Check the speed of wi-fi connection. Checking Wi-Fi connection speed

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Active distribution of smartphones, tablets, laptops and other types smart devices make the use of wireless Wi-Fi connections to the Internet. Checking WiFi speed in 2019 allows you to find out the current data transfer characteristics and does not require installing additional software. Users have identified a number current methods, which we will pay attention to in this material. You can also find out the characteristics of your network using a special widget on our website.

Let's pay attention:

  1. testing network performance on our website;
  2. working with the “Speed ​​Test” service;
  3. how to find out the speed of data exchange between a computer and a router via WiFi;
  4. recommendations for obtaining correct results.

How to check Wi-Fi speed

Checking WiFi speed on our resource is quite simple. To do this, connect to the World Wide Web via a wireless connection and go to the appropriate page of the site. The simple interface contains several settings:

  • specify the server with which the connection will be made. This way you can find out reliable information about the delay (Ping) in a given direction;
  • select the unit of measurement in which the resulting speed will be displayed (default is Mbit/s).

After completing the preliminary settings, click on the item " Start testing».

This process will not take much time and will display up-to-date information about your connection:

  • downloading packages. The parameter completely affects the speed of downloading files and loading WEB pages;
  • Upload of packages. The characteristic is responsible for uploading files from your computer to the World Wide Web;
  • delay (Ping). Displays the time the response was received from the server to which the request was addressed.

Checking the speed using the connection status (instructions)

Taking advantage operating system Windows, you can use basic functionality to obtain information about the status of your local connection. This parameter is not similar to the Internet connection speed, but displays the maximum possibility for data exchange between the receiver and the computer. Internet speed cannot exceed this parameter for obvious reasons.

This parameter is affected by:

  • technical capabilities of the router, which are installed by the manufacturer;
  • device distance (signal level).

To measure your local data transfer speed, follow these steps:

  1. Press the basic key combination Win+R;
  2. In the window that appears, enter “ncpa.cpl” and send the request;
  3. In the list of network connections that appears, find a valid Wi-Fi connection and right-click on it;
  4. Select “Status” and find the “Speed” parameter in the window that appears. This is the maximum speed of data exchange between the receiver and the computer.

Checking through the service –

Most effective method check Wi-Fi speed online - use the functionality of the SpeedTest service. You can access the project by going to the main page of the official website, or by installing the appropriate software for your computer and mobile devices.

The project offers its users a number of advantages:

  • multilingual. Over more than 12 years of existence, the project has been translated into most common world languages, making it easier to work with functionality;
  • ease of use. The intuitive interface will not cause difficulties even for novice users;
  • Availability mobile version. From your smartphone you can check the characteristics of your mobile network or Wi-Fi;
  • possibility of registration. By creating a personal profile, you are given the opportunity to save test results for later comparison.

How does the Wi-Fi speed test work?

WiFi speed test works well enough simple principle: Certain data packets are sent to a user-selected server at high frequency, processed and sent back. This way, the system can determine the speed of data reception and transmission, including the delay in receiving the final response, in a short time. This algorithm is used in all similar services, which makes the test results identical.

How to check Internet speed correctly

Obtaining an accurate speedtest result for wifi internet speed requires preliminary preparation of your computer:

  • close all unnecessary tabs and make sure there are no downloaded files;
  • turn off programs that may use a connection to the World Wide Web (this also applies to background processes);
  • scan your computer with antivirus software;
  • Make sure that no third-party equipment is connected to the router.

If your speed has dropped and is producing poor results, the above factors can directly affect your bottom line.

Question from a user


Help me find out the real speed Wi-Fi networks. Only I’m not interested in Internet speed, but rather the speed from the router to the laptop via Wi-Fi (local speed, so to speak).

There is a suspicion that when connecting, the provider “slipped” me his router, which cuts down the local speed (I just changed the Internet tariff several times - and the speed was always the same).


