Tips for caring for PVC interior doors. What products are used for cleaning plastic doors yourself? How to clean a plastic balcony door

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With the onset of the warm season, a huge number of people begin to tidy up their apartments and houses. At this time, everyone is massively engaged in thorough cleaning of the premises, and also gets rid of unnecessary things. During this cleaning, special attention is paid to windows. Sometimes this event turns out to be not such a simple task. And all because the owners discover stains on the plastic window sill. They can form after watering indoor plants or from objects located on window sills. There are also many other factors that can force owners to clean their window sills from dirt.

This article will talk about:

  • Routine cleaning of window sills;
  • Cleaning products;
  • Folk cleansing products;
  • Cleaning window sills after renovation.

In addition, you will learn how to remove film from plastic windows.

Daily care and types of stains

In order for metal-plastic products to remain in their original form longer, it is necessary to carry out a small cleaning on the window every day. It will be enough to take a dry cloth and carefully wipe all the dust from the windows and window sills. In this case, it is desirable that the cloth be as soft as possible. It is also important to wash them once a week with water and a variety of additional funds. This will be enough for a good cleaning of new products.

Wiping the window sill daily will prevent old stains from appearing on it.

The most common contaminants:

  • Yellowness, which is formed as a result of regular watering of pots;
  • Grease, rust, stubborn stains;
  • Traces polyurethane foam, primers, other substances;
  • Glue stains, sticky tape.

One of the most contaminated places on the windowsill is the gap under the frame..

Dust and dirt accumulate in the gap between the frame and the window sill

It is in this part of the window space that accumulates greatest number dust. Therefore, simply scrubbing this area with a sponge will not work. It would be best to use a toothbrush.

A high-quality porous sponge, cotton material and even fiber will help to quickly remove stains from a plastic window sill.. The main thing is not to use hard objects, since even an ordinary kitchen scraper can damage the most durable plastic coating.

Cleaning products

If you need to wash the window sill of a plastic window, then you need to start by purchasing all kinds of cleaning products. There don't have to be very many of them. You just have to go to the nearest one household store and choose the right remedy which will help to effectively clean the surface.

Now let's get started next question- how to wash it plastic window sill from stains?

In fact, there are many more such funds. Among the most popular are also: “Pemolux” and “Cosmofen 10”.

Traditional cleaning products

Experienced housewives probably know how to wash plastic windows and window sills at home. To do this, they always have several tools at hand that help them every day in everyday life.

For example, the most common tooth powder can be quite effective in removing yellow stains from windows. Chalk is also used for these purposes. These two substances are mild abrasives. What does it mean? This means that using one of them, you will never harm the product and will be able to wash the plastic window sill from yellow stains. To clean, you will need to prepare a bleaching solution from the indicated ingredients and use a wet cloth to wipe the window sill with it. Then, after letting it dry, we remove stains by wiping the surface with a sponge. This is how you can help a yellowed product regain its whiteness.

The well-known mixture helps against stubborn stains baking soda and a small amount of vinegar. No stain can resist this home remedy. To prevent the window sill from turning yellow, simply pour baking soda onto the area that needs to be washed and then wipe off the stains with a rag soaked in vinegar. The effect will amaze you!

You can remove yellow stains from plastic using baking soda and vinegar.

But when using this solution, it is important to adhere to two basic rules:

  1. Work during laundering only with rubber gloves for your own safety.
  2. Never leave baking soda on the surface for a long time. It can form light spots that will stand out too much against the background of the entire frame.

Some housewives solve the question of how to clean plastic window sills at home using a melamine sponge.

You can remove dirt with a melamine sponge without the use of additional products.

True, reviews about it are quite mixed. Some say that it most effectively removes any stubborn dirt and is very practical for the home. Others say that its use is dangerous for the body..

Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing cleaning devices. It’s not always possible to use store-bought detergents to solve the problem of how to wash a plastic window sill, but you also need to be careful with homemade “life hacks.” Critically hazardous for the polyvinyl chloride from which they are made modern windows, are alkalis, as well as substances containing acid.

Cleaning the window sill after renovation

Anyone who begins to do repairs protects all surfaces in advance by laying out or gluing special materials. This must be done to protect all household appliances, plumbing fixtures and other interior details. But unfortunately, having finished everything renovation work, we often find various contaminants that are difficult to remove and could not be prevented.

How to whiten a plastic window sill in this case? First you need to decide what kind of pollution you are dealing with. If we're talking about about the primer, then wash it quickly. You can also remove the primer from a plastic product with a regular damp cloth. The main thing is to do this on time, since the drying period of the construction mixture is on average 25 minutes. If you do not have time to remove it within the specified period, cleaning the product will be much more difficult. Then you will have to go to the store for special detergents.

So, how to wash the primer:

Bonus answer for our readers

People often ask on the Internet: how to remove film from plastic windows? “COSMOFEN” and technical alcohol will help you quickly and safely remove the film. It can also be removed without leaving a trace using an eraser and white spirit.

Another solution on how to remove film from a plastic window would be specialized product"Shumanite." It will greatly facilitate this task and save you time.

General, periodic or unscheduled cleaning is part of our everyday life, and there is no escape from it. Most of the measures provided for in such cases are carried out using long-established, traditional technologies. However, not everyone knows how to effectively remove grease stains from laminated doors. In fact, if you look in detail, all the methods implemented at home are quite simple.

When starting to remove stains, you need to take into account that doors made of PVC, chipboard or plywood are more “gentle” in terms of care. As a rule, they are the ones that are laminated, and this protective and decorative layer is easily damaged by abrasives, especially if it is a film on paper based. Therefore, when washing such interior doors, extreme attention and accuracy is required.

What to cook:

  • Sponge or soft napkins. One will not be enough to remove grease stains.
  • Warm water.
  • Cleaning products - soda, alcohol, essence (lemon or vinegar), household solvents, laundry soap. They are used depending on the origin of the stains, including fatty ones. After all, the latter may not be the only ones on the canvas, box, or trim. Therefore, when deciding what to wash wooden doors with (plastic or otherwise), this must be taken into account; It’s unlikely that anyone will be happy with the prospect of putting them in order in several “passes.”

Operating procedure

Determination of the nature and extent of pollution

The door may not necessarily be stained with drops of grease. Traces on her dirty spots appear even after repeated touching with seemingly clean hands. But the secretions of the sweat glands still remain. As a rule, in the place where the handle is located. Gradually, dust adheres to this area, and the lamination begins to darken. This preliminary examination will allow you to determine exactly what and how to wash greasy stains from doors covered with laminate.

Preparation of the solution

Depending on the degree of contamination, one of the following options is selected:

  • soapy;
  • vinegar (10%);
  • lemon essence (same concentration).

Surface preparation

To simplify the process of removing fat, the base must be freed from adhering dust and dirt. The housewife decides how to wash the door herself, focusing on the material of the door and the type of lamination. As a rule, the same soap solution is sufficient. But here you need to know a sense of proportion. It’s one thing if the canvas is made of plastic - in relation to the liquid (if it is not aggressive), this material is inert. But if you have to wash a wooden door, you should be careful; the canvas is immediately “dried”, that is, wiped soft cloth dry.

In some cases, before washing the sash or trim, you have to get rid of adhering lumps of dirt, which is often found on entrance structures. When deciding how to clean the door in this area, you should also consider the type of lamination. If decorative paper is pasted onto a wooden canvas, covered with a thin film on top, then no scrapers, knives, etc. can be used - such coated paper is easily damaged. You should first soften the dirt by moistening it with a wet cloth, and then wash the area clean with soapy water or soda solution(200 ml/3 tsp).

