Trichomonas colpitis during pregnancy treatment. Symptoms and treatment of colpitis during pregnancy

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Colpitis (vaginitis) is a common gynecological disease. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in 60% of women who consult a gynecologist. Colpitis during pregnancy is also a common occurrence. But even in this situation, you should not panic; you must follow the clear recommendations of your doctor.

is an inflammatory process that develops on the vaginal mucosa. In addition, foci of inflammation often simultaneously affect the mucous membrane of the external genitalia (), the vaginal part of the cervix and the upper epithelium of the urethra.

Most often, the disease is accompanied by copious vaginal discharge with an intense, pungent odor and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Reference! Interestingly, there has not been a direct relationship between the duration of pregnancy and the development of the disease.

In other words, colpitis can occur at any stage of pregnancy. But the greatest risk to the fetus occurs in cases where the inflammation process develops shortly before the onset of labor, in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Reasons for the development of pathology during pregnancy

The development of colpitis during pregnancy is often due to a natural decrease in immunity. As a result female body becomes more vulnerable to infection.

In addition, during pregnancy, the hormonal balance changes significantly. Against this background, the vaginal environment changes from acidic to natural. As a result, the risk of development, growth and reproduction of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms increases. Additionally There are a number of factors that increase the risk of developing colpitis during pregnancy:

  • violation of intimate hygiene rules;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • hormone therapy;
  • microtrauma of the vagina;
  • allergies to panty liners, soap, gel, condoms;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • serious errors in the diet;
  • chronic cystitis;
  • untreated.

Colpitis can be caused by diseases such as trichomoniasis or chlamydia.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of colpitis in pregnant women are no different from those in women in normal condition. In the acute form of the disease, the clinical picture is more vivid and it is impossible not to notice such signs. With chronic colpitis, clinical manifestations may be vague or completely absent. Common symptoms of the disease include the following:

Often during pregnancy, colpitis develops under the influence of fungi of the genus Candida. In this case, vaginal discharge acquires a sour odor and White color. This disease has a name -. In this case, additional symptoms may appear, such as pain when urinating or vaginal dryness.

Diagnostic methods

First of all, before making a diagnosis of colpitis, the gynecologist collects anamnesis and conducts a visual examination using mirrors. Then the pregnant patient may be prescribed the following types of examination:

  1. Taking smears to determine the vaginal microflora.
  2. Collection of vaginal secretions for bacteriological examination. During the analysis, the causative agent of the infection and its resistance to antibiotics are determined.
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The study allows you to determine the condition of the uterus and the completeness of the blood supply to the placenta.
  4. examination to detect sexually transmitted infections.

Additionally, the woman must take a blood and urine test.

Attention! IN certain cases, when the pathogen cannot be determined in any other way, a blood test is performed to detect antibodies to TORCH infections.

Therapy methods

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy is carried out regardless of the period. First, a woman must go on a certain diet. It is based on avoiding eating sweet, salty, hot and spicy foods. In addition, during the entire course of therapy, the pregnant patient must refuse sexual intercourse.

The specific drug, as well as the treatment regimen for colpitis in a pregnant woman, is chosen by the attending physician, based on the results of the tests performed. The general treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Antifungal drugs. This treatment is prescribed if colpitis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida.
  2. Antibacterial drugs. The choice of a specific medication depends on the type of pathogen and the length of pregnancy of the woman.
  3. Antiviral drugs. They are prescribed in cases where colpitis is provoked by a virus.

Important! It should be remembered that both sexual partners must undergo treatment, otherwise relapse of the disease cannot be avoided.

Throughout the entire therapeutic course, a woman must follow a daily routine, get enough sleep and take a complex of vitamins to strengthen the body’s defenses.

Why is colpitis dangerous?

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy must be carried out without fail. Otherwise, the disease can harm not only the woman, but also the child. Complications of untreated colpitis in pregnant women may be as follows::

  • endometriosis;
  • cervicitis;
  • chorioamnionitis (infection of amniotic fluid and placenta);
  • intrauterine damage to the fetus;
  • rupture of perineal tissue during labor;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency (impaired blood supply to the placenta);
  • polyhydramnios;
  • premature birth.

Also infection can occur during the passage of the child through the birth canal. Which is fraught with the appearance of various infections in the baby, including pneumonia.

Coping with colpitis during pregnancy is not easy. Due to the fact that not all methods and drugs are allowed for a woman at this stage. But by following all the doctor’s recommendations and not practicing self-medication, you can forget about this disease once and for all. And modern treatment methods will help cope with colpitis without harming the baby.

Many women know firsthand about inflammatory diseases of the vagina, since almost everyone suffers from them.

Often mild forms of inflammation can occur due to hypothermia, a sharp decrease in immunity, stress, etc.

But, as a rule, they pass almost unnoticed, except perhaps by disturbing noticeable symptoms of an unpleasant burning or itching.

And if a couple of decades ago few and rarely heard of a disease called “colpitis”, today more and more people are turning to gynecologists and more women with its symptoms and characteristic complaints.

Some people are in no hurry to go to the doctor, attributing strange discharge or discomfort to temporary and non-serious phenomena. However, during pregnancy, a woman cannot simply ignore such processes, since during the period of bearing a child they cease to be small troubles, but become a reason for treatment and medical intervention.

Today it is considered one of the most common female genital diseases. Often the disease affects the bodies of women of reproductive age.

Normally, the vaginal flora contains only Doderlein's vaginal bacillus: they are responsible for the production of lactic acid, which prevents the emergence of pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms.

However, if many factors coincide, the protective barrier will still be overcome, and the vaginal mucosa / vaginal part of the cervix is ​​affected by chronic or acute inflammation, which is called colpitis.

Sometimes the disease can be combined with other inflammatory processes, for example, in the external genitalia. Subsequently, it takes the form of vulvovaginitis, etc.

Type classification

Doctors believe that the inflammatory process can be presented in different types, because the disease is not always caused by pathogenic or pathogenic microorganisms.

For this reason (based on the type of pathogen) a distinction is made between nonspecific and specific types.

  • Colpitis of a nonspecific type.

The disease can also be caused by opportunistic microorganisms. They are an integral part of the microflora of every person. The natural microflora of the vagina may be disrupted (decreased immunity, negative effects of antibacterial therapy, hormonal dysfunction).

  • Colpitis of a specific type.

The disease is caused only by pathogenic bacteria. They can enter the body through unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as if you do not follow the rules of basic personal hygiene.

The most common type of nonspecific colpitis is considered to be candidal yeast colpitis.

