Silicate glue (liquid glass). What is liquid glass used for?

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The chemist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs received for the first time liquid glass through various experiments. A German discovered similar properties of the material in 1818. As it turned out, the required materials exist almost everywhere, and the glass manufacturing technology itself is quite simple.

Polysilicates of potassium, lithium and sodium, or rather, their aqueous alkaline solution - what is it? And this is liquid glass. Silicates must be present for the formula to work. The glue, in fact, is named after its constituent substance. Silicates are common in nature in the form of deposits, and their extraction is not difficult or expensive. The cost of silicate glue itself is not high, but its applicability is very wide.

Silicate glue is a composition unique in its properties, which has also received beautiful name"liquid glass". It is made on the basis of an alkali solution of silicate salts and is very wide application in construction due to its performance properties. And in appearance it really looks like glass, look at the photo.

Silicate glue composition

Its composition is almost identical to other glass products - these are sodium or potassium silicates. The adhesive is obtained by reacting these compounds with another compound, which includes the so-called ccenar silica. The temperature during this exposure should be constant. In some cases, builders prefer to make silicate glue with their own hands. It would seem, how are silicate glue and soda related? Meanwhile, to obtain it, they melt soda with an admixture of sand.

Silicate glue application

As we have already said, liquid glass is widely used in construction. In particular, in those works where high waterproofing properties of the material are required, for example, when renovating a bathroom, building and finishing a sauna or swimming pool, even when building a sewer system or protecting the basement of a house from moisture penetration. Thanks to the use of silicate glue, the service life of structures becomes significantly longer.

This type of glue is loved by builders for its ability to very effectively glue almost any surface. This is achieved by the fact that the glue penetrates the structure of any surface, giving it moisture and thereby increasing adhesion and its viscosity.

Depending on whether potassium or sodium is used in the composition of silicate glue, the scope of its application also differs. The composition with potassium silicate is very resistant to almost any chemical influence and weather conditions. Therefore, it is widely used in the manufacture of special paints for surface protection.

But glue with sodium silicate has completely different properties. It significantly improves the quality of any adhesive compositions and is suitable for mineral compositions, therefore it is widely used in waterproofing, in particular when waterproofing foundations. It is also added to fire retardants and antiseptics.

Let's say a few more words about such interaction as “cement with silicate glue.” In this case, the glue allows you to accelerate the hardening of the cement, thanks to the chemical reaction between the elements of the cement solution and the glue. As a result of this reaction, a sodium aluminate composition is formed, which precisely helps to accelerate the drying process of cement. In this case, as a result of the interaction of lime and glue, sodium silicate is formed, which is characterized by very high strength and density.

In addition, the thermal conductivity of the glue is highly valued, which allows it to be used in thermal insulation materials. Structures in the construction of which such glue is used are able to withstand a very high temperature threshold, up to 1200 degrees Celsius, and many temperature changes from freezing to thawing of the object.

Let us also note such a property of silicate glue as high waterproofing. This allows it to be widely used for structures where frequent contact with water is expected.
We have also already mentioned that compositions with silicate glue can be used for antiseptic and fire treatment designs.

What is important, silicate glue is also distinguished by high level environmental friendliness It contains no substances hazardous to human health. But to avoid getting alkali on your skin, you should use gloves when working with it.

Instructions for preparing various compositions with silicate glue

We figured out the properties of silicate glue and realized that its areas of application are very wide. Let's now see in what compositions and what proportions it is used.

  • To improve such qualities as strength, resistance to moisture and fire, a special plaster is made based on silicate glue to seal cracks. To obtain the composition, you need to mix cement and sand in a ratio of 2.5 to 1 and add 15% glue there. Please note that you cannot pour glue directly into the mixture of sand and cement; it must first be diluted with water to the desired consistency.
  • To make a high-quality primer, you need to mix cement, water and glue (the ratio of glue and cement is one to one). This composition is used for priming and waterproofing.
    Composition for increasing the antiseptic and waterproof qualities of wood 0.4 glue should be diluted with a liter of water.
  • For fireproofing of pipes and furnaces, it is necessary to mix three parts of sand with one part of cement and add 15% glue to this composition.
  • To waterproof the outside of a building, the glue is mixed with a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 10. Silicate glue can also be used as part of the paint to cover the facade of a building.
  • To prevent the appearance of rust, a composition is made of cement and silicate glue, which are diluted with water to the required condition.
  • Liquid glass itself can be used for gluing tiles or fixing linoleum.
  • Glue for silicate blocks is used as an additive. Its share in this case ranges from 5 to 20%.

