Weak wifi. How to strengthen a Wi-Fi router signal and expand Wi-Fi network coverage

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Wi-Fi bandwidth allows laptop users to connect to global network at speeds reaching 60 Mbit per second. However, sometimes it happens that due to some malfunction in the device, the signal level does not reach completely, and therefore the connection speed also decreases.

This material will look at some ways to solve the problem of a weak WiFi signal on laptops from Asus, Acer, HP and other models.

Update your driver

The first thing to do is if the level of WiFi received by the laptop begins to decrease. Pay attention to the router that provides connection to the network. If the same problem occurs on other computers working in the system, then you should take care of updating the drivers of the distribution device.

Another way to fix the problem of a weak WiFi signal on a laptop is to update the driver on the network card of the device itself. You can perform this procedure as follows:

  • Enter the phrase "Device Manager" in the search bar.
  • Open the standard application offered by your computer.
  • In the list that appears, find the section called "Network adapters".

  • Open and check each connected device for new drivers. To do this, right-click on the name of the required adapter and select driver update from the list that opens.

Can't see the network

Another option for the problem of a weak WiFi signal on an HP laptop or other models may be an access point recognition error. The cause of this malfunction may be a disabled wireless module. To allow this question, you need to perform the following algorithm:

  • Launch the Windows Settings window.
  • Go to the section called "Network and Internet".
  • Here, find the line that will be called “Configure adapter settings” and activate it.

  • Here check the status of the current connection.
  • If it turns out to be disabled, the missing signal can be corrected by simply right-clicking on its icon. In the list that opens, select the line to connect and disconnect the network.

Now check again if the laptop finds the access point. And also look at the signal level.

Device changes

Sometimes the answer to the question of why there is a weak WiFi signal on a laptop can be the load on the distributed network. The problem that has arisen is a consequence of the fact that within the radius of your device several other computers or other gadgets are using the Internet. As a result, the speed will be greatly reduced. It may even get to the point where the connection starts to drop every 15 seconds.

You can solve this problem with the help of one useful utility - WiFi Analyzer. It can be purchased from the Windows 10 Store absolutely free.

The essence of the program is as follows:

  • it checks which wireless networks are available within the radius of the computer;
  • analyzes their parameters, frequency characteristics, throughput and current workload;
  • After all the described procedures, the user can choose the channel that best suits the characteristics and connect to it.

Adapter improvement

To improve a weak WiFi signal on an HP laptop or other models, you can try upgrading the distribution device. By the way, this primarily applies to those who connect the adapter directly to the laptop itself. It is important to note that direct connection has a negative effect on the speed of the received signal.

To avoid this, use extension cords or specially designed signal amplifiers. This should help solve the problem of a very weak Wi-Fi signal on your laptop.

Safety first

Sometimes it may happen that the connection speed was high quality, but then unexpectedly dropped sharply. A fairly common reason for this phenomenon is unauthorized connection of other users to the adapter. Most likely, your neighbors simply hacked your password and started using your Internet, thereby loading the network.

To prevent situations from repeating, come up with the most complex password.

This should help improve the weak WiFi signal on your laptop.

Electrical appliances

The presence of a large number of electrical devices around the router, such as cell phones or various household appliances, may adversely affect the speed of the distributed signal. Consequently, the connection level on the laptop will be quite low.

A simple solution to the problem would be to install items so that various electronics have minimal impact on the router. In the event that it is not possible to rearrange objects (working in an office), then all that remains is to find a point with a stable connection by changing the location.

Presence of barriers

It is worth noting that one of the reasons why the WiFi signal is weak may be the presence of various interferences. This means mirrors, aquariums, brick or concrete walls, household appliances.

Due to the fact that it is not possible to move everything listed above, you should simply try to find a point in the current location with the most stable signal distribution level.

Amateur performance

In the event that it is necessary to improve reception as much as possible short terms, you can try to build your own signal amplifier. Methods for manufacturing various devices of this type You can watch it on YouTube or just find it in a search engine. Either way, there are just a ton of options.

