Varietal characteristics and care of perennial aster. Perennial asters - the best varieties of charming flowers Perennial asters

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Perennial asters belong to the Asteraceae family. In other words, these are the closest relatives of the annual Chinese aster. The perennial variety is sometimes called true or true.

The leaves of this plant are lanceolate in shape and dark green in color. The inflorescences are in the form of baskets, the diameter of which is about five centimeters. Flowers can have a simple, semi-double or double form. There are approximately 500 species of perennial asters.

Planting and growing

These flowers can be grown in one place for five years. After this, the plant is replanted. In general, growing asters is not particularly difficult. It is preferable to purchase and plant seedlings in the spring. Then, by the time autumn comes, your garden will be decorated with these magnificent flowers. For planting, it is best to choose a warm and sunny place that has fertile, not heavy, loose and permeable soil. Adding organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil is mandatory.

You can grow perennial aster from seeds. However, it must be taken into account that they bloom only after three years. Late-flowering plant varieties are planted in the spring, and early-flowering varieties are planted in the autumn.

It is worth noting that these flowers are almost free of pests. Powdery mildew is the most common disease. Plants grown in the shade are susceptible to this disease. For prevention, you can use “Gumi” and “Fitosporin” (at the same time).

Asters look good in any planting. However, when growing these flowers, you need to be prepared for the leaves on the lower part of the stem to turn black and dry out. Because of this nuisance, plantings may have an untidy appearance. Therefore, it is better to plant plants in front of the asters that could hide their lower part.


Perennial asters are replanted and propagated in spring. This plant propagates by green cuttings. In spring or summer, young shoots appear on the stems of these flowers, which are used for propagation. These shoots easily take root and grow quite quickly. At the same time, strong bushes grow.

Please note that asters reproduce not only by green cuttings, but also by dividing the rhizome.

In addition, this plant can be propagated by seeds, but the result will not always be good. Often seedlings grow weak.


The perennial aster is a fairly unpretentious winter-hardy plant. It is not allowed to fertilize flowers with fresh manure. In addition, plantings should not be thickened. Otherwise, it may lead to illness. Periodically loosen the soil around the stems (this needs to be done quite often). Weed regularly.

Flowers need to be watered infrequently, but abundantly during dry periods.

It is recommended to add a small amount of potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation. Regularly remove fading flowers and be sure to tie up tall varieties. If you fulfill all these simple requirements, the plants will grow well and bloom profusely.

Top dressing

A week after the seedlings sprout, it is necessary to begin feeding them. For these purposes, mineral fertilizers are used, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

In addition, it is recommended to fertilize the soil before you are planning to plant seedlings or seeds. Please note that application organic fertilizers unacceptable. To do this, it is better to use compost, humus or wood ash. On well-cultivated soil, you can do without fertilizing.


Perennial asters are an amazing shower of stars in your flower garden; they are unique bright strokes in the beautiful palette of the autumn garden.

Growing perennial aster (video)

Description of shrub varieties

  1. Alpine aster. This plant is widespread in America, European countries, as well as in the Southern Urals. This is a low-growing plant, since its height reaches only 30 centimeters. The inflorescence reaches approximately 4 centimeters in diameter. This species begins to flower about a year after the plant is sown. Inflorescences can be blue, pink, white, purple or red. The species begins flowering around the beginning of summer. It is worth noting that the flowering is very abundant and lasts for about a month. The plant will look great in a group planting.
  2. Italian aster or chamomile. It also applies to perennial plants. It begins to bloom in July or early autumn. Flowering lasts quite a long time, about two months. The flowers are lilac, pink or dark blue. The diameter of one inflorescence is about five centimeters.
  3. New Belgian aster. The height of the bush can reach one and a half meters. Inflorescences can be white, pink, lilac or light purple. The flowers are not very large; they can reach 2.5 centimeters in diameter. Cut flowers can stand in water for about two weeks.
  4. New England aster. This plant is widespread in Russia. Bushes of this species can reach two meters. The diameter of the inflorescences is about four centimeters. The flowers themselves can be pink, red, white, dark purple or blue. Depending on their variety, New England asters differ in the beginning of flowering, as well as in its duration and the color of the inflorescences. Cut plants remain in water for approximately 12 days.
  5. Shrub aster. This species has increased resistance to frost. It begins to bloom in early autumn. Flowering lasts about 40 days. Flowers can be pink, purple or reddish in color. The inflorescences can be up to three centimeters in diameter. In dry weather, this plant requires abundant watering.

Varieties of asters (video)

Asters in the garden (20 photos)

The genus of alpine asters includes about 250 species of annual, biennial, and perennial herbaceous plants and semi-shrubs. Widely distributed in various natural areas Northern Hemisphere, especially North America. Feels great in the Alps, Sayan Mountains, Altai, and Caucasus. Plants are suitable for growing on alpine hills and for borders.

