Ground cover roses height. Planting ground cover roses and caring for creeping varieties

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Ground cover roses

The ground cover rose is one of the most striking representatives of the Rosaceae. This is a real pearl of any landscape, which combines attractiveness and beauty with high adaptability and disease resistance.

This relatively new breed was formed along with the advent of. And it was obtained by crossing miniature rose varieties with the climbing rose Vihura. From the first they have retained a well-managed size and the ability to re-bloom. From Vikhura they inherited strength, disease resistance and winter hardiness.

Features of ground cover roses

  • The height of ground cover roses varies from a few centimeters to one meter. It all depends on the variety. They can be either shrubs or perennial plants. Evergreen ground cover roses have the added advantage of looking beautiful all year round.
  • Ground cover roses are ideal for permanent cultivation on slopes, steep banks and along driveways.
  • Previously, ground cover roses were used mainly for growing in public parks and as roadside flower beds. Now, however, new varieties of groundcover roses are more flowering than their predecessors and are popular in gardens.
  • Low-growing varieties are suitable for mass planting as borders or as a simple soda decoration. Look great in flower beds and around garden paths and steps or under trees. Also great for planting in pots or hanging baskets.
  • Can be planted next to other plants. They will coexist especially happily next to plants such as lavender, agapanthus and agapanthus.
  • Most new varieties of ground cover roses are very disease resistant. Most of them have low water and fertilizer requirements. foliage with large and a range of flower colors and types to choose from. Many have a fairly long flowering period, lasting throughout the summer and even autumn.
  • There is a wide range of flower types and shades among ground cover roses, so there is always something to choose from. However, like weeds, they rarely grow during the winter months when there is no grass on the ground.

Classification of ground cover roses

Conventionally, all ground cover roses are divided into 4 main groups:

Small creeping roses

Small creeping . These varieties have horizontal flexible shoots that can grow up to 0.5 m in height. The width usually reaches 1.5 m.

These include Avon, Bower Carpet, Gwent, Nozomi, Snow Carpet, Suffolk and Suma.

  • Avon. They have a height of up to 30 cm and a width of up to 1 m. The flowers are usually small, semi-double. The aroma is weak. The color is pink. They belong to the repeat-blooming varieties.
  • Bower Carpet. Height is about 0.5 m, width is about 1 m. Small pink flowers. Terry. The aroma is weak or completely absent.
  • Gwent. 45 cm high and 1 m wide. With bright yellow flowers.
  • Nozomi. 50 cm height and 1.2 m width. Small mother-of-pearl flowers collected in brushes. There is no aroma.
  • Snow Carpet. Height is about 10 cm, width is about 70 cm. The flowers are miniature double. White. The aroma is weak.
  • Suffolk (Bassino). 45 cm high and 70 cm wide. Small scarlet or red flowers with a faint aroma.
  • Suma. The height often reaches 35 cm, the width is no more than 1.5 m. Double rosette-shaped flowers. Ruby coloring. The aroma is completely absent. It blooms for a long time in the fall.

Cool creeping . Such roses have a height of 0.5 m and a width of approximately 1.5 m.

The most famous variety is Max Graf.

Width approximately 2.5 m. Height – up to 60 cm. Has pink flowers with a strong sweetish aroma. Forms a dense carpet. The plant is particularly prickly. Frost-resistant.

Small drooping . These plants are distinguished by rather rigid shoots in the form of an arc. They reach a height of up to 95 cm and a width of up to 1.5.

  • Blenheim, Kent, Rug, Red Blanket, Red Bells and Pink Pillow
  • Blenheim. Height/width: 1m/1.5m. Hardy and unpretentious plant. White double flowers with a faint aroma.
  • Kent. Height/width: 50 cm/70 cm. White semi-double flowers collected in large clusters. Weakly scented.
  • Magic Carpet. Height/width: 50 cm/1.6 m. Small semi-double flowers of delicate lavender shade. They have a spicy aroma.
  • Red Bells. Typically up to 70 cm in height and up to 1.2 m in width. Red semi-double flowers with a faint scent. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness.
  • Red Blanket. Height/width: 90 cm/1.2 m. Medium-sized flowers with a weak aroma. Terry. The color is pale red.
  • Rosy Cushion. 90 cm high and 1.2 m wide. Small semi-double flowers. The color is pink with a hint of white in the center. The aroma is pronounced.

