Dream interpretation brown boots. Why do you dream about new boots: interpretation of dreams about rubber and leather boots

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It is very rare to see your feet in a dream, but if you happen to have just such a dream, and even remember your shoes, you are very lucky. Why do you dream about boots: new and old, men's and women's? In general, the dream book interprets boots as good sign, however, it all depends on the circumstances. Therefore, in order to understand what boots meant in a dream, one should approach the issue of interpretation with all seriousness. After all, there are many interpretations, which are determined both by the details of the dream and by the personal opinion of the compilers of dream books. So let's try to figure it all out!

Such a simple and familiar thing - boots - takes on many unexpected meanings in a dream.

So, you had a dream in which boots were definitely present. It often happens that some image from a dream sinks into the soul, is remembered most of all, and evokes vivid emotional experiences. But it’s unlikely that you dreamed of boots without some kind of plot associated with them. On the contrary, many circumstances and details were associated with this image, which we will now try to explain

Did you dream of women's, men's or children's boots?

Why do you dream Women's boots- expect a new addition to the family. Perhaps now it seems to you that this is not useful. Maybe you are worried about material problems, but believe me, dreams do not predict the future, but warn about possible events. If you are not ready for the birth of a baby right now, pay increased attention to the issue of contraception. And if, on the contrary, you are planning a child, you can only be congratulated.

If you dreamed of men's boots to a young guy, then, most likely, he experiences fear of his future adult life, is afraid to grow up. And if a young girl had such a dream, she dreams of receiving an offer from a very specific person. But don't worry if it's another person. Sometimes from above we are sent exactly those people with whom we will be truly happy. And with those who leave our lives, not the most pleasant relationships could develop.

Why does an older person dream of men’s boots? It’s time to think about radically changing something in your life. Pay attention to your work, does it bring you satisfaction? If not, then this is a great time to do something new that you have long dreamed of.

What color were they: black, red, brown white

Why do you dream of black boots - beware of gossip, they can harm you now. Just talk less about your successes and plans for life, especially if these are people who often gossip about others. As the dream book says, black boots mean that information can be distorted and misinterpreted, which will lead to a disruption in plans. Therefore, take the advice: wait a while and don’t tell anyone anything.

Why do you dream of red boots - for a romantic trip together with your loved one. If you don’t have a soulmate yet, then you can safely go on a trip alone. There is a high chance that you will return from there in a different status.

If you dreamed of brown boots, serious work awaits you in changing your habits. Try to start it as quickly as possible. Determine for yourself the most bad habits and make up small plan actions to combat them. Otherwise, they can serve you very badly, as the dream suggests.

If you dreamed of white boots, then they will soon come to visit you interesting people. As the dream book says, white boots mean that the visit will be unexpected. But in the end, you will spend an unforgettable few days, forgetting about everything, enjoying the most interesting company.

New boots: choose, try on, buy

Red boots in a dream are a harbinger of a romantic date.

Why dream of trying on boots in a dream? As the dream book says, trying on boots means that a new thing will soon await you, not necessarily shoes, but something serious and quite expensive.

We continue to study the dream book: buying boots in a dream means that your soul requires changes, which you are actively resisting. Think about whether what you are afraid of and therefore inactive can really harm you?

Sometimes our fears are completely unfounded. Or they may be caused by your past negative experience. But think about this: you are already different, you already have strength, so the situation should not happen again. Situations are repeated only to teach us something, and if you have made the right conclusions, then leave your fears, act in spite of them, and everything will work out. The soul needs change, that’s why you dream about buying boots

According to the dream book, rubber boots I dream about it very rarely. If you think about it, what are they even for? This is a means for greater comfort during rain. In the same way, you can interpret what rubber boots mean in dreams - if you encounter difficulties, then you will have the means to get through them as comfortably as possible and without loss.

If there was something wrong with your shoes in a dream

Any broken things in a dream most often indicate upcoming minor troubles that can unsettle you. But forewarned means forearmed, so we hope that our interpretations will help you.

