Recipes for making cheese at home. Homemade milk cheese

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On store shelves you can find various varieties and types of cheeses.

Most of them were brought from abroad - from Switzerland, Holland, France or Italy.

Although, due to the influence of sanctions, Russian cheeses are now not in the minority.

But the prices for good cheese are very high.

And who can guarantee that store-bought cheeses contain no preservatives, thickeners or flavorings?

People knew about cheeses several centuries ago, when it was not possible to mass produce this product. Every family knew the recipe for making cheese, because making cheese with your own hands is not at all difficult. You can make cheese from store-bought pasteurized, cow, goat, and even soy milk. The essence of the preparation is either boiling milk with coagulating enzymes or melting dairy products. There are a great many recipes for making homemade cheese. Read on in the article to learn how to make cheese at home from milk.

Making homemade cheese from milk: cooking features

No cheese recipe is complete without milk, so you should be careful when choosing this ingredient. If the recipe does not specify how much fat the milk should be, then it is better to use homemade farm milk. If it is not possible to purchase farm milk, it can be replaced with store-bought milk with a maximum fat content and a minimum shelf life.

In addition to milk, many cheeses contain homemade cottage cheese is also included. And you need to be more careful with this product - real cottage cheese is rarely found in grocery stores, mostly curd mass or a curd product is on sale. The curd mass will not make real cheese. Therefore, it is better to purchase cottage cheese from farmers or make it yourself at home. Only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the cheese produced.

Don't expect that homemade cheese It will be as hard as store-bought cheeses. Homemade cheeses are much more tender and softer. But if you wish, you can make the cheese harder, because the hardness of this product depends on the pressure of the press. Accordingly, if you need hard cheese, then the press should be as heavy as possible.

When choosing low-fat products, you need to be prepared for the fact that a lot of whey will be released and relatively little cheese will be obtained. The higher the fat content of the cheese, the more buttery and tender it is, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the taste of the product.

Concerning hard cheeses, it is better that after cooking such cheese lies for some time - “ripe”. The taste will become brighter and richer. However, you need to keep in mind that cheeses weighing half a kilogram or more ripen well. Therefore, to make homemade hard cheese tastier, you should not skimp on the ingredients and it is better to wait a few days after preparing it.

As for devices for making homemade cheeses, everything is not so scary. A cheese mold, if not available, can be easily replaced with an ordinary colander, sieve or fine mesh, which comes with the deep fryer. And as a press you can use a jar filled with water.

Whey is released during the cheese making process. Many people simply pour it out, but whey can be used in some dishes. Thin openwork pancakes are easily made from whey dough. Some people use this product when preparing okroshka.

How to make cheese at home from milk: preparing hard cheese

Hard cheeses are made by boiling dairy products with curdling enzymes. During the manufacturing process, whey is released, and the more whey is separated, the harder the cheese will be. Hard cheese must be kept under pressure, then it will turn out denser. Let's take a closer look at the most popular recipes for making hard cheeses from milk at home:

1. Adyghe cheese

This recipe is the easiest to prepare and requires little financial investment. The result is the most delicate cheese without preservatives, flavor enhancers or flavorings.

Ingredients: Pasteurized milk (you can use farm milk, the fattier the milk, the better) – 3 l, kefir (preferably farm or homemade) – 1 l, salt – 1.5-2 tsp. (you can do more, you can do less - you should focus only on your own taste)

1) The specified amount of kefir must be poured into a deep saucepan and put on low heat. It is better if the kefir is not low-fat, but as fat as possible. Cook kefir over low heat until the curds separate from the whey and float to the surface.

2) The next step is to separate the curds from the whey. The serum must not be thrown away! It will come in handy later in the cooking process. It must be left at room temperature to sour for two days.

3) Pour the specified amount of milk into a deep saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then you need to reduce the heat and pour in the same whey that has been turning sour for 2 days. Mix well and cook over low heat until the cheese rises to the top.

4) Next, you need to strain the cheese and separate it from the liquid. Add salt to the cheese and stir. After this, the resulting mass must be placed in gauze and hung over a container or over a sink. This must be done to allow the remaining liquid to drain.

