Submit meter readings for electricity to government services. Methods for transmitting water meter readings through your personal account in various Internet services

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Water / Cold and hot water

If your apartment has a water meter installed, then you will have to submit its readings once a month to calculate water charges. This can be done via the Internet using the portal PGU.MOS.RU Let's figure out together how it works and what the subtleties are.

Transferring water meter readings in Moscow: a couple of general questions

First, let's clarify who is generally obliged to transmit water meter readings? The answer is simple: all owners and tenants of apartments in which water meters are installed.

If you do not provide readings, you will have to pay for water according to the standard. These standards are constantly growing and becoming more and more unprofitable for the consumer.

What is PGU.MOS.RU?

PGU.MOS is, translated into Russian, the Moscow Public Services Portal. A large website that contains all the electronic services that the city authorities provide to citizens. The development of the portal is carried out by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies. To use the capabilities of PGU.MOS you must register.

You can also register for PGU.MOS at any of the Moscow Multifunctional State Services Centers, where you need to contact a specialist who will issue a login and password to access the City Services Portal.

Meter readings via PGU.MOS: where to start?

To transmit water meter readings via PGU, a registered user of the portal needs to contact the public services center of their area to submit initial water meter readings (or meters, if you have both hot and hot water meters). cold water).

This is a one-time promotion; you don’t need to go anywhere else about the counters. Primary indicators will be “linked” to your account, and further payments will be calculated from them.

That's all, actually.

After this, readings from water meters will need to be entered regularly, for the current month - from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the next month (inclusive).

If data on water consumption is not entered on time, they will be taken into account in the accruals not for the current billing period, but for the next one.

Where should I click and what data should I enter into what form to submit meter readings?

Let's move on to the main thing - where to click and enter the numbers?

We go to PGU.MOS.RU, select the “Apartment, Housing and Utilities” section.

If you do not know your code, it can be found in the upper right corner of the EPD - the Unified Payment Document for payment of housing and communal services.

ATTENTION! If you receive a system message “Payer code not found in the system,” you will need to contact the Public Services Center in your area to clarify your code.

The block - “Meter readings” - displays information for:

Previous 3 months;

Current month;

Next 2 months.

To enter readings from a water meter, you need to click on the appropriate field next to the required meter and enter the current reading of your meter into it. Water consumption is measured in cubic meters (m³).

What to do if the water meter readings are entered incorrectly?

If an error was made when entering the readings, you can delete the incorrectly entered readings by clicking the “x” next to the reading.

  • It is important to know that there are some restrictions when deleting meter readings:
  • You can delete readings only for the current month and the next 2.
  • You can delete an entry within 24 hours after it was entered, or before the 20th of the corresponding month. If the reading for the current month was entered with an error, but was not corrected in time, then to correct it you need to contact the Public Services Center of your area.
  • Readings can only be deleted sequentially. That is, if readings for the current and subsequent periods are entered, then the readings of the current period can be deleted by sequentially deleting the readings of subsequent periods.
  • Only the Portal user who added this reading can delete readings.
  • The Portal user cannot delete readings that were entered by employees of the Public Services Center.

Basic rules for entering water meter readings on the PGU.MOS portal

Testimony cannot be entered if it has not been entered through the Portal within the last 3 months. To resume the possibility of transmitting testimony, you must also contact the MFC/GKU IS of your area.

In case of missing readings (or entered late after the 3rd day of the next month), the average monthly water consumption for the previous 6 months will be taken into account. The actual volume of water consumption will be taken into account after providing readings from the meter. To carry out recalculation based on actual readings, you must contact the public services center of your area.

You cannot enter readings that are less than the calibration readings and/or less than the value of the previous readings.

You can enter readings only in the form of numbers and separating marks (dots or commas) - no more than 7 whole characters and 3 decimal places (dots).

Water / Cold and hot water meters

If your apartment has a water meter installed, then you will have to submit its readings once a month to calculate water charges. The most convenient way for Moscow residents to do this is via the Internet, using the MOS.RU portal. But there are other ways. Let's figure out together how it works and what the subtleties are.

Transferring water meter readings in Moscow: who should do it and why?

First, let's clarify who is required to transmit water meter readings? The answer is simple: all owners and tenants of apartments in which water meters are installed.