According to the timing of flowering, asters are divided into spring-, summer-, and autumn-blooming. The inflorescences are single, very attractive, 4-5 cm in diameter, on thin peduncles; widely used for cutting. Some bush species grow exclusively in South Africa. The name reflects the resemblance to a star - numerous rays-petals radiate from the bright yellow center. Outwardly, it resembles a garden chamomile or daisy, hence the second name - alpine chamomile.

The unpretentiousness and modest, long-lasting decorative nature of the alpine aster distinguishes its perennial counterparts from its annual counterparts. Having planted one plant, they admire it for many years with minimal care and attention.

Botanical description

Alpine aster, Korzhinsky aster, false aster - a close relative or annual, one of the perennial representatives of the huge family of asters, has earned the love of many gardeners over several centuries. This is a medium-sized plant up to 35 cm high. good lighting The bush, growing, takes on a voluminous shape.

Erect, pubescent, highly branched branches emerge from the thickened rhizome. The root is horizontal and branchy. The basal leaves are obovate, located on the stems - lanceolate, smaller towards the apex, occasionally pubescent without petioles. Before winter, the plants turn green. The involucre is hemispherical, consisting of a pair of rows of lanceolate-elongated leaflets. Inflorescence - apical basket up to 6 cm with many reed flowers of different color palette– from whitish to dark ultramarine. The seeds are obovate with a tuft. Blooms from late May to July. They do not lose their attractiveness until the snow.

The plant has been cultivated since the 16th century and is actively used to decorate plots by many gardeners and summer residents. In landscape design it is used for mixborders, borders, alpine slides and group plantings in the foreground. It is cultivated in the northernmost regions, enduring long winters without consequences.

Growing Alpine Aster

If your flower garden is not shaded and is well lit by the sun, the beautiful alpine aster will not require special care. They need well-drained, non-acidified soil, but otherwise they are unpretentious and hardy. During mass flowering they require abundant watering. Tall species and varieties require moderate feeding. As soon as the cold weather sets in (mid-October and later), cut the stem to the root collar. This operation can be postponed to spring, combined with the removal of frozen shoots.

If you notice the rhizomes of an alpine aster protruding from the soil, you should replant the plant as quickly as possible with a deep root or carefully cover it with soil, covering the exposed areas. Some varieties degenerate quickly and must be divided periodically. For replanting, use the healthiest parts of the rhizome with large shoots and a well-developed root system. Feed at the beginning of the growing season potassium fertilizer with the addition of calcium, which is chalk or finely crushed eggshells.

During the summer, ash is poured under the plants, followed by loosening. Doesn't like fresh manure. Stops blooming when there is an excess of unrotted organic matter. They overwinter well without shelter, covering only young and recently transplanted specimens with spruce branches and dry moss.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Propagated mainly by dividing the bush. Best timing for this operation - May - September. The divisions are grown at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. When they develop, they can be planted in open ground. They are also propagated by seeds, which quickly lose their viability, and sown in a nursery from April to July or before winter, provoking natural stratification.

Growing alpine aster from seeds

In the middle zone, alpine aster can be freely sown simply in the ground, in early April, covering the bed with film. The grown seedlings can be transplanted within a month to permanent place, and by the end of summer small flowering bushes will have formed. IN next year they will be fully developed and will delight you with abundant flowering.

At home, seeds are sown in March-April, in bowls or containers filled with light substrate. It is possible to grow without diving if you place the seeds at a considerable distance from each other and gradually gently add soil.

How to grow alpine aster from seeds for seedlings at home:

  • You can sow as early as the end of February and until the very end of April. Sometimes those who didn’t have time plant seeds in the middle of summer.
  • The seeds are buried into the substrate a centimeter and a half, no more.
  • It is better if you plant a couple of seeds in separate cups. If you plant in large containers or boxes, make rows no closer than 8 cm apart, leave a distance of 5 cm per row.
  • Drainage is required, so make sure the container has holes for water to drain out.
  • It is better to water moderately so as not to clog the soil and it does not become too hard.
  • An ordinary ready-made flower substrate is perfect for planting at home. If you don’t have it on hand, take care of the rotted organic matter by adding a good half of it to garden soil and mix.
  • Choose south windows where there is enough light and the plants will not stretch out.

They can be moved to open ground in summer or early autumn. They bloom after 3 years. Varietal characteristics are not always preserved during seed propagation; this must be taken into account when breeding especially rare specimens.

Alpine aster can be propagated by cuttings

Such reproduction completely duplicates the parent specimen. Cuttings are taken from healthy plants. The lower internode is cleared of leaves, treated with root or other stimulant, and the top is pinched. Can be used succinic acid as a stimulator of root formation, lightly powdering the sections with it.

