Embittered people - reasons and rules for communicating with them. Why are people so angry

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Throughout life, a person is constantly surrounded by other people with whom he has to communicate and encounter in one way or another. These are colleagues, classmates, classmates, friends, employees of shops and other institutions, acquaintances of acquaintances, even just passers-by. However, not all of them, unfortunately, are friendly. And even kind people can sometimes show anger.

Why are people evil? Why can they treat life and people with aggression? What makes them do this, because we are all brought up in similar conditions, in the same traditions, instilling love for our neighbor.

Reasons for anger

Anger is a vivid and pronounced feeling of dissatisfaction with someone or something. It is not uncommon that anger can develop into anger, that is, a person is able to move on to actions that will be aimed at causing harm to the object or others that are the cause of anger.

Reasons for anger:

1. Disappointment, dissatisfaction with life. This should also include frustration - an emotional state that is caused by the inability to satisfy needs and unjustified expectations.

2. Envy.

3. Jealousy.

4. Life shocks (loss, personal misfortune, etc.)

5. Psychological diseases.

7. Stress and fatigue.

8. Psychological trauma.

9. Depression.

10. Tendency to impulsive actions, increased emotionality.

11. A person simply wants to be like this.

13. Lack of a favorite activity.

IN this list There are reasons that depend on both the internal state of people and external factors.

Properties of anger

1. In the above list there are reasons that depend on both the internal state of people and external factors.

2. In addition, anger has the ability to accumulate. At the same time, various causes of anger can overlap each other. And this can lead to serious mental distress, including health problems.

3. Anger in some situations is defensive reaction a person to the current situation, or a signal for a person that warns that something is going wrong.

4. It is necessary to understand that people are not always evil. The most evil people in a different environment and situation are capable of being kind and pleasant in communication.

5. A person is not always to blame for being evil. Sometimes life itself, the trials that befall him and his environment make him this way.

6. Evil in the other direction. Enough for some simple attention so that kindness awakens in them. For example, a person is angry because of resentment or loneliness. For others, specialized help from psychologists or appropriate medication will be needed.

7. Anger is a destructive feeling, it accumulates. Therefore, it should be expressed constructively, in a peaceful manner. This will help solve the problem.

How should a person behave around evil people?

1. When communicating with such a person, you should remember that he is in this moment is in an affective state. He is at odds with himself, so it is difficult for him to control himself.

2. There is no need to provoke evil people, because it is not always possible to resolve a conflict through negotiations.

3. If anger is directed specifically at you, then it is advisable to leave and continue the conversation only after time has passed, when the person has calmed down.

4. If you notice that people around you have become angrier, then evaluate your behavior, try not to incite aggression in those around you. Perhaps you are setting a negative tone for the environment, putting pressure on people, causing anger.

Feeling angry familiar to every person.

This condition is explained not only psychologically, but also medical point vision.

What is it: definition of the concept

Anger is a negative emotional reaction in which an extreme degree of dissatisfaction and irritation is felt.

Caused by specific circumstances, the actions of other people, and one’s own mistakes.

Often this feeling occurs for no apparent reason due to internal contradictions tearing apart the personality.

Anger is an exclusively negative, destructive phenomenon. It negatively affects not only the emotional state of the person experiencing it, but also his relationships with others.

The more people in society who demonstrate dissatisfaction and irritation, especially the negative attitude of all its members in general.

The same thing happens in a small group: one dissatisfied person can ruin the mood of everyone else.

Psychology of feeling

When a person becomes angry, special neurons located in the hypothalamus are activated. Anger fulfills the role of a defense mechanism. By the appearance of this feeling, we can judge the presence of a problem that is present at a given moment in time.

Often people engage in self-deception and ignore the negative reactions that arise in their minds.

As a result, the unpleasant feeling is suppressed, but does not disappear.

It stays deep inside and weakens the internal resources of the individual.

For this reason, it is so important to objectively assess such an emotional state, try to find a rational explanation for it, and take measures to resolve the situation.

Anger arises for several reasons:

There may be anger short-term or long-term. In the first case, what is being experienced is reflected in the action performed, the phrase spoken, etc.

As soon as a person gives release to the thoughts that torment him, he immediately returns to a normal state.

Long-term anger accumulates over a long period of time. Such a prolonged emotion can negatively affect the personality, lifestyle and relationships with others.

