Fairy tale dramatization "Fly-Tsokotukha" middle group of kindergarten. Scenario of the play “Fly-Tsokotukha in a new way” Fairy tale skit “Fly-Tsokotukha at the beginning of school”

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Scenario "Fly-Tsokotukha"

Children come out (insects: ladybugs, butterfly, bee, cockroach, centipede, beetle and butterfly take their places at the fair. Buyers: grasshopper, ant, butterflies go to the fair.

  1. Ladybugs:

Bagels, bagels, round, rosy, sweet.

Come and fly!

Buy bagels for tea!

And don't forget the gingerbread!

  1. Grandmother - Bee and Butterfly:

It will cure any disease.

  1. Cockroach and Centipede:
  1. Beetle and Butterfly:
  1. Storyteller:

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded Belly

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

(A fly walks through a field with a basket, collects flowers. Finds money.)

  1. Fly-Tsokotuha:

Oh, money! I’ll go to the market and buy a samovar.

I will invite guests to the name day.

  1. Storyteller:

Mucha went to the market to buy a samovar.

And all sorts of things.

  1. Ladybugs:

Bagels, bagels, round, rosy,

Come and fly!

Buy bagels for tea!

And don't forget the gingerbread!

  1. Grandmother - Bee and Butterfly:

Honey, flower honey, linden honey, fragrant, healthy.

It will cure any disease.

Come and buy it, you won't regret it.

  1. Cockroach and Centipede:

The spoons are Khokhloma, beautiful, painted.

Buy it gentlemen, you can’t live without them.

  1. Beetle and Butterfly:

Samovar, samovar. Tula, Tula samovar.

To drink tea, you need to buy a samovar.

Come, swoop in, buy our samovar.

(The fly goes to the market and buys bagels, gingerbread, and a samovar. He stands in the middle and invites guests.)

  1. Fly-Tsokotuha:

Come, Cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea!

And insects, and butterflies, and beetles and ants.

All! All! All!

I will be glad to see you at my name day.

Come, dear guests. I'll treat you to tea.

(The fly goes to the table and sets it.)

  1. Storyteller:

And the guests went to Mukha.

(All insects, except cockroaches, ladybugs and bees. The fly greets and treats. The guests sit down. They drink tea and treat themselves.)

  1. Storyteller:

The cockroaches came running and drank all the glasses.

(The cockroaches run and drink several cups in a row.)

  1. Storyteller:

And Bugs, three cups with milk and a pretzel.

Fleas came to Mukha.

They brought her boots.

16. Fleas:

Here's some new clothes for you, new boots

But the boots are not easy

They have gold clasps.

(The fly greets guests, accepts gifts, thanks.)

Granny Bee came to the Fly,

She brought honey to the tskotukha fly.

17.Granny - Bee:

Hello, Tsokotukha Fly.

Happy name day to you. And as a gift there is linden honey.

From all diseases. Eat for your health.

18. The Tinkling Fly addresses the Butterflies:

Butterflies - beauties, eat jam

Or don't you like our treat?!

19. Butterflies:

I like it, I like it. Delicious jam. Thank you.

20. Fly-Fly:

Dear guests, let's dance!

(The fly goes to the center, everyone stands around it)

Fun dance.

21. Cluttering fly:

I love you all friends.

I can't live without you!

Menacing music sounds.

All insects begin to move in a chaotic manner, clutching their heads. Scared.)

22. Storyteller:

Suddenly some old spider

A spider comes out, moves between the insects and approaches the fly and drags it towards the web.

He dragged our Fly into a corner -

He wants to kill the poor woman

Destroy the clatter!

(The spider wraps the Fly in a rope. The Fly screams)

23. Cluttering Fly:

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

24. Storyteller:

But the worm-beetles got scared,

In the corners and cracks they scattered:

Cockroaches under sofas,

And the boogers under the benches

And the bugs under the bed

They don't want to fight.

And no one will even budge:

Perish, perish, birthday girl!

(Insects hide and freeze)

But the villain is not joking,

He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes.

(The spider curls around the Fly)

The fly screams

It's straining.

25. Cluttering Fly:

Dear guests, please help

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Do not leave me in my last hour!

26. Storyteller:

And the villain is silent, grinning.

