Reproduction of monstera at home. Watering a houseplant

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Monstera- a voluminous plant with large green dissected leaves, from a variety of tropical vines. Grows in the forests of America, Mexico, Brazil. Today, the flower is also perfectly cultivated indoors; due to its large size, the vine is often used for landscaping, hospitals, halls, and large halls.

Monstera is attractive

Rules of care

The plant is unpretentious; it will need support, the role of which is played by a tube with moss. The vine has aerial roots; they should be tied to a support, directed toward the ground, and not cut off. should not be placed in passages where there are drafts; the leaves will turn yellow or acquire a brownish tint and then fall off.

  • Temperature. Recommended temperature regime within +16 – +22 degrees, monstera can withstand slight temperature fluctuations for some time. The growth activity of a flower depends on the temperature; at +10, the plant feels normal, but growth stops. As temperatures rise, the vine grows, and the leaves become large and carved, perforated.
  • Light. Direct rays of the sun have a detrimental effect on the vine; it must be placed in a shaded place or choose a corner with diffused light.
  • Watering. In spring and summer, Monstera requires good soil moisture. It is necessary to take soft, settled water and water the top layer of soil until it dries completely. With the arrival of autumn, moisture should be reduced; in winter, it is recommended to water 2 days after the soil surface has dried.
  • Humidity. Monstera loves high air humidity. It is necessary to spray the room and the palm tree itself as often as possible, moisten the leaves, prevent dust from accumulating on them, and wipe with a wet cloth. In winter, when it gets cooler, the humidity should be reduced.
  • Priming. An earthen mixture is suitable: earth, sand, peat and humus should be taken in equal parts. The soil should be well drained.
  • Top dressing. In spring and summer, feeding is needed. They take fertilizers containing mineral and organic substances; fertilizers used for indoor plants are excellent. You need to apply it 2 times a month, this is enough so that the monstera does not stop its growth and development. Young plants do not need feeding.


Monstera should be pruned correctly, but not too often. In most cases, the pruning procedure is performed with the aim of forming a crown. If the palm tree grows too tall, you can trim it top part to encourage side shoots to grow. You should also trim off rotten and bad parts, if any.

It must be remembered that the aerial roots that grow from each leaf are prohibited from being cut off.

The roots should be dug into the pot where the monstera grows; they can be lowered into other pots with soil to improve the nutrition of the entire flower.


The procedure for transplanting young individuals is carried out every year; it is enough to transplant adults once every 3–4 years:

  1. Before you start replanting, the monstera should be thoroughly watered. A very large pot is not needed; it is better to increase the capacity gradually.
  2. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot, which can be used as coarse sand, crushed stone, or pieces of tile. A support should be placed in the middle of the container - bamboo or a stick wrapped in moss - sphagnum, which is secured with twine. Moss helps maintain optimal moisture levels and growth aerial roots.
  3. We prepare an earthen mixture: turf, peat, sand in equal parts, humus - 2 parts.
  4. You should remove the monstera from the pot and carefully, waddle, move it into a new container, placing the plant in the middle. You need to sprinkle the prepared soil on the roots of the palm tree, fix the plant in the pot, compact it a little and add the remaining soil. After all this has been done, the vine needs to be watered.
  5. The plant has received stress, after transplantation it will begin to take root; no watering is required for a week.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate monstera:

Diseases and pests

The plant can be attacked by pests:


There are about 25 species of monstera in the world, of which only 2 are cultivated at home:

  1. Monstera delicious or delicious is a massive vine-like plant. The leaves are round in shape, large, reaching up to 1 meter in length, the petioles are long. The height of the plant can reach up to 20 meters. This species is characterized by a smooth stem with well-defined aerial roots. In adult individuals, the leaves are dissected or perforated. The fruits are edible and have a special taste. This is an original plant that requires higher air humidity and good lighting.Monstera Borziga- one of the types of delicious monstera, the palm tree is not so massive and powerful in size (the stem and leaves are 2 times smaller), suitable for growing in small rooms Oh.
  2. Monstera oblique- a less common species than the delicacy. The plant has leaves 25 cm long, about 5-6 cm wide, light green in color, heavily dissected.

