Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov - multiblog, sermons, biography of the priest. Church leader Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov

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Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov - clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church. Speaking of clergy, many parishioners consider them link between your earthly sins and their forgiveness by the Lord God. Perhaps this is true.

But, besides this, Dmitry Smirnov helps people outside of church services, conducting extensive educational work. His lectures, broadcasts and programs are in great demand.

Father simply, clearly and accessiblely talks about life according to the will of God and answers questions.

Multiblog of Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov

Dmitry Smirnov leads a life that may seem unusual to some for clergy. But priests must also keep up with the times, using the benefits of civilization to benefit people.

So, this priest from Russia has his own video blog, where you can learn a lot useful information.

Useful information and answers to questions from people interested in Christianity can be found by following the link: By clicking on the link, in the upper right corner there is a photo of the priest and a section called “Ask a question.”

Here you can leave your question to the priest after registering. It is important to read the rules that will appear when you click on the “Ask a Question” link and follow these recommendations.

It is important to know that the answer will be in live! They are read out in the Radio Radonezh program, and Fr. Dmitry answers them. By the way, by clicking on any of the programs, you can see what questions were answered and even find out the answer by starting to watch the video from the indicated place.

The blog discusses the following issues:

  • sermon about patience, suffering. The archpriest gives advice on how to make the soul find peace;
  • preaching about true love;
  • O. Dmitry provides information about prophets, Russian saints and even writers;
  • Saints and Kings;
  • Christian life of holy people and much more.

These are just a few of the topics that the archpriest discusses with his guests. The blog contains useful information that will help the believer understand what is needed in this life. New entries, programs and programs are constantly being added, the blog does not stand still, but lives an active life.

Father Dmitry Smirnov - briefly about biographical facts

Dmitry Nikolaevich was born on March 5, 1951. He was born into a military family, but his great-grandfather was a priest, and that is why this path was chosen. He has a higher pedagogical education, graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Afterwards he entered the higher Orthodox school educational institution, and here I received my education in 2 years.

Where does Fr. serve? Dmitry?

IN present moment is a clergyman of the Church of Mitrofan of Voronezh. In addition, he is the rector of 7 parishes located in Moscow. For 12 years he served as chairman Synodal Department. Provided advice on military issues.

Now, in addition to holding church service, is engaged in teaching activities. Since 2013, he has been appointed to the position of Chairman of the Patriarchal Commission.

Now you can get advice on family relationships. Adhering to clear principles, she helps families achieve family happiness.

Where to listen and watch sermons by Father Dmitry Smirnov

Dmitry Smirnov – interesting person, with whom it is not only interesting to talk, but also to listen to his sermons. You can listen to a sermon on a topic of interest by following the link - At the end of June 2018, 108 programs were published.

The archpriest is a well-known figure who provides consultations on the following issues:

  • clearly combats the promotion of homosexuality;
  • protects Christian values families;
  • denies the emergence of AIDS as a viral disease;
  • favorably views families who have chosen family education for their children.

The blog contains an interview with the priest on TK Soyuz and radio Voronezh. You can also watch “Dialogue under the Clock.”

Program “Dialogue under the clock” with Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov

On the public TV channel "Spas"(Orthodox channel) a program is broadcast, hosted by the archpriest himself. He invites you to his studio large number guests.

They rise in conversations current issues. Among the guests are not only clergymen, but also political figures.

Take note: broadcast new program takes place on Saturdays at 22:00.

Questions and Answers program with Fr. Dmitry Smirnov

Considering that the archpriest is trying to guide believers on the true path, there is also a program where you can get answers to all your questions. Therefore, if a question arises that a person cannot find an answer to, then the “Ask a Question” section is very useful.


A person who is searching and interested Orthodox faith, can turn to a priest in confession, can study the lives of saints and the law of God, read and listen to the sermons of the holy fathers of the church. Opportunity for modern man ask a question online and get an answer from a high clergyman- amazing!

You can also read the blog posts posted on Twitter, VKontakte, and YouTube. Dmitry Nikolaevich will help with advice to anyone who is in a difficult life situation.

Today, public and church leader Dmitry Nikolaevich Smirnov can be seen and heard on television and radio in all kinds of programs. And undoubtedly, listening to his sermons or answers to questions is always very interesting, since his language of communication with people is quite unique. That is why the priest is very popular and attracts great attention from the audience. Today he serves as rector of the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh and in several other churches both in Moscow and in the region.

Smirnov: biography

Open and straightforward, Dmitry Smirnov became the leader and founder of an Orthodox project called “Separate Division”, where they defend, oppose and fight against abortion. Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov speaks harshly about liberals and is known for extensive missionary work.

He is a Muscovite who was born on March 7, 1951. His great-grandfather was a priest, and his grandfather was a White Guard officer. In his youth, Dmitry graduated from school with a physics and mathematics focus, and then went to study as a correspondence student at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Art and Graphics, and defended his diploma in sculpture.

Work in the church

In the summer of 1978, he was already receiving education at the Moscow Theological Seminary of Sergiev Posad. Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov graduated from it as an external student and then continued his studies at the Moscow Theological Seminary, where he also passed the exams ahead of schedule.

