Young driver fined for missing a sign. Exclamation mark on the car and other identification stickers according to traffic regulations

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In Russia, a lot is being done at the state level to support compliance with the rules on the road. In general, the situation is understandable, because the number of car accidents at some point turned out to be so huge that it required immediate measures.

Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that driver’s licenses were selling like hotcakes. Anyone could get them, and sometimes you didn’t even need to attend a driving school.

Many measures were taken. Even today they tend to become tougher. Now a lot has been done to ensure that a fine on the road is not a formality, but really hits the pocket. Of course, this should discipline drivers and make them understand that the road doesn’t like jokes.

How to show that you are new to the road

Driving a vehicle is quite easy, but knowing all the rules and following them requires learning. And one should assume that you feel confident on the road only when you have a great feel for the car and know how to “read” it in time. road signs and focus on the surrounding situation.

It is more difficult for beginners in this matter. Many people do not always understand the gearbox well and have a poor sense of the dimensions of the car. And this already creates for them stressful situation. And if you also take into account the fact that the traffic is full of hurrying and often nervous drivers, the bustle only intensifies.

Beginner driver sign

Therefore, inexperience on the road carries with it increased risks. The main thing is that not only beginners, but also those who are on the road nearby should be careful. That is why the state has established the need to use the “Beginner Driver” sign.

General form

Self-adhesive paper with a black exclamation mark on a yellow background is the legally approved “Beginner Driver” designation. There are no strict regulations on the location of paper signs for motorists. And standard badges are sold in all automobile stores.

The main thing that manufacturers of such paraphernalia must comply with is sizing standards. The exclamation mark itself should be 11 cm, and the sides of the square should be 15 centimeters each. The color scheme is also regulated by uniform requirements. Yellow base and black markings.

Who needs to put up a sign?

Penalty for missing exclamation mark

The law explicitly states that all drivers whose driving experience does not exceed two years must drive such vehicles, marked with appropriate signs that warn other people on the road. This measure is indeed a success. Motorists become more attentive if they see an inexperienced driver nearby.

Note! We should not forget that if the car is not owned by an inexperienced driver, but he was simply driving the car, then the sign must still be present. This rule is.

Today there is a fine for an exclamation mark. If an inspector stops a driver who has actually been driving for less than two years, then either a warning is issued or a fine of 500* rubles is imposed.

Fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign

The main document that regulates the actions of a traffic police officer when imposing a fine is the Code of Administrative Offenses, in particular, its article 12.5. It states that all drivers, until they reach two full years of experience, are required to affix “Beginner Driver” signs to their vehicles.

The fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign in 2018 is 500 rubles. It should be noted that a fine for driving without an exclamation mark was not imposed until April 2017. The inspectors only had the right to issue a warning. Today there are both instruments of influence. The traffic police officer either issues a warning (orally or in writing) or issues a fine.

Penalties are imposed even if the size of the sign does not meet the standards. For example, the mandatory “Spikes” sign is also not approved in size.

Important! The “Beginner Driver” sign is strictly regulated. Therefore, if the exclamation mark is less than or more than 11 centimeters, or the sign itself has boundaries less than or more than 15 centimeters, then a fine will be imposed.

Does the two week rule apply with such a fine?

If a novice driver is fined, the state allows the debt to be paid within the first two weeks with a 50% discount. That is, the actual payment will be 250 rubles.*

On the other hand, it is 1 year. If during this time the debt to the state is not repaid, the case is sent to court. And after the judge’s decision, the bailiffs will collect the required amount. Including withholding part of the income.

Cameras are able to record the absence of the “Beginner Driver” sign, but in fact it is not possible to determine all the necessary details. There are often situations when the car is registered to another person who has been driving for a long time.

Therefore, the only option when a fine or a warning is issued for the absence of a sign is a stop by a state traffic inspector. He is able to determine that at the time of the stop the car was being driven by an inexperienced person, and his driver’s license will reveal his overall experience.

Is it possible to challenge the inspector's decision?

The procedure for challenging a fine is quite standard. It is also suitable for all other types of fines.

