Types of mineral wool. Technical characteristics of mineral wool, its brands and selection criteria

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Attempts by many residents of houses to improve the comfort of living in winter time motivated the installation of efficient heating systems. But a stable temperature in these cases borders on increased energy costs. And the whole house solves two problems at the same time - maintaining a stable temperature regime and minimizing heating costs. At the same time, a good indicator of sound insulation is also achieved.

Technical characteristics of mineral wool

Mineral wool is known for having one of the most effective thermal conductivity indicators. If we compare it with similar parameters of other insulation materials, then mineral wool is on par in terms of efficiency with foam plastic and is significantly superior to many other insulation materials.

  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity mineral wool for its different variants it ranges from 0.036-0.042 W/(m*K). This parameter is affected by the density of the insulation
  • The density of mineral wool is set by the manufacturer depending on its functional purpose and form of release. Standard indicators– 100,150,200 kg/m3. The higher the density, the more effective the material's ability to retain heat.
  • One more important characteristic mineral wool is its ability to resist the influence of biological forms. Having sufficient convection, mineral wool is not an optimal place for the development of fungal forms and mold
  • The property of mineral wool regarding hygroscopicity also plays a role in its functionality. Moisture does not accumulate on its fibers and penetrates freely through them. This circumstance gives reason not to worry about the dew point shifting into the thickness of the insulated surface. In addition, the relative hygroscopicity allows the material to be used for constructing ventilated facades

Important! Although mineral wool fibers do not absorb moisture, they are able to retain it in the structure of the material between the fibers. Therefore, it is recommended to use this material only when insulating the outside of a building or inside a wall structure.

  • Important positive property mineral wool is resistant to high temperatures. The ignition of the material is practically excluded, since the phenol-formaldehyde resins included in its composition do not have a tendency to burn. Even if there is a risk of fire, mineral wool fibers do not catch fire, but only melt slightly, while withstanding temperatures up to 800 degrees
  • Regarding the heat capacity and ability to retain heat, evidence is given by the fact that mineral wool can withstand temperatures down to -160 degrees without consequences.

However, when insulating any structural surfaces of a building with mineral wool, one must keep in mind that Mineral wool undergoes deformation over time, forming cold bridges. However, such manifestations can be expected after 8-10 years of operation.

Another disadvantage of mineral wool is that its fibers are accessible to rodents. And although they are not interested in the material as food, they can arrange their nests in the thickness of the insulation.

Mineral wool is used to insulate not only private houses, but also apartments, as well as its individual parts. If you live on the first floor and know, then you can insulate it from the outside with mineral wool.

For the internal walls of the balcony, polystyrene foam is often used. Read about which is better (foam or mineral wool). The article provides a detailed comparison of these two materials.

What types of mineral wool are produced today

The production of this insulation is based on the use of mineral components that have identical properties. The structure of each type of mineral wool is a chaotic interweaving of fibers, which contributes to adhesion strength and insulating properties.

The most common types of mineral wool today are:

  • Stone wool
  • Glass wool
  • Slag

Despite the general parameters, these categories of mineral wool have some features.

Glass wool

This category of mineral wool is produced by melting several components:

  • Sand
  • Limestone
  • Dolomite

As a result, a material with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.038-0.040 W/m*K is achieved. In this case, the resulting fiber length reaches 0.5 cm, and their thickness is 12 microns.

Glass wool is one of the first materials in this category. It has all the inherent advantages, but has one significant drawback.

Glass wool in the fiber structure contains tiny particles of glass, which very often injure workers during the insulation process, so the main requirement when working with mineral wool is compliance with safety precautions.

Otherwise, this material is suitable for insulating floors, walls, and roofing structures.


The characteristics of this type of mineral wool are somewhat more modest. The reason for this is its active ingredients. Slag is made from blast furnace waste. The waste slag goes through the same processing steps as in the glass wool production process. In this case, fibers are formed with a length of up to 15-16 mm and a diameter of 5 to 8 microns.