Rooting occurs within two weeks. To speed up the formation of roots, the cuttings in the nursery are covered with film or glass. Every day they ventilate for 5-10 minutes, raising the shelter. Water as soon as it dries out, avoiding overwatering. Early autumn transplanted to a permanent place at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Diseases and pests of alpine aster

Roots are often affected black mold, which leads to rotting of the root system and death of the plant. Powdery mildew, called white asteraceae disease, may appear on the leaves. This occurs as a result of the wrong choice of plant location. Treat this scourge with available means.

Of the insects, the most dangerous is aphids, which slow down growth by damaging young stems and sucking the juice out of them; Deformed inflorescences develop from the affected shoots, which subsequently do not bloom. The danger comes from snails gnawing on young shoots. Get rid of snails using ash. All this can be avoided by placing the bushes in open, well-lit, ventilated places.

Tar water is used against insects (2-3 tablespoons of birch tar per 10 liters of water), watering plants and watering cans with it. Good results gives processing normal laundry soap. You can dissolve soap in tar water, which will increase the effect of the treatment. Dividing the bush involves rejuvenation; this must be done every 3-5 years. It is better not to be overzealous with fertilizing and fertilizer - in natural conditions The soil where alpine asters grow is usually poor. If overfed, the plant may not bloom or become sick.

Popular varieties of alpine aster

Albus (Albys) - one of the first to bloom, in early June, short stems strewn with small dark green leaves. The flowers are white with a yellow core, semi-double and simple, scattered throughout the spherical bush. Height 12-22 cm. Looks ideal in rockeries and alpine slides.

Gloria - blue simple flowers do not exceed 3 cm in diameter. falls at the end of May, June. A bush with emerald lanceolate leaves is decorative up to late autumn. Up to 35 cm in height. Suitable for low borders, flower beds, rockeries. Unpretentious, stable, responsive to care.

Goliath – semi-double light purple flowers on low grassy bushes of gray-green color. When used as a ground cover plant, it grows quickly and occupies the area provided to it. Timely removal of branches that have lost their decorative properties promotes long-term flowering.

Rosea - baskets with a diameter of 6 cm are collected from buds with pink petals and a yellow-greenish center. Height is about 15 – 20 cm. Blooms in July. Form balls woven bright flowers. The herbaceous part is bright green. Suitable for compositions near stones.

Happy End is a variety with erect, strong stems, the earliest flowering. Pink petals decorate the rosette. Slightly taller than his brothers. Flowering is abundant and long lasting from May to July. A valuable border plant with dense, compact, spherical bushes abundantly covered pink flowers during flowering. When planted along paths, it looks impressive and picturesque. Faded shoots should be removed in a timely manner, thereby prolonging flowering.

Dunkle Shenet is a low, lush aster with deep purple flower petals and a bright yellow center, does not exceed 3 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height. Looks great against the background of faded peony bushes and other early-blooming perennials, creating a bright spot against the background of green foliage.

Ruber - amazing beautiful bloom captivating to look at. The rich colors of red-pink flowers will decorate any place in your garden. Height up to 30 cm suitable for both single landings curtains, also for borders, flower beds, rocky hills. By planting it along the paths, you will create a magnificent ensemble with the lawn.

Superbus is unpretentious, with lilac-blue flowers on openwork-plastic bushes. Will decorate any place in your garden. It does well in light shade, decorating the walls of barns and other outbuildings.

Dark Beauty and Helen Beauty - picturesque curtains of 15 centimeter stems with bright purple flower petals are used as a ground cover plant in places of memory, creating a long-flowering clearing. Planted between stones, they look excellent.

By combining plantings from different varieties, colors are achieved continuous flowering With early spring until late autumn. This is achieved by supplementing the alpine varieties with other types of perennial asters - October, September, Italian, Belgian, New England and New Zealand varieties.

Only from these flowers alone, alternating varieties and heights of plants, you can create an English mixborder - an essential element of European design, which will remain decorative throughout the year and will delight its creator and his household with splendor and lush flowering. A mixborder located along a fence, fence or against the background of a building will hide imperfections, decorate the area of ​​the site or garden and add completeness to the landscape composition. Requires minimal maintenance effort and costs. Such plantings look organic; they are constantly in bloom, thereby differing favorably from ordinary flower beds and flower beds.

Medicinal properties

Are used medicinal properties alpine chamomile. ethnoscience applies flowering tops. They are successfully used for gastrointestinal disorders, treatment of scrofula, tuberculosis. Harvested during the flowering period: cut, laid out in one layer, dried under canopies, avoiding sunlight. Children and adults are treated with decoctions and lotions. The juice is used for various dermatoses.

Since ancient times, this unassuming plant has attracted people's attention with its modest splendor. Ancient structures are decorated with ornaments that follow the curves of twigs and sepals. They were found during excavations in ancient tombs and burials. Mentioned in legends and myths about love and fidelity associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite, personifying divine beauty and unfading youth.