But it is worth keeping in mind some disadvantages:

  • The quality of operation of such a homemade amplifier will be quite low, in contrast to those devices that are sold in stores.
  • Often appearance such devices are too unattractive. But these are minor things.

However, this option can temporarily boost a weak WiFi signal on a laptop until special equipment absent.

Additional router

If two or more Wi-Fi signal distribution devices are working simultaneously in your current location, the quality of the Internet will deteriorate. Most often, residents of apartment buildings encounter this problem.

The bottom line is that the signals from one router interfere with another, and therefore it cannot provide stable and high speed connections to the network.

This problem can be solved in several ways:

  • Change the location of the signal distribution device and change the antenna settings to ensure stable operation.
  • Buy reflectors at the store. They are attached to the antenna and amplify the signal in the place where they were directed.

Big investment

If the WiFi signal received by the laptop is weak, then you can try to find a modern and high-quality router in hardware stores. This option will significantly improve the quality of the received signal and also ensure its stability. The only problem is whether you can afford big expenses. Since modern receivers cost a lot of money.

Install a repeater

A weak Wi-Fi signal on a laptop can be fixed using an additional device. To perform this operation, you need to purchase an additional router. The best option will be exactly the same as the one currently in use.

As a result of this procedure, you can significantly improve a very weak WiFi signal on a laptop.

Antenna operation

Many models of WiFi signal distribution devices have the ability to replace the antenna. And it will be necessary to carry out the change procedure. It's only a matter of time.

The problem is that those parts that come with the router quite often turn out to be not the most best quality. As a result, they quickly fail and the signal level decreases.

It has been repeatedly tested and confirmed that replacing the antenna of the distribution device can significantly increase the Internet speed on a laptop.

Power handling

On laptops, it is possible to set priorities for energy consumption. Initially, these parameters are prioritized, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the WiFi signal strength on the device. To correct this situation quite simple:

  • Open Windows Settings.
  • Go to the section called "System". He will be the very first one in the window.

  • Here, go to the "Power and Sleep" tab.
  • On the left side of the screen, open advanced power options.
  • IN new program activate the power plan creation section.
  • Complete the setup by setting preferences to Maximum Performance.

  • After creating the power plan, save the changes and check the signal level.

Changing the location of the distribution point

Quite often, users prefer to place the router somewhere far away so as not to get caught in wires or be distracted by light signals. However, we have already discussed the interference that may occur in the path of the signal emitted by the device.

As a result, you should not hide the access point somewhere high (on a closet) or far in the corner of the room. The most best solution- this is the installation of the latter closer to the center, with minimum quantity objects around as sources of interference.


Don't forget about additional devices that can boost your Wi-Fi signal. It's about about special amplifiers. Most often, they can be found in stores, in the form of a small antenna that connects to a portable device via USB ports. Thanks to the use of such an item, the signal level increases. And as an additional plus, the coverage area is expanding.

Today, the use of Wi-Fi for data transfer is widespread. But one of the disadvantages of this method of accessing the Internet is its very limited range. This shortcoming can be corrected, but for this you need to use by special means. They can be either hardware or software.

Software Gain

Exists large number ways to increase the strength of the Wi-Fi broadcast by the router. Strengthening the signal of a Wi-Fi router in the router settings is quite simple; it can be done in just a few seconds.

The main ways to improve signal quality:

All these methods make it possible to strengthen the router’s Wi-Fi signal without an antenna or other hardware.

Using an outdated security protocol makes the network not only weakly secure, but also very slow. In the router settings section, logging in as an administrator, select as default WPA2.

Limiting the number of supported devices significantly increases the speed of wireless communication. MAC addresses themselves act as identifiers.

The network name should not be left publicly available. Often, the quality and speed of data transfer drop precisely because of various kinds of unauthorized users trying to make a connection. To hide, just uncheck the box in the settings menu next to the “allow SSID transmission” item.