Large ground cover roses

Steep drooping . The height of these varieties can be more than 1 m, and the width is up to 1.5 m.

Variety – Fiona. This rose is one of the first among the garden group. The height usually reaches 1 m, width - 2 m. The flowers are usually small. Terry. Bright red color.

Almost all of the above varieties are very resistant to disease and frost, and also do not require special care. This type of rose will grow in almost any type of soil. Basically, you can plant them and forget about them.

All plants of this garden group have strong shoots with lush and dense foliage, distinguished by a dark green color and a slight silvery tint.

The first groundcover varieties were bred specifically for planting hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, most of these roses cover the ground with a very dense carpet. This, by the way, is expressed in the names of some varieties - the word “carpet” is translated from English as “carpet”.

Before purchasing, it is better to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a particular variety in more detail in order to know about the size of the plant and choose the right place for planting it. For example, for areas small sizes Small drooping and small creeping varieties are better suited than others.

Of course, all of us gardeners dream of flowers blooming all summer long. This is very convenient, especially for busy people who come to their dacha once a week, or even less often. It is difficult to say whether there really are flowers that bloom all summer. However, there are plants with a long flowering period and flowers that bloom twice per summer season. These are the ones we recommend you pay attention to.

It is worth noting that there are ground cover roses that bloom all summer, which will undoubtedly decorate your suburban area.

Ground cover roses grow to a height of approximately 50 cm, bloom in June, and bloom in inflorescences. Just one bush of ground cover rose can cover an entire gazebo. The flowering of groundcover roses is almost endless - one bud replaces another.

IN landscape design ground cover roses are used for landscaping slopes.

Types of ground cover roses

  • large with shoots that creep (bush width more than 1.5 meters, height up to 50 cm);
  • small with shoots that creep (bush width up to 1.5 m, height about 30 cm);
  • large with branching shoots (bush width exceeds 1.5 m, height – more than 1 m);
  • small with branching shoots (bush width 1.5 cm, height up to 1 m);
  • large shrubs growing straight.

All types of ground cover roses are characterized by:

  1. The presence of a large bush with big amount side shoots, while the width of the rose is many times greater than its height.
  2. Ground cover roses bloom for a long time and very abundantly.
  3. Along with the buds and inflorescences, a lot of leaves (green mass) grow in autumn. The bushes are very picturesque.
  4. Accelerated growth of side shoots.
  5. They are not afraid of frost, the bushes are resistant to diseases.
  6. They do not require special care, pruning or careful trimming.

How to grow ground cover roses that bloom all summer

It is best to grow a rose grafted onto a varietal rose hip to avoid wild growth. Ground cover roses are very difficult to propagate vegetatively. It is almost impossible to bury a twig so that it sprouts and takes root.

Ground cover roses planting and care.

Roses bloom all season long, and everyone else loves a sunny place too, fertile soil. A hole for planting is dug quite deep - about 50 cm. It is filled with organic matter - compost, humus. Add sand to make the soil lighter. Roses respond very well to ash. Superphosphate or any other mineral potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is also added.

Varieties of ground cover roses that bloom all summer.

All ground cover roses have a long flowering period. We recommend continuous flowering rose varieties.

1. Bonika 82 (Bonica 82)

A universal variety of roses with delicate flowers - Pink colour, with abundant continuous flowering, endurance and growth strength. Resistant to diseases and temperature changes. The flowers grow double with a diameter of 6 - 8 cm. Most often used as a scrub, for container growing, landscape gardening of flowerbeds and plots as a ground cover, good for cutting.

2. Dominique Loiseau

Extraordinarily delicate semi-double White Rose. The height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm. The bush is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests and at the same time retains abundant flowering over a long period, can be classified as continuous flowering roses.

Used to create hedges and borders with contrasting color inserts, and used as a ground cover plant in the garden.

3. Rose Super Dorothy

A bush with pink flowers with a diameter of 3 cm, united in inflorescences of 7 - 10 pieces, the height of the bush is 70 cm, the length of the lashes is 2.5 m, in diameter this ground cover rose, blooming all summer, grows with a diameter of up to 2 square meters. m. Used to create flower beds and as a climbing rose on a support.

In this video you can learn how to ensure proper care behind the climbing roses.