(Spider rubs his hands and smiles)

Suddenly a little Komarik flies from somewhere,

And in his hand a small flashlight is burning.

(Komar is flying, holding a flashlight, saber at his side)

27. Mosquito:

Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

(The spider comes out to meet him)

Oh, aren't you afraid?!

Well, I'll ask you now!


29. Storyteller:

Ah, Mosquito at full gallop

Flies up to the spider

Takes out the saber

And in the battle he cuts off his head.

(The spider falls and crawls backstage)

(Mosquito frees Fly)

30. Storyteller:

takes a fly by the hand

And it leads to the window.

I killed the villain

I set you free

(Sits down on one knee, putting his hand to his heart)

And now, soul maiden

I want to marry you!

32. Cluttering Fly:

I agree!

33. Storyteller:

Here bugs and boogers crawl out from under the bench

And everyone says in unison:

34. All insects stand in a semicircle and say:

Glory, glory to Komar - the winner!

35. . Fly-Tsokotuha:

Hey Centipede,

Run along the path

Call the musicians,

Let's dance!

36. The centipede comes to the center and shouts:

Hey musicians

Hurry up here.

People are having fun -

The fly is getting married

For the dashing, daring, young Komar!

Hey, hurry up here!

(everyone takes musical instruments)

37. Storyteller:

The musicians came running

The drums started beating.

Bom! Bom! Bom!

Fly and Mosquito dance.

Russian folk song “Komar leads the music”

38. Boots squeak,

Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning:

Today Mukha is the birthday girl's tinkling sound! (all together)

That's the end of the tale, and well done to those who listened!

Natalya Sibogatova
Scenario for a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “The Clapping Fly”

Theatrical musical performance V preparatory group "Sun" By fairy tale K. Chukovsky

« Fly - Tsokotuha»

Prepared and carried out: Sibogatova N. A.

Moscow 2013

“It is in play that a child becomes fluent in speech

says what he thinks, and not what is needed.

Not to teach and train, but to play with him,

fantasize, compose, invent -

This is what a child needs"

Gianni Rodari

Theater is a means of emotional and aesthetic education of children in kindergarten. Theatrical activity allows you to develop the experience of social skills of behavior, due to the fact that each fairy tale or a literary work for children preschool age always have a moral orientation (kindness, courage, friendship, etc.). Thanks to theater a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Theatrical activities help the child overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.

Theatrical games are games- representations. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, posture and gait, gesture, specific images are created. IN theatrical The game develops dialogical, emotionally rich speech. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Thanks to theatrical games, children’s emotional sphere develops, the experience of children’s cooperation expands and enriches, both in real and imaginary situations. Besides, theatrical activity is fraught with enormous opportunities for correcting personal development.

In preparatory speech therapy group "Sun" in accordance with thematic plan educational work, one of the weeks was dedicated. Defined two main directions activities: development of the emotional sphere of children and introducing them to the basics theatrical activities. Every day of the week was dedicated specific topic:

Monday: conversation with children about theater.

Tuesday: collective application by fairy tale K. Chukovsky« Cluttering fly»

Wednesday: reading fairy tales K. Chukovsky« Fly - clatter» . Thematic exhibition of drawings "What do we know about theater

Thursday: making attributes for theatrical performance.

Friday: fairy tale dramatization« Fly - clatter»

Script for a theatrical performance based on a fairy tale

TO. Chukovsky« Fly - clatter»

Target: develop artistic and performing skills, activate vocabulary, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Integration of educational regions: socialization, communication, music.

Tasks: promote the development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, consolidate the ability to perform means of expression (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements, develop clear pronunciation, consistency of character dialogue, continue to consolidate the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, develop the ability to act in theater group.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky« The clattering fly» , looking at illustrations for fairy tale, memorization of poetic texts, discussion of character images, preparation of means theatrical expressiveness(scenery, costumes).

Characters: The clattering fly, Bees, Flea, Butterfly, Ladybug, Beetle, Spider, Mosquito.

Scenery: costumes for characters; samovar, coin-money, flowers, barrel of honey, flashlight, mesh-web, drying bags, table setting, items folk arts (spoons, nesting dolls, balalaikas, boxes, whistles).

