Preparing for school in August. How to mentally prepare a child for school - getting ready for the new school year together! So, how to return to normal sleep patterns before school?

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Autumn is associated not only with yellow leaves, cold and rain, but also with active study. The thought that the holidays are already over, and everyday school life, homework, and tests lie ahead, causes panic among schoolchildren and reluctance to study. How can you make sure that after the holidays your child gathers his courage and goes to school with great pleasure? There are many simple tips, which will most effectively help you get into a working mood, both from a moral and physical point of view. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Why do you need to prepare for the start of the school year after the holidays?

During summer holidays Children develop their own routine. They go to bed late and wake up late, eat only during breaks between games and focus on fast food, chips, crackers, Coca-Cola rather than healthy food, and often hang out in computer games, watch a huge number of films, play outside until dark. In other words, they enjoy summer freedom to the fullest. But after the holidays, freedom ends, and all the children sit down at school desks. To ensure that this period does not turn into a complete nightmare for the child, preliminary preparation is necessary to help motivate the student to acquire new knowledge.

It is necessary to prepare for the start of the new school year in advance, so that later the child does not develop stress and aversion to school. It would be ideal if you start preparing with your child somewhere in early August. This is an excellent time for the student to tune in to school everyday life.

It is very important to prepare gradually so that the child does not completely lose the desire to learn.

You need to start preparing for school everyday life with your health. After all, to gain new knowledge it is very important to be healthy and strong. If your child is used to playing outside until late and watching his favorite movies until midnight, you will have to reconfigure him to school mode, that is, going to bed before 10:00 pm and getting up at 7:00 am. Be prepared that this will be difficult at first. But over time, the child will enter this mode and from September 1 he will easily wake up in the morning, feeling quite cheerful.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is also very important for children school age. After all, they experience enormous stress on their brains. If in the summer you are used to pampering your child with ice cream, various fast foods, sweets, chips and other unhealthy products, then as school approaches, you should completely abandon them. At this time, it is very important to switch the child to a proper balanced diet, including a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is very important to pay attention to meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, which are rich in all nutrients. And instead of sweet carbonated drinks, it is better to drink grape or apple juice.

Walking on fresh air

If your child cannot tear himself away from the computer, be sure to ask him to go outside for some fresh air. And when school starts, don’t neglect short walks after class.

Even half an hour spent in a park or forest will give your child good mood and will charge you with energy.

Cultural program

If during the summer holidays the child’s main interests were shooting games, dolls, ball games or other entertainment, then on the eve of school everyday life, introduce him to a more cultural program that perfectly develops and broadens his horizons. This could be a trip to the zoo, to the theater or to an exhibition. And after spending time together, ask your child to write a short essay about what he saw so interesting.

Purchasing new things

Shopping is a pleasant experience not only for adults, but also for children. Therefore, it will be very useful to go to a school fair. A new briefcase, a diary, shoes, a jacket, pleasant-smelling notebooks, beautiful pens and rulers - not a single schoolboy or schoolgirl can resist all of this.

New acquaintances

New friends will come in handy, especially if the child has been transferred to another school. Pleasant acquaintances will not let you get bored and will increase your self-confidence. If you have old friends, don’t neglect meeting with them. It's more fun to study and do homework together.

Interesting training

Many schoolchildren probably don't like doing homework, especially if they have a lot of homework assigned for the summer. But you still have to do them. What to do in this case, how to get your child to study? You can turn doing homework into interesting game. For example, if a child read a book assigned by school curriculum, he receives a prize in the form of a trip to a water park or horseback riding.

By devoting at least 30 minutes a day to homework, your child will more easily adjust to his studies.

Note to parents: what not to do?

There are many points that parents need to know so as not to spoil their child’s mood and prevent them from wanting to learn. We have highlighted the most important of them:

  • Under no circumstances should you overload your child with textbooks and homework. He should enjoy the summer. Include a little of everything per day.
  • Do not suddenly transfer your child to a strict regime.
  • Do not deprive the student of meetings with friends.

Taking into account all these nuances, the transition to school mode will be very easy and pleasant, and your child will probably study with great pleasure.

Questions and answers:

  1. Why do you need to prepare your child for the start of the school year in advance?

This is necessary to ensure that the child is mentally and physically fit for work.

  1. How many days in advance do you need to prepare your child for school?

The earlier the better. Ideally - 3 weeks before September 1st. During this time, he will have time to tune in to school everyday life.

