Sandblasting work on wooden surfaces. Decorative processing of wood and brick

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Sandblasting wooden house– innovative grinding method. Despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently, new way has already become quite popular and is widely used along with traditional grinding with an angle grinder and grinding machines.

The new technology has many advantages compared to classical ways grinding. The main advantages of sandblasting are: high speed and impeccable surface grinding quality.

Sandblasting is suitable for any wood, up to elite varieties. The technique is used both for sanding log houses and for processing buildings made of timber, lining and any type of imitation timber.

The abrasive-jet method of grinding logs involves exposing the wooden surface to an abrasive consisting of specially prepared sand mixture from certain types sand. The mixture is supplied under high pressure and, together with the air flow, produces gentle and accurate wood processing.

Jet grinding involves the use of a special industrial equipment– sandblasting machine. Therefore, work may only be carried out by qualified personnel who have undergone appropriate training.

Sandblasting of wood is carried out without contact. The device is located at some distance from the treated area, which completely eliminates damage to the surface.

Features of the new technology and its differences from traditional grinding methods

Classic wood processing with a sander or grinder and jet sanding of a log frame are completely different sanding techniques.

The surface polished with a grinder becomes smooth and even.

Abrasive jet grinding involves deep processing of wood. The result is a lightly brushed surface on which the wood grain is clearly visible.

When painted, wood acquires a richer and darker shade, while the walls of a wooden house that have been sanded with a grinder look much paler when painted with the same color.

If desired, you can perform deeper brushing, as a result of which the surface becomes embossed with a clearly defined wood structure. Deep brushing technology gives the wood an exclusive and expensive look.

A log house made from logs treated with deep brushing looks especially impressive. Brushed chopped or rounded logs fit perfectly into the design of the house and bring indescribable color and originality to the interior.

Non-contact grinding of log frames provides very high quality processing. The main advantage of the technology is the uniform removal of the top layer of wood, which is almost impossible to do manually.

After sanding, there are no traces left on the logs in the form of scratches, dents and irregularities, which very often appear on wood after processing it with a grinder, especially in cases where people who do not have professional skills take on the work.

The advantages of this method are also evident when processing an old wooden house. Painted walls can be easily cleaned of their old appearance. paint coating, dirt, rotten and blue areas are also easily removed.

If we summarize all the advantages of the sandblasting technique, then in addition to the above, they look like this:

  1. High processing speed, which is four times higher than grinding with a grinder. Abrasive jet grinding allows processing up to 100 sq.m. wooden surface in one working day. But it should be borne in mind that these terms are relevant for new buildings; when sanding an old house, the time doubles.
  2. The impeccable quality of log polishing, provided that it is performed by qualified specialists, does not raise any complaints even among the most demanding customers.
  3. The technology allows you to process any sections of the log house to perfect condition: corner connections, chamfers, joints, inter-crown seams.
  4. As a result of processing, the wood is compacted by removing the soft layers of wood. This ensures better absorption of protective agents and longer service life of the paintwork.
  5. Possibility of treating darkened and fungus-affected surfaces without prior bleaching with special products.

Many probably thought that having such undeniable advantages, jet grinding of a log house cannot be cheap. This is surprising, but the cost of the work is only slightly higher than the cost of traditional sanding.

If we take into account the fact that when grinding with an angle grinder, a huge number of attachments are used, which greatly influence the final cost of the work, and blasting does not involve the use of consumables, in the end it turns out that the price of both works is almost the same. And this is one of the significant advantages of the new technique.

Non-contact grinding is carried out autonomously sandblaster, running on diesel fuel, which eliminates the use of electricity in the customer’s home. At the same time, when grinding with an angle grinder, a lot of electrical energy is consumed. This circumstance also speaks in favor of sandblasting.

It should be noted that sanding small houses with a wall area of ​​less than 200 sq.m. turns out to be less profitable than processing large cottages. The cost of grinding includes transportation costs, which increase the price of the work.

Sandblasting by professionals

Jet grinding of a log house requires strict adherence to technology, so it should be performed only by specialists. Professional grinders of the Master Srubov company have undergone special training and are fluent in technological process sandblasting, have the necessary skills.

Qualified specialists of our company will perform abrasive jet sanding of a house of any size. If you want to inexpensively polish a log house, contact us. We guarantee exclusive quality of work and minimal deadlines.