Progress of the event:

Leading: Our life is boring without fairy tales.

A day is as precious as a whole year.

Kinder and brighter colors to everyone,

If a fairy tale will come to us!

Music by V. Gavrilin sounds "Capriccio". The clattering fly flies, dances, finds "money".

Leading: Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

Fly - clatter: What should I buy? Maybe the dress is blue?

Maybe shoes? Maybe a skirt?

Okay, I’ll think about it for a minute...

No, I’ll go to the market and buy a samovar!

To the soundtrack of music by V. Gavrilin "Capriccio" Fly- Tsokotukha brings out the samovar and treats to the table.

The clattering fly: Oh, what, oh, what,

It's beautiful and painted!

Don't be shy, come

I expect your visit at exactly one o'clock.

Come, crawl,

If you don't have wings.

Leading: The forest insects found out about the holiday - the birthday of the Fly - Tsokotukha, and flew to her to congratulate her on this wonderful day.

To a Russian folk song "Bees" the bees fly out. They dance and fly up to the Fly - a clattering sound.

Bee: Hello, Fly-Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I brought you honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

He gives a jar of honey to Mucha - Tskotuha.

Fly - clatter: Thank you! Please come to the table!

Flea runs out to a Russian folk song “I was going up the hill”

flea: You accept it from Flea

Beautiful boots

Will you wear it often?

You will dance wildly

Oh, the boots are good

So they ask - dance!

Fly - clatter: Thank you, thank you,

The boots are amazing!

Please sit down at the table,

Have some tea.

Zhuk comes out to Russian folk music.

Bug: Zhu - beetle, zhu - beetle,

I brought you flowers.

Zhu - beetle, zhu - beetle,

I collected them myself in the meadow.

The clattering fly: Thank you, thank you, the bouquet is beautiful, please come to the table!

The melody of a Russian folk song sounds “I will sow quinoa on the shore”, Butterfly flies out.

Butterfly: I fluttered through the flowers,

I came to visit you.

Congratulations, congratulations!

I wish you happiness and joy!

Fly- The clatter invites Butterfly to the table.

Russian folk melody sounds “Oh, you canopy, my canopy.”, Ladybug approaches the table.

Ladybug: I, Ladybug,

black head,

Pea back -

Good guest!

Ladybug: Congratulations on your name day!

The clattering fly: Thank you, dear guests! Please come to the table!

Leading: Became Fly- clattering guests to regale and treat.

The clattering fly: Butterfly is a beauty,

Eat the jam

Or you don't like it

Our treat?

Butterfly: Very sweet, very tasty,

Simply delicious!

How amazing is strawberry jam!

Bee: No pancakes and no tea,

Serve pancakes for tea!

Delicious cookies, sweet jam -

What a treat!

Bug: Bee, dear,

You collect honey from flowers,

Will you play with the guests?

All the children play Russian folk game "Bee".

Children stand in a circle, Bee is in the center, sing:

Bees, bees,

They fly above

Stingers - needles,

They fall to the flowers,

Gray, small.

The honey is collected

The wings are scarlet.

They drag it into the deck, w-w-w.

The bee catches the children whom it has caught, speaks: "Freeze"; the child remains standing still, and the game continues, and so on 2-3 times.

In chorus: Congratulations, congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!

The Spider comes out to the music and the guests freeze in horror. The spider approaches the clicking fly, entangles it with a rope, sentences:

Spider: I'm an evil spider,

Long arms.

I came for a fly

The clattering one has arrived!

The clattering fly: Dear guests, help,

Drive away the villain spider!

Spider: Ha ha ha, I'm not kidding,

I'll twist your legs and arms!

Leading: Why are you sitting?

Help, get a fly out of trouble!

It will disappear after all beauty fly!

All: What if he deals with us the same way!

Spider: Perish, disappear, birthday girl!

A phonogram of P. Tchaikovsky's music sounds "March", Komar flies out with a saber.

Mosquito: I am a brave mosquito,

Daring fellow.

Where is the spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares.

I'm not afraid of spiders

I'm going to fight the spider now!

The phonogram of P. Tchaikovsky's music "March" is played, and the musical and rhythmic movements of "Fights of the Mosquito with the Spider" are performed.