  • Why do you dream of torn boots? You need to pay attention to your budget; somewhere there are holes into which your funds flow. Analyze cost items and draw conclusions.
  • A broken lightning symbolizes an unexpected obstacle that could disrupt your plan. For example, you were planning to go to a meeting with friends, but you can’t find your keys. Try not to panic, but to find what could be a plus here. For example, invite your friends over and have a party at home.
  • A broken heel indicates that a situation has arisen in life that cannot be changed. Don’t waste your energy trying to fix it; it’s easier to accept what is inevitable and see new opportunities in it.
  • Mending boots - those relationships that you thought it was time to leave, it is quite possible to “repair”. Make an effort for this, and the relationship will become warmer, love will return to it.
  • Losing boots in a dream means that you will soon lose some significant thing. But don’t worry, if desired, it can be replaced with a better and more functional one.
  • Wearing boots that are not yours means the situation is heating up. Conflicts with family are possible, be extremely attentive to their needs, try not to be led by emotions.
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Interpretation of sleep in various dream books

If you saw any dream, including boots, the vision can be interpreted in many ways in different ways. As you can already see, many interpretations are slightly contradictory. If we scroll various dream books and look for the answer in them, see boots in a dream - what is this for, we will also encounter a contradiction. This is not surprising, because dream interpretation is not a creative science, but a descriptive one. Choose from the proposed options those that resonate specifically in your soul.

Miller's Dream Book - Changes Are Coming Soon

According to this famous dream book, new boots are a warning about possible changes that will initial stage will not seem entirely pleasant to you. But changes, no matter how positive they are, always cause a feeling of discomfort at first, so just accept what happens to you.

If you dream of boots that are torn, with leaking soles, or with the sole torn off, this indicates an internal conflict. You can't decide what you really want. Your relationship and your loved one suffer from this if doubts are related to the sphere of relationships. In the financial sphere, too, losses occur precisely because of your throwing.

Vanga's dream book - a possible addition to the family

Women's boots in a dream are often a harbinger of pregnancy.

  • Boots in blue and red colors dream of great luck, possible winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance;
  • Torn and worn out ones dream of failures in the personal sphere. A heel that comes off means adventures outside the home.
  • If you dreamed that your boots were stolen or you lost them, inside you are giving away the initiative, not managing your life, allowing someone else to do it instead of you.
  • If you put on someone else's boots in a dream, a new addition to your family awaits you soon, especially if you have long wanted this, but for some reason it was not possible to have a child.

Freud's Dream Book - you easily achieve your goals

From the details of your dream you can understand how you move through life. If the boots are clean and beautiful, then you are walking towards your goal confidently and calmly. If your boots are worn out, dirty, torn, you don’t take from life what it gives you. If you steal boots, you easily take advantage of other people's goods, perhaps without even thinking about it. Punishment for this can come at any time.

Modern dream book - your dream will come true

This dream book regards boots as a symbol of future changes. But what they will be depends only on you. Appreciate any changes as an opportunity to grow and become better in some areas.

If in a dream you exchanged boots with another person, this is a sign of great luck. You will get exactly what you have been seeking for a long time, what you have been working towards for a long time, what you have been dreaming about for a long time. You can relax a little and stop devoting so much time to the goal, it is already close, and you have already made enough efforts to realize it.

Idiomatic dream book - a difficult journey

Taking off new boots means a difficult journey, but after that you will have good luck in business. Taking off your boots in a dream means poverty or illness for you or your loved ones. If your boots are dirty, you will soon have dangerous enemies.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras - be careful

If you have rubber boots on your feet, be careful in your dealings in the near future (perhaps someone will try to drag you into an ugly story or force you to act with “dirty” methods); If you bought new boots, get ready for a little trouble.

Dream Interpretation Gadalkin House - long road

Get ready for a long journey; after some time you may have to leave home for a long time. Get everything in order so that you can travel with a light heart and be able to complete the mission at the end.


Whatever you dream, never forget that a dream is a good help from your subconscious. Perhaps it is preparing you for some changes or expecting some action from you, warning you about something. Be grateful to your dream, your subconscious and yourself for not being lazy and looking at what your dream means.

Video “Why do you dream about Boots”

Promising a person successful endeavors and the development of creativity. Especially good value a dream about new boots is for business people, entrepreneurs and those who plan to launch their own project.

You can find out in more detail what new boots mean in your dreams by comparing your own feelings and turning to several authoritative sources.

Interpretation of the symbol

    Miller's Dream Book

    New boots in a dream foreshadow fast and nice changes in life. Knee-high boots bright color in a dream, in reality, they foreshadow professional advancement and career growth. Putting on new leather boots indicates material well-being, wealth in the family and receiving some kind of income or profit.