Caring for a monstera at home takes a certain amount of time, however, it perfectly greens the room. When caring for the plant, you should remember that its growing environment is the tropics, so it is very important to provide the palm suitable conditions existence.

Monstera is a fairly popular indoor plant with aerial roots. It belongs to evergreen shrubs and large vines of the araceae family, so it is worth keeping a growing monstera only in large spacious rooms, because it grows quite quickly. But not every amateur gardener knows how to transplant a monstera correctly, so as not to accidentally damage the plant. It is because of its large size that the monstera got its name (monster - monster). This vine is unpretentious, it requires a bright, diffused color, room temperature, high humidity(the monstera needs to be sprayed regularly) and fertilizing about a couple of times a month (less often in winter) with organic fertilizers.

In nature (and the homeland of monstera is South America), the plant blooms regularly; in an apartment this rarely happens.

We transplant the monstera into pre-prepared pots
Monstera can be transplanted when it is one year old. It is customary to replant young plants annually, choosing for this the spring period, when the air temperature outside and indoors becomes higher. The required minimum at which the monstera does not slow down its growth: +16 degrees.

It is customary to replant a three-year-old Monstera every two years. Once the plant reaches five years of age, it can be replanted every four years. You just need to add soil to the pots every year.

For replanting, choose spacious pots. Do not plant a young plant immediately in a large diameter pot, increase it gradually. Arrange proper, high-quality drainage by lining the bottom of the pot with shards, pebbles, broken tiles, and coarse sand. A young monstera requires slightly acidic or neutral soil, consisting of peat, deciduous, humus soil, turf and sand, but for an adult, more acidic soil is suitable. Insert a support into the center of the pot - an ordinary stick wrapped in moss fixed with wire can act as this. The support will help support the monstera in the pot necessary conditions for the growth of the plant itself, as well as its aerial roots. Roots that cannot yet reach the ground will receive moisture and additional nutrition with the help of moss in order to grow faster.

Carefully remove the monstera from the old pot, place it in the middle of the new pot, cover it with earthen mixture, fixing its roots. Next, you need to quickly fill the soil to the top of the pot and water the plant.

The best recipe for an earthen mixture for young monstera: one part leaf soil, one part sifted sand (preferably sea sand), three parts turf. After transplantation, the monstera may become ill; its leaves will take on a yellowish tint. However, there is no need to worry: within a week the plant will adapt and turn green again. Then you can water it.

How to replant a plant with roots
In adult Monstera it is often observed a large number of aerial roots, which somewhat spoil the attractive appearance of the plant. How to transplant a monstera with aerial roots?

When transplanting, a couple of such roots should be carefully wrapped with damp twine and secured to the trunk. When the roots begin to sprout small roots, part of the monstera trunk along with the leaves can be cut off, planted in a pot, covering the cut site with earth. This is how a new, young plant will grow. On the old one, the fresh “wound” must be sprinkled with fine coal; later, side shoots will appear in this place.

Monstera is often disliked because of the belief that this plant is supposedly capable of destroying a family. However, you should not refuse to purchase this wonderful and unpretentious plant, which can grow to a five-meter giant.

Monstera is a beautiful and very impressive plant. Many florists fell in love with it for its unusual shapes and its unpretentiousness in terms of care. IN wildlife this perennial plant is found in Central and South America, but today we will look at Monstera as a houseplant and figure out how to care for it at home.

Monstera description of a tropical plant

Monstera belongs to the genus Araceae. In total, there are about fifty plants in this family that are different in shape, structure and height. Monstera has creeping aerial stems, from which aerial roots sometimes hang, and a thick spadix creates the inflorescence of the plant.