It was believed that these cute “stars” appeared at the place of the goddess’s footprints. In ancient times, they were planted at the entrances to temples and houses in order to earn the favor of the heavenly bodies and gods. People gave them to each other when breaking up, believing that they helped lovers find happiness and meet again.

Many amateur flower growers are chasing unapproachable, capricious exotics, not noticing simple representatives of the flora that do not make great demands and are content with little attention, which is our modest one, which, with unobtrusive care, is self-sufficient, respectable in those places where your other chosen ones will wither and die .

Often driving past abandoned areas, you can notice a flowering bush of alpine aster under thickets of raspberries or currants. What kind of care can we talk about in this case, but the plant is alive, growing, blooming. It’s worth adding a little attention and care to it, and it will reward you with gentle, long-lasting flowering. Not many have such properties and an exceptional thirst for life.

The plant is perfect for those summer residents who prefer to just relax in the country or personal plot without bothering to take care of the plants. Alpine daisy will always thank everyone with its cheerful stars. Of course, in this case you need to pay attention to more unpretentious varieties.

The Alpine aster is another magnificent creation of Mother Nature, delighting us with its flowering, discreet beauty, captivating us with its unpretentiousness, endurance, and charm. Growing it will not be difficult even for novice gardeners.

Garden aster is the most recognizable and popular in Russia and neighboring countries. For your unpretentiousness, easy care and growing in open ground no problem.

Asters are beautiful asteraceous flowers, of which there are about 600 varieties. Perennial varieties begin to bloom quite late, so they are often called winter asters or octobers. It depends on what type you decide to choose, whether the aster will be in the form of a bush or a single flower. The height of the plant can reach up to 2 meters. Delight the eyes of others with your bright colors asters start appearing in early autumn. You can find inflorescences of various shades, they will vary from white to purple.

The aster deservedly receives universal admiration and delight. By by and large for the variety of different sizes (from miniature and border, to large and tall) and colors of various flower shapes.

Varieties of asters: perennials and annuals

In the endless list of species of this flower you can find both perennial and annual plants.

Annual Chinese aster

Annuals or Callistephus sinensis, as these varieties are called in the scientific literature, include:

  • Tubular varieties, the inflorescences of which have the shape of thin tubes.
  • Transitional ones can be either reed or tubular in shape.
  • Reed petals have petals that are not narrow, but rather wide in the form of a tongue.

Tubular have petals that are feathery and twisted into a tube

  1. Lilliputian
  2. Flax aster

Transitional there are those that are clear even from the name, they have both tubes and reeds, and are divided into simple, semi-double, coronal:

Simple asters have a center of yellowish trumpet-shaped petals surrounded by several chains of straight reed forms.

  • Chamomile, Peony aster, Ostrich feather and Margarita - for cutting;
  • Chrysanthemum aster Apollo, Victoria, Duchez, Waldersee - casing.

Semi-double Due to the reed petals sticking up and to the sides, the varieties have a voluminous shape and a well-defined middle.

  1. Madeline, Anemone - for cutting;
  2. Mignon, Victoria Baum, Anmuth, Rosette - casing.

Coronet These are species with rather lush and fluffy flowers, the middle of which is practically invisible.

  1. Princess roseate, Aurora, Princess Elena - for cutting into bouquets;
  2. Ambria, Venice, Pompon Venus, peony-shaped Silver Tower and Annushka – casing;

You will not be able to see the reed core with small yellowish tubes, since in these asters the flower has a lush spherical shape.

Reed species that consist of wide multiple petals, in turn, are also divided into several collected varietal groups:

  1. Curly - have wide reed inflorescences that curl slightly at the ends; Comet, Hohenzollern, Early Miracle, Market Queen, Versailles
  2. Radial or radiant with sharp tongues that curl along their length without merging; Delight, Star, Radio
  3. Needle varieties - needle petals, thin and twisted. Valkyrie, Unicum, Riviera
  4. Imbricated: Victoria, Lilliputian, Dwarf royal
  5. Ball-shaped varieties: Dragon, Princess, Milady
  6. Hemispherical: American Beauty, Shenheit, Triumph, Pink Aster

Dwarf the Tibetan aster blooms with numerous blue flowers, and the miniature Andersen aster grows very small (no more than 8-10cm) and blooms with delicate purple flowers.

Perennial bush aster

Perennial flowers differ from their predecessors in that they have rather tall bushes.

Tall varieties should be grown to decorate flower beds or to create hedges. If the perennial is low-growing, then it is suitable for borders or small flower beds.

Depending on the appearance and flowering period, perennial asters are divided into several categories. At the beginning of summer, the Alpine aster begins to delight with its flowering, and at the end of the hot season you can enjoy the unforgettable flowers of Italian varieties.

With the onset of autumn, the previous varieties are replaced by bush asters, blooming flowers of the most unpredictable and beautiful shades.

Types of perennial plants:

  • Alpine aster photo.