Fat removal

  • To do this you will need a weakly concentrated solution (1 to 10) citric acid or vinegar. Alternatively, alcohol. The product is carefully applied with a moistened cloth to the stain. Recommended exposure is about 2.5 - 3 minutes (with an average degree of contamination).
  • Rinse off the solution along with fat fragments with clean warm water.
  • Wiping the door with a dry cloth.

  • It is not recommended to keep the solution for more than 5 minutes. Any of the drugs used is aggressive to some extent, and may, with prolonged contact with protective layer damage it. The same fully applies to the question of how to care for doors with lamination. In this regard, they are much “gentler” than their metal or glass counterparts.
  • When caring for wooden doors and removing various stains from them, it is advisable to dry the treated area with a hairdryer. This is safer and faster than wiping the surface with a cloth.

If you choose the right method for removing grease stains, then there will be no traces left on the laminated door. It is advisable to clarify before purchasing it this question. Managers furniture showrooms They are well versed in this and will definitely give some sensible advice.

Plastic is a material that is often used in the manufacture of household appliances, as well as in the production of windows and other products. Easy to clean, resistant to acids and alkalis, it is not afraid of water. However, plastic has one unpleasant quality - the ability to turn yellow.

There are several reasons why plastic turns yellow. The most basic:

  • exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet radiation leads to partial disintegration of the plastic surface);
  • temperature changes;
  • additives that make up plastic.

This is why window sills turn yellow plastic windows, surfaces of refrigerators and microwave ovens.

It is impossible to guess how quickly the yellowness will appear on the plastic. Because it depends not only on the three factors above, but also on the handling of the plastic.

Thus, substances included in detergents, often used by housewives to clean plastic surfaces, can also have negative impact on the material and lead to yellowing.

However, do not despair if the plastic turns yellow. It is not easy to remove yellowness, but it is possible using available means.

There are several ways to clean plastic from yellowing that has appeared.

Method number 1. With application laundry soap. Half a piece of laundry soap should be grated on a coarse grater and poured with a glass of warm water. Wait until the prepared solution turns into a pasty substance. Apply it to yellowed surfaces and leave for 30 minutes, then rub the contaminated areas with a hard sponge and rinse with warm water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Method number 2. Apply a small amount of ethyl alcohol to a soft cloth and wipe the problem areas. Ethyl alcohol copes especially well with the appearance of yellowness from sunlight.

Before using, you should test the effect of alcohol on an inconspicuous area, since, having chemical composition, alcohol may harm the surface.

Method number 3. Windows can be perfectly cleaned with a mixture of washing powder and baking soda. Mix both components in equal proportions (one tablespoon each) and pour in 0.5 liters of warm water. Dissolve the powder and soda crystals in water, apply the solution with a sponge window frames and window sills, leave on long time(6-8 hours), rinse clean water. This method is also suitable for removing yellow deposits on the refrigerator.

Method number 4. Car cosmetics sold in car dealerships can whiten yellowed plastic well and quickly. It will not only wash the plastic, but also refresh it. Products in the form of sprays will help restore plastic, while polishes and cleaners for plastic products will help preserve its original appearance for a long time.

Method number 5. It is possible to whiten yellowed areas using wipes used to care for computer equipment. Impregnated with a special solution, they will not harm surfaces.

Method number 6. Hydrogen peroxide can remove yellowness. It is enough to pour a small amount onto a sponge and wipe all the yellow areas. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. There will definitely be an effect!

Method number 7. Some housewives use acetone to remove yellowness from plastic. However, this method is very aggressive. Therefore, it is imperative to test on an inconspicuous area of ​​plastic.

There are many secrets to help whiten yellowed plastic. It is important to approach the cleaning process responsibly so as not to harm the products. It is better to start with the use of less harmful and more gentle means.

It is quite difficult to wash a plastic product without streaks. However, there are no secrets in caring for plastic.