You will find all our coordinates in the section. There you can write us a message or contact us in another convenient way.

Sandblasting wood is sanding using sand or abrasive powder, which is sprayed with an air stream.

Why is this necessary?

Sandblasting works wonders on wood. The old can be restored to a fresh look, and the new, if necessary, can age, giving a touch of antiquity.
This method is suitable for most wood surfaces. In addition, it can be used to clean other materials: metal, concrete, glass, etc.

Advantages of the method

  1. Sand will remove anything from wood - paint, chemical protection, mold, providing an ideal surface for painting.
  2. We extend the life of the tree - almost 4 times! Sandblasting will increase the efficiency of any protective coating, applied after it.
  3. Designer freedom. Do you want antiques, but don't want to overpay? With our processing, you can age your furniture by one hundred to two hundred years! Like from a noble estate!

What is the price?

An important advantage of sandblasting wood in Moscow is its affordable price. In addition, we are ready to provide a discount in case of large orders.

However, wood is a rather capricious material. Too much pressure can ruin the look of the furniture and distort the boards. This process can only be entrusted to professionals.

Why here?

We provide a full range of services: from sandblasting wood in Moscow to its subsequent processing. We have all the required equipment. Our specialists - experienced craftsmen, complying with all technological process standards.

Sandblasting is most often used for industrial purposes, but these days, applications for this surface treatment method can be found in other industries. For example, wood processing and artificial aging of wood using sandblasting are becoming increasingly popular.

Why is sandblasting wood better?

The processing effect is similar to sandpaper, but provides a more uniform surface roughness and a complete absence of scratches. In addition, there are no problems when processing wood in hard to reach places, corners and cracks. Sandpaper and other available means, it is almost impossible to perform such work.

Removing old paint and varnish

Often you have to delete old paint or varnish from a wooden surface. Most often we have to clean fences and gazebos, and we also have to remove paint wooden stairs, window frames, old furniture, building facades and siding, wooden doors, benches, bridges, pergolas, wooden columns and much more. Doing this kind of work without sandblasting or soft blasting is a waste of time and effort.

Old weathered wood must be properly prepared before staining. It is necessary to kill the mold and mildew spores that are certainly present in it. It is worth keeping in mind that after processing, the surface should be uniform. Any gap or crack in the wood that is not cleaned before painting will be visible after painting. After cleaning the surface, it is worth choosing the right way to process the wood in the future. We prefer not to use liquid products when treating as this adds moisture to the wood, which again is a source of mold and mildew. Moisture can also be very harmful to the wood itself, causing unnecessary chipping and swelling. Instead, we use soft blasting or sandblasting.

Our main goals are high quality work and satisfied clients.

Types of wood sandblasting

When processing wood, our specialists can accurately select required material, for a perfect result. For example, sandblasting wood can be divided into three types:

1. Easy cleaning or soft blasting:

2. Medium cleaning:

3. Deep cleaning:

Artificial aging of wood

Artificial aging is a fairly new direction in art. Compared to perfectly smooth and evenly painted surfaces, roughness and abrasions are valued here. For these purposes, sandblasting is also often used, which will give the wooden surface the right type and will remove fresh paint as if this thing is many years old. In addition, with the help of sandblasting, inscriptions on wood and even images are often included in this kind of design.

For more detailed information about the use and application of sandblasting, it is best to contact our specialists.

By entrusting wood processing to us, you can rest assured! Our specialists will take into account all the details when performing work, select the optimal cleaning agent and carry out the work quickly and efficiently. High-quality sandblasting is correct solution for processing, cleaning and artificial aging of wood.

Sandblasting wood is very popular in Moscow and is one of the main activities of the Ecoblasting company. We work for modern equipment, we guarantee high quality work without harm to materials. Our staff employs only experienced specialists who have cleaned and sandblasted hundreds of different wooden products, structures and buildings. Many people trust us, and you can see photos of our work in the gallery on the website. Call and order wood processing now!

The final cost depends on the volume and conditions of the work performed.

Why sandblast wood?