They have earned the recognition and love of flower growers. Ground cover perennial flowers are used to create unique picturesque flower beds, decorate empty plots of land, and to design alleys, fences, gazebos and borders. In addition, ground cover roses strengthen the soil in areas where erosion develops and will not allow soil to be washed away in flower beds located on a slope during the rainy season.

By crossing the climbing rose Vihura with miniature varieties, the original Bodendecker was obtained - ground-blooded roses, which have received recognition in almost all developed countries of the world community. This happened in the late seventies of the last century, but in a separate garden category they were identified only in the eighties. This group includes a large number of varieties that are spreading arched shoots with bright, fragrant inflorescences and small leaves.

Look at the photo of ground cover roses presented on this page in a wide variety:

The most exquisite varieties have been selected with descriptions; their incomparable beauty allows the use of group plantings in garden design. The practicality of the species lies in the fact that planting is accessible even to not very experienced gardeners. Aftercare includes a number of simple measures.

Description of ground cover roses with photos

Despite its aesthetic appeal, this variety is quite unpretentious in care and cultivation. At the same time, both in life and in photos, ground cover roses look beautiful, bright, and unusual. Their bushes seem to spread out on the ground or wrap around special supports, and a large number of small double flowers cover the numerous shoots of the plant. Both the height and width of such original shrubs can reach 2 meters.

If you read any description, it becomes clear that the flowering of ground-blooded roses lasts all summer - from the very beginning of June until the first frost. Apart from periodic watering and high-quality fertilizing with fertilizers, these perennial shrubs do not require special care. However very coldy for them, as for most other decorative representatives of the flora, they can become destructive. That's why winter shelter is a mandatory element of proper care - in this state, flowers can withstand temperatures down to minus 35 degrees.

Look at the photo of ground cover roses belonging to various varieties and varieties:

Generally accepted classification - categories and varieties of ground cover roses

This type of rose bush has a lot of color, so it is often bright inflorescences You may not even see the leaves. Officially, plantings are divided into 4 categories (according to some experts - 5), each of which has its own characteristics and varietal accessories. The division into subgroups and varieties of ground cover roses takes place according to the following criteria:

  • large creeping ones. The width of the bushes can reach more than 1.5 meters, and the height can reach more than 45 cm;
  • small creeping. The width of the bushes does not exceed one and a half meters, and their height is from 30 to 45 cm.
  • large drooping ones. The width of the bushes is from one and a half meters or more, and the height is from 1 meter;
  • small drooping ones. The bushes, whose height is up to 95 cm, have a width of approximately 1.5 meters.

Plants of creeping varieties have horizontally growing stems, often rooting at the nodes. Drooping varieties are types of original spreading bushes with drooping arched branches. The generally accepted classification is also carried out into categories. A number of varieties have been developed that are the most relevant and preferable for growing in different areas and modern landscape decoration. Among them, we can especially highlight the varieties of ground cover roses used in the landscape design of a modern garden.

Fairy ground-blood roses, popular in many countries. Attractive to look at, polyantha roses range in color from white to pale pink. They grow in clusters of up to 40 medium-sized double flowers each. Flowering begins late and continues continuously until the first cold weather. Quickly, confidently rooting cuttings make shrubs ideal material for a hedge, planting in a mixborder or a cozy patio.

The next variety was developed by the French company Meilland and is called Swany - a ground cover rose that has bright white flowers with a pinkish tint in the center. Densely double, medium-sized flowers have a diameter of approximately 5-6 cm, and graceful umbrella-type inflorescences are collected on long shoots, up to 20 pieces. The shrub has attractive dark green foliage that is small and evergreen. The variety is winter-hardy and blooms profusely.

The ground-blooded Scarlet rose with dark green glossy leaves and bright red, densely double flowers also attracts the attention of many ordinary people and gardeners. The height of the bushes reaches 50 cm, flowering is long, throughout the summer and autumn. Young seedlings quickly adapt to different conditions, the variety is considered one of the hardiest.