5) After 30 minutes, remove the cheese from the cheesecloth, place in a clean bowl and place under a press. The water that has separated from the cheese must be drained. The cheese should remain under pressure for at least 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

2. Hard homemade cheese without eggs

This cheese recipe, like the previous one, is ideal for vegetarians whose lifestyle involves excluding eggs and animal enzymes from their diet. This recipe, similar to the first one, is very simple.

Ingredients: Milk (same as in the previous recipe, it is better to take thicker milk) – 1 l, butter – 100 g, cottage cheese (preferably farm or homemade) – 1 kg, salt – 1-2 tsp. baking soda – 0.5 tsp. turmeric – ¼ tsp. ground black pepper - ¼ tsp. asafoetida – 1 pinch (seasonings are indicated in the recommended amount, you can add or reduce the amount, focusing on your own taste sensations).

1) Milk must be poured into a deep saucepan, placed over high heat, and brought to a boil. Add cottage cheese in the specified amount to boiling milk and bring to a boil again. Immediately after boiling, the stove must be turned off.

2) The contents of the pan must be strained through cheesecloth. The liquid that separates during straining must be drained. Next, you need to continue working with the mass that remains in the gauze. You can hang the gauze for 10 minutes to drain the liquid, or simply squeeze the workpiece well in the gauze with your hands.

3) The butter must be melted in a frying pan. Then add the resulting curd mass to the frying pan, mix well, break up the lumps. It takes a couple of minutes to fry the mixture. While stirring, add salt, soda and seasonings. The result should be a mass of viscous consistency.

4) Hot cheese must be transferred to a mold and cooled for several hours. It is better to use a silicone mold, since the cheese comes away from its walls better. After the cheese has cooled, you can eat it.

3. Mozzarella at home

If you need to learn how to make Mozzarella cheese at home from milk, you are exactly at the right place. There are 2 options for making this cheese at home. One of them is using rennet (an enzyme of animal origin), and the second is from dairy products with vinegar. The most successful of these two options is undoubtedly the first. But vegetarians should not eat this cheese, as it contains rennet. IN this recipe pepsin (animal enzyme) is indicated, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Ingredients: Milk (necessarily full fat, at least 6%) – 2 l, water – 1.5 l, lemon juice and salt – 2 tbsp each. each, pepsin – ¼ tsp. or on the tip of a knife, but if you get a little more, don’t be afraid - this enzyme is safe for the human body.

1) Half a glass of water (preferably warm or room temperature) add pepsin.

2) Pour milk into a deep saucepan and place over medium heat. You need to heat the milk to 70 degrees. Then diluted pepsin and lemon juice are added.

3) Next, the process is very fast - the whey will begin to separate immediately. There is no need to wait for it to boil. Immediately after the whey is completely separated, you need to carefully drain it (the whey will still come in handy). The remaining hot mass must be squeezed out by hand.

4) Pour water into another pan and heat to 90 degrees. Immediately after heating, remove the pan from the stove, add salt to the water and stir. Then you need to place the cheese in water for 2 minutes to make it softer. Remove the cheese from the water, stretch, knead, while dipping the cheese into the water several times for a couple of minutes. The cheese mass should be smooth and homogeneous.

5) The resulting mass must be placed on a board, kneaded with your fingers, and then folded into an envelope and sent back to hot water.

6) Spread cling film on the table, put the cheese mixture on it and roll it into a “sausage”. Wrap the resulting “sausage” tightly with film and tie it with a string in several places to form small balls.

7) After cooling, remove the cheese from the film and transfer it to a container with the whey that remained at the very beginning of cooking. Homemade Mozzarella must be stored in whey in the refrigerator.

How to make cheese at home from milk: preparing soft cheese

As a rule, soft cheese is the easiest to prepare compared to hard cheese. Let's look at a couple delicious recipes cheeses that can be easily prepared at home:

1. Philadelphia cheese

This cheese is not cheap in stores and is used quite widely. Many people are accustomed to finding this delicate cheese in rolls, but it can also be used in the preparation of creams for baking.

Ingredients: Milk (necessarily full-fat, otherwise you won’t get cheese) – 1 l, kefir (low-fat, or even low-fat) – 0.5 l, egg– 1 piece, salt and sugar – 1 tsp each. each, citric acid - 1 pinch or on the tip of a knife.

1) Pour milk into a saucepan and put it on fire. Stirring constantly, add sugar and salt, bring the milk to a boil.

