Scientists who did poorly at school. Geniuses and losers: famous personalities who studied poorly

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Do you think you're no good just because you didn't do well in school? This is wrong. Many former bad students have achieved great success. The truth is that this success did not require mathematics or other science. But talking about your failures at school in front of cameras is much better, isn't it? We're not going to cure anyone here, but at least you'll feel better. Below is a list of celebrities who did poorly in school.

Already with early years Daniel Radcliffe realized that school was not for him. He dropped out of school to star in that "minor" movie called Harry Potter. Maybe you've heard of him?

He had so many problems at school that he was placed in a special class. He quit high school, when he was 17, and moved to Los Angeles to begin an acting career. My mom always told me never to fall in love with guys without education. But those eyes! You can see the whole ocean in them! Am I right, ladies?

The star of the movie "Very Bad Teacher" was a bad student. Cameron Diaz rarely got tested homework that I was simply in shock when I moved to the next class. She began her modeling career when she was 16. I am sure that the appearance of the actress did not in any way affect her wonderful transition from one class to another. Those creepy old teachers just had a good heart.

Many news people we know have worked hard in college to become the top of the class and then go on to careers and become some of the most respected figures in the news industry. Jon Stewart admitted, addressing his former alma mater, that he was not good student. Since John became one of the most respected figures in news, perhaps many student journalists have put down their books and started having a blast.

The star of the films "Bourne Evolution" and "Fred Claus, Santa's Brother" was a bad student until she met an old teacher who instilled in her a love of science. Perhaps if some teacher had taken a special interest in me and encouraged me, then I would never have become a Pokemon owner. Each of us has our own path. I'm quite happy with the one I chose.

You may know that Andrew Daly has been through it all. He recently revealed on the WTF podcast that he was a terrible student and usually only moved on to subsequent grades because of a teacher who really liked him. If one day you find yourself frustrated because you're having trouble at school, don't despair—one day you can be just like Andrew Daly.

Peter Jackson didn't care about school. He was too busy teaching himself how to create amazing special effects in films, so he dropped out of school when he was 16. Perhaps if he had paid more attention to his math lessons, he wouldn't be in trouble now. Jackson makes three films out of one Hobbit book. Addition produces the wrong answer.

I had to switch to home schooling, as she struggled in almost every subject due to her hectic acting schedule. The actress blames her teachers for everything and goes too far, saying that they deliberately flunked her because she caused them resentment. Yes. That's all. Of course, everyone was just jealous of her. Of course, she should have received special treatment, because she is special. No one in the world is capable of showing less emotion than she does. And this is a gift!

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These people became geniuses, successful and famous throughout the world. Sometimes the inability to meet the requirements of the system is not at all a sign of failure in the future.

Among the geniuses there are many bad or bad students and they have a difficult relationship with school. Although, as a rule, many such geniuses had support in the form of loved one(mothers, uncles, nannies), thanks to which the talent was not lost, and the desire to develop it did not fade away... Parents of modern potential geniuses should also think about it. Success does not always depend on marks on a report card. More often than not, it comes from the parents’ faith in the child and his talent.

Albert Einstein- the most famous physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, creator of the theory of relativity, was known as a dumbass during his school years. Teachers doubted that he would complete the program and be able to graduate from school. The school subject physics was one of the most difficult subjects for a boy.

His education was handled by his uncle, who provided him with knowledge that was ahead of the school level. Perhaps Albert was just bored. But the humanities were difficult for him; he wrote and read poorly. There is also an opinion that the brilliant physicist was autistic.

Sergey Korolev- a man who has done a lot for mankind’s exploration of space, was a C student at school with a tendency to fall into two grades.

Anton Chekhov- an unsurpassed master of words, a brilliant writer - stayed in the third grade for the second year because of failures in arithmetic and geography. In the fifth I was delayed again because of Greek. He even got C grades in Russian literature and language.

Thomas Edison- a famous inventor, immediately hated school. Already in his first year of study, he became a poor student. The teacher stated that Thomas was unable to learn because he was a mentally retarded child. His mother, a former teacher, taught Thomas at home. She supported her son in every possible way and believed in his abilities. And it yielded results. Her son turned out to be a genius.

Richard Branson- multimillionaire, founder of the Virgin Group corporation, a person developing the idea of ​​private space tourism. At school he was considered unteachable. Then it turned out that he suffered from a hidden cause of academic failure - dyslexia. This is a neurological disorder with an inability to recognize written speech.