The next variety is distinguished by small (about 3 cm in diameter) pink flowers, collected in inflorescences of 10 pieces. The height of the bushes of the ground-blooded rose Super Dorothy can reach 70 cm, and the length of one lash can be 250 cm. Considering the diameter of one bush - up to two square meters, you can use this variety in the form of decorating flower beds with the help of special supports.

spherical, correct form The red-crimson flowers of the ground rose Morsdag distinguishes shrubs from a variety of varieties and allows them to be used in landscape design in a wide variety of areas. At the same time, raspberry-scarlet tones can be diluted with strokes of various soft pastel tones. Delicate double flowers of 15-20 petals are collected in graceful tassels of buds that gradually open. Both in rural and urban environments it looks quite attractive and non-trivial.

Continuously flowering variety ground cover rose Amber Viel has flowers of an attractive spherical shape, the diameter of which is approximately 10 cm - these are one of the largest species ornamental plants. The flowers have a delicately spicy aroma and an original amber-apricot color. Powdery mildew and black spot have almost no effect on even bushes reaching a height of 70 cm.

Semi-double clusters of orange-red petals of 15-16 pieces each represent the “Magic Cover” variety of ground-blooded roses. The diameter of each flower is 4-5 cm, they have the shape of a flat bowl and are collected in large tassels. The bushes bloom continuously throughout the season, each rose lasting from 3 to 5 days. The leaves on the bushes are dark green, glossy, the aroma is practically not expressed. IN garden landscaping one of the most popular varieties.

Before purchasing seedlings, it is important to consult what varieties of certain flowers belong to, how to properly care for them and what size the adult bush will be. This is necessary for better and more precise planning of growing flowers and decorating individual areas or corners of the yard. Some of them can bloom once a season, some species - twice.

Features of planting ground cover roses and caring for them

A large number of people prefer to see various varieties of these presentable ornamental plants in their yard, plot, or garden. However, before planting ground cover roses, it is necessary to clarify a number of nuances and determine the procedure. Some factors and planting features can be decisive in the development of the root system and the successful cultivation of rose bushes.

Any variety of the “queen of flowers” ​​loves a lot of light, and groundcovers are no exception in this regard. Proper access to sunlight can ensure high-quality bud formation and long flowering periods. At the same time, the scorching rays of the sun at midday are extremely undesirable, because of which flower petals and leaves can get burned. The southeastern or western parts of the yard, garden, plot are the most optimal options for planting these plants. The first half of the day will determine the roses receiving required quantity ultraviolet radiation, and then they can be protected from the midday sun by trees and other shrubs that cast shadows in their direction. It is also undesirable to plant shrubs in the shade - under the walls of buildings, under trees, in corner areas of the yard or garden.

The peculiarities of caring for them also have a considerable number of aspects. A big nuisance for anyone rose bush there may be spring meltwater. To protect against them, and in winter from frost, shrubs are planted at an elevation of approximately 30-40 cm and at a slight slope. The soil on the site should not be too wet or oversaturated with acid.

Besides, great importance has something that previously grew in the area where they want to plant shrubs. The soil may be too depleted after growing apricots, cherries, hawthorn, and other pink-flowered representatives on a given plot of land. In such places, the soil should be allowed to rest a little and, perhaps, be fed.

The description of caring for ground cover roses can be made quite laconic. They require the most basic conditions and rules that must be maintained. At a minimum, this is pruning and fertilizing with organic matter and mineral species fertilizers Every year you need to prune in minimal quantities, getting rid of dry and broken branches. Once every five years winter time more global pruning can be done.

Watering is done once a week with water room temperature. Young shrubs can be watered a little more often. Plantings are fertilized abundantly from April to October, and in the winter it is important to take care of shelter during severe frosts. If the cold is insignificant, these representatives of the flora are able to withstand it on their own due to their frost resistance.

Design solutions to create a bright atmosphere

In a variety of design solutions and abundance modern ideas For landscape design decoration, ground cover varieties of roses enjoy incredible success. Blooming as abundantly as possible and bursting around the bush with a large number of bright, colorful inflorescences, such plants can decorate any garden or area. With their help, they often prefer to decorate arches and hedges. We can safely say that ground cover roses play a tangible, quite significant role in the design of a garden or yard in our time.

Through these attractive in appearance and in their internal characteristics Shrubs can be used to decorate slopes, flower beds, and terraces with high quality and dignity. Reliably resistant to frost and numerous diseases, creeping varieties can create entire carpets for long periods of time, and drooping varieties of flowering decor with the help of supports can transform any garden and yard interior.