  • Slag wool components contain high residual acidity, which can react with metal components and cause corrosion
  • The thermal conductivity of slag wool is slightly higher and is 0.048-7-0.052 W/(m*K). Fire resistance parameters are also less attractive - slag wool can withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees, after which it begins to deform

Stone wool

IN last years this material has become the most popular among analogues. Stone wool is made from basalt rocks. , or rather, its thermal conductivity indicator is the most effective - from 0.032 to 0.038 W/(m*K).

Stone wool has sufficient density, which increases its service life to ten years. It is less susceptible to deformation and does not pose an environmental hazard. Temperature resistance is also high - can withstand up to 900 degrees.

When choosing mineral wool for insulation, you need to take into account the conditions of its operation and location. Insulation in the form of mats will last longer and provide a higher level of heat capacity.

You need to pay attention to the density and thickness of mineral wool. The price of mineral wool is often justified by its technological characteristics, but this is not a decisive factor in the choice of material.

When purchasing, you need to pay more attention to thermal conductivity and vapor barrier indicators.

And then you can confidently stay for many years in a comfortable environment with a stable temperature, no matter the frost outside the windows.

Video about the characteristics of mineral wool

Characteristics stone wool Rockwool. Advantages of stone wool.

How glass wool is made. The process of manufacturing fiberglass thermal insulation in production is shown.

Mineral wool is a fibrous building material used in various types of external and internal insulation systems. It is made from glass melts, blast furnace slag, lava rocks, the structure of the threads is set technologically. This allows you to control such technical characteristics of mineral wool as: thermal conductivity, density, hygroscopicity, vapor permeability. You can buy it in the form of plates, rolls, cylinders (to protect pipes), it is convenient to work with - it weighs little and is easy to install.

The natural mineral base guarantees chemical resistance, the insulation is classified as non-flammable (NG) and can withstand up to 700 ° C, but contains synthetic binding resins with a destruction temperature of 350. The advantages of mineral wool include: biological and corrosion resistance, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, durability . The raw materials and geometric orientation of the fibers largely influence: strength, thermal resistance, moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. The values ​​of the characteristics depend on the brand; basalt (stone) wool with a chaotic structure is considered the best.

Review of manufacturers

1. TechnoNIKOL.

The products are represented by well-known brands:

  • Rocklight - mineral wool slabs for thermal insulation of horizontal, vertical and inclined structures, most in demand in private construction.
  • Heatroll - thick mats rolled into a roll, excellent for insulating attics and basements, floors.
  • Technoblock - insulating boards with high noise absorption, used when installing siding or frame panels.
  • Technoacoustic - mineral wool with enhanced sound insulation effect (absorbs at least 60 dB of noise), ideal for an apartment, office, club room.

This basalt wool highest quality with a small amount of phenolic resins, extremely safe for the user. Excellent ability to retain heat and absorb sound, moisture resistance and low vapor permeability are the main advantages of mineral wool from this company.

They produce mineralized fiberglass wool with different degrees of density (from 10 types on the market). The performance characteristics are exceptional: thin fibers form a strong and lightweight frame that recovers after compression or deformation, the lowest hygroscopicity of all mineral wool options. Isover Tel technology made it possible to create glass fiber that is pleasant to the touch (due to the significant density of the threads with a minimum diameter). But grades of medium and high hardness, due to the presence of films in the structure according to GOST 30244-94, are considered low-flammable (SG), their use has slight restrictions. The price of mineral wool from this company is reasonable, since the raw material is recycled glass.

It is made from quartz sand and is classified as environmentally friendly glass wool (confirmed by certificates). Advantages: flexibility, elasticity, simplicity and waste-free installation, protection from temperature changes, regardless of the season, excellent technical characteristics. There are 7 main varieties of mineral wool on sale with different densities and purposes (a description of the properties and the recommended scope of application are indicated in the instructions), absolutely all of them belong to the NG class. This insulation provides a good fit to the structure, which makes it indispensable when laying vapor barriers in a bathhouse or thermal insulation of work surfaces at any angle.