First, you need to write a statement of your disagreement with the imposed penalties (to the traffic police or on the official website of the structure).

Secondly, you need to collect all the documents for the car, license, title and prepare to prove your case.

The consideration of controversial situations is handled by the traffic police, and the court. If the driver is a driver, then the case goes to court. But you need to understand that winning the case will be very difficult. It is necessary to collect a solid evidence base. To achieve this, anything can be used. For example, recorder recording, eyewitness testimony. Even relatives can act as witnesses if there was no one else on the road. But they must not forget that they are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. And if they knowingly give false testimony, then the usual fine of 500 rubles will result in a more severe punishment for them.

We can say that the practice in terms of won courts is not reassuring. It is extremely difficult to challenge the inspector’s decision, because he is an authorized person in the service. And in order to prove that he was wrong (of course, they are also people and can make mistakes), you still need to be an experienced person who knows the laws and knows how to substantiate his point of view with facts.

Are changes in legislation possible?

The practice of applying the measure, even at the testing stage, showed that this government approach turned out to be very effective. Novice drivers really stand out on the road, challenging others to become distracted.

That is why the state is unlikely to cancel such a fine, and, most likely, will even increase its rate in order to encourage everyone to put a sign on their cars.

Of course, you may not encounter any troubles or listen to the traffic police officer’s warning if you stick the required badge on the back of the car in advance. The law does not directly say where to place the sign that the car is being driven by an inexperienced person. The main thing is that others can see it. That's why best technique- this is a warning of a fine, and not an attempt to challenge it in court.

*The amount of the fine is current as of July 2018

On the rear windows of some cars you can see a bright yellow sticker with a black exclamation mark. Who needs it and why?

In this article we decided to look into the rules of application "Beginner Driver" sign- after all, it is possible that the law prescribes its use specifically for you, or one of your friends and relatives.

What is a “Beginner Driver” sign?

Latest edition of the Government Decree Russian Federation from December last year, which approved some changes to a similar document adopted back in 1993, states that the sign we are interested in is a yellow square with a side of 15 centimeters. It contains an image of a black exclamation mark, the size of which is also regulated by law and is equal to 11 centimeters. So, what does an exclamation mark on a car mean?

In fact, a bright icon, the color of which is specially selected for quick identification by other road users, signals that the vehicle is being driven by an inexperienced motorist. For 10 years now, since 2009, the presence of such a distinctive feature is mandatory for drivers whose driving experience does not exceed two years.

Among some drivers, alternative signs with the image of a kettle or the letter U, usually inscribed in a white triangle with a red border, are popular. Similar stickers can be purchased at automotive stores. I would like to warn novice motorists against using them without a legally approved sign - such a trick may well end in administrative punishment, the severity and nature of which we will discuss below.

Why is an exclamation point needed?

As planned, the use of a special icon should solve several logically related tasks at once:
  • Traffic participants are informed that that there is a driver next to them who does not have sufficient experience in driving a vehicle.
  • Motorists who received the signal are warned that something non-standard can be expected from the “neighbor”: uncertainty when performing a maneuver, distraction from driving by actions performed by more experienced colleagues “automatically,” inability to quickly navigate the road situation and street navigation, and so on.
  • Increased attention to the actions of an inexperienced driver allows you to avoid emergency situations , which, in turn, affects the reduction in the number of road accidents.
  • It should be recognized that the use of the "yellow square" is sometimes may have the opposite effect. It is no secret that some drivers at times get overly carried away and allow inappropriate behavior towards those whom they consider “dummies” - they cut off, squeeze and honk at them, in every possible way demonstrating their own road superiority and indignation at the slowness of newcomers. Fortunately, these reckless drivers are in the minority, but it is worth remembering the possibility of meeting them. In such cases, it is worth remembering yourself in the role of a neophyte and show tact, without interfering with someone who has recently found themselves there getting used to driving. Moreover, if it happens in the difficult conditions of large cities, the nature of the movement of which often confuses newly minted traffic participants, and even frightens them.

