Heating with wood and electricity. Choosing a boiler for heating a private house using wood and electricity

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Autonomous heating is becoming increasingly popular among private property owners. The ability to heat a house and even an apartment at any convenient time, and not at the beginning heating season, provides enormous benefits. And if in apartments the choice of energy is limited (electricity or gas), then in a private house you can install both a solid fuel and a combination boiler (wood-electricity).

The combination boiler most successfully combines the uninterrupted operation of the equipment and its versatility. Depending on the availability of a particular type of fuel, you can select the appropriate mode, each of which will be equally effective.

The design of the unit is quite practical, which leads to reduced heat loss and economical fuel consumption. IN daytime It is advisable to heat the house with coal and/or wood, and at night maintain the temperature with electricity. At the same time, there is no need to monitor the presence of firewood in the firebox, and the nightly electricity tariff is 15-35% lower than the daytime one.

Video 1 Installation of a combination boiler in a private house

Design features

The main difference between combined equipment and solid fuel equipment is the presence of a thermoelectric heater in the heat exchanger tank. The heating element turns on automatically at the moment when the power of the burned fuel is not enough to provide optimal temperature coolant. In other words, the heating element comes into operation when wood or coal burns, the heat subsides and there is a need to heat the coolant. All processes are fully automated and do not require human intervention, with the possible exception of putting firewood into the firebox.

In order to quickly and efficiently warm up rooms, different boilers have from 1 to 4 combustion chambers, each of which is connected to a separate thermoelectric heater.

A boiler for heating a private house, combined wood/electricity, has only 1 combustion chamber and 1 thermoelectric heater, and water is heated in the same way as storage water heater(boiler).

Video 2 Single-circuit boiler using wood and electricity

Why it's worth buying

  • A wide range of fuel used - it can be not only coal or firewood, but also briquettes, pellets, wood waste, etc.;
  • Autonomous operation- the combination boiler operates in “electricity” mode for an unlimited amount of time without human intervention. Heating restrictions can only be due to a lack of electricity. The operation of the equipment is absolutely safe;
  • Convenient maintenance - if necessary, the boiler can be converted into a monofuel one. When using predominantly electric mode, cleaning the boiler and chimney is not required; when using solid fuel regularly, the boiler must be cleaned as often as a standard solid fuel boiler - once a week, the firebox and once every 3-5 months, the chimney.

It's hard to include price among the benefits. Compared to monofuel boilers, combination boilers are much more expensive, which depends on the brand and the number of combustion chambers.

How to choose correctly

Heating equipment can be used for heating residential, industrial and production premises. To select the appropriate model that will be suitable in terms of power and efficiency, you should focus on the number of circuits, performance characteristics and productivity.

When purchasing a combination boiler for heating a private house with electricity/wood, consider the following indicators:

  • equipment - as a cheaper alternative, some manufacturers offer a boiler where the coolant heats only the heating element. This design is irrational, since the voltage in the network is not always stable, and the electricity is sometimes cut off;
  • equipment dimensions - if there are several combustion chambers, which, as a rule, are made of cast iron alloy, the weight of the equipment can reach 500 kilograms or more, which will require a special base and a separate room. Also pay attention to the size of the firebox, since the frequency of adding firewood depends on this parameter.

Cast iron retains heat much longer than ceramics and is suitable for all types of solid fuel.

  • power is a parameter that directly depends on the type of fuel - electricity or wood. Taking into account what type of fuel will be a priority, you should focus on the power of the boiler.

In order for heating to be effective, the boiler power must always exceed the actual need for it.

  • the presence of a water heating circuit, which ensures the availability hot water at water points.

Installation Features

For combined equipment you will need separate room. Here it is necessary to provide the following mandatory installation elements:

  • the foundation is a low reinforced concrete layer that compensates for the dimensions of the boiler;
  • arrangement of the chimney - the principle is in many ways similar to the chimney pipe on solid fuel boiler, where high-quality traction is ensured

Photo 4 Layout of the heating system for a combination boiler

The traction power depends on the height of the pipe head. Its optimal height above the ridge is from 50 cm.