Basalt-based mineral wool is used in private and industrial construction to protect various types of heating communications from freezing. The range is very extensive, application temperatures range from 180 to 1000 °C. The high price is explained by versatility and quality: mineral wool from this manufacturer has no restrictions and is even used for thermal insulation of food industry facilities. Classified as fire safety class zero, Rockwool has the ability to contain fire. Unique technical characteristics: high density (up to 90 g/cm2), without loss of permeability and purity of the composition, and almost zero hygroscopicity (the material does not accumulate moisture). Rockwool mineral wool is sold in ergonomic packaging; it is profitable to buy it for a small amount of work.

Elastic mineral wool with a random arrangement of fibers, in demand when frame construction, in systems with soft insulation. The advantages include: resistance to solvents of any type, excellent sound insulation, absence of asbestos impurities and chemical additives (they are not emitted during a fire). harmful substances). The material is vapor permeable, so there is no accumulation of condensation on the walls even with frequent temperature fluctuations. As a result, Paroc mineral wool insulation boards are ideal for interior decoration. There is only one drawback - the high cost, as with all types of molten rocks with a chaotic structure of threads.

Comparative description of the technical characteristics of mineral wool of different brands:

Namemineral wool Thermal conductivity, W/m∙S Water absorption by volume, no more, % Density, kg/m3 Vapor permeability, mg/(m h Pa)


Technoblock 0,035 2 40–50 0,3
Rocklight 0,039 30–40
Classic 0,041 2 11–12 0,55–0,6
Frame P37 0,034 12–35
Glasswool M-11 0,041 1,5 9–13 0,7
Glasswool P-30 0,042 16–18 0,55
Tech Mat 0,036 1,5 35–50 0,5
Tech Butts 50–150
eXtra 0,036 1 30 0,5
Uns 37 0,037


The cost, taking into account the dimensional characteristics, is:

Namemineral wool Size, mm Package volume, m3 Area, m2 Number of plates, pcs Price per package, rubles


Technoblock 1200×600×100 0,432 4,32 6 860
Rocklight 1200×600×50 8,64 12 660
Classic 8200×1220×50 1 20 1 1200
Frame P 37 1170×565×50 0,714 14,27 20 1270
Glasswool M-11 10000×1200×50 1,104 24 2 1420
Glasswool P-30 1250×600×50 0,75 15 20 1510
Tech Mat 5000×1000×50 0,25 5 1 150
Tech Butts 1000×600×160 0,12 1,2 120
eXtra 1200×600×50 0,504 10,08 14 960
Uns 37 0,576 11,52 16 1230

A review of manufacturers and a comparison of the technical characteristics of individual brands allow us to make a choice in favor of mineral wool made from molten rocks, as the most environmentally friendly, safe and multifunctional among insulation materials. But fiberglass is about a third cheaper; if building codes allow it, then for large volumes of work it is better to buy it. It is also important to follow the manufacturers' recommendations when storing and installing mineral wool - despite its low hygroscopicity, it should be protected from getting wet.

Many people want to live in their home comfortably and warmly. But not everyone knows how to achieve such conditions. Insulating your home with mineral wool will not only bring the desired warmth to your home, but will significantly reduce energy bills and eliminate the risk of freezing sewer and water pipes. Below we will look at what types of mineral wool exist, and which is better for insulating various structural elements of a house.

What is mineral wool

Mineral wool does not exist as a separate type of material; this concept includes the group various insulation materials, which are produced from raw materials of inorganic origin - natural stone mountain gabbro-basalt rocks, waste from the glass and metallurgical industries, production of silicate and clay bricks.