    Show tolerance at least for as long as you need to drive with the “Beginner Driver” sign.

    Good afternoon, dear reader.

    Novice drivers in the Russian Federation include drivers whose driving experience is less than 2 years, i.e. received driver's license less than two years ago.

    8. On vehicles Should be installed identification marks:
    “Beginner driver” - in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with an image of a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have the right to drive the specified vehicles less than 2 years old.

    7.15 1 . There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of safety officials traffic, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 “On traffic rules”.

    Thus, the identification sign "Beginner Driver" is mandatory for drivers with less than two years of experience, and operating a car without it is prohibited.

    Download the "Beginner Driver" sign to print

    Making the “Beginner Driver” identification sign is not difficult. It is enough to fulfill the following conditions:

    • Square dimensions 15x15 cm.
    • The height of the exclamation mark is 11 cm.
    • The background color of the sign is yellow.
    • The exclamation mark color is black.

    Please note that the dimensions of the “Beginner Driver” sign are determined quite accurately. Using a sign whose dimensions do not comply with traffic regulations is a violation. Moreover, a violation will be both the use of a small sign (less than 150 mm) and the use of an enlarged sign (more than 150 mm).

    If your driving experience does not exceed two years, then I recommend that you download the identification plate of the correct dimensions and print it on an A4 sheet:

    In the version for black and white printers, the background of the sign is transparent, so you should paint it over yourself yellow(pencil, marker, felt-tip pen, paints, etc.).

    Where to put the "Beginner Driver" sign

    Traffic regulations require that a novice driver sign be mounted on the rear of the vehicle. However, the specific location of the sign is not named. In this regard, you can choose any appropriate place and set the sign:

    • On the rear window (from the inside or outside).
    • On the rear bumper.
    • On the trunk lid.
    • On the trunk door.

    For example, it is better to stick a sign on the bumper than on the rear window.

    Fine for not having a novice driver sign in 2020

    1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

    entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

    The fine for the absence of an identification mark is 500 rubles. The second punishment option for this violation is. The specified fine can be paid with.

    Towing rules for a novice driver

    Clause 20.2 1 of the traffic rules:

    20.2 1 . When towing, driving towing vehicles must be carried out by drivers who have been licensed to drive vehicles for 2 years or more.

    A novice driver cannot operate a towing vehicle, i.e. the tractor that is in front.

    This rule applies only to towing motor vehicles and does not apply to towing trailers. Those. a novice driver can drive a car with a trailer whose weight corresponds to open.

    Also, the restriction does not apply to driving a towed vehicle (located behind).

    The restriction applies to all: on a flexible hitch, on a rigid hitch, by partial loading method.

    Rules for the carriage of passengers

    Paragraph 22.2 1 Traffic rules:

    22.2 1 . Transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 or more years, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or subcategories for 2 or more years.

    Novice drivers cannot transport passengers on motorcycles and mopeds.

    Please note that the restriction on the carriage of passengers applies not only to two-wheeled vehicles, but also to motorcycles with sidecars, as well as three-wheeled mopeds.

    Cost of MTPL for novice drivers

    Another important point associated with novice drivers is the increased cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. When using a special coefficient - KVS (coefficient of age and experience).

    For a novice driver, this coefficient has the following values:

    • 1.8 - if the driver’s age is less than 22 years.
    • 1.7 - if the driver’s age is over 22 years.

    Thus, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance increases by 70-80 percent.

    Let's summarize this article. Novice drivers have several restrictions when driving a car, which can cause some inconvenience. In this regard, if you plan to obtain a driver's license in the future, I recommend doing so as early as possible. Ideally, 3 years before driving. In this case, restrictions for novice drivers will not affect you.

    So if you are going to get a driver's license, I recommend doing it as early as possible. If your children plan to get their license, then recommend doing so immediately after turning 18. Even if the license simply lies on the shelf for 2 years, the driver will cease to be a beginner and restrictions will not apply to him.

    Good luck on the roads!