Yes, it also happens that a Wi-Fi router “cuts” the speed, and even if you choose a higher-speed Internet tariff, when working with Wi-Fi, you may not notice the difference at all...

Actually, in this article I will show you step by step how you can easily and quickly find out the real (in numbers) speed of a Wi-Fi network. I think the information may be useful to many novice users...

For readers who do not quite understand what we are talking about. See the screenshot below: let’s say you have an Internet tariff of 100 Mbit/s and the router is connected by cable to the Internet provider. But you work on a laptop that connects via Wi-Fi to the router.

So, if real the speed between the router and laptop via Wi-Fi is no more than 50 Mbit/s - then you are simply overpaying, i.e. the laptop simply cannot get an Internet access speed of up to 100 Mbit/s because of this “bottleneck” (the maximum it will receive is 50 Mbit/s).


On how to find out the Internet speed (not to be confused with the local Wi-Fi speed), see this note:

Checking the speed through the connection status (theoretical speed)

Windows is a fairly “smart” system, and when connected to any network (including Wi-Fi), it automatically “detects” its speed (admittedly, one cannot rely entirely on these values, but nevertheless...) . We can say that this is a “theoretical speed”, and in practice this value is not always maintained.

To view the connection status, you must first open a list of all network connections . For this:

A window will open showing your speed in Mbps (not to be confused with MB/s (or MB/s)) . In general, if we discard some theory, then it is enough to divide this figure (in my example 300 Mbit/s) by 8 to get the speed in MB/s (i.e. the speed shown by programs like uTorrent) .

Theoretical speed 300 Mbps

Important! The speed of 300 Mbit/s shown in the screenshot above is the speed between the Wi-Fi router and the laptop, i.e. local (this is not Internet speed!). It’s just that many people confuse this seemingly simple moment...

However, I would like to note that when you are dealing with a Wi-Fi network, the declared Windows speed of 300 Mbit/s (say) cannot be maintained (the real one is usually 2-3 times less)! But nevertheless, it was worth getting to know her, because... in some cases, having learned even this figure, the reason for the slow Internet becomes clear...

Where to start... Setting up a computer connected by cable to the router

The most objective way to find out real Wi-Fi network speed, this is to connect a computer/another laptop to the router via a network (Ethernet) cable, and try to upload to it (or download from it) some file from a laptop that works via Wi-Fi with the router. It’s a little confusing, but the diagram below, I think, will dot the i’s.


You can connect a second laptop via Wi-Fi rather than a network cable, and also transfer a file from one device to another. Only in this case the resulting speed will not be very objective: because With each new device connected via Wi-Fi, the overall network speed will drop.

After connecting your computer with a network cable to the router, the characteristic icon in your tray should light up.

Next, open File Explorer (key combination Win+E) and go to the "Network" tab. Most likely, you will receive an error (as in the example below) that you cannot view network resources, because. Network discovery is disabled (Windows is configured this way by default). Those who do not have an error can skip the next couple of steps.

Enable viewing of shared folders

To enable network discovery, you need Windows at:

  • Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center

  • enable network discovery;
  • Enable sharing of printers and folders.

Then expand the "All Networks" profile and move the sliders to:

  • enable sharing so that network users can read and write files to shared folders;
  • disable password protected sharing.

All Networks Profile (Advanced Sharing Settings)

After the changes have been made, if you open “Network” in Explorer, a small window should appear asking you to enable network discovery - agree (an example is presented below).

Share (share) one of the folders

Now you need to create a shared folder (share) so that any local network user (who is connected to your Wi-Fi router) can upload (or download from) file(s) to it.

To do this, create some folder on the disk and open it properties. Next in the tab "Access" click the button "General access" . See screenshot below.

Please note that in the folder properties you will see its network path. It should now be writable and readable.

Setting up a laptop connected via Wi-Fi to a router. Test and get real speed

Now let's move on to the laptop, which is connected via Wi-Fi. It also needs to enable network discovery (similar to how we did it just above) .