As soon as the boiler is installed, the chimney pipe must be carefully insulated. This will avoid the appearance of condensation and ice in the pipe, which prevents smoke from escaping.

  • a ventilation system that will allow combustion products to be removed in a timely manner and carbon monoxide when he appears.
  • connection to the electrical network - a heating element that maintains and heats the coolant to a certain temperature, operates exclusively from a 220-volt power supply.

To connect the equipment, a 380 volt line and 3 phases is required. In this case, it is necessary to ensure correct connection of the input and grounding to the circuit. You shouldn’t risk grounding to zero with a simple break in the circuit; the automation simply won’t have time to do the dephasing.

The popularity of wood/electricity combo boilers is due to the fact that both types of energy are the most accessible to the population. At the same time, all processes in heating equipment are fully automated, and heat losses are minimized. The overpayment in price is compensated during the first 2-3 years of operation.

Every year, modern autonomous heating systems are becoming more and more popular among country property owners. Traditional gas heating units are, for one reason or another, rejected by owners of private houses (mainly due to the high cost and unavailability of gas) and are being replaced by universal ones combi boilers.

These are amazingly reliable, functional and productive devices, thanks to which you can provide heating for your home or any other property.

Combined heating boilers: electricity and wood as the main fuel

Currently, heating boilers using wood and electricity are in greatest demand among combined equipment. A feature of this technique, as can be seen from the name, is the simultaneous operation of both solid fuel (wood, wood waste) and electricity.

This versatility is ensured by a unique, well-thought-out and quite practical design of the equipment. By by and large heating boilers on wood and electricity they differ from traditional solid fuel only in the additional built-in heating element (installed in the heat exchanger tank). It should be noted that such heating equipment also uses automation system

, which allows you to change the boiler power, operating modes, and also provide switching between fuel types.

Equipment for heating systems: additional equipment and expanded functionality A variety of combined heating boilers, gas, wood and electricity, are often equipped with special sensors and other systems, due to which the performance of the equipment is significantly increased. Such sensors allow technology to automatic mode

turn on electric heating elements, thereby ensuring continuous heating.

This multifunctionality is especially effective in cases where the power of the equipment in the combustion mode of firewood or other solid fuel is insufficient. Any heating boiler using electricity and wood is also good because it copes excellently with low-power operating modes. The instructions for such equipment assume that even if the boiler operates irregularly, it will be able to effectively maintain a constant minimum temperature

indoors, eliminating the possibility of freezing of the liquid in the heating system.

Design features of boilers

Any heating boiler using wood and electricity, as a rule, has a rather simple, but at the same time, well-thought-out design. Often, a firebox is installed at the bottom of the unit, into which any solid fuel is loaded, be it wood, coal or peat.

The heat released during fuel combustion heats the heat exchanger with liquid, which subsequently enters the heating system.

If you switch the heat source to electric mode, the coolant in the system will be heated by heating elements. And even during low-power operation, it is electricity that allows you to automatically maintain a constant minimum temperature of the coolant.

Installation and operating conditions of combined boilers

Unlike traditional heating units, boilers using a combination of several types of energy require special installation and maintenance conditions. It is especially important to consider these requirements for the installation process if the work is done with your own hands.

To begin with, we should point out the fact that a special separate room must be allocated for such heating units in a private house. Also, it is necessary to provide a concrete pad for the unit, equip a chimney and a ventilation system. On our website you can see photos and videos of installed boilers in various houses.

Advice. If you are not sure about own strength– trust the implementation of everything installation work qualified specialists. Real masters at the very short term will perform the full range of work, ensuring high quality and compliance with requirements and standards. In addition, you will have a guarantee for the work performed.