If you do not submit readings, then for the first three months you will be charged based on average consumption (based on the meter readings submitted for the previous six months). Then they will transfer to payment according to the consumption standard, multiplied by a factor of 1.5. Coefficient in in this case- something like a fine. In general, it turns out much more than if you pay by meter. and transmission of water meter readings is an Internet portal that, according to the plans of the capital’s authorities, should provide Moscow residents with the opportunity to solve any problem related to living in the city on one Internet site.

Among the dozens of services offered on there is also the transmission of water meter readings. If you pay for housing and communal services using the Unified Payment Document (UPD), then you can transmit the readings of your water meter through this service.

To do this, you need to choose to go to the main page of, scroll down to the “Services” section

There, click on “Receive water meter readings.”

Important! Each meter must be checked from time to time (usually once every four years for hot water meters and once every six years for cold water meters). Verification is a procedure during which the ability of a metering device to reliably measure the volume of water passing through it is confirmed. If verification is missed, the meter readings cannot be used to calculate water payments.

You can find out the meter verification date by clicking on the “i” icon located to the left of the name of each of the meters.

How else can you transmit water meter readings in Moscow?

In addition to, utility payers using the EPD can transmit meter readings in several other ways

Meter readings must be taken from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the month following the reporting month.

If instead of the EPD you receive another receipt for payment of housing and communal services, contact your management company. You can find her contacts on the House of Moscow portal.

Verification of water meters

You can submit meter readings only if the verification period has not expired. Information about when to carry out verification is indicated in the meter passport, in your EPD or other receipt for payment of housing and communal services. Based on the results of the verification, the specialized organization that carried it out will issue a certificate and verification report.

When choosing an organization to verify meters, make sure that it is in the register of accredited persons. Verification report with your mark management company submit it to the “My Documents” government service center serving your area.

What happens if you do not submit water meter readings on time?

According to current legislation, if you have not provided water meter readings, then you must be charged for this utility service based on average monthly consumption (calculated based on data for the last six months).

This procedure can be in effect for up to three months. Then the consumer who does not provide water meter readings is transferred to payment according to the standard.

These standards are spelled out in paragraph 59 and paragraph 60 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 N 354.

Why must water meter readings be transmitted within a strictly limited period of time?

This is one of the frequently asked questions - why does the testimony need to be transmitted exactly, say, from the 20th to the 25th? The current legislation does not contain a strict norm requiring the transfer of meter readings within a specific period. The “Rules for the Provision of Utility Services” only states that the timing of the transfer of meter readings must be determined in the service agreement.

In practice, utility companies introduce these requirements, since the collection of readings from apartment meters must be synchronized with the transmission of data through a common house meter.

Here you need to understand the logic of calculating water charges: residents are issued bills for both apartment consumption and general household consumption. The common house meter in this case is the difference between the sum of the readings of all individual meters and the readings of the common house meter.

If apartment meter readings are not collected all and not at the same time, then the volume of water that is included in general household expenses increases. And then they are “spread out” over all apartments, in proportion to their area.

It turns out that if the meter readings are not taken at the same time, then it seems that it is impossible to correctly calculate the consumption for each of their apartments. This is the logic of the utility companies.

Another thing is that the channels for transmitting meter readings, first of all, are websites and telephone lines, cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on the last day of collecting meter readings. Almost everyone has encountered this problem, one way or another.

What happens if the water meter readings are transmitted incorrectly?

Different cities and organizations have policies in this regard. different rules. But the general approach is that incorrect readings can be corrected.

If we are talking, for example, about Moscow, then when transmitting meter readings through the portal, incorrectly transmitted numbers can be corrected directly through Personal Area within 24 after their payment, or before the 20th of the month.

If the readings for the current month were entered with an error, but were not corrected in time, then to correct it you will need to contact the Public Services Center in your area.

Nothing “terrible” will happen if you see that the incorrectly transmitted readings are already reflected in the receipt. If the error is insignificant and falls within the volume of your monthly consumption, then the easiest way is to pay the amount calculated based on these incorrect readings. And next time, pass on the correct ones. It turns out that you just paid a little in advance.

But if the erroneously transmitted readings greatly exceed your monthly consumption (say, by an order of magnitude), then you need to contact the organization that charges for water. Ask them to recalculate. They are obliged to do this.

In the winter of 2014, residents of Moscow and the region became able to transmit water meter readings through the Gosuslugi portal. The GU IS coordination center, which previously performed the function of data collection, stopped working. There is no news yet about whether there are plans to allow regions to send data via the Internet.