Low transmitter power

One of the main reasons for poor communication quality and small coverage area is low transmitter power. This is especially true for devices with a built-in antenna. It is quite difficult to correct this deficiency without using various kinds of improvised means. But, nevertheless, it is real.

Many products from renowned manufacturers make it possible to change the data transfer speed with your own hands.

For example, to do this in TP-Link

After applying the settings, the transmitter power should increase. If, of course, before starting the settings, the value in question was lower.

802.11N standard

Another method that allows you to significantly increase the speed of delivery of processed information, as well as the quality of communication, is the 802.11 N standard. It was put into operation quite a long time ago - in 2009, on September 11.

The data transfer speed using this standard is as much as 300 Mbit/s. Switching to it is quite simple; this can be done through the WEB interface. To open the settings window itself, you need to enter in the browser address bar. This is the device's default IP address.

Also, some devices allow you to switch directly to operating system. To do this, you need to open the device properties in the Windows Control Panel.

Setting up a reboot

A reboot can also improve the quality of Wi-Fi communications. Executing it using the WEB interface allows you to clear the router’s memory from software errors. They are sometimes the main cause of problems with the various kinds, reducing the data transfer rate.

To carry out this operation, just log into the WEB interface as an administrator.

You can do this as follows:

  • enter in the address bar;
  • enter the administrator login and password in the appropriate fields;
  • open the section « Quick setup» and press the button.

Frequency Match

The standard operating frequency is usually 2.4 GHz. It employs a large number of the most different devices. You can change the channel using specialized programs. For example, Network Stumble r.

You can also change the channel through the WEB interface.

To do this you need:

New firmware and drivers

Another way that makes it possible to enhance the work is to install new drivers on the computer and then flash it. Replacing the firmware often helps. Often, many router models equipped with old software have quite a small throughput. Reflashing allows you to correct the situation.

For example, many routers do not initially support the 802.11 N standard, but after a software update they work successfully with it. Since the hardware was initially designed with the prospect of possible work with this standard. And installing updates allowed it to work at high speed.

How to boost your Wi-Fi signal using a second router

Significantly expand coverage area wireless network you can do it yourself using a second router. This scheme can be implemented in various ways. But first of all, you need to connect the two devices.

Photo: signal amplification with a second router

To implement such a scheme, it is advisable to use two identical models. TP-Link TL-WA901N is perfect for this. First of all, you should connect to the Internet and configure one of the routers. After this, it is necessary to adjust the second device; it will operate in “repeater” mode.

The most difficult and time-consuming debugging is the repeater.

It is performed in several stages:

You must set a static IP address: The subnet mask will also be constant:

After successfully completing all of the above steps, you must:

The last step is to select an encryption algorithm. Once the required option has been selected, you need to reboot again.

Strong signal by hardware

You can achieve a high-quality connection with Wi-Fi equipment in various ways.

Most commonly used:

Many manufacturers produce compact amplifiers that are little larger than a pair of matchboxes. They are plugged into an outlet and enhance Wi-Fi within the coverage area of ​​which they are located.

Many models are equipped at the factory with additional ports for connecting a second antenna. It significantly increases the coverage area of ​​the device, making it possible to propagate the signal over impressive distances.

Choosing the right place

One of the most important factors that directly affects the quality of communication is the location of the broadcast device. The optimal situation is when the router is located in the center of all devices using the connection.

It is very important to avoid placing any bulky furniture or mirrors near the router. All this absorbs and reflects waves. Therefore, the router should be positioned in such a way that there are no very hard objects in the path of the network in question.

Equipment influence

Also, in addition to various physical obstacles, all kinds of equipment can also have negative impact on the reliability of communication via Wi-Fi.

Devices of this kind include:

Usually the whole point is that the router and other equipment can operate at a frequency that matches the frequency of other similar products.

Making an antenna

If necessary, you can make an antenna amplifier to improve the quality of communication transmitted over the air.