The most in a safe way Daily cleaning will include wiping plastic surfaces with soapy water. You just need to moisten a soft cloth in it, squeeze it well and wipe all areas of the plastic. After the procedure, wipe all products dry.

Do not use cleaning powders or other substances that can scratch the surface, since dirt can easily get into the cracks that appear.

Perfect for daily care for plastic products, dishwashing detergents, liquid soap, glass cleaners (without alcohol), shower gels, shampoos, polishes that do not contain wax.

Do not rush to throw away an item if the plastic has undergone irreversible changes. In any store building materials You can find aerosols that are suitable for painting plastic surfaces. Then the product will find “new life”!

In rooms where there are plastic products, you should not smoke and, if possible, ventilate the room as often as possible.

Daily care process plastic surfaces simple enough. The main thing is to follow the rules and act without excessive fanaticism, then household appliances, windows and other plastic items will delight you with their whiteness for a long time!

Door cleaning- the ability to maintain an attractive appearance and the integrity of the coating for a long time. At the same time, care must be regular and correct. Doors, like any other household item, need to be cleaned. For this purpose, suitable cleaning agents are specially selected depending on the material of the door surface, its color and some other parameters. Let's figure out how to properly care for the interior and front door.

  • Before washing, adjust the doors;
  • lubricate special means locks and hinges;
  • make sure that the room humidity is up to 65% and the temperature is up to 24 degrees;
  • remove any fresh stains from the door surface as quickly as possible, without delaying;
  • cover door structure varnish, especially if it is a low-quality fabric;
  • cover the doors with film if repair work is planned;
  • In general, you need to use the door very carefully so that you do not have to try to remove serious dents or deep scratches.

You need to choose the right cleaning product. In particular, veneer and natural wood are cleaned completely differently. If you do not take this into account, there is a possibility of hopelessly damaging the door covering. In addition, it is recommended to consider the following tricks:

  • cool water with a few drops ammonia wash glass in decorative door frames;
  • use a soap solution to wash metal door elements;
  • wipe the doors only with soft cloths;
  • get special microfiber cloths for cleaning doors;
  • once every 3-4 days, wipe the decorative elements, handles and inserts of the structure from dust;
  • use a disinfectant (a fairly weak solution).

The main reasons that lead to door coverings losing their aesthetics are insufficient or improper care and careless handling of the door.

Important! Sprays, aerosols and products specially designed for this are excellent for cleaning doors. They are applied to the door covering through a spray bottle, allowing you to wash off any dirt.

Fight fat

Fighting fat wooden doors- a necessity, especially if they are located in the kitchen opening. The easiest way to use folk remedies that are effective and safe to use. You can give preference to the following methods:

  1. Use a solution of water and a surfactant or dishwashing detergent if you need to get rid of stains. The method is effective for wooden and MDF doors.
  2. Use the cut of a raw potato if you need to quickly get rid of greasy drops or stains. Finally, wipe the area with a slightly damp cloth.
  3. Mix clay and vinegar in equal proportions. You should get a mixture that resembles a paste. It is applied to the stain and waited for 20-30 minutes. After that, you just have to wash it off. This method effectively fights stains of any type, including greasy marks. For the most serious stains, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times. The method is suitable for cleaning unpainted wooden doors.
  4. Pour talc onto a napkin and press it onto the stain on the door for 5-10 minutes (you can use tape). After this time, wipe the talc off the surface of the door and wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

To restore the glossy shine of the surface, you need to wash the door with a solution of water and vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water is enough).

Remember that all solutions must be washed off the door surface using cool water. In conclusion door leaf wipe dry thoroughly. The use of metal brushes, hard sponges and products containing abrasives is unacceptable.

This is important! By the way, getting rid of dust is very easy. To do this, just wipe the door leaf with a dry and damp (but not wet) cloth. Finally, it needs to be polished using door polish.

Glass cleaning

Glass cleaning is not the best simple task. It always seems that you can easily wipe the glass insert on the door and it will shine clean. In reality, there are always divorces, and eliminating them is a real problem.