The height of this short species does not exceed 30 cm. It first appeared in the Alps. The flowers of the plant are located on one shoot and their circumference can vary from 4 cm to 6 cm; they are similar in appearance to chamomile. The double center of the flowers is yellow and has tubular petals. There are pink, purple and white shades of flowers. It blooms in early June and pleases others with its lush blooms throughout the month. The alpine aster flower is a perennial planting and caring for which is not at all difficult, will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

It can serve as an excellent decoration for alpine hills or in flowerbed arrangements next to low-growing plants.

Common varieties:

  1. Wargrave is a dwarf subspecies, barely reaching 25cm. It is a May flower, with pink daisy petals and an amber center.
  2. Glory. Even smaller than Vargrav. With a bright orange center and sky blue long petals (about 4 cm).
  3. Helen beauty Perennial alpine subspecies of dwarf growth 10-15cm. Small saturated flowers purple shades. It turns out to be an interesting combination with Iberis and Chinese carnation flowers.
  4. Albus - consists of multiple virgin white inflorescences.
  5. Dark Beauty border aster dark – purple, blooms in last days July and continues flowering until mid-August.
  6. Galiath is a true alpine aster, often used for its intended purpose - on alpine slide, also planted along paths and for rockeries. Long-lasting flowering with unusual lavender flowers.
  • Shrub or bush.

This species was bred in North America. All varieties that you will find in it have 20-60 cm shoots that are completely covered with foliage.

The bush aster is the species that will be the first to bloom in autumn period.

To the most popular bush varieties can be attributed:

  1. Blue Bird is a low-growing specimen (up to 20cm) with sky-blue petals in the form of elongated tongues.
  2. Alba flor foam is a medium-sized type. It is distinguished by the different structure of its petals, some are lemon-yellow tubular, while others are in the form of snow-white tongues.
  • New England aster.

The height of these varieties grows up to 2 meters. Lush blooms can be either red, white, pinkish-peach, or sky blue and deep purple.

With the onset of autumn, asters will delight you with their rich inflorescences, the diameter of which is about 4 cm. These flowers can be used to create unforgettable bouquet arrangements that can survive in water for several weeks.

  1. Perple House purple - lavender flower colors
  2. Apollo white Chinese aster
  3. Andenken & Alma Potschke bright pink petals coupled with a yellow spot in the middle, excellent pink asters
  • New Belgian aster.

The height of these plants can vary from 35 cm and reach 1.5 meters.

It is characterized by small flowers that can be soft purple, lilac, pink, burgundy or white.

There are dwarf (miniature), medium-sized and tall New Belgian aster.

  1. Marie Ballard Blue Aster
  2. Royal Ruby deep red
  3. Patricia Ballard dark pink aster
  4. Royal ruby ​​red-ruby color
  5. Winston Churchill burgundy - red
  6. White Ladies snow-white flowers
  • Italian aster.

It is a bush no larger than 70 cm. You can find pink, lilac, yellow or dark blue flowers collected in basket inflorescences. In August it begins to delight its owners with lush and abundant flowering.

  • Italian Rudolf Goethe double lilac - pinkish inflorescences
  • Amalia or chamomile or European

How to properly plant and care

Perennial asters prefer neutral soil. In the event that you know or think that there is not enough nutrients, then before planting such soil must be fertilized, mainly using:

  • Compost or humus (2-4kg)
  • Ammonium sulfate and potassium salt (about 15-20 g each)
  • Superphosphate from 20 to 30 g.

Under no circumstances should you plant plants in places where the soil is wet, as this often leads to the appearance of powdery mildew on the bush, and its subsequent possible death.

These applied fertilizers are calculated for one square meter of the area where the flowers will be planted. Don't overdo it with additives, it won't lead to anything good.

The place where you plan to plant asters must be thoroughly dug up, leveled and loosened. Distance between planting samples should be maintained at about 20 cm. The holes dug should be of medium depth. After placing the seedlings in the hole, cover them with soil and be sure to water them. They will not need watering for the next few days. After a few weeks, feed the asters with nitrogen fertilizers.

How to plant a perennial aster in the fall video:

How to care for asters grown in the garden in open ground

If you dream of growing asters, then this will probably not be difficult for you.

To begin, find an open area for the seedlings that is well lit by the sun. Also, this place should be well-drained so that there is no stagnation of water.

It is worth considering that the plant prefers to grow in places where it will not be disturbed by strong cold winds.

Having properly prepared the soil where your flower will grow, be sure that caring for it in the future will be simple, even if you are a complete beginner gardener.

If you plan to grow in your garden annual plant, then all you need is to remove the weeds, loosen the soil and water it in a timely manner.


When planting, try not to plant the sprouts close to each other, as excessive planting density can lead to fungal infections.

At proper care you must promptly remove dried leaves and inflorescences from the plant. This should be done not in the evening, but in the morning or before lunch, so that the plant tissues have time to heal. This procedure will help the appearance of new buds, and the excess supply of nutrients will not be used up.