2) Immediately after boiling, add cottage cheese to the milk and stir. You need to cook until the mass curdles. After this, strain the mixture, put it in cheesecloth and hang it in a container or over the sink for 10 minutes, so that excess liquid glass

3) At this time, while the curd mass is draining, you need to beat the egg and a small amount of citric acid. Then carefully add the gauze mixture and continue beating. The cheese should be smooth and fluffy.

If desired, before putting the cheese in the refrigerator, you can add chopped herbs to it. Such delicate cheese must be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than one week.

2. Mascarpone at home

There are many variations in the preparation of this cheese, and all of them do not involve cooking. This is a “cold” cheese, the lightest of all homemade cheeses. Ideal for making cream cheese. There is no milk in the ingredients in this recipe, but it will be better if the cottage cheese, which is necessary for making this cheese, is made from farm milk at home.

Ingredients: Cottage cheese (fat) – 200 g, cream (fat, 33%) – 200 ml.

1) Granular cottage cheese does not have the right consistency for cheese, and the curd mass is inferior in fat content and sometimes includes unnatural components in its composition. Therefore, the cottage cheese used must be rubbed through a sieve 2-3 times.

2) Then you need to add cold cream to the cottage cheese. Using a mixer or blender, beat the cottage cheese with cream at low speed. The cheese will be ready as soon as the whipped mass becomes homogeneous. Stores in the refrigerator for up to one and a half to two weeks.

Essentially, this cheese is milk fermented with rennet. Over the course of a day, it thickens, salts, and then you can safely eat it. Such cheeses exist in many countries around the world. For example, feta cheese, Imeretian cheese, Mexican cheese Queso. These cheeses can be stored for no more than a month. In addition, any of these cheeses, ripened in the refrigerator for another 2-3 days, can become the basis for Suluguni or Mozzarella cheeses.

So we have 5 liters of fresh cow's milk. To be more precise - fresh milk. As it turned out later, it is better not to use fresh milk; it should stand in the refrigerator for several hours. Many sources claim that steamed cheese will never be made, but beginners are in luck! Our cheese turned out great!

We calculate required amount dry enzyme, dilute it in water at room temperature and set aside.

Heat the milk to a temperature of 38-40 degrees, constantly stir from top to bottom so that the milk warms up evenly and measure with a thermometer. Any manipulations when preparing cheese are very closely related to the temperature of the milk. Enzymes and ripening bacteria are introduced at certain temperatures. This condition is not difficult, but mandatory. So, the required temperature has been obtained.

We introduce the enzyme and a couple of drops of calcium chloride, it will help the formation of a cheese curd. Close the pan with a lid and forget about it for 30-60 minutes. If the cheese curd does not appear, you need to wait a little longer. We got a dense clot almost 2 hours later.

Now carefully mix the curd and put it with a slotted spoon into special cheese molds [cheese molds]. The curd must be laid out to the very top of the mold; it will become very compact and decrease in size, releasing the whey.

When all the cheese is laid out in molds, you must remember to periodically turn it over to give the head of cheese a more even and beautiful shape.

After 4 hours, the cheese has finally thickened; it must be well salted on both sides and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, our cheese is completely ready and you can eat it.

So, this is what we have in the end - from 5 liters of milk we got 870 grams of cheese. This is very good result!

After making the cheese, we have as much as 4 liters of whey left. Of course, you can bake pancakes for a couple of large families, put dough on pies, make okroshka with whey, but we will continue to make cheese! Let's make Ricotta.

Ricotta recipe

What you need for preparation:

  • Whey after cooking homemade cheese - approximately 4 liters;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Vinegar 6 or 9%;

Ricotta is a traditional Italian cheese product. Ricotta translates to "re-cooked". Indeed, this type of cheese is made from the whey from the preparation of certain types of cheeses. The best way to make ricotta is the whey obtained after making cheese from fresh milk using rennet. This is exactly our case! But there is one caveat. Our milk gave almost everything to homemade cheese, the whey is completely clear, not cloudy or pale white. But there is a way out - you just need to add a little milk to the whey. Since we used all of our homemade milk, we will add regular store-bought milk. For 4 liters of completely transparent whey, add approximately 500 ml of milk. If your whey is white and not transparent, then we cook only from it. No need to add milk.

