Translation and meaning of UNLESS in English and Russian. Correct use of some conjunctions in English

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As is a union. It is used to introduce an auxiliary clause and also before expressions beginning with prepositions.

For example:
He didn't as he was told.
He did just as he was told.

He didn't fight as a tiger does.
He fought how a tiger fights.

Nobody knows her as I do.
Nobody knows her just like me.

In 1939, as in 1914, everyone seemed to want war.
In 1939, as in 1914, everyone seemed to want war.

Union as often confused with preposition like. And despite the fact that like is not a conjunction, in colloquial speech it is often used to mean a conjunction instead of as. This usage is especially common in American English. In formal situations, this usage is considered incorrect.

For example:
Nobody knows her like I do.
Nobody knows her because I.

As and though

As can be used to mean though. Note the inversion in the sentence when used this way. as.

For example:
Though he was sick, he worked diligently.
Sick as he was, he worked diligently.
Though he was sick, he worked diligently.

Though he was young, he fought valiantly.
Young as he was, he fought valiantly.
Though he was young, he fought valiantly.

As if and as though

Expressions as if And as though completely interchangeable.

For example:
She spoke as if she knew everything. = She spoke as though she knew everything.
She said as if knew everything.

It looks as if (= as though) it might rain.
It seems, Maybe it's going to rain.

Use like in such constructions it is grammatically incorrect. However, in spoken English this usage is very common.

For example:
It looks like it might rain.
It seems, Maybe it's going to rain. ( It is grammatically incorrect, but is used in spoken English.)

So as and such as

So as displays the target:

We started early so as to finish it all in time.
We started early to manage to do everything on time.

Such as displays the result:

His actions were such as to offend everyone.
His actions were are such that offended everyone.


Than is a subordinating conjunction. It is usually followed by an object in the form of a pronoun in the subject case or a pronoun in nominative case with a verb.

For example:
She is taller than him.
She's taller him.

She is taller than he is.
She's taller than he.

She earns more than him.
She earns more than him.

She earns more than he does.
She earns more than he.

Pronoun in the nominative case without a verb after than used relatively rarely:

She is taller than he.
She's taller than he. (Less common than "She is taller than him".)


Unless has the same meaning as if not("if not"), and therefore there is no need to add a negation after it:

Wrong: Unless you don't
Right: Unless you obey my instructions, you will be dismissed.
Right: If you don't obey my instructions, you will be dismissed.
If You Not If you follow my instructions, you will be fired.


Lest has the same meaning as that...not(“as if not”, “so as not”), and therefore it is incorrect to use negation after it. In modern English language lest used quite rarely. It should also be noted that the only modal verb, which can be used after lest is a verb should.

For example:
Wrong: Do it now lest you do not change your mind.
Right: Do it now lest you change your mind.
Right: Do it now lest you should change your mind.
Do it now, not yet changed my mind.


As a union since can have two meanings.
It can mean “since (some) time”, “since (some) time”:

Where have you been since I last saw you?
Where have you been since I last saw you?

It is just a week since we arrived here.
It's only been a week since we arrived here.

Also union since may have the meaning of a conjunction as- "because":

Since we have no money we can't buy anything. (= As we have no money we can't buy anything.)
Because we have no money, we can't buy anything.

Paired (correlative) conjunctions

Paired unions either…or, neither…nor, both…and, not only…but also, etc., must be placed immediately before the words to which they relate.

For example:
Neither he would eat nor allow us to eat. ( Wrong)
He wouldn't neither eat nor allow us to eat. ( Right)
He neither ate nor gave we have something to eat.

Neither I shall follow your instructions nor resign. ( Wrong)
I shall neither follow your instructions nor resign. (Right)
I won't nor fulfill your instructions, nor quit.

He not only visited France but also Germany. ( Wrong)
He visited not only France but also Germany. (Right)
He visited not only in France, but also in Germany.

You won't succeed unless you work hard.
You won't succeed if you don't work hard.

I can't go there unless I go with Tom.
I can only go there with Tom.

Unless you keep early hours, you will injure your health.
Until you go to bed earlier, you will harm your health.

Unless they have a good wine list, I don"t want to eat here.
If they don't have a good wine list, I won't eat here.

You will fail unless you work harder.
You won't succeed unless you work harder.

He'll never achieve anything unless he works harder.
He will never achieve anything unless he works harder.