To construct an antenna of this kind we will need:

  • food foil;
  • plastic bottle or jar.

The foil is simply wrapped around the bottle or jar. After which it is left in this position for 5-10 minutes. After this time, you should place the resulting product behind the back of the router. The foil will focus the reflector and direct it in the desired direction. This allows you to avoid the occurrence of “dead” zones.

Even if the data transmission device does not have a very strong output signal, there is nothing to worry about. So how can the situation be corrected? with my own hands. You don't even need any tools to do this. Just a roll of food foil is enough time

If the laptop does not receive the WiFi signal well, you need to improve it (the signal). This can be done in several ways: increase the Wi-Fi coverage area, buy a repeater, replace the antennas, or make an amplification device yourself.

Router placement

Before setting up the router, you need to install it correctly indoors. Usually, users are faced with the fact that there are no problems with Wi-Fi near the router, but if you move further away, the signal reception on the laptop seriously deteriorates.

The correct location of the router sometimes helps to solve this problem. If you install the router in the middle of the room, the signal reception will be approximately the same in all directions. How fewer walls and the obstacles the signal has to overcome, the more confident its reception will be on the laptop. Negative effects have:

  • Metal structures (doors, beams).
  • Brick, concrete and reinforced concrete walls.
  • Soundproofed walls.
  • Mirrors.
  • Aquariums.

The angle at which the signal passes through the wall is also important. Try to position yourself directly opposite the router, because the greater the angle, the weaker the WiFi reception on the laptop.

You need to make sure that there are no electrical devices nearby that operate, like the router, at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. This is especially true for the base of radiotelephones and microwave ovens– they should be located as far as possible from the WiFi signal source. If you purchased a router operating at a 5 GHz frequency, then you do not need to worry about interference from other devices - the range will almost always be free.

Setting up the router

If nothing can be done about the placement, then you can try to configure the equipment so that your laptop or other device does not have difficulties receiving the WiFi signal. But first you need to determine what is the reason for the poor reception - perhaps it just seems to you that the signal is bad, but you just need to switch to a different tariff from your provider to increase the Internet speed. You can change the Wi-Fi signal level using the free Homedale utility.

Launch Homedale and look at the dBm value. The lower it is, the stronger the WiFi signal that the router sends. The ideal value is 60-65 dBm. If the value is below 80 dBm, then you have a very weak WiFi signal, and therefore it is difficult to receive it on your laptop. Do not immediately remove Homedale from your computer. With its help, you will check what effect your actions to strengthen the signal have.

First of all, try changing the channel on which the signal is transmitted. If you live in apartment building, and your neighbors also have a wireless network configured, then the WiFi signals from the routers interfere with each other.

Remember that the channels overlap, so the range will not be completely free if there are other routers nearby. In addition, some routers do not support channels 12 and 13, so it is not recommended to set the value above 11. To change the Wi-Fi signal transmission channel:

It helps to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal and install the 802.11 N standard. By default, the router settings are set to 802.11 B/G/N mixed mode, which is suitable for all devices, old and new. The WiFi 802.11 N standard only supports new equipment, so, for example, an old laptop simply will not find such a network. But if all your devices support 802.11 N mode, then set it in the router settings.

Some router models allow you to further adjust the transmitter power. If among the advanced Wi-Fi settings you see the line “Operation mode”, then make sure that it is set to “High”. In this case, the transmitter will operate at maximum power.

Laptop setup

If the Homedale program shows that the signal from the router does not require amplification, but the laptop still has problems with Wi-Fi reception, then you need to work with the laptop’s settings. First, try updating your WiFi adapter drivers.

If the driver update is before latest version did not improve Wi-Fi reception, check whether the laptop is running in power saving mode, in which the adapter may not have enough power to function properly:

If these methods do not help improve Wi-Fi signal reception, then consider purchasing a high-quality external adapter.

Upgrading the router and using additional equipment

If no software methods help increase the signal strength and improve WiFi reception on the laptop, then you will have to upgrade the router or buy additional equipment. Upgrade options:

  • Replacing antennas, provided that the router has replaceable antennas.
  • Construction of a homemade signal amplifier.

