Lost weight Maxim Fadeev. How Russian show business stars lose weight: before and after photos, rules, tips Maxim I lost weight and my body

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Fadeev has lost weight, as evidenced by his numerous photos on the Internet and recordings of popular TV shows. It is logical that fans were interested in why, how and how much weight Fadeev lost, because the producer has not been distinguished by his slender physique for a long time - recent years and even for decades we have become accustomed to seeing the famous artist exactly like this - incredibly charming, but rather obese. Few people remember him as thin (although he was like that, look at the photo).

The thinner Maxim Fadeev shared his secrets with fans, and also emphasized that desired result I haven’t achieved it yet, but I continue to move towards my goal.

Why did Max Fadeev lose weight?

The answer to the question why Max Fadeev lost weight is banal and simple: excess weight began to negatively affect the well-being and health of the famous producer.

"I had a very heavy weight, it became impossible to live with it. I came up with my own weight loss system, now I’m doing it all on myself. As you can see, the results are clear. When I finish everything, I will naturally share it,” said the show business figure.

How did Max Fadeev lose weight?

Fadeev’s weight before losing weight exceeded 150 kg (more precisely, 152 kg with a height of 180 cm), so in order to lose weight, the artist completely revised his lifestyle and decided to move to his own villa in Bali and actually started there new life. Regular training with special Tai Chi gymnastics, swimming and proper nutrition gave their results: Maxim Fadeev lost 40 kilograms.

How did he do it? Fadeev, who had lost weight, admitted that all this time he adhered to a special diet that he developed himself. The showman ate a large number vegetables, drank plenty of water and exercised daily. As Maxim himself emphasizes, it is not necessary to do something too active - it is difficult for an obese person and he quickly burns out. Nordic walking or gymnastics or swimming is quite enough.

Diet of Maxim Fadeev - drinking and swimming

Looking at the photo of the thinner Max Fadeev, we can conclude that the diet is effective. And it is not surprising that many stars followed his example. For example, Katya Lel wanted to lose weight using his method.

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Many fans are interested in the question of how Maxim Fadeev lost weight and what he ate during this period. The basic principles of his diet:

  • Water, lots of water. Max, who has lost weight, advises drinking more and swimming more. The water does its job.
  • A minimum of sweets, fatty, flour, fried, smoked.
  • The diet is based on lean meat, fish, mushrooms, dairy products, lots of fruits and vegetables, and greens.
  • The producer advises eating often, but little by little. Not necessarily by the hour; in this regard, his diet is not at all strict.

The musician learned from his own experience that a lack of fluid leads to obesity. Now he drinks at least 2 liters of water a day, making sure to drink it immediately after waking up and before each meal, so that. Before bed - green tea no sugar.

Take a dehydration test

According to Max, nature itself helped him lose weight. Living on the island of Bali promotes rapid weight loss. Special words He expresses his gratitude to his family, who have helped him all this time and been by his side. The artist noted that the reset excess weight still in the process, and that he will definitely lose 60 kg, because 40 of them are already behind him.

Many modern girls are interested in how movie and show business stars lose weight. It is known that diets for them are developed by highly qualified specialists.

Knowing the secrets of celebrities, you can choose the most suitable method for yourself, which will allow you to get your body in order. Let's look at the most striking examples of stellar transformations.

Olga Kartunkova

Many public people have changed in appearance thanks to painstaking work on themselves. So, the whole country witnessed how Olga Kartunkova lost weight. Until recently, she weighed more than 130 kg and could not give up her favorite buns and meat.

One day Olga fell and injured her leg. Doctors said she would need to lose excess weight to make a full recovery. The actress began to lose weight under the supervision of a nutritionist, and in the end she lost more than 60 kg.

Olga Kartunkova lost weight beyond recognition, and after a radical change she was increasingly invited to various shows. She did not reveal all the secrets, however, she shared with her fans important recommendations that played a big role in her transformation.

The principles of Olga’s diet are quite simple:

1. You need to eat small portions every 3 hours at the same time;
2. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
3. The refrigerator should contain only healthy foods: cottage cheese, milk and low-fat kefir, vegetables, herbs, fruits, lean meat and fish, chicken breast, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, berries;
4. You must completely give up sweets and starchy foods;
5. If the diet fails, the next day should be a fasting day. 2 kg is suitable for it fresh vegetables and fruits and half a kilo of dried apricots.