    On paintwork It’s better not to glue it, after two years the sign is removed, and in its place is a spot of a different color, since the paint around it will fade. Stick it on the plastic and you can insert it under the glass seal. Glue the glass to the heating from the inside, then tear it off together with the heating, then there is a chance


    Good afternoon. The question is: according to the laws of the Russian Federation, is a person with a foreign driving license (Italy) issued less than one year ago a novice driver? Should he put up a sign?

    For example, in Italy the opposite situation does not apply, that is, only those who have an Italian license with less than one year of experience fall under the definition of a novice driver.

    Stanislav, Hello.

    The requirement also applies to drivers who have a foreign driver’s license.

    Good luck on the roads!

    Everyone, even the most experienced driver, took their “first steps” as a motorist. Many people no longer remember what it was like when their hands were shaking in non-standard dangerous situations or were “pressed” by more experienced and experienced drivers. In fact, the problem of beginners is very relevant nowadays. Today, traffic intensity on the roads has increased several times compared to what it was ten, or even five years ago.

    The number of cars has increased, today there is more than one car per family, and the age of drivers is getting younger. Women get behind the wheel with great interest, and today they do not surprise anyone as a driver, and cope well with the most difficult situations.

    It is for these reasons that it is important to understand and respect the car owner who is starting his driving life, treat him with understanding and help in cases where he cannot quickly react to a particular road moment. To do this, a sticker of a certain value is attached to a newbie’s car, indicating the inexperience of the person behind the wheel. The absence of one can bring a lot of trouble, and sometimes even punishment in rubles, which will have a negative impact on the owner’s wallet.

    Is it necessary to have a Novice Driver badge?

    The history of the designation began in 2009 and it was then that it acquired official status. Drivers perceived this innovation as a mandatory sticker differently. Some were embarrassed to stick it on the car, because for others it meant “teapot” while driving. Others thought: such measures are absolutely unnecessary and can be done without them. But, understanding and adequate beginners immediately understood the meaning of the sticker and installed it on their windshields, thus protecting their movement in heavy city traffic.

    Everyone knows that there are “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation.” Paragraph No. 8 contains a warning and advice to those who begin to carry out their activities while driving a car. It is recommended to install a sign on your passenger vehicle for an inexperienced driver who is not yet confident in his abilities. It is advised not to remove such a designation for two years until the citizen gains some experience and gets used to the country’s highways, where the speed limit and traffic density are quite high.

    For motorcycles, tractors or self-propelled vehicles, a decal is not required.

    The sticker will undoubtedly help a driver without experience to protect himself somewhat. This warning sign will tell other participants on the road about the “newly made” driver, allows you to prevent difficult and dangerous moments in advance, take the decision in a given situation yourself, thereby avoiding an accident or other trouble.

    There is no need to be embarrassed by the title of “beginner”. This is not a humiliation of the one who is sitting behind the wheel, but only a kind of precaution and excessive attentiveness that does not interfere with anyone else’s movement.

    How and where to glue the identification sign?

    If you look at the above-mentioned document, a signal - a sticker indicating inexperience must be present on a vehicle for at least two years. What is the sign and what does it look like?

    This is a yellow square sticker., with a black exclamation mark in the center.

    • The perimeter length of this sticker is 15 cm on each side.
    • The punctuation mark itself should be no more than 11 cm.

    Where should I attach it for better viewing? The basic rule for this car badge is maximum visibility for the person driving the car. Try to stick the sticker on such a side that it does not block your field of view while moving.

    Typically, drivers install it in the left corner at the top of the rear window of the car. Here it does not interfere with the view and is clearly visible from any point behind to other road users. It is best to stick it on the outside, since some people make tinted rear windows, and this will not allow you to see the sign properly if you place it with inside, although there is no specific regulation in the law regarding the requirements for the placement of the icon. Describes only correct installation and external indicators.

    Fine for missing a sign

    This is where the fun begins. Once again we are convinced that the laws are very contradictory and imperfect and require careful consideration and modification. But, despite the costs in legislative writings, quite recently, a concrete change in the form of an addition to the law concerning this topic was finally released.