In 1980, he was appointed to the position of priest of the Holy Cross Church in Altufyevo (Moscow).

Since July 17, 2001, he worked in the Synodal Department for interaction with law enforcement agencies and the armed forces. In 2009, Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov was awarded the right to wear a miter. He has many orders and awards, of which the most significant are the Order of the Reverend, received in 2004 from the UOC, the Order of St. Dmitry Donskoy, II and III degrees, received in 2006 and 2011. from the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2013, the priest was relieved of his post in the Synodal Department and appointed the first head of the apparatus of the Patriarchal Commission on Family and Motherhood. He is also the vice-rector of the St. Tikhon's Theological Institute, as well as the dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Culture at the Academy. Father Dimitri today is the co-chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate for biomedical ethics.


Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov often visits the popular Orthodox program “Conversations with Father,” which takes place on the Soyuz channel. He was also at the origins of the “Dialogue under the Clock” program on the “Spas” channel. At Radio Radonezh he still heads the Annunciation project.

Father Dmitry Smirnov actively uses the Internet, where he maintains his blog and expresses his own opinions.

The archpriest (his photo is presented below) is an unusually strong and large, bright and good-natured, but most importantly, a very brave and courageous person. Someone who loves to tell the truth.

Family of Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov

Father Dimitri is the grandson of the Hieromartyr Vasily. He is married and already has an adult daughter. She works as a teacher in one of the Orthodox churches created at the temple where her father serves. Dmitry's brother is Ivan Smirnov, composer and jazz guitarist.


Smirnov is an ardent defender of traditional family values ​​and a fighter against the propaganda of homosexuality and manifestations of pedophilia. He expressed himself very interestingly about atheists, of whom, in his opinion, there are few. Dmitry Smirnov believes that for such people there is no point in living, fighting and studying, therefore, in theory, they should commit suicide, because anyway, a burdock will grow at the place of their death. But this is not the case, and most likely, these atheists are not real and are still afraid of something. People don't always understand his sarcasm. However, for many, this makes Father Dmitry even more pleasant. And those who take everything at face value, well, let them suffer, since they don’t want to think deeper and read between the lines.


With his harsh statements, he slightly resembles Deputy Zhirinovsky. Father Dmitry called good deed explosion of the Lenin monument. He is strongly criticized for such statements and even wants to be held accountable. However, everyone should understand that the priest does not reflect the official opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church, and therefore has the right to give his personal assessment, which may sound quite emotional.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Smirnov (Father Dimitry) is a prominent missionary, minister of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of six capital and two Moscow region churches, head of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues and Motherhood Protection, as well as the Faculty of Orthodox Culture of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy.

The mitred archpriest is active on the Internet, on radio and TV, bringing the healing word of God to people on his blog, in the television programs “Conversations with Father” on the Soyuz channel, “Dialogue under the clock” on the Spas channel, in live broadcast on the Radonezh station in the “Annunciation” section.

The clergyman has awards from the UOC, Federal Customs Service and Russian Orthodox Church, including the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy, III degree.


The future bright preacher was born on March 7, 1951 in a large family in the capital. His father was a physicist, he wrote music himself and taught his children serious classical works. Mom knew a lot of prayers and often stopped her son’s pranks with words from Scripture. His paternal grandfather was a mathematician and an officer in the White Army.

Great-grandfather, rector of the Church of St. Nikolai Zayaitsky, accused in 1938 of anti-Soviet propaganda, was shot and buried in a common grave in Butovo, and canonized in 2000.

Dmitry was baptized in the Church of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane. IN primary school Physics and mathematics school No. 42, where he studied, his favorite novel was “Don Quixote”. Moreover main character This work did not seem funny to him. On the contrary, the boy admired him and sympathized with him very much. When he read the book, he even cried. And as a high school student, at the age of 15, he read the Gospel.

Having received a certificate of secondary education in 1968, the young man entered the art and graphic department of the Moscow Correspondence Pedagogical Institute, and after graduation he taught drawing and modeling at the House of Pioneers. It was during that period that Dmitry began to think about connecting his life with the church. The final decision came to him after visiting the Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya hermitage in Latvia, where his plans for service were approved by Elder Tavrion.

Career in the Russian Orthodox Church

In the period 1978-1980. the aspiring ascetic of Christianity studied as an external student at the theological seminary of Sergiev Posad. Then in a year and a half he graduated from the Theological Academy. From 1980 to 1990, he was the second (after the rector Father Mikhail) priest in the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the village of Altufyevo, which he called “a heavenly place with amazing nature.”

It’s interesting that before the revolution, it was there that his paternal ancestors served. His grandmother, his father’s sister, told Dmitry about this. Not far from the temple he found the graves of five Smirnov priests.

In 1991, he received a new appointment - the rector of the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, which was destroyed during the Soviet era, where there was neither a bell tower nor a dome. Gradually, Smirnov managed to restore it and, as the number of parishioners grew, became a senior cleric in seven more churches. Moreover, he dreamed of recreating not only the structure, but also the traditions of the Mitrofan Church - before the revolution, an orphanage for 80 orphans operated on this territory. And subsequently, without the support of the authorities, Father Dimitri organized five orphanages, an art and music school at churches.