The leaves of the flower are dark green and shine in the sun. At a certain stage of growth, holes form in them, which then turn into slits. The leaf shape of almost all varieties is oval-heart-shaped, and their size can reach 90 cm in length. Monstera blooms can be seen in the wild, as this happens very rarely at home.

Monstera differs from other indoor plants in its rapid growth, which is why it requires a lot of space. It can be a wonderful decoration for heated winter gardens, where the plant feels just great. It can also be found in many offices and country houses.

Did you know? The name of the flower comes from the Latin word monstrosus (amazing, bizarre), although some florists claim that the name comes from the word monstrum (monster).

Features of growing monstera at home

All indoor plants have their own growing characteristics, and Monstera is no exception in this regard (that is, caring for the plant and its cultivation must be carried out in accordance with established requirements). At home, they often grow delicious or attractive Monstera.

Choosing a location for successful growth

The best place For planting a plant such as monstera, there is a special stand. It should be located on the western or east side from the window. However, it is worth protecting the flower from drafts so as not to provoke the appearance of diseases. Also, you should not frequently move it from place to place. Doesn't like Monstera very much direct impact

sunlight, so you can’t place it on a too-lit window sill: the lighting should be average. The sun can burn the flower, which leads to the formation of dark spots, and as a result, the death of the plant.

Requirements for soil and container for planting

For normal flower development, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil. Most often, it is bought in a store, but you can prepare it yourself.

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • leaf soil;
  • sand.

All these components should be taken in the proportion 3:1:1:1:1. Such soil will absorb water well and allow air to pass through. When choosing a pot for planting a flower, you need to take into account the maximum parameters of the future plant. In a large pot, Monstera will quickly strengthen root system and will begin to develop soon, but as soon as the plant reaches large sizes, the roots begin to curl and wrap themselves in a circle. To prevent the monstera from strangling itself, during the process of replanting it is necessary to untangle and trim off excess roots. If this is not done, the flower may dry out.

It is better to take a pot larger than the previous one by 2-4 cm in diameter. It must be stable and heavy.

Important! To support the monstera, you should use special tubes that are covered with artificial moss. This way they will not disturb the decorative appearance of the plant.

How to plant a monstera at home: propagation of a tropical liana

In order for Monstera to grow well and develop, it must be provided correct landing and care. Place drainage 5 cm thick at the bottom of the pot, then fill the container with soil to ½ of its volume, then carefully place the plant without damaging its root system, and fill it with the remaining soil. At the end of planting, the flower is watered well.

Monstera can and should be propagated, and the methods of its propagation are listed below.

Method 1. Monstera propagation by air layering

Each layer must contain at least one aerial root and one leaf. The cuttings are moved to a separate container with a nutrient substrate, thoroughly watered and grown separately. Young cuttings are grown in the same way as the monstera itself at a temperature of +18...+20°C, in diffused light and in a draft-free room.

Method 2. Propagation by cuttings

This method is the most labor-intensive. To achieve good result should use stem or lateral processes. You can make your own soil mixture for germinating cuttings. To do this, you will need sand and humus in equal quantities, but do not forget about drainage. The selected cutting is placed in a pot, sprinkled with soil mixture and watered heavily. After this, you need to cover the pot with glass and place it in a lighted place, but not in the sun. Watering the plantings should be done twice a day. After the first roots appear, the plant should be transplanted into separate pot and grow, following all the rules.

Method 3. Propagation by seeds

This propagation method is the most practical, but also the longest. First of all, you will need fresh seeds, which need to be planted in a nutrient mixture and germinated in comfortable conditions within 30 days. Optimal temperature for seed germination, at least +20°C, and the lighting should be shaded. After a month, the first shoots will begin to appear, and young plants with approximately 9-10 leaves can be seen after 2 years. Monstera grown in this way is considered the strongest and hardiest.