General view of mineral slabs

The ability to retain heat is due to the presence of air between an innumerable amount of fine mineral fibers, which can be located, depending on the type of insulation, in a chaotic or specific order. Also, the density of the material and the ability to withstand dynamic loads depend on their location. The fibers themselves are obtained by melting the raw materials at very high temperatures and subsequent processing in a gas or air environment using various binding components:

  • formaldehyde or urea resins;
  • phenolic alcohols;
  • compositions of formaldehyde and phenol;
  • bentonite clay (hydroaluminosilicate mineral);
  • latex;
  • bitumen;
  • polymer emulsions.

In terms of safety for humans, mineral wool made on the basis of basalt is the leader, since only its binder, bentonite clay, is the cleanest in environmental terms.

Insulation production technology

The first stage of production of insulation, called mineral wool, consists of preparing a mixture, which may include several ingredients. The composition of mineral wool largely depends on the number of components and their technical characteristics. The dried and crushed mixture is melted in special furnaces, the temperature in which reaches one and a half thousand degrees. The stone, melted to a liquid state, is sent to special rolls, where, under the influence of an air or gas flow, the finest insulation fibers are obtained.

Rock melts at temperatures above 1000°C

The further process of production of all types of mineral wool consists in the formation of the insulating material itself. Depending on the size of the fiber diameter and the functionality of the product, the structure of its carpet can be created by a vertical or chaotic arrangement of fibers, or have a corrugated appearance. After this, the cotton wool is sent to a cooling chamber, where, simultaneously with cooling, the fibers are impregnated a certain type binder. In the production of some types of mineral wool, the process can be supplemented by stitching the mats with fiberglass, steel wire or linen cord.

Mineral wool based on a synthetic binder (phenol or formaldehyde) and an organic one, that is, bitumen, differs radically in production technology. However, any material undergoes a polymerization process of the binder, during which excess moisture evaporates from the mineral wool.

Insulation forms

Insulation is produced in the form of plates and rolls

In addition to soft single-layer wool, a material is produced that has Various types top covering - a vapor barrier or waterproofing membrane, which is attached with glue. To increase the thermal insulation properties, the insulation is covered with a foil film over the mineral wool, which does not allow heat to escape from the room.

On last stage mineral wool is formed into a finished product, which may look like:

  • mat;
  • slabs;
  • roll;
  • cylinder;
  • shells.

Mineral wool in the form of cylinders for pipe insulation

The characteristics and properties of mineral wool in the form of pierced mats are also influenced by the materials with which the products are covered on opposite sides. This could be a steel mesh with various shapes cells, fiberglass, non-woven material, technical paper, cardboard, glass fiber mesh, asbestos fabric.

Scope of application of mineral thermal insulation

The range of use of insulation made from various types of mineral wool is very wide. This material is used both in construction and in industry, in the manufacture of products intended for insulating surfaces with heating temperatures up to 700° C, in the production of sandwich panels and other products of various functionality.

Insulation of walls with mineral wool using a frame

In the construction industry, mineral wool is used to insulate structural elements of buildings and structures for any purpose:

  • walls;
  • floors:
  • floors;
  • basements;
  • facades, both ventilated and plastered;
  • plinths;
  • pitched and flat roofs;
  • balconies and loggias;
  • frame houses;
  • temporary structures - sheds, cabins, etc.

In systems engineering communications mineral wool with various technical characteristics and properties are used for insulation of main and autonomous water supply pipelines laid underground and on the surface, local and main sewerage systems.

Insulation of main pipelines with mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation has also found its application in the construction of three-layer walls made of brick or stone, as a middle layer, as well as in production reinforced concrete structures, significantly increasing their thermal insulation properties.

Use of mineral wool in sandwich panels

Mineral wool is also used in various industries - oil and gas, metallurgical and energy.

Types of mineral wool insulation

Depending on the source raw material, there are several types of mineral wool:

  • stone;
  • slag;
  • glass wool

Each type has its own properties and technical characteristics, which determine their scope of application.