Climbing varieties can be used to successfully decorate fences, hedges, pergolas and gazebos. And the decorative, aesthetic functions of rose plantings can adequately complement the more practical qualities of plants - when planted on the slopes of soil deposits with elements of erosion and depletion, such shrubs will help strengthen the upper layers of the earth, preventing soil washout during abundant seasonal rainfall and floods.

Gardeners grew short, branching varieties of roses as early as the 19th century. But only at the end of the 20th century unpretentious, frost-resistant, long-blooming and very decorative ground cover roses have taken their rightful place in the arsenal of landscape design masters and amateur gardeners.



Low (about 50 cm), spreading bush. They are distinguished by large, densely double flowers, which during flowering change color from dark red to rich cherry. The flowers are odorless, but with the richest doubleness among ground cover roses. The variety is frost-resistant, immune, blooms profusely.



The bushes are tall, 75-80 cm. The crown is spreading, up to 2 m in diameter. Rose Svani stands out for its evergreen small shiny foliage and large umbrella inflorescences. Each contains up to 20 double, white with a pink center, fragrant flowers. Winter-hardy and very decorative shrub.


Standard rose Ahtiar

A tall bush with long (1.2-1.5 m) flowing arched shoots. Large double flowers are collected in inflorescences. This landscape rose is used to create borders and green hedges., grown in a standard culture.



Tall, up to 2 m, bush with a rounded dense crown. Winter-hardy, drought- and disease-resistant. Blooms for a long time, continuously, until the onset of frost. Simple flowers collected in brushes. The petals are white in the center, turning pink towards the edges. During flowering, the flowers increase in size and become somewhat lighter. They have a delicate musky aroma.



One of the most hardy and adaptive varieties. The bushes are low, up to half a meter. The foliage is dark and glossy. The flowers are double, deep red. Blooms profusely all summer and autumn



The seedlings quickly take root, the shoots grow actively and in short time form dense thickets up to 60 cm high. White, sometimes with pink tint, double flowers are collected in brushes of 30-40 pieces. They bloom from July until frost.

Amber Sun

Amber Sun

Spreading branched bushes, 50-60 cm in height and width. The branches are drooping. Small semi-double fragrant flowers of all shades of yellow - from copper at the beginning of flowering to cream at the end. Prized for long-lasting flowering, cheerful decorativeness, resistance to frost and rose diseases.



Low (up to half a meter) compact bushes. Scarlet semi-double flowers are grouped in racemes. One of the earliest flowering varieties, extremely resistant to diseases, tolerant of environmental conditions. Often planted in hanging pots and containers.



A strong bush up to 85 cm, with long arched branches. Fragrant flowers, double, bright pink, medium-sized, collected in inflorescences. Blooms profusely from early June until frost. Winter-hardy immune variety.

Features of growing ground cover roses

These plants were identified as a separate group about 50 years ago. It combines abundantly flowering shrubs with wide creeping or slightly drooping arched shoots. Height from 40 cm to 2 m, crown width from 50 cm to 3 m.

The plants are well leafy, the leaves are medium-sized, shiny, and form a thick green crown. Small flowers, double, semi-double or simple, collected in inflorescences, elegant and elegant.

They are called carpet roses for their ability to form dense flowering coverings. They are used to create elements of landscape design and garden decor, which is why they are also called landscape.

Advantages common to ground cover roses:

  • unpretentiousness, ease of care;
  • frost resistance;
  • immunity to diseases and pests;
  • abundant long flowering;
  • easy propagation by layering;
  • rapid growth and acquisition of a decorative appearance;
  • from 2 years they suppress weeds.

They are planted along paths, in the lower tier of flower beds, and in ridges. With their help, they create color accents on lawns, enliven gentle slopes, and decorate retaining walls and terraces. Compact varieties look great in pots and wicker baskets.

Planting and care

Planting dates and site selection

Carpet roses are planted in spring or early autumn, long before the onset of frost. In the regions middle zone and further north are preferred spring planting to give the plants time to take root and get stronger.

The soil chosen is fertile, loamy, loose, well-moistened and drained.

Roses do not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil and high standing groundwater. Good decision– placement on raised beds or gentle slopes.

Need to provide good lighting rosary. At the same time, light partial shade in the sultry afternoon hours will not hurt.

A good location for roses is on western or southeastern, non-steep slopes.