  1. How to properly prepare your child for school?

This must be done gradually. Otherwise, the child may lose the desire to go to school. Healthy sleep, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, a cultural program, buying new things and school supplies - this is proper preparation child for the start of the new school year.

  1. Is it necessary to study during the holidays?

You should not force your child to study during the holidays. But you still have to do your homework. The ideal solution would be an even load, that is, a month before the start of the new school year, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to homework.

  1. What is prohibited?

You should not deprive your child of summer by forbidding him to go out with friends, cram textbooks and do homework until nightfall. In everything you need to know when to stop.

The holidays are inevitably coming to an end. It’s difficult to switch from vacation to daily study, so it’s advisable to prepare a little in advance. First of all, some time before the first of September it is time to return to a strict daily routine. Put the children to bed early, plan all interesting things for the morning, so that there is motivation to get up on the alarm clock. I am a Parent talks about how else to prepare schoolchildren for the coming school year.

A pre-made weekly schedule will re-accustom the child to a clear routine. It’s good to include in your schedule not only entertainment events, but also homework classes.

Now there are many textbooks on repeating the material covered for each year of study. Dedicate only half an hour a day to studying, maintaining the student’s confidence in knowledge. Pay special attention to those items that your child has difficulties with, and help them figure it out while there is time. Then he is calm and content.

How to prepare a first grader for school?

Suddenly, grown-up kids proudly try on their briefcases and school uniform. After acquisition, it is important to spend time developing in children the skills necessary for school.

Develop self-care skills

First of all, a first-grader needs self-service skills. By first grade, a child needs to be able to quickly change clothes, eat carefully at the table, wash his hands on time, serve himself in the toilet independently, and carefully and quickly pack his briefcase. All these skills need to be trained in a playful way.

Play “the plane leaves in 15 minutes.” During this time, the baby must, for example, get dressed and pack his briefcase. Come up with a reward system. A week or two before the first of September, hang the weekly schedule on the wall and mark with stars the days when the child woke up by the alarm clock, washed himself and got ready.

Practice communication with your future teacher

To the guys who go to kindergarten, it is not difficult to switch from educator to teacher. It is more difficult for “non-kindergarten” children, especially if they did not attend school preparation classes.

How to teach a child to build a relationship with a teacher?

Play “teacher and student” at home with your child, change roles, offer him different situations during class and breaks.

From the very first days at school, new students will prepare their hands for writing. Help your child - develop his fine motor skills.

There are many games for this: a construction set, assembling beads and seed beads, rolling small objects on the table at speed, mosaics, modeling from plasticine, shading and coloring pictures. Not every child is ready to do this alone. Participate in his classes, set an example.

Motivate your child to read

Take your child to the library. They now often host interactive quizzes, celebrations, and introductions to new authors and book characters.

Take time to relax with your child

One of the main tasks of schoolchildren during the holidays is to relax and get enough sleep. Keep a close eye on bedtimes and gradually encourage children to wake up earlier in the morning. Take advantage of the sunny days, go for long walks and bike rides, and swim in the still warm waters.

How to prepare a high school student for school?

For children 15-16 years old, preparation for university gradually begins. In addition, children may still be going through adolescence and require additional adult attention.

Come up with a career guidance plan together.

Think over a career guidance plan, sign up for courses at the institute, and take a close look at the psychological state of the teenager. It may make sense to consult a psychologist before starting your studies. This is necessary as in the case emotional problems, and for determining .

Discuss events with your high school student from a position of equality

Discuss world events with your high school student, listen to his point of view on politics, economics, literature, and music. Watch historical or popular science films together and then discuss. At the dacha in the evenings, study the starry sky with your older children, talk about the constellations, and fantasize. Perhaps your child already knows something better than you; he will be pleased to surprise you with his erudition.

Encourage your child to start keeping a diary

Encourage your teenager to keep a diary. Comprehension of personal achievements and defeats, daily recording of events will help develop the skill of formulating your thoughts into texts, and texts into goals and objectives.

Teach your teenager to plan expenses

Prepare a shopping list with your child, for example, items for school. Help him calculate his shopping budget and plan his shopping trips. You undoubtedly know how to do this, but a high school student needs to learn home economics. This is additional training in both mathematics and planning.

is your child ready for school?

Svetlana Balashova

How to prepare for school over the summer.