Almost every woman faces this problem. Thrush manifests itself if the Candida fungus, which is also present in healthy people (in their microbial flora) in small quantities, suddenly begins to actively multiply.

Also during pregnancy, emphysematous type of the disease is very common.

It is characterized by the fact that the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed and becomes covered with blisters filled with clear liquid. But a week or two after giving birth, this colpitis may disappear on its own.

One of the most common types of specific colpitis is Trichomonas.

Its causative agents are the pathogenic bacteria Trichomonas. They are mainly transmitted sexually, but a pregnant woman can become infected even by using someone else's dirty towels or personal underwear. In addition to Trichomonas, the causative agents of colpitis can be any other organisms:

  • gonococci (gonorrheal colpitis);
  • (chlamydial colpitis);
  • treponema pallidum (syphilitic colpitis);
  • or (mycoplasma and ureaplasma colpitis);
  • (gardnellosis colpitis).

Nuances of classification

In addition to division into types, the disease is also distinguished by its form of expression.

  • Acute form.

It is characterized by the fact that abundant fluids constantly ooze from the vagina. An unpleasant burning or itching may also bother you, often.

  • Subacute form.

The symptoms are not so pronounced and tend to have periodic outbreaks.

  • Chronic form.

Signs are practically invisible, but they can be diagnosed if there is a suspicion.

Also, the classification takes into account the nature of the discharge: purulent disease, serous, diffuse.


Sometimes a woman complains of a primary disease, that is, the infection penetrated directly into the vagina for the first time.

However, doctors can also diagnose secondary colpitis, which would mean the pathogen enters the vaginal tract from the vulva or cervix.

The disease can occur for a variety of reasons. If we talk about a nonspecific type, then it can be directly provoked by:

  • problems with the endocrine system and hormonal levels;
  • suffered severe infectious diseases (ARVI, viral influenza, etc.);
  • disruptions in the immune system (even a general decrease in immunity);
  • taking antibiotics or other medications;
  • various diseases or injuries/burns of the genital organs (ovaries, uterus, vagina). Bacteria can enter the vagina due to basic lack of hygiene, and due to violations after medical procedures (abortion, douching, suturing, etc.);
  • allergic reaction to spermicidal lubricant in condoms.

Thrush can often be triggered by ordinary dysbiosis, and during pregnancy many favorable factors for the disease coincide: hormonal changes, a weakened immune system, and other difficulties for the body, which immediately manifests itself in the manifestation of candidiasis.

Most often, the main cause of a specific type of colpitis is a variety of infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted.

The main risk factor is promiscuous sexual intercourse.

During pregnancy, an incorrect diet, wearing tight underwear, or any malfunction of the body can contribute to the problem.


The signs and nature of their manifestations will depend on what type of pathogen you are dealing with and how far the disease process has progressed.

Nonspecific colpitis in acute form is characterized by:

  • severe and unpleasant irritation in the genital area, burning, itching;
  • the appearance of copious mucous discharge (regular leucorrhoea or with simple candidiasis, purulent or - with infection with other bacteria).

Their character should immediately alert a pregnant woman, since the color, smell, and consistency of the discharge are very different from those that should be present normally;

  • the vaginal mucosa swells, and the external genitalia may become red and swollen;
  • a woman may experience pain or discomfort when urinating, during examinations by a doctor, and during sexual intercourse;
  • bursting, pressing and aching pain in the pelvic area and lower abdomen.

In the chronic form, all processes are aggravated, but it becomes less noticeable, spreading and affecting the surrounding genital organs. The more advanced the disease, the more difficult it is to get rid of it and its consequences.

Specific forms of vaginitis are characterized by the same general symptoms against a background of general weakness, lethargy and even elevated body temperature.

However, some specific signs are also added: special discharge for each type of disease (foamy green-yellow - for Trichomonas colpitis, - for gonorrhea, etc.).

Consequences: what are the consequences of the disease for mother and child?

If in a normal period you can still give up on yourself and not pay attention to the problem (an extremely undesirable option), then during the period of bearing a child a woman should be especially attentive to her health, because she is now responsible not only for herself, but also for the little man inside.

Without considering the unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations that accompany the problem for a woman, even nonspecific colpitis can have serious consequences for the child: intrauterine infection, intrauterine growth retardation, anomalies of the anatomical structure of the fetus, etc. In addition, there is a threat to the state of pregnancy itself , and also possible complications:

  • an advanced or chronic problem can become one of the factors that lead to recurrent miscarriage, miscarriages, spontaneous abortions, or;
  • if the disease spreads and turns into an ascending infection, then the inflammation covers other genital organs, turning into cervicitis, erosion and endometritis;
  • Having reached the placenta, colpitis can become, which will certainly affect the development and growth of the baby, since he will not receive enough nutrition and the oxygen that he vitally needs;
  • the placenta will not always be able to prevent the spread of infection, which means that both amniotic fluid, and the membranes themselves. The consequences of intrauterine infection will be various diseases and developmental delays (if the child’s life is saved);
  • During childbirth, ruptures (internal and external) often occur, since organ tissues are damaged, and in the postpartum period there are frequent cases of severe inflammatory diseases (purulent inflammation, sepsis, etc.);
  • colpitis can also lead to complications such as,.

If the disease is not treated in its acute phase, it will become chronic..

Methods for diagnosing a dangerous disease during pregnancy

To select the correct preventive or curative therapy, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination. The diagnostic program may vary, as it is selected individually, depending on the patient’s complaints and each specific situation.

Usually the doctor is able to determine colpitis even during a routine gynecological examination. However, in order to make a full diagnosis, it is important for the doctor not only to identify the inflammation itself, but also to understand its cause.

And since colpitis can often be accompanied by other diseases, and also arise as a consequence of disorders of internal organs or systems, the specialist is faced with a very difficult task.

This means that maximum collection of information from various sources will be required, since only by drawing up a complete picture of the disease will it be possible to prescribe specific treatment or take other measures. The list of standard procedures includes:

  • The doctor can replace a routine examination with colposcopy - it is not so painful for the inflamed vaginal mucosa, but its information content is much higher;
  • microscopic examination of smears taken from the cervix and vagina (plus cytology);
  • to assess the consequences of chronic colpitis or identify associated gynecological diseases, do an ultrasound;
  • all kinds of urine and blood tests (for hormones, general, biochemical, etc.).

However, if you suspect any types of specific colpitis, your doctor will most likely send you to other additional diagnostic methods:

  • PCR research;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • analysis for the presence of antibodies to certain pathogens.

Bacteriological analysis

To recognize microorganisms, a specialist can use various ways bacteriological analysis:

  • culture seeding of microbes on a nutrient medium that will stimulate their growth. Thus, colonies are artificially grown, and based on their shape, the doctor will draw a conclusion about what kind of microorganism it forms.

