How much does 1 cube of concrete weigh? How much does a cube of wood weigh?

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Goebbels: “Everything that is ingenious is simple and everything that is simple is brilliant!” This statement is acceptable for technologies and designs that have existed for millennia. Construction sand - cheap, affordable, high quality, environmentally friendly building material. Not a single object is constructed without crushed sedimentary rock.

If you decide to create a durable structure, you should adhere to the recommended proportions in the preparation of solutions and mixtures. For most people this is not an easy process. How much in a ton cubic meters sand? How to correctly determine weight without heavy measuring equipment?

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One cubic meter (cubic, m) 3 ) sand - how many tons?


Weight 1 m 3, (kg)

Capacity in a 12 l bucket, (kg)

Construction sand of normal humidity, corresponding to GOST 8736-93
River sand compacted
River wet (over 6–7% humidity)
Dusty quarry sand
Quarry fine grain
Sand and gravel mixture

If, on the contrary, we convert from tons to cubic meters, then the table will also come in handy. For example, 5 tons is how much? Answer: 5 t ː 1.7 t/m 3 = 3 m 3.

The table shows the average bulk density. The same river sand varies from 1.45 tons to 1.6 tons - this is quite a big difference. Any material has its own specifics, which are expressed in the degree of moisture, fractionation and grain shape.

Characteristics of sand that you should know when purchasing building materials:

  • 1. The wetter the sand, the denser and heavier the bulk density will be. Material stored outside in winter increases its weight by up to 15% due to snow and ice.
  • 2. The grain size depends on the geological and climatic features of the deposit. The larger the grain of sand, the larger the bulk area and the lighter the weight. Accepted sand material size modules: fine - 1.5–2 mm; average - 2–2.5 mm; large - from 2.5 mm.
  • 3. Raw materials from a reservoir are characterized by roundness, ensured by the action of water and friction. The material from the quarries is more angular, which gives best result in the adhesion of solutions. If a mechanical impact has been applied to the substance, the flakiness index (presence of flat, needle-like grains of sand) increases. High flakiness slightly reduces strength finished product. For a private building that does not involve multi-story and heavy structures, this is not a fundamental factor.
  • 4. Bulk density varies depending on the degree of compaction, which increases when shaking, and decreases when pouring or unloading. Having decided on the amount of bulk building material required for construction, it is recommended to multiply the weight by a compaction coefficient of 1.1–1.3.

IN construction technologies great value contains impurities in the composition of natural components. The quarry material contains dust, clay, and foreign substances (small stones, plant remains). When creating a durable foundation, impurities play a negative role, so professionals use washed construction sand. Cement or concrete mortar made from a dirty dry mixture cracks. For leveling and landscaping work, availability additional elements is not fundamental. To create plaster mixtures, clay is used as a separate component.

There is artificial sand, which is made from quartz, slag and expanded clay. Such material is rarely used for private construction, especially since natural sand is the most common rock on the planet.

If you need to know the weight for construction, then you can do without weighing. To obtain accurate values, it is advisable to purchase sand in warm and dry weather.

This building material is used everywhere and is considered truly universal. It is used for the construction of foundations and floor slabs, screeds and plaster layers. But depending on the specifics of the work, it is often necessary to make certain calculations, and for this you need to know the weight of 1 m 3 of concrete.

This value is not constant, since this material is divided into several types. Their differences are not only in the proportions of “ingredients”, but also in the structure. But they are distinguished, first of all, by their specific gravity.

Particularly heavy

1 “cube” weighs between 2.5 and 3 tons. This figure depends mainly on the type of filler. These can be barite, hematite, metal scrap, magnesite and some others. Considering how much a cube of concrete weighs, it is clear that it is used infrequently, mainly in special construction (underground storage facilities, tunnels, etc.).


Traditionally used not only in civil and industrial construction, but also in the private sector. Due to its strength, such concrete is made various types foundations, floor and interfloor slabs, and other load-bearing structural elements. Gravel and crushed stone of large fractions are used as backfill. The weight of 1 m3 ranges from 1.8 to 2.5 tons.