Watering and fertilizing

Aster bushes are watered only when the soil around them is sufficiently dry, since excess moisture is too harmful for the plant. If you decide to plant a flower in an area where there are groundwater or heavy soil, then be prepared for the fact that stagnant water will lead to rotting of the root system. It is necessary to loosen the soil, as this helps the plant to become saturated with oxygen. Removing all weeds is also necessary, because this reduces the risk of aster disease.

If the summer period is too hot, mulch the soil so that the moisture remains in it a little longer. Dry leaves, sawdust or pine needles are suitable for this procedure.

Do not forget to feed the asters, which will allow them to produce beautiful and lush inflorescences. To do this, you can use mineralized fertilizers, which are: superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate. Wood ash will be no less useful. Avoid nitrogen fertilizers, because thanks to them, the plant will actively grow foliage, while practically not releasing buds.

As a rule, fertilizers are applied both in dry form and after mixing them with water. It is necessary to feed asters for the first time a few weeks after planting. As soon as buds begin to appear on the plant, this is an indicator that it is necessary to fertilize the plant a second time. The third time it is necessary to use fertilizer at the moment when the buds have just blossomed.

How to propagate correctly

Gardeners who decide to plant asters in their garden will certainly want to grow this wonderful flower. This procedure is carried out both with the help of seeds and by dividing the bush.

It is necessary to sow seeds of annual varieties in the ground in spring. But remember, you can store seeds for no more than three years after you collected them. Seeds of perennial asters should be sown immediately after they are collected.

Propagation by seedlings

Seedlings allow you to get gorgeously blooming asters by July. If you want seedlings to appear in the second half of May, then the seeds must be sown in the last weeks of March, but no later than the beginning of April. In order for them to germinate for sure, you need to follow the following rules:

Planting seedlings in open ground

Young plants should be planted in the garden in the second half of May, if the height of the seedlings is about 10-12 cm. The procedure is carried out in the evening, in moist soil mulched with sawdust or grass. To help asters take root better, harden off the seedlings within a week.

The distance between tall pets should not be less than 30 cm. For short asters, 20 cm will be enough. Maintaining the optimal distance between the bushes will allow you to form a chic carpet of flowering asters.

The areas where you plan to plant asters should be well lit and also have light, dry soil, which will allow moisture to drain quickly. If you decide to plant flowers where you previously grew potatoes or tomatoes, then it is better to refrain from doing so. The fact is that after these plants, pathogens of some diseases that are dangerous for flowers may remain in the ground. When planting a plant, leave the growing point above the ground and do not bend the roots.

Seedless method from seeds

If you decide to stop at this option, then it is worth considering that asters need to be sown in two periods at the beginning of spring or with the onset of autumn. Using the first method, sowing should be done when the soil is warm enough and the threat of frost has passed. As a rule, this procedure takes place at the end of April or the beginning of May. If you decide to plant asters in the fall, then they will begin to bloom a little later, but the flowering will last longer and will be much more luxurious than with the first option.

Breeding by division

No less popular is dividing the bush, which is usually done in the spring. Such flowers will delight gardeners with their blooms in the fall. Dividing an aster will not be difficult, and the plant itself is easy to handle.

Vegetative propagation is carried out only if the growing part that will be separated has 4 new stems, 1 bud and several roots.

How to protect perennial asters in winter

There are both frost-resistant species of asters and those that are not. In order to cover the plant before the onset of the upcoming cold weather, it is necessary to use spruce branches, peat or dry foliage. Before starting the procedure, you need to remove all dry shoots. As soon as winter has passed, the shelter must be removed, the soil loosened and watered.

Perennial plants can grow in one area for about five years. Five-year-old bushes must be dug up, the root system divided and replanted. This procedure allows plants to avoid infection with various diseases.

Who can attack Octobers: diseases and pests

Most often, asters are infected with fungal diseases, which are:

  • Fusarium.

A plant that has been affected by this disease begins to turn yellow, become weaker, and subsequently wither. Unfortunately, it is impossible to deal with this disease. The only thing you can do is to prevent other plants from becoming infected. To do this, dig up the affected aster and burn it. A five-year crop rotation will protect the plant from disease.

At an early stage, you can see the disease only by paying attention to the back of the sheet. For more later swelling, wilting and drying of the leaves are observed. To avoid such a disease or to cure a plant that is already infected, you will need a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

  • Blackleg.

This disease mainly affects only seedlings, but there are cases when adult plants are also attacked. The reasons may be either excess moisture in the soil or excessive soil acidity. Plants that are infected, starting from the ground, turn black and rot. Those asters that become infected must be removed and burned. The soil where healthy plants remain is watered with a fungicide solution and sprinkled with sand.