Advantages of boilers running on solid fuel and electricity

If we compare combined heating equipment country houses with traditional gas or simple solid fuel boilers, their advantages become simply obvious:

  • Availability and low price fuel. Due to the possibility of working with solid fuel, it is possible to ensure the combustion of almost any waste from the wood processing industry, the cost of which is simply a pittance;
  • Versatility. Due to the presence of heating elements in the design of heaters, it is possible to obtain heat from the boiler even in cases where it is not possible to use firewood;
  • Economical. Wood and electricity are the most affordable types of fuel these days, and therefore you can save a lot on installing a combi boiler and heating your home. Savings are especially relevant in light of the regular rise in gas prices;
  • Environmental friendliness and absence of harmful emissions from the heating system;
  • Availability of automation systems and special programmers. Such equipment makes it possible to work heating equipment in automatic mode when the owners are not in the house;

  • High quality heating. Products from the woodworking industry, like electricity, emit a lot of heat, and therefore the coolant will be heated as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition, there are no significant energy losses, since the combined equipment has a well-thought-out design;
  • Duration of trouble-free operation.


Combined heating systems are an excellent choice for any private home. Availability of fuel, reliability, versatility and high performance make units from total number heating boilers presented on the domestic market.

In modern conditions, an autonomous housing heating system largely outperforms a centralized option. Having independent heat sources in your homes, for example, combined boilers running on solid fuel and electricity, you don’t have to worry about accidents at the city heating plant. And at the same time independently regulate energy consumption and temperature levels in the rooms.

An autonomous heating system makes it possible to live comfortably in houses located outside the area provided by city heating networks and having an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. There are certain advantages to using your own boiler in your home, connected to the local heating system:

  • the home owner can choose the temperature schedule for the equipment;
  • fuel consumption can be controlled independently;
  • modern boilers allow you to maintain the desired temperature automatically;
  • usage alternative types fuel and relatively cheap electricity provides significant cost savings.

Creating in your home autonomous system heating, all that remains is to choose competently and professionally best option equipment. It should be as efficient and economical as possible in the specific conditions of your home.

Firewood plus electricity is a popular combination of energy carriers

Having abandoned centralized heating, the user is necessarily faced with a global question - which model of heat source to choose? Modern market Heating appliances today offer a significant variety of options. Various types of fuel are used for their operation:

  • solid that burns easily - firewood, sawdust, fuel briquettes, peat;
  • high-temperature solid – hard and brown coal;
  • diesel;
  • natural gas;
  • electricity;
  • non-traditional – mining, gas condensate, plant waste, etc.

Today, we increasingly have to abandon the use of gas due to its significant cost and the insufficient development of the gas pipeline system in the country in areas remote from civilization. Coal and diesel fuel cannot always be regularly obtained in the required quantity over considerable distances. The use of unconventional fuels is limited precisely by their unusual nature. Of the most accessible and comparatively inexpensive options Firewood and electricity remain.

However, even the most efficient boilers are over long burning on wood, which can burn for up to 30 hours, are not able to work continuously if there is no person nearby to put fuel in them. In such cases, only electricity, which is available almost everywhere, can help. And, fortunately, it is their combination that allows you to achieve the best performance when used. Accordingly, equipment manufacturers could not leave this option without their own professional interest. And today on the market, combined heating boilers for wood and electricity are represented by a number of modern models.

Fuel Combination Improves Efficiency

Even the most modern wood-burning boilers, having an efficiency of over 90%, can ensure the duration of maintaining the temperature in the room only within the time required to burn a batch of fuel. However, if there is a long absence of an operator capable of loading a new portion of firewood into the firebox, the process of heating the coolant is interrupted and the temperature of the heating circuit gradually decreases. IN winter period this is dangerous due to the threat of freezing of the house and damage to the entire heating system due to freezing of liquid in pipes and radiators.

Therefore, today cast iron and steel domestic combination boilers have been developed, which can change energy sources during their operation. In open flame heating mode, they use firewood and other dry combustible materials as fuel. And if it is impossible to regularly maintain combustion, such models are switched to operating mode from the electrical network.

For this purpose, the boiler design uses a built-in electric heating element, which is placed directly in the coolant container. The flame from the wood produces fast heating coolant, and the heating element maintains its temperature in the future. This option does not require additional firebox. The electric heating element is simply mounted in the container and connected to the automatic control panel.