How to care for monstera at home

As mentioned earlier, monstera is enough unpretentious plant, but despite this, care (as well as reproduction) must be carried out taking into account a number of mandatory rules.

Watering a houseplant

Watering monstera is the most important stage in its development. She loves moisture very much, but the plant has a clear seasonality for watering the soil. Beginning with early spring and up to late autumn The flower needs to be watered abundantly. However, the top layer of the substrate should dry out between waterings. If the plant is flooded, it will begin to lose its decorative effect, forming black spots, and in rare cases, the root system will begin to rot. IN winter season Watering should be reduced, but be careful not to dry out the monstera.

Water for irrigation should be room temperature and leave for several days before use. Monstera also needs to be sprayed and regularly cleaned of dust.

Did you know? Monstera reacts to weather changes. Droplets are slowly forming at the edges of the leaves of the plant, which is why many florists say that the flower is crying in the rain.

Feeding monstera

All house plants need to be fed. If the monstera does not grow, it means it lacks nutrients. Therefore, in order not to slow down the growth of adult plants, they need to be fed twice a month. Mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable as feeding, although young flowers do not need to be fed.

Features of monstera pruning

In order to stimulate the growth of new leaves, it is necessary to trim the top. Do it in early spring, and when pruning, at least three nodes should be left on the top cuttings. The longer the cutting, the more it will take root. The cut must be made at a distance of 1-2 cm from the flower node, and it must be straight. After pruning, the stem should be sprinkled with charcoal powder, and if the cutting needs to be rooted, then the lower cut is made oblique.

All about transplanting monstera

Monstera can be replanted as soon as it is one year old. Young flowers are moved to another place once a year: in the spring, at an air temperature of at least +16°C. A three-year-old monstera should be replanted once every two years, and a five-year-old monstera should be replanted once every 4 years.

For replanting, you should choose large pots. With each transplant, the size of the pot is increased by 2-4 cm. At the bottom of the container it is necessary to arrange drainage from shards, pebbles, broken tiles or coarse sand. A young flower needs slightly acidic or neutral soil, which consists of peat, deciduous, humus soil, turf and sand. For perennial plants Monstera plants do well in acidic soil. In addition, it is worth installing a support in the center of the pot, which helps the plant support it. the necessary conditions
for the development of both the flower and its aerial roots. When replanting, carefully remove the flower from the pot and move it to a new container, slowly covering it with soil. After this, fill the pot to the top with soil and water well.

Important! Some flower lovers have a question: “How to transplant a monstera with aerial roots?” When replanting this way, it is necessary to carefully wrap the aerial roots with damp twine and attach them to the trunk. When they begin to sprout small roots, part of the plant trunk with leaves can be cut off and planted in a container, covering the cut site with earth. This way a new, young flower will grow.

If for some reason you cannot replant the monstera, you just need to add soil to the pot.

Main plant pests and diseases If you do not take care of the plant, the monstera will begin to lose its immunity and various diseases or pests may appear. The most common of them are spider mites and scale insects. Spider mite is a small red spider that loves warmth and dryness. He appears with bottom side

Monstera leaves and entwines them with cobwebs. For treatment, a soap solution is used to treat the leaves. Three hours after the procedure, the leaves are washed with warm water. (Monstera) unites about fifty varieties of tropical evergreen vines with thick climbing stems and shrubs that are part of the Araceae family. Some types of these decorative foliage plants have very beautiful carved leaves. The wide, dark green leaves of Monstera reach a length of 50 cm and are decorated with intricate slits and holes.. Many lovers of indoor plants are happy to grow monstera at home, caring for which will not cause difficulties even for beginners. Photos of domestic species of these luxurious indoor plants can be found below. A useful tips on growing and propagating indoor monsteras will help you care for the plant yourself, preserving the decorative value of the luxurious leaves.