According to the star, it is very important not to miss breakfast. Granulated bran, which is sold in pharmacies and pine nuts. It is necessary to mix a handful of one and the other product, and then pour 0.5 liters of kefir with 1% fat content into them. This breakfast will keep you full until lunchtime.

Below is a list sample products for daily use :

  • Breakfast: unsweetened tea, fruit salad;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet without salt;
  • Second afternoon snack: low-fat kefir or fruit;
  • Dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

This menu is suitable for those for whom physical activity is contraindicated. Kartunkova could not play sports due to a leg injury, so the emphasis was placed specifically on diet.

Yulia Kuvarzina

After giving birth, Yulia Kuvarzina weighed 90 kg with a height of 165 cm.

At 37, she made a firm decision to change her appearance and lost weight. The actress began visiting a fitness club and following a diet that a professional specialist developed for her. After just 3 months, she lost 22 kg.

Yulia Kuvarzina has lost a lot of weight, and photos on the Internet confirm her dramatic changes.

The actress shared the main secrets of her transformation:

1. You need to eat 6 times a day and every 3 hours.
2. Portions should be small, no more than 250 g.
3. You should drink plenty of water between meals. You need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day.
4. You can't eat after 7 pm.
5. You should exercise three times a week.
6. The daily menu should contain a lot of protein products.

It is prohibited to eat:

alcoholic drinks;

It is better to replace these unhealthy foods with fruits, vegetables, berries, legumes, and nuts. These simple rules for losing weight will allow any girl to look slimmer and younger.

Anfisa Chekhova

Many people remember when Anfisa Chekhova was a curvaceous beauty. She clearly had extra pounds, from which she safely got rid of.

She was prompted to lose 25 kg by health problems. The TV presenter adjusted her daily menu and changed her lifestyle.

Yoga has become one of the main weapons in the fight against excess weight. Anfisa has her own personal trainer for this practice, who regularly comes to her home.

The TV presenter does not follow any strict diet, she just follows the well-known rules:

1. You need to exclude fast food and other unhealthy foods from your diet.
2. Once a week you can allow yourself some dark chocolate.
3. Necessary, that is, often and in small portions.
4. To cleanse the body, you need to have a fasting day once a week.

And, of course, the most main secret Chekhova’s weight loss – love for yourself and your loved ones.

Maxim Matveev

Actor Maxim Matveev lost 20 kg for new role in the play.

To achieve this, he adjusted his diet. His menu was dominated by fruits and dried fruits, salads and nuts. He gave up meat and began to eat only fish.

Lisa Boyarskaya’s husband also does various exercises, runs and started doing yoga. Many fans suspect that the actor has some health problems and consider his thinness to be unnatural. However, Maxim himself likes it appearance and lifestyle, and he ignores such conversations about a painful condition.

Polina Gagarina

After pregnancy, Gagarina did not deny herself anything and gained excess weight.

The audience and Polina herself were already accustomed to the singer’s plumpness, but one day the fans simply did not recognize their idol. The star lost as much as 40 kg! All the girls in the country wanted to know how Polina Gagarina lost weight. The celebrity shared her secrets.

It turns out that the singer followed an alternating diet and played sports. For example, on Monday you can eat rice, on Tuesday - fruit, and on Wednesday - only fish, etc. This way fat is burned without damaging muscle tissue.

The following rules helped Polina get her figure in order:

1. No food after 18:00.
2. Food should not be salted.
3. You need to drink a lot of water.
4. It is necessary to completely exclude flour and sweets from the diet. It's better to give up potatoes.

Gagarina advises not to starve yourself, the main thing is to know moderation in everything. To prevent your skin from sagging, you need to exercise.


Singer Pelageya is prone to being overweight, so it’s easy for her to gain extra pounds. She solved this problem with the help of .

The star advises cooking food not in a frying pan, but using a double boiler. She also adheres healthy image life and consumes foods that are grown without any chemical fertilizers. The celebrity focuses on kefir and buckwheat.

Sample menu Pelagia looks like this:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit or vegetable juice;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, chicken or fish dish;
  • Dinner: vegetable or seafood salad.

If you eat this way for 3 weeks, you can lose more than 15 kg.
The singer regularly trains in the gym and goes to the bathhouse, sometimes spending time. She considers the main secret to losing weight to be the right attitude and inner harmony.