Preparing ricotta is very simple. The serum is heated to 90 degrees and a little vinegar or citric acid is poured into it. Then everything is mixed well and left under the lid. We left until the mass cooled completely. During this time, the flakes will settle to the bottom and it will be very easy to get them out. Place the mixture into a special form again and let the excess whey drip off. You can add spices, salt, herbs, garlic according to your own taste.

From 4 liters of whey we got two molds of 200 grams each. At breakfast, the whole family can eat fresh Ricotta with bread or toast for a couple of days.

Suluguni recipe

To prepare Suluguni, we specially left one head of homemade cheese; it had to lie in the refrigerator and ripen for two or three days.

Cut the cheese into cubes of about one and a half centimeters.

Heat a pan of water to 90 degrees, pour hot water into a cup and pour cubes of homemade cheese into it. It is required to melt the cheese and form it into one common mass.

We change the water several times so that it is constantly hot. Mix the mixture with wooden spoons in a special way- first we flatten the mass, then we roll it up and make a flat cake again. This is how we form the cheese layers.

The cheese should become soft and pliable, like yeast dough. Now we place it in a cheese mold, leave it to compact and drain excess liquid. As soon as the head of cheese has formed, place it in a saline solution (200 grams of salt per liter of water) for 24 hours.

Suluguni is ready!

P.S.: If you want to try your hand at homemade cheese making yourself, keep in mind that we have everything you need to make all types of cheeses - from soft to hard. All products and materials for cheese production are sent cash on delivery to any locality Russia.

The basis of cheese is milk: cow, goat or sheep. You can add cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, and butter to milk. It is best to use farm products with high fat content: ultra-pasteurized milk will not curdle, and skim milk will simply not turn out very well. delicious cheese.

Excipients are certain bacteria and enzymes that accelerate the process of separating milk into whey and curd. They can be bought in a store or ordered online.

Lemon juice, citric acid solution or vinegar do the same job.

Bacteria and other microorganisms also affect the taste and texture of cheese. But you can prepare it without a special starter - with initial stage It's better to do so.

In addition to the main and auxiliary ingredients, you can add additional ingredients: nuts, herbs, mushrooms, vegetables or ham. You can also use spices such as turmeric, which will give the cheese a yellow color.



Prepare cheese in clean containers and on clean work surfaces. If you touch something foreign, be sure to dry them with a fresh towel.

If these rules are not followed, harmful bacteria may enter the cheese and it will spoil.

In addition, cheese easily absorbs foreign odors, so there is no need to use perfumed products before preparing it. It’s also not a good idea to cook other dishes at the same time: the cheese can absorb the flavors of the food.

Cooking process

Cheese is made by separating milk into curd mass and whey. To do this, pour milk into a non-stick pan and bring to a boil. Usually other dairy products and auxiliary ingredients are added at this stage. The milk is then continued to be heated until the curd mass separates from the whey.

The separated curd mass is filtered through clean gauze and a sieve.

After this, the future cheese, still wrapped in cloth, is pressed down with a weight or hung to finally rid it of whey. In this position, the cheese usually ripens from several hours to a day.

Under pressure they become harder. It is believed that the heavier the load and the longer the mass lies under it, the denser and richer the cheese will be. It is optimal to use a load of 10 kg.

Store homemade cheese in the refrigerator for about a week.



  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry herbs;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.


Bring the milk to a boil and add the remaining ingredients. When the mixture boils again, remove it from the heat, strain through cheesecloth and squeeze. Place the mass under the weight. When the cheese has cooled, you can cut it into pieces and serve.


  • 1 liter of heavy cream;
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice.


Place the cream over medium heat and heat, stirring, but do not bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, remove the pan from the heat and, while continuing to stir, add lemon juice.

Return the pan to the stove, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes. When the mixture turns into a thick cream, pour it into a sieve lined with gauze.

Leave the mixture for about an hour or hang overnight. When all the whey has drained off, you can taste the cheese.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g sour cream.


Bring the milk to a boil. Without reducing the heat, add salt, beaten eggs and sour cream. Cook the mixture, stirring, for about 5 minutes. When the whey begins to separate, drain the mixture into a colander lined with gauze. Hang the cheese for 3 hours, and then put it under the press for a few more hours.


  • 3 liters of milk;
  • 2 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • salt - to taste.


Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Add cottage cheese and stir. After this, reduce the heat to low and simmer the mixture, stirring constantly. When the curd mass separates, place it in a colander lined with gauze or a cotton towel.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, put the resulting cheese in it, add the egg, soda and salt. Prepare the mixture, stirring constantly. When it begins to acquire a creamy consistency and turn yellow, remove it from the heat. Place the cheese in a mold, press down with a weight and put it in the refrigerator for several hours or a day.

The resulting cheeses can be served as an independent snack or used to make sandwiches, salads, etc. The separated whey can also be put into circulation: for example, you can use it to make okroshka or pancakes.

You can always buy ready-made cheese in the store. In addition, this product is presented in a huge assortment, you can choose for every taste. But, as everyone knows, with the product homemade, no store product can compete. Homemade will always taste better. Now we will tell you how to make homemade cheese from milk.

Milk recipe


  • milk – 1 liter;
  • large chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 2-3 teaspoons;
  • sour cream – 250 ml.


Boil milk with salt added. In the meantime, beat the eggs, you don’t need to try too hard, it’s important to just stir until smooth. After the milk boils, reduce the heat, pour in the egg mixture, stir and add sour cream. It is impossible to stop interfering with this. After about 5 minutes, curdled clots will begin to form, with whey in between. Now we throw it all into a colander lined with gauze, folded in 3-4 layers. Let the liquid drain. At the end, we put a press - it’s convenient to put an ordinary flat plate, and place a bottle of water on it. We wait until the cheese cools down, and then we put it in the refrigerator. If you prepared it in the evening, then by morning the homemade milk cheese will be ready!

Hard homemade milk cheese


  • dry low-fat cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • homemade milk – 700 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • baking soda– 1 teaspoon;
  • butter 82.5% fat content;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper.


Rub the cottage cheese with your hands to remove large lumps. Pour the milk into a saucepan (preferably using aluminum) and put on fire. As soon as the first bulbs begin to appear, add cottage cheese to it. The fire should be small. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for about one and a half minutes. Now place a colander over another empty pan, cover it with gauze, which was previously folded in half. Place the curd mass in a colander and let the whey drain. This will take about 5 minutes. Place the resulting curd mass in a cast iron casserole, add eggs, softened butter, soda, salt and pepper (it is better if it is freshly ground). Mix it all until smooth. We put it on fire (it should be a little more than the minimum) and constantly stir. The easiest way to do this is with a wooden spatula. As soon as the mass begins to lag behind the walls, the cheese is ready! This takes approximately 6-7 minutes. Throw the cheese onto the greased vegetable oil cling film, wrap it, giving the required form. As soon as the cheese has cooled, put it in the refrigerator. The next day it will be ready for use. This amount of product yields approximately 650-700 g of cheese. It can be wrapped in a clean cloth and stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Homemade cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker


  • sour milk - 3 l.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons.


Mix sour milk, salt and eggs. Place the mass in the multicooker container, select the “Baking” mode on the device and time - 20 minutes. This is necessary for the whey to separate. When the process is completed, place the resulting curdled mass in a colander. When the whey almost stops dripping, place a plate and a container of water on top. Thus, under the press, liquid will still come out. Place the resulting cheese in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, homemade cheese from sour milk completely ready for use.

Homemade from milk



Place kefir in a saucepan and heat until the mass is divided into whey and cottage cheese. Drain the mixture into a colander. Leave the resulting whey at room temperature for 2 days to sour. After this, boil the milk, pour in the whey and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. After this time, cheese will form on the surface. Separate it from the whey, add salt and stir well. Place the cheese mass under a press and leave for 12 hours. Now homemade Adyghe cheese ready!

Lately, I increasingly catch myself thinking that store-bought cheeses have become both tasteless and appearance completely different. Either the cooking technology has changed, or they have stopped using natural ingredients altogether. And somehow I feel less and less likely to eat sandwiches for breakfast with this product, which only vaguely resembles the real thing in taste.

Previously, in the village, my grandmother herself cooked and pressed tender creamy curd mugs, which were a pleasure to cut and eat (especially with freshly baked bread). And so, without thinking twice, I decided to remember how she did it and try to repeat the whole simple process at home.

It turned out that everything was not so complicated, but the resulting taste was exactly the same from childhood! The main thing is that the cottage cheese is real homemade, then you will get the most unforgettable cheese made with your own hands!