Some monstera species can grow up to twenty meters in a large greenhouse or winter garden. But there are unpretentious ones indoor views, reaching 1-2 meters in height at home. For example, the popular attractive monstera (delicacy, Monstera deliciosa). This fast-growing vine has very attractive dark green, pinnately dissected, heart-shaped leaves with symmetrical slits that can grow up to half a meter wide over time.

Many phytodesigners are happy to use this homemade monstera to form a floral composition when decorating the interior. Together with the lush monstera, such popular indoor decorative foliage plants as rubber ficus or Benzhdamina, palm-shaped dracaena marginata or yucca with long leaves, bamboo palm chamedorea, as well as unpretentious bush-like or tree-like plants (chlorophytum, zygocactus decembrist with beautiful flowers, Zamioculcas Dollar tree or Crassula Money tree, flowering Kalanchoe).

- photo: M. delicacy

Indoor subspecies:

Such popular subspecies of the deliciosa monstera (see photo below) also take root well at home, such as the Borsiga monstera (Monstera deliciosa borsigiana) for small rooms, the variegated monstera (Monstera variegata) with elegant cream-colored spots on the leaves, the punched monstera (Monstera pertusa) with holey leaves, Monstera oblique with asymmetrical leaves. Against the background of these large-leaved plants, small flowering indoor plants will look interesting - phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, indoor hydrangea with bright flowers, gerbera with daisy flowers, hibiscus Chinese rose, European cyclamen, tuberous begonia.


The Monstera deliciosa flower is a bit similar to the popular spathiphyllum (Women's Happiness) flower. Small flowers white collected in an inflorescence-cob, around which there is an elegant cream-colored blanket. Indoor monstera flowers appear quite rarely, which usually indicates proper and careful home care behind the plant. By the way, it is not by chance that this monstera was called a delicacy. Fruit purple They ripen for quite a long time (about a year) and have a unique taste that can be compared to the taste of ripe pineapple.

- photo: flower and fruit

This is interesting!

Monstera is not only a very beautiful, but also a useful indoor plant. For example, certain features of this plant can tell you whether it will rain during the day or not. The fact is that monstera meets cloudy weather with large drops that fall from the leaves.

According to the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space (feng shui), growing monstera at home helps absorb the energy of disorder and chaos. Does someone live with you who doesn’t value order, can never find the right thing, and throws clothes around the apartment? Monstera - the best choice for your home. In addition, this indoor plant helps a person become more flexible, collected, and restrained.


Location and lighting.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

The soil mixture can be made in several ways. First option: mix humus, garden soil, peat and sand in equal parts. The second option is to mix humus, peat, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:3:1:1.

An adult monstera needs feeding. In spring and summer, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied once every two weeks.


For replanting, choose a not tall, but wide pot, on the bottom of which you need to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay. Until the age of three, Monstera is replanted annually. Then it is enough to replant the plant once every 2-3 years. An adult plant needs support. Many gardeners install a wooden support next to the vine stem, which can be wrapped in sphagnum moss, wrapped with strong threads around the moss. The moss can be moistened and a solution with fertilizing can be added to it, which will allow the aerial roots to additionally feed the monstera with moisture and fertilizer.


Popular methods of propagating monstera at home are by air layering, apical cuttings and cuttings from the middle part of the stem.

First you need to cover the stem with moistened moss and then wrap it cling film, secured with threads or thin wire. We separate the wrapped part of the stem after the roots appear and plant it in a prepared pot with soil mixture.

The apical cuttings should have a stem fragment with several leaves and an “eye”-bud. You can root the cuttings in sand or sphagnum. We moisten the substrate and cover it with a jar, ventilating and moistening the cuttings daily. Rooting will occur within a month.

Monstera- an evergreen tropical vine with large rounded leaves. Received its name for its rather large size: translated from Latin monstruosus means "fancy".

And it’s not surprising - within 4-5 years it easily reaches six meters in height. The leaves do not lag behind the stem and grow up to a meter in length and up to 30 cm in width.