Stone wool

Mineral wool, the raw materials of which are rocks such as dolomite basalt and others, is considered the safest in environmental terms due to its properties. It does not contain harmful formaldehyde resins, and bentonite clay is used as a binder, which can be used even in Food Industry. The main advantages of stone insulation are:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius with cotton wool;
  • resistance to sudden changes in ambient temperature;
  • safety in installation and operation;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • resistance to deformation.

You should know what can be considered environmentally friendly. When producing stone wool, other components can be introduced into the initial composition of the charge - limestone, silicates, and a binder in the form of phenol-formaldehyde resin can be used, albeit in small volumes.

Unlike glass wool, stone wool does not irritate the skin, which has a beneficial effect on the installation process.

Glass wool

Such insulation is limited in its scope of use due to the fragility of the fibers, which cause skin irritation and are dangerous if they enter the respiratory tract of humans and animals. Therefore, the material is not used in rooms where people are expected to stay for a long time.

Most often, glass wool is used for insulation of technical, utility rooms, and external utility lines. Despite the high degree of water resistance, this material is characterized by low density, the lowest among all types of mineral wool.

The level of heat resistance of glass wool is within 300-400° above zero; it is susceptible to exposure to moisture, which is why its thermal conductivity properties are significantly reduced.

The main disadvantage lies precisely in the fragility of the fibers, which requires the mandatory use of such protective agents when working with glass material, such as:

  • respirator;
  • thick overalls;
  • glasses;
  • gloves.


Slag appearance resembles ordinary cotton wool, the difference is in color

The latest representative of mineral wool, a material obtained from metallurgical waste, has the lowest price on the building materials market. Thanks to the minimum length of the fibers, which are obtained from molten blast furnace slag, this material looks like real cotton wool, only dark gray in color. The low density of the material, fragility and low fire resistance, as well as high hygroscopicity, do not allow the use of slag wool for insulating facades, pipelines, attics in places where stove or fireplace pipes pass. And the presence of acid residues in the blast furnace raw material prevents contact of the material with metal structures. The main advantage of slag insulation is its minimal price.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral insulation

Any material has certain advantages and disadvantages. All this is present in mineral wool. But first, about the pleasant things - the positive characteristics and properties of mineral wool, which are as follows:

The high ability to retain heat is due to the special arrangement of stone fibers, between which many chambers with air are formed, which, as is known, is the best heat insulator.

Mineral insulation, made from non-flammable raw materials, cannot itself burn, unless the temperature at the source of the fire exceeds 1000°C, which does not happen in everyday life. Therefore, such material is recommended for use on surfaces whose temperatures other types of thermal insulation, for example, polystyrene foam or polystyrene, cannot withstand. Well tolerates mineral wool and the effects of aggressive chemical substances, therefore it can be used for insulation of industrial pipelines and tanks.

Stone wool is not favored by domestic rodents, harmful bacteria and microbes that require a humid environment, and the hygroscopicity of the insulation is close to zero. Thanks to this property, the optimal level of humidity will always be maintained in the room, and mold and rot will not form.

The presence of air between the wool fibers provides the material with the ability to muffle sounds. This characteristic is relevant when using the material in the under-roof space, in door leaves as insulation and at the same time a sound insulator.

The structure of mineral wool is a lot of fibers and air layers

Due to the special arrangement of the fibers, the compressive strength of the material is quite high. Therefore, it is often used for floor insulation, interfloor ceilings, followed by application cement screed. Shrinkage of mineral wool is minimized, which increases its thermal insulation properties.

Behind environmental safety insulation made from stone material corresponds to the binder that is used in minimum quantities, and at ordinary temperatures this substance is in environment doesn't stand out.

As mineral wool manufacturers assure, the service life is at least forty years, with correct installation and subsequent operation of insulated structures.


But as they say, nothing is without flaws. They are also inherent in mineral wool:

Insulation efficiency mineral material will be higher if steam and waterproofing films are used when laying it.

