Unlinking iPhone from iCloud account. How to unlink an iPad from the former owner's Apple iD

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In this article, we will tell you in detail how to unlink your Apple ID from your iPhone or iPad, and also tell you how to delete information from your iCloud account and disable Activation Lock.

How to disable your Apple ID account on the iPhone/iPad itself

You can disable your Apple ID account directly from your smartphone. This is a simple procedure that does not take much time. In the Home menu (main page) select settings, and then the iCloud tab. Cloud storage is the place where you can disable your account.

Latest versions IOS contain useful function called "Find iPhone". To unbind it you need to turn it off. If everything is done correctly, the function will become inactive. Next you will need to enter a security code. If you are a second-hand buyer of a phone, find out about it from the former owner.

To completely clear the gadget’s memory, click on the “Exit” tab.

The system will warn you that when the command is executed, the data will be deleted and cannot be restored. We agree. As a result, all information - phone numbers, photo/video content, cache memory - any other information will be permanently deleted from the device. The cleaning process is long. It all depends on the memory capacity and device model. The operation can take about an hour. Upon completion, the user data will be completely deleted. But the problem is that Apple is developing cloud technologies with all its might. A copy of the information that the smartphone stored is on the servers remote access. Its removal can be done using a computer connected to the Internet and a browser.

Removing information from your iCloud account

iCloud Cloud Storage technologies provide the ability to disable your Apple ID account. This option is allowed so that the account remains intact on the smartphone. There is no point in deleting it, because the authorization data is erased from the servers of the manufacturer, becoming inactive. To unlink Apple ID via cloud storage You will need a computer connected to the Internet. We go to the official iCloud website, log in by entering data - login, password. Again, if you bought a smartphone that has not yet been untied, find out the data from the previous owner.

Important to do backup copy data stored on the phone. This need arose due to the way in which the operating principle of cloud storage is built. Certain data (in the latest, tenth version of IOS, the user himself sets with the settings what to save directly to the cloud and what to HDD gadget - this way you can specify that new photos are instantly imported into cloud storage, and browser history, phone numbers and other “bulk” information remain on the phone) are stored for remote access on the company’s server. This technology is designed to ensure the safety of information, expand the memory of the iPhone/iPad, and facilitate the exchange of information between Apple clients. Without creating a backup copy and deleting the iCloud account, a person loses some of the material.

Backup is available manually or automatic mode. We choose the first option, so you can be sure that everything you need is saved. To copy we use iTunes. We save the data to your computer.

Then we proceed to delete the account.

As soon as the manipulations are completed, the gadget is ready to delete user information. Remember that the device needs an Internet connection with the “Find iPhone” option activated. If there is no connection, no problem. A delayed start program is provided - as soon as there is a connection to the Internet, data erasing will begin.

Delete information, reset settings

The unlinking process will be complete if you reset the settings and delete the information. To do this you need the following:

  • Select “Settings”.
  • Click on the “Basic” column.
  • In the window that opens, scroll to the very bottom. There is a “Reset” item there. It is necessary to return the smartphone settings to their original factory settings. We will need from this submenu the “Erase content and settings” column.
  • Enter the password.

If the steps are completed correctly, the removal process will begin. Its duration similarly depends on the amount of occupied memory, device model and operating system version. Under some circumstances, deletion will take more than an hour.

Owners of firmware or hacked gadgets are not recommended to use this method. This will block the device.

Disabling Activation Lock

New versions of the IOS operating system have an Activation Lock feature. It makes it possible to block an iCloud account remotely in case of loss or theft of the phone. The owner submits an application on the official website, and the device is blocked, preventing any actions. When a person purchased an Apple gadget and discovered that Activation Lock was activated, it is impossible to remove it without the participation of the previous owner. Contacting support will not help. It's easy to check for Activation Lock. Just go to the official iCloud website and enter in the appropriate field serial number iPhone/iPad. The results of the check will not be long in coming. You should not buy a gadget before Activation Lock is turned off, otherwise it will become impossible to use the device.

The procedures described above are relevant for models with the 10th generation iOS operating system. But in previous versions the process is similar. Do not purchase a tethered smartphone or tablet. Its cost is high, as is the possibility of obtaining a dysfunctional device. Let the seller take care of untying himself.

Why do you need to unlink your Apple ID from your iPhone/iPad?