Despite the fact that the analysis will take some time (a day or two), it is valuable because it allows you to obtain in pure form the very bacteria of a particular pathogen;

  • At the same time, they can do an antibiogram. It will give an accurate study of how sensitive microorganisms are to any antimicrobial drugs. This way the doctor will be able to select an individual, high-quality treatment program;
  • in some cases, it is possible to carry out bacterioscopy, that is, staining bacteria and studying them. The analysis makes it possible to determine the type of microorganisms and understand the cause of inflammation.

PCR study

This method is used as a last resort, due to its high cost and frequent cases of false positive results. However, sometimes only a PCR study can determine whether the material contains an infectious agent, even if the sample taken contains only a few molecules of its DNA.

Moreover, this analysis can help detect single cells of a virus or bacteria that exist hidden in the human body and do not show any symptoms.

But even such a diagnosis is not ideal.

False-positive results occur when the rules for collecting material or conducting the analysis itself are not followed.

Therefore, you should not limit yourself to just one method or analysis, but need to act comprehensively, combining various examinations and double-checking questionable results.

Main directions in the treatment of colpitis during pregnancy

Treatment, like diagnosis, should be as thoughtful and comprehensive as possible.

All measures taken should be aimed at getting rid of the factors that provoke the development of the disease, treating concomitant diseases, and also helping the body itself to resist such infections in the future.

During pregnancy, a woman cannot afford to use most effective medications, since they are unsafe for the health and well-being of the child. This important nuance poses another difficult task for doctors.

In the complex of treatment measures for nonspecific colpitis, local and general treatment is usually carried out. Among the means of local importance are:

  • baths with an acidic environment or medicinal herbal infusions;

Douching during pregnancy at home is contraindicated

  • maintaining a gentle diet (dairy-vegetable in nature). Eliminate spicy, salty, sour foods and sweets from your diet;
  • ointment applications, the use of rectal and vaginal suppositories or creams and gels (“Viferon”, “Genferon”, “Makmiror complex”, “Klion D”, “”, “Meratin Combi”, “Terzhinan”, “Poliginax” and others with permission doctors from the second trimester) for antifungal therapy.

If we're talking about about a chronic or specific disease, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial therapy.

It is possible only after the specific pathogen and how sensitive it is to medications are determined. The duration of pregnancy is usually taken into account (in the first trimester such treatment is excluded).

Among the safest antibiotics are Erythromycin, Rovamycin and others. If trichomonas are detected, doctors prescribe Metronidazole, and in some cases Clotrimazole, but the doctor must take into account all the risks for the child.

Both partners should undergo treatment, and at the time of applying therapeutic measures it is worth abstaining from sexual activity.

General measures to treat any disease include:

  • strengthening the body’s immune system, using immunomodulatory drugs;
  • compliance with the rules and regulations of personal hygiene, daily routine, proper diet, proper sleep and rest, elimination of bad habits;
  • To maintain intestinal microflora, prebiotics or probiotics are used, as well as suppositories made from live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Physiotherapy may be prescribed according to indications. However, during pregnancy they are used quite rarely.

The table shows drugs (suppositories) of complex action with prices for Moscow

Name Number of candles per package Indications for use At what stage of pregnancy can it be used? price, rub.
Hexicon 10 For treatment various types vaginitis (also mixed, and nonspecific, etc.), for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, etc. There are no contraindications for pregnancy and lactation 250
Terzhinan 10 For therapy, prevention and treatment of any vaginitis (including bacterial, trichomonas, fungal, etc.) It is not advisable to use it in the first trimester; in the second and third - as prescribed by a doctor. 435
McMiror complex 8 For the treatment of vulvovaginal infections, for antifungal, antiprotozoal therapy and antibacterial action For those who are hypersensitive, caution should be exercised. In general, there are no known contraindications for use by pregnant women. 600
Klion D 10 Suitable for topical treatment of thrush and for various forms and types of vaginitis In the first trimester, the drug is prohibited, then the doctor must evaluate how much the benefit for the mother outweighs the risk for the child 350
Metromicon-neo 14 Candidal colpitis, bacterial and mixed infections, Trichomonas colpitis, etc. Cannot be used in the first trimester and during lactation. In the second and third - with caution, following all the doctor’s instructions 370
Polygynax 12 Treatment of nonspecific, mixed and fungal vaginitis, prevention of some complications Contraindicated in the first trimester. Next, the doctor decides on its prescription. 550

Prevention measures

To avoid an unpleasant disease and its consequences, you should take care of simple preventive measures:

  • or inflammatory / chronic diseases in, undergo all necessary tests and take measures if detected;
  • promptly treat any diseases (no matter ‒ genital organs or others), do not start or lead to chronic diseases;
  • support general state body, strengthen the immune system (take vitamins, harden, lead healthy image life);
  • carefully observe intimate hygiene(especially during periods of menstruation), exclude casual and promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • do not wear synthetic or uncomfortable (tight) underwear, do not use certain contraceptive or intimate gels (with additives);
  • avoid stress and nervous shock;
  • accept medications only after a doctor’s prescription and under his supervision.

This disease is not so dangerous in itself as its possible consequences. At the slightest suspicion or manifestation of symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Timely, high-quality diagnosis and properly selected treatment will help you avoid complications and get rid of this unpleasant disease without harming your baby.

During pregnancy, a woman usuallymonitors his health especially carefully and reacts with alarm to every unusual symptom.

Often the cause of panic for the expectant mother is unusual youdivision and discomfort in the genital area.This complex of symptoms most likely indicates adevelopment of the pathological process, which in medicine is called vaginitis or colpitis. In pregnant women, this condition is observed especially often against the background of decreased immunity, hormonal changes in the body and high loads on all organs and woman's systems.

Vaginitis during pregnancy is a good reason to immediately contact a gynecologist and begin treatment for this dangerous pathology. Diagnose the disease anddetermine how to treat colpitis during pregnancy without causing harmqualified gynecologists will advise mother and baby.

Symptoms of colpitis during pregnancy

First of all, you should determine that vaginitis or colpitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membranes of the vagina. The inflamed walls of the vagina swell and become hyperemic. Also, isolated hemorrhages are observed on the surface of the vaginal tissues. If the inflammation does not spread beyond the vagina, the woman does not notice visual manifestations of the disease, while in some cases the pathological process affects the external genitalia. In this case, inflammation can be seen with the naked eye.