This feeling not always destructive.

In certain situations, it can be a powerful incentive to make important changes in your life.

Anger at oneself is the most productive.

Not all people are able to recognize the fact that all events that happen to them are the result of their own thoughts and actions.

The ability to objectively assess your shortcomings helps you learn to control your life and. Exactly anger becomes a powerful engine, thanks to which a person completely changes the reality around him.

Medical factors

In a state of stress, irritation, anger, the level of norepinephrine.

This is a hormone of the adrenal medulla, which is in many ways similar in its characteristics to adrenaline.

During negative emotional reactions due to increased levels of norepinephrine in the blood the heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, and blood supply to the muscles increases.

If you pay attention to an angry person, you can notice the redness of his face, muscle tension, and a change in facial expressions.

In a state of strong excitement, a person begins to speak loudly, his nostrils flare, and his breathing quickens.

All these external manifestations of experienced dissatisfaction are the result of an increase in the level of norepinephrine in the blood. It is for this reason that it is so important not to keep feelings inside, but to give them a way out. This allows reduce negative impact on the body.

Causes of anger

Anger arises for various reasons. Depending on the gender and age of the person, these reasons may differ.

In society

Why did people become so evil and cruel? Modern society at the same time presents to the person a large number of requirements and provides many temptations.

In pursuit of material wealth, people often do not notice how they constantly experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. They don't like their job, income, apartment, car, family, etc.

The desire to live up to imposed ideals and the constant bustle of life plunge people into a state of depression, chronic fatigue. All this leads to the fact that the slightest external stimuli become the cause of anger.

People are arguing in public transport because of cramped conditions and stuffiness, they quarrel with their housemates because of the noise in the apartment, they share parking spaces in the yard, they envy more successful colleagues, etc.

The average person doesn’t have many real reasons why it’s really worth getting angry.

If you learn is at peace with himself and with the people around him, then you can minimize the frequency of occurrence of this destructive emotion.

Important appreciate small joys, take care of loved ones, get out into nature more often, communicate with animals, etc. The kinder a person is, the more favorable the atmosphere around him is. Evil people, as a rule, see one negative in all surrounding phenomena and events.

Among women

Why did I become angry?

An aggressive woman not only is not happy herself, but also makes her loved ones unhappy: her husband, children.

Main reasons reasons why a girl becomes angry:

Irritability during pregnancy

Changes during pregnancy progesterone and estrogen levels in a woman's blood. This leads to anxiety, irritability, and abrupt behavior.

Women in this position become vulnerable, impressionable and... Often they themselves are not able to control their own behavior.

In addition to hormonal changes, major physiological changes occur in the body: weight gain, swelling, nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. All this also has a negative impact on emotional state future mother.

The forced need to lead a normal lifestyle until a certain period of time is also of great importance.

Pregnant women must perform professional duties, do housework, and take care of their husbands regardless of their well-being and psychological state.

On later The inability to perform basic tasks without assistance (tying shoelaces, getting into the shower, climbing stairs) often becomes an additional cause of irritation.

In men

Men are no less emotional than women. Reasons why they usually feel angry:

  • unmet need (for food, sex, care, money, material goods, etc.);
  • lack of recognition (from the woman you love, colleagues, family);
  • illness with resulting poor health;
  • troubles (personal, professional, financial);
  • envy;
  • loneliness.

Bitterness in children and adolescents

Teenage aggression, as a rule, manifests itself more clearly. This is explained by immaturity of the psyche, inability to control one’s behavior, and the desire to attract attention.

It is important for parents and specialists Recognize early that your child has problems and take appropriate measures. The main causes of children's anger:

So anger is destructive feeling, which you need to be able to fight at any age.

A pent-up negative reaction can cause serious harm to the human body.

Why are people evil? Find out about it in the video:

Man differs from animals, among other things, in the presence of a wide range of feelings and emotions. Anger is manifested by people everywhere: at home, on the road, in public transport, at work, in nature, with friends, etc. That is why there will always be someone who wants to understand why a close or not so close person shows aggression, what is the nature of this phenomenon. And some especially gentle and kind young ladies will even seek advice on how to become evil.