Winston Churchill was the eldest son of aristocratic parents, a slacker and a slacker. I didn't like to study. Changed one private school after another, where he received twos or, at best, threes. The parents did not lose hope and were looking for ways to teach their son. Winston loved to read serious literature in a quiet corner. Which is what he did when he was punished with loneliness. He was also given additional lessons in English language, perhaps then his path to the Nobel Prize in Literature began.

Pushkin I hated mathematics and didn’t understand it at all. However, this is not his main problem. At the Lyceum, he was second to last in overall academic performance.

Bill Gates I did poorly at school. Didn't try too hard and in general a lot of school curriculum considered it unnecessary and uninteresting. His parents encouraged him different ways and did not lose faith in his talent and abilities.

On the eve of the start of a new school year we remembered celebrities who achieved world fame in spite of, rather than because of, their school successes: most of them did not do well at school. The rare excellent students who find their way into their ranks are exceptions that only confirm the rule.

School grades are not the main thing. To achieve success in life, you clearly need something different.

He was born into the family of a teacher and a doctor, and during his first years at school he was - in his words - “a quite successful student.” But then I met Matt Damon and other street guys - and only one memory remained of the exemplary boy.

He did poorly at school and later at the Catholic seminary due to dyslexia, a disease that results in difficulty mastering the skill of reading. Classmates recall that Tom was popular with girls - which is why he was eventually expelled from the seminary.

The star of “127 Hours” and “James Dean” was also a bully at school - he drank, skipped classes and was insolent to teachers.

He repeatedly admitted that his school was life itself. He studied only a few classes and left school to act in films.

The socialite admits that she studied “very mediocre” at a Catholic girls’ school, where her star parents sent her. She was more interested in clothes, cosmetics and boys.

He was a real rebel in his youth. By the age of 16, he was already experimenting with drugs, chasing skirts and dreaming of becoming a rock star. “In the end, I dropped out of school and it was a real deliverance for me,” said the actor.

She was an excellent student at school - exactly until she was fascinated by school theater productions, where the girl sang and acted. Stefani Germanotta was not a popular student - her classmates made fun of her appearance and long nose - so music and theater classes became her salvation.

She complained in her interviews that she was not popular with her classmates - allegedly they began to mock her when they found out that she wanted to become an actress. But her classmates themselves deny this, calling Megan a “drama queen.” “She was a popular girl and was a little uptight because she was with older guys. Her complaints about the fact that she was not loved and bullied are, to put it mildly, not true,” one of her classmates told reporters.

She was an exemplary student - this is how she was raised by her strict preacher parents. “No one wanted to be friends with her,” one of Katie’s classmates shared his memories. “She was too correct - and such a gray mouse.”

She can boast that she was a good student, was a class leader, a cheerleader, sang in a choir, participated in various amateur clubs, and enjoyed the respect of her classmates.

He remembers himself as a “difficult child.” “I was a punk, an outsider. And no one wanted to hang out with me. Nobody knew what to expect from me. After finishing school at 16, I breathed a sigh of relief.”

Not best successes Her husband also showed it at school. He was very attractive and popular with girls. He also went in for sports - so there was no time left for actually studying.

She says that she was a bully at school and often fought with guys. Rapper Snoop Dogg, who studied with her at the same school, assures that Cameron was “the sweetest girl” (apparently, she did not manage to fight with him).

Christina Aguilera remembered as "a real little bitch". Christina began participating in the Mickey Mouse Club in childhood and early on I felt like a star.

Her “teammate” recalls that he was not popular at school. He grew up in Tennessee, and while his other classmates were interested in American football and baseball, Justin was more interested in music and theater. This earned him the nickname “sissy.”

She was a quiet and modest girl who preferred the company of a guitar to communicating with her classmates. They reciprocated her feelings. “How often have I heard: We’re having the coolest party on Friday, everyone is invited - except Swift,” she said. I have to say thank you to these people. If it weren’t for them, I would hardly have started writing songs and going on stage.”

Photos in text - RexFeatures.

Thomas Edison is perhaps the most famous and prolific inventor of all time, with more than 1,000 patents issued to his name, including the electric lamp, phonograph, and motion picture camera. He became a multimillionaire and won Gold Medal Congress. Edison began his studies late after an illness, causing his mind to often wander, prompting one of his teachers to call him "the absolute". He dropped out of school after only three months of formal education. Fortunately, his mother was a schoolteacher in Canada and taught young Edison at home.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is known in many ways: politician, diplomat, author, printer, publisher, scientist, inventor, founding father and co-author of the Declaration of Independence. The only thing he wasn't was a high school graduate. Franklin was the fifteenth child and youngest son in a family of 20 people. He spent two years at the Boston Latin School before leaving at age ten to work for his father and then his brother as a printer.

Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III, known as Bill Gates, entered Harvard University in 1973 and was expelled after just 2 years. After his expulsion, he began creating software, created Microsoft company, became one of richest people in the world and constantly provided free financial and technical assistance to his “native” Harvard University. Considering his merits, 32 years after his expulsion, Bill Gates was awarded a Harvard graduate diploma “retroactively.”

Albert Einstein

Although he was named "Man of the Century" by Times magazine, Albert Einstein was not the "Einstein" of school. The Nobel laureate theoretical physicist, known for his theory of relativity and his contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics, dropped out of school at the age of 15. Deciding to continue his education a year later, Einstein took the entrance exam to the prestigious Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, but failed. He went back to high school, received his diploma, and then eventually entered university, passing the entrance exam on his second try.

John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

Two months before his high school graduation, history's first recorded billionaire, John D. Rockefeller Sr., dropped out to take business courses at Folsom Commerce College. He founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870, made billions of dollars before his company was broken up by the government to end its monopoly on the U.S. petroleum market, and spent the last 40 years of his life giving away his wealth, primarily to health and education projects. This man, who dropped out of high school without regret, helped millions of people get a good education.

Walt Disney

In 1918, then a high school student, future Oscar-winning producer and amusement park pioneer, Walt Disney began taking night courses at the Academy of Art in Chicago. Disney left high school at 16 to join the army, but because he was too young to qualify for the draft, he joined the Red Cross with a forged birth certificate. Disney was sent to France, where he drove an ambulance that was covered from top to bottom with the cartoons that would eventually become the characters in his films. After Disney became a multimillionaire, founder of the Walt Disney Company, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, he received his high school diploma at age 58.

Richard Branson

British Sir Richard Branson is a billion-dollar businessman who has achieved success on his own. He founded Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Records, Virgin Mobile and even a space tourism company that provides suborbital trips to space for anyone who wants it. Suffering from dyslexia, Branson was a poor student. He had to leave school at 16 and move to London, where he started his first successful entrepreneurial activity, publishing Student magazine.

George Burns

George Burns, born Nathan Birnbaum, was a successful vaudeville actor, TV and film comedian for nearly nine decades. After his father's death, Burns left school in the fourth grade to find work as a shoe shiner, running errands and selling newspapers. While working at a local candy store, Burns and his young colleagues decided to enter show business as the Peewee Quartet. After the group broke up, Burns continued to work with a partner, usually a girl, until he met Gracie Allen in 1923. Burns and Allen married, but did not become stars until George radically changed the performance, and created a funny role for Gracie in them . They continued to collaborate in vaudeville, radio, television and films until Gracie stopped performing in 1958. Burns continued to perform almost until the day of his death in March 1996.

Harland Sanders

Colonel Harland Sanders overcame his lack of education. His father died when he was six years old and since his mother worked, he was forced to cook food for the whole family. He couldn't even finish primary school. Sanders held many jobs, including firefighter, steamship helmsman, and insurance agent. He later earned a law degree through correspondence school. Sanders' culinary skills and business experience helped him make millions as the founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken empire.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens, author of numerous classics including Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities and A Christmas Carol, was in primary school until his life took a turn when his father was imprisoned for debt. At age 12, he left school and began working ten hours a day in a boot-blacking factory. Dickens later worked as a clerk and stenographer in court. At 22, he became a journalist, reporting on parliamentary debates and election campaigns for the newspaper. His first collection of stories, Sketches of Boz (Boz was his nickname), and his first novel, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, were published in 1836.

Elton John

Born Reginald Kenneth Dwight, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Sir Elton John has sold more than 250 million records and has over fifty Top 40 hits, making him one of the most successful musicians of all time. At the age of 11, Elton John was admitted to the Royal Conservatory of London to study piano. Tired of classical music, Elton preferred rock and roll, and after five years he left school to become a weekend pianist at a local pub. At 17, he formed a group called Bluesology and, by the mid-1960s, they were touring with Soul and R&B musicians such as the Isley Brothers, Patti LaBelle and the Bluebelles. The Elton John album was released in the spring of 1970, and after the first single, “Your Song,” hit the American Top Ten, Elton was on his way to superstardom.

Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc didn't create McDonald's, but he turned it into the world's largest fast food chain after purchasing the company from Dick and Mac McDonald's in 1955. Kroc earned a $500 million fortune during his lifetime, and in 2000 was named by Time magazine to its list of the 100 most influential manufacturers and industry titans of the 20th century. During World War I, Kroc left high school at the age of 15 and lied about his age to become a Red Cross ambulance driver, but the war ended before he was sent overseas.

Harry Houdini

The name Houdini is synonymous with magic. Before becoming a world-famous magician and escape artist named Harry Houdini, Erich Weiss dropped out of school at the age of 12, working several jobs, including as a locksmith's apprentice. At age 17, he teamed up with fellow magic enthusiasts to create the Houdini Brothers, named after Jean Eugene Robert Houdin, the most famous magician of the era. At the age of 24, Houdini came up with the "Disobedience to the Law" trick, offering to escape from any pair of handcuffs offered by the audience. "Disobeying the Law" was a turning point for Houdini. With his success came the development of spectacular escapes that turned him into a legend.

Ringo Starr

Richard Starkey is better known as Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles. Born in Liverpool in 1940, Ringo suffered two serious illnesses at the age of six. After spending a total of three years in the hospital, he fell behind significantly in school. He left school after his last hospital visit at 15, barely able to read or write. While working for an engineering firm, 17-year-old Starkey joined a band and taught himself to play the drums. His stepfather bought him his first real drum set, and Ringo played with various bands, eventually joining Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. He changed his name to Ringo Starr, accepted a call from the Beatles in 1962, and is now one of the most famous drummers in music history.

Princess Diana (Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales)

The late Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, attended West Heath Girls' School, where her academic performance was considered below average, failing to pass all of her exams." zero level" At the age of 16, she left West Heath and studied briefly at graduating classes in Switzerland before leaving there too. Diana was a talented amateur singer and aspired to become a ballerina. Diana went to work part-time as an assistant in a kindergarten providing basic education primary school. Contrary to claims, she was not a teacher kindergarten, since she did not have any educational qualifications to teach children. In 1981, at the age of 19, Diana became engaged to Prince Charles and her working days were over.

If a child has low grades in school, then he has every chance of becoming great! Agree, it sounds strange. But centuries-old history confirms that bad grades do not always become harbingers of an unsuccessful future. We know at least 15 great students who have become famous throughout the world thanks to their unique talents. We are not suggesting that you should be indifferent to your children's learning, but rather reminding them that failure in a subject does not mean that your child will not succeed in the future. So, we dare to use famous poor students as an example - we read, we are surprised, we remember!

Napoleon Bonaparte

When they talk about this brilliant commander, everyone remembers his significant ambitions, incommensurate with his small stature. But few people know that Napoleon was one of the worst students in his studies and loved only mathematics. But this was enough to achieve brilliant victories and lead to one of the most crushing defeats in the world. One conclusion can be drawn: to be a good strategist, it is enough to know mathematics.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven is one of the most performed composers in the world. He still has no equal in writing music. It is known that musical education was instilled in him in childhood - from an early age he studied playing the organ, violin and harpsichord. But there were serious problems with his studies - Ludwig was completely at odds with mathematics and writing. His story reminds us that often people who are talented in one area are completely unsuccessful in other areas. And really, why does a musician need mathematics?...

Alexander Pushkin

Many people know that the famous Russian poet was a poor student. Pushkin's biography has been studied very carefully, including his period of study at the gymnasium. Young Alexander knew absolutely nothing about mathematics and constantly received bad marks in this subject. However, this did not stop him from becoming the best in writing and making his name a symbol of classical Russian literature. Perhaps it is precisely because of such biographical facts famous personalities It is generally accepted that people in the humanities are simply not destined to understand mathematics.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

We remember Mayakovsky's poems from childhood. Already at the age of 11, a boy with a rebel nature got into a revolutionary circle, abandoned his lessons and dropped out of school in the 5th grade. The time he lasted at school was not easy for teachers - in his youth genius poet was a terrible tomboy. This character is reflected in literature - everyone knows Mayakovsky’s slightly harsh style with incredible energy. So, one more conclusion: bad behavior at school will also not be an obstacle to a great future.