The characteristic signs of colpitis during pregnancy do not differ from the symptoms of a non-pregnant woman:

- itching and burning in the vaginal area - the inflammatory process irritates the delicate mucous membranes, which causes discomfort and sometimes pain in the vaginal walls;

- lower abdominal pain- this symptom is especially frightening for pregnant women, but it is not associated with the tone of the uterus, as many assume, but with tissue inflammation;

- the appearance of specific secretions- discharge during colpitis during pregnancy is very abundant and can have a different color and consistency. Most often, a woman visually notices a white, cheesy discharge, reminiscent of a characteristic sign of thrush, but sometimes the vaginal discharge acquires a putrid odor and is greenish-yellow in color. This indicates the specific nature of the pathogen and requires immediate medical consultation;

- swelling and redness of the genitals- patients often notice hyperemia and swelling of the labia and clitoris, which become more sensitive and cause discomfort to the woman.

Acute vaginitis during pregnancy is accompanied by severe symptoms, which should force the patient to contactfor professional help. This will help protect your child frompossible negative consequences.

Causes and types of vaginitis during pregnancy

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina is usually of an infectious nature. This is made possible thanks tovaginal dysbiosis, which often accompanies period pregnancy. Hormonal changes and high loads on all organs of the expectant mother cause a decrease in the body's defenses, which provokes infectious and inflammatoryprocess. In this case, the causative agent of the pathology can act asbacterial flora that entered the body from the outside during sexual intercourse or through everyday life and constitutes the normal microflora of the vagina. The most likely infectious agents of colpitis in pregnant women include streptococci, fungi of the genus Candida, Escherichia coli, trichomonas, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, etc.

Interestingly, depending on the cause of development The disease may have different symptoms and manifestations:

- candidiasis colpitis - accompanied by abundant curdled discharge and severe itching of the genitals, which manifests itself even at rest;

- emphysematous colpitis- very common type vaginitis specifically in pregnant women. Pathologyaccompanied by the formation of small watery blisters on the surface of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. This formcolpitis goes away on its own 2-3 weeks after childbirth;

- trichomonas colpitis- a very dangerous form of pathology, developing when trichomonas enter the vaginalWednesday. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse or through the use of personal hygiene items shared with the carrier.(towel, washcloth, etc.). Manifests characteristicputrefactive discharge with a sharp unpleasant smell.

Accompanying conditions for the development of colpitis inpregnant women, in addition to decreased immunity, may become allergic reactions, vaginal microtraumas, non-compliancepersonal hygiene, presence of chronic diseases.

Colpitis during pregnancy: consequences for the child

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina poses a threat not only to the health of the expectant mother, but also to the baby.The ascending route of infection can lead tosuch pregnancy abnormalities as polyhydramnios,premature birth and contamination of amniotic fluid. SpecialVaginitis poses a significant danger during childbirth, whenthe baby passes through the infected maternal birth canal. IN at this point there is a high probability of infection newborn

Interestingly, colpitis after pregnancy can go away on its own, but this happens relatively rarely. The development of colpitis after childbirth is most often provokedinjury to the vaginal membranes during delivery.Due to this fact, doctors recommend refraining fromsexual activity in the first weeks after childbirth. Breaking this bana woman increases the risk of developing colpitis after childbirth.

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy

Diagnosis of the disease involves standard gynecological examination and colposcopy. This the research method makes it possible to visualizesurface of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls and evaluate themstate. During the examination, the doctor takes a smear for analysis. The study of biological material is carried out using bacterioscopic and bacteriological methods.

Anyone who had colpitis during pregnancy knows how difficult it is to treat. Symptoms often continue until delivery, which complicates their course and carries the risk of the baby contracting an infection. But not everything is so bad, there are many ways to, if not completely cure, then at least significantly reduce the manifestation of the disease. Another difficulty is that while pregnant, many effective medications are prohibited.

Colpitis and pregnancy: statistics

Recently, vaginitis and pregnancy are quite related concepts. There are statistics that expectant mothers often exhibit symptoms of this disease. Pathology appears in pregnant women in 75-80% of cases.

The pattern between the occurrence of the disease and the period of gestation of the child has not been traced. Pathology develops from the first to last day at any time. But the third trimester is dangerous for the baby.

For what reason does colpitis appear during pregnancy?

There are quite a few reasons for the development of pathology during this period. It should be noted that the very state of bearing a baby is already a risk factor for the occurrence of pathology. This is due to the fact that conceiving a child significantly reduces the body's immune strength. The female body already works for two, trying to provide itself and the child with everything necessary. The additional load during this period in the form of an attack by viruses and bacteria is no longer sufficient for the female body.

Hormonal changes also play a significant role in the development of vaginal inflammation. This process leads to a change in acidity in the vagina. The acidic environment gradually changes to an alkaline one, which is a favorable basis for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Objective reasons why colpitis can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy are:

  • Early sexual life. Research has proven that when sexual activity begins before the age of 16, the risk of developing various diseases of the girl’s reproductive system significantly increases. This is due to immature structures of the genital organs.
  • Long course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Promiscuous, casual sexual intercourse
  • The underwear that a woman wears during pregnancy provokes colpitis if it is synthetic and the wrong size (small or tight-fitting bikinis).
  • Poor nutrition of the expectant mother, excess of sweet, salty and fried foods in the diet.
  • Damage to the vaginal mucosa.
  • An acute period of chronic diseases of the endocrine system that caused colpitis before pregnancy.
  • Improper care of intimate areas.

Colpitis, pregnancy: symptoms

You can find out that vaginitis accompanies pregnancy by characteristic features diseases. It manifests itself:

  • Severe itching and burning on the outer surface of the genitals;
  • Hyperemia and swelling of the external organs of the reproductive system;
  • Colpitis during pregnancy sometimes frightens a woman, since during inflammation, aching pain is accompanied by pathology, sometimes these pains are characterized as bursting;
  • The woman pays special attention to the discharge. During pregnancy there are already more of them than usual. When vaginitis appears, there are even more of them. In the short term, a woman does not always understand whether it is colpitis or pregnancy due to heavy discharge.

Colpitis or pregnancy: diagnosis

Only after diagnosis can you carry out effective treatment. Diagnostic measures allow you to accurately determine what caused the disease. There are many causative agents of vaginitis; during pregnancy, the likelihood of each of them being activated is high. Opportunistic microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, and specific infections can also become active. To do this, analyzes are carried out:

  • Flora smear;
  • Bacterial culture;
  • Cultivation of yeast-like fungi in laboratory conditions;
  • Colposcopy is performed only when necessary, when there is a risk of tissue infiltration or cell degeneration.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus to prevent the threat of miscarriage or fetal hypoxia.