The process of purchasing Apple devices second-hand is associated with some degree of risk. Being one of the leading companies in the field of digital technologies and communications, Yabloko is constantly improving its products. A separate development column includes a security system. Apple came up with a simple, but effective way protect iPhone or iPad from theft/hacking. When the device is first activated, the user will be asked to create an Apple ID account, through which all subsequent operations related to operation will take place. This is web surfing, update software, downloading/installing applications, cloud storage.

Such protection reduces the meaning of device theft to zero. They simply won’t be able to activate it, and it’s difficult to sell a blocked gadget. But the buyer requires attention and a thorough check of the device before purchasing. Therein lies the catch. During a legal sale, the former owner, due to forgetfulness or ignorance, may not transfer identification data to the buyer and forget to unlink the Apple ID himself. This is necessary because after updating the operating system, the gadget will ask you to enter a login/password for authorization.

If this happens, you need to contact the former owner of the iPhone/iPad or report the incident to Apple support. But there are pitfalls here.

  • The former owner may not provide authorization data due to the fact that the account is linked credit card, which is necessary to make purchases in the AppStore.
  • In the second case you will need original box from the device, documentation, receipt, otherwise Apple will refuse to untie the ID.

On the World Wide Web, more and more often, users are faced with the Apple ID problem. On various forums, thousands of questions are asked about whether it is possible to unlink an iPhone from Apple ID without a password. I would not like to upset you in advance, but I have not yet come across a single truly high-quality bypass for blocking; there are many very high-profile names on the Internet, but in fact they make it possible to bypass the blocking only partially. After this, your iPhone will look like an iPad; many functions will not work, including the most important one - you will not be able to make a call. First things first, let’s first figure out what an Apple ID is.

This service was developed in order to increase the level of security, I would even say, to take it to a completely different level. And this applies not only to the phone itself, but also to all the data that is inside the device. The technology allows the user to lock his gadget, even if the device is located in another part of the Earth, the same can be done with the data that is inside the phone or tablet.

A huge advantage is that no one except you will be able to buy from this account, and in general it becomes impossible to perform any important actions without knowing the password.

If your phone is stolen or perhaps you have lost it, within a few minutes you will be able to block it and the person who has this device will simply not be able to use it, since the impenetrable Activation Lock protection will be activated.

How to unlink iPhone from Apple iD

It is probably very sad for people who have updated or reflashed their iPhone to understand that to use this device you need to enter an iD. This is especially sad for those who bought the phone in used condition and do not have the opportunity to ask the previous owner for account information.

To prevent such a situation from happening in your life, we are writing this article, and we will also discuss how to solve this problem if such a situation has already occurred.

In order to save both your and my precious time, I would like to discuss a very, very important point at the very beginning of the article. In a situation where the iPhone asks for an Apple ID, no matter what spells you have, you will not be able to log into the system without filling out an account, I repeat, you will not be able to do this in any way, since this is one of the most secure operating systems. I hope you heard me. Now you can move on to creating a new account.

Disabling an account

Unbinding a device is not a tricky matter, therefore, if you still have access to the gadget, you will need to take a few simple steps; in a situation where the device is already locked, then this method will probably not help you.

First of all, you need to go to your phone's settings and find the iCloud icon there. After scrolling down, you will see the “sign out” column. You are required to click on it, after which the same column will appear again, you need to click on it again.

After this, a window will appear on your display asking you how to dispose of the saved data, click “delete from iPhone” and write your account password. Done? Great! The previous account has been deleted from your phone.

Now you can safely activate

Removing from iCloud

If you are unable to find your previous account, there may be several reasons; perhaps you gave it away, or they did not give it to you when you purchased the gadget. You will need to find the old owner of this device and ask him for the data that was on the phone. After you have found the old data, go to the iCloud website and go through authorization using the data that you took from the previous owner of the device.

Next, find the “Find iPhone” column and select the “All devices” subsection in which your device should appear, find exactly the device that you want to delete and click on it, a window with the “Erase iPhone” column will appear on the display, erase the whole thing by confirming the “erase” button, after which you will need to enter the ID password.

The job is done, your phone is untied from the old account, the next time you connect to the World Wide Web, the complete cleaning process will start.

Checking the phone for Activation Lock

At the dawn of 2017, Apple deleted the page on the Internet through which Activation Lock was checked by IMEI, they explained this to people by saying that all the powerful hackers hacked this site, selected clean IMEIs on it, and then reprogrammed various devices using program code. On this moment this service no longer works and it is unknown whether it will work at all or not.