Carriers are cicadas and aphids. After infection, the foliage begins to turn yellow, and subsequently chlorosis begins on it. To get rid of the disease, you will need insecticides that are used to treat healthy plants. All infected flowers are removed.

  • Verticillium, gray rot, powdery mildew.

Diseases that need to be treated with foundationazole.

To protect your flowers from these pests, you must follow these steps:

  • In autumn, be sure to dig up the soil.
  • Do not forget to add lime, compost and humus to the soil.
  • When planting plants, maintain a distance between them.
  • Dying perennials or faded annuals must be removed from the flowerbed and burned.
  • If you find any pests or diseases, be sure to treat the plants.

Application in landscape design photo

Aster is a perennial low-growing plant that is quite easy to care for and is quite often used to decorate flower beds, borders and create hedges. Thanks to short stature, you can create unusual shapes and patterns or make a carpet of flowers, because if you follow everything necessary rules, then these plants are able to delight you with their bright flowering and unforgettable forms.

They can be used both in group compositions with other plants, and when planted alone in flower beds. They will look unusual next to dahlias or phlox. They also go well with carnations and other flowers whose shapes are similar to asters.

Where is it better not to plant asters:

  • Next to magnificent roses or lilies that will simply outshine their delicate beauty.
  • It is not recommended to plant in the place where tulips or other asters, potatoes or tomatoes used to grow. All of these plants can contribute to Fusarium infection.
  • Don't plant under or near evergreen conifers because the green needles can cause nasty rust.

All wishes and precautions should be taken into account in order to grow high-quality and healthy specimens of perennial asters.

If you want to decorate your balcony, gazebo or veranda, then compact varieties of asters that are planted in hanging pots are ideal for this.

The most common species used for home garden design are low-growing perennials. The Alpine aster occupies a leading place, since the unforgettable autumn lush flowering of this species does not allow you to take your eyes off the plant and allows you to compare it with flowering.

Asters are flowers that begin to bloom in autumn and are the last to fade with the onset of winter. If you want to fill your garden with gorgeous flowers that can delight you even with the onset of minor cold weather, then asters are best suited for this.

Reproduction of winter perennial aster by dividing the bush video:

Aster is a flower that is highly valued by gardeners all over the world. By the end of summer, when most of the plants have already bloomed, he decorates the flower beds with a variety of flowers. Growing an aster is not difficult if you take into account all the rules for planting and subsequent care.


It's grassy ornamental plant family Asteraceae. There are perennial and annual asters, all of them number tens of thousands of different varieties, differing in height, shape, and color of the inflorescences.

The annual aster is called Callistephus. Its stem is erect, weakly branched, with jagged leaves of a rich green color located alternately on it. fibrous root system quite powerful. The basket-shaped inflorescence consists of tubular flowers and is surrounded by petals, which can have a wide variety of colors - from white to dark purple. Only orange is missing from the palette. Thanks to the unusual shape of the inflorescences, the aster got its name, translated from Greek as “star”.

Perennial asters

These flowers decorate the garden in late autumn, when flowering plants almost none remains. They are also called October asters, winter asters due to the fact that even caught by the first frosts, they do not lose their beauty and, as soon as the sun warms up, they come to life again, opening thawed buds. Perennial asters can be of very different heights - from 30 centimeters to 2 meters. Therefore, you can decorate a border, a rockery with them, or place them in the very center of a flower garden. They are perfect for creating compositions and as a garden screen.

These are very unpretentious plants adapt to any soil. They prefer sunny places, but they also do well in shaded areas. Fertilizers are usually applied in the spring and during budding. In the fall, you can use wood ash as a top dressing.

Perennial aster should be replanted every 5-6 years. Reproduction can be done by dividing the bush or planting shoots. Use a shovel to separate a part of the plant. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the underground shoots. This part of the bush is planted in an area illuminated by the sun, since aster is a flower that blooms much worse in the shade. In addition, the plant is susceptible to disease.

Varieties of asters, which include perennials, are quite diverse. The most common in our area is the shrub aster, up to 50 cm high. It is covered with small (about 3 cm in diameter) flowers, usually lilac, less often blue or pink. Varieties such as Alpine, Italian, and Tongolian Astra are also popular. All of them mainly differ in the shape and color of the inflorescences. Tall asters include New England and New Belgian, their height can reach 1.5-2 meters.

Growing conditions

Aster is a flower that does not require any special conditions. However, it will exhibit its decorative properties much better if you follow certain rules when growing. A place for planting should be selected that is well lit by the sun so that the flowers have time to bloom before the cold weather. These plants prefer loamy, fertile, thoroughly dug soils. Before planting, it is necessary to ensure drainage and water permeability, since plants tolerate dampness and stagnant moisture very poorly. Growing aster flowers on damp soils provokes powdery mildew. Soils that are poor in composition are enriched with organic matter by adding 10 kg of humus per square meter.