Treatment for colpitis during pregnancy

The main therapy does not depend on the period of pregnancy. Therapeutic prescriptions depend on the degree of development of the disease and the specific pathogen. Vaginitis is often caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Also bacterial infections are diagnosed. In order not to risk pregnancy, colpitis during pregnancy cannot be treated independently.

Medicines that help during pregnancy.

  • Pimafucin is a medicine that acts on a fungal infection. Even in large dosages it is not dangerous for the baby. It is often prescribed in combination with douching solutions, as it has little effect on its own.
  • Terzhinan is a very good drug for the treatment of fungal, bacterial and trichomonas infections. It contains substances: antibiotic, antifungal, antitrichomonas, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Betadine - also effective remedy, but it is allowed to be used only until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Herbal decoctions for douching. You can use chamomile and calendula. There is no need to abuse substances, since their use often leads to the death of lactobacilli.
  • Acidophilic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the form of suppositories. They are used to restore the local protective function.
  • Treatment of pregnant women does not always give results, right up to the birth itself. This depends on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane, the general and local immunity of the expectant mother. If the etiology of the disease is not fully determined, vaginitis can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy, including during feeding. Not only the woman herself, but also the child suffers from the constant inflammatory process. Therefore, you need to try to constantly improve your immunity, monitor your diet and sleep and rest patterns.


    There is no clearly defined diagnosis in the International Classification of Diseases - pregnancy vaginitis. ICD-10 displays this disease in two blocks of diseases.

    Pregnancy and colpitis in ICD

    Vaginitis when expecting a baby is also classified under the subsection “Genital Tract Infection during Pregnancy”, classification code – O23.5. Pathology refers to the section on other maternal diseases that are associated with pregnancy.


    Colpitis occurs quite often during pregnancy; the causes of this pathology lie in the internal processes of the woman’s body and the addition of viruses and bacteria from the outside.

    What are the causes of colpitis during pregnancy?

    When pregnancy begins, the female body begins to work for two. Hormones help him with this, but the immune system becomes most vulnerable, especially in the spring-autumn season. By providing the fetus with everything necessary for development, formation and growth, a woman spends her protective powers to resist pathological microorganisms.

    The decrease in general and local immunity of women is affected by:

    • stress;
    • poor nutrition;
    • hypothermia;
    • improper genital hygiene;
    • hormonal changes in a pregnant woman.

    Under the influence of these factors, colpitis develops in pregnant women; the causes of the pathology lead to the activation of pathogenic flora. It is normally located in small quantities on the mucous membranes of organs, including the vagina. Bacteria such as staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci and some other opportunistic microorganisms are activated.

    Hormonal levels can also cause the development of pathology. If the quantity changes female hormones, a change follows in the acidity of the vagina, providing it with nutrients, and this reduces local immunity, which affects the woman’s health.

    Causes of colpitis in pregnant women

    Due to improper genital hygiene, decreased immunity, and infection during sexual intercourse, vaginitis occurs. The disease appears as a result of exposure to external factors.

    An infection that comes from outside is more difficult to treat in pregnant women, so you need to make sure that there is no infected person nearby. There are several causes of colpitis, but they all arise from decreased immunity.

    When yeast colpitis appears during pregnancy, the causes and consequences of the disease for the fetus can be sad. You can become infected with this infection from the outside, but the fungi are also activated when a pregnant woman’s defenses sharply decrease. Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane also often leads to the development of candidal colpitis. If the disease is not treated, consequences arise that force the mother and the doctor to make more efforts to ensure that the fetus and the pregnant woman become healthy.

    To prevent illness, you need to boost your immunity. This can be done only after studying the symptoms, analyzing the results and correctly prescribing therapy. It is very important to choose the right drugs for the treatment of candidiasis, nonspecific and specific vaginitis. Otherwise, a woman puts herself and her baby at risk of complications after inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which becomes infected in utero and during the passage of the birth canal during childbirth.


    Vaginitis occurs in pregnant women in 75% of cases on average. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother, as well as a decrease in the functions of the immune system. Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa during pregnancy can occur secretly, but can also manifest itself in an acute form. Therefore, it is important to identify colpitis during pregnancy, symptoms and treatment in time, so that the pathological process does not harm the child.

    Colpitis in pregnant women: symptoms, types

    The types of vaginitis do not change during pregnancy. A woman carrying a baby can get the same types of disease as an ordinary patient, except for atrophic vaginitis.

    1. Nonspecific - named by the definition of pathogenic flora in the vagina, this is mainly the activation of opportunistic bacteria, this infection is not sexually transmitted.
    2. Candida - so named because of the damage to the mucous membrane by fungi of the genus Candida. This is a common colpitis, known to women as thrush. A child can become infected with it in utero and in the birth canal. The infection can be transmitted to a sexual partner.
    3. Specific – infection with sexually transmitted infections. The main pathogens are gonococci, chlamydia and others. Transmitted sexually.
    4. Trichomonas is also considered a sexually transmitted disease, but differs in that Trichomonas are not bacteria, but single-celled microorganisms.

    Symptoms of colpitis during pregnancy: nonspecific infection

    Standard signs for inflammation of the mucous membrane:

    • Itching in the genital area;
    • Swelling of intimate areas;
    • Pain during urination;
    • Irritation and insomnia;
    • Hyperemia of the surface of the genital organs, swelling of the external organs of the reproductive system;
    • Copious discharge.

    Diagnosing the condition will also help you find out what type of colpitis occurs in pregnant women, the symptoms. You should not delay going to the doctor, as this pathology can cause prematurity, problems with amniotic fluid, fetal hypoxia, and toxicosis.

    Symptoms of colpitis in pregnant women: Candida mushrooms

    When affected by fungi, the disease can be distinguished from other species.

    1. Copious discharge with a sour odor.
    2. Symptoms of colpitis in women during pregnancy are characterized by cheesy discharge - it is thick in consistency, has a fine-grained structure, and is released in flakes or layers.

    The remaining symptoms are similar to the previous disease. This is not a sexually transmitted infection, since fungi of this genus live on the mucous membrane of every woman, only when they multiply uncontrollably does candidal colpitis occur; symptoms and treatment of pathology in pregnant women require properly selected medications so as not to harm the child and cure the disease in the woman.

    If this is not done in time, there is a high probability that the infection will be transmitted to the baby when he passes through the birth canal. Because of this, undesirable phenomena may occur, for example, ulcers in the child’s mouth or refusal to eat.

    Specific vaginitis: pregnancy + colpitis, symptoms and treatment in women

    In case of specific colpitis, the woman’s condition must be seriously assessed; treatment sometimes poses difficulties for gynecologists. This is due to the fact that the pathogens are sexually transmitted infections that can infect the amniotic fluid and the child itself.