    Trying on new boots in a dream indicates an indispensable - no matter what the dreamer undertakes, everything will work out well even the first time. The more beautiful and chic a pair of shoes looks, the higher the likelihood of success and prosperity.

    Ancient dream book

    New red boots on my feet indicate problems in family relationships, in particular with children or young people. Expensive, chic boots mean that the dreamer plans to spend more money than he can afford.

    Rommel's Dream Book

    Seeing yourself in new boots in a dream - new achievements and deeds, some changes in life. Trying on boots in a store portends the dreamer good luck and support higher powers. Buying new boots means acquiring useful connections and acquaintances in reality.

    Receive a new pair of shoes as a gift - this means that soon a person will have to spend a lot of time traveling for work. A dream can also predict a new place of work.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    New boot on only one foot in a dream indicates an unfortunate outcome of events, an unexpected loss. The reason for this turn of events may be the dreamer’s stubborn reluctance to change his point of view and try to adapt to the changing reality.

    I dreamed of good, solid boots - this indicates that the dreamer will overcome all obstacles in his path. Also, a new pair of boots foretells receiving a gift or a chance to show your abilities.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Wearing new boots means that in reality the dreamer will remain with a long-known person in an unusual environment, which is why the sleeper will look at his acquaintance with new eyes.

    Buying or trying on a new pair of rubber shoes - this means that the dreamer’s partner is often jealous of those around him, causing public scenes and scandals. The dream also warns that the dreamer should not trust unfamiliar people - he risks incurring unpleasant rumors and gossip.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    New boots in a dream portend a new turn in life, dramatic changes and changes for the better. The dark streak will finally pass and a favorable period for new beginnings and prosperity will begin.

    Long boots for a young girl in a dream predict an acquaintance with a wealthy young man, who may later become her husband. For a man, the dream foreshadows the emergence of a new love interest.

    Seeing new boots on your own feet indicates an improvement in your financial situation and making some kind of profit. For a woman to see new red boots on her feet, it speaks of a generous gift from some man.

    Buying new boots in a dream means that in reality the person will make a purchase, which I dreamed about so much. Also, such a dream predicts an imminent business trip, success and advancement in business.

    Putting on new boots in a dream means receiving new information, news from afar. The further development of events will depend on how exactly the dreamer uses the information received.

    Trying on new boots in a store in a dream - This means that in reality a person will face an event after which he will never be the same again.

    Modern dream book

    New black boots in a dream portends problems for a man family life . A woman trying on black shoes in a dream speaks of her indecisiveness and timidity in the face of changing life circumstances. Buying black boots without trying them on foretells a woman will soon meet an interesting, but not single, man.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    New boots in a dream - this is a sign of income, a prediction of an improvement in financial situation. Boots white they talk about the dreamer’s large incomes and large expenses - no matter how much the dreamer earns, he will spend everything without a trace. You need to moderate your ardor and monitor your expenses and start saving.

    Purchasing boots of a gray, dirty color means weak relationships with friends, distrust on their part of the dreamer.

    Small dream book

    Women's boots in a dream portend quick changes in life, a radical change in lifestyle. Putting on someone else's new boots means that the dreamer will have to take responsibility for other people's actions. If new boots rub your feet, then in reality many meaningless events happen in a person’s life.

    Esoteric dream book

    New beautiful boots in a dream - this is a sign of successful acquisitions, receiving a generous gift. Dirty boots indicate a waste, as well as the fact that the acquisition of a long-desired item will not bring the joy that was expected.

    Buying or trying on new boots indicates an attempt to deceive on the part of an outsider. In reality, the dreamer needs to be more careful.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    New boots in a dream indicate success in business, powerful patronage of the dreamer’s activities, as well as a long trip. High boots speak of power, arrogance, and the dreamer’s excessive self-confidence. IN love relationships the dream indicates the dominant position of the sleeper.

Choose and measure

Trying on shoes in a dream speaks of an event that will change the monotonous rhythm of life and bring variety and a riot of colors to the sleeper’s life. A woman trying on a pair of boots indicates a pleasant time with some young man, a romantic date with a man.

Trying on someone else's pair of shoes means taking on someone else's responsibility.. Despite good intentions, such behavior will have many adverse consequences.