In the wild, it grows in the tropical jungles of South America, Brazil, Mexico, and India, twining around the host tree. Blooms a rather inconspicuous creamy cob, which then ripens and becomes a berry, tastes like pineapple.

Monstera species

There are approximately 50 known species of plants found in nature. But not all of them are domesticated. Here are the most common:

  1. Monstera delicious or attractive(Monstera deliciosa).
    A liana reaching 12 m in height with thick cylindrical stems up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves are heart-shaped, elongated, and have straight, long petioles. In countries with tropical climates, it is grown for its fruits, which are eaten.
    Thanks to its attractive appearance used for decoration and landscaping of premises.
  2. Monstera Borziga(Monstera deliciosa borsigiana).
    Found in Mexico. It is more compact in size than the previous type. Can be grown at home.
  3. Monstera Adanson(Monstera adansonii).
    This species grows in the tropics from Costa Rica to Brazil. The liana reaches 8 meters, the leaves are egg-shaped and half a meter long. It is used for growing at home, but blooms extremely rarely.
  4. Monstera pierced or full of holes(Monstera pertusa).
    A plant with unequal, asymmetrically perforated leaves, widening at the bottom. It grows naturally in the tropics of South America.
  5. Monstera oblique or unequal(Monstera obliqae).
    Its homeland is Guiana and Brazil. The leaves are relatively small, elliptical in shape, tapering downward, reaching 20-25 cm in length. They are located asymmetrically on the stem.
  6. Monstera variegated or marbled(Monstera variegata)
    It differs from other species in that everything, both leaves and stem, is covered with spots. beige shades. Found naturally in South America and Eastern India.
  7. Monstera acuminate(Monstera acuminata)
    It grows up to 3 meters in height, the leaves are pointed at the ends, and do not differ in the numerous number of cuts. Therefore, the plant is not very popular among indoor flower lovers.

Monstera care

Proper care of the plant is to bring the conditions in the house as close as possible to the natural conditions familiar to the flower in the wild.


Works for monstera rule of the golden mean- cannot be kept in heavily shaded places, but direct sunlight throughout the day will not benefit the flower.

Most suitable, though bright, but atomized sunlight. The leaves become large and beautiful, as if carved.

With a lack of lighting, the leaves begin to shrink, new leaves remain solid, without holes or cuts. Growth and development stops. Under excessive lighting the leaves begin to turn pale and become covered with yellow spots. In addition, monstera does not like changes in lighting and, consequently, changes in location.

Relatively winter period, monstera care usually consists of additional lighting due to shortened daylight hours, otherwise growth will stop.

There are some nuances in choosing a place. If you place a monstera right in front of the windows, you will soon be able to see only separate fragments of the landscape outside the window - the leaves will unfold so that they cover most of it. Therefore, it would be optimal for everyone to place the flower near the wall at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the window, and on the side where the plant has shade, provide additional, preferably fluorescent, lighting.

Features of caring for Ficus Benjamin are described in our next article:


As a tropical plant, monstera prefers warmth - the more it is, the faster the growth and development of the “monster”. At a temperature below 15 degrees- the flower stops growing completely. Drafts are absolutely contraindicated. Will be ideal in spring and autumn temperature about 25 degrees.

The soil

Ideally you need make a mixture from:

  • turf land (3 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

Such soil will be fertile, retain moisture well and at the same time be quite loose. You need to make drainage at the bottom of the pot, for example, from expanded clay. Planting container you need to take a fairly wide one, because aerial roots will grow from each node of the flower and go into the soil.


The tropics have a warm and humid climate, so watering should be quite abundant, especially from spring to autumn.

In winter, the amount of water is reduced, while preventing the soil in the pot from drying out. You shouldn’t overdo it either, otherwise you’ll end up with rotting roots.

Watering should be done with soft, settled water.