    Such diseases manifest themselves through the following phenomena:

  • Excessive discharge;
  • Severe itching in the vagina and external genitalia;
  • Burning sensation when wearing underwear, urinating, or just being at rest;
  • The discharge is mostly transparent;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • It is difficult to treat specific colpitis during pregnancy; the symptoms make themselves felt when the disease has already progressed. Difficulties are also associated with the fact that not all necessary drugs can be used in different terms pregnancy. For this reason, it is important to be constantly monitored by a doctor so that the treatment does not harm the baby.

    Trichomonas colpitis during pregnancy, symptoms

    Often this disease is described on a par with sexually transmitted infections. Indeed, Trichomonas are transmitted sexually, but the manifestations of the infection and its causative agent differ from sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms of pathology:

    1. Severe itching, burning sensation in the genital area;
    2. Swelling, redness of the affected areas;
    3. Pain in the lower abdomen;
    4. Copious discharge, thick in consistency, sometimes foamy, opaque, and has a sharply unpleasant fishy odor.

    Symptoms of various diseases indirectly indicate the presence of a particular infection. Based on the signs and diagnostics performed, we can conclude what kind of infection is present in the body of a pregnant woman. Treatment should begin immediately, since the pathology is dangerous for the child to become infected, which can lead to very sad consequences.


    Yeast colpitis during pregnancy brings a lot of discomfort to the expectant mother. Almost every pregnant woman has encountered this pathology, and knows that it is not the disease itself that is dangerous, but its complications, especially for the unborn child.

    Pathology occurs due to an imbalance in the vaginal flora, in which Candida fungi begin to actively multiply, and no one interferes with this.

    Treatment of colpitis in pregnant women

    Immediate treatment is necessary to prevent complications in the mother and infection in the child. Most often, yeast vaginitis accompanies the third trimester of pregnancy, which significantly narrows the entire list of acceptable medications. The course of therapy should be prescribed by a gynecologist, taking into account the nature of the disease and individual characteristics women.

    Colpitis in pregnant women, treatment in the 1st trimester

    This is the first trimester of pregnancy, not all medications can be used at this time. Let us list what medications can be used when yeast colpitis occurs during pregnancy. Treatment, suppositories:

    1. Nystatin is an antifungal drug, presented in the form of cream and suppositories. It is absolutely safe for women expecting babies in early pregnancy. It is not absorbed into the blood and does not pass into milk. But its use will have an effect only at the very beginning of the development of the disease. Further it is ineffective.
    2. Pimafucin is used to treat yeast colpitis; it is also used to treat trichomonas colpitis in pregnant women. This is an effective drug. Used in a course as prescribed by a doctor.
    3. Terzhinan - it often accompanies pregnancy, colpitis, and treatment of vaginal pathologies. This is a combination drug that contains an antibiotic for local action, an antifungal agent, and a hormone that relieves the inflammatory process. It is quite difficult to cure yeast colpitis; treatment during pregnancy is sometimes accompanied only by this local medicine.
    4. Hexicon - suppositories are used to eliminate colpitis in pregnant women; the treatment is effective against bacterial flora, Trichomonas and Candida fungus. It is made in the form of cream and candles. A pregnant woman can choose which form of the drug is best for her.

    When yeast colpitis occurs in pregnant women, treatment with these medications in the first trimester will be effective and harmless for the formation of the embryo. It is important to take into account any allergic reactions of the expectant mother, so that colpitis does not cause harm, treatment during pregnancy of this pathology.

    For therapy during this period, not only candles are used. Doctors also recommend the use of douching solutions. These are Betadine and Vagotil.

    Betadine is an antiseptic containing iodine. This remedy should absolutely not be used in the second and third trimesters. Active absorption of iodine leads to pathologies thyroid gland The child has.

    Vagotil is a product for tampons. It should not be used with drugs or substances that make the pH level lower and the vaginal environment becomes alkaline. The combination of an alkaline and acidic environment from Vagotil will cause a burn in the vagina. For treatment, a tampon is soaked in this substance.

    Colpitis: treatment during pregnancy after 3 months

    These medications can be used in the second half of pregnancy without causing harm to the baby's health.

    1. Clotrimazole - when women experienced colpitis during pregnancy, treatment, reviews confirm this, this drug helped them get rid of pronounced symptoms. Used in the form of candles or cream. Application should be started only from 4 months.
    2. Hexicon - used until the end of the entire pregnancy.
    3. Pimafucin.
    4. Terzhinan.
    5. Nystatin.

    To prevent colpitis from complicating childbirth, treatment must be timely and adequate to the pathogen that actively multiplies in the body of a weakened pregnant woman.

    Traditional treatment of colpitis during pregnancy

    If yeast colpitis occurs during pregnancy, treatment folk remedies is the most safe method. Herbs are used in the form of douching solutions and tampons. But if you use it yourself, you won’t get the desired effect.

    • Chamomile is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Used for colpitis in decoctions and infusions. The average dose of the herb is 2 tablespoons per liter of water. The herb is boiled and then used for treatment.
    • St. John's wort - used in the same way as chamomile.
    • Calendula.
    • Nettle.
    • Oak bark.

    All these herbs are boiled. You can dip a gauze swab into the broth and insert it into the vagina. But this procedure is normally tolerated in a woman without pregnancy. During the period of bearing a baby, all medical procedures should be performed only with the permission of the attending physician. Apply traditional treatment, when colpitis develops during pregnancy, it is safer than using systemic treatment methods. But sometimes you can’t do without them.

    Colpitis during pregnancy, treatment, reviews of the systemic method

    In case of severe pathology, the gynecologist may prescribe systemic medications. One of the acceptable ones is Josamycin. It is used in the presence of sexually transmitted infections. It is an antibacterial drug and has bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. The active substance does not adversely affect the intestinal microflora and other gastrointestinal organs.

    The medicine is used 3 times a day, 500 g each. The course of treatment is approximately 7 days; only a doctor can adjust it (shorten or increase the days of administration).

    Colpitis during pregnancy, treatment with folk remedies, additional methods

    To improve the patient's immune defense, suppositories and ointments with an immunomodulatory effect are used: Megosin, Polygynax, Alipizarin.

    In any treatment of vaginitis, medications are used that replenish the number of lactobacilli acidophilus. Without them, the vaginal mucosa will not be able to normally perform its basic functions. In pregnant women, therapy for vaginitis must be supplemented with such drugs. Gynecologists often use Vaginorm and Vagilak in their practice.