Why is it worth trying to prepare this product yourself? own kitchen? Yes, because, firstly, you yourself have complete control over the entire cooking process, and you yourself can regulate the tenderness or hardness of the product, as well as the taste of your creation.

Secondly, you will clearly not be using chemicals and preservatives to achieve excellent result. You are guaranteed to choose only natural ingredients.

Thirdly, you will be able to regulate the dietary properties of the product by choosing low-fat components of your recipe.

Fourthly, if you like any additives, you can always include your favorite ingredients in the classic recipe during its preparation - be it nuts, herbs, or even pieces of mushrooms or cooked minced meat.

Fifthly, you choose which of the two technologies you will use to prepare your masterpiece:

  1. By thermally melting a mixture of milk ingredients
  2. By adding rennet

Most often, housewives cook the product using the first technology and it turns out to be quite soft, reminiscent of suluguni, processed cheese, cream cheese, Philadelphia, paneer (or Adyghe) and even ricotta.

But the second technology is somewhat more complicated, because it requires precision in proportions when mixing fat milk, bifidobacteria and enzymes that allow the components to coagulate to the desired state. Pepsin is mainly used as rennet enzymes.

As a rule, to prepare it according to the classic recipe, you will need to use fresh, full-fat homemade milk and cottage cheese or sour cream, kefir and butter. And to improve the taste and consistency of the delicacy, soda, spices, various herbs and other additives are used.

In fact, all recipes using the first technology boil down to first pouring milk into a large non-stick pan, heating it to a boil, and then adding other products, which, during further heating, begin to separate into whey and a tender curd mass.

Then the whey is drained, and the curd is wrapped in several layers in folded gauze, squeezed and hung or placed under a press with a weight so that excess moisture came out, and the thick mass turned into cheese.

And in order for the culinary masterpiece to ripen and gain its strength, it is sent to cool for almost a day in the refrigerator.

However, it is worth remembering that our product needs to “breathe” and be freed from moisture, so it should not be stored or cooled in film. It is best to wrap the piece in parchment, which will not allow fungus to grow inside and become moldy.

Or you can put it in a glass or ceramic sealable container - like this delicate dish will not absorb foreign odors from the refrigerator.

It is worth remembering that cheeses do not really like freezing, so you should not cool them too much. It is recommended to do this only when you want to grate it later for subsequent baking as part of some dish.

Classic simple recipe

The simplest and favorite classic recipe homemade cream cheese is based on the use of cottage cheese and milk. To make it have the consistency of melted soda, soda is added, and to make it a little harder and at the same time a little viscous, eggs are used.

We will need:

  • Dry homemade cottage cheese – 1 kg.
  • Bold fresh milk– 1 l.
  • Egg – 3 pcs.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Soda – ¾ tsp.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.


1. Pour the milk into a deep saucepan and heat to boiling point. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, immediately carefully place the cottage cheese into it and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. By the end of cooking it should become slightly melted and slightly viscous.

2. Place gauze folded in 2-3 layers into a colander and pour the contents of the pan onto it. The serum will merge, and the thick plasticine-like substance we need will remain on the material. Usually, the excess liquid drains out in only 3 minutes, but to be sure, you can still press on it with your hands.

You can place a bowl under the colander so that the drained whey can be used for some other baking.

3. Place the squeezed out mixture into a clean, thick-walled bowl. Add all the remaining ingredients and mix them well until smooth.

This can be done directly with your hands. You will get a doughy, elastic, very soft lump.

It is best to use non-stick cookware so that the finished product does not have a burnt taste, it melts well, and does not stick to the bottom and walls.

4. Set the heat to medium on the stove and place the dishes with the semi-finished product on it. To prevent the mass, which melts from heating, from burning, it is necessary to constantly stir it with a wooden paddle or a regular spoon. As soon as the mixture begins to stretch out, set it to 7 minutes and continue cooking, stirring the mixture all the time.

Our dish will be completely ready as soon as the viscous cheese substance becomes easily detached from the walls and bottom following the stirring movement.

If you are afraid that during this process the contents of the pan may burn and ruin the dishes, then the entire melting procedure can be carried out in a steam bath. But it will take almost twice as long.

5. Turn the finished product onto a large plate and cover with parchment. If there is no parchment, you can briefly cover with oiled cling film, leaving open space around the edges so that it cools and “breathes”. Once it has cooled, place it in the refrigerator to gain strength.