In addition, periodically it is necessary wash leaves with water room temperature, removing dust deposits from them and regularly spraying the plant, maintaining humidity. To add shine to the leaves, you can add a little milk to the washing water.

Top dressing

Feeding should be carried out once every 20 days with complex mineral and organic fertilizer during the period March - September, that is, at the time when the main growth and development of the plant occurs. The dosage of fertilizers should be taken two times less than that indicated on the package.

If the flower is not transplanted- you need to remove the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one with the addition of humus. To those who are not afraid unpleasant odor in the apartment, you can water the monstera with mullein infusion.

For fairly mature, long plants, you need a support or fastening to the wall near which the flower is located. Otherwise, under its own weight, it will bend and break.


Young plants up to 4 years of age must be replanted every year until active development begins.

Plants older ones can be replanted after a couple of years, but with prerequisite replacing the top layer of soil in those years when replanting is not carried out.

Monstera, who stepped over five-year mark, can be replanted after 3-4 years.


Can propagate a plant lateral shoots, seeds and cuttings.
Planted seeds are kept in a warm and sufficiently lit room, ensuring sufficient watering. Germination occurs 14-30 days after planting. In young shoots, the leaf blade is solid until 6-8 months; later, cuts appear.

It is worth handling young leaves very carefully, avoiding damage, because otherwise ugly, sloppy holes will appear at an older age. Otherwise, care is no different from caring for an adult plant. Read more about it in our article.

Propagation by cuttings and shoots carried out from March to June. To do this, cut off the side branches or top of the plant. The shoot must have aerial roots and one mature leaf.

If you cut off the top, the growth of an adult monstera will not stop; the stem will come from the upper bud, which was previously in dormant mode. It is better to cut cuttings short; long ones tend to take much longer to take root.

Top cut make it straight, placing it a couple of centimeters above the kidney, lower- oblique. These sections should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal and lightly dried. After this, the cuttings are planted either in suitable land, or first into a mixture of peat and sand, taken equally.

It is very important to maintain moisture before the plant takes root, to do this, do not allow the top layer of soil to dry out and regularly spray the cuttings, approximately once every 1-2 days.

When planting, you need to ensure that the node from which the aerial roots emerge is half immersed in the ground.

It is not recommended to root the sprout in water, because the roots that grow will not be able to adapt to the soil and take nutrients and moisture from it. The plant will hurt until new roots grow.

Features of the plant

With abundant watering, cloudy weather, high humidity air, water begins to drip from the tips of the leaf plates. This way the monstera gets rid of excess moisture

. The advantage is that it predicts rainy weather a day before it occurs. Plant gets along well with others climbing plants

, for example, philodendron and scindapsus. If you plant them in one pot, you can get a wonderful composition. Don't forget that the second vine should have similar care requirements.

Problems and diseases

  • Like many indoor plants, monstera also gets sick and is attacked by various pests. In order to help your pet in time, take note of the basic tips for caring for a monstera when painful conditions occur. Severe yellowing of most leaf blades
  • . The reason is a large excess of moisture; watering should be reduced. And, if possible, replant the plant. On yellowed leaves appear brown spots . Reason - insufficient watering
  • , can be easily removed. The leaf blades turn yellow and gradually fall off . The reason is increased air temperature, especially in winter. It is necessary to remove the plant as far as possible from heating devices
  • and spray frequently. The leaves become light green at first, then yellow, then colorless and transparent.
  • . There can be two reasons: either a banal excess of lighting, or a serious disease, chlorosis. For treatment, use “iron chelate”, which is sold in specialized stores. Yellowing leaves and missing holes
  • may occur due to lack of nutrients. The leaf blades become papery to the touch and acquire Brown color
  • . The reason is insufficient capacity for the plant. Of the pests, monstera can be attacked. To get rid of them you can use a soap solution or chemical drug, for example "Intavir".

Now you know the basics of caring for indoor monstera flowers at home. This plant will always give a feeling of tropical comfort to your home. Read about that at the link.

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