    Young mothers are very worried about their children, especially if any pathologies arise during pregnancy. One of the common pathologies is vaginitis. It happens for various reasons, but for a child any pathogen is not so safe.

    Everything that happens to the mother during pregnancy affects the condition of the baby.

    Consequences of colpitis during pregnancy, forum

    Any infection is dangerous for a small organism. He still does not know how to resist massive attacks of pathogenic flora. Therefore, he should feel safe inside his mother. Consequences of colpitis for a child:

    • Intrauterine infection is a dangerous process, since treatment is extremely difficult and the baby’s life is at risk. But not all infections penetrate through the amniotic fluid and bladder. On the forums you can find many stories about how vaginitis had no effect on the health of the little baby. With adequate and timely treatment, infection will not occur and the baby will not suffer.
    • Allergic reactions to drugs. Rarely, but sometimes allergic reactions to drugs occur in children. In reviews about how colpitis manifests itself during pregnancy, the consequences for the child, the forum provides information that some women, after suffering colpitis, gave birth to children covered with a rash. This can be either an allergy to drugs or a consequence of an indirect infection.
    • Complications on some organs. Specific colpitis also has consequences for the child. With this pathology, children were sometimes born with pathologies of the respiratory system. One forum member wrote that she gave birth to a girl with lung pathology - constant shortness of breath

    Different types of vaginitis before childbirth can cause complications. It is necessary to take care of your children from the very first day you learn that a little life is developing inside you.

    Colpitis during pregnancy consequences for the child (forum)

    This issue is often discussed on forums. All mothers and experts agree that vaginitis affects the condition of the internal genital structures that are directly involved in the process of bearing a baby.

    Research has proven that different types vaginitis, especially yeast-like vaginitis, affects the membranes. Its shell becomes thin, as the inflammatory process actively develops near it. Sometimes the membrane ruptures, which entails the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. Any infection with intense manifestations harms the child.

    Some women suffered separation from their baby after childbirth due to his transfer to the intensive care unit. This happened due to intrauterine infection of the baby.

    Pregnancy after colpitis does not significantly affect the development of the embryo. A woman simply needs to maintain her immunity in order to prevent relapses of the disease. It is also necessary to take into account that during pregnancy the risk of vaginitis doubles. Women become less stress-resistant; they react to any irritants with increased sensitivity, both physically and emotionally. Therefore, the expectant mother should take great care of herself throughout the entire 9 months.

    Colpitis after pregnancy also appears due to decreased immunity or birth injuries to the mucous membrane. When breastfeeding, the range of medications used expands. Some oral medications may be used. The manifestations of colpitis after childbirth are the same; the symptoms appear depending on the activity of a specific active pathogen.


    Pregnancy is a special stage in a woman’s life. But over the course of 9 months, the woman faces many diseases. Diseases of the genital organs should be taken especially seriously. When colpitis occurs in pregnant women, the forum is the best support at first. Future mom sees that she is not alone with her problem, there are other women who experience the same symptoms, pain and experiences.

    “Who had colpitis during pregnancy?” – forum as support

    Many seek to give advice, recipes and instructions to the future inexperienced mother. But what goals does the patient herself pursue?

    Only when it comes to communicating on forums, not everyone is an expert, and you need to constantly remember this. Any new information or advice should be double-checked or discussed with your doctor.

    How to treat colpitis during pregnancy: forum, treatment according to advice

    There are many tips on how and when to treat colpitis. Let's look at the main ones:

    • The use of Hexicon is an effective suppository that kills bacteria and affects fungi of the genus Candida.
    • Terzhinan is a drug containing a hormone and an antibiotic. Pregnant women on the forum noted that this is an effective medicine. Prescribed when previous methods do not affect the pathology.

    Colpitis in pregnant women (the forum will not always help)

    If left untreated, the disease gets worse. Possible intrauterine birth of the fetus. This cannot be allowed, since his body is too weak to resist such a barrage of infections after being with his mother, inside his mother.

    During pregnancy, the symptoms of colpitis may worsen, the itching will be even more pronounced, and the temperature may rise. But with timely treatment, these symptoms can be eliminated and do not expose the child to the risk of infection.

    Inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa. The pathology has a second name - vaginitis. Typically, colpitis occurs against the background of the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi: trichomonas, gonococcus, staphylococcus, ureaplasma, candidiasis pathogens. Less commonly, the cause of the disease is aseptic inflammation caused by allergic reaction or exposure to chemicals.

    Colpitis is a dangerous pathology during pregnancy. If not treated in a timely manner, pathogenic microflora can ascend through the genital tract up to the uterus, leading to intrauterine infection of the fetus. Infection of the unborn child leads to congenital anomalies and developmental defects, premature birth, spontaneous abortion, growth retardation and development.

    Types of colpitis

    Doctors distinguish between acute and chronic variants of colpitis. The first type of disease is characterized by a rapid increase in symptoms and a duration of no more than 3 months. Chronic vaginitis is accompanied by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. The duration of the pathology is from 3 to 6 months.

    Based on the etiological factor, doctors classify colpitis into nonspecific and specific variants. In the first type of pathology, the causative agent is a conditionally pathogenic microbe. Specific colpitis is accompanied by the proliferation of pathogens that are not representatives of the vaginal flora. This group of microorganisms includes Trichomonas, gonococcus, ureaplasma, Candida fungi, and Treponema pallidum.

    Nonspecific colpitis- a consequence of the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. It includes staphylococcus, streptococcus, hemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli and many other microorganisms. The listed bacteria live in a woman’s body in small quantities, without causing any clinical manifestations.

    Under the influence of external or internal factors, nonspecific flora begins to multiply, causing an inflammatory reaction in the vaginal epithelium. These vaginitis occur against the background of decreased immunity, non-compliance with hygiene rules, and the use of antibiotics.

    Candidal vaginitis occurs when yeast multiplies. Normally, this microorganism does not live in the vagina, or is contained in small quantities. Most often, candidiasis occurs due to reasons similar to factors in the development of nonspecific colpitis.

    Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease. Most often it occurs after contact with a carrier of a protozoan microorganism. Less commonly, this type of colpitis develops after using contaminated hygiene products. The chronic course of the pathology is the cause of atrophic vaginitis.

    Gonorrheal colpitis is a disease caused by the proliferation of gonococcus in the vagina. The microorganism belongs to the kingdom of bacteria. Gonorrhea is almost always transmitted through sexual contact with a carrier. Much less often, the disease occurs after using infected towels, underwear and washcloths.


    The main reason for the development of colpitis is a change in the normal composition of the microflora of the female genital organs. Normally, it is represented by lactobacilli, which create an acidic environment. When exposed to any factors or infection, beneficial bacteria are replaced by pathogenic microbes.