Mariam Merabova

The star of season 3 of the show “The Voice” stood out among other participants with her curvaceous figure.

But not a trace remains of that delicious woman, because the singer has already lost 56 kg and is not going to stop there. Mariam admitted that she lost excess weight due to health problems. She is rapidly losing weight thanks to a diet that she tries not to talk about.

One thing is certain - the support of her family and friends helped her cope with the problem of extra pounds.

Ekaterina Skulkina

One of the brightest actresses of the Comedy Woman show, Ekaterina Skulkina, lost almost 20 kg.

Sports played an important role in her transformation. She goes to gym, rides a bike and swims a lot.

Skulkina limited her fat intake and eliminated carbohydrates from her diet. She boils, stews or steams food. The actress eats at least 5 times a day, the last meal occurs 3-4 hours before bedtime. This diet allows you to put your body in order without unnecessary stress.

Elena Stepanenko

Elena Stepanenko was always slightly behind her illustrious husband. And then there was her rapid rise on the stage.

Many remember her famous monologue “Letter to Bill Clinton”, her beautiful and sonorous voice, and a considerably thinner and younger woman. What is the secret of such amazing changes in appearance?

According to Yevgeny Petrosyan, it became known that his wife had gained a lot of weight in Bavaria. She specially took a course in a Bavarian sanatorium . This type of weight loss system is very ancient, its origins go back about one hundred and fifty years.

Of course, it is impossible to know exactly what this system consists of, since many of its details are classified and not known to the general public. On at the moment Only a few procedures that are carried out using this system are open to the world.

The sanatorium observes very strict diet , and the patient is given IVs , with the help of which special drugs are introduced into the body that the body lacks.

The most important thing is that doctors were able to change the approach to food intake itself, learn how to correctly combine foods with each other, that is, they completely changed the nutritional psychology of patients. For example, do not eat potatoes with bread, meat with potatoes, and the like.

Most of the stars of Russian show business and cinema have achieved amazing results thanks to proper nutrition.


One of the main transformations among Russian stars is Polina Gagarina’s weight loss of 15 kg, which not only radically changed the singer’s appearance, but also her career. Now it’s hard to believe that this fragile and very thin girl was once a real plump girl! And there are numerous versions of the “Polina Gagarina diet” floating around the Internet, which actually did not tell the details of losing weight.

Irina Dubtsova

We recently opened the Istagram of 34-year-old Irina Dubtsova and gasped. The singer, who was always inclined to be overweight and constantly tried to lose weight, finally won! Irina looks great in a bikini: slim and fit, she wasn’t like this even at 20 years old. The star herself says that she simply gave up meat, smoking and alcohol, and took up sports - the secret is simple.


Alena Shishkova

It would seem that the one person who had “no place to lose weight” was Alena Shishkova. But the girl, obsessed with her appearance and weight, lost weight to the point of “soon I’ll be hiding behind a mop.” Some of Alena's subscribers, who previously admired her beauty, admitted: this is too much.


The once plump Pelageya became a real skinny woman: she lost 16 kg in just 2 months! And what’s most remarkable is that Pelageya manages to maintain her amazing result: more than two years have passed since the star lost weight, and she still remains as slim. Bravo!


After her second birth, singer Maxim lost as much as 8 kg and is happy to show photos of herself in old jeans that have become too big. Maxim’s secret is simple: she actively took up sports, so along with losing weight, she also acquired a beautiful figure. It’s not enough to just be slim, it’s great to also be fit - the singer is absolutely right about this.

Victoria Lopyreva

Victoria Lopyreva was definitely lucky with her figure: the beauty has excellent characteristics, which, however, were not so obvious before. Victoria was never overweight, but she still decided to lose weight and go in for sports: now Lopyreva has practically reached perfection; one can only envy such a chiseled body.

Alla Pugacheva

Incredible results were achieved, who last year lost as much as 20 kg, which allowed her to also change her style. Now the Diva wears not the usual hoodie dresses, but mini-dresses and jeans. We cannot remember a more slender Alla Borisovna in her entire long career! By the way, the singer personally spoke about how she succeeded - the whole secret is in a salt-free diet.

Ekaterina Skulkina

Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Skulkina got tired of her “big woman” role and went on a diet! Apparently, Catherine had the willpower not to lose her temper over the chocolate bar, otherwise it would simply be impossible to achieve such impressive results. Skulkina has lost 15 kg and can now afford feminine, tight-fitting dresses - it suits her very well!

Anna Shulgina

The daughter of singer Valeria, Anna Shulgina, has repeatedly talked about how she has always been a “doughnut” and even suffered bullying at school because of her excess weight. As a teenager, the girl took charge of herself: she took up fitness and began to control her diet. And this process continues! Anna is still rapidly losing weight, although we already think that she looks great - all that remains is to maintain the result.

Alina Kabaeva

After leaving big sport, Alina Kabaeva gained a lot of weight - all the tabloids wrote about the athlete’s new figure. Apparently, this really hurt Alina: the star lost weight so quickly that even we were surprised! Kabaeva managed to return to her former form: she is again slim, athletic and fit.

Like most women, during pregnancy singer Maxim gained extra pounds and suffered from the fact that she could not wear her usual wardrobe. Last October she gave birth to her second daughter and a month later she was already on stage! Fans were simply amazed at how quickly the singer lost the pounds she had gained during pregnancy.

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Maxim literally got into shape in just a few months and! What is the secret of such fast and effective weight loss?

“After the birth of my daughter, I am constantly busy with something - if I’m not working, then I’m next to the baby. And here, as you understand, you can’t really relax. Sometimes I don’t even have time to do my hair, let alone eat. Because of such a crazy schedule, I quickly returned to my prenatal weight and now I like myself in the mirror again.” But, however, she managed to lose weight not only thanks to work.

How did Maxim approach the parameters of a real ballerina? Now the girl weighs only 45 kilograms! “I have achieved success simply because in life I am guided by the principle “Eyes are afraid, hands are doing,” admits Maxim.

Dance machine

It all started when the filming of a new video arrived. According to the plot, Maxim was supposed to play a ballerina in it, and in order to most organically fit into the role of a dancer, the singer trained every day for two months with professional acrobats and ballerinas.

“I admit, it was difficult, I even cried during rehearsals,- says the singer. - Sometimes my coaches were harsh, but in the end it worked out well. Now I can boast not only of my knowledge of dance steps, but also of my figure. While training at the barre, I lost eight kilograms. I was amazed how a person, inspired by something, can exceed his physical and moral limits.”

Proper nutrition

« In the process of losing weight, I did not sit on any of the various known and unknown diets", says the singer. When it comes to nutrition, Maxim follows basic rules that help him lose weight and stabilize his weight:

  • Do not eat after 19:00;
  • Do not drink alcohol;
  • Do not eat fast food;
  • Do not overindulge in sweets.

“I work off a sweat by boxing!”

“Since childhood, I have had a passion for martial arts, which I practiced in addition to music. Well, what high-quality boxing removes seven sweats from an athlete and contributes in the best possible way to excellent physical fitness“It’s no secret to anyone,” says Maxim.

“All the results are due to active sports. Previously it was karate and parachuting. I even got to ride a motorcycle! Now I give preference to tennis.”

In addition, Maxim says that she made it a rule to do race walking: “Even before pregnancy, I developed the habit of walking around the park for a couple of hours, enjoying nature. And then I decided to combine business with pleasure, and began to walk along the shady alleys not just, but as a sport. Now I'm quite happy with the result. The figure suits me." In addition, the singer visits the gym and swimming pool.

My family is the best incentive

Two children also keep the young mother in good shape. After all, there is a lot of trouble with them, even though you are a star. The eldest Sasha was looking forward to the appearance of her sister. And when Mashenka was born, her joy knew no bounds. Now Sasha really helps her mother take care of the baby.

Singer Maxim immediately goes on stage in short dresses and skirts, just like several years ago.

By her example, Maxim proved that no life circumstances can prevent you from achieving positive result, if a person really wants to achieve the goal! This lady with fiery hair successfully combines several roles - she is an author, a performer, a producer, and loving mother, and just a real beauty.


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Marina Abrosimova, better known as singer Maxim, in a record short terms I lost weight immediately after the birth of my second child.

Fans began to make assumptions about what caused such rapid changes, but Marina herself later spoke about everything.

Singer Maxim: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Maxim was born on June 10, 1983 in Kazan. From the very peak of her popularity (2000s), she never suffered from excess weight: she was always slim and fit, and had many fans not only of her talent, but also of her beauty.

She has two daughters, but, unfortunately, for now family life the girl didn't work out. She divorced the father of her first child, Alexei Lugovtsov, after being married for 3 years, and she broke up with Anton Petrov, who is the father of her second daughter, after several years of civil marriage in September 2015.

In 2014, when the singer gave birth to Maria, she gained noticeable weight within 2 months, but soon photographs appeared online and discussions began: “Maxim has lost a lot of weight,” “She is anorexic,” “She needs to eat more.”

With my daughter

Some even began to suggest that the girl was on a strict diet or taking pills; there were even statements that she had lost weight due to frequent quarrels and separation from her husband. The singer did not confirm the last statement, but said that she does not like to restrict herself too much in her diet, but this time she had to slightly adjust it.

Singer Maxim: height 160 cm, weight 45 kg

Maxim lost weight: before and after

Now the height and weight of the singer Maxim are 160 cm and 45 kg. According to some of her fans, she is too thin and looked better before she became pregnant, although she weighed only 5 kg more. There are those who welcome such changes in Marina’s figure, but one can only say for sure that many women want to know about her nutritional principles.

Clothing and shoe sizes

Maxim's figure parameters: 86-61-87 (chest-waist-hips)

Over the entire period, singer Maxim (MakSim) lost 20 kg, because before that she weighed 65 kg and was plump, but not fat: there are several photographs in which a slightly protruding tummy is visible, but there is no talk of large folds of fat there.

Secrets of losing weight from Maxim

  • You can eat sweets, but only in rare cases - no more than twice a week;
  • You need to plan your dinner so that it takes place no later than 7 pm;
  • Alcohol and fast food are strictly prohibited.

Those who ask what diet Maxim was on can be confidently convinced: she did not use any strict diet, she simply composed her diet so that the body received all the necessary substances, but at the same time broke down fat.

How Maxim loses weight: menu and recipes ^

Singer Maxim lost weight: before and after photos

Rules for losing weight from Maxim

  • You shouldn’t limit yourself too much, but it is recommended not to eat fatty, sweet, flour and smoked foods – they contain a lot of calories;
  • Sport will only contribute to rapid weight loss, so it is also advisable to find time for it;
  • The menu should give preference to lean meat, vegetables, fruits, berries, fish, herbs, cereals, nuts, legumes, dairy products and drinks.

By following completely basic rules, MakSim lost noticeably weight, and to this day she manages to keep her weight between 45-47 kg.

Diet of singer Maxim: menu

To shed pounds the way Maxim lost weight after giving birth, you can create your diet using her menu as an example:

  • In the morning we eat berries and a plate oatmeal. All this can be mixed. We drink tea;
  • For lunch we snack on a portion of fruit salad;
  • We have lunch with bean soup, a slice of bread and a piece of meat;
  • For an afternoon snack we drink juice with cookies;
  • We have dinner with fresh or stewed vegetables, as well as steamed cutlets.

MakSim menu recipes

In addition to how Maxim lost weight, it is important to know how she prepared her meals. Below you can find several delicious and healthy recipes.

Bean soup recipe:

  • Soak the beans, boil them and place in a separate bowl;
  • Cook the broth on the meat, add beans to it;
  • After 10 minutes, add shredded cabbage, then potatoes, fried carrots and onions;
  • Pepper and salt, add herbs.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • Grate raw beets and carrots, mix everything with herbs;
  • Season with low-fat sour cream or olive oil.

Steam cutlet recipe:

  • In a blender, blend the minced chicken along with chopped onions and apples;
  • Add semolina, pepper and salt, mix;
  • We make cutlets, place them in a steamer bowl, sprinkle with spices and herbs, cook for a quarter of an hour.

Weight loss Maxim: the opinion of nutritionists about her diet ^

Nutritionists cast serious doubt on the denial of the thinner Maxim that she never followed a diet, because her menu, in fact, is low-calorie, but quite filling.

Her diet contains all the necessary elements - proteins, carbohydrates and fats - but the amount of the latter is limited due to prohibitions on foods with high fat content. Thus, the singer’s method cannot be called a strict diet - she simply adheres to proper nutrition.

What does singer Maxim look like now?

Considering how much weight Maxim has lost, one can judge the effectiveness of her weight loss principles, and it is likely that they will also help other women who decide to get rid of excess weight permanently, as Marina did, to transform their figure. She still remains in the same shape and often posts her new photographs, where her slimness is clearly noticeable.

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