What to do if you bought an iPhone, but it turned out to be linked to another account, how to unlink it and is it possible?

It is advisable for you to read what I am about to write several times and remember for the rest of your life. If you bought a phone or tablet, or even an Apple Watch, then it is in your interests to check in the settings whether the former user deleted his account; the entire responsibility for such a simple check lies with the buyer, and not with the seller. Very often I read on forums how some people cursed at sellers, instead of looking for the reason within themselves.

In my experience, I had to communicate with a huge number of people who, after purchasing a device, were in a state of impasse. They bought the gadget in used condition and, due to their knowledge, this usually happens with Android users, they simply did not ask for any data. Then the following picture usually happened: after suffering a little, the buyer began to look for the old owner of the phone, but more often than not it turned out that the phone number on which you called the person who sold you the product was simply out of the network coverage area, and he was most likely selling the phone for the same reason.

It’s probably sad to say, but in this case, even technical service support, it will only help you if you have a store receipt; if it is present, then maybe you will be lucky.

I would like to add that flashing the device will not help you either; Android users have probably already thought about this method. The problem is that every time you turn on the gadget, the phone sends data to a special apple service, from where the return response is sent, therefore, until you have learned how to delete files from a distance, you will not be able to unlock the gadget.

How to unlink apple id from iphone? Answers to your many questions.

Version 7 of Apple's mobile OS introduced improved security.

This step allowed significantly reduce the number of thefts. Owners of new devices have become less worried about losing their own phone.

However, the innovation also has negative sides. They concern the secondary market.

There are fewer stolen devices on it, but due to the ignorance of sellers, more and more legitimate buyers are faced with the fact that their iPhones are permanently blocked after a system update.

It’s good if in this case you have a connection with the seller or everything you need to contact support (box, receipt and information about the point of purchase of the phone).

To do this, you only need access to the Internet (platform and operating system do not play a role).

First you need to visit https://www.icloud.com and log in with your account.

You will first need to create a backup copy of all data.

This process occurs automatically, but to save the full amount of information, it is better to do it manually yourself.

You just need to connect your phone to your PC and go to iTunes.

In the main menu you will need to launch “Find iPhone”. At the top of the screen, in the middle of the horizontal menu, there will be an item “All devices”.

Clicking on it will open a drop-down list of connected devices, from which you will need to select the one you need.

A small window with available actions will appear in the right corner of the screen. There you will need to click “Erase iPhone”.

After this, the system will ask you to confirm the erasure.

Carrying out this procedure requires entering the password for your Apple ID account. Without this, erasing the device is impossible.

There is no need to enter a message or phone number. Just click “Next” and “Finish”.

The process of wiping the device will begin immediately after you click “Done”, provided that it is connected to the network.

Otherwise, the procedure will be delayed until the first connection. After these manipulations, the device can be activated with a different Apple account.

However, this is not all preparation measures.

To prevent the new owner from inadvertently gaining access to any information from the previous owner, you will need to reset the settings and delete the data.

Is your iPhone asking for someone else's password? This is a fairly common problem, especially if you received a used smartphone. Read our instructions for deleting and logging out of Apple ID using convenient methods.

“How to unlink an iPhone from iCloud for sale?” One of the most popular questions, the answer to which Apple technology users are looking for every day and every minute. “My iPhone keeps asking me for the wrong Apple ID password. Can I make him forget this ID and just enter his login?

Working with iCloud and changing Apple ID

Your Apple ID is your address Email(often ending in iCloud.com, although not necessarily) which you use to sign in App Store and other most popular services from Apple. If the smartphone is working normally or you bought it completely new, you will be prompted to enter your Apple ID at an early stage (the initial setup of the phone), then iOS remembers it. Whenever you need to download apps and games, you may have to re-enter your password for operating system security reasons.

If iOS crashes and asks for a password for another Apple ID that is completely unfamiliar to you, it means something went wrong or perhaps there is no error in the phone's OS, most likely you bought this smartphone secondhand or found a lost gadget with someone else's account. In any case, you will want to get rid of the unwanted Apple ID and unlink it from your iPhone. In this lesson we will clearly and step by step show you how to do this.

Incorrect Apple ID appears in App Store

The simplest example of this problem occurring is when someone borrows your iPhone or iPad for a short period of time and enters their own Apple ID to install the application. The next time you log into the App Store, it will be clear that the same account of your friend will be used again.

