Why do I have strange dreams during the day? I have strange dreams

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Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Strange in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Strange

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream about Strange?

Seeing Strange - If you had a strange dream, then due to a ridiculous mistake you may find yourself in a situation from which it will be very difficult to get out.

Also strange dreams they say that you will be forced to fight or find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

The meaning of such a dream can also be interpreted by the impressions that you felt in the dream. These experiences will be exactly like what you would experience in a real life situation.

See also: why do you dream about stupidity, why do you dream about a children’s fairy tale, read on if you want to know why you dream about Strange.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Strange according to the dream book:

Seeing something strange in a dream means that real life you will find yourself in an unusual position. Seeing strange houses means your life will change so much that you will surprise everyone around you with your lifestyle. Strange - you will be able to advance in some original business. Wearing strange clothes indicates your quirks. Strange animals, birds, the world around us- you will have new ones unusual ideas or you will have exciting meetings with unusual people. Strange behavior of people means unusual antics of others. Seeing yourself as strange means inappropriate behavior.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what do Strange mean?

According to the dream book, see Strange shapes - In dreams, objects can take on unusual strange shapes. This is often due to the role that is assigned to the object within the boundaries of the dream, as well as the strength of the emotional perception of this object. The power of emotional perception is determined by the significance that we attach to other people, things or situations, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out why Strange is dreaming.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Strange according to the dream book?

We saw Disproportions in a dream - D. Loff wrote the following about strange forms in his dream book: “In dreams, objects can take on unusual strange shapes. This is often due to the role given to the object within the dream, as well as the strength of the emotional perception of this object. The strength of emotional perception comes from the importance we attach to other people, things, or situations. For example, you cannot understand the degree of closeness a person has with the rest of his family. Ask this person to draw a childhood home - so that the rooms of the house correspond in size to the significance in the person’s memories - then the magnitude of the strength of the emotional perception of each family member will immediately become clear.

Why do we dream of Strange shapes - We often “measure” the positive or negative experience within its emotional impact on us, and as a result, the “emotional” dimensions of this object are imprinted in our subconscious. For example, a spouse who feels emotionally depressed and oppressed by his wife may dream of a huge spoon, with which he was given a slap on the back of the head in childhood for disobedience.”

Often, when we wake up in the morning, we cannot remember what we dreamed about last night. However, sometimes we still manage to remember some fragments or the general atmosphere of the dream.
Often many things that we see in dreams seem unreal and even absurd to us, be it giant talking animals or spiral staircases, from which we fall down.
According to a recent study published in the journal Dreaming, our dreams become weirder the longer we sleep. Immediately after a person goes to bed, he dreams of images, generally based on real events. But as several hours pass, our dreams, as a rule, become more and more unnatural and paradoxical.
"We have found that the Strangeness of Dream Content Increases from Early to Late Nights," says Dr. Jose Malinowski, Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Bedfordshire in the UK, "and Such Late Dreams Are More Emotional."
For the experiment, 16 volunteers were selected and monitored over two nights. The researchers woke up the experiment participants at different times nights and recorded the dreams they saw. Each participant was awakened approximately four times per night. In the morning they also reported what they dreamed about the previous night.
Are dreams connected with reality or are they a more far-fetched phenomenon, but Dr. Malinovsky is definitely confident that dreams are a kind of “Safety Zone” with the help of which a sleeping person solves his problems and clarifies personal issues.
“Dreams are a way for us to gain insight into our unconscious feelings and emotions that may have been repressed into the subconscious. Also, dreams often give us the key to solving a certain problem that we could not cope with while awake,” says Malinovsky.
The doctor also often resorts to special therapy - sleep therapy, which helps patients better study their psyche and subconscious.

People have always been interested in dreams. Previously they were associated with higher powers. It was believed that this is how the gods are trying to convey messages about the future. Already in the 2-3 century BC. e. The first dream book was created in Greece. Then the priests were engaged in deciphering the visions.

Since the 19th century, scientists from different directions began to study dreams. After numerous experiments, they concluded that night visions are a set of fantastic pictures that arise in a weakened consciousness. They appear to develop a behavioral strategy necessary to solve pressing problems.