How to plant

The variety is selected taking into account its “adult” size, planned use, placement on the site.

Spring is the most favorable time of year for planting

For a rose flower bed, dig up the entire planting area 2 shovels deep.

Before planting, you need to carefully select plant debris, weeds and their rhizomes from the soil. Subsequently, it is difficult to remove weeds from under the thorny bushes.

Prepare holes 50 cm in diameter and an average depth of 60-70 cm, but 10-20 cm more than the length of the roots of the seedling. To plant a border or hedge, dig a trench. The bottom is loosened by 25-35 cm.

The shoots are shortened, leaving 2-4 buds on each. Trim dried and damaged roots. Place the seedling in a hole and cover it with soil. Each layer of soil is watered.

The soil is compacted from above and watered abundantly again.


Young bushes are watered 2 times a week, adults - 1 time every 7-10 days. Over-watering and over-drying are undesirable.

Feed three times per season:

  • after the leaves appear;
  • after the first wave of flowering and removal of old inflorescences;
  • early autumn.

The first two times they make complex mineral fertilizers, in the third - only phosphorus and potassium.

Trim shoots in early spring:

  • dried out;
  • frozen;
  • broken;
  • sick.

Young plantings are mulched with tree bark, shavings, leaf compost, or the soil is covered with black film. These measures will prevent the development of weeds.

Mature landscape roses densely cover the soil surface and inhibit weeds.

Rose propagation

Ground cover roses are easily propagated by layering.

In spring, one or more long shoots are selected. Drop into a deep groove (10cm deep) in one or several places so that there are 1-2 buds at the bottom for the formation of roots, and 1-2 buds on top, from which shoots are formed. Secure with hooks or wooden pins and water.

The soil is kept moist until autumn. For the winter, the shoots are covered with spruce branches. In spring, cuttings are separated from the mother plant and transplanted to the desired location.

Preparing for winter

For better preparation Toward winter and the shoots ripen in the fall, stop watering and fertilizing roses.

Ground cover plants are considered winter-hardy and do not require shelter.

In the domestic climate, this is true only for the southern regions and areas with mild, snowy winters. It is advisable to protect the bushes with spruce branches or lucrasil, creating an additional air cushion.

Ground cover roses are unpretentious in care and cultivation, beginner gardeners can handle it. They respond to care and attention with abundant flowering and delight with a riot of colors, grace, and spectacular decorativeness.

At the end of the 70s, as a result of crossing the climbing rose Vihura with dwarf varieties of roses, a new interesting view rosesground cover. The variety was received with a bang and recognized by the world community of flower growers.

In this article we will look at the most popular varieties of ground cover roses with detailed descriptions and photos.

A neat bush of the Hello variety, up to half a meter high, spreads its crown over a meter in diameter. Roses are strewn with glossy, rich Green colour leaves. The diameter of the cup-shaped flowers is up to 7 cm. Interestingly, the blooming dark red flowers change color to a thick cherry color as they bloom.

The flowers are collected in large inflorescences of up to fifteen pieces; unfortunately, they do not have a scent, but the dense terry of the flowers (up to 125 petals) more than compensates for this shortcoming. Hello blooms unusually luxuriantly, and its advantages include resistance to diseases, in addition, these ground cover roses are quite winter-hardy, withstanding temperatures down to -30 ° C.

Did you know? First noticed medicinal properties roses ancient military doctor Dioscorides. He described and proved the astringent, tonic and laxative properties of flowers. Also about roses as medicinal plants wrote Avicenna.

Rose Swaney – tall and spreading bush: height up to 75 cm, crown diameter reaches two meters. The Svani shrub is distinguished by evergreen foliage; the leaves are small and dark green. During the flowering period, umbrella-shaped inflorescences with up to twenty flowers are collected on long shoots.

The diameter of the flowers is up to six centimeters, the flowers are double. Unusually colored: the main background is white with a soft pink center, they always attract attention. The Svani variety tolerates frost well.

Scarlet ground cover roses range in color from bright pink and carmine to purple. The bush, half a meter high, has bright, dark green, glossy foliage.

The variety is considered one of the hardiest, it has the highest percentage of seedlings rooting. Lush inflorescences with brightly colored double flowers attract attention. These roses bloom both in summer and part of autumn and are extremely popular with gardeners.