Choose between two different pairs of boots means problems in your personal life, the inability to choose between two partners. Trying on two boots of different colors indicates distrust in a romantic relationship, discord between lovers.

If, when trying on shoes, a person persistently recommends this particular pair, then in reality the dreamer is under the influence of some person or obsession.

Rubber Shoes

New rubber boots in a dream are a sign of dubious acquaintances, vulnerability to circumstances in life and vulnerability to external enemies. The person is helpless and cannot defend himself.

Trying on rubber boots in a dream portends stagnation in business, a temporary lull in the implementation of plans, a bunch of paperwork. Rubber boots with heels indicate that the dreamer himself will be surprised at his own actions.

New rubber boots, red or pink flowers indicate that the dreamer will take part in a dubious event, an adventure, the consequences of which will be negative for the sleeper.

Dreaming about boots almost always foreshadows dramatic changes in life. If you have had such a dream, get ready for changes on the personal front. I'll have to accept important decision, on which your fate will depend in the future. Most often, boots in dreams prophesy to a person an important path or an incident that will bring significant changes to fate and turn everything upside down. In most cases, this image carries a positive meaning, but in a negative light it acts as a warning.

General value

If you dreamed of buying new ankle boots or trying them on, then soon your loved one will present you with a pleasant surprise. According to the interpretation of the dream book, to see old, worn-out shoes in a dream means you will soon have to fail in life. financially and solve problems that have absolutely nothing to do with you.

Wearing army kirzachs means you are trying to take control of your life. Perhaps you are trying to overcome your laziness or learn to be disciplined. Suede shoes speak of good taste person. Pay attention to creative professions - the dream foretells success in this field. Drown your old felt boots in the river - you will soon get rid of your problems and be able to breathe freely.

Decoding the dream

Torn kirzachi, according to Grishina’s interpretation, predict discord with loved ones. You may receive unpleasant news from best friend. If you wear kirzaks, then real life you will find an influential patron. The dream carries a warning for business people and businessmen about a possible trick on the part of their competitors and damage important papers.Detailed current:

  • Giving boots in a dream is a happy surprise.
  • Steal - you are dissatisfied with what you have.
  • Sell ​​- make a successful deal.
  • Seeing white shoes means walking at a wedding.
  • Red - a whirlwind romance with a man younger than you.
  • Repair - the dreamer will be able to get out of difficult situation.
  • Seeing in a shop window means setting unattainable goals for yourself.
  • To receive as a gift is good news from distant relatives.

Trying on other people's shoes, according to the dream book, means taking on other people's problems. For a woman, a dream predicts a relationship with a married man or the appearance of a young lover in her life. If in a dream your shoes are tight or they are dirty, your affair with a married man will be revealed. And if the shoes are clean and look beautiful on your feet, then the man with whom you are currently involved will turn out to be a worthy person.

According to Dr. Freud's interpretation, if a guy dreams that he is trying on women's shoes, then he is trying to hide the sensitivity of his nature from others. In the case when a woman puts on men's shoes, the dream speaks of her excessive independence. This behavior scares men away from her.

Wearing shoes made of rough material in a dream means that in reality you will be surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex. Losing boots in a dream is a warning that your chosen one is cheating on you.

A low heel or flat sole indicates that the dreamer is confident in her abilities, knows what she wants, and knows how to quickly achieve what she wants. A woman's dream about stiletto boots symbolizes her desire to be more attractive and sexy. If you bought new boots, but they immediately broke, there will be many obstacles on the way to your goal.

Alternative interpretation

High boots made of leather dream of experiments in bed. Cleaning your ankle boots with a brush means you are hiding from your loved ones a bad deed, which will sooner or later come to light. Moreover, this will happen at the most inopportune moment. According to the dream book, this vision symbolizes a quick trip on vacation in the company of a loved one. This journey will help you get to know each other from a different perspective. You will refresh your feelings and return home even more in love. Other meanings of vision:

  • Different ankle boots on your feet dream of poverty.
  • Trampled - symbolize an unsuccessful purchase.
  • Carrying shoes for repair in a dream means interesting news awaits you.
  • New boots portend a profitable purchase.
  • Dirty or worn-out boots are a warning: your money may be wasted.
  • A dream in which you see rubber boots warns you to make new acquaintances with caution.
  • Buying expensive boots is a long journey that will radically change your future life.
  • White boots – nice gift from a beloved man.
  • Shabby and dirty - an omen of poverty.
  • Leaky - he will set you up close person.
  • Trying on torn shoes means finding a reliable patron.
  • Feeling a hard freebie (boot) - you will get carried away by flirting at work.
  • To lose is to convict a loved one of treason.
  • If you dream of torn boots, your deception will be exposed.
  • Black - be careful in financial matters.
  • Over the knee boots yellow color predict separation from a loved one.
  • Torn kirzachs symbolize holes in family budget.
  • Boots with long toes indicate that you are overly curious.
  • Shoes covered in mud warn of a hypocritical person at your work.
  • A boot without a pair predicts a lonely old age or failure in business.
  • Buying boots in a store means striving for popularity.
  • Trying on children's shoes - you regret that you grew up quickly.

New boots bought in a dream will bring serious changes. Wearing shoes that are not your own means you will have to solve other people's problems. If in a dream you rubbed your feet with your shoes, stop going with the flow.

The dream book offers several basic meanings for what it means to dream of trying on boots. In any case, what you see in a dream indicates that some bright events will break the monotony of everyday life. Some details of the dream will tell you what vagaries of fate should be expected.

How Miller explains the symbol

Miller's dream book explains in many ways why you dream of trying on boots. Whatever business the sleeper undertakes after awakening, the symbol promises him success. The more beautiful the shoes were in the dream, the more powerful the influence of fortune.

It will not be boring

Each dream book interprets in its own way why you dream of trying on boots, especially new ones. If you dreamed about this, you won’t be bored in reality: ahead significant events. There may be obstacles to overcome, but they will be more like adventures than challenges.

If you dreamed of not very new, and unremarkable boots, nevertheless, the dreamer for some reason could not resist the temptation to try them on, the birthday book warns that a thorny but exciting journey is planned. And not necessarily in space: it can be a path to knowledge or a search for oneself.

Snow-white forecast

Pay attention to the color of the shoes that you had to try on in your dream. The dream book will tell you how why dream of trying on new white boots.

  • The symbol serves as a call to action: right now you will succeed;
  • Trying on symbolizes the ease with which a complex issue will be resolved;
  • When spouses have to try on white boots in a dream, family relationships will improve;
  • Lonely people try on white boots on the eve of a fateful meeting.

There is another interpretation of the dream, why you dream of trying on white boots. The modern dream book promises trip together, which will help you discover unexpected qualities in your travel companion and start your relationship from scratch.

Meet the new

It is no less curious to find out why you dream of trying on red boots. If a man happened to see himself in the mirror wearing such extravagant shoes, he will soon receive a dubious offer.

For a woman, fitting in a dream promises a career takeoff, so rapid that it can frighten the dreamer. The dream book advises to cast aside doubts and not miss good opportunities.

If you dreamed that you were trying on red boots for a child, new impressions are coming, bright, like in childhood.

Scarlet tones in a dream often serve as harbingers of a whirlwind romance.

In proud loneliness

When you dreamed that one boot was very different from the other in color or size, the interpreter warns of alienation in your relationship with your significant other.

Putting on one item from a pair of shoes in a dream happens to those who in reality are not attentive enough to their loved ones.

When a lonely person happens to try on one boot, the dream book promises a quick meeting with a loved one.

Who owns the shoes?

If you had to try on someone else’s boots in a dream, the dream book pays attention to their condition. Old or in need of repair portends financial difficulties due to the fault of third parties. If you dreamed of strangers, but good ones, the dreamer will find reliable helpers.

When a young woman happens to try on fashionable women's boots, the plot warns against wastefulness in real life.

Boots in a dream - universal symbol good luck, prestige, prosperity and everything that in real life is regarded as a blessing - why do you dream about boots?
Good quality boots promise good luck in business, while dirty, small/large or torn boots are a symbol of bad luck or obstacles on the intended path.
Buying boots or trying on new boots - more often than not, this promises a long journey, a business trip or a trip. And here it is very important that you like the boots and come in at the right time. According to the second interpretation of the dream book, trying on boots in a dream signifies new beginnings, which are obviously very promising.
Why do you dream about high boots? In general, if other people are wearing boots in a dream, then the high tops of the shoes symbolize some kind of dominant personality or an imperious person. But this is not necessarily a boss or a person of higher status; it’s just that the owner of the boots appears to the dreamer as a more important person who can have an indirect or direct influence on his life. So it’s worth paying attention to the people in your dreams who wear boots, if this particular piece of clothing attracts attention.