The spider is defeated. The mosquito takes the fly - clattering for hand:

Mosquito (Fly): I freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Fly - clatter: You saved me from death,

You arrived at a good hour!

Mosquito: Hey centipedes, run along the path,

Call the musicians, let's dance!

The phonogram of music by V. Gavrilin sounds "Capriccio", the mosquito brings the guests to the fore.

A spider appears with a pie

Spider: Forgive me for everything,

Invite you to a party

Let's dance in circles

I want to be friends with you!

Music is playing "The Spider's Song"

All: Today, Birthday fly!

Spider: Happy birthday!

I wish you happiness and joy!

An orchestra performed by children sounds (spoons, whistles, noisemakers,

tambourines, etc.) to music "Russian Dance".

Bug: Well, now,

Don't regret the boot

Don't be sorry for your bast shoes -

Let's "Russian" hurry up!

Russian folk dance is performed "Kalinka".

Leading: Performance is fun

Both for you and for us,

We will finish at this hour.

Oh, you are dear guests,

Come visit us more often!

We are always glad to have friends!

The time has come to part,

We tell you: "Goodbye!" (children in chorus)

The performance, based on the fairy tale of the same name by K. Chukovsky, is staged in verse (it is easier for young children to learn words in this form). There is musical accompaniment throughout the entire performance.

Target: expanding one's horizons, nurturing a love of music.

Design: On the stage, if it is large enough, you can design two parts and combine them:

  1. Room of the Fly-Tsokotukha: dressing table with mirror, table, bench, chairs.
  2. Bazaar: tables on which various objects are placed.
  3. The parts are united by a small space - a path. On one side of the path there is a stump, flowers and grass grow.

Required attributes:

  • Large ruble (can be made from cardboard and wrapped in foil);
  • Samovar;
  • A pot of honey;
  • Book;
  • Earrings;
  • Boots;
  • A ball of thread;
  • Saber.


  • Leading
  • Mosquito
  • Spider
  • Bugs
  • Bee
  • Butterflies
  • Cockroaches
  • Grasshopper
  • Merchants

Progress of the event


Today neither seriously nor as a joke
Musical moment:
We will tell the story about a fly -
About the beautiful Tsokotukha.

She lived, did not grieve,
I was friends with bugs and boogers,
They paid her kindly in return,
We went to visit each other.

One day our fly
Nicknamed Tsokotukha
Got up very early in the morning -
For some reason she couldn't sleep.

I quickly cleaned the house
Got ready for a walk.

The fly performs movements according to the text. After cleaning, he stands near the mirror and sings (to the tune of “Cheburashka’s Song”).


I got up very early
Cleaned up very clean
Now let's go for a walk
I'm not ashamed to go.

Walking is good for everyone -
Both the coward and the brave!
To the one who gets up early,
You might really get lucky.


Long or short
A fly was walking along the road.
And my legs are tired.

Suddenly I saw a tree stump,
I decided to rest.

(sits down):

I'll sit for a while
Then I will continue on my way.

While she is resting, butterflies come out and dance for her to the melody of Tchaikovsky’s “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(excerpt).


After a short introduction
The fly ran quickly to everyone's surprise.

Suddenly she tripped and fell,
She looked around, stood up abruptly -
Look, he's lying on the ground
A whole ruble, and it shines

It sparkles in the sun.
The fly quickly grabs
This ruble is like a dragonfly
And she rushed to the market.

A fly flies to the market. There she is met by merchants who, to the song “Candy Lambs,” offer her various goods. She refuses bagels, sweets, boots, and so on. Suddenly she saw a samovar, ran up to it, examined it from all sides. Then he gives the ruble, takes the samovar, goes home and sings to the tune of “Cheburashka’s Song.”


Got up early today
And went for a walk,
Then I found some money -
That's lucky!

I'll celebrate properly
My name day,
And I will invite all my friends
To spite your enemies!

Mukha puts the samovar on the table and sits down next to him. He hears a knock on the door.

Yes, yes! Open! Sign in!
TO festive table come on in!

Insects included: cockroaches, bugs, grasshopper, butterflies, bees.

Dear Mukha!

Grasshopper: Everyone's favorite Tsokotukha!