The most simple design such a boiler - two metal cylinders different diameters, welded into one another. The inner cavity is the firebox, the outer cavity, limited by the walls of the small cylinder, is a container for the coolant. An electric heater is also placed in the gap.

When firewood burns in the combustion chamber and the temperature in the circuit decreases, the electrical appliance automatically turns on and maintains the heating mode according to given schedule. This option is well suited for houses in which it is impossible permanent residence during the winter period of the year, but which must be maintained in a habitable condition. After all, even one winter without heating can render a completely high-quality structure unusable.

In these cases, combination boilers become an excellent solution to the problem - when you go away for several days, you don’t have to worry that the heating system will freeze. A boiler set to maintenance mode will ensure that the coolant remains in a working liquid state.

What is the best way to switch to combined heating?

When a homeowner decides to do something in his home automated system local heating used in private homes, traditional long-burning boilers can be:

  • improved;
  • replaced by more modern combined models;
  • supplemented with boilers with electrical connection;
  • Each path has its own characteristics, requirements and conditions.

Not every old-style solid fuel boiler can be converted. Technical parameters do not always allow this to be done even in a workshop and using modern equipment. And in most cases, such re-equipment is unreasonably expensive, which makes it simply pointless.

Therefore, it will be easier to simply remove the outdated heat source and install a modern boiler in its place. The only limitation may be the correct choice of location for installing new equipment. There are certain requirements of fire and construction services that must be observed when installing a heating system in a house.

If the currently used boiler is quite satisfactory to the home owner and the time has not yet come to replace it, you can simply connect the electric boiler to a solid fuel boiler, having previously calculated all the technical parameters and made a diagram of the updated heating system. In this option, you will have to slightly modify the existing circuit, since the boiler piping must form a single whole. At the same time, the entire structure must work extremely clearly and efficiently, which can only be achieved by competent preliminary calculations and extreme high-quality execution all work on the re-equipment of the heating system of the house.

The wiring diagram you need can be prepared by specialists who are closely involved in autonomous heating in the private sector. It will not be difficult for professionals to evaluate an existing system and select the most suitable equipment for specific conditions. As a result of this work, the efficiency of the heating system will significantly increase -economical boilers using wood, supplemented by electric heat sources, allows you not only to effectively heat rooms, but also to significantly save on heating costs.

The choice is obvious - maximum comfort in fuel combination

Benefits of use combined options makes them most in demand in modern conditions. Efficient and economical automated solid fuel boilers with electric heating elements are increasingly appearing in homes far from the benefits of civilization.

In such devices you can burn not only wood. Coal, capable of burning for up to 70 hours in a row, provides warmth no worse than wood. In addition, today in many cities the production of fuel pellets has been established, which provide more energy than simple firewood.

Even small-sized objects can be equipped with autonomous heating devices - boilers for wood-burning saunas cope perfectly with the fairly high requirements for such premises in terms of temperature regime. And supplemented electrical elements, they will be able to maintain an optimal atmosphere in them even during the downtime of the sauna between visits.

Each homeowner will be able to see for himself by testing modern heating boilers in his home - this is the most optimal option for combining heat sources for a private home, allowing for the efficient and economical use of heating equipment.

The most affordable types of fuel for heating country house, remote from the gas pipeline, are firewood and electricity. And to guarantee a comfortable temperature in cold and windy weather, it is better to use a combined stove model. In this case, you don’t have to worry that if the electrical wires break, you will have to sit in a freezing house.


Principle of operation

The operating principle of stoves operating on wood and electricity is based on the possibility of automatically turning on electric heating elements when the temperature drops (after solid fuel burns out). This happens as follows:

  • Kindling and heating of the stove is carried out using firewood. Since the firebox is located at the bottom of the device, it transfers heat from burning wood to top part device - to the heat exchanger. An increase in coolant temperature is detected by a sensor installed in the system line;
  • when the temperature begins to drop due to fuel burnout, it automatically closes electrical circuit and electric heaters are connected to operation;
  • from this moment on, the specified coolant temperature parameters are maintained by the heating elements, based on the readings of the air or water sensor;
  • when loading the next batch of solid fuel, automatic shutdown electrical part, since the coolant is heated
  • already from the side of the combustion chamber.