Fillers are either lightweight fractions (expanded clay, shell rock, tuff), or they are not used at all. The porosity of the structure is achieved artificially (cellular types - gas and foam concrete). The weight of 1 “cube” is in the range of 0.5 - 1.8 tons. This material is suitable for both partitions and other unloaded parts of the building. Often and in low-rise construction for walls.

The total weight is directly dependent on the components. In particular, sand can be either fine, sifted, or coarse river sand. Therefore, it is correct to focus on the specific gravity of all ingredients.

The size of the fractions of solid components is also taken into account. It is clear that the smaller they are, the more densely they will fill the volume. But the use of large fractions involves the formation of voids, and the larger their size, the lighter the concrete will ultimately be. In addition, the various fillers used, which are introduced into the composition to improve certain properties of the final product, and the amount of added water also have an impact. By the way, the quality of mixing of the composition can also change the total weight somewhat. It also depends on whether the sand was initially wet or dry.

Knowing the proportion in which the various components are taken and their specific weight characteristics, it is not difficult to calculate the weight of 1 m3. In this case, an accurate result will not be obtained, since it is impossible to measure all the components with “pharmaceutical” accuracy.

If for calculations you need to know the specific gravity of one m 3 of concrete, then experts advise focusing on the figure of 2,500 kg/m 3. This value is true for almost any structure and appears in many reporting documents.

You can give some more data on the specific gravity of common concretes (in kg/m3):

  • with coarse gravel – 2,400;
  • with volcanic fillers – from 800 to 1,600;
  • gas and foam concrete - from 300 to 1,000.

More extensive data is available in special tables, but they are used mainly by professionals.

Below are often average values ​​for the weight of concrete when using crushed stone, sand and cement.

Brief table of specific gravity of concrete.

The weight of 1m3 of concrete can vary from 1.8 tons to 2.5 tons.

Concrete weight M 100 ~2.494 tons

Concrete weight M 200 ~2.432 tons

Concrete weight M 250 ~ 2.348 tons

Concrete weight M 300 ~ 2.389 tons

Concrete weight M 350 ~ 2.502 tons

Concrete weight M 400 ~ 2.376 tons

Concrete weight M 500 ~ 2.98 tons

See also:

Concrete weight depending on brand and class
Concrete grade Concrete class Weight of 1 m3 of concrete (kg)
M100 B7.5 2494
M200 B15 2432
M250 B20 2348
M300 B22.5 2502
M350 B25 2502
M400 B30 2376

Let's talk about the weight of concrete in 1 m3. We hope the information about the volumetric weight of concrete will be very useful for you in your future work.

Concrete is the main component of any construction work, be it ordinary repairs or the construction of pits and structures. It has high strength initially, but with the use of additives it can improve its characteristics.

During construction, first of all, how much concrete weighs (the weight of a cube of concrete) is calculated, since based on this characteristic it is determined by the specifics of its use and application. The weight of concrete depends directly on the components added as filler. These can be materials such as crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles and many others. Also, when kneading, the volume of water spent is taken into account. Based on these characteristics, concrete is divided into four types: light and heavy, especially light and especially heavy.

Extra lightweight concrete- with air cells of small and medium size (up to 1-1.5 mm) in large quantities(up to 85%). This type of concrete is mainly used for thermal insulation of premises. The weight of extra-light concrete per cube does not exceed 500 kg.

Lightweight concrete- with a porous structure or lightweight aggregates such as expanded clay with the obligatory addition of about 600 kg of sand. This type concrete is used in the form of ready-made building blocks. The weight of lightweight concrete per cube is from 500 -1800 kg.

Heavy concrete- classic with the addition of heavy and large aggregates, such as gravel or crushed stone, which make up the bulk of concrete. Approximate proportion: gravel or crushed stone - 1150 - 1300 kg, cement - 250 - 450 kg, sand - 600 - 750 kg, water about 150-200 liters. This type of concrete has a wide range of applications. The weight of heavy concrete per cube is from 1800 - 2500 kg.

Extra heavy concrete- which contains various types of metal scrap, barite, hematite, magnetite, which determine the bulk. Mainly used to protect personnel from radioactive radiation. The weight of heavy concrete per cube is from 2500 - 3000 kg.

For better orientation, below is a table of concrete weights (this table shows approximate values):

Weight of concrete depending on its brand and admixtures

It is important to take into account that using the tables, it is not possible to calculate the weight of a cube of concrete of all components separately, add them up and get an indicator for the entire product. The weight of 1 m3 of concrete depends on various factors, such as the quality of the mix, the amount of water, the presence of voids, and the size of the granules.

The reduced mass of concrete is one of important indicators, used in the design of building products. Considering overall dimensions the average mass can be calculated. Based on the results obtained, the load on various structural elements is determined.

Types of concrete

Concrete by volumetric mass is divided into several groups:

  • density below 500 kg/m³ - especially light concrete group;
  • 500...1800kg/m³ - lightweight concrete;
  • 1800…2200kg/m³ - lightweight group of concretes;
  • 2200...2500kg/m³ - heavy class of concrete;
  • density indicator above 2500 kg/m³ - especially heavy concrete.

The heavy group of concretes is the most common in construction.

Components and internal structure of concrete that determine its weight

  • for lightweight concrete include gas and foam concrete, mixtures based on expanded clay, tuff, pumice;
  • lightweight concrete, for example, slag concrete;
  • heavy concrete, - mineral fillers are used, for example, quartz sand, gravel, crushed stone;
  • especially heavy type of concrete, - fillers based on groups of minerals are used, for example, barites, magnetites, limonites.

When calculating concrete and iron concrete structures are guided by SNiP 2.03.01-84 ( Sanitary Standards and Rules) and GOST 25192-82, which determine the physical and technical properties of concrete, including density.

Weight of one cubic meter of heavy concrete (generalized data)

The table shows that 1 m³ weighs 2300...2500 kg.
It follows from this that in preliminary calculations we can assume an average concrete density of 2400 kg/m³. Naturally, to obtain more accurate data, it is necessary to take into account the brand of concrete used.

In case of use in construction work reinforced concrete structures the density of concrete must be increased by 2.5...10%. The average data for reinforced products is 2550 kg/m³.

In the case of using concrete of different classes, you can be guided by the following data:

Type of concrete, filler used Weight 1m³, kg
Reinforced concrete 2400…2700
Classic heavy concrete 2300…2500
Tuff-based filler 1200…1500
Pumice based filler 800…1500
Concrete based on volcanic slag 800…1500
Concrete based on blast furnace slag 1200…1900
Expanded clay concrete with quartz sand 800…1250
Ash gravel concrete 900…1400
Foam concrete, aerated concrete 400…1100
Foam silicate, gas silicate 300…1100
Concrete with vermiculite additive 400…800
Concrete based on boiler slag 1100…1700
Concrete with perlite additive 600…1650

Determination of concrete mass

When determining the mass of concrete in practice, a number of information should be taken into account:

  • mass of solution and frozen mixture will be different, since the water included as one of the components will partially evaporate during the drying process of the concrete;
  • the density of concrete is largely determined fillers and its internal structure;
  • final mass of concrete mixture depends on the method of preparing concrete - as a rule, when using manual labor, the density differs to a lesser extent than when using mechanical method stirring;
  • application of deep mixture compaction method allows you to increase the strength of concrete by obtaining a higher density, that is, 1 m³ will weigh more.

Note. Specific gravity and the density of a substance are essentially different quantities both in name and in meaning.

It is important to know the value of the final density not only when designing a construction project using concrete - this data will be needed for transport companies carrying out, for example, the removal of dismantled concrete products.

The range of application of cement mortar is very wide: from finishing the walls of a residential building to the construction of massive dams. Knowing the weight of concrete structures and reinforced concrete products is of no small importance when designing various objects. To do this, you need to know how much one cube of concrete weighs, and what affects this value.

When the question arises about the weight of a cubic meter of concrete mixture, it should be understood that we're talking about about density. It is one of the main technical parameters of cement mortar. The unit of measurement is kg/cm3. The higher the density, the greater the weight of the concrete. Both of these values ​​directly depend on the type of filler. It is based on this that solutions are classified. We recommend that you study what characteristics are affected.

How much does different concrete weigh?

It is customary to display technical characteristics by dividing them into classes and brands. When solving specific problems, this helps to select the concrete mixture correctly and accurately.

1. Classes of concrete.

  • Heavy.

This is the most common (classic) type mortars. It is best suited for the construction of main elements load-bearing structures, pouring screed, erecting fences, etc. The composition of heavy concrete includes large-sized and massive fillers: coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone. They occupy the bulk of the mixture. A cubic meter of such material weighs 1800-2500 kg.

  • Lungs.

The name of the concrete group is determined by the structural features of the fillers. Expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite, and various industrial wastes are used in production. The porous structure of these materials reduces the weight of the cube ready solution up to 500-1800 kg.

Not all lightweight concrete contains sand. Where it is provided for in the recipe, its mass in 1 m3 is 600 kg. Lightweight concrete is used in the construction of building blocks, enclosing structures or pouring screeds.

  • Particularly heavy (super heavy).

Metal fillers are used in production to give it massiveness. finished products. The weight of a cube of concrete is 2500-3000 kg. Super-heavy mixtures necessarily contain high-strength cement. They are not used in private housing construction. They are usually used to make protective structures for special purposes, for example, for nuclear reactors.

  • Extra light (thermal insulation)

This group includes cellular concrete, which does not contain large fillers. In addition to cement and sand, they contain foaming agents. During the production process, voids are formed inside, occupying up to 85% of the total volume. Therefore, the mass of the cube is very low - less than 500 kg. To enhance strength, special plasticizers are added to cellular solutions.

Particularly light types of concrete are used in the production of blocks and slabs with high thermal insulation properties. Their disadvantage is poor frost resistance. Therefore, building elements with a porous structure require mandatory waterproofing.

2. Brands of concrete.

In the group of heavy solutions there is an internal classification. It is determined by different ratios of components in formulations. Depending on this, the mass of a cubic meter of each brand is slightly different.

Ratio table:

Concrete grade Component weight, kg
Cement M300 Sand Crushed stone Water
M100 214 870 1440 100
M200 350 795 1080 175

Reducing the volume of filler leads to a decrease in the mass of the cube and an increase in the strength of concrete. Replacing cement of one brand with another affects the strength value. To prevent this, it is necessary to make changes to the layout of the components. At the plant, such problems are solved in laboratories. At home, you have to adjust the ratios “by eye,” which can negatively affect the quality of concrete. Therefore, when making cement mortars with your own hands, construction experts recommend taking the classic recipes of the components as a basis.

Weight table different brands concrete:

Based on the data provided, you can easily determine the average weight of one cubic meter. Experimental studies confirm theoretical calculations and show that 1 m3 of concrete solution weighs 2400 kg.

Average cost of a cube of concrete

When the process of pouring large structures occurs continuously, it is advisable to order and deliver ready-made concrete from the factory. Of course, it will cost more than manual kneading. After all, the customer has to pay for everything production work, delivery, loading and unloading of the machine.

The final price of a cube of ready-mixed concrete is variable and depends on many factors:

  • Brand - determined technical requirements for each type of construction.
  • The filler - a cubic meter of gravel-based solution - costs 100-150 rubles less than granite concrete.
  • Remoteness of the working site - delivery by big city or in off-road conditions is more expensive.
  • Boom length – a concrete pump is not required in all cases.
  • Days of the week - on weekends and holidays, the cost of a cubic meter of concrete mixture is usually higher.
  • Order volume – for wholesale customers we offer more than favorable conditions sales.

Price table for ready-mixed concrete:

Brand Price per cube, rubles
M100 3000-3550
M150 3200-3700
M200 3350-3900
M250 3750-4000
M300 3800-4150
M350 3950-4200
M400 4300-4750
M450 4550-5000
M550 4750-5200
M600 5000-5400

When only a few cubes of solution are required, you can prepare it yourself at the work site. Manual kneading is beneficial when pouring small elements: stair steps, garden paths, architectural details of small forms. The price of such concrete is quite affordable for any developer.

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