Replacing antennas is not the best good option, because this requires financial costs, and since you are ready to spend money, it is better to buy a repeater or another, more powerful router. But a primitive amplifier can be made for free from cans or foil. The design will look something like this:

Formally, such a screen does not amplify the signal, but only directs it in a certain direction. There's little appeal in cut-up tin cans, but some users claim that they've been able to seriously improve Wi-Fi reception on their laptop using this screen.

If a can or foil screen doesn't work, consider purchasing a repeater. This is a device that receives a signal from the router and sends it further, increasing the coverage area. Instead of a special repeater, you can use a second router configured in repeater mode. However, not all devices support this mode.

A repeater is indispensable when you need to cover a large room with one network. The signal will not be interrupted, moreover, you will not even notice that you are receiving WiFi not from the router, but from the repeater - the network will remain the same, with the same name and password.

Today wireless communication is the most popular among latest technologies. If the user is tired of looking around the apartment for a place where excellent Internet is available, you can try to strengthen the router’s wi-fi signal with your own hands.

Methods for improving work with a wireless network are combined into three main groups: program settings on equipment, changing the location of communication devices, and hardware reinforcement. Most best effect gives a third way, which has several embodiments.

Interference. Wireless communications can be weakened by any electrical devices. Here you need to strengthen the wi-fi signal using a second router. Another option is to place the devices further away from each other. Strengthen wireless internet You can change the location of the router. Install it in a free, open space.

Often this action helps improve Internet speed. In-depth research is required to identify the problem. The old firmware may have overheated. Rebooting it once a day helps to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router in an apartment. It is carried out automatically or manually.

DD-WRT firmware is also used as a signal amplifier for a wi-fi router. Having performed this action, we get additional features, the performance of the router is noticeably improved.

Installing DD-WRT firmware

Internet access speed is affected by:

  • downloading movies;
  • participation in games played online;
  • sitting in video chats.

If this is your case, configure "QualityofService or QoS". Thus, prioritize the more necessary programs.

Set a password on the router. This action will protect the Internet from neighbors connecting to it.

Homemade screen. An additional router design will help make the Wi-Fi signal stronger. Take tin can beer bottle, install it as a reflector, directing the waves from the amplifier in your direction. This simple solution is considered one of the workable ones. Installing a screen will not affect the radiation emitted by the device. The energy will be directed into a confined space and will create a signal amplifier for the Wi-Fi router.

Homemade screen from a can for a router

Change channel. When neighbors share the same connection, the routers' radio waves can overlap each other. The speed drops noticeably. You can increase your Wi-Fi signal by changing the data transfer channel. Change the settings on your computer. When the “power saving mode” is on, Wi-Fi reception is not 100%. Switch the power mode. Find “signal strength”, set it to maximum, save this parameter.

Setting the signal strength

As you can see, there are many tips for strengthening Wi-Fi with your own hands. What exactly each user chooses depends on the operation of his network, capabilities, and desires.

Hardware amplification

The wi-fi network depends directly on the distribution power and distribution conditions. The presence of screen-like barriers between the router and the receiving device can negate the positive characteristics of the former. The opposite situation is also true. Consequently, increased range and improved quality are achieved in different ways.

Using a repeater to strengthen the wi-fi signal

Powerful antenna for wi-fi

How to increase the distribution of a wi-fi router using additional devices:

  1. organize a system of repeaters or repeaters;
  2. connect the antenna via cable to move to the most advantageous location for signal propagation;
  3. use an amplified antenna for a wi-fi router;
  4. buy a powerful router. This method is more expensive than others, but it is effective and simpler. There is one catch - routers larger than 100 mW cannot be sold as household appliances.

Devices such as a repeater and antenna to strengthen the signal of a wi-fi router will help expand the coverage area if a convenient location is inaccessible. Replacement antenna to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, it will change the shape of the coverage area, making it wider, but smaller in height. The gain will be several meters in range, and will not be suitable for providing Internet at different levels.