But when the brain is at rest, it does not control the impressions it receives, and they appear chaotically, creating unpredictable pictures. And, according to experts, there is no need to try to understand what you see.

There are, of course, other versions. Z. Freud was looking for a pattern between emerging images and what each of them entails. As a result, he concluded that sexual desire suppressed by the mind was to blame. And he explained even the most unusual plots from this position.

And yet, despite the development of humanity, we are still trying to solve dreams today. There are already many reference books that allow you to do this. But we don’t yet know exactly why people dream regularly.

I have strange dreams. Who's cooler?

I have strange dreams, I'm somewhere far away
Captured by a cheerful spring, I don’t remember which one.
Why do I dream about you, because everything was decided long ago,
I'm dialing your number, I'm cold.
No, I'm just calling to find out
How do you live without me?
With whom do you share your troubles?
What songs do you sing?
How can I live without you?
The silent melancholy has passed,
I'm fine
Great as ever.
Like the person you live with?
Doesn't offend you in any way?
Sorry, let's not talk about him, I don't need your lies.
I dream, I dream about my daughter, I miss her so much
You could help me see her.
I make my way like a thief to the secrets of someone else's soul,
But apparently we can’t finish our conversation.
I have never called and, apparently, I will not call.
I can only imagine it a thousand times.
No, I'm just calling to find out
How do you live without me?
With whom do you share your troubles?
What songs do you sing?
How can I live without you?
The silent melancholy has passed,
I'm fine
Great as ever. I dream strange dreams, I"m somewhere far away
In captivity cheerful spring, I do not remember what.
Why do you dream of me, because all have been decided
I dialed your number, I"m cold.

How do you live without me.
Who do you divide your woes,
What songs do you sing?
How do I live without you?
Gone silent anguish
All I"m good at ,
Perfect as ever.
As someone with whom you live?
Not offended in anything?
Sorry do not talk about it, I do not need your lies.
I dream, I dream of a daughter, I miss her,
You could help me see her.
I made my way as a thief, a stranger to the secrets of the soul,
But you can see our conversation we are not complete.
I never called and apparently did not call.
I can only imagine it a thousand times.
No, I "m calling just to find out
How do you live without me.
Who do you divide your woes,
What songs do you sing?
How do I live without you?
Gone silent anguish
All I"m good at ,
Perfect as ever.

Why do I have dreams?

Many years ago it was believed that dreams are mystical in nature and are a kind of message from the other world. People believed that their deceased relatives communicated with them in this way, informing them about the future of any person. Only certain people with abilities, for example, witches, sorcerers or priests, were engaged in deciphering dreams. Over time, the origin of dreams was examined from a different point of view. Dream books have appeared that still do not lose their popularity. There are the following reasons for the occurrence of dreams:

  1. Hidden desires of a person.

This theory is based on the work of famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud. According to his assumptions, a sleeping person sees a reflection of his hidden desires or aspirations, what he strongly strives for and what he really lacks. The theory that our subconscious communicates with us in this way received a response in the works of his followers. It was Freud who first began to practice talking about dreams with his patients in order to better understand the nature of their psychological problems.

  1. Brain work.

Another theory, based on the characteristics of the brain, has a completely opposite meaning. It was first voiced by the famous psychiatrist J. Hobson. According to his theory, dreams do not carry any meaning, so he looked at them from a physiological point of view. It has been scientifically discovered that the realistic visions we see at night trigger impulses in the brain stem. In turn, the brain, taking memories as a basis, interprets these signals into stories;

  1. Systematization of memories.

Another psychiatrist, Zhang Jie, suggested that the nerve impulses that cause dreams are not at all random. During sleep, active brain activity occurs. The brain analyzes the information received during the day, transferring some of it from short-term memory to long-term memory. It is at this time that some of the memories can be activated and turn into a realistic dream.

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  1. Warning.

This is one of the most unusual theories, according to which dreams are a gift from our ancestors, with the help of which they could warn about various life-threatening situations. In other words, it is a biological defense mechanism that allows one to survive danger, thereby training a person to face a real threat.

Strange dreams examples. What are the strangest and most unusual dreams you have had?