    Specific bacterial vaginitis is a sexually transmitted disease. The reason for their development is sexual contact without the use of barrier contraception with carriers of pathogens. Very rarely, specific colpitis can occur due to the use of contaminated hygiene products.

    Nonspecific and candidal vaginitis is the result of a violation of the vaginal microflora due to external and internal factors:

    1. Hormonal imbalance, causing a change in vaginal acidity and the death of lactobacilli.
    2. Long-term use of antibiotics causes disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina.
    3. Diabetes mellitus: elevated blood sugar promotes the proliferation of opportunistic microflora.
    4. Failure to comply with hygiene rules - rare washing of the genitals creates conditions for the proliferation of harmful microflora.
    5. The use of aggressive cleaning agents that contribute to the death of lactobacilli.
    6. Injuries to the vaginal mucosa as a result of rough sexual intercourse or the use of tampons.
    7. A general infectious process that causes a decrease in the body's defenses.
    There are aseptic vaginitis, in which the vaginal microflora remains normal. Most often they are caused by an allergic reaction to hygiene products or local contraception - condoms, spermicides, sponges.

    Olga Aleksandrovna Maderova “Diagnostics and treatment of colpitis”:


    Sometimes vaginitis occurs latently, without causing obvious symptoms of the disease. With this variant of the course, the pathology is detected only during an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Much more often, colpitis has a clear clinical picture. After infection, a woman develops local signs of the pathological process. Almost always the disease is accompanied by itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina. If vulvitis is observed during colpitis - an inflammatory process in the vulva area - the unpleasant sensations spread to the perineal area.

    One of the main signs of colpitis is a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. The disease is accompanied by an increase in the volume of leucorrhoea, as well as a change in its color and consistency. With nonspecific vaginitis, discharge from the genital tract acquires a yellowish tint and a thick structure. They may have a rotten smell.

    Candidiasis colpitis is accompanied by thick, curd-like discharge from the vagina. Leucorrhoea becomes granular in nature, its color varies from translucent to yellowish-white. Discharge from candidiasis does not have a strong specific odor.

    Attention! All types of colpitis cause pain during urination and sexual intercourse. In rare cases, general symptoms are observed - increased body temperature, weakness, drowsiness, decreased ability to concentrate.

    Trichomonas colpitis is characterized by specific leucorrhoea. Discharge from the genital tract with this disease is foamy and profuse. Their color approaches dirty yellow, greenish or grayish. Leucorrhoea may have an unpleasant fishy odor.

    Gonorrheal colpitis is accompanied by purulent vaginal discharge. They have a greenish tint, abundant, dense character. Quite often, leucorrhoea with gonorrhea is characterized by a strong unpleasant odor.

    Sometimes with colpitis, bloody discharge from the genital tract is observed. They indicate a violation of the structure of the vaginal mucosa and appear during a protracted course of the disease.

    Effect on the fetus

    If there is an infection in the vagina, there is a risk of bacteria or other pathogens migrating into the uterus through the cervix. That is why colpitis in a pregnant woman poses a threat to the health of the baby.

    Colpitis in the 1st trimester of pregnancy has the most dangerous consequences for the body of the unborn child. On early stages During pregnancy, all the tissues of the baby are formed. Intrauterine infection of the embryo leads to severe developmental anomalies incompatible with life. That is why vaginitis in the first weeks of gestation can cause missed abortion and spontaneous abortion.

    In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, intrauterine infection of the fetus often leads to its death. Colpitis causes severe developmental defects in the unborn child. Infection of a baby in the middle of the gestation period is a risk factor for blindness, deafness, and underdevelopment of internal organs.

    At the beginning of the 3rd trimester, colpitis is dangerous due to the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. Most often, the child survives, but he may develop defects of internal organs. Usually affects the central and peripheral nervous system. Vaginitis is also a risk factor for premature birth.

    The presence of colpitis on later pregnancy from 36 to 39 weeks - the cause of infection of the baby during childbirth. Infection of an infant leads to severe systemic illness accompanied by sepsis. The transfer of bacterial or fungal pathology in the first weeks of life causes a lag in mental and physical development.


    To diagnose colpitis, the expectant mother is recommended to consult a gynecologist. The specialist listens to the patient’s complaints and collects her medical history. During the examination, the doctor can detect three main signs of the inflammatory process:
    1. The presence of redness of the vaginal mucosa.
    2. The presence of swelling of the internal and external genital organs.
    3. The presence of unusual discharge on the vaginal walls.
    After the examination, the doctor takes a scraping from the walls of the genital tract for examination. Using microscopy, specialists determine the presence of pathogenic flora and the type of pathogen. To select the most effective drugs BAC culture is indicated for the treatment of the disease.

    For a more accurate diagnosis of colpitis, a pregnant woman is recommended to donate blood for immunological methods. They make it possible to detect antibodies to specific pathogens of vaginitis. The most effective method is PCR, which detects the DNA of bacteria, fungi and viruses in the patient’s blood.


    For the treatment of colpitis in pregnant women It is preferable to use antibacterial and antifungal topical agents. They practically do not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, therefore they are safe for the body of the unborn baby. Such drugs include suppositories, vaginal tablets, gels and ointments. If they are ineffective, systemic drugs should be used.

    An antiseptic drug that is effective against most causative agents of colpitis. It contains Chlorhexidine and is available in the form of a cream, vaginal suppositories and a solution for local antibacterial therapy. Most often, the drug is prescribed for nonspecific colpitis.

    A combined product available in the form of vaginal tablets. The drug is effective against nonspecific pathogens of colpitis, Trichomonas and fungi.

    An antifungal drug intended for the treatment of candidiasis colpitis. The medicine is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, ointments, and tablets. The medication is also effective against Trichomonas.

    Normoflorin is a dietary supplement containing vitamins, minerals and lactobacilli cultures. The product is shown as last stage treatment of colpitis. It helps normalize the vaginal microflora and multiply beneficial lactobacilli.

    Antifungal agent containing Natamycin. The drug is indicated for the treatment of vaginal and vulvar candidiasis. The medication is available in the form of suppositories, creams and tablets.


    Prevention of colpitis during pregnancy involves following the rules of personal hygiene. The expectant mother should wash herself 2 times a day using mild cleansers. She is advised to change her linen daily and not use other people's towels or washcloths.

    If possible, the expectant mother should stop taking antibiotics. She should also be careful about her sex life. A pregnant woman should not have contact with non-regular partners without using barrier methods of contraception. Many doctors recommend using condoms even when having sex with your husband.

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