Preparing for school after the holidays. Why do you need to prepare for the start of the school year after the holidays?

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Vera Prokhorchuk |

08/26/2016 | 1246

Vera Prokhorchuk 08/26/2016 1246 After summer holidays

Many children find it quite difficult to get used to school everyday life. I will tell you how to prepare your child for school and gently set him up for learning.

I have two children of the same age: Sasha moved to the 3rd grade, and the youngest Mitya moved to the 2nd. Last year, after the summer holidays, they both told me that they did not want to go to school and dreamed that the holiday would continue until the New Year. And I really wanted my sons to enjoy their studies, and not to become some kind of “hard labor.” I consulted with specialists who gave me several useful recommendations

on preparing children for school.

I put them into practice, and, you know, the period of adaptation to school was quite easy. This year, I'm getting my kids excited about learning by putting these tips into practice.

I share them with you, dear parents.

Parents should pay special attention to this issue: after all, difficulties during the period of adaptation to school can lead to psychological problems and even health problems.

Daily routine for children During the holidays, parents violate the daily routine: children often go to bed late, sleep until lunch, eat at different time

. During school, the daily routine will change: the child will go to bed and get up early, the whole day will be planned out. So that the child’s body has time to rebuild, a week before the start school year

it is necessary to observe the “school” daily routine. I offer a sample daily routine:

  • It is also useful for children to consume:
  • lean meat;
  • liver;
  • oatmeal;
  • cauliflower;
  • fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese; about 2 liters clean drinking water

in a day.


If a child has forgotten how to use a pen, writing dictations can help with this. It is enough to devote about 30 minutes a day to this activity so that the child’s hand “remembers” how to write.

I want to warn parents: the first month of school can be quite stressful and even nervous for you and, of course, for the child. But you should be patient, support your child and try to make the child’s adaptation to school as easy as possible.

Any vacation ends sooner or later. And every time studying is a real shock for us. But maybe we can somehow reduce this shock? To do this, you need to prepare for school after the holidays in advance. And this must be done not only physically, but also psychologically. After all, studying is primarily stressful for the brain, and only then for the body.

Preparing your brain for the holidays

So that you do not immediately experience serious difficulties, you need to start training your memory some time before leaving the holidays. Namely:

  1. Watch scientific videos and programs;
  2. Try to think and analyze the facts;
  3. Open your books and see what you studied before the holidays;
  4. Try to study new topics on your own;
  5. Simulate the situation as if you have already started studying.

Moreover, all this must be done systematically. And then you will begin to gradually “wake up after rest.” It will be much easier for you to return to your previous rhythm. and you will not suffer from the load that has fallen on you.

How to prepare yourself for school after the holidays?

The main problem of many students is the change in daily routine in school time. Therefore, you should work more on your schedule during the holidays:

  • Wake up not too late so that this is not difficult for you during school time;
  • Before studying, start walking more often, especially near school. So you kind of accustom yourself to studying;
  • Start eating shortly before school as many times a day as you eat during school;
  • Go to the store and buy the necessary items for your classes.

In general, even before the start of the educational process, you should live as if such a process had already begun. That is, your vacation should not be too imposing. Then the difference between him and his studies will be minimal. And this is the best preparation.

A little psychology

The most important thing is psychological preparation for school after the holidays. First of all, you should understand that school is a blessing. Understand that without it you would be working at work or doing something else that is not the most pleasant.

Don't stretch out the holidays in your head. Eternal rest is also bad, it gets boring. Even if you had a good rest, you should work hard, otherwise your next holiday will not be as bright.

Put an end to the holidays in advance. Don't live by them. Accept that you have returned from a dacha, a camp, a resort, or somewhere else. Just do it. It will be better this way.

Do not create an enemy image in the form of a school. If there is a tight schedule, this does not mean that everything is bad. And in general, think positively.

In particular, think about the fact that friends, favorite teachers, classes, fun breaks, new knowledge, life experience, etc. await you at school. and so on.

Be more mature

And the most important thing is to behave like a real adult. Namely, you should prepare yourself for school yourself, choosing what exactly you need.

Don't be capricious and don't fall into unrealistic dreams. No man can rest forever. All people are busy with something. For example, you are busy with school.

Think business-like, with a serious approach. And then you can quickly wake up from a lazy sleep and begin to conquer new heights.
And since you still have no other choice, you will do it anyway. It's better to do it with pleasure.

The school year is busy and filled to the brim with events. Lessons, homework, sections, excursions - children have practically no free minutes. And it seems that when the long-awaited holidays arrive, you will be able to afford everything and get out of this daily circle: getting up - school - homework - extra classes. In fact, there is no need to “fall into” rest too abruptly - there is a risk of harming the child’s health. asked pediatrician Anna Shulyaeva, how to prepare children for the holidays so that they can be spent with maximum benefit.

Summer mode

The child’s routine, despite the fact that the holidays have begun, should be close to the school daily routine. Of course, this does not mean that the child should be woken up at 7 am, as you do when you get him ready for school - he definitely needs to get enough sleep. But still, you shouldn’t stay in bed longer than necessary. In the summer, it is quite possible to let a child sleep until 9. But then it is worth organizing a soft awakening - open the door to his room, talk, it is even allowed to turn on music.

Special attention should be paid to going to bed - it is best to do this at the same time and not too late. The optimal solution lights out at 9-10 pm.

Don’t forget about organizing the right routine during the day. The child's schedule should be similar to a regular school day, filled with activities. After sleep, ideally there should be gymnastics, then breakfast. The only exception is that instead of lessons, most of the time there are walks on fresh air, games and sports activities. The question arises: what to do with summer homework (the kind they always give out in schools)? They should not be discounted or left for the last day. If it is easier for your child to concentrate in the morning, you can do a little studying at this time. After lunch and sleep, if the student still needs it, you can go outside again and walk more.

Study time

Modern teachers often provide a lesson plan with a daily breakdown. But if there is no such thing, then it is worth compiling it yourself - in the amount of minimum school homework assignments (2-4 examples, 3-5 sentences, a short text), for high school the load can be increased slightly, but not much. Alternatively, you can study like this: every day - one lesson. It is not worth removing the load to give the child a rest. After all, if it is suddenly introduced after the holidays, the body will also become stressed.

Preparing a first aid kit

Summer, and the holidays in general, is a time for activity. Since children spend a lot of time outside, the risk of injury, injury, etc. increases. Naturally, it is better to prepare in advance for such surprises so that they do not take you by surprise. The most common injuries in summer are bruises, abrasions, fractures, sunburn and tick bites. It is imperative to have preventive conversations with children, explaining how to avoid injuries and telling them what to do if any incident does happen.

You should also additionally protect your child, for example, buy him a panama hat, cap or hat that will protect him from heat stroke and remind him of the need to drink more. In your first aid kit at home you should include brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, sterile wipes, bandages, sprays for treating burns, antipyretics, and allergy medications. Before the onset of summer, you should take care of getting vaccinated against ticks.

Choosing a vacation spot

Where and how best to relax for a child is decided by parents, depending on the opportunities available to them. Ideally, be in the fresh air in the village for 1-2 months with periodic visits home, for older children in a camp for up to 1 month. The child needs fresh air, communication with peers, educational games, and time to prepare for school.

If a child stays in the city for the whole summer, it is worth organizing his leisure time so that he can spend a sufficient amount of time in the fresh air, relax at home, work out - as an option for this purpose, you can choose a leisure center.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Back to school soon: how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays?

The closer the beginning of next September, the more questions parents begin to ask themselves. How to prepare a child for school in August so that further adaptation is successful? Should I burden him with studies or give him more rest? Is it possible to go to the sea right before the start of the school year? What to consider when purchasing school supplies? It's time to give answers to these and other questions.


Summer is a rather leisurely time for children: they go to bed later than usual, sometimes after midnight, and, therefore, get up much later. Parents allow their offspring such liberties, as if giving them the opportunity to have a good rest and sleep off all the hours of sleep lost at school. And there is nothing wrong with this, unless, of course, the child systematically goes to bed at one in the morning and wakes up at noon. But if late going to bed and getting up continue until September 1, whenever you want or don’t want, and you have to get up early, then this will become stressful for the child. Therefore, you need to prepare your child for a stricter daily routine gradually, starting at least two weeks before school.

This does not mean that you need to immediately set bedtime at nine or ten in the evening, and wake up at six - shift the time gradually. First, put your child to bed 30 minutes earlier (and wake him up accordingly), then an hour, and then two (depending on how much the sleep-wake pattern has changed during the holidays).

To make it easier for the child to prepare for the new regime, and nothing prevents him from falling asleep on time, he should fall asleep in a calm state, when nothing can distract him. Try to ensure that at least 1-2 hours before bedtime he does not watch TV, play computer or mobile games, listen to loud music, or read comics and magazines. You can read a fiction book with your child, or just talk to him, ask how his day was, find out what interested him today - this way the child will find a listener, share his emotions and impressions with you, and fall asleep much more peacefully.

Child nutrition

To understand how to prepare a child for school, you need to worry not only about sleep patterns, but also about diet. In the summer, children do not always eat on time; they only run home for a snack when they have a snack. free time from walking and playing with friends, eating a lot of sweets like candy and ice cream, stealing goodies from friends and eating at a party, picking apples from trees... There is no talk of any regime here.

Therefore, at least 2-3 weeks before September 1, start feeding your children according to the school schedule: at least three times a day, at the same time (taking into account how late classes will end), minimizing harmful treats and saturating the diet with healthy and delicious dishes with a sufficient content of vitamins and microelements. Games and walks should not interfere with sleep and eating!

Development of communication skills

Throughout the years, one of the few things that made children want to go to school was a long-awaited meeting with friends after the summer holidays: an exchange of impressions, the opportunity to find out how someone spent the summer, whether someone had changed in appearance, acquired some new clothes and etc. If your offspring, even for this reason, does not want to go to school, then perhaps the problem is not only in anticipation of boring and difficult studies. Perhaps the child has problems with self-esteem, he is enslaved, and he has no friends among his classmates. Reluctance to go to school also manifests itself in children who move to another grade in parallel, or to another school.

If the problem is serious, then it is better to show your child to an experienced child psychologist, but you can also have time to help your child socialize better in the classroom. Fill the rest of his summer with bright impressions! Go for walks, to the cinema, to an ice cream cafe, go to a river or lake, have a picnic, ride bicycles, play various games, visit an amusement park, an interesting museum, a zoo. All this will go on the list of how he spent his summer - active, eventful, fun - so that he would not be ashamed to tell his friends.

  • Here are just trips to other countries and others climatic zones It’s better not to plan for the end of August: acclimatization and new impressions will confuse the child when he immediately sits down at a school desk upon returning and will be forced to calmly, diligently study and listen to the teacher.

Buying a desired toy, gadget or other thing can also become a pleasant new thing for a child, which he can show off to his classmates and become cooler in their eyes, which is typical for children and even teenagers. In addition, due to the popularity of social networks and the availability of gadgets for everyone (even fifth-graders can use Instagram), children need photographic evidence of a good rest.

If your child’s peers live in your house or on the street, encourage them to play together, invite them to your home so that the children can watch cartoons together, cook something, play and chat - this will also help speed up socialization in the team and make it easier to prepare for school.

Be sure to attend the school “roll call” with your child, which is usually held in the last 2-3 days of August. This way the child will be able to plunge back into the school environment, walk along the school corridors, sit at a desk, meet class teacher, teachers and classmates, but at the same time he will not have to immediately start studying and sit in class. This will be a small rehearsal for going to school that will help you prepare your child for school and help him adapt.

How to prepare your child for school

Parents often wonder whether they should prepare their children for school in August, or let them enjoy the holiday while they can. In this case, the rule of the “golden mean” works: it’s not worth burdening the child with repeating all the materials, but it’s also worth avoiding completely home training no need.

In the first academic quarter in many subjects, repetition of the material covered is provided, so mathematics, native language You can leave other items alone for now. But so that your child remembers how to hold a pen in his hands again, give him a short dictation, which you can find on the Internet, and at the same time check your child’s literacy.

What is better to do, at least partially, is to read the literature assigned for the summer. Reading develops abstract thinking and imagination in a child, and introduces him to new social situations, so do not avoid this task. Even if there are a couple of weeks left until September, read at least one book, or several stories. You can also devote at least twenty minutes a day to repetition foreign language, only in a playful way, if the child studies in primary school- for example, using cartoons or funny videos.

Purchasing educational supplies

And finally, the most interesting and important stage for children is the purchase of notebooks, diaries, pens, pencil cases, backpacks and other school things and little things that will be useful to him in class. Be sure to take your child shopping with you and do not buy anything without his knowledge, especially clothes, a diary and a bag.

Always give him the right to choose, don’t force him to buy something he doesn’t like. Even if you are limited on a budget, offer him to choose, say, a pencil case, from three inexpensive options. This way, the child will still have the feeling that he himself influenced the final decision, he will feel his importance and will look forward to going to school and filling a new backpack with new notebooks, and a new pencil case with new pens and pencils.

We hope this plan will help you understand how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays, even if there are only a few weeks left before school starts. How to prepare a first-grader who is not yet familiar with school for school? Watch the opinion of an experienced doctor in this video:

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Seems , Just recently we talked about how to help the child and parents get through the last month of the school year without a nervous breakdown. But somehow the summer flew by unnoticed, and now September 1 is very close, and time is inevitably approaching this moment.

How can you adjust to the work rhythm when it’s still summer and you don’t want to think about studying at all? After all, even adults find it difficult to immediately get into a working rhythm after a vacation, and even more so for schoolchildren after a long summer vacation.

The main task of parents at the end of August is prepare children for school not only in terms of “equipment”, but also in terms of psychology. During long holidays, children lose the ability to quickly concentrate on one activity, their body adjusts to an active pastime and “forgets” about lessons, books and desks.

And on the first of September, children run happily not to school, but to meet friends. But a few days pass and schoolchildren become tired, they are no longer in a hurry to go to school, and it is difficult to get them out of bed early in the morning. According to experts, this is how the “September 1st syndrome” is expressed.

* nervousness and capriciousness of the child,
* fatigue and refusal to obey parents,
* reluctance to talk about school,
* the child finds it difficult to concentrate while doing schoolwork homework,
* restless light sleep,
* loss of appetite or excessive desire to eat a lot and constantly, especially sweets,
* frequent complaints of headache.

During this difficult period for a child, you cannot accuse him of irresponsibility and laziness, scold him for low grades, compare him with other children, humiliate him and show impatience with his behavior. Not only its successful completion, but also the life of your child depends on how the adaptation period of the beginning of the school year goes.

So, what will help in this situation?

1. The most important thing is that the child is positive about learning, because usually the opposite is true. You need to tell him that school is good, because again he will meet friends and learn a lot of interesting and useful things.

2. During the summer holidays, the child relaxes, so it is unlikely that he adhered to the usual schedule. At least two weeks in advance, you need to return to the correct daily routine: often children go to bed late in the summer, and I get up at whatever time they want. But it’s better to do everything with rewards and various surprises so that the child prepares for school joyfully.

3. When going for office supplies and new clothes, take your child with you. Let him choose a lot for himself - participate in choosing new clothes for school, stationery. New clothes will help you feel more joy in anticipation of the start of the new school year. Don't turn preparing for classes into a regular routine.

4. Talk to your children. About parting with summer, about compulsory schooling, about relationships with classmates. The purpose of such conversations is to create and maintain an incentive to “start new life" By September 1, many schoolchildren are determined to study better and correct some shortcomings in their behavior. You can make a photo album “How we spent the summer.”

5. Spend the last pre-school weeks in the form of games and competitions.

For example, while paying at the cash register, a child can practice mental counting. When pouring sugar into tea, remember the properties of substances; when opening a can, remember the lever.

Set tasks for each day. For example, the same reading. “What and how much will you read today?” – clarify and be sure to check when talking about what you read. It is useful to take turns reading aloud or role-playing.

Many children lose the habit of writing over the summer. It's not scary. To help your hand remember spelling, write a little every day. For dictation, choose funny passages from books and funny sentences.

7. You need to prepare a gift for your child by the first of September, so his school year will start on a positive note and he will be happy to study and try. It can be anything, even an important and necessary thing.

8. At the beginning of the school year, you should not burden your child with activities outside of school. Postpone visiting clubs and sections. The child needs 2–3 weeks to fully adapt to the educational process.

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