I had 2 such dreams that were especially memorable. The first dream (I already wrote it in the topic about mysticism, because it seemed especially strange to me): I dreamed of a large round spinning thing that seemed to be standing. And nearby were the silhouettes of many people who were simply walking or standing nearby. There are hundreds of them, perhaps even thousands. I had a huge feeling of pity and fear at the same time, it’s not clear why. Then I jumped out of bed, went to the window and pointed out the window to my mother (I was 14 years old) and said, barely holding back tears, “Look how many people!” I mean, I jumped up in reality, not in me:) of course, there was no one in the window. Mom was in shock. Never again in my life have I jumped up in a dream and never suffered from sleepwalking. Second dream: I dream that there is some kind of field around, with tall grass, and there are two boys there, they are brothers, they are about 8-10 years old. They're wearing old clothes, like they're peasants or something. They are running away from someone across this field. And then I see that somewhere in a field someone is burning some kind of large effigy or something similar. That is, I’m not the hero of the dream, I’m just observing from the outside. The boys are strangers, I’m seeing them for the first time. But I worry about them, I’m afraid that they will be caught. And in the end, one was really caught, and the second is trying to run away further. And then everything changes. I am no longer an outside observer, but I am that second boy running away. And I begin to feel all his fear, etc., and his fear for his brother, who was caught. I woke up with this. These are dreams. Did you have anything unusual in your dreams? :) it would be interesting to read


Why do you have strange dreams?

The other day I had a very strange dream... I dreamed that I lost my voice - instead of the usual inarticulate muttering, I began to neigh like a horse and acquired thick hair. I grew new teeth and developed the habit of shifting from foot to foot.

I dreamed that just at the sight of something blue-green in color, my left leg began to go numb and had difficulty bending at the knee. I didn’t turn away from this color in time - my leg simply grew stiff.

There was a wild desire to organize some kind of herd. And in a herd, you don’t rub side by side with your neighbor, but jump and frolic with all your might, sometimes kicking, sometimes trying to hit someone on the forehead with an imaginary hoof. I dreamed that I became uncontrollable and overly willful, unmotivatedly harsh and categorical. I began to lose my temper easily for any reason.

Being a quiet person in life, in a dream I suddenly fell in love with various gatherings, extreme entertainment, public spectacles, all sorts of demonstrations, rallies and slogans, adventurous adventures... I was drawn to laugh in public with a hint of horse-like oratory. And I was drawn to mares too.

Good male stallion! Optimistic, energetic, he doesn't care about money, although the work itself is worse than a bitter radish. He became picky about food, and his wardrobe contained only extravagant clothes. I burn in my dreams like a flame in the wind, and life now is delight and inspiration... As I squint with my purple eye, the women-mares themselves form stacks.

And others were already drooling with envy: I began to draw (whatever you can imagine in a dream!), and to do handmade things in my spare time. Well, I began to be able to do everything. He almost started cross-stitching with his own hooves. Tired of this, I again enter the image of a very active business person. I quickly get tired of creating in a horse-like state.

But, having rested, I get down to business again and continue it with the same zeal. I work (in my sleep, of course) obsessively, brightly and with great results. And just try not to praise me loudly - I will gore, trample, and kick with my hooves. But if you praise, you won’t be dragged away from work by the ears.

This is what a miracle I have become. Or - in the “humpbacked horse”. Or someone else. Maybe.

Still others do not approve of my actions. It's good that it's in a dream. In reality, I would be ashamed myself. After all, he began to make hasty promises in business without calculating the risk of possible operations. But I don’t want to dance in round dances with prudent and smart people. All by myself. And I’m going crazy with frustration myself. I go crazy, I spray foam, but I do it my way.

I look at everything from my bell tower. Horse. And I have a horse-like view of the world. And my eyes are special - like a horse's... Egoism is also like a horse's. The shirt that is closer to the body is the same - from the Horse. In short, I'm an ordinary horse.

Even in my sleep I felt sorry for myself. I wandered sadly into my old stable, hanging my horse’s muzzle low with new teeth... and woke up.

He told me his strange dream. They explained: “It’s time for you to prepare for the New Year - the year of the Blue Wooden Horse.” I was happy - good sleep I dreamed it, even though I woke up sad. I love it very much New Year!.. What do people say there? Does a fire mean a flood, and does a flood mean a fire?

Why do I have strange dreams during the day? Strange dream

Dreams that are considered paradoxical, unrealistic, devoid of meaning, visit people much more often than is commonly believed. The fact is that such night vision, in general, cannot be told to anyone, realizing that there is no point.

Scientists' opinion

I have strange visions

One foreign magazine published information that we begin to have strange dreams at a time when the body has essentially already rested. At the moment of falling asleep, the human brain begins to process all the information accumulated during the day and display it in pictures. Therefore, in the first half of the night we see real pictures that are understandable and accessible to our consciousness.

Why do I have strange dreams? The human body has already rested, the brain has processed all the information received and can no longer produce rational stories.

Who is the dreamer?

If you delve deeper into science, then very strange dreams should be considered from the perspective of the person who dreamed of this vision. It is believed that even animals see certain images. Also, scientific articles say that babies from birth, and even in the womb, can dream, but they are based on smells and sensations.

When a lonely person sleeps

Seeing night images that are difficult to interpret

Neurologist Patrick McNamara concluded that dreams differ depending on the social status of the dreamer.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a test was conducted; about three hundred people took part. They were divided into groups. The first group included people who prefer solitude. They claimed to dream every night. They also claimed that they often dreamed of something inexplicable and mysterious.

Then scientists came to the conclusion that people who do not realize themselves in society often have strange dreams, thereby filling a certain emptiness in their souls.

What does a player see in a dream?

It is believed that people who are addicted video games, often have lucid dreams. What does something like this mean? Dreams of this kind can be controlled by the dreamers.

When in a dream you realize that you are dreaming, then you will take control of the development of the plot. Even bad dreams no longer cause such horror, because you understand that at some point you will wake up.

Gamers often encounter scary moments in the game, so they do not run away from danger, but try to overcome it.

See weird night dreams

To learn to control your night visions, you just need to play on the computer sometimes.

Dreams of people with amnesia

It is also a scientifically proven fact that people who suffer from amnesia see bizarre images in their dreams. This is explained by the fact that this category often forgets what it experiences in reality, and then the brain reproduces these stories in a dream.

In a dream, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, a saint appears to a person, dead or alive, but far away, close, and perhaps even an unclean person. It also happens that a person himself visits his dead in a dream. Such visions always reveal something important, and it is necessary to understand them first. For visions, the time and day on which they were dreamed are not relevant. They can be told or not, they are still true, the main thing is to understand them correctly. If a vision reveals to a person something that he does not like, then rearranging the laundry or looking at the fire is pointless - the vision always speaks of what is inevitable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of prophetic dreams

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Dream Interpretation - Incoherent dreams

You see certain events that cannot even be called events, since they do not have a semantic core, a logical connection; perhaps this is a random set of pictures, a kaleidoscope of emotions - a dream testifies to your chronic fatigue; due to the unpleasant events that befell you, you have experienced psychological overload for a long time; you need to rest, get away from the environment that affects you negatively.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams are images that appear in the mind of a sleeping person. Their content is usually real people and events, but sometimes we wake up in disbelief. What you see at night is neither good nor bad, it is simply impossible to understand. Why do I have strange and incomprehensible dreams? Maybe it’s a play of the imagination, or maybe a warning or a hint?

Interpretation of strange dreams

People have always been interested in dreams. Previously, they were associated with higher powers. It was believed that this is how the gods are trying to convey messages about the future. Already in the 2-3 century BC. e. The first dream book was created in Greece. Then the priests were engaged in deciphering the visions.

Since the 19th century, scientists from different directions began to study dreams. After numerous experiments, they concluded that night visions are a set of fantastic pictures that arise in a weakened consciousness. They appear to develop a behavioral strategy necessary to solve pressing problems.

But when the brain is at rest, it does not control the impressions it receives, and they appear chaotically, creating unpredictable pictures. And, according to experts, there is no need to try to understand what you see.

There are, of course, other versions. Z. Freud was looking for a pattern between emerging images and what each of them entails. As a result, he concluded that it's all due to sexual desire suppressed by reason. And he explained even the most unusual plots from this position.

And yet, despite the development of humanity, we are still trying to solve dreams today. There are already many reference books that allow you to do this. But we don’t yet know exactly why people dream regularly.

Unusual stories are seen more often by lonely people

In 2001, neurologist Patrick McNamara proved that the nature of dreams differs among people of different social status.

His 300 students were divided into several groups according to how they lived. People who spent time alone formed one group. Those who lived with family or a partner - another.

For a certain time, both were interrogated, finding out what they were seeing and what nature of the plots arose. It turned out that more vivid and strange pictures appeared among students living alone. They were more likely to experience nightmares or inexplicable visions with a vivid emotional coloring, which were remembered for a long time and well.

Thus, it was concluded that dreams of unusual and incomprehensible things to replace the attachments a person lacks. Consciousness compensates for the lack of emotions caused by natural instincts.

Does everything depend on time?

Dreams have been and continue to be explored. Other experiments have recently been carried out. Their goal was to find out whether events that occur during sleep depend on how much we sleep.

For the experiment, 16 people were selected and observed for 2 nights. Scientists woke up subjects at different times of the night and recorded their stories. The next morning they did the same.

As a result, it was discovered that the more time passed after a person fell asleep, the more incredible the night passed.

Immediately after we close our eyes, consciousness reproduces pictures associated with reality. But after a few hours, the connection with reality is lost, and we observe increasingly paradoxical visions. That is, the more you sleep, the more incredible your dreams .

Strange things in dreams

Sometimes a person, not feeling the line between sleep and reality, behaves inappropriately - talks or walks while asleep. Then we turn into some kind of zombie and scare those around us. This phenomenon is called sleepwalking.

Below we describe the most extraordinary actions ever performed by “sleepwalkers”:

  • Lee Hadwin- an Englishman who has been drawing since he was 4 years old. As a child, these were simple paintings, but as a teenager he began to create real works of art. Lee says he doesn't remember anything and never had any interest in painting. Music interests him much more. But the fact remains;
  • 23 year old Canadian resident Michael Thomson killed his relatives. At night, he broke into their house, strangled his father-in-law and hacked to death his mother-in-law with an ax, and then turned himself in to the police. The doctors who arrived on call performed an encephalogram on him. Her results turned out to be atypical even for a “sleepwalker.” The court acquitted the man, declaring him insane at the time of the crime;
  • 1.5% of the population suffers sexsomnia. They have sex with their partner in their sleep, not understanding what is happening. Susceptible to this more than a man. Their sexual fantasies break out during this period, which leads to particularly sophisticated acts. Sometimes divorces occur because of this, because the wife thinks that the husband imagines someone else.

And these are not all the most amazing cases. People who are “sleepwalkers” send letters, drive cars, jump out of windows. They are completely unpredictable.

Incomprehensible events that everyone has encountered

And now about things that often happen to us in our dreams. They are neither bad nor good, but we cannot explain them:

  • Surely you, at least once waking up in the morning, heard from your loved ones what they said last night. This happens often. The reason for this, according to psychologists, is a sharp protest. You are trying to deal with real problems in your dreams. Feelings overwhelm you, and you can no longer contain them;
  • It seems to you that you are awake, but you are not. You walk around, cook breakfast, but in reality you sleep. Official science cannot explain such a phenomenon. Esotericism is sure that in this case there is a connection with parallel worlds;
  • Sometimes the same vision appears many times. The plot repeats itself exactly and you already know how it will end. Psychoanalysts are sure that in this way the consciousness is trying to draw attention to events that we do not want to accept. They will come back until they are resolved.

There is no scientific explanation for what is happening. All interpretations are just guesses and assumptions. Each case of unusual nocturnal behavior is unique and associated only with that individual. Therefore, in general, it is difficult to say why things happen to us when we sleep.

Mendeleev saw in a dream how to build a system chemical elements. Probably, this plot also seemed unusual to him at first, and he did not take it seriously. Therefore, if you do not yet know why you have strange and incomprehensible dreams, forget about them. Perhaps soon you will find out their secret.

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