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton is another genius who faced failure in school. But his example is worthy of respect: one day, after a classmate beat Isaac, the boy came up with a way to demonstrate his superiority - to show that you are smarter. It is known that the boy grew up very sickly and weak child. And only when he became a leader in his studies was he able to surprise those around him with his extraordinary abilities.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is the most famous “loser” in the world. The parents of the famous scientist were very worried that Albert would not be hired even for the lowest paid job. It is worth noting that he was not a notorious poor student; Einstein’s everyday grades were C’s, with the exception of mathematics and Latin. In addition to low academic performance, the boy dared to argue with teachers, which was simply unacceptable at that time. The school certificate was obtained the second time, then Albert failed the exams at the Polytechnic, receiving deuces in French and botany.

Joseph Brodsky

Joseph Brodsky was an inveterate loser and a hooligan. He despised the Soviet school system, refused to answer in class with such pronounced condescension towards the teachers that his parents were not surprised at the bad grades. This behavior appeared already in the 5th grade. As he grew older, the young man did not betray himself - he skipped classes, received annual bad marks in physics, chemistry, mathematics and English. It’s hard to believe that after such behavior one can become a Nobel laureate in literature “for comprehensive creativity, imbued with clarity of thought and passion of poetry.”

Thomas Alva Edison

The famous inventor studied at school for only a short time; later his studies were replaced by home studies under the care of his mother. But even during that short period at school, the boy managed to receive very negative assessments of his knowledge - one of the teachers constantly called Thomas a “brainless idiot.” During the first month of training, he became a complete failure and his parents were called to school, saying that he was mentally retarded. After this, the family decided to study at home. For the boy, studying at home was a relief. The most important thing that his mother taught him was reading. And books and his own experience became his best teachers throughout his life.

Honore de Balzac

Honoré had a very difficult relationship with his mother; he lived in a boarding school and practically did not see his family. Disappointed with everything, he decided that there was no point in trying hard in his studies and was absolutely indifferent to his studies. During lessons, he looked out the window, did not pay attention to the teachers’ lectures, and answered all questions incomprehensibly. As punishment, his teachers sent him to a cold closet under the stairs so that he could think about his behavior. This happened so often that soon Honore even fell in love with this opportunity for solitude. Who knows, maybe this is what influenced the creative activity of the famous French writer.

Winston Churchill

The famous statesman was considered one of the stupidest students in his class. Due to poor academic performance, Winston was even suspended from studying Latin and ancient Greek language. One of the reasons for the low grades is the boy’s absolute reluctance to attend classes. “School has nothing to do with education. This is an institution of control, where children are instilled with basic social skills” - these words of Churchill convey his attitude about the school. If the teachers knew what Winston would receive in the future Nobel Prize in literature, no one would have believed it - it was so difficult to study with him.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

The brilliant designer and inventor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was also doomed to fail at school. The main reason for low ratings is health problems. Due to hearing loss, which manifested itself as a consequence of scarlet fever, lectures were very difficult for the boy. Do not rush to feel sorry for this child - despite these difficulties, Konstantin loved to misbehave and undermine the educational spirit during classes. At the age of 13, the student had to stay for the second year, and later he was expected to be expelled for poor academic performance. It was difficult to imagine that in the future this boy would become the father of theoretical astronautics.

Bill Gates

One of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates, was also a loser! His parents did everything they could to change his attitude towards studying - once they even offered to pay the boy for every A grade. However, this could not be Bill's motivation: the only thing that attracted him was books. It is interesting that science fiction works accessible to every reader inspired Gates to make great discoveries.

Lev Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy studied with governesses at home. He was not familiar with criticism and restrictions - the boy was constantly given concessions and indulgences. Naturally, with such an attitude, Leo did not want to study at all - why, if he could do other, more interesting things, and the demand from you will be small. At the university, Tolstoy remained in the second year due to failing grades in history and German language, and was expelled from the second year at will. The writer never received an education diploma, which did not become an obstacle to his implementation in the literary field.

Dmitriy Mendeleev

Dmitry Mendeleev was a notorious hooligan: he often fought with his peers, constantly skipped classes and was insolent to teachers. He practically did not do his homework and constantly lied to his mother about his grades. Such behavior could only be stopped by something out of the ordinary, and that’s what happened. Only when faced with the threat of expulsion from the gymnasium did Mendeleev come to his senses. His friends, brilliantly educated Decembrists, helped him. And after some time, the future scientist came to his senses and improved all his subjects, improving his certificate.

Anton Chekhov

It is simply impossible to imagine that the most intelligent of Russian writers stayed in school for a second year twice. But bad grades in arithmetic, geography and Greek did their job. And the most interesting thing is that in Russian literature he never had grades higher than four! The writer's talent manifested itself already at the university, when, upon entering the medical faculty, Chekhov began writing stories and discovered himself in a completely new capacity.

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