stages:

  1. It is necessary to cut off the lower part of the leg with the remaining soil.
  2. Mushrooms are placed in wooden boxes. The maximum quantity that can be placed in a box is 6 kg. Under heavy load they will begin to break.
  3. Over the next six hours from the moment of harvest, the crop must undergo cooling.
  4. The ideal temperature for further storage of fruits is between 0 and 2 degrees above zero.

A simple (home) refrigerator is not suitable for long-term storage of crops. In this case, you should try to sell the harvest within the first six days after harvest.

An alternative would be to search for special equipment in which it will be possible to maintain the optimal temperature for storing champignons.


Growing champignons at home can be a simple, promising and profitable activity. There is no consensus on the best place to carry out all the manipulations. For those who have their own plot and greenhouse, it is much more convenient to start growing in a greenhouse.

If you have a garage with a lot of free space, you should try to use it to your advantage. With a serious approach and the correct implementation of all processes, everyone can open their own business related to the cultivation of champignons. If you are not ready to invest money or your own efforts in business, it is not worth the risk.

Even a novice mushroom picker can grow it; you just need to find out what conditions are important to create for growing such mushrooms.


Champignons can be bred in different ways, but taking into account the following features:

  • The mycelium should be added to the substrate at a compost temperature of about +25+27 degrees.
  • For the incubation period, the temperature is maintained at 22 to 25 degrees Celsius, and for the period of mushroom appearance, a temperature of 14 to 17 degrees is needed.
  • Ventilation is not needed during the incubation period, but during fruiting it is very important to ventilate the room, since champignon is quite sensitive to excess carbon dioxide.
  • Champignons do not need lighting.
  • The collection of champignons is carried out by extracting the mushrooms along with the roots. Unscrew the mushroom and carefully separate it from the soil. Such a collection will not cause depletion of the mycelium.

Tools and materials you will need:

  • Storage containers
  • Shovel
  • Polyethylene film
  • Sprayer
  • Scissors
  • Sapka
  • Irrigation hose
  • Urea
  • Compost
  • Superphosphate


Most often, mycelium is purchased from trusted suppliers. It can be compost (more resistant to external factors) and grain (better quality). You can also purchase ready-made mycelium from companies that sell mycelium.

You can prepare raw materials for planting champignons yourself from overripe mushrooms. They are filled with water and left for a day so that the spores enter the liquid. The soil is evenly watered with this liquid and sprinkled with a 1-centimeter layer of soil.

You can also use wild mycelium for sowing, taking it from places where champignons grow in nature. The mycelium is mined in September - after removing 1-2 centimeters of soil, they take out pieces of soil (a square with a side of 10-30 cm) with mycelium threads, dry them a little and send them for storage in a cool room until spring. In spring it can be planted in a summer cottage. This mycelium can also be propagated in a greenhouse or basement.

On the beds

The most inexpensive and simplest method of planting champignons, suitable for many mushroom pickers, is to grow them in ordinary horizontal beds, which are soil with fertilizers. Such beds are arranged in greenhouses, basements, shallow mines, old vegetable stores and similar premises.

An important condition for such rooms is high humidity, and temperature is considered a secondary factor that can be influenced by the use of heaters.

The method is considered quite profitable, therefore it is in demand among most farmers.

Its advantages:

  • No need to buy trays.
  • The beds are made very quickly.
  • The usable area is used rationally.

But there are also many disadvantages:

  • There is a high probability of infection (the premises cannot be cleaned, so infections are often brought from the street and on clothing) and its rapid spread throughout the garden bed.
  • The bed is at an awkward height.

Stages of growing mushrooms in garden beds:

  • Laying compost. You need to lay plastic film on a flat floor so that it retains moisture. Compost is spread onto this film, creating a layer about 30-40 cm thick.
  • Sowing mycelium. Furrows are made in the compost and seeded with the acquired mycelium. You can also simply scatter the mycelium evenly on top, covering it with compost (a layer of about five centimeters).
  • Watering. After sowing, the compost should be watered regularly and abundantly. Only with sufficient moisture will you get good mycelium growth.
  • Collection. The champignon fruiting bodies, ready for harvest, appear after ten to twelve weeks.

At home

A more modern method of growing champignons is the shelf system, which is also called the Dutch method. It is based on the use of shelves and drawers. With rational use of space, such a system provides high-quality care.

The main disadvantage of growing on shelves is the need to use quite expensive equipment. Such mushroom cultivation will be profitable only if you use good varieties with abundant, frequent harvests. And it is precisely this high yield that makes the method quite profitable, because the labor costs for such cultivation will be two to three times less than when using horizontal rows.

The substrate is placed in plastic containers, which are laid out in rows. The technique also involves drip irrigation, which prevents infections from entering the lower containers from the upper rows.

In the basement

Growing mushrooms in basements is very convenient, because underground rooms have a relatively stable microclimate. In addition, it is much easier to create optimal conditions in basements than in greenhouses.

You can grow champignons even in an ordinary basement. It is desirable that such a basement should have:

  • concrete walls;
  • concreted or cemented floor;
  • good ventilation.

To prevent pests from infecting mushrooms, it is recommended to cover the ventilation holes with nets, and treat the ceiling and walls with lime. If the basement is spacious enough, it can be divided into two zones - in one the incubation period of cultivation will take place, and in the second the fruiting bodies will be received. To maintain high humidity (85-90%), the floor in the basement is moistened.

In bags

Another method of growing champignons in the basement is the technology by which oyster mushrooms have been grown for a long time. It consists of using plastic bags. This method is practical and gives a good harvest, but does not require significant material investments.

Stages of growing champignon in bags:

  • Substrate preparation. To get excellent raw materials for growing mushrooms, mix horse manure (15 kg), black soil (5-6 kg), straw (3 kg), mullein and sunflower husks (2 kg each). If you fill this mixture with water, you will see that it will heat up to a high temperature and burn out. Leave it for 20 days, then spread it out in a thin layer to dry.
  • Sowing mushrooms. Having filled the bags to the top with the substrate and poured water on top of them, then you need to make holes in the polyethylene with a diameter of about ten centimeters. To avoid tearing the bag, such holes are made in a checkerboard pattern. Mycelium is placed in each cell.

With this technology, you save on containers, but at the same time get all the advantages of growing mushrooms on shelves.

If an infection gets into one bag, it needs to be disinfected or simply thrown away so that the bacteria does not get into neighboring bags.

The disadvantages include the rather labor-intensive first stage of cultivation, because a lot of manual labor is required to prepare the substrate, stuffing bags, moistening and other work.

You can also grow champignons in briquettes. They are compressed blocks based on manure, sawdust, husks, peat and other components in the required proportions, placed in polyethylene.

The undoubted advantage of this method is that there is no need to waste time and effort. The farmer receives the finished material in the form of rectangular or cylindrical briquettes. They can be placed in containers or hung on ropes.

After collecting 3-4 crops, the blocks are replaced with new ones. The yield of this method is quite high and stable.

The only disadvantages include the costs of the briquettes themselves.

At the dacha

You can grow champignons at your dacha in different places: in greenhouses, in the basement, and even just in beds in open ground. The location is not so important; it is much more important to achieve the conditions necessary for the appearance of mushrooms - a certain temperature, sufficient humidity, access to air and the absence of direct rays of the sun.

In the garden and in the garden

To grow mushrooms in the garden, it is important to choose a shaded place for them, in which nothing is grown.

A good place would be the north side of the site, for example, behind the house, where there is little sun and the humidity lasts longer. The beds are covered with a canopy, which serves as protection from rain and sun. With such cultivation, ventilation of the mushrooms will be natural, so the mycelium in the ground will not rot.

Significant expenses for growing mushrooms in the garden are not required. It is only important to properly prepare the compost, the basis of which will be manure (chicken or horse). Urea and hot water are added to the manure, after ten days it is shaken up, mixed with chalk and compacted a little. Another ten days after adding superphosphate, the manure is well compacted and waited for maturation (it should become light brown and crumbly).

A layer of manure 35 cm thick is laid on the prepared bed, dividing it into sections (squares with a side of 20 cm). The mycelium is planted at an air temperature of about +20 degrees to a depth of about 5 cm, after which it is sprinkled with a little compost, watered with water and covered with newspaper or polyethylene.

When the mycelium appears (after about 20 days), the cover is removed and a 3-centimeter layer of turf soil and peat is poured onto the bed. Expect the first mushrooms in 25 days. Collect them in a timely manner and water the beds with a watering can twice a week using warm water.

In the greenhouse

Champignons are considered unpretentious mushrooms that have a fairly high growth rate. These parameters allow them to be grown in greenhouses. From one square meter in a greenhouse you can collect up to 30 kilograms of mushrooms at a time.

In a greenhouse, 3-7 harvests can be obtained per year. With this method of growing mushrooms, it is important to control humidity and temperature, use a good substrate, and also ensure that excess carbon dioxide is removed.

To ensure that the mycelium sprouts quickly, after sowing the soil is covered with polyethylene.

You need to water the crops before the first shoots - when they appear, spray the mushrooms twice a day.

At home

A great way to grow mushrooms at home is to use aerated containers. Such containers were created by the Americans, providing them with the possibility of ventilation.

You can grow mushrooms using this method even in an apartment on the balcony. It is enough to buy a special container that has a tray and a lid. Such containers are filled with the same compost that we described when growing mushrooms in bags. Before laying the substrate, the container must be disinfected by keeping it in an oven at +200 degrees.

The mycelium is sown into the substrate, immersed 4-5 centimeters, after which the soil is moistened and the container is sent to a warm place. This is an effective and convenient technique. As with growing in a bag, it makes it possible to easily localize the infestation. However, the method is extremely rarely used by farmers due to the high cost of breeding (given the industrial scale). But for home use the method is very good.

For more information on growing champignons in a container, see the following video instructions.

For sale (business)

When planning a business based on growing champignons, you need to consider two main issues:

  • What will be the starting capital?
  • What will the profitability be?

When calculating how much money you will need, decide on the desired volume of cultivation and your goals. Starting with growing mushrooms on the balcony, you need an investment of 10 to 50 dollars. You don’t need to count on any special income, but the result will be growing experience.

Those wishing to organize a large business need to start with a production volume that will produce 50-100 kg of mushrooms per day. This yield can be obtained on an area of ​​about 1000 m².

The profitability of mushroom cultivation is noted at 30-50%. It is influenced by growing conditions, production volume, energy consumption and other factors. Direct expenses will be the purchase of mycelium, compost, containers, utilities, workers' salaries and others.

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