In chorus: Happy Birthday!


Here's a treat from us -
I brought you honey.

Cockroaches (in unison):

It’s our turn to congratulate -
We wish you a wonderful life,
We are giving you an interesting book.


We wish you to be bright, like a matryoshka doll,
And we give you beautiful earrings.


Oh, and we match the earrings
They brought you boots!

The animals give gifts to Mukha, she tries them on and rejoices.


The fly is happy
Dressing up
Name day Tsokotukha

(sings to the tune of the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”):

Once upon a time in a clearing
I settled on the edge.
She lived and did not grieve
I'm in my house.

Imagine, imagine, she lived and did not grieve.
Imagine, imagine, I’m in my little house.

But then one morning
Woke up and washed my face
I went for a walk along the path
And I found the money!

Imagine, imagine, I went for a walk along the path.
Imagine, imagine, I found the money!

I bought a samovar
Guests on name day,
For the housewarming holiday
I called you over.

Imagine, imagine, for a housewarming party.
Imagine, imagine, I called you over!

Guests and hostess dance to cheerful music. Suddenly alarming music sounds - a spider is approaching.


The guests sing, dance, rejoice,
And they don’t feel that danger is close:
The Lord of the Web is approaching,
The door opens from the blow of his fist!

Spider (menacingly):

Weren't you expecting important guests?
You didn't invite me to your place for tea.
I saved a gift for the birthday girl,
I accidentally forgot it at home.

Why are you guests so pale?
Are you scared of me, a spider?
You can't escape me, poor things,
But live a little longer for now!

The main thing for me today is
Destroy the clattering noise,
So what if she's nice?
I want to drink her blood!


And he chased a fly,
Tsokotukha runs away,
But the spider is trying to grab her,
To destroy the unfortunate fly!

The Fly and the Spider perform a dance to Mozart's Symphony No. 40 (final movement). At the end, the Spider grabs the Fly and begins to entangle her with ropes - a web.


The fly begs the guests,
May they save her quickly.

Cockroaches, boogers, bugs,
Help me save myself from the old man!
He will destroy me, drink my blood,
My poor, poor little head!


We can't save you
We want to leave quickly (leave)!


You've got something on your mind, fly,
It's time for me to go home to my sisters (flies away).


I also galloped home,
My family is waiting for me at home -
They can't do it without me
Let the bugs help you (runs out the door)!


Fly, don't be offended, but we are afraid of the spider,
And before it’s too late, we’ll rush home very quickly (run away)!


Sorry, but you shouldn’t have invited us -
It wouldn't hurt for us to save ourselves either (fly away).


All the insects flew away
But the fly still doesn’t give up:
Screams with a terrible cry, strains itself,
Everyone is waiting for the savior.

The march “Farewell of the Slav” sounds, and the brave soldier Komar enters. Marches several circles, performs simple movements.


Tears and lamentations
Komar of the captain's rank heard:
He was just returning home
From the long-distance battle road.

Without knocking, the mosquito bursts into the house,
He sees the fly screaming and straining.
He runs up to the scary Spider,
He takes out a shiny saber from its scabbard,

And the cruel spider heart
Pierced, practically without aiming!

The fly doesn't believe his luck
Mosquito kisses and hugs.
Suddenly the doors quietly open,
All the insect friends run in.

Grasshopper: Fly, fly! You're alive!

Bee: Safe and sound!

Cockroaches: We managed to call for help in time!


It's good that it's past the house
A familiar mosquito passed by!
He's coming to your name day
He came as if for a viewing party!


He decided for his birthday
Make you an offer!


Agree, Mukha!
You will, Tsokotukha,
Living with a mosquito
Like behind a strong wall!


Dear girl,
Beauty fly,
I just like you very much!

Do you agree to live with me?
Will you be my wife?

Musical Fly - Tsokotukha

Children enter the hall to the music of G. Gladkov “Or maybe a crow.”

1st child . One simple fairy tale.

2nd child. Or maybe not a fairy tale.

1st child

2nd child . We remember her from childhood.

1st child. Or maybe not since childhood.

2nd child


Look with all eyes and listen with two ears.

All: (singing)
Fly, fly - clatter
Gilded belly!
A fly walked across the field,
The fly found the money.
A fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.