  1. Onion juice or soap solution will help remove greasy stains.
  2. The matte surface can be washed with a starch solution (add 20 grams of starch to 500 ml of water).
  3. Alcohol, thinner, acetone and even nail polish remover will help you quickly get rid of traces of glue, coffee and tea. However, you need to act carefully so that the products do not come into contact with the box, rubber seals, as well as the skin of the hands.

There is no need to use alkalis, acids, gasoline and ammonia in concentrated form to clean frosted glass. Scraping off dirt with a knife or scraper is taboo.

This is important! First you need to clean the glass inserts of the interior door, and then the door leaf.

Tips for caring for an iron front door will help keep it clean:

  • napkin soaked in hot water, will get rid of traces of adhesive tape;
  • acetone-containing liquids will help get rid of old tape residues;
  • White spirit or another solvent will help remove traces of paint;
  • sandpaper will help get rid of traces of lime and whitewash (this method cannot be used for cleaning iron doors with vinyl or leather covering);
  • a vinegar solution will help to cope with stains and traces of whitewash;
  • A solution of water and kerosene will help remove plaque;
  • products containing acetone or alcohol will help get rid of polyurethane foam that has not yet hardened.

How to clean plastic?

How to clean plastic? It's very simple. It is enough to use a soap solution. You can give preference to the other compositions listed above, but in most cases there is no need for this, since all dirt can be easily wiped off.

You can also use vinegar solution, liquid washing powder, soda. Special sprays and cleaning products for plastic surfaces are effective for cleaning.

It is important to note that plastic cannot be rubbed, washed with metal sponges, or rubbed with a brush. This leads to its damage and the appearance of microcracks, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

What about defects?

Defects that may appear on the door during use can also be dealt with. In particular, it is recommended to listen to the following advice:

  1. Use sprays that contain beeswax and polish to get rid of small cracks and other barely noticeable defects.
  2. Use a special wax pencil suitable color range to remove deep scratches. It is enough to rub the damaged area to fill the void of the crack.

Caring for doors is a feasible task for everyone. The procedure is not complicated and does not require serious economic costs. Regular care- the ability to extend the service life of the door surface and take care of its aesthetics.

A good owner is one who knows how to keep the house properly clean, who knows how to take care of it and its components, such as, for example, interior doors. Especially if these doors are made of PVC, because this is one of those materials that requires constant care, otherwise they will lose their original attractive appearance over time.

If your PVC door is constantly in use, then you should take care of it with the same consistency.

Why is it worth regularly maintaining PVC doors?

It’s worth noting right away that constantly does not mean daily. This is not entirely true, you just need to resort to cleaning and cleaning such doors in a timely manner. This will help maintain their original perfection appearance, which will save you from the need to immediately replace this door with a new one. That is why you should know a thing or two about caring for PVC doors.

Constantly monitor how you use these doors. Try to treat them with care; do not underestimate this point, because careless handling of these types of doors leads to their rapid deterioration and breakage.

This is fraught, firstly, with the fact that this door will lose its former attractiveness and, secondly, it will acquire new unwanted flaws created by mechanical damage, which directly determines their quality of work.

But still, do not rush to get upset if you still notice that the appearance of the doors is spoiled in some places. This is, after all, wood, which has some restorative properties and therefore can be easily restored.

Cleaning of PVC interior doors

It is very important to keep these doors clean at all times. Plus, it doesn't require much effort. Try to clean these doors only a few times a year with detergent, which does not contain abrasive elements.

But remember also that you should absolutely not wipe the doors dry with a cloth - this will lead to scratches on its surface.

Regarding the tools used for cleaning PVC doors: wash them only with damp sponges or a lint-free cloth - such materials cannot cause harm to these doors. Particularly ingrained contaminants are removed by exposing them to cleaners specialized for PVC.

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