DIY antenna

How to strengthen wi-fi antenna router? The simplest technique is to install the screen on the side opposite to the location of the receiver devices. This will ensure improved signal propagation in the desired direction.

You can make a Wi-Fi signal repeater with your own hands from a second router if it has the WDS function. Special repeaters are powered from the mains and in operation are not much different from a router.

The advantage of this method is that a router with a wi-fi signal amplifier makes it possible to bypass obstacles that create an impenetrable screen. IN big house installation of repeaters will provide coverage in the most remote places.

Gain with adapter

To get satisfactory Internet performance via Wi-Fi, there is special equipment - a Wi-Fi adapter. The device detects wireless communication and connects via a USB connector or PCI slot.

To solve the problem with communication quality, the easiest way is to initially purchase a powerful adapter. The size of the antenna is directly proportional to the quality of information reception, so when purchasing you don’t even have to study the characteristics. Sometimes the device is already available, but the power is not enough. There are two options: connect via cable to your computer and strengthen the wi-fi signal on the modem.

In the first case, the cable will allow you to locate the adapter in the area of ​​best network distribution. The only limitation is the length of the wire, which is difficult to find more than three meters.

To strengthen the signal of the wi-fi adapter with your own hands, purchase another antenna. But this will help if it was originally provided on the original device.

Majority modern equipment has a built-in modem, for which these methods are not suitable. But there is a device for strengthening the wi-fi signal, which connects via USB to computers and laptops.

Depending on relative position router and gadgets, one or another method is applicable. It is important to determine the reasons for the poor signal before choosing a specific type of amplification. A variety of equipment will allow you to choose optimal solution for each specific case.

Gain without antenna

Signal amplification methods. This problem can be solved using a number of means that enhance the signal. They are simple and do not require any additional effort to make your router work better.

How to strengthen the signal of a wi-fi router without an antenna? Here you need to know that the operation of the router is affected by various interference from other devices: cell phone, microwave oven, computer. These factors must be taken into account, but it is possible to increase the signal using certain methods.

Boosting a signal without an antenna

How to strengthen the signal of a Rostelecom wi-fi router without an antenna:

  1. put the router on the most high place in the house (for example, on a closet);
  2. do not allow the router to stand next to metal structures - refrigerators, safes, cabinets, etc.;
  3. if your computer or laptop does not have a very powerful Wi-Fi card, it must be replaced with a USB adapter;
  4. place a repeater between the router and computer;
  5. change the signal transmission channel; to do this, select a more suitable signal in the router configuration;
  6. Avoid radio interference if possible.

The listed methods are the main and most common. In addition to these methods, it is recommended to update the drivers.

How to replace the antenna on a router? Antennas on routers are designed so that they transmit signals in all directions at once. In such cases, part of the signal will disappear, the power of the router will work at half. Then a replacement antenna with an increased signal coefficient is required. To create a parabolic surface that directs the signal in the desired direction, you can use an aluminum can as a material.

You can boost the signal from a Rostelecom router if you correctly install the router in your apartment, pointing its antennas at 45° angles and setting the 802.11 B/G mixed mode. An effective remedy signal amplification - installing an access point in any part of the house.

In June 2007, a record was set: the longest wireless connection was established (382.9 km) using a WiFi connection. It would probably be unreasonable to hope to replicate this within a private WiFi network, although it is a tempting idea. We present to your attention several simple tips, which will help you maximize signal quality and minimize interference with a little wireless feng shui.


Improving WiFi reception at home

    Place bulky furniture along the exterior walls of your home. If signals no longer have to fight through large, bulky furniture, the level of communication quality will only increase.

    Minimize the number of mirrors. All metal surfaces reflect WiFi signals, including thin metal coating, which most mirrors have.