    Until 2017, there was no information on Article 12.5, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which ignorant people refer to about punishment. And the absence of a sign with an exclamation mark was not a violation for which a fine was imposed.

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 12.5. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is illegally installed
    Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article , — entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

    And if we turn to this point, it is worth noting that the ban on using a car applies when it has defects that make it impossible to drive and operate the car. In the very list of defects and special malfunctions or conditions that the article is devoted to, the “novice driver” sign is not indicated.

    The sticker with the exclamation mark was installed independently and only by at will, but not under duress.

    Today, starting April 4, 2017, penalties in the amount of 500 rubles are provided for the fact that there is no warning sign about the driver’s inexperience.

    In March 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation decided and made some amendments: Traffic regulations now include prohibitions for drivers whose driving experience is not residual (up to 2 years)

    • It is prohibited to tow any vehicles.
    • It is prohibited to transport people on the rear seats of motorized vehicles.

    As for the sticker, it is sold in any auto store and costs no more than 100 rubles. So, anyone can buy it without any difficulties and install it on their vehicle.

    What can be evidence of an offense

    If an accident occurs on the road, the inspector inspects the rights of all participants in the incident. If a driver is found to have little experience behind the wheel and does not have the appropriate sign, a fine will be imposed on the negligent motorist. This data is entered into the protocol, and even if the newcomer is not guilty, he faces a fine of 500 rubles.


    • “Beginner driver” is a designation that everyone who has passed their driver’s license must attach to their windshield and do not remove it for two years. This period is considered sufficient to gain confidence behind the wheel and on the road. There are known statistics that experienced drivers have much fewer accidents. The sign gives you some privilege in the flow of vehicles, take advantage of it.
    • Experience foreign countries shows how convenient it is to drive with a sign, this helps not only the drivers themselves, but also the legal authorities.
    • Installing the sticker on the back of the glass will be correct.
    • When passing technical During the inspection, the presence of the “Inexperienced driver” badge is mandatory.
    • Experts in the field of psychology urge all beginners to be sure to have this sticker, it makes life much easier with psychological point vision.
    • Only in a couple of years will it be possible to solemnly remove the sign, secretly gaining the status of an experienced car enthusiast. There are cases when, even after two years, the sign was not removed, but continued to be present on the car. Such actions are not punishable, and the car owner can continue to drive the car with a warning sign.

    Think carefully before driving on a roadway without a special decal. Over time, you will be able to confidently join the general traffic flow, but until you have complete confidence in yourself as a driver, you should not tempt fate. Your “neighbors” on the road will be able to react to you adequately, increasing the distance or giving way, knowing in advance that in front of them is a not entirely confident driver who should be helped and supported. This helps in many cases, because the road, by and large, is an unpredictable thing.

    Traffic rules must be strictly observed by absolutely every driver. The safety of himself and other motorists directly depends on them. Legislative norms provide for mandatory notification of drivers in one lane about certain features of vehicle categories. In particular, an exclamation mark on a car is positioned as a sign of a novice driver. This sticker informs motorists that a certain distance is required. The “child in the car” sign also signals to other drivers not to make sudden maneuvers in the lane of traffic.

    However, it so happens that not everyone knows exactly where and how to stick the corresponding symbols on their car. In this publication we will tell you how to install various stickers, taking into account the current laws of the Russian Federation.

    Who is required to put on the novice driver sign?

    According to legal regulations, the “exclamation mark” must be installed by a driver who has not yet reached two years of driving experience. The sticker is considered mandatory even when opening a new driving category for a period less than 2 years ago.

    Based on traffic regulations, the “novice driver” sign has a strictly regulated form. It should look like this: square, yellow, the size of each side of the square is 15 centimeters, the dark-colored picture is 11 millimeters.

    It is important that there is an exception to the rule. For example, if a driver drives a self-propelled car, a motorcycle or moped, or a tractor, there is absolutely no need to attach such a sticker.

