Compatibility of Aries and Gemini in love relationships. Compatibility in family life

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These two signs love activity and remain optimistic even in the most difficult times. hard times. They both have excellent communication and a deep understanding of each other. The independent, innovative spirit of Aries is attractive to Gemini because... they also value independence. If Gemini feels that Aries is too controlling, or if Aries takes Gemini's flirtatious nature too seriously, arguments can set the tone of the relationship. They create a good balance together: Aries wants to experience different things in life, and Gemini wants to discuss them. Together they can make all kinds of new discoveries that they might not have made alone.

Aries and Gemini have tons of energy as well as common goals. Gemini is a thinker and talker, a prize-winner of intellectual stimulation and freedom, and loves to look at all sides of an argument. Aries loves to dive into new projects and get their hands dirty, and Gemini will definitely take the time to find out Aries' reasons for choosing the projects he promotes. While Gemini can be weak and expressionless, Aries is direct and decisive; This is a great combination, but it is important that Aries gives Gemini intellectual space.

Compatibility by planets Mars-Mercury

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, and Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. These planets represent passion and communication, respectively. Because of their different approaches, Aries and Gemini work well in tandem: they explain their points in different ways, but they are definitely looking at the same point. Feverish debate will either revive this alliance or destroy it. Aries must understand that Gemini loves good, fiery arguments. Aries should not insult or dominate Gemini's point of view. Consider your debates together to be nothing more than a brain exercise.

Compatibility in the elements Fire-Air

Aries is a Fire sign, and Gemini is an Air sign. Air is like fuel for Fire, it feeds it and makes it spread, and this is a great combination. Gemini also helps Aries realize their full potential: Gemini definitely has the energy to keep up with Aries' fast pace and wild ideas! The combination of true, controlled passion and intellectual mastery provides every opportunity for Aries and Gemini. Both zodiac signs have all-round interests. At the end of a long and active day, Aries can come home and tell Gemini, hungry for conversation, all about that day.

Interpersonal compatibility between Aries and Gemini

Aries is a cardinal sign, Gemini is a mutable sign. Aries naturally starts new plans - travel, sports, or some other really exciting idea to spend their free time, and Gemini always doesn't do anything until they are forced to. Another great, dynamic factor between these two signs is their low level of competition. Aries loves the glory, and Gemini is perfectly happy to be in the background, pulling the strings. It is better for both signs to start something than to finish it, because... if one partner gets bored life path, the other will push him to new achievements.

What's the best thing about an Aries and Gemini relationship?

Their ability to work together as a unit. Together they can learn much more than if they are apart from each other.

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Compatibility of zodiac signs in love is magic, which is interesting and useful to study. It is especially important to pay attention to the similarity of character for those who are just getting acquainted with a potential soul mate. Some celebrity couples have some really interesting adventures in store. An example of such a combination would be the compatibility of Aries and Gemini in love relationships.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac series. It belongs to the element of Fire. Like the flame, this symbol is energetic and swift. He is incredibly strong and is able to overcome any obstacle on the way to his goal.

A few words about Aries:

  • Impulsive;
  • Active;
  • Active;
  • Uncompromising;
  • Imperious;
  • Passionate.

A born leader, Aries does not like to be patronized. But he gladly agrees to lead any team, be it a family or a work team.

The heavenly protector of the sign is Mars. The planet gives Aries a hot, impulsive disposition and a desire for competition. This is a brave and warlike character. Straightforward. Sometimes even too much. The directness of the symbol often borders on outright rudeness, so in communication it can hardly be called easy.

In relationships, Aries prefers to dominate. This is a responsible chosen one and a reliable spouse. However, he is also somewhat stubborn, so it is not recommended for anyone to stand in his way. If Aries plans something, he will carry it out at any cost.

Rarely weighing the risks, the sign often walks on the edge of a knife. But in dangers and the opportunity to overcome difficulties, Fire signs feel the taste of life. Therefore, it is not advisable to interfere with his hot plans.

The other half should understand that Aries is not home fireplace. This is a fast-moving forest fire. It will not be possible to curb and domesticate it. This is a warrior, brave and active. Only after moving a dozen mountains will he come to cozy home to relax and gain strength for new achievements.

Gemini is a representative of the Air element. Sociable and easy-going character. Like a summer breeze, the sign floats through life, enjoying the open spaces and possibilities. Geminis are completely consistent with their element. This is a sociable sign for which relationships are very important.