Definition and essence

To begin with, you can see what dry scientific interpretations say. According to explanatory dictionaries and psychology reference books, anger is an emotion or feeling of anger, ill will, aggression, frustration or rage caused by someone or something that prevents a person from getting what he wants. It can be directed either to a particular object or to a group of similar objects, and may also not have a specific addressee. There are two types: with a positive influence on the individual (for example, in sports) and with a negative one (for example, the desire to cause physical harm to someone or commit illegal actions).

Instinct for Survival

Nature has worked hard to create man, both physiologically and psychologically. Much of what we call today is actually nothing more than instincts. For example, in order to express his attitude to what is happening, a person has learned to laugh or cry. And in order to defend his place in the group and in this cruel world, homo sapiens had no choice but to become angrier. It was the manifestation of aggression and hostility that helped our ancestors survive in a harsh world, where every day was a struggle for life in literally. This instinct is inherited and it is very unlikely to get rid of it. And is it necessary? And the fact that we become angrier over the years can be explained very simply: accumulated experience, unfulfilled dreams, a subconscious understanding of the approaching end. These are all the tricks of nature, so to speak, a component of the survival instinct.

We are not like that, but life is like that

Yes, it’s very simple: change the environment! It is the people around us who often become the cause of aggression, cruelty and anger. For example, a child from a family with a dysfunctional emotional environment is unlikely to grow up to be a kind person. And this applies not only to antisocial elements, such as alcoholics, drug addicts or gambling addicts. Most likely, a child will grow up angry in a family where they often shout, make trouble, or even fight. In adulthood, everything happens similarly. Finding yourself surrounded by aggressive classmates, colleagues, friends or neighbors, a person willy-nilly adapts to the situation. All this is due to the manifestation of the same instinct inherent in nature: in order to survive, there is nothing left but to become angrier.

Don't come near - he'll kill you!

Very often, subordinates are afraid of their leaders and, discussing orders and instructions among themselves, accuse them of being excessively aggressive. What causes this? There are two possible answers. Firstly, power literally drives many people crazy. Instead of striving for something new, developing and learning, they choose the path of self-affirmation by humiliating the dignity of others. Constantly emphasizing their superiority, such individuals feel better and more confident. The root of this behavior most often lies in improper upbringing or stress experienced in childhood or adolescence. But another option is also possible. For example, a young, smart and beautiful employee is suddenly appointed head of a department in which there are a dozen other young ladies who are not very keen on productive work. Or in this office there are only men who do not take the leader in a skirt seriously. Of course, it will not be easy for her to subjugate such a team and force it to work, and she will probably choose the path of becoming evil and making her subordinates afraid of herself.

Still waters run deep

Most often, people are evil not of their own free will, but due to some circumstances. For example, a man became angry after he lost his favorite job or went broke in business. His aggression and hostility can be directed both to individuals whom he considers to blame for his failures, and to the whole world, if the reasons for what happened cannot be blamed on someone specific. This can happen even to someone who was previously considered an optimist and a cheerful person.

Or another example: a sweet, quiet and modest girl became angry after her loved one abandoned her and went to her childhood friend. The transformation of a gray mouse into a real bitch happens quite often, because a broken heart is accompanied by very strong emotional experiences, which awaken previously dormant feelings in our consciousness.

Unfulfilled ambitions or the collapse of a dream can change the psychological state of absolutely any person, even a very kind and friendly one.

Fashionable emotional trends

If someone complains: “I’m becoming angry, I don’t know what to do, I’m yelling at everyone and I hate everyone,” etc., you should advise this person to find like-minded people. Perhaps among them he or she will feel better and more confident. Today, not surprisingly, it is becoming fashionable to be aggressive and lonely. IN in social networks Whole groups of such hermits are being created who do not believe in the power of Good, but from childhood they are convinced that Evil is smart, insidious, cunning, strong.

Anger - good or bad?

So, why a person becomes angry is understandable. The causes and nature of the phenomenon are clear. But is it so bad to be evil? Everything that is created by nature has its own meaning and purpose. Sometimes the manifestation of aggression is vital for the individual to survive or stabilize the psychological state. If you need to cause a storm of emotions, then there are several ways to become angry. Firstly, you can be in an extremely unpleasant situation and play it out in your mind until you get the desired result. If your imagination fails and nothing works out, you should try the second method. To do this, you need to surround yourself with irritants: turn on a TV show or music that causes obvious rejection, change temperature regime in the room to an uncomfortable level or wearing uncomfortable clothing. Just a little time - and a person is already “angry as a dog.”

