Detailed horoscope for Virgo for April.

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In April, you will find answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time. Thanks to this, a feeling of confidence and freedom will appear, you will cast aside doubts and it will become easier to look at some things. When faced with a serious choice, you will discard unnecessary options and give preference to the most reasonable ones.

Motto of the month: « Put your interests above all else».


The first ten days of the month will be very busy. There will be many cases that need to be resolved in the shortest possible time. Unlike some colleagues, you know how to organize time and complete assigned tasks quickly and efficiently. The stars strongly recommend not to take on the responsibility of solving other people's problems. Give advice, answer questions, but under no circumstances do the tasks given to them for others.

In April, your bosses will be favorable to you. You should take advantage of this and talk about raising your salary (naturally, justifying your claims) or propose your candidacy for a recently vacated position.

After the 10th, Jupiter will move into Sagittarius. At this time, you may be entrusted with an important mission. It is quite possible that you will represent a department or even an entire organization at an important event: a conference, seminar or competition. The preparation will take a lot of time - you will probably have to work overtime. But believe me, it's worth it! This is a direct road to heights that you can’t even dream of today.

On April 19th there will be a full moon in Libra. This day will be especially “turbulent”. From the very morning you will have to solve several issues of equal importance at once, answer business letters and calls, while simultaneously resolving personal issues. On April 19, do not under any circumstances be late for work: your unpunctuality will anger management, even if they previously turned a blind eye to it.


From April 1 to April 20, you can rely on your soul mate for everything. Even in matters that in your opinion your partner is incompetent, he will figure it out, and you will only watch how he tries for your common good. It is quite possible that you previously took on so much that now, finding yourself in the role of an observer, you will feel uncomfortable and begin to give advice, guiding your partner. Quit this activity and devote free time yourself: do something that you couldn’t afford to do before due to high workload. Visit a beauty salon or go shopping with a friend. You will return home refreshed and full of vitality, which will have a positive impact on your relationship with your loved one.

On the day of the full moon, April 19, critically evaluate your behavior and do not get distracted by trifles, so as not to spoil the relationship as a couple.

If you dream about fateful meeting, then in April do not refuse to visit family holidays and friendly get-togethers. It is there that you can meet an interesting and outwardly attractive person whose life values ​​completely coincide with yours.


From the 1st to the 10th there is a risk of catching a virus or catching a cold. To strengthen your immune system, start taking vitamins and include citrus fruits in your diet. If you develop a cough or runny nose, contact your doctor and follow the prescribed treatment.

On April 2 and 3 you will feel tired and irritable. To normalize the condition, take a soothing bath with essential oils mint or lavender. The procedure helps to relax the whole body, improve metabolism, and normalize blood pressure. A relaxing bath can work real miracles. After it you will feel great!

The second ten days of the month will be influenced by the intense aspect of Mars to your sign, so it is recommended to spend more time alone with yourself. This period is unfavorable for participation in public events and going out into the world. In the company of other people, you will begin to experience an incomprehensible excitement. Childhood and teenage complexes and fears will suddenly remind you of themselves. By spending these days in solitude, you will have a mental break from constant interaction with other people, replenish your strength and spend your time more productively. After all, very often friends distract us from important matters, preventing us from concentrating.

In the third ten days of April the mood and physical condition will be great. It's time to visit the pool or gym.

The world around us

At the beginning of April, someone close to you will need your help. Try to put everything aside and come to the rescue, because they really can’t cope without you.

On the 7th and 8th the Moon will be in Taurus. It's time to join the beauty. Visit a museum, a theater performance, or a concert by your favorite performer.

Don’t plan important things for April 9-20: put off paperwork and don’t sign contracts. These days, your sign is adversely affected by Neptune, which is why you will be absent-minded and inattentive, you may miss something important and make an unfortunate mistake.

On the 21st-30th, spend more time with your loved ones: share your warmth, talk about your feelings. In response, you will notice a similar desire. During this period, you will even be able to mend relationships that have long since cracked.

April 25-26 Virgos who have small children or grandchildren should organize joint leisure time with them. You can draw, do crafts, attend a cultural event together, or just take a walk in the park. The kids will really enjoy this pastime, and you can take your mind off the daily routine and everyday problems.

Favorable days: 7, 8, 15, 21, 26

Unfavorable days: 2, 9, 20

Video: Virgo horoscope for April 2019 from Angela Pearl

In April 2020, Virgos will fight for public attention and love. They will want to be the best in all areas of life. Persistence and a positive attitude will help you achieve success. The stars advise not to advertise your achievements and not to become arrogant. This will cause envy among others and prevent further advancement.

When communicating with people, representatives of this zodiac sign will show selfishness. Such behavior will cause resentment among loved ones. Listen more often to the desires, feelings and opinions of others.

Virgo Woman. Women of this sign will face events that will require them to be active and flexible. They will have a series of business negotiations, business trips and romantic dates. Professional activities and studies will require maximum effort from them. To achieve success, the horoscope advises not to be lazy, but to show concentration and perseverance.

Virgo man. Partners or relatives will require help and support from men of this sign. They will witness disputes and proceedings. Refrain from jumping to conclusions and try to understand the situation, which may be more serious than it seems at first glance. Maintain objectivity and honesty.

Love horoscope

In April, an ambiguous situation will arise in Virgo's personal relationships. The horoscope advises you to listen to your intuition: it will tell you how to avoid love dramas.

Single representatives of this zodiac sign will bask in the attention of fans, but it will be difficult for them to choose one of them. Be guided by your heart, not by selfish motives.

Those who are in a relationship will be convinced of the strength and stability of their union. They will begin to have thoughts about getting married.

Married Virgos will be unhappy that relatives began to interfere in their life or raising their children.

Business horoscope

April 2020 will be rich in achievements. Virgos are distinguished by their ambition and perseverance. Taking initiative in new projects will contribute to career growth.

For the sake of praise from superiors and promotion, employees will begin to hone their professionalism. Their achievements and successes will become the envy of their colleagues. The stars advise you to beware of gossip from ill-wishers.

Financial horoscope

In April, luck will smile on Virgos in the financial sphere. They will receive rewards for the achievements of the past months. Their ideas will form the basis of profitable projects. The development of creative abilities will allow you to find additional source income. This month will be favorable for financial investments. A high percentage of profit is guaranteed.

Health horoscope

In April, Virgos will take care of their health. They will show interest in new methods of examination and treatment. The reason will be malaise and weakness, which have been bothering you lately. A disordered daily routine and lack of proper rest will provoke a weakening of the immune system, making the body susceptible to infections. Wounds and abrasions of the skin should be treated with antiseptics. This will help avoid suppuration and complications.

Overeating at night and irregular meals will lead to illness gastrointestinal tract. Monitor not only the quality of the products, but also their quantity and combination with each other.

Choose activities you like

April will be a favorable period for new beginnings. It's time to do something that brings you pleasure. Sign up for courses that will help develop your creative, athletic or intellectual talents.

Use Perspectives

This month, prospects for self-realization and the implementation of long-standing plans will open before you. Participation in castings, interviews and business negotiations will be in your favor. Don't miss the chance and take advantage of the opportunities that arise.

When April 2020 comes, the Sun will be in your 8th house - sector extreme situations, other people's money and inheritance. The horoscope for April 2020 Virgo warns that this month may not be easy for some of the representatives of the sign - many things will irritate you, there will be some delays in business, plans will fall apart, and in relationships with loved ones there will be some kind of understatement, everything will hang in the balance. air. Perhaps you should step back from the situation and try to look at it from the outside?

Unfortunately, Virgo in April 2020 may strive for dominance in most issues, which is why she will often enter into confrontation, literally out of the blue, while with the help of diplomacy and the search for compromise the conflict can be extinguished in the bud. And with it the related problem would disappear.


Mercury will spend the first half of the month in Virgo in the 7th house personal horoscope- sector of marriage and friendship. Then, in the middle of the second decade, it also moves to the 8th house. If at the beginning of the month Virgo strives to visit social events and establishing new contacts, then in the second half of the month her social activity may sharply decrease, and in addition, certain difficulties appear in relationships with others. Virgo in April 2020 may become more critical; it will become increasingly difficult for her to adhere to the rules of politeness and hide from her interlocutor what she really thinks. Or, representatives of the sign will find themselves in conditions under which they will be forced to express their opinion to their partner, and in the most impartial form. It is possible that during this period you may find out some information that was hidden from you, but it will force you to dramatically change your opinion not only about the issue under discussion, but also about the person with whom you have to deal.


At the very beginning of April 2020, Venus will settle in Virgo’s 10th house - the sector of professional success and career. Lonely representatives of the sign are advised during this period not to wait for someone to pay attention to them, but to take the initiative themselves and demonstrate interest in getting to know each other. It is possible that a conversation with a person will disappoint you, but there are high chances that everything will happen exactly the opposite - your counterpart will turn out to be an incredibly pleasant interlocutor and you will have a mutual attraction. Virgo in April 2020 may begin a romantic relationship with a work colleague - just yesterday you were connected by a purely professional relationship, but today you will suddenly understand. That there is a charming woman or man next to you who deserves your unconditional attention.

Married Virgos can receive solid support from their significant other - perhaps she will provide you with protection to further advance your career, or you will open a family business together.

WITH financial side everything will be fine too. Although your income will not increase this month, now you will be working on projects that promise to bring good profits in the very near future.


Throughout April 2020, Mars will be in Virgo in the 6th house - the sector of work and health. Whatever the representatives of the sign do this month, they will strive to find a rational approach to everything and put everything in order. This is not a bad quality, but you should remember that there is always an element of chance in life. What if you get lucky exactly where you least expect it? Horoscope for April 2020 Virgo warns that if this month you have any symptoms that worry you, do not ignore them, remember that it is much easier to get rid of any disease if it is initial stage. It’s even better if you undergo medical examination yourself now.


You are energetic and persistent, able to overcome any obstacles, and are ready to make every effort to achieve your goals. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid disagreements and disputes, but you will try to conduct all discussions constructively; as a result, others will recognize that you are right, and conflict will not arise. Try not to enter into competition if this is not necessary, and do not participate in dubious endeavors. It is possible that someone will want to use your knowledge and skills to their advantage, so be on your guard.

Quote of the month: It’s amazing how little time it takes for Virgos to move from the stage of “how worried and worried I am” to “oh, go to hell.”

Horoscope for April 2019 Virgo general forecast

Show restraint in everything and don’t make mountains out of molehills. Rushing into decisions can cost you dearly.
Now it will be difficult for you to concentrate and direct all your efforts to solve one important problem. A variety of thoughts about current professional tasks, the ups and downs of your personal life, difficulties with older relatives will begin to overcome you and will not allow you to maintain the necessary peace of mind.

One of the reasons for what is happening will be the position of the Sun. The luminary until April 19 will make your life unpredictable.

On the first weekend of April, you will need a lot of strength and energy to deal with the household chores that have accumulated over the week.

While immersed in household chores, be sure to find time for culinary experiments and invite friends for dinner. They will certainly appreciate your skill, and you will go to bed in a great mood.

Love and partnership for April 2019 Virgo

At the beginning of April, you may doubt your partner's fidelity. He will become secretive and begin to turn on you less attention and will begin to disappear somewhere in the evenings.

Do not rush to draw sad conclusions and create a scandal.

Your loved one will be very busy, but not at all with a new passion, but with something serious that has nothing to do with romantic interests.

Try to clarify the situation in a calm conversation. Such a conversation will take place quite successfully on April 11.
It will endow women with special beauty, grace and tenderness. So if you want to charm someone, take active steps in the first ten days of the month.

Career horoscope for April 2019 Virgo

You will begin to place too high demands on yourself and consider easy successes not fully deserved. The stars advise you to exercise restraint in this regard.

Sincerely rejoice in simple victories, and then Fortune will become truly favorable to you.

Don't complain about your workload and don't ask your boss for favors. The difficulties that arise will be resolved quite quickly if you calm down and set yourself up for a positive result.

Financial horoscope for April 2019 Virgo

Spend money only when necessary. It’s better to stop wasting spending now.

But this does not mean that the stars are calling you to austerity. You can make a number of large purchases, but only if you really need them.

At the end of the month, refrain from expensive entertainment. You will spend a lot of money, but most likely you will not get the expected pleasure.

Check everything thoroughly, otherwise you may waste a lot of time on things you don't need. Although you are not the kind of person to give up on anything right away, there is a lot of pressure on you these days.

Use your common sense and think about it a hundred times before you do anything.

Family horoscope for April 2019 Virgo

You will not understand a certain family member during this period. You may also feel like this person talks to you too much and thinks they know better.

Around April 22 his tendency to talk is strongest. In particular, his advice may be aimed at your personality.

However, you avoid conflict and are likely to try to ignore this person. You're doing well.

Unfortunately, your relationship with your partner is not so good, and by April 16 you will lose the thread of mutual understanding.

Both you and he may also seem hypersensitive and closed off. However, this is certainly not a long-term crisis, the unfavorable period between you will quickly disappear and you will see that everything will fall into place.

Traditional description and numerology for the Virgo zodiac sign for the month of April:

Vibrating day of the month: 6
Lucky numbers of the month: 12, 16, 25
Lucky days of the month: Thursday, Saturday
Lucky colors of the month: white
Talisman of the month: dragon
Emotional and harmonious unions of the month: Taurus, Scorpio
Hostile zodiac signs of the month: Gemini, Pisces

Horoscope for Virgo for April 2019 video

The horoscope for April 2020 promises Virgo a month that will be like a dizzying marathon. Not all situations can be predicted, but it is possible to insure yourself against losses.

Virgo will have to plunge into old problems that she once gave up on. It won't be easy, that's for sure, but youthful panic is misplaced. Your vigilance and meticulousness will be an important help in any matter. Don’t try to implement all your ideas at once; let them languish a little in your head until they are fully matured.

Health troubles are possible, so take it seriously. Temper your body folk ways so that chronic diseases do not worsen. Handle your finances sparingly, there won’t be much of it. But at the end of April, Virgo will have the opportunity to speak at some event. You will get a decent amount for it.

The astrological forecast recommends that Virgo write down all plans and thoughts in a notebook. In the chaos, you can forget the most important thing, and this will lead to mistakes. Those who are going on vacation should take care of their trip in advance. Put everything you need in your suitcase, especially a first aid kit. Adapting to a different climate will not be easy.

Love horoscope for April 2020 Virgo

The horoscope for April 2020 recommends that Virgo solve all problems with a cool head. No emotions, fleeting passion or stupid temptations. The more seriously you take your personal life, the more harmonious your relationship with your chosen one will be. You need to take the first step yourself in order to maintain sincere feelings.

Lonely Virgos can wander the world for another hundred years in search of love. Change urgently, otherwise you will end up like this at your friends’ weddings. It's time to start a family yourself, and not dream of a prince. In April you will be often invited, either to visit or on a date. Don’t refuse, it’s not by chance that fate brings you surprises. Take advantage of the moment and you will definitely meet a nice person.

For Virgos who have been married for a long time, dramatic changes are expected. In the domestic sphere, the issues that were making my head swell will finally get better. Everything will be resolved successfully, it is important not to give up and not behave frivolously. Moving, home shopping and construction work. There will also be a lot to do at the dacha, so it’s better to take a vacation for this month.

Horoscope of work, money for April 2020 Virgo

An important topic for April will be money. It will turn out to be so acute that it will be impossible to cope without a loan. Consult with experienced people in advance so as not to get into a complete mess. The interest you pay shouldn't put a big dent in your budget. In the middle of the month you will have to resolve issues regarding your new place of work. If you already know what and why, then don’t fuss about it.

Consider options for cooperation proposals more carefully. A business trip abroad will arrange everything as needed, don’t worry. The horoscope for April 2020 for Virgo predicts forced expenses. But if you have funds in your stash, then generously use them for personal needs. It will be much easier for family people to overcome financial difficulties. Help will come from close relatives, and free of charge.

Plan carefully creative process to be noticed among others. The competition is expected to be tough, brace yourself internally. Lots to do modern technologies and get involved in something extraordinary. Focus on what will lead to career growth. Don't allow yourself to waste energy on empty tasks.

The horoscope advises taking an example from those who are much more experienced in their work. Surely, there are such individuals in the team, ask them how to achieve success in a short way. The highway of professionalism is quite slippery, but no one can stop you from getting what you want.

Virgo health in April 2020

The horoscope recommends paying attention to joints and blood vessels. If you have frequent headaches, consult a medical specialist. There is no need to blame everything on the weather and fatigue, it’s time to get examined and start treatment. Normalize your diet, eliminate fatty foods, and take a contrast shower in the morning.

In the middle of the month, digestive problems are possible. More precisely, indigestion, so diet is extremely necessary. Follow the regime, drink more fluids and do not overeat at night. Swelling and pressure changes can be the result of not eating properly. It is useful to sign up for aqua aerobics, swim in the pool and perform breathing exercises. Walk more, take vitamins and sit less at the computer after work.

Plan surgical operations at the beginning of April to avoid inflammatory processes.

Favorable days for the month of April 2020: 5, 13, 25, 28
Unfavorable days for Virgo: 7, 15, 26

for other zodiac signs:

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