Perennial aster can be propagated by cuttings. The shoots that appear on the plant in spring and during the summer take root very quickly (in 25-30 days), forming new strong bushes. A cutting is taken 5-7 cm long and planted in pre-prepared soil from turf soil, peat and sand. You can cover the top with film to speed up the rooting process.

Asters can be propagated by dividing the bush. It is important that there are 3-4 shoots on the separated part and some roots. Reproduction by seeds is also possible, but this is very unproductive, since the germination of seeds is lost quite quickly. Therefore, this method is used very rarely.

Only annual asters are propagated using this method. Growing from seeds can be carried out by seedlings or without seedlings. In the latter case, the seeds are sown directly into the ground and covered with film until the first shoots appear. When the third true leaf appears on the plants, they are thinned out to a distance of 10-15 cm. Growing aster flowers using this method is quite problematic. Not all varieties have good germination, and open place under unfavorable weather conditions, it reduces the chances of seeds to germinate. That's why experienced gardeners They prefer the seedling method.

Growing seedlings

At the end of March, seeds are sown in a greenhouse or special boxes. They are filled with a soil mixture prepared in advance from turf soil, peat and sand (in a ratio of 2:1:0.5). For every 5 liters of mixture you can add half a glass wood ash. A small groove is made in the soil, which after sowing is sprinkled with a 0.8 cm layer of washed sand. After this, it is necessary to pour in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and cover the box with film to maintain moisture. The temperature for germination should be approximately 18-20⁰C. It is important to water on time, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.

Aster is a flower whose seeds quickly lose their viability. This requires a more serious approach to their choice. Only fresh seeds should be selected for planting. It is recommended to pre-treat them with a fungicide solution in order to prevent the possibility of diseases caused by fungal infections in plants.


At favorable conditions Aster flower seedlings already produce their first shoots in 3-5 days. The film must be removed and the container with seedlings placed in a well-lit place. When 2-3 leaves appear on the aster sprouts, they can be picked. To do this, prepare a soil mixture that has the same composition, adding to it a tablespoon of mineral fertilizer containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Having filled special pots with this soil, make a small depression in it, into which the seedling is carefully placed so as not to damage the roots.

Then the soil around the plant is lightly compacted and watered with settled water. Watering should be done very carefully, starting from the edges of the container and trying to prevent water from getting on the leaves.


When 5-7 large leaves form on the seedlings, they are transplanted into open ground. This usually happens in mid-May. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. If its acidity is increased, then it is recommended to add 150-200 g of dolomite flour or wood ash and 50 g of mineral fertilizer for each square meter when digging. Sand and peat are added to clay soils. Asters are planted at approximately a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. Growing seedlings from seeds under insufficiently favorable conditions can lead to the formation of overly elongated plants. When planting, such seedlings need to be buried about 3 cm deep. After slightly compacting the soil around the plants, water them and pour a small layer of peat on top to avoid the formation of a crust.

Caring for asters

After planting flowers has finished, the aster needs further care. It is not as burdensome as when growing other plants. All that is required for full growth and flowering is weeding, timely watering and fertilizing. In dry summers, it is necessary to water the flowers more abundantly, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow and the number of inflorescences will decrease. Watering is especially important during the budding period.

At the same time, asters need feeding mineral fertilizers. They contribute more lush flowering and increase plant resistance to disease. Perennial aster is a flower that is grown in one place for a long time and requires the mandatory addition of organic matter to the soil.

Diseases and pests

The most common disease of aster is fusarium, when rot affects not only the root, but also the stem. Plants are also susceptible to powdery mildew, which appears as a result of too close planting or lack of nutrients. Diseases such as rust, blackleg, and verticillium also occur.

Insect pests are partial to asters. Mainly spider mite, slugs, kidney aphids and others. Spraying plants helps get rid of them. by special means, as well as treating the area with lime and thoroughly loosening the soil.

Varieties of asters

It is impossible to list all the varieties of these beautiful flowers. We can only mention those that are most popular among domestic gardeners.

Among the tall varieties, used mainly for making bouquets, Assol stands out with large crimson-red inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter. Blue frost, so named for the color of its buds, can reach a height of 70 cm. Nata, Khavskaya silver and Khavskaya blue, Zephyr, Suliko - each of these varieties has its own unique beauty.

Low-growing varieties (Malyshka border, Leto, Odarka, Vologda lace, Zvezda Polesya and many others) are used mainly for decorative design borders, flower beds and lawns.

Having provided comfortable conditions for this plant, you can grow it in an apartment. Domestic asters need sufficient light and moisture.

Among garden flowers, perhaps, you will no longer find such a variety of shapes and colors as asters. There are needle-shaped, chrysanthemum-shaped, and coronal inflorescences. The color of asters is simply amazing - red, burgundy, pink, white, yellow flowers capable of creating a real carpet in the garden. And, given the unpretentiousness of these plants, even the most inexperienced novice gardener can grow such splendor on his own plot.

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