If you dreamed of luxurious boots, the appearance of which evokes admiration, then in reality it will probably be such a tempting offer that it will be difficult to refuse.
For lovers, a dreamed pair of boots is a symbol of your relationship with your partner. Pay attention to the condition of the shoes, what they looked like, how comfortable and how they fit in size. This will tell you what stage your relationship is at and what you need to pay attention to.

Boot color

In addition, you may dream about boots different colors. For example, the dream book often interprets black boots as changes in one’s personal life. For a girl, this could mean meeting her soul mate, and for a single man, it could mean marrying a woman with a tough disposition. Sometimes black boots signify melancholy and nostalgia for the past.

On the contrary, according to the dream book, white boots are harbingers of a quick and pleasant journey in which you will learn something new, and not only from a tourist point of view. Perhaps you will discover new, previously unnoticed advantages in another person or in yourself. And if in a dream you admire white boots in a store window and do not dare to buy them, such a dream speaks of your shyness.

As the dream book says, red boots are a harbinger of a bright event. For unmarried dreamers, the dream book says that scarlet boots can be interpreted in relation to the love sphere. In a woman’s dream, a guy (man) in red boots is probably a future lover or groom.

Blue boots in a dream mean meeting people who are close to you in spirit.

When you dream of brown boots, expect a business trip. It also foretells that you will have to focus on your work responsibilities in the near future.

Old or new

Why do you dream about new boots? First of all, this dream symbolizes wealth and prosperity in real life. This can mean profitable financial transactions, valuable gifts, successful purchases - in a word, everything that adds to well-being.

And if you dreamed of old boots, what does that mean? Most likely, instead of replenishing the budget, you will have to fork out heavily. There is nowhere to expect additional finance, but you will have to spend the accumulated money on many things, the need for which will arise unexpectedly.

What kind of boots did you dream about?

As the dream book says, rubber boots mean troublesome and exhausting walking on business.
If the boots you dreamed of were suede, this characterizes you as a soft, gentle and compliant person. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes in life.

What does it mean if you dreamed of tarpaulin boots? These shoes are subconsciously associated with military service, which means that in real life you will have to fight for something.

Seeing women's boots in a dream means unexpected turns of events or unusual actions. Buying women's boots means making new acquaintances that will bring something extraordinary into your life and, as it were, “shake up” it.

Children's boots on your feet in a dream symbolize that you want much more from life than this moment you can get using your abilities and skills.

Winter boots– a symbol of warmth, security, comfort. If you wear such shoes in a dream, this may foretell a meeting with your closest relatives, for example, with your parents. And since boots are often a symbol of the road, there is a high probability of a trip to relatives in another city.

Heels and boots

A flying sole or a broken heel of a boot is a sign of wasted time, money or effort that the sleeper makes to implement some idea. And if in reality there is a road ahead, then it will be unsuccessful.
If a woman dreams of high-heeled boots, the dream book promises her many fans. Such a dream symbolizes that you know how to attract attention to yourself.

Other interpretations of dreams

Too many boots in a shoe store or shoe workshop means a lot of things that will confuse the sleeping person’s head and complicate his life, to the point of moral devastation or a decrease in overall physical tone.

Cleaning boots means trying to hide something from others.
Dream Interpretation of losing boots - when interpreting dreams about lost boots, one can recall such sayings as “two boots are a pair” and “a shoemaker without boots.” If the sleeper finds himself in one boot and cannot find the other, it means a loss of trust and support from some person. In this case, the left boot most likely symbolizes a woman, and the right one a man. In general, losing a boot in a dream, like any other shoe, is a bad omen.

Washing boots in a dream means wanting to get rid of some unpleasant feeling associated with your feet. Maybe you're just tired. Or we had a bad trip somewhere. Sometimes this dream foreshadows changes, so try to remember in what environment and in what mood you were doing this.

If your boots were stolen in a dream, this means that in reality someone will take advantage of your experience, or maybe try to steal your idea. If you yourself are the thief, then you will follow the path trodden by someone else.

If you dreamed that you had different boots on your feet, this in most cases means difficulties with finances and a “skew” of your life in one direction, a lack of harmony and confidence.

Dream Interpretation on another topic:

tell friends