Play strip poker online. Strip poker play online Strip poker game

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Remove some clothing every time you lose a hand. This is the simplest and quick way games. Just deal the cards and play the hand without betting. At the end, the player with the strongest card wins, and everyone else must remove one item of clothing.

  • Only the player with the weakest card can remove one of the items of clothing. This version is slower, the fun lasts throughout the evening.
  • If desired, players can be allowed to fold quickly, as before the flop in Hold'em, thus avoiding stripping. Of course, this is an opportunity for shy players to actually avoid participating in the game, thus defeating the purpose of the game.

The winner gets to choose who gets naked. This option is especially good for identifying secret likes and desires. Play the hand as usual and let the winner choose who in the party will have to withdraw something.

  • For this version of the game, it is better to make sure in advance that no one will be jealous or make claims. In a group of friends, such a game can go off with a bang, but if someone might get upset, it’s better not to.
  • Don't play against one player. A plot to completely undress one of the players, especially in a large group, is not such a good idea, and the person may feel like a victim.
  • Bet with clothes, not chips. Deal the cards and let players bet with clothing items instead of chips, other players must call with a similar item. Cards can be discarded. After the cards are revealed, the losing player removes the placed items of clothing.

    Swap your clothes for chips. Play regular poker with bets in chips or money, and have the losing players exchange their clothes for borrowed chips. This version is most similar to normal poker, there are bets, bluffing, and strategy.

    • Different clothing items can either have the same value or increase in value if it is one of the last clothes the player is wearing. For example, socks cost $10, a T-shirt costs $30, and underwear costs $60.
    • If a player sells some clothing and later wins a big pot, then he must decide whether he has the right to buy back the previously sold clothing. If it does, then the game becomes more difficult, and if not, then it goes faster.
  • Play one-on-one with your partner. Classic poker Stripping is fun for a group, but can be used as foreplay or for seduction. There won't be much strategy in a one-on-one game, so just deal the cards and show the combinations. The player with the worst card removes the item of clothing.

    Why not combine playing your favorite poker with admiration? female beauty, and not just contemplation, but the real undressing of an appetizing rival. The original approach to the design of the gameplay makes us say special thanks to the developers for their efforts.

    Game Features

    We are used to seeing the traditional playing field in the form of an oval table with green cloth, where secretive, aggressive opponents sit, who are eager to trap you with their combination. Here everything is the other way around. Firstly, our opponent is a slender girl who doesn’t mind showing off her charms as the game progresses if you win bank after bank. Secondly, there is no table as such; all actions take place on an improvised plane. If a real monster comes to you in the form of a “pocket” of aces and kings, you will not be able to push the entire stack at once, since the game provides for a limited increase. There are both pros and cons to this.

    How to play?

    It is worth being selective when choosing cards to play, since the starting stack is extremely small and amounts to only 250 chips. If you miss a few hands at the very beginning, then it will be very difficult to reduce the difference in stacks and the hope of undressing the beauty will simply turn into a myth. The computer plays well, so endless raises and bets in the hope of knocking the player out of the pot will not be successful. It is better to use the maximum draw tactic when you hit the flop well if you are confident in your combination.

    Legend has it that Strip Poker was born in the distant 50s of the last century, when students came up with a form of poker that did not require money to play...

    Many will be surprised, but Strip Poker has very clear regulated rules, although they consider this type of poker a game for young people, which will help if you need to persuade your partner to undress, or can be a wonderful start/end to a not-so-sober evening. Yes, the rules “float” depending on the number of players and the goals set, but there is a basic set that is taken as a basis. Let's talk about him.

    It sounds strange, but initially Strip Poker was a purely male type of game, although now lovely ladies also play it with pleasure.

    “Naked” goals

    Actually, the goals of Strip Poker are extremely clear and understandable - we undress our opponents completely (or as far as possible), while trying to keep our own clothes on our body.

    100% guarantee - no one has ever played Strip Poker with their parents!

    Is the game a bet, or how to play Strip Poker

    You're not a poker genius, but want to freshen up your body? Great plan and believe me, this game is best played in the easiest format. Why? This will save the nerves of the participants in the exciting action and will extinguish the wave of bewilderment as to why his/her panties or jacket have migrated to the pile of already removed clothes.

    Therefore, with a clear conscience, we play the simplest 5 card Draw Poker or Texas Holdem. In these poker formats there are no overly complex rules that are difficult to remember, they are very easy to explain to newcomers and everything is so clear that the occurrence of a controversial situation is more an exception than a pattern.

    And don't forget to personally ensure that all participants are familiar with the basics and are comfortable with the degree of undressing of themselves and their neighbors that accompanies the game. In principle, you can undress completely, or you can only undress down to your underwear or something else. It's best to set the line before the game starts, otherwise someone's belated shyness will ruin all the fun.

    In 5-7 years knowledgeable people They promise that the number of players in Strip Poker and regular poker will be equal, because the game is simply in crazy demand.


    It is convenient to choose bets at Strip Poker based on the level of knowledge about poker of your potentially naked opponents in the near future. There are actually a lot of options: from the classics in the form of “one loss - one thing”, to something like a pot limit system.

    And you should understand that the last option “undresses” the players once or twice, and to speed up the process you can even switch to unlimited all-in.

    There is a Strip Poker Club in Denmark with beautiful name"Seventh heaven". People sign up to play at his tables several months in advance.

    Rules for those in the know

    It must be said that in most cases, Strip poker players are dressed... usually, but in every company there will probably be a person wearing two pants and three underpants and, in general, will look like he is going to the North Pole. Well, if among those gathered someone starts with a smile on his face in only his shorts... well, there is an exhibitionist in your company!) All the more fun.

    The usual version of the game involves removing one item of clothing for each loss, or the only winner does not need to undress. But everything can be adjusted to suit your mood and preferences.

    For example? Let's say you're dealt pocket aces and you get to choose what the losers withdraw next. Or the person who collects a royal flush is given the right to undress anyone present in the game! A very... mmm... well, a very tempting offer.

    There are variants of the game when a completely naked (or stripped to a set minimum) player can go into Sit out to wear one item from his wardrobe of his choice for each victory in the hand, and maybe even get completely dressed. The group of players decides how and what to take off/wear, just remember that the right to return things for winnings will essentially keep all of its participants in the game, and the game itself will stretch out quite a bit over time.

    And in all this naked excitement there is one thing important rule- if someone suddenly becomes completely unbearable, he leaves the game without any problems! Ultimately, the point of strip poker is to have fun with a hint of… sexuality and discomfort is in fact inappropriate.

    Strip Poker is not just a game for a narrow circle - entire tournaments with mass stripping are held quite officially. Excitement and eroticism - a hot mixture!

    Aaaand... wins!

    And the winner, of course, is the one who can watch with a smile the attempts of his former opponents to cover the prominent parts of the body with at least something! Although no one is safe from the option of a half-naked victory. Play with humor - have fun)

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