Behavior of various zodiac signs in a specific situation. How zodiac signs act in dangerous situations

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Those who are not indifferent to astrology often draw conclusions based on the characteristics of different zodiac signs - who behaves how in marriage, who is an exemplary family man, and who is most likely to go for a walk. Stress is also a significant factor that can tell a lot about a person. How do people of different zodiac signs behave in different difficult situations?


He is ready to be a leader always and everywhere. If something does not go according to plan, it does not frighten him at all - he is able to find a solution (often quite extraordinary), even in the most unpredictable situation. His only drawback is that he doesn’t know how to do it calmly, and you will hear a lot of angry comments about the situation and everyone who is to blame for it.


He hates critical situations. In general, everything that doesn’t go according to plan makes him angry. He prefers a calm, measured lifestyle, and does not tolerate surprises. However, he won't be upset for long. After a slight stupor, he will decisively begin to look for a solution.


They cannot be embarrassed by a critical situation - they have it throughout their lives. Fickle and reckless, they always get into something and have already gotten used to it. Therefore, if you find yourself in trouble with a Gemini, don’t be upset. They improvise well and will definitely find a way out of the situation.


He would rather have someone take responsibility for all this and do it himself. But if there are no people doing it at all, he will have to. He can quite cope with everything, but due to natural laziness and indecisiveness, sometimes he does not want to do it.

a lion

He acts like a real king— instantly figures out how to correct the situation, but prefers to act with someone else’s hands. Why should the king work on everything when there are subordinates? The king’s job is to figure out how.


She has no critical situations. At all. Because Virgo has everything under strict control. She has already foreseen even the most unpredictable situation, and now all that is needed is to act according to plan.


They can't stand any surprises - they disrupt their harmony. But if it has already arrived, they will try to get out of it with all their might possible ways and quickly - to return to a serene state.


Finding yourself next to Scorpio in such a situation is a gift of fate. He is strong, determined, smart and never gives up. He always knows what to do in the worst case scenario and will take everything upon himself. Sometimes, however, he himself is the cause of all sorts of local apocalypses, but he knows how to correct his mistakes.


For Sagittarius, like Gemini, such situations are par for the course. Therefore, all he will do is take a deep breath, say, “here we go again,” and get down to business. Thanks to perseverance and determination, Sagittarius can easily cope with any difficulties.


If something doesn't go according to plan in his ideal world, it's a big surprise for Capricorn. He will immediately make up detailed plan actions, and will begin to eliminate it. In the process of work, he will build everyone around him, but, unlike Leo, he will get down to business himself, without shifting all the worries to his “subjects”.


There is no situation from which Aquarius cannot find a way out. Independent, loving difficulties, they crack problems like nuts, and they don’t even need help at all. Although if someone asked Aquarius themselves, they would prefer to lie on the sofa. For all their love of adventure, they are phenomenally lazy.


They live in their own little world, and everything is fine in it. The problems in outside world they may not notice. In addition, next to each Pisces there is usually a reliable retinue, consisting mainly of representatives of other signs, who solve these problems. Each in their own way.

Cool horoscopes based on zodiac signs seem funny only at first glance. In fact, they are remembered much more clearly - after all, the joke itself “sinks” into memory. You can amuse your friends with a witty response in an unexpected situation. Or you can take a closer look at yourself and your loved ones - to once again make sure that astrology is truly a truthful and accurate science.

And with the help of cool horoscopes it will be easy for you to study astrology and understand its basics. And you don’t need to memorize anything or get it into your head on purpose. Just read funny horoscopes and compare them with the behavior of your friends. Very soon everything will fall into place in your head, and you will always know what to expect from others and what they expect from you. By the way, this is called “insight.” And all thanks to the fact that you just love reading funny horoscopes!

Start with simple example. Find out, which horoscopes do they prefer? different signs Zodiac- and check yourself and your friends.

Aries most often looking for obscene horoscope. So what? What else to have fun with friends over a bottle of beer. It especially bothers him when he is not reviled too much, but everyone else is reviled in full.

Taurus treats horoscopes without much trust and never allows them to influence his life. But the financial and monetary horoscope sometimes still reads. But just to once again make sure you are right.

Twins absorb all horoscopes that meet in their stormy life path. They forget them in exactly a minute - for this reason they don’t believe in them.

Cancers, having read something offensive or unpleasant to themselves, they may become offended by all horoscopes in general. They prefer neutral horoscopes: floral, fashion, horoscopes of pets and peoples of the world.

a lion accepts only those horoscopes that glorify him. If you read aloud to him, just skip the “inconvenient” parts, and his favorable attitude is guaranteed.

Virgo Actually, he doesn’t believe in horoscopes, but he will read the medical horoscope very carefully. If the recommendations are reasonable, then Virgo will put them into practice, and if they seem nonsense to her, then she will discard them with indignation.

Scales love love and romantic horoscopes. But most of all they like horoscopes of compatibility between zodiac signs. After reading them, they are no longer able to choose a partner for themselves - it becomes impossible to make a decision due to large quantities factors.

Scorpios First of all, they look at sexual and erotic horoscopes. They read them quite carefully, memorizing everything well. They will then definitely try the information received on their partners.

Sagittarius love funny horoscopes, with good humor or unusual comparisons. However, horoscopes do not stay in their heads for long. And they often understand them in their own way - to their advantage.

Capricorn reads horoscopes in order to criticize them. He will look for all the inconsistencies and enjoy it. In the end, he will prove to himself and everyone that all this is complete nonsense, and one must only be guided by common sense.

Aquarius reads horoscopes from time to time and selectively remembers them. He especially appreciates humorous horoscopes with caustic jokes. He then likes to quote them at the most inappropriate—from your point of view—moments.

Fish They believe in everything - in omens, in signs and, of course, in horoscopes. They stick to what they write so fanatically that they implement everything they read. Naturally, for them the horoscopes are one hundred percent correct.

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12 | Cancer

Cancers have a heart of great kindness and take great pride and value in their empathic nature. It is almost impossible to bring Cancer to the point where he sincerely wants to kill someone. Such unpredictability and inconstancy of emotions is not at all in their nature. Cancer is not capable of taking and killing someone - he is simply too kind.

11 | Fish

When representatives of this sign experience strong emotions, it is best for them to drink wine and spend this energy in some creative direction. This energy will never, ever take the form of cruelty or bloodlust even remotely. They can “kill” you with their creativity or sharp tongue, but in no case with a sharp object.

10 | Scales

Representatives of the Libra sign can be considered balanced and methodical people who very rarely make spontaneous decisions without thinking about the consequences. Libras weigh (sorry, I couldn't resist) all the pros and cons of each situation before acting. They need to be sure they haven't left anything out before doing anything. Emotional murder? Not Libra.

9 | Taurus

The character of Taurus is structured like this: everything should be sorted out and work as efficiently as possible. They want everything to work in the best possible way. And even if Taurus suddenly wanted to kill someone, this would happen according to a carefully thought-out plan, and not in the heat of the moment. They need to know that they will do everything in at its best- and only then will they be ready to kill someone.

8 | Capricorn

Capricorn would not at all like to be punished for murder, so he will do everything to avoid being caught in the act. Spontaneous murder does not give much time for planning and precision, so it is highly unlikely that Capricorn will do this. And even if this incredible thing does happen and Capricorn loses control and breaks into murder, then he will tear his hair out of resentment at his own incontinence.

7 | a lion

Leos are characterized by some eccentricity and a craving for drama, so it’s not entirely implausible to call a scenario in which, in the heat of the moment, Leo goes off the rails and ends up with someone’s body lying in his home. But the peculiarity of Leo is that in such a situation they WANT attention to their crimes. After all, even black PR is PR, isn’t it? So it would be much more pleasant and interesting for Leo to be serial killer or someone even more extravagant than a random, one-time killer.

6 | Sagittarius

If you are looking for people who are capable of making impulsive decisions, these are Sagittarians. “It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission” - this is often their life motto. So it is Sagittarius who will stand over your body with a knife in his hand and shrug his shoulders, trying to find a cunning way out of what he got himself into because of his own terrible mistake.

5 | Virgo

Although Virgos have a strong analytical mind and try to think everything through, under the guise of their balanced behavior there can be a very hot temper. If you pester Virgos for a long time, they will definitely fight back in the end. Or maybe they’ll give you such a hard time that they’ll kill you. However, after a short panic, they will pull themselves together and figure out how to get away with it. We can say that Virgos are ideal killers.

4 | Aquarius

Aquarians are very unpredictable and you never know which way they will turn towards you. Maybe light. Or maybe dark and scary. And if they catch you on a bad day, that day could easily be your last.

3 | Aries

When you hear the word Aries, the first associations are quick temper, bad temper, intemperance and anger. Aries are the most impulsive of all signs, and this feature of theirs can be decisive in the life of the poor fellow who crosses their path. When they can no longer control their anger, they are 100% capable of committing murder. It's better to be careful with Aries.

2 | Scorpion

Responsibility is not about Scorpios. They simply do something, and then attribute the consequences to some mitigating circumstances and something that was “beyond their strength.” So, you understand, in a brutal murder that happened completely unexpectedly, most likely, they are not guilty at all. (At least that's what they'll try to tell you.)

1 | Twins

There is no sign among the signs whose behavior would be more difficult to predict than the behavior of Gemini. No matter what mood they are in, no matter what they have planned for you and how they are going to do it, you will never be able to predict murder. And guess what? In nine cases out of ten, this will come as a complete surprise to them.

12 | Cancer

Cancers have a heart of great kindness and take great pride and value in their empathic nature. It is almost impossible to bring Cancer to the point where he sincerely wants to kill someone. Such unpredictability and inconstancy of emotions is not at all in their nature. Cancer is not capable of taking and killing someone - he is simply too kind.

11 | Fish

When representatives of this sign experience strong emotions, it is best for them to drink wine and spend this energy in some creative direction. This energy will never, ever take the form of cruelty or bloodlust even remotely. They can “kill” you with their creativity or sharp tongue, but in no case with a sharp object.

10 | Scales

Representatives of the Libra sign can be considered balanced and methodical people who very rarely make spontaneous decisions without thinking about the consequences. Libras weigh (sorry, I couldn't resist) all the pros and cons of each situation before acting. They need to be sure they haven't left anything out before doing anything. Emotional murder? Not Libra.

9 | Taurus

The character of Taurus is structured like this: everything should be sorted out and work as efficiently as possible. They want everything to work in the best possible way. And even if Taurus suddenly wanted to kill someone, this would happen according to a carefully thought-out plan, and not in the heat of the moment. They need to know that they will do everything in the best possible way - and only then will they be ready to kill someone.

8 | Capricorn

Capricorn would not at all like to be punished for murder, so he will do everything to avoid being caught in the act. Spontaneous murder does not give much time for planning and precision, so it is highly unlikely that Capricorn will do this. And even if this incredible thing does happen and Capricorn loses control and breaks into murder, then he will tear his hair out of resentment at his own incontinence.

7 | a lion

Leos are characterized by some eccentricity and a craving for drama, so it’s not entirely implausible to call a scenario in which, in the heat of the moment, Leo goes off the rails and ends up with someone’s body lying in his home. But the peculiarity of Leo is that in such a situation they WANT attention to their crimes. After all, even black PR is PR, isn’t it? So it would be much more pleasant and interesting for Leo to be a serial killer or something even more extravagant than a random, one-time killer.

6 | Sagittarius

If you are looking for people who are capable of making impulsive decisions, these are Sagittarians. “It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission” - this is often their life motto. So it is Sagittarius who will stand over your body with a knife in his hand and shrug his shoulders, trying to find a cunning way out of what he got himself into because of his own terrible mistake.

5 | Virgo

Although Virgos have a strong analytical mind and try to think everything through, under the guise of their balanced behavior there can be a very hot temper. If you pester Virgos for a long time, they will definitely fight back in the end. Or maybe they’ll give you such a hard time that they’ll kill you. However, after a short panic, they will pull themselves together and figure out how to get away with it. We can say that Virgos are ideal killers.

4 | Aquarius

Aquarians are very unpredictable and you never know which way they will turn towards you. Maybe light. Or maybe dark and scary. And if they catch you on a bad day, that day could easily be your last.

3 | Aries

When you hear the word Aries, the first associations are quick temper, bad temper, intemperance and anger. Aries are the most impulsive of all signs, and this feature of theirs can be decisive in the life of the poor fellow who crosses their path. When they can no longer control their anger, they are 100% capable of committing murder. It's better to be careful with Aries.

2 | Scorpion

Responsibility is not about Scorpios. They simply do something, and then attribute the consequences to some mitigating circumstances and something that was “beyond their strength.” So, you understand, in a brutal murder that happened completely unexpectedly, most likely, they are not guilty at all. (At least that's what they'll try to tell you.)

1 | Twins

There is no sign among the signs whose behavior would be more difficult to predict than the behavior of Gemini. No matter what mood they are in, no matter what they have planned for you and how they are going to do it, you will never be able to predict murder. And guess what? In nine cases out of ten, this will come as a complete surprise to them.

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