6. The finished dish can be served after 5-12 hours. But the longer it sits (at least a day), the tastier it becomes.

Bon appetit!

How to make processed cheese from cottage cheese

My family loves Altai processed cheese very much. Judge for yourself when you spread the delicate creamy texture on a piece of fragrant bread, and even sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top, or even aromatic herbs already in the product itself, you can’t imagine a better breakfast. And tasty, and healthy, and appetizing!

But somehow it turned out that this miracle was not available at the dacha, but the family really wanted it. Fortunately, they come to us every evening and sell fresh dairy products, including village cottage cheese, so the problem was quickly solved and the next morning everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast.

We will need:

  • Fresh cottage cheese – 0.5 kg.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Salt, herbs - to taste and desire.


1. The best results are obtained when the product is cooked in a steam bath. Therefore, fill a small saucepan or any saucepan that is convenient for you about half with water and put it on the stove to heat up to boiling temperature.

2. At this time we prepare our ingredients. To begin, place fresh cottage cheese in a large metal bowl that will be convenient to place on top of the pan.

3. Add slightly melted butter, cut into pieces, break an egg, add salt and add a spoonful of soda. It is this that allows, when heated, dairy product“bloom” to the state we need.

4. To speed up the process of mixing the ingredients and then melting them evenly, you can use a blender, which will quickly turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass without lumps.

5. Now you can proceed to the most important and crucial moment in the entire cooking process. We place the bowl on the saucepan so that its bottom does not touch the water, but rather is located above thick steam, which will be the most important heating element in the process of melting the resulting mass.

6. Cook with constant stirring until the entire mixture reaches a viscous consistency. If you like processed cheese with additives, then this is the best time to add chopped herbs, pieces of ham, mushrooms or other fillers.

7. Pour the finished liquid product into a metal or ceramic sealable mold. You can choose any container from which it will be convenient to take the creamy mass later.

8. Let it cool on the counter to room temperature, and then close the lid and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

9. The finished delicacy is very convenient and easy to spread on pieces of bread.

For breakfast, such a product is always highly desirable, and it is eaten with great pleasure!

Dairy-free soft cream cheese recipe

If you add egg yolks to the previous recipe, a little less butter and cook the mixture in a steam bath for about 25 minutes, you can get soft cream cheese that is convenient to cut with a knife.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg.
  • Egg yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Soda – ½ tsp.
  • Salt – 3/4 tsp.


1. Place a bowl of butter on a steam bath and let it melt until liquid.

2. At this time, in a separate bowl, mix fresh cottage cheese with the yolks, salt and soda previously separated from the eggs.

It is the yolks that will give the finished dish a slightly yellowish tint that is familiar to the eye.

3. Gently mix everything thoroughly with a spoon, making kneading movements so that if there are large lumps of cottage cheese, they are all crushed and mixed with other ingredients.

4. Add the resulting mass to the melted butter and mix well.

5. Wait until the mass has completely melted and, without ceasing to stir, steam for about 25 minutes.

The less time you cook, the softer the consistency becomes.

6. Pour the hot substance into a form convenient for you, which can be pre-greased sunflower oil so that the product does not stick to the edges, and leave to cool first on the table. When it is approximately room temperature, cover and place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

7. Turn the mold over and shake out the product onto a plate. Now it can be cut into beautiful slices and served.

It is convenient to place the pieces on bread. And if desired, decorate them with fresh herbs.

Homemade recipe made from cottage cheese, milk and rennet

No matter how long it may seem to prepare cheese at home using the second technology, in fact there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. And you can see this for yourself when you try to prepare a solid product using rennet in your kitchen.

We will need:

  • Full fat milk – 2.5 l.
  • Kefir 2.5% - 35 g.
  • Water – 50 ml. + 1.5 l.
  • Rennet – 0.5 g.
  • Salt – 200 gr.


1. Pour the milk into a large saucepan and heat it over low heat to 40 degrees.

2. Dissolve the rennet in water (50 ml) and add it to the milk along with kefir. Mix well and remove the pan from the stove. To ensure that the thickening process takes place under the influence of the maintained temperature of the liquid and steam does not escape too quickly, it is necessary to close the lid and leave it in this state for 40 minutes.

If you want to have some favorite fillers in the finished product, then add them at this step too.