It will not be possible to submit water meter readings through the All-Russian format “Gosuslugi” - you need to use the regional website

PGU.MOS - what kind of site is it?

PGU.MOS.RU is a website for Moscow government services, which is being developed by the capital’s IT Department. The portal includes all services provided by the capital's authorities to Muscovites.

To be able to send meter data online, you will have to visit the MFC (or the local State Services service center) once and transfer the primary information to a specialist - subsequent payment will depend on these readings. It is also recommended to fill out the form in the PSU Personal Account as much as possible - this will simplify working with the site.

Detailed instructions for working with PSU

You don’t know how to enter water meter readings through Gosuslugi, and have never used the Internet for this purpose before? detailed instructions will help you:

Register for PSU. Fill out all fields of the form presented in Fig. 1, and click the green “Register” button.

This procedure is not easy - you have to confirm registration using codes that are sent one by one to the address Email and phone number.

After registration, go to the section "Apartment, housing and communal services" in the list on the left.

Select a service “Receiving readings from water meters.”

Read the page that tells about the service and the rules for its provision.

Pay special attention to the following points:

  • Information is entered from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the next. If it is late, the data will be carried over to the next reporting period.
  • Water meter readings via the network must be entered regularly - a gap of no more than 2 months is possible. If you have not sent data through Gosuslugi for three months, you will have to go to the MFC again and submit initial testimony.
  • If you have mounted new counter, it will not be possible to send water meter readings through Gosuslugi - you need to go to the MFC.
  • The value you indicate cannot be less than the calibration or previous value.
  • The entered value should not exceed the water consumption standard, which is 11.68 cubic meters per person. m. per month.

On the same page there is a list of information necessary for using the service (payer code from the receipt and the readings themselves) and information about the deadline for transmitting information (1 day).

After reading the page, click “Get a service.”

Indicate the payer code - the ten-digit number found on the receipt. Then click Continue.

Advice: If you receive a message that “The payer code was not found in the system,” you should contact the MFC or the local State Services center to clarify the code.

In the “Instrument readings” block, write down the address and add information about water consumption.

Data for hot and cold water are indicated separately.

Click “Submit readings” - this will complete the procedure for transmitting water meter readings through the “Government Services” portal.

What if I made a mistake?

Data can be deleted by clicking on the red cross next to the value in the “Instrument readings” block; however, there are restrictions on deletion:

  • If the data was sent before the 20th, it can be corrected without restrictions; if after 20 - only within 24 hours from the moment of the operation. If you miss the deadline, you will have to contact the local State Services center with a request for an adjustment.
  • Data is deleted only for the current month and the next two.
  • Only sequential deletion is possible: if the user has entered data for the current and next periods, then the value for the next period is first deleted, then for the current one.
  • The user does not have the right to delete or correct information entered by an employee of the State Services center.

How are readings taken?

Errors when transmitting water meter readings are punishable by a fine, so you need to be careful. Knowing the following rules will help you when working with the meter:

  • The initial data is taken from the statement provided by the master who installed the meter.
  • Let’s define it right away: in one cube. m. liquid 1000 liters. The last three digits, which differ in color, count hundreds, tens and units of liters, and the first five reflect the number of whole cubic meters consumed.

When submitting information online through “State Services” you need to write full meaning(including liters), whereas, for example, when supplying via SMS, only whole cubic meters are sufficient. m.

Please note: If all the numbers on the meter are the same color, then this model does not count liters.

  • The volume of water consumption for a month is the difference between the current value and the data of the previous period.
  • The cost of one cubic meter of water is set by municipal authorities and is different in each region. To find out how much you need to pay, just multiply the price of a cubic meter by the number of cubic meters of water consumed per month.
  • The counter can “lie.” In order for it to give objective results, you need to monitor the condition of the plumbing and household appliances.

The transfer of water meter readings through Moscow's State Services is called the most in a simple way, however, there are doubts about the validity of this statement. On thematic forums, dissatisfaction is actively expressed that “State Services” impose unnecessarily high demands on registering citizens. Dictating data over the phone or sending it via SMS is much easier than linking all kinds of communication means to an account on the PSU website. Therefore, the emergence of the ability to send water meter readings online has, alas, not yet become a breakthrough.

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