Then launch Explorer (Win+E combination) and open the tab "Net". The name of the second PC/laptop (which is connected via a network cable to the router) should appear in it. Open it (see screenshot below).


If you do not see the second PC/laptop, then check if they have the same workgroup (to do this, press the button combination Win+Pause on both devices - computer properties will open, as in the screenshot below). If the workgroup is different, change it on one of the PCs so that it is the same on both devices!

Well, of course, computer name Every device should have it unique !

Computer name and workgroup (clickable)

Now find some “large” file on your laptop (at least 500-1000 MB), and copy it to this folder.

During copying, a few seconds after the start, the speed should “even out”. Actually, we got the real data transfer speed over a Wi-Fi network (in practice, using real data).

Why a large file? The fact is that if you take a lot of small files, the speed will “jump” because... The PC will have to spend significant time on indexing (working with the file system). In general, you will not get any result as such.

In my example, the speed was approximately 9.4-9.6 MB/s.

Average speed is about 9.5 MB/s

For a more objective result, wait until copying is complete, and then try downloading the file from this folder. Get real average speed.

In addition, in this way you will appreciate Wi-Fi network stability: it’s just that some inexpensive routers can break the “connection” during operation (i.e. if your download is interrupted and the router reboots, most likely it simply cannot withstand the load. In this case, try limiting the maximum Wi-Fi speed in the router settings).

If your reading speed is slow hard drive, and at the same time you are connected to a high-speed Wi-Fi network - it may happen that your network transmission speed will be limited by the speed of reading/writing information on the HDD.

To help! How to find out the read/write speed on HDD -

HDD testing results: see line "Seq Q32T1" (i.e. HDD read speed ~100 MB/s).

By the way, in order not to “manually” copy files to a shared folder to check the speed of the local network, you can use a special one. LAN Speed ​​Test utility (for example). Allows you to quickly evaluate the real speed of the local network.

That's all, actually. Additions on the topic are welcome...

Fast network and low ping to everyone!

A utility called NetStress calculates the connection speed of your WLAN networks. Alternatively, you can also check the data transfer speed of your DSL connection. To learn how to do this, read the next chapter.

  1. You will need two computers for measurements. One of them will need to be connected via cable directly to the router, the second - via WLAN.
  2. Then install the NetStress utility on both computers and run it.
  3. After starting the program, you must select the appropriate network adapter on both PCs to connect to the network. On where you connect via local network, select a LAN or Ethernet adapter. And on where you connect via wireless network- WLAN adapter.
  4. Then the utility should configure itself. Confirm the new firewall prompts “allow access?” Once all messages have been confirmed, the process can move forward with devices connected. There is no need to pay attention to the green loading indicator; it will always seem to be “loaded”.
  5. On the computer where you connect to the network via WLAN, click on the button with a star. Select the IP address of the second computer. As a rule, it will already be indicated there, but in some cases you have to enter it manually.
  6. Clicking on the “Start” button starts the test. Next, you will see the speed measurement results on both computers.
  7. After about 30 seconds you can stop the test. On the right side you can now see the average connection speed of your WLAN network. It is measured in Kbit/s. 1000 Kbps equals 1 Mbps.