The need to use protective equipment during installation of the material, and this is not always pleasant or convenient. Some types of mineral wool are susceptible to moisture, so careful protection is required.

Insulation of structures with mineral wool

Insulation of the facade with mineral wool, laying a vapor barrier, reinforcing mesh and plastering

The technology for insulating various structures depends primarily on their functionality, location and type of material. But in any case, the insulation is mounted on a clean, dust-free surface that does not have significant protrusions or depressions.

When installing insulation with glue, the old finishing coating is removed, traces of mold and fungal formations are removed. After which the insulated surface is primed for better adhesion of the adhesive.

In addition to fixing mats or slabs with glue, they are used as additional fastening mushroom dowels, which with their wide head reliably hold the material on vertical and horizontal surfaces, in the case of installing insulation on the ceiling or roof from the attic side. Fungi should be installed only after the glue has completely set and dried.

If the insulated surface is to be plastered, a reinforcing mesh made of steel, plastic or fiberglass is placed on the thermal insulation. When installing a ventilated facade or covering external walls with siding, clapboard or some other finishing material, it is necessary to leave a gap between the insulation and finishing to prevent condensation from accumulating on the surface of the insulation.

With dry insulation, the material is secured between special guides of the frame structure or between the rafters using mushrooms or fishing line or a thin cord. A vapor barrier membrane must be laid on top of the mineral wool.

What kind of cotton do manufacturers offer?

In our country, the following brands of insulation are mainly popular:

  • Izover;
  • Ursa.

All types of insulation can be purchased both in the form of slabs and rolls, which are packaged in polyethylene of special strength, which prevents deformation of the product during storage and transportation.

Rockwool mineral wools are produced on a basalt basis by two Russian enterprises and meet all GOST requirements. Among all other types of thermal insulation, this brand has won great consumer appreciation. The company produces a wide range of products, including such well-known brands as “Acoustic Butts”, “Facade Butts” and “Light Butts”, intended for use in various designs and operating conditions.

Products under the Isover brand from stone raw materials are produced at Russian factories of the French company Saint-Gobain. The consumer is offered slabs and rolls of insulation of various sizes - from standard to “mini”, which are convenient to use in small areas, when local repairs thermal insulation. The quality of products and their safety are confirmed by the presence of all necessary certificates.

Ursa brand mineral wool is made from recycled glass or quartz. The wide range of products of this company allows you to choose material for insulating premises of a wide variety of functionality, from balconies to living rooms and saunas. It is produced in the form of slabs, mats and rolls, including those with a foil membrane.

The main point of the article

It is possible to help keep the house warm by using mineral wool, the brand and type of which is selected depending on the purpose of the room or structural element buildings. Mineral wool is made from rocks and fiberglass in accordance with GOST 31913-2011. Each type of mineral wool has its own characteristics and properties. The insulation is laid using a specific technology that meets the functionality of the structure.

Due to the constant rise in prices of coolants and increasing payment costs utilities Many people pay attention to insulating their home.

Among other materials, the use of mineral wool is not in last place.

What is mineral wool and what are its features?

Distinctive characteristics

Mineral wool is an extracted insulation material so that it can be used to build thermal insulation structures.

Recently, due to the fact that it has amazing characteristics, it has begun to be widely used in the construction of both residential buildings and the construction of commercial buildings. Moreover, both slabs of different sizes and rolls are used equally.

Most often, mineral wool is used to insulate the walls and roofs of residential premises. The reason for this is the low thermal conductivity that stone wool has.

Features of stone wool

Thanks to its technical characteristics, mineral wool is a confident leader among other types of thermal insulation materials.

In terms of thermal conductivity, sound insulation properties, flammability and vapor permeability, it is confidently ahead of its competitors.

Today, most companies selling mineral wool on the market offer it in several forms.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains in detail the features of mineral wool as insulation: