A ball that helps you make a decision. Magic ball of predictions for decision making - how to use

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People who work with magic use in their practice various items, designed to concentrate energy, increase strength, clairvoyance, and so on. In order to look into the future and receive advice in different situations use a magic ball that you can have in your home.

How to make a magic ball?

If a person wants to conduct practices using the crystal sphere, then it is necessary to properly prepare workplace, and also create tables with symbols and meanings. To create it, it is best to use, but it is difficult to find a clean stone and make a perfectly round object from it, so it is better to buy it. It is important that it does not have any defects.

You need to examine the magic ball with your own hands to understand whether it is energetically suitable or not. Similar items are presented in different diameters, starting from 10 and ending with 25 cm in diameter. You also need a stand, which can be made from a board with a notch or bought, but the first option is preferable. For rituals, buy black clothes so that they do not reflect the crystal.

Magic ball of predictions

It takes a lot of practice and experience to get results. The first images may appear suddenly, but over time this process can be controlled. It is best to conduct sessions during full moon. Working with a magic ball should begin with cleaning it. To do this, you can hold it under the stream running water within 15 min. You can put the item in a saline solution. It is also recommended to carry out an energy charge, for which you take the sphere in your hands and, breathing deeply, imagine how it is saturated with energy. Cleaning is recommended before each contact.

In order for the magic ball to last a long time and provide true information, several features must be taken into account. You should not let anyone touch it, as it instantly absorbs someone else’s energy. It is recommended to store magical items that are not in use wrapped in black cloth. You cannot expose the sphere to direct sunlight, but moonlight is useful for it.

Why do you need a magic ball?

Crystal spheres are more often used in clairvoyance sessions, since they allow you to concentrate on a certain point, and then move from it in the chosen direction. Another magic ball helps you dive into your own subconscious and learn to control energy. It is used to influence people. The crystal sphere is considered a powerful storer, transmitter and transformer of energy.

How to use the magic ball?

Seers do not like to reveal their secrets, so there is no consensus on how the ball works. A common belief is that fortune tellers simply see through the crystal. Scientists have their own version of how the magic ball works. The phenomenon is that when a person long time looks at quartz, different visions appear in the mind. This is due to the fact that light, when reflected from the surface, tires the optic nerve, and it stops transmitting signals to the brain from the eyes. As a result, visual pictures are replaced by internal ones.

Magic ball of predictions for decision making

There is a fortune telling item that looks like a billiard ball No. 8, but is larger in size. Inside is a dark liquid containing a figurine with twenty sides. Each side carries a specific answer: “yes”, “no”, “absolutely”, “most likely” and others. To use the magic ball for decision making, it should be held with the window down. After that, concentrate and ask the question you are interested in. The next step is to shake the ball well, turn it over and look at the answer in the window.

Magic ball - fortune telling

To begin with, it’s worth saying that you don’t need to be upset if you don’t manage to look at something at first. It is important to practice regularly. Fortune telling is easy for people who are physically sensitive and energetically receptive. It is recommended to train your attention as often as possible. To pre-set the mood, you can use meditation and rituals. To make predictions, sit in a room with windows facing north. It is important to sit with your back to the light to avoid reflections and shadows on the crystal.

There can be no more than two people within arm's length. The magic ball can be held in your hand or placed on a stand in front of you. Get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the area. After some time the crystal will become milky, and then it will begin to change and as a result it should turn black. When the blackness disappears, different images will begin to appear, which are important to decipher in order to complete fortune telling on the magic ball. In some cases, you can consider not individual pictures, but certain scenes similar to a film.

IN online game“Magic Balls” requires you to remove same-color elements from the playing field, thereby earning points. This is very easy to do, you just need to click on a group of identical balls located next to each other. The involved pieces disappear, and those on top fall and take up empty spaces.

As soon as you destroy all possible balls, the level will be completed and you will move on to the next stage, which will be slightly more difficult than the previous one. Of course, when a dozen or two steps have passed, you will feel a significant difference compared to the first ones. The application has many interesting levels, so playing Magic Balls is quite interesting.

How points are awarded

Destroying in this free game, you get bonuses for each of them. The more balls there were in the group, the more points are given for each of them. When you move to a new round, your total score does not reset to zero, but continues to accumulate. If at the end of the stage you still have balls that do not have a pair, then they will also disappear, but for each you will lose 10 points.

Tactics in an online game

The strategy depends on your goals. If you play for passing, then you just need to remove all kinds of accumulations of figures, without thinking about how many points you will get. If you are playing and trying to get the highest total score, as in Zuma, then you should choose one or two colors of balls and try to group them in order to destroy them in the end and get a large number of bonuses immediately. Using this tactic, you need to think carefully about each move. The first step is to select the color of the balls to be grouped. See which ones you have the most and save them for the end of the round. The second step is to cut off all the extra balls that remain in the minority. And only at the end you will finish the round victoriously with one click.

Using our magic fortune telling ball is very simple, you do not need the gift of clairvoyance for this. Think about your problem or simply say “crystal ball, give me advice” and then press the “guess” key. In just a few seconds, the magic ball will give you an online fortune telling.

Important! If the prediction seems unclear to you, then try to formulate the question differently and ask it again. If the answer is again meaningless, then postpone the fortune telling to another day.

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Fortune telling on a fortune ball

Esoteric practices consisting of contemplating the surface of a magic crystal made of crystal are one of oldest species predictions. By looking at the images that appear inside the magic ball, you can get answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time, and find the key to solving a pressing problem. Visions also help predict the future and look into.

A crystal ball of divination can be a useful acquisition for anyone seeking to develop their psychic abilities. The practice of receiving visions and signs in a magic crystal engages clairvoyant abilities. Some psychics eventually abandon the crystal ball, preferring to rely on their own perceptions, but many make this magical instrument their companion for many years.

From the history of divination

The use of a crystal ball for predictions has been known since the time of the Renaissance, but truly complete evidence belongs to the Renaissance. The famous psychic, “angelic doctor” John Dee, court scientist, astrologer and magician of Queen Elizabeth I of England, did not have sufficiently developed clairvoyant abilities. That's why he collaborated with the seer Edward Kelly to look into the magic crystal for him.

What can replace a crystal ball?

Not everyone who wants to develop their clairvoyant abilities has the opportunity to purchase a crystal ball for predictions. Instead, your magic crystal can be glass or a mineral of any shape that has a smooth surface. Rock crystal, smoky quartz, and obsidian are ideal for this. An equally effective method is when the clairvoyant uses a bowl filled with water. The liquid inside the fortune telling bowl can be either transparent or tinted with black ink.

How to predict events with a magic crystal?

You need to place the crystal ball on a wooden stand. A fortune-telling bowl filled with water is placed against a background of dark blue or black matte fabric. It is also advisable to completely cover the table with a dark-colored tablecloth. You should make sure that the crystal is not exposed to either sunlight or artificial light. should stand as far away from the bowl or crystal ball as possible.

It is worth choosing the most comfortable position, sitting in a chair, on a chair or sitting cross-legged on the floor. Nothing should interfere or restrict movements. It is better to remove jewelry, hairpins, and belts for a while, allowing energy to flow freely. But if you have a talisman that helps you, you don’t need to give it up.

Next, you need to start peering into the magic crystal, if possible without straining or blinking. Peering into the surface of the water or the surface of a crystal ball, you should clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, not allowing it to be distracted by foreign objects. If the mind is unfocused and wandering, you can take several deep breaths and exhales, imagining how unnecessary thoughts go away with the exhaled air.

The first session of contemplation should be limited to just five minutes, then gradually increasing the time. The emphasis should be on the regularity of training, and not on its duration. Perfect option- short but daily exercises with a prediction ball.

Over time, you will be able to see images in the crystal ball. The first visions may be very blurry and foggy, but gradually they will begin to take shape and even color, flowing into figures and faces of people, scenes, and specific symbols. By turning to a magic crystal with a question, you can get an answer through the interpretation of what you see.

Diary of a Soothsayer

Developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal ball of divination or a bowl of water, it is not necessary, but it is advisable to write down everything you see in a specially designated notebook. Just as with, keeping notes will allow you to understand and feel the language in which the subconscious communicates with the seer. It is enough to write down the date of the session, briefly list the images seen and the main ideas about their interpretation.

Working with a magical diary is indispensable for anyone who wants to track the appearance of possible errors and inaccuracies in the interpretation of visions. When the outcome of the situation about which the question was asked is already known, you can return to the results of divination and test yourself. Therefore, it is always better to leave some space for later impressions.

Practice with a magic crystal of divination is one of the best ways development of extrasensory abilities and intuitive perception. A few months of constant training is enough to learn how to get answers to life’s questions and look into the future. The most important thing is not to stop halfway. The first results in clairvoyance are an incentive to start working even harder to discover your talent.

200 grams


high quality plastic


not required

The magic ball will give answers to your questions. Ask the ball a question, shake it a little and turn it over - the answer to the question will “pop up” on its own! Ball in Russian

Magic ball 8 - an assistant in decision making, gives answers to questions (yes/no). Improved quality in gift packaging with delivery throughout Russia. Order!

Attention! If the temperature is below freezing, the goods will not be sent by mail.

Let us help you solve the eternal problem of choice!

It often happens that there is some question, something needs to be decided, something needs to be chosen, but what is the best way to proceed is unknown. Sometimes it’s so difficult to decide whether to do something or not, to go somewhere or not, to say or remain silent...

We have a solution to this problem - the magic 8 ball for making decisions. Now you don’t have to rack your brains for hours choosing an option. Just ask the fortune ball - and it will tell you what to do best!

What is the magic 8 ball?

Magic ball 8 is a unique gadget that is capable of predicting the future in a way unknown to science, giving answers to almost any questions, bringing positive emotions and good mood! Ask a question that requires a positive or negative answer - get an answer!

It looks like a black ball with the number “8” and a box for answers.

And how to use it?

Easy to use. Turn it upside down and ask a question. Then shake it a little, turn it over - after a few seconds the answer will “pop up” in a special window. Read the instructions for using the magic ball on our website.

What size is it? What is it made of? Tell us more!

The magic fortune teller ball is made of plastic. There is liquid inside of blue color, in which a “pyramid” with answer options is floating. There are 20 answer options in total, all in Russian (examples of answers: “yes”, “of course”, “undoubtedly”, “it should be so”, “possibly”, “little chances”, “no”, “the stars say no” , “I can’t say”, “unknown now”, “ask later”, etc.)

The diameter of the fortune teller ball is 10 centimeters, weight is 200 grams. No batteries required. Caution: the ball must not be frozen (as there is liquid inside).

Why exactly black with an eight? Does he have a story?

Yes. He became popular after the movie Route 60, in which he helped the main character make the right decisions. The fortune ball can be seen in such films as "House", "Friends", the cartoon "The Simpsons", etc.

Who can you give it to? Will he be interesting?

The magic fortune teller ball will be an excellent gift for any occasion. It is suitable for those who find it difficult to make decisions and have a lot of doubts. The ball of answers for making decisions will always help, in any situation.

How is your answer ball different from others?

Firstly, quality control is mandatory during the production of our answer balls. We have slightly improved the magic ball itself based on reviews about this product. It became a little heavier, but it began to shine more, reflect better, and there were fewer scratches on it.

Secondly, we sell these answer balls in gift packaging with plastic window, through which you can see the ball itself :)

Why is it better to order a magic ball from us right now?

We have magic ball 8 in stock, good quality and at an affordable price.

Other interesting facts:

1. We are in direct contact with factories that produce magic balls. This gives us the opportunity control quality each delivery magic balls.

2. We have been selling magic balls 8 since the times when they were not available in Russian. During this time, we have accumulated a lot of information and reviews about this product, based on which made them better. For example, in our version of the balls, all the answers are written in Russian, neatly and clearly (compare with some analogues...).

3. In the production of our magic balls we use quality materials , making them shinier and harder to scratch. They also became a little heavier.

4. Original gift packaging(picture above on the page).

5. We have many pick-up points and courier delivery to major cities Russia. We can send your order by Russian Post.

6. When ordering from us, you pay for the goods upon receipt. You can check it and make sure that you are completely satisfied with it. You don't risk anything!

7. Our 8 magic balls have a certificate of conformity.

Buy magic ball 8 right now at a low price!

You are standing on the threshold of something difficult. life decision? We tried hundreds of ways out, but neither friends, nor experts, nor our own minds gave a clear answer: to be or not to be, yes or no. Oracle ball, online predictions - the very sign that you are missing.

Ask a question and get an answer

Please help us develop: Tell your friends about the generator!

Magical Magic Ball of Fate: Try Your Luck

Sometimes all you need is a little push. We will provide it completely free of charge and without registration. There is no need to leave personal information on the site. Query history is not saved. The ball of fate online, like a light kick, will push an indecisive person to action.

Deep down, you may know what to do, but, for some reason, you are not aware of it. Use the yes or no ball to confirm your choice. Just play, be humorous, because receiving random fortune-telling predictions from a mysterious assistant is fun.

Who can benefit from the magic fortune teller ball?

Contact the wish ball or fortune telling ball in a variety of situations:

  • He will judge the disputants;
  • Will help the indecisive to decide;
  • Will give a yes no answer to an exciting request;
  • Will become a sign of fate;
  • Will relieve some of the responsibility.

Alone or in company, at work, school, in transport, at a wedding, in a store - download the page with a fortune ball to get help. Whether you obey the decision of the magic ball or not is up to you. By the way, this question can also be asked on the website.

How does a fortune ball work?

It looks simple: ask and click, but don't rush to shake the fortune ball. Look at the answer ball and mentally formulate a simple question that can be answered yes or no. Try to identify a specific desire, problem, and don’t think about anything else. Be alone with your thoughts.

Feature of online fortune telling with a magic ball: the generator gives random options, without any pattern. There is something mystical and unknown about this. Concentrated - touch the online fortune teller ball to read the inscription that will appear through the round glass.

Make 3-5 attempts to make sure the result is correct. The main thing is to believe, and then everything will come true.

Popularity of fortune telling with a ball yes no

An entertaining little thing was invented by the son of a medium in the middle of the 20th century. The inventor wanted it to be convenient for people to wear a mini-fortune teller and communicate with the other world at the slightest doubt. The toy is filled with a dark liquid in which a polyhedron with written phrases floats, as if in space. The product was in demand when people relied on spirits who knew more about the future than the living. We have made a service ball yes no online so that you can also quickly get the result.

The classic Magic ball has 20 prophecies. Fortune telling, predictions neutral, positive, negative, uncertain.

The ball of fate appears in the hands of the heroes famous films: it was used by a character in the cult movie “Route 60” - there was also a computer prototype. Used in the TV series “Friends”, “Scrubs”, “Charmed”, “The Big Bang Theory”.

Play it too! Enjoy coming back to us again and again.

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