Briefly about the sign:

  • Communicable;
  • Funny;
  • Dreamy;
  • Unstable;
  • Active.

Can't stand loneliness. Loves to discuss and even argue. A competent opponent is worth his weight in gold. Outwardly cold and somewhat arrogant. Upon closer inspection, it appears welcoming and an open person. His strong point- flirting. Communicates easily and naturally with the opposite sex.

Active and active. Likes to take on everything at once. But his passion is rarely enough to finish what he started. The consciousness of the sign generates new ideas and plans every minute. Everything in this life needs to be done in time. You can't sit still.

In relationships, he values ​​freedom and independence most of all. This is a symbol of Air, so his free soul does not fit into the cage.

Regardless of age, Geminis agree only to those relationships where their character and activities will have enough space.

Aries man and Gemini woman

When the stars want to write a beautiful fairy tale about love, Aries and Gemini meet somewhere on earth. Their marriage compatibility is ideal, so from the very first meeting these two feel the very “spark” that ignites their hearts.

Romantic period of a couple

Having fallen in love, the Aries man discovers in his chest a huge noble heart, which he had not previously noticed due to his belligerence and strength. His fiery disposition always needed a light and fresh breeze that would fan his desire for victory. And finally, he met this summer breeze in an absolutely earthly incarnation.

Gemini girl is light and funny. She is sociable and even talkative. Her humor is kind and her demeanor is touching. But this openness is superficial. Behind it necessarily lies coldness and inaccessibility.

Aries will definitely notice this beautiful but inaccessible fortress. And he will certainly rush to conquer her. His methods are very effective. He knows how to give a compliment so that it goes straight to the heart. He also knows how to make gifts, for which he never spares money.

Seeing a guy so deeply in love, the Gemini girl will begin to move away, playing with the feelings of her new acquaintance. It will make a man white hot. This is where the game of cat and mouse begins, which will appeal to both.

When the girl pretends to give up (and she will never truly give up), the guy will take the new relationship into his own hands and proudly begin to lead. But Gemini doesn't need to be told what to do. Moreover, they themselves will advise anyone.

At this moment the fate of the couple will be decided. Aries should not put too much pressure on his partner. He will need extraordinary cunning in order to lead in secret. But he still doesn’t intend to stay in this mode for long.

The Gemini girl is sociable to a fault. She easily starts a conversation with a stranger in line and invites everyone who seems like a friend to her for a homemade tea party.

Aries is the owner. He will not share the spoils, so at the first opportunity he will take the harvested carcass to the registry office. The Air Girl prefers an open relationship, but will agree to marriage, because her dreams of a white dress have long been the cause of insomnia.

Family life and its idyll

Despite the desire to lead, a man will quickly agree to equality in the family. Geminis only seem frivolous and flighty from the outside. Inside them lies an unshakable core, with which it is more expensive to argue with.

The girl subtly senses where she can show her character and where it is better to give up. Geminis know how to play roles like no one else. The spouse will be so deft in following the “script” that Aries will think for many years that he really is in charge on his own.

Partners have similar attitudes towards money. Both are impulsive and active, so they do not strive to accumulate, preferring to indulge their immediate whims. And let this approach seem unreasonable from the outside. The spouses are happy, and nothing more is needed.

The couple has an idyll in bed. Hot Aries sets the tone, and gentle Gemini plays the role he proposes. The Air Girl is slightly playful and inaccessible, which inflates the ardor of her fiery partner. The nights of this couple are as hot as July.

An Aries man and a Gemini woman, whose love compatibility is excellent, build a strong marriage where there will be quarrels and stormy reconciliations. But nothing will shake this fortress, since the stars themselves were the architects here.

Gemini guy and Aries girl

The compatibility of Aries and Gemini in love takes on even brighter colors when the role of the girl goes to the impulsive and powerful representative of Fire. In this case, the stars were not writing a beautiful fairy tale, but an action-packed thriller. There will be wars and truces in this pair. There will be everything but peace. And, of course, a happy ending.

Meeting of true halves

Let the relationship between Aries and Gemini in this case be unstable, but such unusual signs are precisely in need of such adventures. Representatives of the elements of Fire and Air are karmic halves, the meeting of which is called fate.

The hot and impulsive Aries girl will be the first to meet you. Often her ardor quickly fades away, but the inaccessible and cool Gemini guy will not let her go out. He will either be at arm's length or out of reach, like the wind in the sky.

Nothing sparks Aries' interest more than the inability to reach their goal. A particularly fiery lady will be warmed up by the presence of rivals, of whom there will be many next to such a sociable man. More than climbing to the top, Aries loves to overtake competitors along the way.

As soon as the relationship begins to take shape, a new twist awaits the couple. Aries is domineering and prefers to dominate, regardless of their gender. And Geminis are welcoming. They are sociable and constantly disappear somewhere. The Aries girl will burn with jealousy. There is no trace of restraint in the Aries woman, so she will torment her partner with her nagging and incinerate control.

If the halves survive this stage, their relationship will no longer be shaken. The main thing is to find common ground. The diplomatic Gemini will have to look for them.

A passionate and impulsive Aries girl will lead a union in which Gemini will inspire her to achieve accomplishments. And let her domesticate a little, because victories in the kitchen are just as important as in work.

This couple resembles a strong friendship. Mutual understanding, common affairs and going out are qualitatively diluted by breaking plates and passionate reconciliations. Rare disagreements do not upset spouses. Like batteries, they discharge, release accumulated emotions and recharge again. In the bedroom. Since the sexuality of both is heightened, the passion of the union will be limitless.

So that the relationship of this couple is harmonious, Both partners will have to slightly adjust their idea of ​​marriage:

The wife’s demanding nature can also undermine mutual understanding. Aries do not tolerate the shortcomings of others, and their straightforwardness is completely fraught with scandals. It is important for Geminis to learn self-control and not take their spouse’s grumbling too seriously.

However, no matter what waves rise above this ship, the union of Aries and Gemini is an icebreaker that can pass through any obstacles on the path to mutual happiness. And sincere love will help him in this.

Aries and Gemini: Game of “Come on, catch up!”

Aries and Gemini are a pretty good astrological combination. Despite the fact that from the outside their relationship looks like a boxing match, both of them know that all their fights are nothing more than an easy, blood-exciting warm-up. Both signs take life quite easily, and this helps them overcome many difficulties. Despite the fact that they live in different rhythms, Aries is slightly ahead of Gemini, their characters complement each other. The changeable nature of Gemini can provide Aries with a much-needed change of impressions.

Problems can arise due to the fact that both Aries and Gemini love to lavish their charm left and right. But if the feeling of jealousy is alien to Gemini, then the possessive habits of Aries can cause serious disagreements.

In sex, Aries and Gemini have excellent compatibility: their emancipation and passion can drive a couple far beyond the boundaries of the bedroom. Their relaxedness in public places often leads to piquant situations.

The secret of compatibility between Aries and Gemini.

Due to the fact that Aries and Gemini have good compatibility, they have many chances to raise joint grandchildren. True, for this it is better for them to follow these simple tips:

Aries It is necessary at least sometimes to give the reins of power into the hands of Gemini. After all, if this air sign ceases to feel that he is at the helm, he is overcome by uncertainty and depression, which greatly spoil the easy character of Gemini.

Twins, with all your craving for independence and love for communicating with past passions, never make Aries jealous. Even if you have an innocent business conversation with a member of the opposite sex, do not rush to notify your other half about it. This is exactly the case when keeping silent does not mean lying.

Aries man and Gemini woman.

The love horoscope of compatibility in this combination is quite harmonious. Aries, as befits a man, will set the tone in this union - there will be no objections.

He will gladly allow his woman a lot - girlfriends, movies, entertainment - things without which she cannot imagine her life, and the Gemini woman will support her man with pleasure and with her characteristic sense of humor - they are easy together.

Gemini man and Aries woman.

This combination of signs is more problematic. The Gemini man will be too elusive and, in a certain sense, unreliable for such a possessive woman. Such a nimble man is not suitable for her for a serious relationship.

She must be one and only, and the Gemini man is prone to diversity in love; he cannot resist the temptation to start an affair with someone without ending his previous relationship. Moreover, the Gemini man will not tolerate any dictate! The marriage of such a couple may not last long.

Love compatibility horoscope for Aries and Gemini.

This - good combination signs, since both partners are aimed at an active lifestyle. They come home only to rest from their hikes, excursions, social parties etc. - in general, spend the night.

Aries, as the main one, will most likely make decisions; Gemini does not like responsibility and will gladly allow Aries to be the first. They both love novelty and adventure, and appreciate humor and entertainment.

In the sexual sphere, they are also very compatible: both love sex, and the more often, the better! In the bedroom, Aries will show special activity and ardor with a dose of romanticism, and Gemini will bring variety and add their passion, which will stimulate Aries even more. Harmonious love union.

If we deviate from the topic of sex and entertainment and pay attention to the prospect of a long-term relationship, then it certainly exists. Difficulties may arise in everyday matters, and over time, inconsistencies in temperament may appear. It is unlikely that the problems will turn out to be insoluble, but I still want to explain something.

Many centuries ago, gray-bearded sages peered into the starry sky to predict events awaiting the state, as well as the fate of people. Nowadays, interest in astrology is being revived, and everything more people They are interested in the characteristics of not only their zodiac sign, but also their relatives, friends and loved ones. Astrologers, by analyzing the natal charts of two people, can accurately answer whether they are suitable for each other, whether the marriage will be strong, when is the best time to get married, etc.

Business relationship

If we consider a business tandem, then, perhaps, we will not find best couple than Aries and Gemini. The compatibility of these two signs is amazing: they can persuade anyone and anything. Air constantly kindles Fire with its irrepressible energy, a stream of endless ideas. Gemini is constantly in search, he comes up with various projects, and Aries selects the most viable ones and turns them into reality. If these two could direct their energy in the right direction, then in a short time they would become very successful people. The problem is that they cool down very quickly, they get bored with everything, and they begin to search for new ideas, which Aries and Gemini are so busy with.

Compatibility of Gemini woman and Aries man

She is light, charming, smart, has an irrepressible imagination, charismatic, and has a sharp tongue. He is smart, a little rude, straightforward, likes to get his way and get things done to the end, quick-tempered and jealous. Are Aries and Gemini compatible? Will these two be able to understand each other and create a strong family? Love at first sight is exactly what they are all about, these people fall in love after the first date or kiss. It is important for Aries to understand that the freedom-loving Gemini cannot be locked in a cage, such a woman cannot be made a housewife, so either she should humble herself and be less jealous, or get a job and look after her all day long. This couple is never bored together, even after many years life together they will not sit silently. The compatibility of the signs Aries and Gemini depends on their ability to adapt to each other. And, of course, understand and accept the views of others.

Fiery woman and air man: Aries and Gemini

Compatibility of these two is possible only if Aries tames unbridled jealousy. At first everything can be fabulously beautiful, these two will be happy with everything, but Gemini is very easy to communicate with other people and is capable of innocent flirting, which infuriates Aries. A fiery woman secretly dreams that her lover will be jealous of her, but you won’t get this from a Gemini, because he is very busy with himself or with work. The air sign loves freedom, so endless quarrels and showdowns will not lead to anything good. An Aries woman must be prudent, forgive a man for minor affairs, be able to conduct intellectual conversations, then love and idyll will reign in their home.

Union "Aries and Gemini"

Compatibility of these two signs is possible, but, unfortunately, keep happy marriage It’s very difficult for them throughout their lives. It is easier for them to understand each other and forgive their partner’s shortcomings if they are united general ideas, plans, work. Therefore, most often Aries and Gemini spouses are engaged in a family business or work in the same organization.

Liana Raimanova

Aries and Gemini are protected by different elements, but their characters are similar and combine harmoniously with each other. The element of Fire endows its wards with activity, energy, and curiosity. Therefore, Aries are always on the move, in search of something interesting and unusual.

Gemini is protected by the element of Air, but they are also abundantly endowed with the above qualities. In alliance with Aries, representatives of this sign feel comfortable; it is not difficult for them to keep up with the dynamic pace of their partner’s life.

Planetary influence also contributes good compatibility of this pair. Aries, patronized by Mars, have a warlike, slightly aggressive disposition. But this does not bother Mercury’s wards at all.

Geminis have such a cheerful and carefree character that they easily calm down even overly impulsive Aries

Representatives of both signs gravitate toward fun and variety, so combining them makes for an explosive cocktail. Aries and Gemini are constantly looking for adventures and find them, this is one of the most unpredictable couples zodiac horoscope .

Compatibility Chart for Aries and Gemini

Compatibility of Aries man and Gemini woman: pros and cons of relationships

Those around you will definitely be happy about the close relationship between Aries and Gemini, even if we're talking about just about friendship. After all, this couple not only enjoys attending interesting events, but also often becomes their organizer.

As soon as the Gemini woman hints that it would be nice to go on a picnic, the Aries man will rush to marinate the meat and take out skewers from the pantry. Representative air sign She won’t waste any time either: she’ll call all her mutual friends, eventually gathering a large and noisy company.

Aries and Gemini are wonderful complement each other. The ward of Mars is ready to fiercely protect his girlfriend, although often she does not need it. But sometimes airy women become very soft and vulnerable; at such moments a knight will definitely not interfere with them.

The Gemini girl admires the strength and determination of her partner. The Aries man is discouraged by his lady's insightful and agile mind, her ability to come up with promising ideas on the go.

The wards of Mars and Mercury will never be bored together, but conflicts will not bypass this couple either

But it is not advisable for Aries and Gemini to quarrel, because both have very hot tempers. They act first and think later. In the heat of the moment, these people can say so many nasty things to each other that no Cupids or Cupids will force them to revive their relationship.

To avoid such a sad ending with severe mental suffering on both sides, it is advisable for partners to immediately make it a rule not to speak in a raised voice. If the conversation remains calm, Aries and Gemini will easily resolve even the most difficult and controversial situation.

Aries and Gemini complement each other wonderfully

The Aries guy is prone to having numerous affairs. As soon as he wins another woman, he immediately loses interest in her. This will be the case with Gemini at first. But a few days will pass, and Mars’ ward will be seriously surprised: the Gemini girl is already officially listed as his lady love, but still occupies all his thoughts. And then it will begin to dawn on Aries that this novel is special and it definitely won’t be fleeting.

In the first months of falling in love, the Gemini lady blooms like a May rose. During this period she is especially beautiful; the fiery guy cannot stop looking at his beloved. But even when the euphoria of falling in love slowly begins to fade, the relationship between the partners will still be filled with tenderness and romance.

Representatives of both signs described are very dynamic, and therefore their romance develops rapidly

They quickly introduce each other to their relatives, quickly begin to live together, and the marriage process is not delayed for long.

This couple has quarrels and major disagreements. But both partners are too self-sufficient to live in relationships alone. After the next conflict, they are distracted by other matters, and then, having cooled down a little, they rush to make peace with each other.

Aries guy and Gemini girl in sex

IN sex life partners There is complete harmony. An air sign woman easily inflates the passion of her fiery partner, inspiring him to new exploits of love. Aries feels like a real hero in bed, which makes him extremely happy. Geminis play along with pleasure, further assuring their partner of his irresistibility.

Despite the almost perfect sexual compatibility, the wards of Mars and Mercury view sex as just one of the many aspects of life. They get bored spending too much time in bed when there are so many other interesting things to do around them!

There is complete harmony in the sexual life of partners

Fire and Air signs love to play in public, so a wedding between their representatives will certainly be gorgeous. Even if both partners sacrifice all their savings for her.

They are not upset by the prospect of being left without a penny in the first days of family life - the wards of Mars and Mercury are too passionate about the present to think about the future

Living under one roof is easy for them, compared to other couples in the zodiac horoscope. A fiery husband is executive and responsible; he rarely shirks from performing household duties. At the same time, I am ready to shoulder the full material support families.

However, an airy wife is also unlikely to refuse work, no matter how her Aries husband begs her. Even after becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child, she will look for remote work which can be done at home. Gemini women rarely make full-fledged housewives, since life seems too boring to them. But if the spouse agrees to take on some of the household responsibilities, the Mercury ward will conscientiously fulfill the rest.

Is there friendship if he is an Aries and she is a Gemini?

Friendly relations between people of these signs full of trust and mutual respect. A Gemini woman can cry into Aries' vest for hours, telling about her failures on the love front. Although the fiery guy will begin to yawn after the third act of this tragicomedy, he will not interrupt his partner out of respect and will listen to her to the end.

Aries will often turn to a friend for advice on how to conquer this or that woman. The Gemini girl will tell him about many effective ways seduction of the weaker sex.

Partners can always count on mutual support, because they have helped each other out of trouble more than once

How to win an Aries man?

The Aries guy flies on bright and unusual girls like a moth to a flame. Spectacular appearance, slightly eccentric behavior, riveted glances of others - by these signs it is easy to recognize the chosen one of the fiery guy. She is bright and dynamic, loves to surround herself with large companies and have fun with friends from the heart.

Aries love witty and versatile girls who are able to carry on a conversation on any topic. But they cannot stand ridicule directed at themselves. Even a beautiful and intelligent woman can be left behind if she shows causticity when communicating with Aries.

The Aries guy flies at bright and unusual girls

How to get the attention of a Gemini woman?

Gemini Lady, first of all, draws attention to intellectual development men. A guy who wants to win her heart can be advised to read more smart books and watch a variety of documentaries. This way he can prepare for an informal test of his mental abilities. The Gemini woman mercilessly weeds out candidates who do not pass the “exam”.

Nerds who got straight A's at school should not rush to celebrate their victory.

Mercury's ward does not like the company of boring and even slightly boring people

She's only interested with extraordinary personalities who are capable of surprising both with words and deeds.

Compatibility horoscope for Aries woman and Gemini man

The charming Aries woman has been surrounded by a crowd of admirers since her youth, many of whom do not even receive her attention. But the fire lady will definitely notice the Gemini man and distinguish him from the rest. From the first days of their acquaintance, he will charm her with his agile and spontaneous mind.

The guy of the air element is himself in demand among the opposite sex. He is sociable, has a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor. Many representatives of the Gemini sign are fluent in the art of flirting, in which case it is almost impossible to resist their charms.

Aries and Gemini notice each other from afar and immediately begin to take a closer look. And then it’s just a matter of time. The closer these people communicate, the their sympathy becomes stronger.

The closer these people communicate, the stronger their sympathy becomes

Love relationship

Feelings in the pair “she is Aries, he is Gemini” develop rapidly. The partners themselves don’t really notice how quickly they moved from the stage of light flirting to a serious relationship. The wards of Mars and Mercury can move under one roof without much hesitation, but even in this case they are not threatened by routine.

Partners will either revel in each other tirelessly, or worry about business and hobbies on the side. They won't have time to be bored.

The division of household duties will not be a problem at first - Aries and Gemini are so in love that they are happy to give in to their partner and are ready to make any compromises

Jealousy brings a little discord into relationships. Both partners are extremely charming and enjoy success with the opposite sex. Therefore, their mutual suspicion is understandable. But in most cases it is groundless, since for Aries and Gemini, loyalty is not an empty phrase, but an extremely important norm of morality.

Sexual attraction of a couple

The Aries woman has a domineering character, which also manifests itself in sexual relationships. Few men are able to tolerate such a dominant partner, but for Geminis with their flexible nature this is not a problem at all. Partners complement each other perfectly, each contributes to intimate life its contribution to diversity. Therefore, the bed of the wards of Mercury and Mars is rarely cold.


Many beautiful couples have had their family boat crashed on the waves of everyday life. But no tsunami will sink our heroes’ powerful tanker, because their life will not become routine even after many years of marriage.

Aries and Gemini are not the kind of couples who sit at home in the evenings

They go to parties, movies, and Gym or any other place where they are interested.

Spouses always there are common topics of conversation, they do not grow cold towards each other over time. The division of household responsibilities, which at first was easy for the newlyweds, after several months of marriage will become a reason for regular minor skirmishes.

The Aries wife is not averse to pleasing her beloved with a culinary delight that suits her mood, but she finds it boring to cook borscht and clean the entire apartment every day. The Gemini husband is not eager to help his beloved, although sometimes, for reporting purposes, he does something around the house.

However, he has little choice: either he takes on some of the household responsibilities, or eats semi-finished products and wears unwashed shirts. Usually Geminis give preference to the first option, and then their family life with Aries improves.

How are an Aries girl and a Gemini guy friends?

Representatives of the fiery and water element attracts each other with enormous power. If they were not connected by the notorious biochemistry, then at least a friendship would begin between them. These bonds will be no less strong than family ones.

Trust, respect, similarity of hobbies and temperaments - this union has everything to last for several decades

So it turns out that Aries and Gemini begin to be friends at a young age, but continue to do so even into retirement.

How to win a Gemini man and build a relationship with him?

Gemini is one of the few men who puts a woman’s mental abilities first. Even a beauty queen will not be able to interest him if she has a modest intellect. It's not hard to get this guy's attention. It’s worth quoting classic writers appropriately several times, and Gemini will definitely fall for the beautiful phrases.

But you shouldn’t go too far, posing as a self-taught genius. The airy guy will quickly recognize the deception and hint to the annoying lady that it would not hurt for her to learn a little more. Naturally, in this case there will be no talk of any relationship.

Gemini is one of the few men who puts a woman's mental abilities first.

Is it possible to make an Aries woman fall in love with you?

Attracting the attention of an Aries lady is not difficult, but winning her heart is another matter. You can interest her showing initiative. The more often a guy shows signs of attention to the ward of Mars, the more clearly he stands out from other suitors.

Representatives fire element I like decisive and self-confident men. But the chosen one should not be much stronger in character, otherwise the Aries girl will feel depressed. A partner must respect his woman and constantly emphasize her importance.

28 November 2017, 13:32

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