Dance “Bugs and Daisies”

The music sounds r.n.p. The girls (extras) each praise their product and offer Mukha to buy it. The Tsokotukha Fly with money in hand walks through the bazaar, examines the goods, approaches the samovar, examines it and buys (i.e., gives the money to the seller).

Fly: (sings) tr#2
I'm a ticking fly
Gilded belly!
Today I'm waiting for a gift,
It's my birthday today!

I went to the market
And I bought a samovar,
I'll treat my friends to tea
Let them come in the evening.

I'm a ticking fly
Gilded belly!
I have for guests, guests
Lots of delicious sweets, sweets!

The Tsokotukha Fly comes home, “cleanses” the samovar, admires it, sets the table, and tidies up.

Come, honest people, Fly invites everyone to visit.
A bee and a flea come out

Bees and flea: (singing)

Hello fly - clattering,
Gilded belly!
We are from all our native meadows
They brought you flowers!
Bee : (singing)
I'm neighbor bee
I brought you honey!
Oh, how clean he is
Sweet, fragrant!
Fly: (speaks)
Thank you, thank you! My dears!
Sit down at the table - the samovar is ready!
Flea: (speaks)
Take it from the flea
These are the boots -
The boots are not simple,
They have gold clasps!
Fly : (speaks)
Thank you, thank you!
The boots are amazing!
Sit down here:
The guests will arrive soon.
A butterfly comes out
Butterfly (singing)

1. I am a minx butterfly,
Cheerful flyer.
I flutter through the fields,
Through groves and meadows.
2. I am a minx butterfly,
Cheerful flyer.
I don't get tired of flying
And I sing songs.
Fly : (speaks)
And aren't you tired?
Butterfly (speaks)
We fluttered through the fields.
We flew to visit you.
Congratulations! Congratulations!
I wish you happiness and joy!

Cockroach comes out

Cockroach : : (singing)
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
Here are some flowers for you
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
I collected them myself from the meadow!
Fly: (speaks)
Thank you, thank you – the bouquet is beautiful!
Butterfly: (speaks)
Charming! Amazing!
Bees : (speaks)
Fleas: (speaks)
Fly: (speaks)
Please. Please sit down at the table,
Have some tea.
Fly: (speaks)
Eat, eat. Don't be shy.
Help yourself, help yourself!
Look what
I baked pies!
Butterfly: (speaks)
Charming! Amazing!
Bee: (speaks)
Fleas : (speaks)
Fly : (speaks)
Beautiful butterfly, eat the jam!
Or don't you like our treat?
Butterfly (speaks)
Your treat is simply a sight for sore eyes!
Cockroach (speaks)
Your treat is simply delicious!

All: (singing)

Music plays for the spider, everyone squeals and hides.

Spider: (sings)
I'm an evil spider
Long arms!
I came for the fly
Tsokotukhoy has arrived.
Fly (speaks)
Dear guests, please help,
Drive away the spider - the villain!
And I fed you. And I gave you something to drink.
Do not leave me in my last hour!

Spider (sings)
I'm not the only flies
Eating in one spirit
Me and bees and mosquitoes -
Ready to try everyone
Ready to eat everyone.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
I'm an evil spider
Long arms!
I'll kill all the flies
I catch them in the web!

All: (singing)
Suddenly it flies from somewhere
Little mosquito
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.
Komarik: (sings)
Where is the killer where is the villain
I'm not afraid of his claws
All: (singing)
Flies up to the spider
Takes out the saber
And he's at full gallop
He cuts off his head. Uh-oh!
takes a fly by the hand
And it leads to the window
Mosquito: (speaks)
Did I free you?
Fly (speaks)
Mosquito : (speaks)
Did I destroy the villain?
Fly (speaks)
Mosquito : (speaks)
And now, soul-maiden
Let's have fun together!

Fly: (sings)
I'm a ticking fly
Gilded belly!
Today I'm waiting for a gift,
It's my birthday today!

I went to the market
And I bought a samovar,
I'll treat my friends to tea
Let them come in the evening.

I'm a ticking fly
Gilded belly!
You saved me from death

You arrived at a good hour!