The main thing in this matter is a sense of proportion. You can’t restrain your emotions and you definitely need to give them a way out, but if your anger is already overflowing, then you can moderate your ardor a little, for example, take up sports such as boxing or wrestling, shoot darts, shoot at a shooting range, or, at worst, go far out of town into a dense forest and shout to this world everything you think about it.

Let's first ask ourselves - what kind of person is considered evil? Simply put, it is someone who does evil things. Some believe that these are immoral, sick, depraved and dishonest people, but these concepts are difficult to evaluate. What is immoral for one is normal for another.

But when you meet an evil person, no definition can influence your opinion of him.

The truth is that you will know him as soon as you meet him.

An angry person can end up where you least expect it. They visit schools and churches, they come to visit our friends. There are such people everywhere.

We talk about the signs by which you can recognize an evil person. If you notice these traits, keep in mind that despite all the good things about this person, they can be dangerous.

They take pleasure in other people's suffering

These people are so cruel that they feel good when they see misfortune. These could be disasters on the news or dramatic events happening before their eyes.

They seem to rejoice in bad things and enjoy the grief of other people.

The real danger is that an evil person can initiate bad events in the lives of others just to take pleasure in the suffering of others. Therefore, it is important to learn how to identify such people before they ruin the life of you or those you love.

They want to be in control

Evil people have something in common: they like to be in control. And it's not even that they want to control you. They often feel powerless if they cannot control every aspect of their life.

They are so unsure of the world that they are suspicious of everyone and trust no one.

But these people can be fanatically punctual, extremely polite and taciturn. As soon as you let such a person get closer to you, he begins to control your every step. These people know how to cause not so much external pain as internal suffering.

They often lie

Let's be honest. Everyone lies. Some small things, some big. But not everyone can be called a liar.

A liar is a special breed. Such people lie pathologically and a lot, sometimes without even realizing it. They deceive their own consciousness and become prisoners of their own behavior.

For them, a lie is a tool that they manipulate in a way that suits their interests. Even if such a person is caught in a lie, he will do everything to make you believe in the reality of the image he has invented. So that you look at them as a source of strength and power.

You feel strangely uneasy around these people

It has been proven that our bodies emit an energy field that can serve as intuitive protection for us. Just like if you eat low-quality food, and it will affect your skin, evil intentions poison a person’s energy.

That's why you feel uneasy around some people, even though they haven't even done anything wrong. You feel physically ill and scared.

Trust your intuition and don't feel guilty about your feelings. Sometimes it's better to play it safe and stop communicating than to regret it when it's too late.

They love to manipulate

Evil intentions can be felt when a person deliberately misleads others. This may look like misrepresentation, misinterpretation and any manipulative techniques.

Learn to notice these tricks that cunning people love so much, and run away from such “friends.”

They are shameless

These people are not familiar with the feeling of pity or regret about what they have done. They never repent of their words and actions. Admitting guilt, in their opinion, nullifies their unquestioned authority, which they diligently cultivate.

They are cruel

If until now we were talking about internal anger, now we are talking about what comes out - about cruelty.

Angry people can start fights and cause physical pain to their loved ones - spouses, children, friends or animals.

Cruelty cannot be justified even by the fact that it is born as a way to avoid one’s own mental anguish. If you see someone around you who is being cruel, find an opportunity to leave. After all, one day their anger may go too far...

They lack responsibility

These people have no moral or ethical principles. They do what they want and never feel responsible for the pain they cause to others. If a feeling of guilt suddenly arises in their soul, they immediately get rid of it.

They like to shift the blame onto others and do not know the word “sorry.” They believe that asking for forgiveness is for the weak.

Their friends and family members warn you of the danger

Often the first signals that you are dealing with an evil person come from those closest to you. They may talk about former friends or lovers who ran away. All this, on the one hand, looks like manipulation, and on the other, it’s a reason to think about it and prevent the impending danger.

In any case, such signals should not be ignored.

They are bad friends

These people can only be around when you are doing well. When you have problems or troubles, they will never answer the call for help.