Tips for evaluating the results of a NetStress launch

  • For example, you have a line that promises you an Internet access speed of 16,000 Kbps, this value should be taken as a comparative value. 16,000 Kbps, that is, 16 Mbps, corresponds to a data download speed of 2 MB per second. So, with a 16,000 Kbps line, you can download files on maximum speed 2 MB per second.
  • When performing measurements, in this case you are unlikely to get a result equal to 16 Mbit/s. Firstly, this is due to the fact that when transmitting a signal via WLAN, speed is lost. Secondly, providers rarely deliver the promised speeds. In addition, this figure may change from time to time.
  • If you measure, for example, a speed of up to 10,000 Kbps, then this does not necessarily immediately mean that your router has poor transmitter power. If you were promised 16,000 Kbps, then the resulting 12,000 Kbps is already good result. With higher speed examples, such as 50,000 Kbps, you can get along well with real-world performance of 40,000 Kbps.
  • Since the data transfer speed via WLAN is always slightly lower than via LAN, you should also compare the results obtained with the speed of the LAN connection. In addition, only repeated measurements in different time days will allow you to obtain reliable data. If the actual result differs greatly from the speed promised by the tariff, contact your Internet provider.
  • To take advantage alternative method to measure LAN or WLAN speed, follow the instructions in the next paragraph.

We measure Internet access speed using an online benchmark

Currently there are many various types online benchmarks that allow you to measure the speed of Internet access. And we offer our tool, which was developed taking into account best practices — .

  1. Before determining the download and upload speeds, you must first select the appropriate network on your laptop, PC or smartphone.
  2. Disconnect other devices from this network to prevent them from interfering with test results.
  3. Close all running programs on the test device and restart the browser.
  4. Go to the page and run the test by clicking on the button. Now network latency will be measured, as well as download and upload speeds in Mbit/s. At the end you will be able to see the results.

Determining connection speed on Mac OS

There is also software that can be used to measure the speed of your Internet connection. For example, for Mac OS you can download and install a program called WiFiSpy. It displays in the menu bar the current data transfer speed to the router, expressed in megabits per second. This way, you will constantly see how fast and stable the connection is now, so that you can determine the location with best conditions signal reception and transmission.

Currently, free online services are very popular, capable of determining the speed of the Internet connection being used in a few seconds, as well as finding out the IP address of the computer, determining the user’s location, checking the site for viruses, and more. Among the most common programs of this type is Speedtest.

The free service is designed to quickly test the transfer speed and download data to the user’s computer.

The test does not require downloading or installing any additional components.

To start testing, there is a special button “Forward” (Start testing).

The final result is produced 30 seconds after the program is launched for execution.

Features of Speedtest Net

As a result of using SpeedTest, it becomes possible to determine the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet connection.

In most cases, the declared value of this characteristic is deliberately overestimated by the supplier and does not correspond to reality. The provider indicates false facts in order to attract the attention of users and increase its popularity.

A complete package of tools with all the features can only be obtained by visiting the website of the official service developer or its partner. This is very important, since currently an incredible amount of obscene resources have been created masquerading as the original.

Global speed test SpeedTest

  • The service includes only one page – the main page.

He is:

  • ping,
  • the amount of incoming and outgoing speed Internet connections,
  • user location, set by the IP address of the computer from which you entered the site.

Internet speed results among site users

  1. The total number of tests is 6867.
  2. Average download speed is 30.13 Mb/sec.
  3. The average download speed on a PC is 28.31 Mb/sec.
  4. The average ping value is 29 ms.

Particularly demanding users can use the option to determine the geographic location of the server that will perform the scan. For this purpose, a special map is provided, the scale of which can be changed using the slider located on its left side. In other cases, this operation is performed automatically.

The parameter testing is carried out in real time and looks truly impressive. It provides a visual display of everything that is happening - data transfer between the specified server and the user’s computer, taking into account all the established indicators.

The data processor window presents a colorful animation of downloading or transferring data from the user’s device to the selected city, a graph and an image of a speedometer with the Speed ​​mark. This approach is designed to brighten up the waiting time for results and save a person from unnecessary negative emotions about this.

The whole definition process real speed Internet connections via Speedtest are performed with one click of the mouse.

It is very convenient and does not take much time. Even a beginner can cope with such a task.


Ookla is a global leader in broadband Internet speed testing and network diagnostic software. was developed as the most accurate way to determine the fastest ISP and mobile network. Speed ​​tests are aggregated by averaging the test results of each device at a given user location, each day.