Mosquito : (speaks)


Tambourines, accordions,

painted spoons,

Take the bells

Come, come.


The mosquito gives the fly his hand, everyone dances. The guests form a semicircle, Fly and Mosquito in the center.
Chorus (spoken)

And the Bee started dancing after them that same hour!

SPIDER (to the audience)


1st child . One simple fairy tale.

2nd child. Or maybe not a fairy tale.

1st child . Or maybe we want to tell you something more than a simple story.

2nd child . We remember her from childhood.

1st child. Or maybe not since childhood.

2nd child . Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember.

(Alina) Look with all your eyes,

(Diana) and listen with two ears
ALL The fairy tale is called the Tsokotuha Fly!

All: (singing)
Fly, fly - clatter
Gilded belly!
A fly walked across the field,
The fly found the money.
A fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar.

Bova Natasha The evening has come, the table is set, the tea is boiling.

ALL Come, honest people, Fly invites everyone to visit.

All: (singing)
There’s cream and sweets, and what not!
Jelly beans. Chocolates. And nuts and fudge!
Mint gingerbread. Fragrant. Surprisingly pleasant.
Tubes with cream pies, very tasty cheese curds!
All: (singing) tr#9 http://depositfiles.com/files/dsdfp15ve
Suddenly it flies from somewhere
Little mosquito
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.
Komarik: (singing)
Where is the killer where is the villain
I'm not afraid of his claws
Everyone: (singing)
Flies up to the spider
Takes out the saber
And he's at full gallop
He cuts off his head. Uh-oh!
takes a fly by the hand
And it leads to the window


Tili-tili-tili-bom! The Fly and the Mosquito are dancing!
And the Bee started dancing after them at the same hour!
Naughty butterflies are dancing, playthings are flapping their wings.
The cockroaches hugged each other like the wind and rushed away.

Presenter: (to the audience)

It's good when good triumphs over evil in the world.

Don't forget your friends and always help them

Only in a friendly team will your life become more beautiful!

Komarik: (sings)
Where is the killer where is the villain
I'm not afraid of his claws

Mosquito: (speaks)
Did I free you?
Fly (speaks)
Mosquito : (speaks)
Did I destroy the villain?
Fly (speaks)
Mosquito : (speaks)
And now, soul-maiden
Let's have fun together!

Mosquito : (speaks)
Hey. Mustachioed cockroach. You sit down at the drum!
Hey trumpeter beetles. Grasshoppers-fiddlers,
Get started soon and have more fun playing for us!


  • Fly-Tsokotuha;
  • Mosquito;
  • Spider;
  • Moths 2 people;
  • Bee;
  • Butterflies 2 people;
  • Flea;
  • Cockroach;
  • Samovar;
  • Cups 12 people;
  • Berezki 9 people

On the stage, on the right side, there is a table with refreshments and a sofa. Near the edge of the stage, in the center there is a large coin.

  1. Dance “Berezki” to r.n.p. in the instrumental arrangement “And I’m in the meadow.”

At the end of the dance, a clattering fly comes out and passes around the birch trees.

The birches remain standing until the end of the performance.

Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

Gilded belly!

A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

(Stops, sees a coin, is surprised.)


Oh look, there's something lying there

And it shines brightly in the sun.

I'll go closer and take a closer look,

It's a coin. Oh, how wonderful!

(Picks up a coin.)

(Moths come out and offer goods, a clattering fly approaches everyone, looks, but does not buy anything, moves aside.) Music. "Fair".

A “samovar with cups” comes out and performs a dance.

  1. Dance "Samovar". Music D. Tukhmanov, lyrics. Yu. Entin “Puff-puff samovar.”


I need a samovar for tea,

And I buy it.

(The clattering fly gives the coin to the cup, takes the samovar by the hand, takes it backstage, takes a real samovar, sets the table and performs a song.)

Song "Flies-Tsokotuhi".


I, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm waiting for a treat today

It's my birthday today!

I went to the market

I bought a samovar.

I'll treat my friends to tea,

Let them come in the evening.

I am the Tsokotuha Fly,

Gilded belly.

I have for guests, guests

Lots of delicious sweets, sweets!

(A flea and a bee fly in to the music and sing a song.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

"Song of the Flea and the Bee."

Flea and Bee:

Hello, Tsokotukha Fly

Gilded belly!

We are from all our native meadows

They brought you flowers.

Yes, flowers!

I'm Neighbor Bee ,

I brought you honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant.

(The Bee gives the Fly a basket of honey.)


Thank you, thank you!

My dear!

Sit down at the table

The samovar is ready.

Take it from Flea

These are the boots

The boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps

(The flea gives the fly a box of boots.)


Thank you, thank you!

Amazing boots

Sit down here:

The guests will arrive soon.

(The flea and the bee sit down on the sofa.)

(Two butterflies fly to the music, flowers in their hands.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

"Dance and song of butterflies."

We are naughty butterflies,

Merry flyers.

We flutter through the fields,

Through groves, through meadows.

We fluttered through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

Congratulations, Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

(The butterflies hug the Fly and give her flowers.)


Thank you, thank you!

My dears!

Sit down at the table

The samovar is ready.

(Butterflies go to the table.)

Something rustled!

It rustled


Who is this?

All in chorus:

Yes, it's a cockroach!

(All the heroes ran to meet the cockroach.)

(A cockroach comes out to the music, holding a bouquet of flowers and sings a song.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

"Song of the Cockroach"

Shu-shu-shu-shu I’m in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

Shu-shu shu-shu, I give you flowers!!

(The cockroach approaches the Tsokotukha Fly, gets down on one knee and gives a bouquet of flowers.)


Thank you, thank you,

The bouquet is beautiful.

Please sit down at the table,

Have some tea.

(The menacing “spider” music sounds, all the characters hide, the birch trees are covered with branches, the clattering fly remains on the stage, dropping flowers - trembling with fear.)

(The spider comes out with long strides, walks around the stage, approaches the clattering fly and performs a song.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

"Spider's Song"

I am the evil Spider,

Long arms!

I came for Mukha

The clattering one has come! He has come!

(The spider wraps a rope around the Cluttering Fly.)


Dear guests, please help,

Drive away the spider - the villain!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!

What, the beetles, the worms got scared,

They scattered around the corners, through the cracks,

And no one will even budge,

Perish, perish, birthday girl.

(A mosquito flies in, sings a song and fights with a spider.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

"Song of the Mosquito".

I am Mosquito - a brave man,

Well done!

Where's the Spider? Where is the villain?!

I'm not afraid of his claws.

I'm not afraid of spiders

I will fight the Spider.

(The mosquito defeats the spider, the spider leaves, the mosquito approaches the clattering fly, unravels the web - rope, picks up the flowers, brings the fly to the middle of the stage.)

(All the heroes stand near the table, the birch trees open up.)

Did I free you?



Did I defeat the spider?


And now the soul is a maiden

Let's have fun together!

(The song of a clattering fly and a mosquito is sung.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

"Song of the Tsokotukha Fly and the Mosquito."


I am a Fly - Tskotukha

Gilded Belly

You saved me from death

I arrived at a good hour!

(All characters go on stage and line up in pairs.)

All in chorus:

Glory, glory to the mosquito

To the winner!

(The final chorus is performed.)

  1. Music M. Kraseva, lyrics. Chukovsky and M. Klokova

Closing chorus.

Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

Fly and Mosquito dance.

And behind her is Klop, Klop

Boots top, top.

Dragonfly - goldfly

Dancing dashingly with Ant

The mustachioed cockroach himself

Beats the drum loudly.

Ta-ra-ra! Ta-ra-ra!

The midges danced.

People are having fun -

Dancing, singing songs

Praises the brave, the dashing,

Daring Mosquito!

Praises the brave, the dashing,

Daring Mosquito!

Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

Fly and Mosquito dance

And behind her is Klop, Klop

Boots top, top.

Butterfly is dancing - minx

The toy flapping its wings

Bee and Flea hugged each other,

They rushed like the wind.

Today the Fly-Tsokotukha

Birthday girl!

Today the Fly-Tsokotukha

Birthday girl!

List of used literature:

  1. “The Tsokotukha Fly” is a children's fairy tale in verse by K. Chukovsky.
  2. “The Tsokotukha Fly” is a children's opera by M. Krasev based on a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky.

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