  1. We return old look structures made of wood. Over time, every wood loses its appearance, becomes less attractive, and darkens. Sandblasting returns it to its former color, removes all dirt and stains.
  2. We remove paint, chemical protection products and other elements from wood. Even old wood you can bring it back to life, and it will look no worse than new.
  3. Preparation before painting or protection. Stripping wooden beam, boards or log frame using sandblasting - this is a quick and effective method processing, which allows you to remove all contaminants and macroelements from the upper layers of wood.
  4. We remove rot and mold. All types of biological corrosion of the upper layers of wood can be removed using abrasive materials supplied under high pressure.
  5. We increase service life wooden product 4 times. Due to improved grip paint and varnish material With the surface of the wood, the shelf life of the protective suspension increases, the material does not corrode, and the wood lasts much longer.
  6. Artificial aging of wood. Sandblasting is used to make luxury furniture in an antique style, where the age is artificially increased due to abrasive treatment.

Sandblasting is used to protect wood from various kinds influences, and for decorative purposes, where the material needs to be given a certain appearance with the desired effect. The Ecoblasting company can perform any operations with wood at the request of the client. You can order sandblasting of an object with specialists visiting your address right now.

Work examples

Sanding the log house wooden houses with departure.

Our advantages

  • We work with any volumes. We have enough specialists and technical means so that in the most short time process not only small wooden parts, but also entire houses.
  • Minimum prices. We work at the expense regular customers who recommend us, so we do not pursue one-time benefits. We have installed low prices to work.
  • Best quality. We know how to do our job and our clients are always satisfied. The best equipment and experienced specialists.
  • We quickly accept orders and work whenever the client needs it.
  • We process all types of wood, including varieties with super-dense wood.

Prices for sandblasting surfaces

Need a specific order? Call us and our specialists will calculate the cost of work on your site and answer all your questions!

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Sandblasting wood is a technology that helps clean and improve the decorative attributes of the surface of this material. This procedure exerts a physical and mechanical effect on wood to the same extent as natural phenomena, which include rain, wind, positive and negative temperatures.

As a result of finishing wood with sandblasting, a clean and natural texture appears on its surface. Moreover, this result is obtained not over many years, but over several hours of work.

Features of sandblasting wood

Sandblasting wood is performed using a special apparatus, which includes:

  • a reservoir containing sand or other abrasive material;
  • supply unit compressed air;
  • a hose that connects all working components together;
  • Ball Valves;
  • a sandblasting gun, the nozzle of which is made of high-strength material (tungsten carbide or boron).

The modern device works on the principle of mixing air with an abrasive material and then removing the composition from the gun nozzle under high pressure. Thanks to the generated kinetic energy of the abrasive, the following results can be achieved:

  • removing the old layer of plaster or paintwork;
  • cleansing the surface of fatty deposits;
  • giving the wood the necessary relief texture;
  • opening the pores of the material, allowing their space to be filled with protective substances;
  • processing large areas in the shortest possible time.

Types of abrasives for sandblasting wood

The following types of abrasive materials are widely used for sandblasting wood:

  • quartz sand;
  • glass particles;
  • electrocorundum;
  • nickel and cooper slag;
  • steel and cast iron fractions.

Sandblasting using slag materials is considered the most rational and productive solution.

How to select the necessary equipment and consumables

In the process of choosing sandblasting, we take into account the following parameters:

  • compressor unit power;
  • diameter of the hose supplying air;
  • the diameter of the hose through which the abrasive material is supplied;
  • the diameter of the nozzle through which the enriched mixture is ejected;
  • length of main tracks.

When selecting the necessary consumables for sandblasting work, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • thickness and density of contamination removed from the surface;
  • strength of the wood base;
  • the state of the material plane that must be obtained as a result of its processing;
  • speed of work;
  • economic justification, which is based on the collection of waste abrasive material.

Important criteria when choosing abrasive components are: specific density, impact strength and fractional composition.

Benefits of technology

Sandblasting technology has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • high performance;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • low cost of resources: material and time;
  • opportunity to expose artificial aging How soft rocks wood (pine and larch) and hard (ash and oak);
  • comfortable use when working in hard-to-reach places.

All of the above factors indicate that sandblasting is an inexpensive and fairly productive method for cleaning wooden facades, walls and ceilings before finishing them.

Sandblasting of wood is carried out by qualified specialists. In their work, employees use only proven and high-quality consumables from well-known brands. Our specialists have extensive experience in the field of sandblasting wood! Call us and get specialist advice!

Wood sandblasting price

Name Unit. Price
Sandblasting wood m 2 from 190 rub.

The cost of sandblasting wood may differ in each specific case, our specialist will be able to calculate the exact price for you, just leave a request in the form

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