This transition from wood heating to electric heating and vice versa ensures continuous heating of water in the heat exchanger, which allows you to maintain the optimal temperature in the house around the clock.

Wood and electric stoves come in two types:

  • single-circuit - connected to the heating system and used only for heating;
  • double-circuit - designed to heat the coolant in the heating system and hot water for domestic needs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stoves that run on wood and electricity have many advantages over conventional appliances that use only one type of fuel. Such units are more than:

  • universal. They can operate on one of two types of fuel, for example, in the absence of firewood or a planned power outage;
  • economical. Firewood and electricity are among the most available types fuel, besides, in such a stove, not only wood burns well, but also coal, pallets of sawdust and wood chips;
  • effective. Electric wood-burning stoves for homes with water heating have a well-thought-out design, which ensures high heat transfer with minimal heat loss;
  • durable. With proper use, such a device will last at least 25 years;
  • automated. There is no need to constantly monitor the process - these functions are performed automatically.

The following factors should be noted as disadvantages:

  • significant weight. Weight cast iron stoves can be several hundred kilograms, so additional costs will be required to strengthen the base of the floor;
  • high price. Combined-type furnaces cost 25 - 40% more than similar products operating on the same type of fuel;
  • expensive installation and service repairs, which is explained by more complex design similar devices;
  • restrictions on the power of the electrical part. The power of the heating elements should not exceed the power of the wood burning chamber.

What is the best choice for your home?

One of the most important stages in arranging a heating system is the choice of an energy source that can ensure heating of the coolant to optimal temperatures.

Criterias of choice

The main criterion for choosing a combined heating device is performance. The power of the furnace must be sufficient to effectively heat the area of ​​the house.

  1. Averaged. The calculation is based on the ratio of 1 kW of power for every 10 m of area in a building with a ceiling height of no more than 2.5 m. So, for a small dacha with an area of ​​50 m², you need a 5 kW boiler; to heat a country house with an area of ​​300 m², you will need an installation device with a power of 30 kW.
  2. Based on heat loss. With this technique, the furnace power is calculated using the formula:

N=Q*S/1000, where;

  • Q - level of heat loss, W/m² (for example, in monolithic houses without additional thermal insulation ranges from 120 to 200 W/m², in brick houses- from 90 - 120 W/m², for buildings with modern thermal insulation and three-layer double-glazed windows - about 60 - 90 W/m²);
  • S is the area of ​​the house.

In addition to power, when purchasing a device, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • combustion chamber volume. The frequency of fuel loading depends on its size;
  • What material is the heat exchanger and grate made of? The best material for making these structural elements is cast iron. It is less susceptible to corrosion, heat resistant and suitable for any type of fuel;
  • presence of a safety valve. This device is designed to provide safe operation heating systems. If there is a sharp surge in pressure in the system, the valve will automatically release part of the liquid into a prepared container;
  • number of circuits. It is better to choose models in which water heating is carried out not by separate heating elements, but by means of a coil mounted in the combustion chamber;
  • overall dimensions and weight of the device. Products must

Review of the best models

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of models of wood-burning and electric stoves, varying in size, power, design features and, accordingly, in price.

Zota Mix

A simple and easy-to-use device that runs on coal, wood, electricity and natural gas. Equipped with an X-shaped heat exchanger, an additional removable door in the front panel area and an ash collection box. The body is painted with heat-resistant paint.

  • Power - 20 kW;
  • dimensions - 580x425x1060 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 35 l;
  • price - 39,200 rub.

Termofor Gidravlik Engineer with heating element 12 kW

Structural steel is used to manufacture the furnace body parts; the door is made of cast iron and has a glass insert for visual monitoring of the fuel combustion process.

The coolant is heated in convection pipes from the heat generated during the combustion of flue gases and fuel. The furnace is equipped with a thermomanometer, which allows you to control the level of pressure and temperature of the water circuit.


  • Power - 26 kW;
  • heating area - up to 250 m²;
  • dimensions - 440x800x920 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 122 l;
  • price - 29,705 rub.

Teplodar Cooper model OVK-10

Economy class device, equipped hob, built-in heating element for 220 kW. The door is sealed with a special gasket made of silica material.

  • Power - 10 kW;
  • heating area - up to 100 m²;
  • dimensions - 340x500x740 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 18 l;
  • price - 20166 rub.

Teplodar Cooper OVK 18

Kotoya is equipped with complete flame extinguishing in the tube sheet and an additional heat exchanger for hot water. The furnace performance can be adjusted manually or automatically.

  • Power - 18 kW;
  • heating area - up to 100 m²;
  • dimensions - 745x422x645 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 20 l;
  • there is a hob;
  • price - 24780 rub.

Dobrynya 18

A small stove designed for heating and heating hot water. Efficiency of at least 75%.

  • Power - 18 kW;
  • heating area - up to 180 m²;
  • dimensions - 460x830x810 mm;
  • combustion chamber depth - 50 cm;
  • price - 20580 rub.

Teplodar Cooper Carbo 18

The stove is equipped with built-in heating elements, a thermostat and a pressure sensor, a cast iron grate, and a convenient ash drawer.

  • Power - 18 kW;
  • heating area - up to 180 m²;
  • dimensions - 855x495x715 mm;
  • Efficiency - 80%;
  • price - 35930 rub.

Termofor Gidravlik Student with heating element 9 kW

The oven body is made of structural steel, the door is cast iron with glass. The equipment of the device includes a tubular electric heater and an ash box; the walls of the firebox are shielded.

  • Power - 16 kW;
  • heating area - up to 150 m²;
  • dimensions - 370x720x770 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 70 l;
  • price - 22995 rub.

Cooper PRO 22 Teplodar

The stove is a combined type, capable of operating on one load of firewood for up to 8 hours, then the temperature is maintained using built-in heating elements.

  • Power - 22 kW;
  • heating area - up to 220 m²;
  • dimensions - 855x485x670 mm;
  • Efficiency - 85%;
  • price - 25464 rub.

Breneran AQUATEN AOTV-19 t04

Powerful and practical unit connected to the heating system open type, with natural circulation.

  • Power - 35 kW;
  • heating area - up to 1000 m²;
  • dimensions - 1500x800x1700 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 200 l;
  • price - 56650 rub.

Zota Master 20 KOTV (Zota Master 20)

The boiler runs on coal or wood and is additionally equipped with heating elements or a gas burner.

  • Power - 20 kW;
  • heating area - up to 200 m²;
  • dimensions - 8200x440x760 mm;
  • combustion chamber volume - 40 l;
  • price - 28775 rub.

Where is the best place to install?

A wood and electric stove must be installed in a room with a normal level of humidity, the walls of which are lined with non-combustible materials. The choice of location is determined depending on the decoupling scheme of the heating system.

General connection diagram

An asbestos board is placed under the device, which simultaneously serves as a leveling layer and protection. flooring from fire. The room should be equipped with high-quality supply - exhaust ventilation and chimney pipe. Special requirements apply to the electrical network in the room:

  • the brand and cross-section of the electrical wire must correspond to the maximum current consumed by the furnace;
  • It is recommended to connect the unit to the network via a differential relay, which will operate if there is a current leak of 30 mA;
  • devices with a power of 2 - 5 kW are usually designed for a supply voltage of 220 V and are connected to a regular single-phase power line at home. More powerful stoves are produced for a voltage of 380 V; to connect them, a three-core cable is required.

Features of operation

To light the stove, you can use wood chips or splinters. They need to be placed in the combustion chamber and set on fire. After the fire has flared up, larger firewood is laid. The air dampers should be open at this moment; they can be closed after the fire has engulfed the logs.

Heating a room with an electric wood stove, no matter where it is located, can be potentially dangerous. Therefore, there are safety precautions during operation designed to reduce dangerous situations to a minimum:

  • a metal sheet must be laid on the floor in front of the combustion door;
  • Grounding must be connected to the device body;
  • Clean the chimney in a timely manner.