In the period 2001-2013. he headed the Synod’s division for interaction with the armed forces of the Russian Federation, then was appointed by the Synod to serve as deputy head of the Patriarchal Commission, designed to resolve issues in the sphere of family, protection of childhood and motherhood, and was also retained as a member of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2009, as recognition of special merits, he received the right to wear a special liturgical headdress - the miter.

Father became the co-chairman of a new structure for the Church - the Church-Public Council on Bioethics, created in connection with the introduction of such advanced technologies as transplantation, artificial insemination, cloning. He also led the “Family and Demographic Support Fund in the name of Saints Peter and Fevronia”, one of the most important missions of which was the creation in the country of a number of Christian institutions “Life-Family. No abortions."

The most important sermons and lectures of the priest were published in books: “Time of Salvation” (1988-1989), “Citizens of Heaven” (1990-1991), “Temporary German” (2006), “Conversations about the Family” (2016), He also became the author numerous articles and a member of the editorial board of the journal “Orthodox Conversation”.


The preacher, whose comments and answers to questions in church and secular media often became the subject of lively discussion, became famous for his volunteer missionary work, criticism of liberals, speeches against abortion and the promotion of homosexuality, as well as controversial statements (for example, the expression of “deep satisfaction” in about the death of the scientist I.S. Kon) and controversial calls (“smashing the windows of sex shops with bricks”).

Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov: “Whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery”

With the goal of opposing juvenile justice cases and upholding the foundations of the traditional family, he became the founder of the Separate Division movement. The compatibility of the tasks of the “newly-minted soldiers of Christ” with the concepts of Christian patience and humility was questioned by some members of the public.

Family of Dmitry Smirnov

Father Dimitri is married. Together with his wife, they raised their daughter Maria. She is a philologist by training and teaches in one of the orphanages at the temple.

Date of birth: March 7, 1951
Date of consecration: August 2, 1979
Angel Day: May 28
Country: Russia In 1968 he graduated from physics and mathematics school No. 42. He graduated from the art and graphic department of the Pedagogical Institute.

    In August 1978, he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, which he graduated as an external student in two years, and a year later he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, which he also graduated as an external student in a year and a half.

    In 1980, he was appointed priest to the staff of the Holy Cross Church in the village. Altufiev, Moscow.

    On January 1, 1991, he was appointed rector of the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh on Khutorskaya in Moscow, where he serves to this day. At the same time, as the number of new parishioners grew, he became the rector of eight churches, two of which are located in the Moscow region.

    By decision Holy Synod dated July 17, 2001, appointed acting chairman of the Synodal Department for interaction with the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies. Since May 7, 2003 - Chairman of the Department.

    Since July 27, 2009 - member of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Since March 22, 2011- Member of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 27-28, 2011 (journal No. 161), he was included in the Patriarchal Council for Family Issues and the Protection of Motherhood (since March 2012 - the Patriarchal Commission).

    On August 1, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was included in the Council for Cossack Affairs under the President of Russia.

    By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2013 (magazine No. 24), he was relieved of the post of chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Institutions and appointed first deputy chairman of the Patriarchal Commission for Family Issues and Motherhood Protection and head of its apparatus.

    By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 2, 2013 (journal No. 104), he was appointed chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood.

    Participates as a presenter in the work of the public Orthodox TV channel “Spas”. Vice-Rector of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University, Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Culture of the Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great, co-chairman of the Church-Public Council on Biomedical Ethics of the Moscow Patriarchate.


Moscow Theological Seminary.

Moscow Theological Academy.

Place of work: Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood (Chairman)



2011 - Order of St. blgv. book Dmitry Donskoy II Art.

Website: Date of birth: March 7, 1951 Country: Russia Biography:

In 1968 he graduated from physics and mathematics school No. 42. He graduated from the art and graphic department of the Pedagogical Institute.

In August 1978, he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, which he completed as an external student in two years, and a year later he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, which he also completed as an external student in a year and a half.

In 1980, he was appointed priest to the staff of the Holy Cross Church in the village. Altufiev, Moscow.

On January 1, 1991, he was appointed rector of the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh on Khutorskaya in Moscow, where he serves to this day. At the same time, as the number of new parishioners grew, he became the rector of eight churches, two of which are located in the Moscow region.

By decision of the Holy Synod of July 17, 2001, he was appointed acting chairman. Since May 7, 2003 - Chairman of the Department.

- Member of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of December 27-28, 2011 () he was included in the composition of ( - Patriarchal Commission).

On August 1, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the Council for Cossack Affairs under the President of Russia.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2013 () he was relieved of the post of chairman of the Synodal Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Institutions and appointed first deputy chairman of the Patriarchal Commission for Family Issues and Motherhood Protection and head of its apparatus.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 2, 2013 () he was appointed chairman of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood.

Participates as a leader in the work of public Orthodox Christians. Vice-Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Orthodox Culture of the Strategic Missile Forces Academy named after. Peter the Great, co-chairman of the Church-Public Council on Biomedical Ethics of the Moscow Patriarchate.


Moscow Theological Seminary.

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