3. During this time, you will get something similar to white jelly in the pan. Using a sharp knife, cut it into small two-centimeter squares and then leave it alone for another half hour so that the excess whey is completely separated.

4. For convenience, you can take a colander or sieve, line it with gauze folded in several layers and use a slotted spoon to place the resulting chopped jelly into it.

5. Let it drain completely and sit covered with gauze for a whole day. kitchen table at room temperature.

6. However, during this time, every hour and a half, the resulting lump must be pulled out of the gauze, turned over and placed back into it with the other side so that it evenly releases excess moisture.

7. After a day, prepare a saline solution from boiled water and salt. Remove the lump from the gauze and place it in the solution for 12 hours, turning it over every hour and a half.

8. Dry ready product paper towel, let it sit for a while cutting board or on a wire rack (at least 2-3 hours), covered with dry gauze, and then cool in the refrigerator, wrapped in baking paper. It is best to leave the cheese in the cold to gain strength for a couple of days - during this time it will form a very tasty crust, just like in the store.

9. Cut into thin slices and serve.

The finished product comes with holes, which is incredibly nice. And of course delicious, which is doubly pleasant.

Homemade Philadelphia recipe

The store sells incredibly delicious Philadelphia cheese, but the prices are very high. Who would have thought, but you can get by with little expense and prepare fresh cottage cheese at home yourself, and then Philadelphia itself from it.

We will need:

  • Milk – 1 l.
  • Kefir 2.5% - 0.5 l.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt, sugar - 1 tsp each.
  • Citric acid - on the tip of the knife.


1. First you need to prepare cottage cheese. This can be done as follows: pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and sugar and pour in kefir. Allow the milk mixture to curdle into flakes and remove from the stove to cool to room temperature.

2. While the flakes are cooling, remove the whey, and put this thick mass in cheesecloth, squeeze it well and hang it for 15 minutes so that the remaining whey drips off.

3. In a clean bowl, beat the egg with citric acid and pour homemade freshly prepared cottage cheese into it. To get a creamy, delicate consistency, beat it thoroughly with a blender or mixer until smooth.

4. Now the product is ready and can be eaten immediately or stored in a sealed container for up to 5 days. You can add chopped herbs.

If you spread it on crackers or croutons, it turns out. And you can supplement it with anything!

Cooking delicious Mascarpone

Very often, delicate cakes with a creamy cheese flavor use cream based on the famous and well-known Mascarpone. Believe it or not, it's actually made with just two ingredients: cream and lemon juice. True, lemon can be replaced with wine vinegar or acid.

We will need:

  • Cream 25% - 1 l.
  • Lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.


1. Squeeze the lemon juice in advance so you don’t waste time during cooking.

2. Pour the cream into a clean, dry saucepan and bring it to a boil in a steam bath over medium heat. Then reduce the gas to minimum and let the cream cool to 85 degrees.

3. Remove the saucepan from the steam bath and pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice in a thin stream while constantly stirring. This simple procedure will allow the mass to curdle a little, which, in principle, will help it turn into the desired product.

4. Then put the creamy lemon mixture on steam again and, without ceasing to stir, bring it to a consistency similar to thickened butter cream.

5. Remove from heat and cool to 45 degrees with constant stirring so that unnecessary clots do not form.

6. Place a cotton towel or multi-layer gauze in a colander placed over a deep bowl and strain the resulting mass through it. Allow all excess serum to drain, then tie the towel and hang overnight.

7. Then the resulting substance should be transferred to gauze and placed under pressure in a sieve or colander and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

8. Transfer the resulting mass into a bowl and beat with a mixer until creamy.

If the cheese turns out to be a little dry, you can add 1-2 tbsp when whipping. l. cream.

9. The delicate creamy mass should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container.

These are not at all complicated recipes.

I hope that you liked them and you will more and more often surprise your family and guests with your own prepared tender and delicious product. Making it, as you can see for yourself, is not so difficult, and the benefits are much greater than from a store-bought one.

And it is still unknown whether you will buy cheese or its replacement. And when you cook it yourself, you know for sure that apart from natural dairy products and cottage cheese, the delicious cuts contain nothing extra.

If you liked the recipes, share them with your friends, click on the buttons social networks, and the recipes will appear in your feed. All your friends will also be able to please their loved ones with a delicious dish.

And I wish you bon appetit and delicious cheese pleasure! All the best!

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