There is no single room available at present, I"m afraid, but you could have a double room at a slightly reduced rate unless you want two breakfasts, of course.
I'm afraid that in currently there are no single rooms available, but you can book a double room at a reduced rate if you don't need two breakfasts of course.

We can't survive on this island unless we find some drinking water.
We can't survive on this island if we don't find drinking water.

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
Don't lie in bed; lie down only if it will make you more money.

Unless there is reliable evidence for it, we should not believe anything.
Unless there is reliable proof of this, we should not believe everything.

Theory is quite useless unless it works in practice.
Theory is completely useless if it doesn't work in practice.

You can"t enter here unless you have a pass.
You can't come in here without a pass.

It's impossible for someone to be older than his mother, unless he has a time machine.
No one can be older than their mother unless they have a time machine.

Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.
If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school.

Freedom is useless unless you use it.
Freedom is useless if you don't use it.

You don't have to commit yourself unless you want to.
You don't have to make any commitments if you don't want to.

I think we should do as Tom suggests, unless someone has a better suggestion.
I think we should do as Tom suggests until someone has a better offer.

I can't help you unless you tell me the truth.
I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth.

You"ll never know unless you try.
You won't know until you try.

Unless I am mistaken, I"ve seen that man before.
If I'm not mistaken, I haven't seen it before.

"Don't cross your legs like that." "Why not?" "Well, unless you"ve got a vagina, it"s inappropriate."
"Don't cross your legs like that." - "Why?" - "Well, if you don't have a vagina, it's inappropriate."

No one can be short of time, unless they are outside the present moment, which is an absolute impossibility.
It is not possible for anyone to be short of time unless they are outside the present, which is completely impossible.

Nothing happens unless you make it happen.
Nothing happens against your will.

Don't move unless I tell you.
Don't move until I say so.

I will be able to see you tomorrow unless something unexpected turns up.
I can see you tomorrow if nothing unexpected happens.

You should avoid adding sentences in a language other than your own, because unless you write in your mother tongue or dialect, you are prone to make many mistakes.
You shouldn't add offers to foreign language other than your own, because when you write in a language or dialect other than yours, you tend to make a lot of mistakes.

My dog ​​won't bite you, unless you ask for it.
My dog ​​won't bite you unless you ask.

In other words, reliability is impossible unless there is a natural warmth.
In other words, without natural heat, reliability cannot be achieved.

You don't have to go unless you want to.
You don't have to go unless you want to.

Unless you make a decision quickly, the opportunity will be lost.
If you don't make a decision quickly, the opportunity will be lost.

What is the difference between if and unless in English?

Here you can find out what is the difference between the English words if and unless.

Conjunctive words if and unless are used to connect simple sentences into complex ones. In particular, they are used in conditional subordinate clauses.

The difference between these unions is quite noticeable. You can even call them antonyms. The word if is translated as “if”, and the word unless is translated as “if not”. For example:

If they invite me to the party, I’ll go. - If they invite me to a party, then I will go.
Unless they invite me to the party, I won’t go. - If they are not If they invite me to a party, then I won’t go.

In many grammatical sources, the formula for using these conjunctions is depicted as follows: Unless=If not. And this is, in fact, true. Let's look at a couple more examples, paying attention to the translation:

If you get a chance, give me a call. - If you have a minute, call me.
Remember, you can’t come in, unless I call for you. - Remember, you can't come in until I call you.

Due to similar meaning, if conjunctions and unless can be interchangeable. However, this is only possible if there is some kind of negation in the sentence.

If we don’t find another solution, we’ll have to act according to your plan.= Unless we find another solution, we’ll have to act according to your plan. - If we are not We will find another solution, we will need to act in accordance with your plan.

If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late. = You’ll be late, unless you hurry up. - If you don't hurry up, you'll be late.

As can be seen from the examples, in sentences with the conjunction unless there is no need to use the particle not, since the negation is already built into it.

When we need to talk about something that may/may not happen in the future depending on certain conditions, in English we use the word unless. It translates as “if not.”

This word can be found both in spoken English and in official speech and documents:

"We will terminate the contract, If You Not fulfill the conditions. She won't be hired for this position. If she Not will learn English. We'll miss the train If We Not Let's go out right now."

Unless is often difficult to use due to its negative value. Therefore, it is very important to understand its use in order to avoid mistakes.

In this article I will tell you:

Rule for using unless in English

Unless is translated as “if not.” We use this word in conditional sentences first type.

Now I will explain what it is.

Conditional sentences of the first type are used when we talking about future events that may happen.