    Don't confuse the y sign with a novice driver

    The novice driver sign and the learner vehicle sign are often confused with each other. Many people install the sign without even realizing that it is not considered a definitive symbol that a novice driver is behind the wheel.

    Based on current traffic regulations, the sign is educational vehicle Mandatory for installation on cars intended for training driving. In other words, if you are not a driving instructor with a company car, then you cannot put such a sticker on your own car.

    Why is the novice driver sign required?

    The novice driver sign is undoubtedly necessary to install, because its absence under the specified conditions will be a direct violation of traffic rules. So, they contain a list indicating the main causes and types technical problems. If there is a malfunction, it is prohibited to use the vehicle as a whole.

    In particular, among all the subclauses there is one that regulates the ban on driving a vehicle in the absence of mandatory signs. Such stickers fall under this definition. If the owner of the vehicle drives without them, he will have to pay a fine. Moreover, the car itself will not be able to receive documents confirming that it has passed a technical inspection.

    The use of a vehicle without identification marks with insufficient driving experience is prohibited also because the inexperience of motorists is often the cause of the accident. Such a sticker warns drivers that the car is being driven by a novice who, due to inexperience, may not respond to the signals of other drivers, forget to turn on the turn signals, drive too fast, etc.

    Amount of fine for missing sign

    If the traffic inspectorate notices that a driver is driving a car without a mandatory sign, he may be given a warning. In other words, the first stop by a traffic police officer will not cost a penny.

    However, if you are caught driving again with similar violations, you can run into a fine of more than five hundred rubles. In addition, after this the fined driver’s vehicle will be monitored more closely.

    Expiration date of the sign - does it exist?

    The novice driver sign must be placed on the vehicle in use until 2 years have passed from the date of successful completion of the driving test (issuance of a license).

    If, after the end of this period, you are still not sure that you can master the control of the car, then you are allowed to leave the sticker for a longer period. This will not be considered a traffic violation and will not be subject to a fine.

    Who needs to put on the “Spikes” sign?

    The “Ш” sticker began to appear more and more often on cars. It is used exclusively in winter time, since it implies that the car is equipped with tires with spikes. And if previously the presence of such a sign was only at the request of the driver himself, then recently it has become truly mandatory.

    The fact is that safety on the road often directly depends on studded tires and the warning sign about them. For this reason, the absence of a sticker with the letter w is now punishable by a fine.

    Reasons for installing the Ш sign on a car

    The “Ш” sticker, both in Moscow and in other cities of Russia, must be installed on all cars with studded tires.

    The reasons for this decision are:

    1. The braking distance of a vehicle with studded tires is several times shorter than with summer tires and Velcro tires. Other drivers should be aware of this factor and use it to calculate the safest distance from your vehicle.
    2. The spikes on such tires can break off the wheel and thereby cause mechanical damage to the car driving nearby.
    3. More complex technical inspection of the car. So, if for some reason you do not stick such a designation, you are unlikely to be able to pass the technical inspection. Naturally, this is fraught with a ban on driving this vehicle.
    4. You may be fined. If a traffic police officer stops you and does not find a sticker with the letter “sh”, you will most likely have to pay a fine.
    5. The presence of such a sticker can directly affect the search for the main culprit of a traffic accident.
    6. Rubber with spikes allows the car not to slip on icy road surface, and thereby shortens the braking distance. If the car driving ahead has a sign about tires with spikes, then an increased distance must be maintained between your cars.

    Taking into account the above factors, it is much more rational to opt for the presence of a sticker on the car. Not only your safety on the road depends on this, but also the thickness of your wallet.

    The amount of the fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign

    Sticker w is also regulated by traffic rules. If you do not stick it on your vehicle and you are stopped by traffic police officers, you will be forced to pay a fine of five thousand rubles.

    For the first time, however, you can get off with a warning. However, being caught red-handed for the second time without fulfilling the requirements is definitely fraught with a fine.

    Do I need to remove the sign during the summer season?

    The studded sign is hung on the rear window of the car on the very first day after the studded tire is installed on it. winter tires. Whether to remove this sticker in the summer is entirely your individual decision.

    If you don't do this, then there is no need to be afraid. The legislation of our country does not provide for fines for the presence of a “spikes” sticker in summer time of the year.

    What kind of transport needs a “road train” sign?

    The road train sign is also one of the necessary symbols for certain types of vehicles. So, it must be installed on vehicles that have a semi-trailer, one or more ordinary trailers in their design. It is also necessary for towing devices. For the most part, the trailer links and the vehicle share the same braking system, as well as common electrical equipment.

    This sign itself looks like three lanterns orange color, which are horizontally located on the surface of the vehicle cabin. It is required to be installed on certain models of tractors and on all trucks with trailers.

    The principle of imposing a fine for not having a “road train” sign is exactly the same as for other identification signs. Its presence on the roof of a car is a mandatory factor, which also has a direct impact on road traffic.

    Disabled person identification badge: why is it needed?

    Now let's talk about how to stick a disabled sign on a car. Thus, this plate is also allowed for installation only on some machines. A certain category of people who are able to document that they have the corresponding right can stick it on. In particular, these are citizens who are disabled and belong to the first, second and third disability groups. Also entitled to this plate are:

    • guardians of disabled people;
    • disabled children;
    • and persons transporting citizens with disabilities.

    Such a sign allows you to signal to other motorists about the driving habits of this driver. In addition, the presence of such a sticker allows people with disabilities to park in spaces.

    The deaf driver sign has a similar meaning. It is also extremely important for road traffic and the safety of other motorists. This sticker demonstrates the fact that the driver cannot hear their sound signals.

    Where and how to get a disabled sign?

    Getting said plate is not that easy. First, you will need to conduct a medical and social examination at your place of residence at the ITU office. It happens that a person is disabled and cannot independently provide all necessary documentation. In such situation this right entrusted to his legal representative.

    The sign is issued within a month after submitting the application. The applicant will receive a notification that the sign is ready. So he can pick her up soon.

    Is it a mandatory sign?

    The “disabled person” sign is only affixed at will. This is due to the fact that no one can force a person to openly demonstrate problems with his well-being.

    To install or not this sign The driver must decide for himself. The main argument in favor is that the sign gives the driver good benefits. It itself is not positioned as mandatory. That's why no legal grounds to impose a fine.

    Amount of fine for illegal installation

    Another thing is a fine for illegal installation of such a sign. Some drivers try to specifically buy this plate in order to receive parking benefits, etc. In fact, this entails a list of problems.

    In other words, the driver will not get away with a simple warning. He will be given a fine of five thousand rubles, and the sign will be immediately confiscated.

    “Child in the car” sign

    A “child in the car” sign is needed when children are frequently transported. So, its main function is to notify other drivers that there is a baby in the cabin.

    Thus, this forces them to maneuver less sharply on the same road lane as a car transporting minors. However, this sign is not mandatory.

    Where to put identification marks according to the law?

    Now let's talk about where to put the novice driver sign and where to put the spikes sticker. So, almost any of them is glued to the body or glass so that cars passing behind can take into account certain characteristics of the car owner and the vehicle. There are no clear requirements on which part of the rear window the sticker should be located in.

    The exceptions among the identification plates considered are the designations “road train” and “disabled person”. In the first case, the driver is required to install the designation on the roof of the vehicle, and in the second - on the windshield both in front and behind the car. It is important that vehicles transporting adults and children with disabilities, the “disabled person” sign must be removable.

    Dimensions of identification marks according to GOST

    The dimensions of identification marks are strictly regulated by GOST. So, before buying a certain sticker, be sure to check it for compliance with state standards.

    The fact is that a sticker that is too small may remain invisible to other drivers, while a sticker that is too large will block your view. Therefore, before installing the sign, we recommend that you find out the exact size and possible restrictions on color scheme from traffic police officers.


    Vehicle identification stickers may or may not be required. However, in any case, they have one function - increasing road safety.

    Follow traffic rules carefully. Do not be negligent in applying identification marks to your vehicle, because this directly affects your life and safety.

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