This improves data accuracy and reduces bias from retesting or tests that attempt to skew results. There are also many other ways to prevent fraudulent or inaccurate results.

More than 5 million users use the Speedtest app every day, allowing the company to remain a leader in the Internet speed testing industry. This free service is available to anyone around the world who is interested in learning the features and characteristics of their Internet connection.

Internet speed - component productive work or comfortable use of a personal device for the user’s relaxation. In organizations and apartments, the Internet is distributed using a Wi-Fi modem.

PC users who previously interacted directly with the provider via cable, when connecting the router, notice a loss of speed. The article answers the question - how to increase Internet speed via a Wi-Fi router.

Reasons for reducing speed

Obvious reasons:

  1. Poor location of the router. There are large metal or electrical obstacles in the signal path.
  2. Low power signal transmission device.
  3. The provider uses one of the connection types - PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP.
  4. Not installed or not updated driver for signal transmission and reception devices.
  5. Connected users cutting Internet speed in half.

Among the hidden reasons:

  1. Incorrect modem settings in the parameters of channel width, network operating mode, network security, and channel selection.
  2. Incompatibility of router and receiver equipment. The discrepancy between their capacities, resulting in asymmetry. IN in this case necessary fine tuning using device manufacturers' data shields to achieve a balance between speed and coverage.
  3. Setting up the transmission channel in adjacent rooms (if you do not have a reflector).

Speed ​​increase

Let's consider options that will help increase the speed of your Internet connection.

The more advanced the technology, the better the equipment works. Developed in 2009 new technology wireless communication, supporting channel speeds up to 300Mbit/s. This is 3 times higher than the 802.11g standard. Therefore, all wireless devices are transferred to this standard (the diversity of standards leads to a decrease in speed).

WPA2-PSK security standards

Encryption itself reduces the transmission speed. But it’s impossible without him. Data protection is the basis for device performance. The challenge is to choose the right encryption type in the router settings so as not to reduce performance.

For standards-compatible receiver and transmitter, choose WPA2-PSK with AES encryption. On older versions, you will have to select the TKIP cipher.

Wi-Fi MiltiMedia

To ensure speeds greater than 54 Mbit/s, you need to enable WMM in the router settings (if such a function is available on the router).

Enable WMM on the receiving device too.

Channel width 20 MHz

By default, the 802.11n standard sets the channel width to 40 MHz. It is better to define a width of 20 MHz. The reason is that if there are routers in the neighborhood, it is impossible to maintain the 5 GHz mode, in which a channel with a width of 40 MHz will work well.

There will always be interference that will force the router into 2.4 GHz mode, which will reduce performance. It is better to immediately set the width to 20 MHz.

Installing drivers for Wi-Fi

On devices connected to the Internet - tablets, laptops, desktop PCs and other gadgets - a signal receiver (adapter) driver must be installed. If it is installed, you need to update the firmware from the manufacturer's website.

New driver versions optimize the operation of individual device elements and eliminate the shortcomings of previous versions. An incorrectly installed driver is often the main reason for slow speed or lack of communication.

The driver needs to be updated for both the receiver and the signal transmitter.

Elimination of influence of external factors

It is impossible to completely exclude such influence. But this can be done as much as possible.

  1. The router must be placed at a minimum distance from all receiver devices.
  2. An ideal placement option when there are no obstacles in the way of large metal objects or electrical communications.
  3. Avoid placing it on a window so as not to pick up neighbor interference and not become a source of broadcast interference yourself.

Checking the connection speed with the router

There are several ways to find out the performance of your wireless connection:

Limiting the speed of connected devices

If one of the network users constantly loads the channel and does not allow others to work comfortably, the administrator performs the task of limiting the speed of this user, either equalizing the speed for everyone, or setting each user a certain speed.

This can be done through the modem settings:

Questions have arisen! Please indicate what the problem is so that we can help.

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