That is, we use unless when we say that:

  • If some condition is not met, something will happen
    For example: If she does not work (condition), she will be fired.
  • If some condition is not met, something will not happen
    For example: If she does not study (condition), she will not go to university.

Unless is often confused with if.

Let's first look at how they differ from each other.

Difference between if and unless

We are used to using the word if in conditional sentences, so sometimes there is confusion between if and unless. It's not the same thing!

If and unless are two opposite words.

  • If is translated as« If»

If she comes, I will leave.
If she comes, I'll leave.

  • Unless translated"if not"

Unless she comes, I will leave.
If she doesn't come, I'll leave.

However, if we use if with negation (if + not), then the meanings of these words become the same.

Remember: If + not = unless

For example:

If they don't hurry, they will be late.

Unless they hurry, they will be late.
If they don't hurry up, they'll be late.

Now let's take a closer look at how to construct clauses with unless.

How to construct sentences with unless in English?

Conditional sentences consist of two parts:

1. Main part

The main part contains an action that can to happen or not to happen in future. Therefore, in this part we use the Future Simple tense, which is formed using the verb will.

When constructing a sentence, we put this verb after actor performing an action.

For example:

I will buy the dress…
I will buy this dress...

2. Parts with condition

This part of the sentence contains a certain condition, upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of which the action from the main part will occur.

In this part we use the Present Simple tense (simple present), despite the fact that we translate it into Russian into the future tense.

In this tense, we do not change the verb in any way if the actions are performed: I (I), you (you), they (they), we (we).

If the actions are performed by: he (he), she (she), it (it), then we add the ending -s/-es to the verb.

The conditional part will begin with unless.

For example:

Unless I spend all my money...
If I don't spend all the money...

So the complete unless clause would look like this:

For example:

She will come unless she works.
She will come if she doesn't work.

They will go to the gym unless they get tired.
They will go to the gym if they are not tired.

We can also swap the main and conditional parts, then the sentence will look like this:

For example:

Unless they buy a car, they will go abroad.
If they don't buy a car, they will go abroad.

Unless he hurries, he will be late.
If he doesn't hurry up, he'll be late.

Negative sentences with unless in English

The most common mistake when using unless is to use two negations in the conditional part.


Unless they don’t come…
If they don't come...


Unless they come…
If they don't come...

You need to remember that unless in itself has a negative meaning, so there is no need to put another negation after it.

We can use negation in the main part. To do this you need to put not after will.

We can use the abbreviation:

will + not = wont

This proposal would look like:

For example:

They won't come unless you invite them.
They won't come unless you invite them.

Unless she studies hard, she won’t pass an exam.
If she doesn't study, she won't pass the exam.

Interrogative sentences with unless in English

To build a question, we only need to change the main part. To do this, we move will to the first place in the sentence.

We don’t need to change the unless part.

The outline of such a proposal:

For example:

Will do you go to the cinema unless you study?
Will you go to the cinema if you don't study?

Will she eat the cake unless she eats the candies?
Will she eat this cake if she doesn't eat the candy?

So, we've covered the theory, now let's move on to practice.

Reinforcement task

1. If she doesn't go home, she will finish work.
2. They won't start studying, they won't be able to do it.
3. If they don't invite me to the party, I won't go.
4. If you don't work, you won't buy this car.
5. If she doesn’t cook dinner, shall we go to a restaurant?

Translation and meaning of UNLESS in English and Russian languages

1. ʌn|ʹles,ənʹles- cj 1. if not, not yet

I will come unless I change my mind - I will come unless I change my mind

unless you start at once, you will be late - unless (unless) you start immediately, you will be late

unless I am mistaken - if I'm not mistaken

2. unless, if only; not to mention

we had no snow this winter, unless in the mountain districts - this year we had no snow, except in the mountainous areas

unless it be for Henry nobody saw it - no one saw this, except Henry

he never does anything unless forced to - he doesn’t do anything until /if/ you force him

pay them unless you hear to the contrary - pay them unless you receive other /opposite/ instructions

I shan"t come, unless you really want me to - I won’t come unless you really want it; I will come only if you really want it

unless and until - only after; no sooner than

unless and until it has been approved by the electors - only after it is approved by the voters

3. in gram. meaning noun "if not", clause

let"s have no unlesses - let's do it without reservations

2. ʌn|ʹles,ənʹles- prep arch. except, except

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More meanings of the word and translation of UNLESS from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of UNLESS from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for UNLESS in dictionaries.

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