They exhibit racism, sexism, homophobia or any bigoted tendencies

Evil loves to divide people according to some criteria. This is what made the most evil people in history so successful - from Hitler to Stalin to Osama bin Laden. They used the differences between people and justified their cruelty with this.

Track these people in your life. Some are simply delusional, but many are downright evil.

They assert themselves at your expense.

The worst form of manipulation is playing on feelings. And there are many strings that these people pull: they make fun of their appearance, body, hobbies, dreams and goals, friends and home - everything becomes a reason for humiliation.

Never let other people change your opinion about yourself and change your own principles.

It's enough to say: "I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's important to me." That's all.

They provoke conflicts

Just as villains divide people into good and bad, they use chaos, confusion and conflict to their advantage. A distracted, frightened and insecure person is more manageable. The only way to combat this is to remain balanced and calm even in stressful situations.

They lead double lives

Evil people never reveal their true colors. To say that they lead a double life is an understatement. They live hundreds of lives. For each person they have their own mask, a well-thought-out story and image. The only thing that can be said with certainty about them is that no one knows what they are real.

Photo: www.notey.com, khabarfeed.com, ferret-plus.com

Earth is a beautiful planet filled with many loving hearts. But, unfortunately, it is also home to those who find it difficult to find light in their own souls.

People with Evil Heart often seem good, but their actions are always determined by secret intent. They seem to be imprisoned in their own little world, in which they think only about themselves and what they can take from life.

What is an Evil Heart?

In our Universe, Good and Evil are perfectly balanced. But there are also damaged souls on planet Earth who are so traumatized or disconnected from the light that whatever they are up to is determined solely by their personal gain, no matter the cost.

The psyche of a Person with an Evil Heart develops in such a way that his brain thinks only about how to destroy, harm or use others for his own interests. He views the whole world solely as a free addition to his own personality.

Angry people hate the very idea that others can be happy. Their souls are so distorted that they experience joy while bringing only pain and problems to others.

Having recognized such people in your environment, it is better to immediately end all relations with them before it is too late!

Here are 7 warning signs that indicate you are a Person with an Evil Heart.

1. He lies all the time

The person with the Evil Heart doesn't want you to see the world as it really is. Instead, he will mislead you into thinking only about the negative.

Because such people constantly lie to themselves and to you, they find everywhere exactly the lies that cause the most harm. They only say things that make the situation worse. Evil people are a constant source of rumors, but they themselves try to seem like angels.

A person with an Evil Heart is excellent at making mountains out of molehills, finding true joy in the fact that it negatively affects you.

2. He intentionally withholds information.

People with evil intentions hate it when you are happy. So they withhold information that will be useful to you and only tell you what might upset you.

A person with an Evil Heart always keeps something back to make you weaker.

3. He is a true master of distortion

Evil people can twist your words in such a way that you look like a monster. That's what they like best!

A person with an Evil Heart will usually try to rephrase what you say in order to make others doubt you or lose trust in you.

4. He doesn't feel guilty

Although such people are well aware of the pain they cause you, they do not feel guilty. They just don't care about you.

If a Man with an Evil Heart needs to destroy your life to get what he wants, he will do so without any hesitation.

5. He never apologizes

People with evil intentions do not feel the need to take responsibility or ask for forgiveness for their wrongdoings. When problems arise as a result of their own actions, they will blame you or the situation.

For the Man with an Evil Heart, personal responsibility is tantamount to admitting defeat.

6. He refuses to see reality.

These people only want to see what they like. For example, bad things that could happen to you or someone else. Unfortunately, their cunning plans often come true.

A person with an Evil Heart will distort reality at any cost.

7. The way they act in public is different than when they are alone with you.

An angry person radiates kindness in the presence of strangers, smiles sweetly and shows maximum attention to you.

As soon as you are alone, the behavior changes dramatically - anger, insults, neglect.

How to protect yourself from evil?

People with Evil Hearts have no place in your life! No matter how you treat them, they will ignore your good intentions.

These narcissists and psychopaths always try to appear to others in an angelic guise. To protect yourself from the evil they bring, try to distance yourself from them. No one has to tolerate lies and manipulation!

You are much better than they think you are! So do the wise thing: throw them out of your life without any explanation!

How do you recognize People with Evil Hearts? Is there anything else you can add to this list?

Translation and adaptation: Fabiosa

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