Using silicate glue

Why is liquid glass so popular? In addition to the listed excellent performance properties, it is distinguished by some other advantages that cannot be ignored.

  • Firstly, it is a fairly low price.
  • Secondly, you don’t need a lot of time and effort to make glue-based compositions.
  • Thirdly, with its use you will increase such operational properties structures, such as strength (after all, the glue helps the composition penetrate into the smallest cracks), moisture resistance, and fire resistance.

Do silicate glue have any disadvantages, you rightly ask? It must be said that all compositions containing it harden very quickly, so it is not worth using in all cases. In addition, it is not suitable for treating surfaces for painting or applying plaster, since under the influence of glue a rather slippery film is formed on the surface, from which paint and plaster will roll off.

It is worth noting that now liquid glass is more often used not independently, but as part of ready-made mixtures, designed for various construction needs.

When preparing mixtures for various purposes, the proportion of liquid glass in the solution should be:

  • for priming surfaces – 50% cement mortar;
  • when added to concrete – 5-20% of the concrete mass;
  • for fire-resistant mixtures – 10-25% of the composition.

The disadvantage of the material is the rapid hardening of the mixture with such a component, which in some cases makes its use impractical. Therefore, it is more rational to use it as an impregnation. But it is not recommended to treat the surface for painting or plastering with a composition containing liquid glass. The resulting slippery film will prevent further processing.
Before impregnation with the prepared composition, the surface of the concrete or plaster layer is cleaned and degreased. For application, use a brush or spray gun. The mixture penetrates the concrete structure by 1-2 mm. With repeated impregnation, the penetration depth can reach 20 mm.

In the recent past, the use of liquid glass in its pure form was widespread in construction technologies. Now construction market saturated with ready-made adhesives, water-repellent and fire-resistant compounds. But this material is still successfully used as an ingredient in mixtures for this purpose. Verified experienced builders the proportions of the compositions with silicate glue allow you to be confident in the result.

Silicate glue is an excellent product used in many areas. Any construction site practically cannot do without silicate. The product is suitable for waterproofing work. It is also added to concrete mixtures to impart acid-, water- and heat-resistant qualities.

Silicate is added to many building mixtures, where it provides them with greater strength. The mixture is also used for impregnation fabric materials and wood products.

Plant growers use this composition when pruning trees and treating wounds with it.
The glue can be used to prime brick, concrete or wooden surfaces. You can waterproof pools or other objects in contact with water. You can glue paper and glass, fabric, porcelain or leather products. Also used for internal repair work.

This mixture can be combined with other materials. It can be used as a detergent or cleanser. It is also used in industry, because it is very good antiseptic, has an antifungal effect and protects against mold or mildew.

  • First, mix the assembly adhesive well. Working with glue involves the use of brushes, brushes and rollers;
  • First, the surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, and grease. Then it would be a good idea to sand everything down with sandpaper;
  • It is applied by applying it to the surface. The parts to be glued are connected to each other;
  • If you plan to prime the surface, first apply a tightening mixture of equal parts of cement and liquid glass. If a well is being dug, waterproofing is created by treating the walls of the well with glue. After glue is applied, the surface is treated with a solution of liquid glass, cement and sand;
  • If it is necessary to prepare waterproof plaster, take sand and cement in a ratio of 2.5 to 1 and add glue (fifteen percent). In principle, the same recipe is used as a basis when constructing fireplaces, stoves and chimneys.

The mixture is used for aquarium breakdowns, for gluing glass and removing greasy and oily contaminants.

If liquid glass is foamed, it practically stops conducting heat. This is actively used in the production of heat-saving materials. They produce heat insulators based on sodium silicates. Similar products are used in industrial devices. To fill the silicate solution, squeezed sugar cane, reeds or sawdust from trees are often used. Sometimes slag from iron, chromium or quartz sand is used. Thermal insulation properties are very high, they are equivalent to temperature ranges of up to 1300 degrees, and can withstand rapid changes from minus to plus.

The metallurgical industry also uses this glue; it is mixed with the spray composition of the electrodes used in welding work. Ferrous metallurgy always needs sodium silicate.

The foundry and chemical industries consume the lion's share of liquid glass in their production.

The mechanical engineering industry connects various parts often using liquid glass.

By the way, silicate mixture is used in the production of washing powders. In the textile and paper industries, silicate is used to add shine and hardness to products.
Fire properties play a significant role in the applicability of silicate glue. When building a house, they use a lot of flammable materials, wood, synthetics and plastic parts. To make the materials more fire-resistant, they are coated with a special substance based on liquid glass.

In its pure form it is mainly used in various works related to repairs. They protect the lower facades of buildings from the influence of ground and atmospheric waters. Pools, walls, floors and ceilings of basements are treated with glue.

A widely used, highly durable product with high bonding properties - all this can be said about silicate glue. It was originally invented for gluing paper and cardboard products. Later they began to add it to concrete and cement solutions to give the solutions greater bonding properties. By mixing glue into the mixture, greater heat resistance and waterproofing properties are also achieved. Mold, rot and various fungi do not grow on surfaces treated with an adhesive solution.

The most significant disadvantage is high alkalinity. It is this property that can lead to injury when using it. But, despite this disadvantage, glue is often used in a wide variety of areas of construction and finishing.

Extraction. Technologies

  • The first is firing. Melt a mixture of soda and quartz sand in a special container.
  • The second is that solutions enriched with sodium, lithium and potassium hydroxide act on silicon-containing raw materials. This technology necessarily provides the required temperature for boiling each solution.

How to choose glue for silicate blocks

Silicate blocks are actively used in the construction of high-rise and low-rise buildings. In Europe they have long been used for the construction interior walls. It is valued for its environmental friendliness, as it contains natural materials- sand, lime. They provide good sound insulation.
To obtain a high-quality, durable adhesive joint, special solutions are used, which are characterized by plasticity, moisture resistance, and have the correct geometry, which significantly facilitates the laying.

Liquid glass was first produced by the German mineralogist and chemist von Fuchs in 1818. Now this material is produced according to different technologies. The most common are the following:

  • Placing diatomites, tripoli, flasks and other types of siliceous raw materials in alkaline solutions, where they dissolve at relatively low temperatures and normal pressure.
  • Treatment with sodium hydroxide (in concentrated form) of compounds that contain silicon. This operation is performed in a special autoclave.
  • Fusion of soda and quartz sand for construction work.

Silicate glue

Silicate glue is sold either in the form of a dry powdery substance, which must be diluted in certain proportions with water (the specifications of this process are contained in the instructions for liquid glass), or as a ready-to-use solution. For everyday use, it is wiser to take an already prepared composition. But construction and industrial enterprises The described material is often ordered in dry form.

The main indicator of the chemical composition of an adhesive is its silicate module. This value indicates the release of silica into solution. It also describes the ratio of silicon oxide to potassium or sodium oxides, which are contained in silicate glue. It is worth knowing that the quality of glass is not determined by the module indicator.

Key characteristics of liquid glass - viscosity and density

Solutions of the liquid compound in question include a variety of high-dimensional forms and the simplest orthosilicates of the monomer type. The amount of polymerization of liquid glass has a variable value. It changes with fluctuations in the ratio of alkali and silicic acid, and also depends on the concentration that characterizes the silicate substance.

Liquid glass

The most important indicator of the quality of silicate glue is viscosity. It becomes smaller with increasing temperature at which the material is manufactured, and increases with increasing concentration of the silicate solution. Also, viscosity becomes higher when highly soluble salts are added to the glass. You can find out the exact value of this value using special devices - viscometers.

They have different designs, but they use one technique in their work - measuring the speed at which a ball made of steel falls in a liquid compound. To measure the density of silicate glue, a conventional aerometer is used. It is able to indicate the real density of the compound as reliably as possible, even when a small portion of the solution is analyzed. This value changes with fluctuations (including minor ones) in the ratio of the alkaline and silicic acid components of the glass.

Other properties of silicate glue

The active use of liquid glass in construction and other industries is determined, as mentioned, by the special characteristics of this material. Its high astringent properties depend on the cooking point (in other words, the liquefaction temperature), which varies between 760–870 °C. Silicate glue is characterized by a pH value of 11–13 units. At the same time, it is often called neutral, which is incorrect.

Application in construction

It is impossible to change the pH of the solution by a significant amount. If you add 10 to 100 parts of water to it, the pH will change by a maximum of one unit and become equal to 10–12. The described glue hardens at different temperatures – from -2 to +10°. When diluted, it returns to its original state without losing its properties. True, it is undesirable to store glue at subzero temperatures due to the risk of crystals appearing on its surface. After heating, they cannot be eliminated.

Drying of glass is carried out at elevated and natural temperatures. Manufacturers usually dry it to speed up the process. finished products at a temperature of about 375 °C. Silicate glue dissolves in water without residue. If salt compounds, ketones, alcohol-containing substances, ammonia or aldehydes are added to its solution, a so-called “salting out effect” is observed. The described glass is incompatible with organic compounds, with the exception of urea, alcohol and sugar.

The use of “miracle glue” in modern construction

The main consumers of the described material are considered to be enterprises in the construction industry. The use of liquid glass in concrete is widespread. Silicate glue is characterized by a relatively low cost. And at the same time, it significantly improves the performance properties of the concrete solution, guaranteeing the latter excellent waterproofing. In addition, liquid glass has high antibacterial capabilities.

Due to this, mold never appears on the concrete into which it is added, and fungus does not appear. All pools these days, as well as structures operating at constant high humidity, are concreted with compounds containing the “miracle glue” we are considering. It is worth taking into account that liquid glass hardens quite quickly. And in some cases it cannot be mixed with concrete before starting work. The builders found a way out of this situation.

They use a “cunning” method, which involves treating an already erected concrete structure with a solution of water and liquid glass (the components of this mixture are taken in equal quantities). Silicate solutions are well suited for combating soil subsidence under erected buildings and structures. IN in this case It is recommended to use liquid glass, the use of which does not require any large-scale work.

Surface treatment with liquid glass

When combating subsidence, silicate glue is pumped into the ground under construction according to one of two schemes:

  • One-step method - a mixture of a special hardener and liquid glass is formed, which is supplied under the building.
  • Sequential technique - glass is pumped in first, then the hardening compound.

Impregnation of plaster and wood with liquid silicate solutions is common (we will discuss this below). Silicate glue is also added to zinc silicate paint, which provides protection metal products from corrosion manifestations for 25–30 years! Liquid glass is also included in modern particle boards. Their impregnation with “miracle glue” makes any wood products durable and very resistant to compression.

About the areas of use of liquid glass

Impregnation of plastered and concrete surfaces silicate solution guarantees an excellent antiseptic effect. Coatings become resistant to the influence of aggressive external factors, flue gases, high humidity and improve other properties. performance characteristics. They gain:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • high hardness;
  • the ability to “lock” various irregularities and pores that form in coatings (such pores destroy a layer of concrete or plaster).

Impregnation of wood (building wood products), concrete and plastered surfaces varies. The most commonly used method is in which the impregnating composition is applied to the coating to be strengthened with a spray gun or a regular paint brush several times. This technique is called deep surface treatment. There is also a more “gentle” way to protect plaster, concrete and wood. It involves processing the coating only once.

Liquid glass, among other things, is used in the production of:

  • hydro- and fire-resistant coloring compositions for wood products;
  • putties for cast iron pipes used in water supply networks;
  • acid-resistant cement mixtures;
  • tile adhesive;
  • solutions for cleaning machine oils;
  • electrodes for welding;
  • adhesives for joining cellulose products.

And in everyday life, silicate solutions have long been used by gardeners to treat tree trunks. Now liquid glass is being replaced by more modern compositions for caring for plants. At the same time, many amateur gardeners prefer inexpensive and time-tested silicate glue.

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Less commonly, lithium silicates are used as liquid glass, for example, in electrode coatings.

Liquid glass is also commonly known as silicate glue(tradename).


Liquid glass was first produced in 1818 by the German chemist and mineralogist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs (German) by the action of alkalis on silicic acid.

Currently, liquid glass is produced by treating silica-containing raw materials in an autoclave with concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide or by fusing quartz sand with soda. There are also known methods for producing liquid glass, based on the direct dissolution of siliceous raw materials (opoka, tripoli, diatomites and others) in alkali solutions at atmospheric pressure and relatively low temperature (boiling point of an alkali solution).

Characteristics chemical composition liquid glass is a silicate module. The module shows the ratio of silicon oxide contained in liquid glass to sodium or potassium oxide and characterizes the release of silica into solution. The quality of liquid glass is not judged by the size of the silicate module, but some technological recipes contain instructions for the use of a specific module when the final product directly depends on the quantitative ratio of these oxides.


Liquid glass is soluble in water; due to hydrolysis, this solution has an alkaline reaction. Depending on the concentration of aqueous solutions, the pH value is 10-13. The density and viscosity of liquid glass solutions depend on the concentration of the solution, temperature and the ratio of silicic acid to alkali. Sodium liquid glass (silicate block) liquefies at a temperature of 590...670 °C. The hardened film of liquid glass is soluble in water. Rehydrolysis is reduced by reaction with metal ions (insoluble silicates are formed), or by neutralization with an acid (insoluble silicic acid gel is formed). During the chemical reaction of liquid glass with amphoteric metal chips, base metal oxides, aluminates, zincates and plumbates, sparingly soluble silicates are formed in a mixture with silicon gel. The hardened film, under the influence of moisture and carbon dioxide in the air, loses its properties and a white precipitate of alkaline carbonate is formed.

Liquid glass solutions are incompatible with organic substances (except sugar, alcohol and urea); with liquid artificial resin dispersions, coagulation of both the organic colloidal system and the silicate solution occurs. Solutions of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ammonia and saline solutions produce a “salting out” effect.


There are many areas of application of liquid glass. It is, in particular, used for the manufacture of acid-resistant and water-resistant cement and concrete, for impregnating fabrics, preparing fire-resistant paints and wood coatings (fire retardants), strengthening weak soils, as an adhesive for gluing cellulose materials, in the production of electrodes, in cleaning plant and machine oil, etc.

In combination with alcohol and the finest sand, it is used to create “ceramic” or shell molds, into which metal products are cast after calcination to 1000 °C.

Liquid glass is used in drilling fluids, forming insoluble compounds (so-called “silicification” of the surface).

Silicate glue is used in various fields. It is difficult to do without it in construction; the material is useful for waterproofing. In addition, it is used in the production of acid-resistant, heat-resistant and water-resistant concrete.

The use of silicate adhesive as an addition to building materials can increase their strength, weather resistance, durability and fire resistance. Silicate glue (potassium is used to impregnate fabrics and wooden products, which allows them to be given greater density and fire resistance.

The product can be used as protection for wounds or pruning trees. It is used to prime brick, wood, concrete, plastered surfaces, as well as containers. Silicate glue is useful for gluing products made of paper, wood, glass, cardboard, leather, fabric and porcelain. In addition, you can glue it to any surface of linoleum and facing tiles.

Silicate glue can be used both as an independent product and in combination with various materials. It can be used as a cleaning and detergent. The adhesive composition is used in the paper, textile, chemical, fat and soap industries. It is an excellent environmentally friendly antiseptic and prevents the formation of fungi, rot and mold.

Before use, the assembly adhesive should be mixed; it is recommended to prepare a brush, roller and brush for work. Before application, the surface must be cleaned of various contaminants, wooden materials It's better to clean it with sandpaper. During operation, silicate glue is applied to the surfaces to be joined, which are then pressed against each other.

When using a primer for surface treatment, liquid glass is mixed in the same ratio. To create waterproofing for concrete wells, their walls are treated with silicate glue and then covered with a solution made from liquid glass, sand and cement (in equal proportions).

To make waterproof plaster, mix sand and cement (2.5 to 1) with a 15 percent solution of silicate glue. The same composition is used for repairing and laying the outer parts of furnaces, chimneys and fireplaces.

For waterproofing basements, ceilings, floors, walls, pool installations, take silicate glue and combine it with 10 parts of concrete mortar.

For normal gluing work, adhesive material is taken at the rate of 200 - 400 grams per 1 square meter.

To clean dishes, frying pans, pots and other items, you need to prepare a solution of liquid glass with water in a ratio of 1 to 25. After this, the dishes should be boiled in this composition.

Silicate glue is also used for repairing aquariums and gluing glass; it is used to impregnate limestone Construction Materials, concrete, wood and cement products, which increases their strength. Glue is used to remove grease and oil stains from clothes.

Silicate glue

Silicate glue, more often called liquid glass, is a mineral compound widely used in everyday life and in the national economy for joining (gluing) various materials. The viscous fluid substance has been known to mankind for almost 2 hundred years, and all this time it has been successfully used for many purposes.

History of liquid glass

Liquid glass was first produced in Germany by the chemist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs in 1818. The technology for its production turned out to be quite simple, and the raw materials - natural or artificial - were cheap and widespread.

Liquid glass is an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium polysilicates Na2O(SiO2)n, potassium K2O(SiO2)n or lithium polysilicates Li2O(SiO2)n. A necessary component of liquid glass, from which the glue itself gets its name, is silicates - substances that contain silica SiO2. Deposits of natural silicates are available everywhere, production methods are not complicated, and a wide range of applications makes silicate glue one of the most accessible.

Methods of obtaining

There are several technologies for producing liquid glass. It is possible to fire (fusion) a mixture of quartz sand and baking soda in a special container. Raw materials containing silica are also exposed to saturated solutions of sodium, potassium or lithium hydroxide. Wherein a necessary condition is to maintain the boiling point of a particular alkali solution.

The adhesive ability of liquid glass is related to physical feature silicates - good adhesion to almost any surface. Adhesion is based on solid state physics. On outer surface In solid objects, the molecules are bound weaker than inside. When silicate glue is applied to such surfaces, molecular attraction occurs between them. The liquid in the adhesive is adsorbed on the surfaces being joined, resulting in an increase in the viscosity and density of the adhesive joint. The equilibrium of the surface particles shifts, the silicic acid chains are modified, the process of polycondensation occurs and a stable adhesive seam is formed.

Glue in industry and everyday life

Silicate adhesive is used in many industries National economy. But one of the simplest and most common applications for a long time was its use as a paper connector. Since childhood, the familiar liquid transparent glue in plastic bottles is nothing more than a stationery version of silicate glue. The correct consistency and careful application of liquid glass made it possible to glue different kinds paper and cardboard. However, it has been found that over time the glue line turns yellow and the joint itself becomes brittle. Therefore, although silicate glue is now used in office work, its use is more limited than before.

One of the largest areas of application of liquid glass is construction. A mixture of sodium silicate with inorganic waste from various industries produces a high-strength, inexpensive material that is used in the construction of basic building structures. The waste used is slag from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as waste products from processing factories. Ash from state district power stations and thermal power plants and soil unsuitable for agriculture are also used. The undeniable advantage of the concrete obtained in this way is that its production requires much less energy, which brings clear economic benefits. Sodium silicate is also used for the production of building panels and light ceramics.

A little about the properties

Foamed liquid glass conducts heat very poorly. This quality is actively used to produce special heat-saving materials. Heat insulators based on sodium silicates are used both in industrial devices and in piece heat-insulating products. Reeds, cotton stalks, sugar cane press, and also are used as fillers for the silicate solution. wood shavings and sawdust. It can also be iron-chrome slag and quartz sand. Silicate thermal insulation can withstand temperature loads up to 1300°C and multiple changes in heating and cooling.

Silicate glue is used in metallurgy in the manufacture of spraying for welding electrodes, and also as a binding material in the production of casting molds and cores. Liquid glass is used in mechanical engineering - for delicate joining of parts, in the production of pulp, paper and textiles. Sodium silicate is an essential component of many processes in the iron and steel, foundries and chemical industries.

The main attention here is paid to the strength properties of silicate glue. IN chemical production When working with aggressive products, liquid glass is an indispensable acid-resistant coating. Silicate glue is also included in washing powder. Sodium silicate added to cellulose adds shine and extra hardness to paper and fabric.

Silicate glue plays an important role in ensuring fire safety. In the construction of many structures, not only non-combustible materials such as stone, concrete and metal are used, but also extremely fire hazardous elements such as wood, plastic and synthetics. To guarantee the safety of housing and workplaces, they are coated with a special fire-retardant substance based on liquid glass. In addition, fire-resistant plasters and pastes have waterproof and anti-corrosion properties.

Often silicate glue is used in large and small repair work. Thus, liquid glass is part of acid-resistant, resistant to high blood pressure and the heat of lime and cement-sand mortars. It is also the main component of moisture-resistant sealing putties and silicate facade paints. Silicate adhesive is used to protect the foundations of buildings from exposure to groundwater, used for waterproofing swimming pools, protecting floors, walls and basement floors from moisture. Liquid glass in interaction with ferrochrome slag and ash extends the service life of dirt roads.

Let's sum it up

Silicate glue is an unusual compound used in various areas of production. Created for gluing paper and cardboard, it later began to be used as part of various adhesive mixtures and putty. Compositions containing silicate glue are resistant to high temperatures, are heat insulators and are not susceptible to organic pests (rot, mold, insects)

The disadvantages of liquid glass include its highly alkaline reaction, which can cause burns if handled carelessly. Nevertheless, beneficial features silicate glue ensure its demand in modern production.

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