Future first-graders have no idea what awaits them ahead. We decided to figure out how to spend the summer profitably, not lose the knowledge gained and acquire new ones!

1. Follow the regime

Vacations do not mean “going to all the troubles.” Sleep until noon, play until midnight - no one says that this is absolutely impossible to do. It is possible, but only if this is an exception to the rule. Even during rest, you should follow a routine - get up at the same time, go to bed on time, devote time to active and quiet games, and also control the time spent with gadgets. According to psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky, children can use the Internet for a maximum of one and a half hours a day and no more than four hours on weekends - these are schoolchildren from the fourth grade, and preschoolers - no more than 40 minutes a day. The psychologist advises strictly following the rule, to the point that parents should take away gadgets and turn off Wi-Fi in the house. Parents have the power to offer their child interesting and exciting games instead of gadgets. For example, 3D puzzles. Using a special kit, you can make a three-dimensional figure of a bright object or structure. This game helps the child learn the world, develops logic and intelligence.

Closer to September 1st, the regime should look more and more like a “school” one. After all, a sharp transition from a state of rest to work mode is a great stress for both children and adults.

2. Learn

It is important to understand here that we are not talking about cramming, memorizing rules or sitting over textbooks. Over the summer, it is important not to lose the skill of learning. During the summer months, in any case, there will be a “setback in knowledge,” but starting school in September will not be so difficult if the child has been studying all summer, for example, foreign language or attended a book club (parents can organize such a club themselves and actively participate in it). You should also not leave homework until the last minute: they are given so that the child remains at least a little in the “learning process.”

3. Circles and sections

The child can stay in this “learning process” and also acquire new skills and make acquaintances in all kinds of clubs and sections. Now is the time to implement what you didn’t have enough time and energy for during school. This can range from various clubs to a summer language camp. Nowadays, the choice of additional activities for a child is limited only by his interests and the budget of his parents. If you plan to introduce some kind of clubs or sections for your child during the school year, then it is better to attend them in August.

4. First time - in first grade

A particularly exciting last “children’s” summer awaits future first-graders. In September they will become schoolchildren, and this is a different life and a different level of responsibility. Preparatory courses or regular classes at home will help give your child an idea of ​​what to expect during school. But it is also important to come to school before the first of September, wander the corridors, and enter the classroom. Even better is to meet future classmates. This will help minimize the stress of starting the learning process.

6. Getting ready for school

Buying school supplies can be turned into a real ritual. New notebooks, pens, a diary with a favorite cartoon character, a beautiful pencil case and even a cup for pens and pencils - give your child the opportunity to choose for himself, he already has little choice in life.

Board for schedules TM "1Veresnya"

Pencil case TM "1Veresnya"

Glass for office TM "1Veresnya"

Backpack TM "1Veresnya"

Backpack TM "1Veresnya"

Diary TM "1Veresnya"

Pencil case TM "1Veresnya"

Psychologists also say that you need to put an end to the summer holidays and tune in to a new wave. Such a unique point can be the choice of a new backpack. The child will spend the whole time with him academic year. That’s why it’s so important to choose a backpack together: so that the child likes it, and parents should make sure that it matches everything sanitary standards. For example, backpacks from TM 1Veresnya are bright, with a comfortable orthopedic back, complemented with reflective elements and made of water-repellent materials. Be sure to let your child try on a new backpack so that he feels like a schoolboy again (or for the first time!).

Read the most important and interesting news on our pages

The month of August is already coming to an end and very soon the first bell will ring for your child. But how can you gather together all the children who are “crazy” from summer freedom, especially if you have a hyperactive child? At the same time, we will help you prepare your child for school.

The right motivation

There is no need to lecture, scream or force your child to sit down with the books they were assigned to read this summer! Such a transition from summer idleness during the holidays to harsh everyday life can be quite painful for your child and this will make him dislike school more.

Therefore, you can prepare your child for school in an exciting game with prizes and its own rules.

Let your whole family try to praise and encourage your child when he does something that was previously planned. We will talk about what you can plan in advance below.

Daily regime

It is clear that for every child this sounds very boring and tedious, but if your child wakes up on vacation with his grandmother closer to noon and falls asleep after 23.00, then it will be very difficult for him in the month of September. You can make the back-to-school transition more comfortable and smoother.

When preparing your child for school and a normal daily routine, gradually move bedtime and wake-up time to an earlier time.

Shopping for school

School uniforms, physical education school, stationery sets, notebooks - actively involve your child in their choice.

Here you can bargain a little with your child: “Let us try on your shirts for school, and then you can choose the pens, pencils and pencil case that you like.”
The girl can be left to choose a variety of elastic bands and hairpins for her new school uniform.

The most important thing is that your child understands that he will not be dragged “in tow”, and he and his parents choose everything he needs for school. You can put all his purchases in a separate package.

Before you start shopping, together with your child, make an accurate list of all the necessary things that you must purchase for school. Based on the results of shopping, your daughter or son will cross out all purchases made and will receive incentive medals or points from you.

Summer vacation assignment

And now we move on to the least favorite part of all children during the summer holidays - homework for summer. It is not advisable to leave all the homework for the summer to the last minute!

When preparing your child for school, maintain a certain psychological attitude, since it is difficult to overestimate the right motivation for a child: “Parents go to work, and your job is to study at school and acquire new knowledge. An adult must also constantly learn something in order to always be successful in his profession. And so you study and lay down all your knowledge “one brick at a time” and your future profession is laid.” The sooner your child has a goal and a vision for the future, the sooner he can understand the relationship between studying at school and success in his adult life, the more interesting and meaningful his studies will be.

The school year is busy and filled to the brim with events. Lessons, homework, sections, excursions - children have practically no free minutes. And it seems that when the long-awaited holidays arrive, you will be able to afford everything and get out of this daily circle: getting up - school - homework - extra classes. In fact, there is no need to “fall into” rest too abruptly - there is a risk of harming the child’s health. asked pediatrician Anna Shulyaeva, how to prepare children for the holidays so that they can be spent with maximum benefit.

Summer mode

The child’s routine, despite the fact that the holidays have begun, should be close to the school daily routine. Of course, this does not mean that the child should be woken up at 7 am, as you do when you get him ready for school - he definitely needs to get enough sleep. But still, you shouldn’t stay in bed longer than necessary. In the summer, it is quite possible to let a child sleep until 9. But then it is worth organizing a soft awakening - open the door to his room, talk, it is even allowed to turn on music.

Special attention should be paid to going to bed - it is best to do this at the same time and not too late. The optimal solution lights out at 9-10 pm.

Don’t forget about organizing the right routine during the day. The child's schedule should be similar to a regular school day, filled with activities. After sleep, ideally there should be gymnastics, then breakfast. The only exception is that instead of lessons, mostly walks in the fresh air, games and sports activities. The question arises: what to do with summer homework (the kind they always give out in schools)? They should not be discounted or left for the last day. If it is easier for your child to concentrate in the morning, you can do a little studying at this time. After lunch and sleep, if the student still needs it, you can go outside again and walk more.

Study time

Modern teachers often provide a lesson plan with a daily breakdown. But if there is no such thing, then it is worth compiling it yourself - in the amount of minimum school homework assignments (2-4 examples, 3-5 sentences, a short text), for high school the load can be increased slightly, but not much. Alternatively, you can study like this: every day - one lesson. It is not worth removing the load to give the child a rest. After all, if it is suddenly introduced after the holidays, the body will also become stressed.

Preparing a first aid kit

Summer, and the holidays in general, is a time for activity. Since children spend a lot of time outside, the risk of injury, injury, etc. increases. Naturally, it is better to prepare in advance for such surprises so that they do not take you by surprise. The most common injuries in summer are bruises, abrasions, fractures, sunburn and tick bites. It is imperative to have preventive conversations with children, explaining how to avoid injuries and telling them what to do if any incident does happen.

You should also additionally protect your child, for example, buy him a panama hat, cap or hat that will protect him from heat stroke and remind him of the need to drink more. In your first aid kit at home you should include brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, sterile wipes, bandages, sprays for treating burns, antipyretics, and allergy medications. Before the onset of summer, you should take care of getting vaccinated against ticks.

Choosing a vacation spot

Where and how best to relax for a child is decided by parents, depending on the opportunities available to them. Ideally, be in the fresh air in the village for 1-2 months with periodic visits home, for older children in a camp for up to 1 month. The child needs fresh air, communication with peers, educational games, and time to prepare for school.

If a child stays in the city for the whole summer, it is worth organizing his leisure time so that he can spend a sufficient amount of time in the fresh air, relax at home, work out - as an option for this purpose, you can choose a leisure center.

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