    Properly place your network router to maximize its effectiveness. The performance of a router mainly depends on its correct location. The best location for the router is:

    Improve your reception quality with a repeater or wireless bridge. If your main workplace If you are located far from the wireless access point and you constantly have to move to the edge of the room in order to have better reception, then install a wireless signal repeater. A wireless repeater allows you to increase your coverage area without the need to add additional wires or other unnecessary hassle. In order to quickly and effectively improve the quality of communication, place the repeater halfway between the access point and your computer.

    • A wireless bridge (also sometimes called an Ethernet converter) is used to improve the reception quality of wired devices. If you have problems with the reception quality on your wired devices, then use an Ethernet converter to get an additional speed boost.
  1. Instead of WEP, start using WPA/WPA2. WEP and WPA/WPA2 are security algorithms that prevent hackers from hacking into the network. The only problem is that WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is significantly less secure than WPA/WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access). . So if you are still using the Internet via WEP rather than WPA/WPA2, then consider switching to prevent potential opportunity hacking your network.

    Limit the number of devices for which your WiFi will support MAC addressing. The fewer devices your network supports, the faster and more reliable the transfer speed (usually). Limit the number of devices that can access the network by creating an allowed list of MAC addresses. Device MAC addresses are identifiers for “Media Access Control” and are used by all participants in your network.

    • Create a list of allowed device MAC addresses. First, determine the MAC addresses of the devices, and then go to the configuration window of your wireless access point and configure the allowed addresses.
  2. Do not leave your network name publicly available. If you don't want other people to try to get into your network, then don't give them any way of knowing it exists in the first place. (Even though there is software, which is capable of finding "hidden" networks, you still shouldn't leave your network name in the public domain.) Go to your access point's admin page and uncheck the "allow SSID sharing" checkbox. You will still be able to access your network, but it will not appear on your computer in the list of available networks.

    Using kitchen foil

    1. Use aluminum foil to reflect radio signals away from the router.

      Before you start, go to the network connections settings on your computer. Click on the name of your WiFi network. Another window will open. Note the speeds /Mbps and make a note of the number displayed (for example, 72.2 Mbps). After you do this, tear off a sheet of foil the size of a regular A4 format.

      Carefully bend the sheet of foil. This is easier and faster to do if you wrap a 2-liter plastic bottle in the place where the label is glued, and hold the sheet in this position for about 5 seconds. Expand the sheet; it should retain its curved shape.

      Place a curved sheet of foil on the side of it (so that it remains horizontal) behind the router.

      Return to network connection settings. Check Mbps/speed. It should increase compared to the speed it was before adding the foil.

    Improve WiFi reception on the go

    • If all else fails, then you can think about buying a WiFi repeater, which is necessary to strengthen the signal between the router and the device.
    • You can also use reflectors. Use NetStumbler to help you position the reflector correctly. You can use a CD as a reflector, as well as anything that looks like a parabolic reflector. The reflector, of course, must be placed behind the receiving device or antenna. As a result of its use, a large increase in signal strength can be expected. This trick also works with mobile phones.
    • Depending on the make and model of your wireless router, you may be able to replace the firmware with other open source software that will add much more customization options and increase the power of your wireless antenna.
    • The computer case itself can become a significant obstacle to the Wi-Fi signal - try to place the case so that it does not create a barrier between the network card and the router antenna.
    • Adding an external "high gain" (higher dBi) antenna will often result in improved signal quality and increased performance. It should be noted that the higher the dBi value, the stronger the signal propagates in the horizontal direction and weaker in the vertical direction. If you need to cover several floors, then more high level dBi probably won't help you. In this case, you should consider purchasing a Wi-Fi booster that will boost your signal.
    • If you still need more range, consider upgrading to Wireless N or Wireless G with MIMO. These two technologies significantly increase the range of existing 802.11g or 802.11b networks.


    • Replacing your router firmware may void your warranty. If the replacement is not done properly, it may cause irreparable damage to your router.
    • If you supply too much power to a wireless router modified in this way, it may become permanently damaged.

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