Fairy ground cover rose – This is a lush low bush up to 60 cm in height and a crown diameter of just over a meter. During flowering, pale pink inflorescences cover the bush so thickly that the green fine foliage underneath is invisible.

Terry flowers hanging from strong long shoots have a pleasant aroma with clearly perceptible notes of apple. The variety has a long flowering period - from mid-summer until almost the end of autumn.

Fairy rose ground cover, thanks to its dense inflorescences and flexible shoots, is used in almost all design techniques: rock gardens, hanging flower beds, rockeries and many others. Fairy roses often decorate gazebos and terraces with a coral cap of Fairy rose flowers.

Rose Amber Viel – tall bush, ground cover variety grows up to 70 cm. Round, ball-like flowers of original colors: there are amber and apricot colors and shades green tea and bright yellow tones.

The rose has a delicate spicy aroma. The flowers of this variety are among the largest - 10 cm in diameter. The variety is characterized by good immunity to diseases inherent in flowering plants.

The compact, neat bush spreads its crown widely, so you need to plant it at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. Strong shoots grow up to 130 cm. The variety blooms luxuriantly during the summer months. The flowers are large, open like a wide bowl, of an unusual salmon hue, with a pale yellow stamen and a carved edge of the petals.

This ground cover rose is used in landscape design to decorate hedges, screens and group plantings.

Lush bush up to 80 cm tall has strong shoots, medium size green leaves and abundant flowering. Inflorescences are collected from 10-15 flowers. Flowers are cup-shaped, semi-double, up to 8 cm in diameter.

Ground cover roses of the variety with a medical name have one feature: the white-painted petals turn pink when bad conditions weather. Aspirin Rose blooms throughout the summer season and in the fall until October. The variety is winter-hardy, but in severe frosts a little shelter will not be superfluous. The variety is used in group and single plantings.

A low bush with a wide crown and hanging shoots grows up to 80 cm, the diameter of the crown is more than a meter. These are ground cover roses that bloom all summer until the first frost. Small, semi-double flowers up to five centimeters in diameter, deep pink with a white spot in the center. The foliage is dark green, dense, small in size.

The bush is immune to diseases, but it is worth monitoring the frequency of watering: with high humidity, damage is possible powdery mildew. The bush looks beautiful in hanging compositions, as a living screen.

Important! Ground cover roses are mostly winter-hardy, but in harsh climates or lack of precipitation they require shelter. Plants can be covered with special materials or spruce branches and dry leaves can be used.

A leafy, spreading and branched bush grows up to half a meter. The variety is resistant to diseases and cold. Blooms profusely throughout the summer season. Amber Sun has semi-double small flowers, painted in all shades yellow color. As they bloom, the petals take on a lighter color than at the beginning of flowering. The flowers have a subtle pleasant scent.

They look beautiful in combination with other, brighter roses; in group compositions with ornamental shrubs and in single plantings.

The sonorous name of the variety speaks of its strength; the variety is indeed very hardy. It is often used as a hedge and shade in vegetable gardens. The variety loves the sun, but also develops well in partial shade. Withstands frosts, but needs shelter.

Blooms luxuriantly all season long. Against the background of dark green lush foliage, bright scarlet small roses are scattered, 15 pieces on one inflorescence. These roses are popular for growing in containers and hanging pots.

The variety is characterized by instability to the vagaries of weather and diseases. The bush grows up to half a meter high. Blooms throughout the summer season until late autumn. Lush inflorescences are strewn with small crimson and red flowers; the main background may contain light inclusions of lighter tones.

Double flowers in racemose inflorescences are popular in rural areas; they are used to decorate open verandas and gazebos. Openwork balls of flowers look advantageous against the background of evergreen ornamental shrubs.

Attention! Roses need morning or evening watering when the sun is less aggressive. Drops that fall on the petals, evaporating in the sun, will leave burns on the delicate flowers.

This white ground cover rose was developed in 1980. Snow Carpet is considered a dwarf rose - its height rarely exceeds ten centimeters, but over the territory it grows up to a meter. The shoots of the rose are strong, flexible, and creeping. Double flowers have no scent, but grow very luxuriantly on the bush.

Interesting! The world's largest ground cover rose bush grows in the USA. In one of the cities of Arizona, a bush covers a gazebo, the size of which is eight square.meters.

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