Wood and electric home stoves with a water circuit are universal appliances. They can be used as a heat source in a heating system and to provide hot water. The ability to operate these units on wood helps solve the main problem of suburban real estate - power outages.

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Large-scale construction of suburban real estate has led to rapid development of the heating systems market. Owners of private and country houses increasingly prefer modern systems autonomous heating, abandoning gas water heaters. This is often due to the high cost of natural resources or the inability to connect gas to the house. Universal combination boilers are gradually replacing gas units.

Combination boilers are designs that can operate at various types fuel. Versatility The advantage of these units is that they can be used in absolutely any area; they do not require special conditions. Plus, combination boilers can be used without worrying about a weak gas supply or power surges. If problems arise, you can easily switch to another fuel source. Combined equipment can operate on diesel and solid fuel, gas and electricity.

Construction of combined boilers

Types of combined boilers

Depending on the combination of fuel types, there are Various types combined boilers:

  • diesel fuel and natural gas;
  • diesel, natural gas and solid fuel (usually firewood is used);
  • diesel, natural gas and electricity;
  • diesel, solid fuel, gas and electricity.

Combined boilers for diesel and natural gas are less common than others. This is a rather unusual combination of the most expensive and cheapest fuel. But this model of the combined unit is very technically efficient.

Boilers running on gas, diesel and solid fuel, last years are gaining more and more popularity. It has become unfashionable to use boilers using only wood, however, boilers with a combination of different types of fuel continue to be produced. In addition, it is not at all necessary to use firewood; it can be replaced peat or wood briquettes, coal or coke.

Gas-wood boilers are no less popular, but these models have the lowest level of control security and automation, accordingly, they require more attention and concentration of the owner. In this regard, such boilers have the lowest cost.

Combined gas-solid fuel-electricity boilers. Very common in private and country houses. The only and most important drawback of such boilers is inability to completely heat the entire house. This device can only maintain the optimal temperature level in the system.

A boiler that uses electricity, gas, diesel and solid fuel is a universal device for heating and water supply living space. The use of such boilers minimizes heating costs and also reduces operating risks.

A variation of this model is a combination boiler that runs on electricity and solid fuel (wood).

Combined wood-electricity boiler

The design of this unit is well thought out and practical in design. In order to warm a house in a short time, you can use wood or wood waste. Electric mode operation is turned on only to maintain the optimal temperature level in the room. This is very convenient, especially at night, when it is almost impossible to constantly monitor the firebox.

Unlike traditional solid fuel boilers, an additional heating element is installed in the heat exchanger tank. In addition, this model of combi boiler has a built-in automation system, allowing you to change the power and operating modes of the boiler. Also, such models provide automatic switching between fuel types, which ensures maximum unit safety. We can conclude that this boiler model is the most efficient and has a number of advantages over other types of combined boilers.


  1. Low cost of the unit;
  2. Versatility;
  3. Availability;
  4. Availability of an automation system;
  5. High quality heating.

Principle of operation

This model works almost the same as a conventional solid fuel boiler. Firewood is loaded into the firebox, which is located below, and the heat that is released during the combustion of wood is heated by a heat exchanger with water that enters heating system. Additional heating element maintains the required temperature, preventing freezing of the coolant. After the wood burns out, it turns on automatically.

What to look for when buying an electric wood boiler

A combination boiler that runs on wood and electricity is worth buying, taking into account the main parameters:

  • power;
  • the presence of a coil for hot water - a secondary circuit;
  • grate material for sifting out ash; when using firewood, it is better to give preference cast iron grates, they are the most heat-resistant, ceramic grates are suitable for bulk materials - straw or wood chips;
  • weight of the unit - some models can weigh more than tens of kilograms, so additional reinforcement of the floor may be required before installation;
  • firebox size;
  • valve for silent operation of the boiler;
  • heat exchanger material, it can be steel or cast iron, the latter are heavier in weight and can crack due to temperature changes, but, unlike steel ones, they will save you from corrosion.

The use of combined heating systems will ensure reliability, high performance and efficiency of heating your home.

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