Unlink and remove Apple ID from App Store or iCloud:

    Open the app store.

    Scroll to the very bottom.

    Click on the button with the Apple ID identifier.

Once you've signed out of your third-party account, enter your iCloud account credentials. You should now have your Apple ID in the App Store. When downloading or updating applications, the system will automatically prompt you for a password.

Please note that an application that is installed by another person using their Apple ID account will remain on your device. This can cause complications because the iOS system remembers that this was a “Purchase” that was made under a different account. When an app update becomes available, you may be asked to enter your boyfriend's account password to download it.

How to unlink an iPhone from iCloud or remove Apple ID from cloud storage?

Deleting an account from iCloud or Friend Finder is much more difficult than it might seem. In these cases, iPhone prompts you for your password before deleting your account. This is one of the main security measures to prevent the sale of stolen phones.

If you know the person who sold you the phone, you should get the account password from him as soon as possible. If you do not have your password, contact your iPhone seller as soon as possible and try to return the phone.

If you have a password, follow these steps to unlink your iPhone from iCloud or exit Friend Finder:

    Open the “Settings” menu item. Click on your account icon at the top of the screen, where your name and image will be shown. (in older versions of iOS

    Scroll down and click Sign Out. When prompted/confirmed, click Remove.

    Enter your Apple ID password.

    Choose whether you want to keep copies of iCloud data for Calendars, Contacts, Reminders, and Safari.

Once you're signed out, you can tap Sign In and enter your Apple ID and new password to start using your device.

What to do if you don't know your password?

Unfortunately, we don't know how to remove an Apple ID from an Apple device if you don't know the password. This is the main security measure that has been implemented Apple company to help combat iPhone theft.

If you are going to buy a used iPhone, this is one of the most important points, which is worth paying attention to.

What methods do you use to unlink your iPhone from iCloud? Share your solution in the comments to this article.

Details Benks Created: June 24, 2017 Updated: June 24, 2017

Almost anyone, even the most novice user of Apple products, knows that an Apple ID is individual access to all the company’s services, which, moreover, allows, if necessary, to find a lost device and prevents a thief from using it. But what to do if you received a used iPhone with an unlocked ID? What to do so as not to end up with a very expensive and beautiful brick instead of a phone?

Disabling Apple ID from a smartphone

First, you need to go through Settings to the Apple cloud resource - iCloud. Having done this, you should scroll to the very end of the window and click on the Exit button twice.

Then the system will ask you what to do with the data stored in the cloud. All this, of course, also needs to be removed. Here iOS will ask you to enter your Apple ID password to confirm the deletion - and you need to be prepared for this.

In theory, after these steps, your device is untied from the Apple ID of the previous owner. However, to be absolutely sure that during the next update your smartphone won’t ask you to enter a password you don’t know, you should do something else.

Go to Settings - General - Reset and select the "Erase content and settings" tab. After this, the system may again ask you to enter the previous owner's password. Do this, and then click “Erase iPhone.”

Now all the data of the previous owner has been deleted and you can link the device to your account with a clear conscience.

How to remove a smartphone from iCloud

Consider the opposite situation: you sold or gave away your smartphone and now you are asked to unlink it from your Apple ID. You don’t have the smartphone itself; it is already with the new owner. Everything is simple here.

First, go to iCloud.com and sign in with your Apple ID. Then you should go to the “Find iPhone” section. In it you need to select “All devices” and then - in the list that appears - find the smartphone that should be unlinked. Click "Erase iPhone" and then confirm your decision. After this, the site will ask you to enter your Apple ID password.

After this, when you turn on the device, it will be completely cleared of your data, and, accordingly, unlinked from your ID.

If the smartphone is linked to your ID, but it is impossible to access the Internet from it (this happens, after all), then your actions will be the same, but the phone itself will then need to be reflashed in DFU mode.

Previously - until 2017 - any Apple device could be checked for iCloud Activation Lock using the individual IMEI of the device, but now Apple has closed this possibility, citing security requirements. Well, in the end, they know better how to protect us.

Important. If you happen to purchase a used iPhone through an ad, it is the buyer's sole responsibility to ensure it is fully cleaned and ready to go. If your smartphone is locked after another reboot, there is no other way to unlock it except by contacting the previous owner. And don’t believe scammers who promise to unlock your smartphone without an Apple ID. There is no such method.

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